Traditional family values: What is behind this concept? Family traditions. Family values ​​and traditions

In many ways, the upbringing, and accordingly, the future of the child depends on family values. After all, family values ​​and traditions are not just words, they are a whole system of certain rituals passed down from parents to children. Home and family are very important for a child, especially when his worldview is just beginning to take shape. And it doesn't matter what traditions you instill in your kid - daily reading of bedtime stories, weekend trips to nature or to grandparents, joint trips to the forest once a month, the main thing is that you sacredly keep and observe them.

What are family traditions?

Of course, there is no single rule of what family traditions should be, because each family has its own. However, there are common traditions that are observed in almost every family.

  1. Family holidays. Birthday, New Year or any other family holiday - every family celebrates in different ways, the only thing in common is that all relatives are going to. And then everything depends on the flight of imagination. Whether it is just a quiet family dinner with relatives and friends, or a fun evening with contests, prizes, perhaps even you decide to put on a family show - the main thing is for the child to feel love and joy from the family pastime.
  2. Joint forays into nature. Joint outdoor recreation plays an important role in the upbringing of a child. Firstly, this is another opportunity for the baby to be with the family, because on weekdays one of the parents is busy at work all the time. And secondly, it will have a positive effect on the health of your child, because, as you know, fresh air has a positive effect on the body. In addition, you can combine outdoor recreation with physical education or with sports games, which is also very useful.
  3. Family album. Nowadays, you can capture almost every moment of your life. Why not take advantage of this? Record touching, funny moments together in your family scrapbook. After all, how pleasant it is after many years to open the album and show your grandchildren how your life went.

Family values ​​and traditions

Family and family values ​​form coziness and peace of mind, making the child more resistant to further troubles. From the very birth, the baby should be aware that he is surrounded by his family, his relatives and friends, that there is a small world around him, unlike others. It is in shaping the world that family traditions help. However, keep in mind that if you have already decided to create your own unique tradition, then it will have to be strictly followed. After all, the instability of the home lifestyle and non-observance of traditions can lead to the fact that the child, on the contrary, begins to feel the insecurity and precariousness of his little world.

A real family makes a person more cohesive, sincere, resistant to various social troubles. For a family to be a real family, and not just a bunch of relatives, family traditions are necessary. This is very important when a child begins to realize from early childhood: this is his home, his family, his small world, unlike others. In such a family, an already grown son or daughter is drawn like a magnet, and wherever an adult child is, he will certainly return “under the wing” of mom and dad, to his house.

If you think about it, then your family probably already has some family values ​​and traditions of its own, you just, perhaps, did not pay attention to them. For example - together with your eldest daughter you bake New Year's cookies or pie, and with your younger daughter you write a letter to Santa Claus.

Children must be instilled with the concept of "family and family values." From this they become kinder.

1) In some families, it is customary to make new troughs in winter and hang them on the trees, and then add crumbs and grain there every day. With the arrival of spring, the topic expands - birdhouses are cobbled together and hospitable to strengthen them on the surrounding maples and acacias.

2) An excellent family tradition is to draw homemade cards for the holidays, and then sign them and give them to family and friends. We used to make Christmas tree decorations out of colored paper and cut out snowflakes from paper, but today, I'm afraid, this is irrelevant - with the current variety of goods.

3) Very correct family values ​​existed in the families of our grandparents - the whole family gathered every day at a large table for lunch or dinner, while the household shared their news and impressions, told how the day went, and resolved issues. Today, it is probably difficult to find a family with such a tradition - we are used to rushing and eating more and more on the go, on the run, when there is a free minute. Try to revive the tradition of dining together! At least on weekends.

4) It is customary for my friend to play loto in the family. The same old good lotto, with cards and barrels from a shabby bag. When she was a teenager, she was terribly annoyed by her father's calls to play loto every night. Having entered the institute and left for another city, she began to miss these cheerful family evenings. An understanding came: it is this simple game that is a symbol of stability and inviolability of the surrounding world, a symbol of a strong bond between her and her family.

5) What's wrong with a family photo album? Yes, most of today's photographs are stored on disks and in a computer, but why not print out the best ones? And on top of that - provide them with funny signatures. Find old wedding photos of your parents or grandparents, enlarge and frame them on the wall. Your children will consider them with interest and listen to your stories - about how these guys met a girl, what their wedding was like, how their daughter was born later - you, and so on, until their own wedding and the birth of your children. A whole family fairy tale will turn out!

