Proceedings of the Ladgefta in physical culture. Pedagogical works P. F. Lesgaft for modern physical education. Groups of exercise

Peter Frantsevich Lesgafort (1837 - 1909) - an outstanding anatom, doctor, teacher of higher education, teacher; The founder of the scientific system of physical education and organization of medical and pedagogical control in physical culture in Russia. I. P. Pavlov called him a "inspired teacher."

P. F. Lesgafort, like N. I. Pirogov, addressed the problems of pedagogy and psychology after long-term educational activities related to the preparation of professional doctors. The scientific system of physical education P. F. Lesgaft has become a practical yield of functional anatomy, theoretically reasonable to them and developed.

In the creation of a functional anatomy, the theory of physical education, in the substantiation of the interactiveness of physical and moral development, in theory and practice of training teachers of physical education P. F. Lesgaf tested on himself a direct and indirect influence of N. I. Pirogov.

The distinctive features of the acmeleuric programs of self-realization of its creative potential were the following.

1. Family approval. Father resisted him to choose. I had to defend your right to an independent choice of life path. As a result - departure from the family and refusal to take the name of the Father as the patronymic.

2. An independent choice of "Vertain" - who follow during the period of study at the Medical and Surgical Academy, and after its end - in the process of research work on the creation of functional anatomy.

3. The creation of the theory, methods and organization of training specialists of physical culture.

P. F. Lesgafort was born in St. Petersburg, in a large family of a jeweler. The strict father was called Peter Karlovch. His kind mother sometimes performed the role of a hanging grandmother. In the family reigned respect for work, intolerance to laziness, not true, principle and selflessness. Subsequently, all these qualities became inalienable features of the nature of P. F. Lesgaft, which gained love and respect for him.

If in the family of N. I. Pirogov early noticed the natural tendencies of the boy and contributed to their development, then P. F. Lesgafeta Father wanted to impose his will and make it becomes a jeweler or pharmacist. Petra Lesgafeta's acmesome programs already at an early age came in contradiction with the will of the Father. He had to defend his needs in knowledge, in self-realization of creative potential.

The most important event in the life of Little Peter was admission to Petrishul. But as soon as the Father noticed that the Son was passionate about the school that he pale was pale and looked at the diligent classes, he resolutely resulted in continuation of education. At the age of 14, he defined the Son in the disciples to a familiar pharmacy. Without withstanding there and the year, Peter Lesgafal escaped home, causing the anger of his father and mother. He had to finish training in the male branch of St. School of St. Anna - Annenshul.

P. F. Lesgafa entered the Medical and Surgery Academy of 19 years. It was a year of publishing Article N. I. Pirogov "Questions of Life". The Academy kept the memory of N. I. Pirogov. The anatomical museum lay his tools, collection of drugs, an album of drawings on topographic anatomy - everything he created in order to better prepare surgeons. Much created by it is used in the modern education system.

In the Medical and Surgical Academy P. F. Lesgaft met many wonderful teachers - it was someone to learn. But the main event in his professional formation was the meeting with Wenzeslaw Leopoldovich Gruber (1814 - 1890). Right from Czech Bohemia (like Yang Amos Komensei), he was educated at Prague University, about seven years engaged in anatomy at the famous Hirta. In 1842 (at the age of 28) became Dr. Surgery, and in two years later, Dr. Medicine. In 1846, being in Prague, N. I. Pirogov met V. L. Gruber and suggested that he move to the Medical and Surgery Academy, in just a founded anatomical institution. V. L. Gruber agreed. In the spring of 1847, he came to St. Petersburg and joined the post of Vice-Rector of the Institute. When P. F. Lesgaf met V. L. Gruber, this was 42 years old. At 19, Peter Lesgaft left the house, quarreling with his father. The reason for the quarrel was its systematic delays in friends for books and studies.

Defacial parental care and attention, Lesgal found a true mentor, teacher, senior friend in the farm. Neither the difference in age and position nor some discrepancy in views on the foundations of their beloved anatomy did not interfere with their friendship.

Already in student years, P. F. Lesgaft has formed a major life position, an axiological system of values, which he guided throughout the life: the main thing for a person - to be useful to other people, fight for justice and the truth, to defend the freedom of personality from the oppression and arbitrariness. It was she who identified the acmeleuric programs of self-realization of his creative potential.

Many features of the kruzer's personality seemed to him perfect and absolutely necessary for a person of science, and he brought up tirelessness in the work, principle, a sense of duty and justice.

For successful accomplishment of embarrassment during training at the Academy, a student P. F. Lesgafa received a cash premium - 300 rubles. He graduated from the Medical and Surgery Academy with a Silver Medal and only then visited the family.

The fate of P. F. Lesgaft is a wonderful example of self-awareness of its creative potential and indispensable energy aimed at its self-realization. Obviously, becoming a jeweler or pharmacist, as the father wanted, in a material attitude, he could live better, but the need for self-realization prevailed.

