Terms of termination of pregnancy for medical reasons. Legal aspects of medical termination of pregnancy. Social indications for termination of pregnancy

100% guarantee

Try to calm down and not panic. Screening alone does not prove anything yet. The equipment malfunctions, doctors make erroneous diagnoses. Especially in the early stages, when the child's internal organs have not yet fully formed. You have hope, just forget about depression for a while and turn on the "Cold head" mode.

Go to the group of your hometown and ask the mothers which specialist it is better to contact in order to get a 100% correct ultrasound scan. You may have to go to the metropolis or go to a private center. Make an appointment with a paid gynecologist or even find contacts of the luminary of medicine. Believe me, women will definitely help, share information and support. Sometimes on the Internet you can come across the relatives of talented doctors who will agree with a gynecological sister about a consultation.

Yes, modern medicine has achieved a lot, but still, mistakes do happen. And so that you then do not cry at night and do not think that the specialist deceived or made a false diagnosis, you need to consult with several people. And only then make the final decision.

Don't worry if your child is perfectly healthy, frequent ultrasound examinations will not harm him. Will not lead to mutations or the threat of miscarriage. The main thing is to be less nervous until the experts make an accurate verdict. After all, stress negatively affects the embryo and the health of the mother.

Ray of hope

Not all dire diagnoses are incurable. If your child has been diagnosed with heart or other internal organ defects, you may be offered surgery. Surgery is a last resort. More often, doctors think about this scenario if:

  • a woman is closer to 35-40 years old;
  • a mature lady has her first pregnancy;
  • the patient had to resort to IVF;
  • she will not have more chances of becoming a mother;
  • the defect can be corrected.

Young girls are given a referral for an abortion. Doctors believe that the twenty-year-old patient still has a lot of time left to conceive a healthy child. In addition, intrauterine surgery to eliminate defects is not performed in all clinics. Domestic surgeons and gynecologists have insufficient qualifications and do not have the appropriate equipment. If you want to take the risk, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort looking for a qualified specialist and a hospital.

How does all this happen? The woman is given anesthesia and the abdomen and uterus are cut open. Then the operation is performed on the child without removing it from the mother's womb. Fruit waters are replaced with solutions that create an ideal environment for the development of a small life. And they help mom to bring the baby to the due date.

Things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes the mother or child has complications. And then you still have to resort to abortion or artificial childbirth. Therefore, be prepared for any, even a sad outcome. But still believe in the best.

Difficult decision

Not all pregnancies can be saved. The mother may be diagnosed with diseases that are incompatible with bearing a child. For example, malignant tumors, encephalitis, or meningitis. In such situations, there is only one way out. Unfortunately, this is an abortion.

Medical indications for abortion are genetic abnormalities in the embryo. For example, Down syndrome. Yes, some vices are compatible with life. More precisely, existence. Children with genetic diseases are born with disabilities. They develop slowly, cannot move and are completely dependent on those around them.

If pregnancy does not threaten the life of the mother, then the woman is given the right to choose. Preserve the embryo or have an abortion. And this is the most terrible moment, because the patient thinks that she is killing the child with her own hands. If you are haunted by dark and depressing thoughts, then think about the future of your baby.

Imagine that the baby was born on time. And immediately got into intensive care. You stayed at home for several weeks, and then again went to the hospital, because a baby with vices needs constant medical care. Your whole life will turn into continuous droppers, passing the commissions that should assign a disability pension. Search for specialists, regular examinations and expensive treatment.

But this is not the worst thing. The main nightmare is the child's complete dependence on you and her husband. What happens when you get old? And you will not be able to care for a disabled person. Or leave this world? And the child will be left all alone. Perhaps he will end up in an orphanage where nurses don't give a damn about the sick.

When the baby is in the womb, you don't want to agree to an abortion. It seems that the world will collapse, and the meaning of life will disappear. But try to think not only about the present, but also about the future. And it will turn out to be gloomy and hopeless. Do you want your son, doomed to a miserable existence, to hate his mother? In addition, no one guarantees that the child will live to adulthood.

Children with serious pathologies and genetic abnormalities die early. But at first they suffer for a long time in hospitals. And you suffer with them. When you look at a tiny body with droppers and tubes sticking out of it. When you listen for interrupted breathing. When you try to explain to a three-year-old what death is. And when you choose the coffin that's meant for him.