Family traditions are exactly what modern children are so lacking, who often do not know "neither clan nor tribe." Give them a feeling of confidence and love - come up with traditions! Raise the importance of family and family values!

Family values ​​are customs and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. These are the feelings that make her strong. This is all that people experience together inside the house - joy and sorrow, prosperity or problems and difficulties.

Classification and types of the concept of family values

It is customary to distinguish two main classifications - classical or traditional, and progressive or modern. Let's take a closer look at each of these models.

Traditional values: what belongs to them

  • Patriarchal way of life. Marriages in which a man is the main one, he is the main earner and he has the last word, is far from uncommon. The father's word, his opinion is not questioned, he is respected and obeyed. The flip side of this model is the sole responsibility for one's family and friends. The head of the family shoulders the solution of all problems and difficult situations. The woman here is, first of all, the wife and mother. She realizes herself by giving birth and raising children, creating a cozy and trusting atmosphere, and takes care of all household chores.
  • Having many children, or at least having two children. The appearance of each child in such unions is a continuation of the family, happiness and joy.
  • Cultivation and education of values, an incomplete list of which includes love, kindness towards each other, respect for all members of the clan.
  • The tradition of matchmaking, when the parents of the young people pick up the groom or the bride, and the children always ask the elders for blessings.

Values ​​of the modern unit of society

It is still based on love, trust and mutual help. However, times change, each era brings with it something new, progressive. Our society has become more free and open. These factors influence the formation of the worldview of our citizens.

Some changes also affected marriage rules.

  • The woman now fulfills not only the role of mother and mistress of the house. She successfully realizes herself in the profession, builds a career, earns money on a par with her husband. And household chores are often divided equally, by mutual agreement.
  • Practical people began to conclude marriage contracts or simply cohabit without formalizing the relationship.
  • They began to get married later - the pace of life changed. Young people want to do everything - get a higher education, work, get some experience, get on their feet. Only having achieved everything that was planned, they seriously begin to think about the formation of a new unit of society.

All these phenomena are present in our society today and this is normal. The main thing here is not to overdo it in your aspirations, to know when to stop and remember the precepts of our ancestors. Everything should be in due time - love, wedding, children and grandchildren.

Types of family values: what they mean for everyone

There are many examples of family values ​​- this is a fairly broad topic for sociological research. But we will focus only on the main ones.


The main family value is love. It manifests itself in tenderness in relation to loved ones, a desire to take care of them, protect, be constantly near. Love-based unions are happy and prosperous. They represent a strong stronghold, a safe haven to which you can always return, receive support and consolation.


It is important to learn to trust each other and teach your children to do this. With every problem, failure, any worries, you should share with your family. Trust is hard to buy for any money, it can only be earned, and it often takes many years.


This is the desire to help the weak, defenseless, to provide him with support, the need to be useful. Such relationships make the family more harmonious.


Another guarantee of the strength of love bonds. Willingness to be with a loved one both in grief and in joy, in spite of any temptations. This quality forms in a person from early childhood such qualities as loyalty to his word, deed, dedication in friendship.


It is important to understand each other perfectly, respect the interests and aspirations of your soulmate and children. Feeling support, a person develops not only spiritually, but also rises up in sports, career, and achieves great success.


It is expressed in respect for the individuality of each member of the surname, the inadmissibility of "breaking" one spouse to fit the interests and needs of the other, non-interference in the affairs of the young on the part of the parents.

What family values ​​are and how to educate them: some useful examples

All good and bad things are laid down for a person from childhood. The child receives all the norms and rules of behavior from his parents and grandparents. On their examples, he learns, adopts experience, a model of behavior and attitudes towards others. Therefore, it is necessary to educate children, instill in them the rules from a very early age. Tradition is one of the most accessible ways to do this naturally and naturally. In every family, they can be completely different, but they solve one important task - to unite and strengthen.