On the level of scientific training of P. F. Lesgaft during its training at the Academy, such results are evidenced. In 24, he passed the exam for the degree of doctor of medicine; in 25 years - to the degree of doctor of medicine and surgery; At the age of 28, he made a brilliant report on anthropology. In 29 years P. F. Lesgaf spoke at a meeting of the Russian doctors in St. Petersburg with a message "On the circular muscle of the eye and the influence of her on the suction mechanism of tears." The report struck specialists with a depth and persuasive study that had not only theoretical, but also purely practical significance.

In 1868 (at 31 years old) P. F. Lesgafa received a doctor of medicine and surgery, was elected a competition for the medical faculty of Kazan University and approved by Professor of the Department of Physiological Anatomy. Since 1868, he headed the Department of Physiological Anatomy. In 1871, he was fired for the presentation against the establishment of a government supervision over the university.

This fact suggests that the highest, spiritual principles were for P. F. Lesgafeta not empty words, and leadership to action. Returning to St. Petersburg, he remained essentially without a permanent job. Therefore, his acmeleuric program of self-realization of creative potential has also become a program of survival.

In 1872 - 1874 P. F. Lesgafer led the occupations on the anatomy of the first Russian women doctors at the laboratory V. L. Gruder. From this point on, at the age of 35, his work began on the theory and practice of physical education, to create the scientific foundations of pedagogical and medical gymnastics. Behind the shoulders have already experienced studies of the anatomical features of the movement organs. Lesgafa again and again convinced in the close connection of the functions of the organ with his form. It was clear that the anatomy-physiological essence of a person is determined by its activities. In this regard, the exercises, training of organs and systems, he considered the necessary prerequisite for the normal functioning of the body, for the health and active life of a person.

The main events in the life of P. F. Lesgaft after the end of the Academy can be divided into two large periods subordinate to the unified ultimate goal, but relying on various aquet-left programs. The first program covers a period of from 35 to 57 years, i.e., from the beginning of the development of the theoretical foundations of functional anatomy before creating courses for the preparation of mantels of physical exercises and games. The second program covers a period from 57 to 72 years (up to the death of P. F. Lesgafeta). Both periods are saturated with scientific searches, organizational creativity and struggle.

The first practical step of P. F. Lesgafta on the way of organizing courses of training managers of physical exercises and games was the proposal of A. G. Berguld, the famous Petersburg "Gymnasiarch", its services for advising his courses (in 1872). Here, Lesgafa implemented in practice those principles that subsequently amounted to the scientific and theoretical basis of its rational gymnastics.

In parallel, he opened general educational anatomical courses at home. At the same time, Vladimir courses worked with them - predecessors of Besthevsky. Since December 1874, P. F. Lesgafa began classifying gymnastics with pupils of the second Petersburg military gymnasium.

In 1875 - 1876, after admission to the General Directorate of military educational institutions, Lesgaft was sent annually abroad "for a detailed acquaintance with pedagogical gymnastics and with institutions for special preparation of teachers of this art." This allowed him to explore the German and Swedish systems and develop its system based on comparative analysis. In May 1875, he met with gymnastics training in a number of European states: Sweden, Germany, England, France, Italy, and others.

In 1877, P. F. Lesgaft managed to ensure that with the second Petersburg military gymnasium, two-year training and gymnastics courses were organized. For them, programs were created on anthropology, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, body movements, methods of gymnastic art, mathematics, physics, chemistry, rational gymnastics, fencing, swimming, theory and practice of games and crafts.

The process of physical education P. F.Lesgaf divided into three stages: 1) teaching a child to the right movements (in junior grades); 2) a gradual increase in loads, taking into account the physiological features of the body of a teenager; 3) learning the ability to accurately calculate their strength in time and space.

The basic principles of the organization of physical education were formulated and proven:

1) graduality and sequence;

2) the need for a distinct representation by the Contractor that it should do what to achieve (the image of the desired result, providing an anticipation in achieving real performance results).

It can be assumed that it is precisely the experience of practical work in the field of training specialists of physical education allowed P. F. Lesgupta in a new way to look at the problems of anatomy when it became possible to work at the Medical and Surgery Academy.

In January 1878, he was elected at the Conference of the Academy to the post of the Second Protector. He got the opportunity not only to teach, but also to lead the works of the dissertations. P. F. Lesgaf elected a new direction of research, taking as a basis an understanding of anatomy as science not about dead, but about live. That is what allowed him to become the founder of the functional anatomy, which he opposed the descriptive.

In a small article "On general laws in anatomy and clarifying them in teaching", published in 1881 in the newspaper "Doctor", P. F. Lesgaf expressed his attitude to a descriptive anatomy and a new idea of \u200b\u200bit as a functional science, allowing to know General laws of morphology. Later, this new representation was disclosed in detail in the works of "General Anatomy" (1885) and the "Basics of Theoretical Anatomy", Part I (1892).

The theoretical anatomy set P. F. Lesgaft to one row with such outstanding founders of new directions as N. I. Pirogov, D. I. Mendeleev, I. M. Sechenov, V. M. Bekhterev, I. P. Pavlov, to . A. Timiryazev.