You know, sometimes abortion is not a punishment, but salvation. Not just for you, no. First of all, for the child. He will not even feel anything and will not face pain, torment and real life, in which, alas, there is often no place for disabled people. And if you chose this path, then do not blame yourself. Just remember that you didn't kill the child, you did him a huge favor.

Late abortions

It is much easier for a woman to come to terms with early abortion. When an embryo looks more like a frog embryo, it is not associated with an infant. But some defects are discovered too late, at a period of 16 to 22 weeks. When a noticeable tummy is formed in the mother, and the fetus begins to actively move.

It is very difficult for a woman to decide on an abortion, even if she understands that a newborn will live no longer than a few days or hours. Tantrums and prolonged depression are a natural reaction to a situation. But you still have to make a decision.

If doctors sent for an abortion because the fetus froze, surgery cannot be avoided. But if the child is developing normally, it is just that he was diagnosed with serious pathologies or genetic mutations, you have the right to leave him. In both the first and second cases, you will have to endure contractions and attempts. Late surgical abortion is contraindicated. In women in labor, artificial childbirth is induced with the help of oxytocin and special algae that dilate the cervix.

Some parents who know that the child has a fatal pathology still refuse to terminate the pregnancy. This usually happens in religious families. They decide to deliver the fetus before the due date and spend at least a few hours with the newborn. And then bury it according to all the rules.

Late abortion is a terrible ordeal for every pregnant woman. And you deserve to be depressed. You can cry for several days in a row. Don't talk to relatives. Hate everyone around you. Shouting, swearing and smashing dishes. Spill out the emotions that are choking you. Don't try to hold back your grief so you don't hurt those around you. The choice rests only on your shoulders. And no one else in the world can understand your feelings.

It will be very painful and difficult at first. Women want everything that happened to them to be a terrible dream. They dream that they will open their eyes in the morning and see a growing tummy or a peacefully sniffing baby. Or they will realize that they have become victims of a nightmare, but in fact there has never been a second strip on the test.

What they fear most is not physical pain, but mental pain. When you cannot look at the pictures of children, and pregnant girls walking around the city cause hysteria and a desire to escape to the ends of the world. But gradually the aching feeling in the chest will subside. There will remain only a chronic longing for a miracle that never happened. Although it will pass one day.

Acceptance and humility

If you have to give up your dream of becoming a mom, give yourself time to grieve. In the first weeks or months, you don't have to be cheerful and cheerful. And she is not obliged to console her spouse. Or pretend that nothing terrible has happened.

Don't try to suppress your grief. If you hide it in the depths of your subconscious, it will not disappear, but only hide for a while. And when the test shows the second strip again, it will break free and turn your life into hell. To make the pain go away, you need to cry it out. Suffer, and then throw aside old memories that prevent you from moving on.

Try to get psychotherapy. It doesn't matter how long you have had an abortion. The termination of a long-awaited pregnancy is a tragedy that needs to be worked out with a specialist so that it does not cross out your future.

Healing begins with accepting what happened. And forgiveness. Do not blame yourself. No woman is immune from a terrible diagnosis. Even healthy couples have sick children. Only nature and chance are to blame.

No, you are not a killer, but a good mother who only wanted happiness for her child. If you are a believer, then consider that abortion has become your test of strength. And you took sin on your soul in order to save a small life from torment and suffering, therefore you deserve forgiveness and respect for your courage.

Care and care

Don't punish yourself. Self-flagellation won't change anything. Will not bring the child back, but it can undermine your health. And then you definitely won't be able to become a mom. If you want to try again, then take care of yourself. First, follow the recommendations of your gynecologist. Drink antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, buy vitamins and have regular check-ups. Observe sexual rest in the first 1-2 months after an abortion so that the body has time to recover. Also, don't forget about contraceptives. Of course, some women want to get pregnant as quickly as possible, but it's better to wait at least six months.

Second, do things that bring you pleasure and comfort. Some women escape depressive thoughts by knitting or beading. Others watch TV shows or read books for days. Still others try not to be alone. They meet with their girlfriends, go to work right after the abortion, or even sign up for volunteers.