  • Joint tea drinking with cake, sweets, delicious homemade cakes. It is useful to gather at the same table once or several times a month with the whole large circle of loved ones. In a cozy atmosphere, you can pleasantly discuss everyday affairs, interesting news, report on the achievements of your grandchildren. This tradition will foster the development of values ​​such as respect for elders, love and kindness.
  • Joint evening leisure - board games such as dominoes, loto or mafia, a game of chess. It is likely that the child will carry this tradition later into his own cell.
  • Regular excursions to nearby cities, memorial sites, museums, parks, zoos.
  • A healthy lifestyle can also become a tradition. Every weekend, depending on the season, you can go to the park to ride bicycles, rollerblades, ice skates, sleds. This brings great pleasure to children and a lot of impressions. Such memories remain for life.
  • Joint travel. It doesn't have to be a trip to the sea. Many people like to go to the forest, to the river, with tents, bowlers, sleep in sleeping bags, fish, cook soup on the fire, sing songs with a guitar in the evening. This is an extraordinary adventure for children, and such a vacation will allow parents to escape from everyday life, refresh their senses and just enjoy nature.

In the past few years, educational institutions have also joined the process of fostering family traditions.

Kindergartens conduct:

  • Common Saturdays - educational quests on various topics are being prepared for parents and children. Children are divided into teams, walk around the stations and complete tasks together with moms and dads.
  • Joint leisure - the guys are preparing a small concert program, performing performances, inviting their parents to take part in competitions.

An elective psychology course was introduced in schools for high school students, which is taught by a professional psychologist. They discuss topical issues related to gender relations, often sort out controversial situations.

The importance of family values

They form in the little person an understanding of the role of the family, its significance and uniqueness. It is in the environment of loved ones that children learn to correctly express their feelings, kindness and generosity, respect and responsibility for their actions, love, trust and honesty.

Parents, on the other hand, should pay special attention to their behavior, actions, manner of communication. Because it is they who represent a "living" example of relationships within the union for the child.

Preserving family values: what is the main task of our generation

The 90s, marked in our history by such phenomena as freedom, independence, permissiveness, disrespect for adults and their opinions, are left behind. People realized the significance of their personal history, became more interested in the past of their kind, the origin and etymology of their surname. In many houses and apartments one can see large photographs of their relatives. Interest in a forgotten custom - the compilation of an album - was revived.

People choose photographs that depict the most significant events and emotions for them - a wedding, the birth of children, their first steps and achievements, celebrations of important dates. When the children grow up, you can also involve them in the creation of the album - come up with interesting captions and comments on each photo and write them on special paper, choose the photo you like.

One of the brightest displays of respect for their history is the "Immortal Regiment" action, which is held in many cities of Russia on May 9 in honor of Victory Day. Small children carrying a photograph of their relatives know perfectly well who it is, where they fought, how they died, bravely defending their homeland.

The study of the past, the history of their ancestors - how they looked, lived, who they were, what they did, where the family came from, who its founder, is of growing interest. This is a very difficult and painstaking job. To find out at least something, you need to raise archives, study documents. Many simply do not know where to start and in which direction to move. Russian House of Genealogy offers to help in this difficult, but such an exciting matter.

What is the uniqueness of our method?

  • We have developed a detailed family instruction book. Compiling a family tree has become accessible even for an ordinary person who has nothing to do with science, you just need to follow the recommendations.
  • We help our clients to understand what archives are, how to get access there, how to work with documents, how to write letters there.
  • We provide free consulting support to our clients - we help them in self-registration of their pedigree.

Building a family and raising values ​​is a difficult task. It requires a lot of dedication and long-term painstaking work. It is in marriage that such qualities as loyalty to one's ideals, friends and relatives, devotion to one's homeland, love and faith, kindness and generosity, responsibility and mutual assistance, respectful attitude not only towards elders, but also towards everyone around are laid. Simple rules and moral principles, being formed within the boundaries of the native home, are then transferred to society. They are manifested in human behavior in a kindergarten, school, institute, at work and in a public place. Generic values ​​shape human culture, make society more humane.

Darina Kataeva

The family gives a person a true state of calm and peace. She makes us united and resilient to difficulties. The formation of a child's personality begins in the family, so the environment that reigns in his home during childhood has a strong influence on his future life. But what is it? What traditions exist in some families? And how do you define your family values?

What are family values?