Sequentially developing the patterns of anatomical structure of muscles, bones and joints and their functional features, P. F. Lesgafa revealed the crucial importance of muscles in the formation of articular surfaces. One of the first, he found that the features of muscle function depend on the method of compounding with each other with muscle fibers.

Exit to a new level of generalizations, i.e. The new tops opens new horizons in front of the researcher. So it was with P. F. Lesgafet. The novelty was to combine serious anatomical studies with mathematical calculations that have formed the basis for the study of simple and complex joints. The results of these studies were summarized in the works: "bone architecture", "On the combination of bones between sobody", "On the reasons affecting the shape of the bones", "On the forces holding the articular surfaces in contact".

Teaching activities at the Academy of P. F. Lesgaf combined with research work - not only at the Academy, but also at the Commission on School Hygiene at the Pedagogical Museum of military-schools. According to his program and under his leadership, a comparative study was carried out in the first and second military gymnasiums. In the second military gymnasium, in contrast to the first, practical classes conducted listeners of educational and gymnastic courses. On the recommendation of P. F. Lesgaft, they systematically measured in engaged in growth, weight, lung volume and muscle strength. It was found that students of the second military gymnasium, engaged in gymnastics, were less ill, were stronger, hardy, deft, strong. In the processing of research results, P. F. Lesgaft helped his student, who later became famous scientist Statistical, Alexey Fortovich Fortunates.

In 1881, cooperation began on F. Lesgaft with Vladimir Yakovlevich and Maria Nikolaevna Stulanik. He participated in the creation of a new gymnasium project, its charter, curricula and programs. According to V. Ya. Stulanina (Following N. I. Pirogov), the main task of the school was to give children a general education, to form the identity of future citizens, to develop moral ideals. He ratified for the unity of training and education, the union of the family and school efforts, stressing that the school should awaken in the young man and the girl disinterested love for truth, truth, good, beautiful.

In the gymnasium M. N. Stulanina for the first time in Russia, exercise was included in the number of mandatory daily activities. A significant part of the time was assigned to games, during which, according to P. F. Lesgafta, the character of a child appears quite brightly. It was also new that at the suggestion of Lesgfta, it was decided to abandon the assessments, replacing them with certification, refrain from promotions and completely eliminate punishment.

Innovations manifested themselves in ways of presenting educational information. The basis of the teaching was the word: according to the story of the teacher, according to his verbal description, students should mentally be an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject. Only after that, the teacher demonstrated the action, movement; Showed a drawing, model, subject. It forced students to actively think, developed imagination. Daily physical exercises compensated for the lack of muscle load, contributed to the elimination of physical development defects.

In the gymnasium M. N. Stulanina P. F. Lesgafa for five years almost daily conducted classes, followed the conduct of activities by other teachers, talked with his parents, systematically conducted anthropometric measurements and medical examinations of children, investigated their psychological typology. These studies were summarized in two wonderful work: "School types" and "family education of the child and its meaning." P. F. Lesgaft allocated and described six main school types: a hypocritical, ambitious, good-natured, shaded, malicious, depressed. Its works in detail the conditions for the formation of the nature and the role of family education, the relationship between parents and children were analyzed.

Studying the problems of physical and moral education in the Gymnasium M. N. Stulanina, his reports "On Games and Physical Education at School" and "On Penalies in the Family" (October 1883) in the society of Russian doctors in St. Petersburg, forced Laughfta again to refer to N. I. Pirogova and trace the development of his ideas in his work - as an anatoma, on the one hand, and as a pedagogical psychologist - on the other.

Leaving the Military Medical Academy at 47 years, P. F. Lesgaf, essentially ceased to participate in the preparation of future doctors and was forced to seek the opportunity to make the fund accumulated knowledge (anatomical, histological, anthropological and functional and anatomical) means Comprehensive training of people who show interest in them. The main means of its existence of steel: reading lectures at the pedagogical museum of military-school institutions; Home anatomical courses whose popularity increased annually; Work in the fencer-gymnastic center, which was engaged in the improvement of gymnastics and fencing teachers for the army and the development of a unified program and teaching methods of these disciplines; Position of Privat-Dovesman at the University of St. Petersburg.

In 1889, P. F. Lesgaft proposed to participate in the work of the technical education commission created by the Russian Technical Society. In April 1890, he headed the Commission on the Teaching of Natural Sciences in technical educational institutions. Programs on physics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zoology were discussed. Special attention in the preparation of programs was paid to the sequence of presentation of material, visibility and practical orientation.

As a doctor, P. F. Lesgaf systematically led free receptions of patients at home; Especially loved to engage with children. A feature of his medical activity was faith in the healing force of simple, accessible to each tool: walking, swimming, medical gymnastics, dosage, loose clothing and shoes.

He was always surrounded by students and associates. It was they who helped P. F. Lesgaft to cope with new, most complex tasks. One of these tasks was the creation in January 1896 of the biological laboratory and special courses for the preparation of managers and educators of physical education - the diversity of the modern State Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgaft.