If you have not abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a mother, then try to undergo a comprehensive examination with your husband. Be sure to visit Genetics. It is this specialist who will help you figure out why the child has developed a defect, and will tell you how high the likelihood of a repetition of the situation is. Thanks to genetic testing, you will be able to conceive a healthy baby. Or even several.

To help your body and mind recover faster, try to avoid traumatic factors. For example, in the first months, do not meet with girlfriends who are expecting a baby or have recently become mothers. Bulging tummies and pink-cheeked babies will make you think that you, too, could walk with a stroller, rock your baby and show off new booties tied with your own hands.

Most importantly, remember that you are not the only one. Thousands of women have experienced medical abortions. And they also managed to survive this difficult period. Try to talk to girls like that. Find them on forums or social networks. Women who have gone through the same thing quickly find a common language. Perhaps it is support and similar stories that can dull your pain and give you hope.

Some women are helped by confessions. If you believe in God, try going to church and talking to a priest. An adequate clergyman can replace a psychologist if you do not have the ability or desire to go to a doctor. The main thing is that your mentor does not try to suggest that you are to blame for what happened. Otherwise, he is not trustworthy.

Biggest fear

Women who have experienced an abortion for medical reasons are afraid of re-pregnancy. No, on the one hand, they dream of a second strip. But on the other hand, they fear that the situation will repeat itself, and they will have to go through the whole nightmare anew.

Discuss your fears with a psychologist and gynecologist. Treat chronic diseases and strengthen the immune system. And don't set yourself up for negativity. Remember that after children with fatal pathologies, healthy babies are born who do not even have a cold. But you must approach conception responsibly.

You will not be able to completely get rid of fears. Young mothers are afraid of the first and second screenings, with bated breath they are waiting for the test results to be shown. And then every night they listen to the sniffing of the newborn. Unfortunately, the memories of the nightmare lived through the memory for decades. But they do not prevent you from becoming happy.

Dear reader, no one will understand what pain a woman experiences when she is forced to have an abortion. And neither husband nor relatives are able to find words that could comfort you. Only time and an adequate psychotherapist can cope with grief. Do not be afraid to contact specialists and ask for help. And don't give up. For the baby you lost.

The desire to be a mother is natural for every woman. However, life makes its own adjustments, sometimes quite difficult and unfair. Some women who are expecting a baby may be faced with the need to terminate a much desired pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks is called abortion, after this term - premature birth. Experts distinguish between early abortion (before 12 weeks) and late (12-28 weeks). Let's consider the main indications for termination of pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons

Abortion for medical reasons is carried out if the further course of pregnancy threatens the health and life of the woman. Another reason for its holding is the presence of fetal malformations incompatible with its life.

Abortion for medical reasons is done regardless of the gestational age. A prerequisite is that the operation should be carried out only in stationary conditions.

There are the following medical indications for early termination of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks):

  • Severe defects of the cardiovascular system, for example, pathology of the myocardium, pericardium and endocardium, congenital and rheumatic heart defects, vascular diseases, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension;
  • Infectious diseases such as rubella, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • Acute infectious processes with severe damage to the internal organs of a woman;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the chest and abdominal cavity, which require the use of radiation or chemotherapy in the pelvic area;
  • Malignant diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders: Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, prolactinoma (pituitary tumor), acromegaly (dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland), hyperparathyroidism (chronic endocrine pathology), diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the nervous system (catalepsy, epilepsy and narcolepsy);
  • Some diseases of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system, connective and musculoskeletal tissue.

The above pathologies in the expectant mother often lead to miscarriage, contribute to the appearance in the baby of vices incompatible with life, and are dangerous to the health and life of a woman.

A late termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is associated with the condition of the mother and child.

The indications on the part of a woman include pathologies that pose a great risk to her health and life with the further preservation of pregnancy. These include:

  • Heart defects;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver with a significant decrease in their functions;
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • Syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • Mental illness in which a woman is considered incapacitated.

Indications for late termination of pregnancy on the part of the child are those states of his health that are incompatible with life or are severe genetic pathologies. Namely:

  • Complicated heart disease;
  • Developmental anomalies (missing or extra body parts);
  • Pathologies of muscle and bone-connective tissue (their absence or improper development);
  • Deformations of the internal organs and skeleton of the fetus (missing organs, accrete limbs);
  • Chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome;
  • Fetal death (missed pregnancy).