Family values ​​and traditions are the foundation that determines our attitude towards life. Even outside the home, a person will act according to the values ​​established in his heart. In reality, they can be not only positive, since not every family has a decent atmosphere. Therefore, it is important for each parent to create an environment of love and kindness for the upbringing of a socially active and mature personality.

Although family and family values ​​are two different concepts, they cannot exist without each other. Without a foundation and basis of unity in marriage, people in love will not be able to achieve, therefore, a family without established principles simply cannot exist. They allow you to maintain spiritual unity and integrity. Even serious problems do not destroy a strong and warm relationship.

5 traditional family values

For an accurate understanding of what family values ​​are, it is necessary to consider some of them in more detail. The main ones include:

This quality is fundamental in family relationships. Its manifestation is reflected in the development of other qualities. There are many, and in the family there is a vivid manifestation of kindred love and agape. They allow you to show this quality, no matter what! Children feel a manifestation of love towards them, and the lack can greatly affect their future life and becoming in society. There should be unity between spouses, and it is important that the child sees this and understands his place in the family.


Honesty and trust should take due place in your family constitution. Never discuss other people in a negative light in front of your child. He perfectly remembers everything, adopts and even repeats. Therefore, the behavior of the baby is a mirror image of the actions and words of the parents. Do not seek to build your own happiness on someone else's misfortune. Know the boundaries of what is permissible and do not overstep them.


Each family member has a role to play, which is why it is important to know and respect it. - this is a man. You, as a wise woman, accept his position even in cases where the position of your spouse is not entirely clear to you. It . Seeing, the child will understand the seriousness of such actions. The woman also has her own role, no less honorable. She is the keeper of the home, looks after the comfort in the house and brings up the child. Although children play an important role in their parents' lives, it must be made clear that they are not kings in the family.

Happiness and satisfaction in life is directly related to health. Pay sufficient attention to sleep, rest, nutrition, and exercise. With the right routine, you will experience joy, become more energetic, and get rid of.


Mutual respect is the foundation of marriage and family. By showing this quality to elderly parents, you will notice dramatic changes in the child's behavior. He will easily absorb the same attitude towards you. It is important that the show of respect is not occasional, but constant.

How to define your family values?

To monitor the process of establishing positive family values ​​and raising your children to them, do regular self-tests. It will help you look at the relationship in marriage with a healthy eye, you will see the main problems and weaknesses.

Analyze the behavior of each family member.

Behavior should be assessed by both the loved one and the child. Parents are laying the foundation so they need to be considerate of themselves. Evaluate not only relations with each other, but also, in principle, in society. What children say or do in kindergarten is an indicator of the whole family and the presence of certain values ​​in it.

Ask for personal opinions.

Teach children to express an opinion on any issue, but you should pay close attention to how they do it. If categoricalness is visible in the manner of conversation, this is not a good indicator. It can be seen that parents also express unreasonable points of view, not taking into account anything and not taking into account the views of others.

Pay attention to how each family member relates to others.

Evaluating the attitude of a spouse towards his parents, one can judge with full confidence how he will relate to his wife. The friendship of the children shows what family values ​​have been instilled in them since childhood. Evaluate every move your family member does to see where you can improve.

If the foundation of family values ​​is laid in childhood, in later life they are vividly reflected during education and. Think about what would be worth changing.

Take measures to change the order in the family.

By conducting a personal self-assessment and assessing the true behavior of children and a loved one, you will get a vivid idea of ​​what should be changed and what should be paid attention to. If a child deceives parents, forges signatures in a diary, then the family lacks honesty and openness.

Family traditions

Every family has values ​​and traditions, we just need not focus on their presence and not even think about their existence. If you, as parents, see that there is, try to find a reason and make the decision pleasant for everyone.

An excellent option is to establish family traditions, which represent the norms, orders and customs accepted in the family. Some are even passed down from generation to generation. They form in the hearts of children and adults a sense of stability and harmony, because regardless of any other circumstances, the planned event will take place. Traditions leave children with vivid memories of their childhood and past.

In every family, parents establish different traditions. Their formation is influenced by the past of the parents themselves and the orders that were in their childhood. Some are guided by the noticed problems and think about fixing them.