By the time of the creation of these two institutions, existing so far, Lesgal came with a huge luggage of knowledge, experience and practical results. The opening of these institutions financed the student P. F. Lesgaft, Innocent Mikhailovich Sibiryakov, Brother of the Russian gold miner and Patriot A. M. Sibiryakova. He brought to P. F. Lesgaft 200 thousand rubles in cash and the house worth 150 thousand rubles. This happened on August 24, 1893 in the spring of 1894 P. F. Lesgaf developed the charter of the biological laboratory (after his charter of the museum was rejected by the Minister of Folk Enlightenment), and on October 19 of the same year, the biological laboratory received an official permission to exist. P. F. Lesgaf, His disciples - A. O. Kovalevsky, I. V. Musketov, P. P. Fan der Flit. Since 1896, the publication of the Special Journal Izvestia St. Petersburg Biological Laboratory began.

In the summer of 1895, a company of help in reading patients and poor was created. P. F. Lesgafa became his chairman. Thus, the acmeleuric program of self-realization on the way to the creation of courses is characterized by an extraordinary passion for P. F. Lesgaft to pedagogical activities, extraordinary hardworking, collaboration, purposefulness.

The creation of a biological laboratory with a sufficient amount of premises allowed P. F. Lesgaft to organize training courses on a strict scientific basis. Here was the work continued in the second Petersburg military gymnasium. In the creation of courses, a prominent role was played by the Society for Physical Development, the initiator of the Pedagogical Museum of military schools Apollo Nikolaevich Makarov was played by the initiator of its creation. The position of the scientific secretary in it occupied P. F. Lesgaf.

"Regulations on temporary courses for the preparation of managers of physical exercise and games", developed in 1894, was approved on January 19, 1896, and classes began. At the first lesson, there were 109 "LESGAFTICHES", of these, 44 of the Waller luster. The training program was the foundations of the anatomy and human physiology, hygiene, the theory of bodily movements, chemistry, physics, mathematics, the basics of the methodology of physical exercises and games.

From the second year, the program of courses began to expand. New items were introduced: zoology, botany, psychology, pedagogy, singing, universal history, literature, reading, drawing. Initially a certain period of study - two years - turned out to be insufficient, so a year was added. Courses were the only higher educational institution in Russia, who were preparing the organizers and managers of physical education with broad and comprehensive training.

In a new educational institution, a training program was very advisable; It was also characterized by the correct combination of theoretical and practical learning, the uniform distribution of mental and physical exertion. Mutual respect and confidence reigned here. At the disposal of the listeners were provided with all cabinets and museums of the biological laboratory. The cheapest term dining room in the city was organized: the listeners paid 7 rubles per month; Housing they shot near courses. Fees from their public lectures P. F. Lesgafa gave in favor of students of courses.

Peter Frantsevich believed that the tasks of physical education are not exhausted only by the improvement and strengthening of the body, which requires its harmonious combination with mental education. In such harmonicity, he considered the graduality and sequence of physical exertion, knowledge of their physiological limits.

Thus, the life path of P. F. Lesgafeta was an excellent proof of the presence of creative potential in humans, which can be implemented on the way to higher achievements. It is possible that it is the highest spiritual ideals of serving humanity to fill the lives of such people like P. F. Lesgaf, a special meaning and special energy.

The whole life of Peter Frances Lesgaft, a biologist, anatoma, anthropologist, a teacher, a doctor, the creator of the scientific system of physical education, the head of a major research institution, a progressive public figure, is connected with St. Petersburg.

Here he was born, he received an education, began independent labor life. Here I glorified my name as a scientist and educator, a patient and persistent scaly of a free creative personality.

Here in St. Petersburg, he is buried by the frosty December day under a watchful supervision of the police, never leaving him his attention.

Peter Frantsevich Lesgafa was appreciated by his contemporaries that marked his exceptional scientific honesty, selflessness, independence of judgments, principle and the mighty analytical mind. All his life he was surrounded by a personality halo surrounded, happily combining a rare human charm and simplicity with the obsession of a strict, demanding scientist, a man of affairs and incessant labor.

"I don't know what kind of boredom," said Liegafant once. With the same right, he could say: "I don't know what peace is," because his whole life was a decisive and everyday opposition. He called on this and his disciples.

Among the numerous merit of P. F. Lesgaft before the domestic science, a special place is occupied by the original theory of physical education and the personnel training system for its introduction into life. Original theorist and skillful teacher practitioners, Lesgal left a deep mark in the development of physical education in Russia at the end of the XIX - early twentieth century. Much in the works of Peter FRANTERIKU LESGAFTA goes beyond historical significance and can be used in the modern theory and practice of physical education and preparation of pedagogical frames of this profile. Special attention deserves its concept built on the recognition of the relationship of types of education and development. In the Soviet pedagogy on a new methodological basis, this concept, supported by many new works, was formed as the principle of an integrated approach to upbringing and its research.

Capital works of Lesgafeta "Guidelines on the physical education of school age children", "family education of the child and its meaning", "On the attitude of anatomy to physical education", an article "On physical education in a professional school, and others, retained their scientific significance.