Medical indications for late termination of pregnancy are established by a special commission in inpatient or outpatient clinics. The commission usually includes an obstetrician-gynecologist, a medical specialist in whose field the illness of a pregnant woman belongs, and the chief director of a health care institution.

It should be noted that according to the law, a woman has the right to maintain her pregnancy, despite her diagnosis and doctors' recommendations. But in this case, the medical staff is not responsible for the health of the mother and child.

Social indications for termination of pregnancy

Indications for termination of pregnancy for social reasons varied at different times. Today, as indicated in the legislation, there are situations that provide for the possibility of an abortion:

  • The onset of pregnancy as a result of rape;
  • Deprivation or restriction of the mother's parental rights in relation to other children;
  • Finding a woman in custody;
  • The death of a spouse during a woman's pregnancy;
  • The husband has a serious illness with disability (disability of the first group).

Social indications for termination of pregnancy after the 12th week are established in licensed medical institutions (territorial antenatal clinics). For this, a special commission examines a written application from a pregnant woman, medical documents, documentation confirming the existence of indications for an abortion for social reasons.

It is very difficult for a woman who is carrying a desired baby to hear about the need to terminate a pregnancy. However, she must understand that such a decision is sometimes necessary in order to preserve her health and even life. A woman needs to believe that she will be able to give birth to a healthy child and become a mother, albeit a little later.

Text: Galina Goncharuk

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Pregnancy is not desirable for every woman. Some, after an unplanned conception, decide to keep the child, but for some it seems impossible. Modern medicine has various methods of abortion. But it should be remembered that such a procedure does not pass without leaving a trace for the body and is an extreme measure.

Terms for artificial termination of pregnancy

The time allowed for an abortion is regulated by orders from the Ministry of Health. At the request of the woman, pregnancy termination is carried out up to 12 weeks. This is due to the fact that the placenta begins to form later and its separation from the walls of the uterus is accompanied by massive bleeding.

For social reasons, pregnancy is terminated up to 22 weeks. Previously, these included the presence of the mother in prison, the disability of a husband or woman, and others. But according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2012 N98, of all the testimonies, only rape was retained.

For medical reasons, a pregnancy can be terminated at any time. The list of diseases in which carrying is impossible is determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It includes various infectious pathologies, somatic, genetic and oncological diseases. The decision to perform the manipulation with the informed consent of the woman is made by a special council of doctors.

What methods of interruption are used for a short period of time?

Early abortion methods differ from later ones. Developments in this area are increasingly seeking to reduce injuries and consequences. The earlier a woman decides to carry out the procedure, the better it is for her: the walls of the uterus are not yet so stretched, hormonal shifts have not reached the maximum level.

There are three main methods:

  1. Vacuum aspiration.
  2. Abortion (scraping of the uterine cavity).
  3. Medication interruption.

None of them can guarantee the absence of hormonal pathologies after getting rid of pregnancy.

Regardless of which methods of termination of pregnancy will be used, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination.

The list of mandatory methods includes:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • examination in mirrors and two-handed examination;
  • smear on the degree of cleanliness of the vagina;
  • , hepatitis B, C;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood group and rhesus factor;
  • small pelvis.

It is also necessary to consult a therapist in order to take into account common diseases that may affect the procedure. It is recommended that you talk to a psychologist to try to dissuade the woman or provide mental support.

Vacuum aspiration

Short term abortion methods are safer in terms of the development of complications after them. In a antenatal clinic without hospitalization, you can perform vacuum aspiration. It is carried out for up to 5 weeks of gestation, which is established by the date of the last menstruation and according to ultrasound data.

If you take into account the days of delay, then you can have a mini-abortion up to 21 days with a regular cycle. The optimal period is considered to be 14 days. Before this time, the vacuum is not performed: the ovum is very small and may not enter the catheter. Delaying aspiration can lead to complications.

The manipulation is carried out without anesthesia. On the gynecological chair, the vulva and the vestibule of the vagina are treated with an antiseptic, mirrors are inserted. The cervix is ​​grasped with bullet forceps, the uterine cavity is probed with a metal probe. The cervical canal is not dilated, but a plastic catheter, a tube connected to an aspirator, is immediately inserted. Suction of the contents of the uterine cavity is carried out within 3-5 minutes. This is accompanied by unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Vacuum aspiration

After manipulation, the patient is placed on the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle with ice, offered to lie on the couch for an hour. After that, she can go home.