Family traditions: examples

Eat daily with the whole family. It seems that this is an elementary tradition, but, in fact, it has a strong influence on every member of the family. During a regular dinner, an exchange of thoughts occurs, we tell each other about the past day, we can understand the state of the heart and the life of children and a loved one. If you introduce such a tradition into your family, you will be close-knit, united and not indifferent to each other. For starters, you can enter at least once a day to meet with meals.
Visit your elderly parents once a week or a month and have a dinner together. It is not necessary that there was any reason for organizing such an event. Seeing your deep respect for their parents, children will be charged with a similar attitude and show due respect for you.
View your family album. Think print photography is a thing of the past? In fact, this is not the case. Just remember how many pleasant memories have remained in your heart since childhood, when you looked through photos of your parents together, watched their past and rejoiced at the moments together. Do not deprive your children of the same joy and satisfaction that you experienced as a child.

Play! The famous addicting game Lotto has become an integral part of the traditions of many families. Despite its long existence, it does not lose its popularity and relevance. If Lotto doesn't appeal to you, arrange for another, more modern game, such as Alias ​​or Understand Me. Board games are conducive to open communication and a fun pastime.
Crafts. Making something with your own hands is a useful and exciting activity. It may even become. Introduce children to such activities, with the help of even elementary crafts, children will develop a positive attitude towards work and work. Present the finished craft to your acquaintances or friends. This is an additional factor in setting such family values: love, kindness, friendliness, generosity.

Remember, family values ​​are formed even in the game. Children will not even suspect that your goal is to educate them, they will just spend time with you and enjoy a happy and carefree time!

How have family values ​​changed?

The media impose attitudes and things on us that in reality can negatively affect our lives. Until now, advertisers use the 12th frame system, which we do not think about when watching TV shows and modern films.

The norms in society are also changing. If earlier marriage and family were in the first place in the life of all people, now girls are instilled from childhood with a love of career, power and high position in society. Particularly noticeable are the changes that have begun to occur since 1990. This was the beginning of the Sexual and Feminist Revolution. Young people think about freedom and marriage. Extramarital cohabitation is considered the norm, and same-sex marriage is even officially permissible.

March 28, 2014 12:56 pm


The family is the crystal of society, its foundation. The state of our entire society depends on what kind of family we have, what moral values, family traditions, culture are in it. What is this family crystal formed from? What values ​​and traditions are the main ones in today's families? What do you think are important family traditions and values in your family? How seriously do you take a family hierarchy with a man in charge? Are noisy family dinners important to you, or does each of your family members prefer to eat alone? Let's take a closer look at family traditions and values ​​and try to preserve them by all means.

Family traditions are a sign of unity

Family traditions repetitive joint actions that are understandable to others are considered. These are rituals and ceremonies that are passed on in the family from generation to generation.

Needless to say how important it is in the family traditional hierarchy ? Namely, the man at the head is strong and reliable, capable of solving the problems of all family members: both the wife and children, and the older generation, who will come to the rescue in any difficult life situation.

Of course, there should be both “male” and “female” roles in the family. Then family structure understandable and extremely simple. For example, a husband makes money and solves difficult issues. And the wife is engaged in raising children, keeping the house in order and self-education of the family.

Types of family traditions

The very first wonderful tradition of a young family - marriage ... Traditionally, the bride wears a white dress, the mother of the bride walks around the car several times in which the young people will be taken to the registry office, the bride and groom are sprinkled with coins, sweets, hops, etc., bread and salt are served. All these traditions are wonderful, they are treated with special trepidation.

Then, when the family has already been created, they begin to celebrate in it birthdays , New Year pay tribute sorrowful events ... These are also traditions. If a child from birth will see how joyfully his family celebrates the birthdays of all its members, including himself, he will understand how much they value him, how happy he is that he was born.

A family cannot exist without traditions! If there are no traditions and values ​​in the family or they are not respected, this is a direct path to its destruction. It is also bad to introduce harmful traditions, such as drinking after work or spending the entire weekend at a nightclub.

Family traditions in everyday life

One way or another, the family has a common way of life, and in relation to it, there are also traditions and rituals.

Family dinners are absolutely important in this regard, when all family members gather at a common table and discuss the news of the past day. These conversations at the kitchen table - Russian psychotherapy. They give a sense of security, unity. If family members start to eat separately, this is already a bad sign.