Scientific and pedagogical activities of P.F. Shexgafta began in the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, where after her ended he performed the duties of the assistant and the descriptor. Here he defended two dissertations: to the degree of doctor of medicine (1865) and the degree of Dr. Surgery (1868). After the protection of the second-dissertation, Lesgaft began to become the Department of Physiological Anatomy in Kazan University, brilliantly read lectures, organized practical classes and resolutely opposed the conservatism of the famous part of the professors and administration.

For a sharp criticism of existing orders in the article "What is happening in Kazan University", published in one of the St. Petersburg newspapers, Lesgal was removed from pedagogical activities. Decoding to medical activities, he turns to physical culture. In a private medical gymnastic institution of Dr. A.G. Berglond he applies physical education in the treatment of various ailments. Since 1874, Lesgaft starts working in the main management of military-educational institutions, organizes and conducts gymnastics classes in the 2nd Petersburg military gymnasium. At vacation time, he travels on business trips to study the training of gym teachers in European countries. Summarizing personal pedagogical experience and observation materials, he writes and publishes work: "Basics of natural gymnastics" (1874), "On the attitude of anatomy to physical education" (1876) and "Cooking gym teachers in Western European countries" (1877-1880 .)

In 1887, Lesgaf, on its own request, organizes educational and gymnastic courses for training teachers on gymnastics. In the 1980s, Lesgafort creates a number of significant works, where the unity of physical and mental shows and reveals the peculiarities of physical development and education.

Since 1886 P. F. Lesgaf - Privat-Associate Professor of the Natural Faculty of St. Petersburg University. He begins a course of lectures on anatomy, widely attracting data from physiology, psychology, anthropology and other sciences. According to eyewitnesses, Lesgaft's lectures had a deep impact on students, developed thinking.

12 years worked at PF Lesgaft in St. Petersburg University and left him, as from Kazan University, protesting against arbitrariness and violence. This was reflected in the following lines of the address, presented to him by students: "... All your life and activity are a protest against violence to any form. And the less such people, the more expensive they are. We see in you not only our teacher, but the best ideals, disinterested and noble public figure "

But even active pedagogical activities at the university could not distract the Lesgaft from its main aspirations - the development of its physical education system and its practical implementation. Special place among the works of 1887-1888 Capital Proceedings "Guidelines for the Physical Education of School Children" and "Family Education of the Child and its meaning"

The next, the 90s are characterized by a large organizational activity of P. F. Lesgaft - a scientist and teacher. It creates various courses on the training of managers of physical education and education, the biological laboratory - the Scientific Center and the training base with a special printed body leads the organization of playgrounds, rinks along the "Society for the Faculty of Physical Development of Youth Students", created on his initiative.

With the support of the Company P.F. Lesgafa has achieved permission to open courses educators of physical education managers (1896)

The scientific and pedagogical and social activities of the Lesgafete, which was under the control of the royal police, was hampered by various kinds of prohibitions. So, in the reports of the guards, it was noted that lectures and conversations of the Lesgafeta "have a harmful influence on the listeners, instilling revolutionary convictions in them," and that many listeners of Ladgefta are "the individuals of unreliable".

When Lee P. F. Lesgaf organized a collection of signatures under a protest about the beating of demonstrators' students and gendarmerie, his expulsion was followed from St. Petersburg as a unreliable (1901). However, returning after a year from the reference, Lesgal continued active social and pedagogical activities at the courses created by him of physical education. Progressive scientists and public figures were attracted to lectures: V. L. Komarov, E. V. Tarl, I. P . Pavlov, N. A. Morozov, A. A. Ukhtomsky, M. M. Kovalevsky.

In the security documents, it received the appropriate interpretation: "The dubious direction of the city of Ladgafta is manifested, by the way, in the fact that the city of Lesgal has been attracted to their courses of teachers who are not accustomed in relation to political trustiness." It is noted that "botany mosquitoes, removed for the anti-government image of thoughts from various educational institutions, has found a refuge on the courses of Lesguf" 1 (1904). Even the temporary closure of courses of physical education managers in 1905 in connection with the participation of students in the events of January 9 not only did not change the general direction of the activities of the Lesgaft, but also stimulated its expansion. He decides to create higher courses on the sciences of biological, pedagogical and public (open on December 21, 1905). The pedagogical department maintained the direction and maintenance of courses of physical education managers. Liegafatically called his new institution, Lesgal informally called the "Free Higher School".

On February 16, 1906, at the meeting of the Social Democratic Organizations of the Moscow-Narva district, V. I. Lenin "On the elections to the State Duma" and later - on the issue of the results of the IV (united) Congress of the RSDLP *.

Security agents reported: "On October 21, lectures were read on October 21 on October 21 on the subject of the possibility of obtaining freedom in Russia only revolutionary" (1906).