At home, it is recommended to take antibiotics for 3-5 days, for example, Macropen, Doxycycline. This is especially true for women with a low degree of vaginal cleanliness. To restore hormonal levels, you can start taking combined oral contraceptives the next day. It is impractical to install an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion: under the influence of contraction of the uterus, its prolapse may occur.

Sexual rest is observed within a month, visits to baths, saunas, solariums, and lifting weights are contraindicated. The menstrual cycle is restored within 3-4 months.

If, after vacuum aspiration, after a few days the temperature rises, there is pain in the abdomen, and you are worried about the intensifying bleeding, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Complications can be:

  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • placental polyp;
  • unsuccessful attempt at abortion;
  • hormonal disorders.

For control, a pelvic ultrasound should be performed in a few days. Compliance with the doctor's recommendations increases the chances of a successful outcome.


This method is approved for use up to 12 weeks of gestation. The woman is preliminarily examined in a antenatal clinic, after which she is hospitalized in a hospital.

Abortion is a curettage of the uterine cavity and removal of the endometrium along with the embryo. This manipulation is performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, before the operation, the anesthesiologist talks to the patient in order to exclude contraindications for the administration of narcotic anesthetic substances.

In the morning on the day of the event, you should not take food. Before the operation, you need to empty the bowels and bladder, take a shower and shave the hair in the perineum.

The woman is lying in the gynecological chair. After giving anesthesia, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina, grabs the cervix and probes its cavity. With the help of Gegar's dilators, the cervical canal is gradually dilated. Then they start scraping. Curettes of various sizes are used, the endometrium is gradually exfoliated, which flows down the spoon of the lower mirror. They start from the walls of the uterus and end in the corners. Gradually, when scraping, a crunch appears, which indicates the complete separation of the ovum and membrane. The bleeding should decrease, the uterus should contract.

Blood loss during curettage is up to 150 ml. Some clinics perform ultrasound-guided manipulations to avoid complications.

The patient is awakened from anesthesia and transported to the ward. Those with Rh-negative blood are immunized with anti-Rh D immunoglobulin in the postoperative period. This is necessary to avoid conflict between the mother's and baby's blood systems in subsequent pregnancies.

An intravenous drip of Oxytocin is also prescribed to improve uterine contractions, antibiotics to prevent inflammatory processes. The length of stay in the hospital is individual and depends on the condition.

After surgical interruption, sexual rest, limitation of physical activity and overheating for a month is also necessary. From the next day, you can start taking hormonal contraceptives to help restore your menstrual cycle.

Bloody discharge lasts for several days, gradually brightens, becomes mucous-bloody. If red blood intensifies or appears, consult a doctor.

Medication interruption

Methods of artificial termination of pregnancy using medication have been developed. They are used for gestational age up to 49 days, or 7 weeks, if counted from the day of the last menstruation. This method is safer than surgical, complications develop only in 3% of cases. It can be:

  • incomplete abortion;
  • bleeding.

The best results can be achieved within 3-4 weeks, when the fertilized egg is not yet firmly attached to the wall of the uterus. Medical abortion is less traumatic and does not pose a risk of infection. It is recommended for use in Rh-negative women in order to exclude fetal antibody immunization.

The drugs used have a range of contraindications, therefore, the pharmaceutical method is not used under the following conditions:

  • more than 8 weeks of pregnancy;
  • acute infections of the genital organs;
  • after long-term treatment with corticosteroids or with adrenal cortex insufficiency;
  • severe form of bronchial asthma;
  • a tendency to thrombosis.

Women who smoke, especially over 35 years of age and with heart disease, have a high risk of blood clotting disorders and thrombosis. Therefore, they use this method of termination of pregnancy with caution.

Before the procedure, a woman undergoes a standard examination and consults a psychologist. Medical abortion is performed in a gynecologist's office, hospital or private clinic. Hospitalization is not required for him. But after taking the medicine, it is recommended that a doctor be observed for 2 hours.