And how pleasant it is to cook food together, for example, put the whole family on a mountain of dumplings or cut a bowl of Olivier? "No, we are not gluttons, we just like to do everything together.", Says such a family.

A person living in a strong and happy family sleeps better ... He feels more secure and knows that he is not alone, that he will be supported at any moment. He is sure that the family will forever keep his childhood photos, his first lock of hair, the maternity hospital tag ... All this evokes emotion and tenderness. And all these are family traditions and values.

Towards well-being!

Respect for family traditions and values ​​is a direct path to inner well-being , to an excellent mental and physical condition. If there are traditions, if everything goes on as usual, life flows slowly and measuredly, there is no stress in it, then the person is healthy and happy! And what could be more important?! ...

The words "family traditions" usually cause people to associate with old families, large families, some rigidly established rules and strange customs. In fact, family traditions are all that people adhere to in the circle of their family, no matter how large it may be. If you have a habit of reading books to your child every day before bedtime, and on Sunday you go out into the countryside with your whole family, then you are keeping and observing the traditions of your family. They can be expressed in customs, things, anniversaries, and more.

Family traditions bring all close relatives closer together, makes a family a family, and not just a community of blood relatives. In addition, family traditions and rituals allow the child to feel the stability of the way of life: "whatever the weather" in your family, what is established; give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security; create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children about.

The beginning of the new year is a good reason to start family traditions, if you do not already have them. In this article, we will share some ideas about family traditions:

1. Family meals(lunches, dinners)- a wonderful tradition of gathering all together at the same table for communication. You can communicate on any topic - discuss news, events of the day. It's better to turn off the TV! If you are obsessed with serial passions on the TV screen, a heart-to-heart conversation at dinner will never take place! The benefits of sharing family dinners are enormous. First, it is helping children learn the language. They, of course, need to read books, but they need to talk to them - and when else to do this, if not during dinner! Secondly, these family dinners provide a sense of family cohesion. Even if an extremely unpleasant situation is discussed over dinner, family members remain confident that together they can overcome difficult times.

2. Joint leisure. A good continuation of lunch will be joint leisure, for example, you can play some board game. Or go to nature and spend time actively in the fresh air.

4. Family album, family pedigree. One of the manifestations of the revival of traditions is that today many families are trying to find out their ancestry history, learn more about their ancestors: who they were, what they did. Often, a family tree composed is hung in a public viewing room. The fashion for portraits of ancestors, parents, children, hung on the walls of the apartment, has returned. Sometimes such photos can be used to trace the history of the family: a wedding photo, babies in the cradle, in kindergarten, in the first, and then in the last grade - and again a wedding photo.

For a child, a wedding photo on the wall is a whole fairy tale. You can tell him the background of his birth, when dad met mom. Such stories will inform the kid about the inviolability of his family, that mom and dad have always been and always will be. Be sure to supplement the family gallery with photographs of the whole family and the child, where he is alone. The main idea of ​​a family photo is cohesion, and of a separate one - individuality. Both of these qualities should develop harmoniously in the baby.

5. Notches on the doorframe. Time flies very quickly. Before the parents have time to look back, their today's one-year-old will go to college. To visually show the baby the process of his growing up, you can annually mark the growth of the child on the doorframe with notches. It will be great if you save children's drawings and crafts as a keepsake. At the end of each year, the whole family can do the so-called. "time capsule". Let each family member put in an empty plastic box some thing (or several things) that are associated with the outgoing year. Store the capsules in a far corner where no one will find them, and after 10 or 20 years, get them out ...

In conclusion, we note that when forming family traditions, do not forget about the sense of proportion: the overly strict rules by which the family lives, which do not leave children any "freedom of maneuver", overstrain the child's psyche. The lack of a stable home lifestyle and predictable home rituals, which soothe the baby with their indispensable obligation, convey to the child a feeling of insecurity at home and the fragility of the universe.

It is worth remembering that any rules are good if they make life better, not complicate it. Rigid traditions, even if they regulate not everyday life, but only holidays or another joyful event, have a depressing effect on the spontaneous child's psyche. Some events in life just need to be allowed to happen without being customized to the scenario.

May it be cozy and light in your home!