"... are a permanent place for illegal assembly of Lesgaft Courses at St. Petersburg Biological Laboratory, where the criminal activities of revolutionaries with a very sympathetic attitude towards it Labender laboratory is carried out in broad sizes ... Speech is pronounced with a call to the violent labeling of the total currently existing Building "(1906) **

"... On the night of December 18-19, 1907, a search was made at the courses of Professor Lesgaft, and up to 50 pounds of illegal literature were found, part of the laid in bales for sending, as well as one of the printing font and a printing roller" ** * Soon courses as one of the centers of revolutionary agitation in the capital were closed (July 17, 1907).

At the beginning of the new century, Articles P. F. Lesgaft publish: "Physical education in schools", "On the issue of physical education in schools" (1902); "School meaning" (1907) and others. The second edition of the first part of the "Guidelines for the Physical Education of School Children" (1904) is carried out. In the year of his death, P. F. Lesgaf managed to publish the 2nd publication of the second part of the "Guide". P. F. Lesgaf died on December 11, 1909 in Egypt. He was buried on literary walkways Volkov cemeteries in St. Petersburg. The funeral was the character of a political demonstration against the self-adjusting police regime. They participated over 5,000 people. On the tape of one of the numerous wreaths highlighted the inscription: "You lived ahead of us: the time of your ideals has not yet come."

The worldview and scientific concepts, the ideas of the psycho-physiological unity of the human nature and the role of physical education in the comprehensive development of a person, approved by P. F. Lesgafet, do not stand aside from the main trends of the Russian pedagogy XIX century, reflected in the writings A. I. Herzen, V. G. Belinsky, N. A. Dobrolyubova, N. G. Chernyshevsky. It can also be implied by the influence on P. F. Lesgafta Labors I. M. Sechenov and K. D. Ushinsky. However, it is impossible to refuse him in the originality and identity of building the pedagogical provisions of the theory of physical education on the basis of anatomical-physiological data.

Note that K. D. Ushinsky recognized the importance of these scientific disciplines to properly understand the issues of physical education. He wrote: "... The rules of physical education must be brought from deep and extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, otherwise they will be colorless, useless ..."

P. F. Lesgal brilliantly combined these knowledge of psychology and pedagogy with a deep understanding of the essence of physical education (its theory and techniques).

Researcher of Ladgefta's works professor G. G. Shaverdov, who headed the Department of Pedagogy of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education to them. P. F. Lesgafta, rightly noted that in all areas of scientific knowledge: in biology, anthropology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, psychology, pedagogy - he denied all mystical, metaphysical, idealistic interpretations. Lesgaft sought everywhere to reveal the real causal relations of studied phenomena and quite succeeded in this.

In the "Guide" we read: "There is a close relationship between the mental and physical development of a person, which is quite clarifying when studying the human body and its departures" and "close relationship that exists between direct physical and mental manifestations, on the one hand, and their external expression, On the other hand, it clearly shows the need for harmonic and mental development at school. "

The history of the development of pedagogical theory

In the history of the development of the pedagogical theory of P. F. Lesgafeta belongs to a special place - as the founder of the domestic science on physical education. He managed to create an original, slim and deployed system of physical education (upbringing). In this system, one of the central places occupies the upbringing of school-age children.

He calls his capital labor on physical education "The Guide to the Physical Education of School Children."

Physical education is considered as a systemic development by a person of rational ways to manage its movements, the acquisition of the motor skills necessary in the life of the Foundation.

One of the main ideas underlying "Guidelines for the Physical Education of School Children" is that the main task of the school is the formation of a person, that is, the formation of it as a person, which is clearly definitely says Lesgafal: "... The task of school is considered finding out the identity of the person and limit the arbitrariness in its actions,if the school period is the only ideological period in life when abstracted thinking and the concept of truth develops when a man is formed. "

In the works of P. F. Lesgafta - whether they relate to anatomy and physiology, psychology and pedagogy, hygiene and the general theory of the body's development - a person is always considered as a holistic organism and personality at the same time. From here, the most complex issues of the relationships of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical development and mutual influences of the relevant parties of education are arising.

P. F. Lesgafa does not accidentally emphasize the need to give "exercises in order to lead to the ratio of an eye perceived with sensations associated with movements." Such exercises will contribute to the development of skills to evaluate the upcoming work and fulfill it according to the word, as Lesgaf recommended. Exercise can play a significant role in the development of mental and physical abilities, increase the overall level of readiness to act skillfully and rationally. At the present level of scientific knowledge, these provisions of the scientist can be viewed as the possibility of improving the process of managing a person with their actions.

P. F. Lesgaft was planned ways to implement two basic, already affirmed by that time in general didactics, fundamental requirements: consciousness and visibility of learning in relation to the conditions of mastering exercise.

It is important to note that P. F. Lesgaf laid the main way to solve such methodological issues of physical education theory, as the use of common pedagogical provisions, taking into account the specifics of a particular activity, etc. From the position of the unity of mental and physical education, the question of the unity of their methods is solved from the position of the unity of mental and physical education. . Analysis, synthesis, comparison, characteristic of mental education, are the main in mastering motor actions.