In the presence of a doctor, the patient drinks 200 mg of Mifepristone. It is a hormonal drug that binds to receptors and blocks its action. The endometrium stops growing, the fetus dies. At the same time, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, the uterus begins to contract and reject the embryo. After 48 hours, take oral misoprostol or vaginal Gemeprostol. These are analogs of prostaglandins, which enhance the contractions of the uterus and expel the rejected ovum. In this case, the endometrium is not injured.

Normally, after taking the drug, bleeding begins. It doesn't have to be very strong. If a woman has to change the pad every 30 minutes, this is a reason to see a doctor urgently. The absence of discharge within 2 days indicates an unsuccessful attempt at interruption.

The following conditions are pathological:

  • temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  • intense pain in the abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back;
  • offensive odor of discharge.

After 2 days, the result is assessed using ultrasound. If the ovum is preserved and incomplete interruption, vacuum aspiration or curettage is done. If everything went well, then after 10-14 days the woman needs to come for an examination to her doctor.

Menstruation should begin 5-6 weeks after taking the pills. But you should worry about contraception with a cut after a medical abortion, you can get pregnant again within a few days after the end of the bleeding. To normalize the hormonal background, it is optimal to use combined oral contraceptives during this period. They will reliably protect against conception and help establish a cycle.

Interruption in the 2nd trimester

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, a screening ultrasound scan is performed, which allows you to identify severe malformations of the child, calculate the risk of Down syndrome and other pathologies. Some congenital deformities can be corrected after childbirth, and some of them are incompatible with life. Even Down's syndrome, in addition to mental retardation, causes disturbances in the formation of the heart, which lead to congenital heart failure. Therefore, if developmental anomalies are suspected at 17 weeks, an additional ultrasound scan is performed, after which a decision can be made about the need to terminate the pregnancy.

In the second trimester, the following methods are used:

  • the introduction of prostaglandins;
  • replacement of amniotic fluid with 20% sodium chloride solution;
  • hysterotomy;
  • a combination of several ways.

Artificial abortion in the late term is accompanied by a high risk of complications, and also severely traumatizes the psyche. After it, you need a long recovery period, during which you can not get pregnant. It is optimal to wait 1-2 years, undergo examination and preparation for subsequent conception in order to exclude the reasons that led to the pathology of pregnancy for the first time.

How to prevent dangerous manipulations?

If unprotected intercourse has occurred, use means, for example, Postinor. It is drunk within 24 hours after intercourse in order to induce hormonal changes that will prevent pregnancy from developing. But this remedy knocks down the hormonal rhythm, so you cannot resort to it more than 1 time per year.

Special attention should be paid to folk methods of terminating pregnancy at 1 week and at a later date. Some women use them in the hope of hiding their position from others or to save money on going to the doctor. This approach can backfire in the form of incomplete abortion, massive bleeding, or infection. In most cases, such manipulations are accompanied by the development of infertility.

Women should remember that abortion is not a way of planning a pregnancy. This is an emergency method that is used in exceptional cases. It is better to wisely approach the choice of a method of protection already at a young age than to regret later about your mistakes.

Abortion- early spontaneous (miscarriage) or artificial (abortion) termination of the development of uterine pregnancy. Artificial termination of pregnancy can be performed without surgery or by surgery. Termination of pregnancy includes a set of measures for preliminary examination, medical manipulation, follow-up and psychological support. Artificial termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman is possible up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. At a later date, it is performed only if there is a medical indication.

Abortion- early spontaneous (miscarriage) or artificial (abortion) termination of the development of uterine pregnancy. Artificial termination of pregnancy can be performed without surgery or by surgery. Termination of pregnancy includes a set of measures for preliminary examination, medical manipulation, follow-up and psychological support.

A woman can resort to artificial termination of pregnancy for personal motivation for a period not exceeding 12 weeks; abortion at a later date (up to 22 weeks of pregnancy), according to the law, is carried out exclusively with social indications and the consent of the patient; regardless of the term - subject to medical indications and the patient's consent.

Contraindications to abortion are the presence of acute and subacute inflammatory processes of the genital area, purulent foci of any localization, acute infectious processes, a period of less than six months from the previous termination of pregnancy. In the late period, abortion is contraindicated if the risk of abortion for the woman's health and life exceeds the further development of pregnancy and childbirth.