For the first time in the teaching methodology, Lesgafet was raised by the question of knowledge of each of what he had to do, why and how. Each pedagogical task corresponds to a circle of certain exercises, and at each stage of training, specific requirements for the actions of engaged in the actions are determined.

Extremely peculiar positions were P. F. Lesgaft and in the matter of visibility of training. In the "manual", he recommends the following: "... With all the required actions, you must acquaint engaged in the certain time, and not the shown"; The show must clarify and prize the presentation created by the word. Thus, the show acts as a means of checking a student of his knowledge, clarify the ideas obtained earlier on the basis of the perception of the explanation of the teacher.

There is no doubt that the scientific-pedagogical heritage of P. F. Lesgafeta goes beyond only historical importance and can be considered as one of the main sources of pedagogical science containing ideas whose wealth is not yet fully exhausted.

The activities of P. F. Lesgafta as the founder of the training system for physical education began since 1874, when he was invited to work in the Main Department of Military Educational Institutions (Guvuz). These educational institutions have experienced an acute need for gymnastics teachers. Lesgafeta, already known at the time, a scientist who published the work of the "Basics of Natural Gymnastics", Guvuz instructs to familiarize himself with the experience of training gymnastics teachers abroad.

For two years (1875-1876), Lesgal visited a number of Western European states (26 cities) and studied the most common gymnastics systems and training teachers of this profile. The critical analysis of these systems has discovered the inconsistency of many of the current theories, and the Lesgaft simultaneously with the development of its own physical education system develops the foundations of the training system, providing it.

One of its main provisions is the requirement of solid pedagogical training. In this regard, P. F. Lesgaft insisted on the concept of "pedagogical gymnastics", i.e., the system of exercises, decisive pedagogical tasks. For their successful solution, he notes, he needs general theoretical preparation, philosophical, psychological, physiological, etc.

Speaking about theoretical preparation, Lesgaft all the time focuses on its pedagogical focus: "... the doctor can determine the physical development of the student, but it is usually completely not familiar with individual exercises, and most importantly - with the influence of them on a young organism." The teacher, he writes, should be well "familiar with the physical conditions of that organism, who is taken to raise him to understand the impact on the body of the exercises that he applies, and so that he has such a pedagogical education, which would lead to them when applying a friend Material teaching to a well-known young organism. "

Analyzing the works of P. F. Lesgaft, you can collect a full vocational graphic description of the part of the pedagogical frames, which is related to the school. This description will be adequate to modern ideas about the teacher of physical culture.

To prepare teachers of "pedagogical gymnastics" in military gymnasiums, Lesgaf offered to create a central gymnastic institute. With the requirements of broad general education and pedagogical training, the requirements for equipping such an institution gym, equipped with devices used in various methods of gymnastics; Audience on 100 listeners; premises for practical anthropological classes; Chemical laboratory; Cabinet for physical apparatuses; Place for running, games and exercises in warm time. There was a question about the status of a gymnastics teacher equal to other teachers. At the same time, the inadmissibility of teaching people familiar with the technical side of the subject was stipulated.

In the form of experience in 1877, Lesgaft organized biennial training and gymnastics courses at the 2nd Petersburg military gymnasium. They existed under his direct leadership until August 1882. These courses in their own profile, curriculum, programs, the organization of the educational process, student requirements corresponded to the type of higher education institution. They were not like in world practice.

P. F. Lesgafet developed training programs for permafrosts, many of which he led himself. Almost the training of gymnastics teachers was gradually changed to the preparation of "persons familiar with physical education in general, in particular with gymnastics, as one of the physical means inharvesting. " The system of training teachers of gymnastics - managers of physical education developed by Lesgafet contributed to the spread of its ideas in the field of physical education and education.

Gymnastics system P. F. Lesgafta, according to G. Shaverdov, by the beginning of the XX century. It was used by his students in 162 cities of Russia. By sample of its first educational and gymnastic courses, Lesgafa created the following, improving the training system for physical education. Courses of physical education managers after the Great October Revolution were transformed into the State Institute of Physical Education. P. F. Lesgafta (1919), which then (in 1930) became known as the State Institute of Physical Culture. P. F. Lesgafta.

Progressive public, scientific, pedagogical activities P. F. Lesgupta makes it possible to attribute it to the number of outstanding representatives of domestic science and culture.

(1837-1909) p usan doctor and teacher, founder of science on physical education of man

Peter Lesgaft was born in St. Petersburg in the family of Russified Germans. Having finished the prestigious Petersburg (closed school for children of Germans), he entered the Medical and Surgery Academy, as he wanted to continue the work of his father and become a surgeon doctor. However, while studying at the third year seriously carried away the anatomy, which V. Gruber taught. Under his leadership, on the fifth year, Lesgafraft wrote an article dedicated to the development of musculature in humans.

Having finished the Academy, Peter Lesgaf remained at the Department, which was led by the Gruber. He continued to study the structure of the muscles. For the first time, Lesgafete managed to show that the muscles of the person are arranged in the same way as in animals. Almost his work laid the foundations of the new science - theoretical anatomy.