Before the procedure for terminating a pregnancy, a gynecologist's conclusion about the presence and duration of pregnancy (based on examination and ultrasound), a study of a clinical blood test, blood group and Rh factor, a blood test for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and, a study of blood clotting and smear on flora.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The topic of abortion is quite controversial nowadays. Someone goes to it consciously and does not even think about the consequences, and someone is forced to take this step by circumstances. The latter is going through especially hard. However, not every woman is able to cope with post-abortion syndrome on her own.

Time heals, but this period must also be lived through.

Medical indications for abortion

How is an abortion decision made?

In any case, the decision about motherhood is made by the woman herself. Before offering an abortion option, it is necessary to hold a consultation of doctors. Those. The "verdict" is passed not only by a gynecologist, but also by a specialized specialist (oncologist, therapist, surgeon), as well as the head of a medical institution. Only after all experts have come to the same opinion, they can offer such an option. And even in this case, the woman has the right to decide for herself whether to agree or keep the pregnancy. If you are sure that the doctor has not consulted with other specialists, then you have the right to write a complaint to the head doctor about a specific health worker.

Naturally, you should confirm the diagnosis in different clinics and with different specialists. If the opinions agree, then the decision is only yours. It is difficult to make this decision, but sometimes it is necessary. You can read about abortion at different times in other articles on our website. You can also familiarize yourself with the procedure of various abortions, as well as their consequences.

Reviews of women who have experienced an abortion for medical reasons:


I had to terminate my pregnancy for medical reasons (the baby had a fetal malformation and a bad double test). It is impossible to describe the horror I experienced, and now I am trying to come to my senses! Now I think how to decide next time and not be afraid !? I would like to ask advice from those who have been in a similar situation - how to get out of a state of depression? Now I'm waiting for the analysis, which was done after the interruption, then, probably, I will need to go to the geneticist. Tell me, does anyone know what tests you need to go through and how to plan your next pregnancy?


How can I survive an artificial termination of pregnancy for a medical indication at a later date - 22 weeks (two congenital and severe malformations in a child, including cerebral hydrocephalus and several vertebrae were missing)? It happened a month ago, and I feel like the killer of my long-awaited child, I can’t put up with it, enjoy life, and I’m not sure that I can be a good mother in the future! I am afraid of a repetition of the diagnosis, I suffer from more frequent disagreements with my husband, who has moved away from me and strives for friends. What to do to somehow calm down and get out of this hell?


The other day I had to find out what "abortion" is ... not wanting to. At the 14th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan revealed a cyst in the baby's entire tummy (the diagnosis is not compatible with his life! But this was my first pregnancy, desired, and everyone was looking forward to the baby). But alas, you need to have an abortion + a long term. Now I don’t know how to cope with my emotions, tears flow in streams at the first reminder of a former pregnancy and an abortion ...


I had a similar situation: my first pregnancy ended in failure, everything seemed to be fine, at the first ultrasound they said that the baby was healthy and everything was normal. And on the second ultrasound, when I was already 21 weeks pregnant, it turned out that my boy had gastroschisis (intestinal rings develop outside the tummy, i.e. the bottom of the tummy did not grow together) and I was in labor. I was terribly worried, and the whole family was in mourning. The doctor told me that the next pregnancy can only be in a year. I gained strength and pulled myself together and after 7 months I was pregnant again, but the fear for the baby, of course, did not leave me. Everything went well, and 3 months ago I gave birth to a baby girl, absolutely healthy. So, girls, everything will be fine with you, the main thing is to pull yourself together and experience this terrible moment in life.


I have to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons (from the fetus - severe fatal malformations of the musculoskeletal system). This can be done only after five to six weeks, because it turned out that it was necessary when I was already 13 weeks old, and at this time it was no longer possible to have an abortion, and other possible methods of terminating a pregnancy became available only from 18-20 weeks. This was my first pregnancy, desired.

My husband is naturally also worried, trying to relieve tension in a casino, in a drunkenness ... I understand him in principle, but why does he choose such methods, if he knows perfectly well that they are unacceptable for me ?! By this he blames me for what happened and tries to hurt me so implicitly? Or is he blaming himself and trying to get through it easier in this way?

I, too, am in constant tension, on the verge of hysteria. I am constantly tormented by questions, why exactly with me? Who is to blame for this? What is it for? And the answer can only be received in three or four months, if, in principle, it can be obtained ...

I am afraid of the operation, I am afraid that the situation will become known in the family, and I will also have to endure their sympathetic words and accusing looks. I’m afraid that I don’t want to take risks anymore and still try to have children. How can I get through these few weeks? Not to break down, not to destroy the relationship with your husband, to avoid problems at work? Will the nightmare end in a few weeks, or is it just the beginning of a new one?

What is post-abortion syndrome?

The decision was made, the abortion was made and nothing can be returned. It is at this moment that various kinds of psychological symptoms begin, which in traditional medicine are called "post-abortion syndrome." This is a series of symptoms of a bodily, psychosomatic and mental nature.

Bodily manifestations syndrome are:

  • bleeding;
  • infectious diseases;
  • damage to the uterus, which subsequently leads to premature birth, as well as spontaneous miscarriages;
  • irregular menstrual periods and problems with ovulation.

Often in gynecological practice there were cases of oncological diseases against the background of a previous abortion. This is due to the fact that the constant feeling of guilt weakens the woman's body, which sometimes leads to the formation of tumors.

Psychosomatics"Post-abortion syndrome":

  • very often, after abortion, there is a decrease in libido in women;
  • sexual dysfunctions can also manifest themselves in the form of phobias due to a past pregnancy;
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia, restless sleep, and nightmares);
  • unexplained migraines;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, etc.

The psychosomatic nature of these phenomena also leads to sad consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures to combat these symptoms.

And finally, the most extensive nature of the symptoms - psychological:

And again, this is only an incomplete list of the manifestations of the "post-abortion syndrome". Of course, one cannot say that it goes through the same for all women, some women go through it immediately after an abortion, while for others it may appear only after some time, even after several years. It is worth noting that after the abortion procedure, not only the woman suffers, but also her partner, as well as close people.

How to cope with "post-abortion syndrome"?

So, how to deal with this situation if you are directly confronted with this phenomenon, or how to help another loved one to cope with the loss?

  1. To begin with, realize that you can only help a person who wants (read - seeks) help. Necessary face reality... Realize that it happened, that it was her child (regardless of the term of the abortion).
  2. Now it is necessary accept another truth- you did it. Accept this reality without excuses or accusations.
  3. And now the most difficult moment comes - to forgive... The most difficult thing is to forgive yourself, so you need to forgive first the people who took part in this, forgive God for sending you such a short-lived joy, forgive the child as a victim of circumstances. And after you manage to cope with it, feel free to move on to forgive yourself.
  • First, speak out. Talk to family and close friends, talk until you feel better. Try not to be alone with yourself so that there is no time to "wind up" the situation. Whenever possible, get out into nature and into public places where you are socially comfortable to be;
  • Be sure to support your partner and your loved ones. Sometimes consolation is easier to find in caring for other people. Understand that it is not only for you that this event is morally difficult to go through;
  • Highly recommend contact a specialist (to a psychologist). In the most difficult moments, we need a person who will listen to us and treat the situation objectively. This approach brings many people back to life.
  • Contact the Maternity Support Center in your city (you can see the full list of centers here - https: //www..html);
  • Besides, there are special organizations (including organizations at the church) that support women in this difficult moment in life. If you need advice, please call 8-800-200-05-07 (an abortion helpline, toll-free from any region), or visit sites:
  1. http://semya.org.ru/motherhood/index.html
  2. http://www.noabort.net/node/217
  3. http://www.aborti.ru/after/
  4. http://www.chelpsy.ru/places
  • Monitor your health. Strictly follow your doctor's orders and practice personal hygiene. It is sad, but your uterus is now suffering with you, it is literally an open wound, where an infection can easily get. Be sure to visit a gynecologist to prevent the occurrence of consequences;
  • Now not the best time learn about pregnancy ... Be sure to agree with your doctor on the means for protection, you will need them for the entire recovery period;
  • Tune in to a positive future. Believe me, how you get through this difficult period will determine your future. And if you cope with these difficulties, then in the future your experiences will be dulled and will not be an open wound on your soul;
  • Necessarily discover new hobbies and interests ... Let it be whatever you want, as long as it brings you joy and stimulates you to move forward.

Faced with a problem, we want to step back and be alone with our grief. But this is not the case - you need to be among people and get away from self-digging. A person is a social being, it is easier for him to cope when he is supported. Find support in your misfortune too!