After a brilliant protection of the doctoral dissertation, Lesgafa on the proposal of Hruber occupies an anatomy department at the medical faculty of Kazan University. However, the origin of Peter Frances Lesgafta did not like the conservative part of the university professors. Two years later, the scientist had to leave the department and go to the position of teacher, leading classes with students. Soon, Lesgafa organizes a student circle, which deploys a wide research program dedicated to human anatomy. For the first time in world science, he conducts a comprehensive study of the mechanics of the human joint. Anatomical observations allowed a scientist to conclude that many diseases can be treated with special exercise.

Initially, Peter Lesgaf helped the patients who had moved operations on the joints. The first clinical trials confirmed the effectiveness of the scientist's methodology, and then the Lesgaft made an initiative to create a special biological laboratory. However, the guide made categories against the innovation. Peter Lesgafeta recalled his speech in support of democratically minded students, and in 1872 the scientist had to leave the university.

He returns to St. Petersburg and becomes an assistant to Haruker's teacher. The arrival of the scientist coincided with the opening of the highest female courses. Peter Frantsevich Lesgaft begins to read anatomy at the medical faculty and soon seeks the opening of a special branch of courses, on which the heads of physical education are beginning to be prepared. Now the scientist gets the opportunity for systematic scientific work. It develops a system of gymnastic exercises calculated on children of different ages.

Lesgafa showed that the development of the child's motility stimulates mental abilities. Subsequently, the scientist has developed a number of special exercises, corrective features of the behavior and mental development of children. Exercises, developing a motorcycle fingers, stimulated the development of a child's speech, mobile games contributed to the acceleration of intellectual development.

In 1893, Peter Lesgafa created a special biological laboratory under the highest female courses. He made a number of discoveries in the field of theoretical anatomy, for example showed that all living organisms the type of muscle is clearly related to its function. Developing its work technique with children, Lesgal creates systems of exercises for patients of all ages. For the first time, the scientist introduces physical education in the medical process. Based on the Lesgafete technique in the ledge of the laboratory, exercise systems were created, contributing to the cure of certain types of diseases. Almost he created the science on physical education of man.

In 1896, the scientist is invited to the post of professor at St. Petersburg University. However, Peter Lesgaf did not accept a prestigious offer. It organizes the world's first high scientific courses of physical education in his laboratory, which were subsequently transformed into the St. Petersburg Institute of Physical Culture.

Expanding the scope of application of its technique, Peter Lesgaf is developing exercise complexes for healthy people. One day, the leadership of the Military Ministry was applied to the scientist with a proposal to reorganize the education system adopted in military schools. When reviewing the exercise complexes, a talented doctor and researcher develops a different system aimed at developing not only physical endurance, but also related professional skills: for example, for the Naval Academy, Lesgaf is developing a system of exercises to train the vestibular apparatus. Future officers received skills to coordinate their actions in any situation, even during a strong pitch, they continued to fulfill their duties.

The main direction of the scientific activity of Lesgaft remained working with children. At the beginning of the 20th century, he created the theory of physical education of a person based on the principle of unity of integrated personality development.

After the speeches of 1905, Peter Fruzvich Lesgafta courses were closed, the scientist was accused of supporting revolutionaries and sentenced to expulsion from St. Petersburg. However, the fame of the scientist in Russia and in Europe prevented the implementation of the repressive decision. But still Lesgaft is dismissed from St. Petersburg University, nevertheless, he continues to teaching, discovering private donations to the highest free school of physical education. He remained director of the institution until his death.

In 1908, the scientist went to the scientific expedition to Africa to get acquainted with the peculiarities of physical education adopted in primitive peoples. Lesgafa assumed that Africans could have relict forms of exercises that had already disappeared in other places.

But the scientist could not realize the conceived: Run to Cairo, Peter Frantsevich Liegafant unexpectedly died of a heart attack.

Sapuntots Svetlana Nikolaevna.

trainer - Teacher 1st category

MBU to Sports School №2 Taganrog

"History of physical culture"

"The teachings of P.F. Lesgaft about physical

education and his pedagogical activity "

Physical culture - part of the general culture of society; It is a combination of achievements in the improvement of people and developing their physical abilities. It includes a system of physical education, special scientific knowledge, development of sports and sports achievements; It covers the area of \u200b\u200bpublic and personal hygiene, labor and life hygiene, the right regime of labor and recreation, the use of the natural forces of nature - the sun, water and air - for the purpose of improving and hardening the body.

The purpose of our work is to show the importance of the exercise of P. F. Lesgaft on the physical education, comprehensive and harmonious development of the person for work on the Olympic education and the upbringing of the younger generation today, when the problems of the moral education of young people received special acute and relevance. Oddly enough, but under this angle of view, the works and the activities of Peter Franventovich Lesgafta were not considered in the special literature. In preparing this article, we relied on the works of P. F. Lesgaft, P. de Coubertena, as well as many domestic and foreign authors.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what Olympism represents. Under Olympism, we understand the combination of philosophical (theoretical), pedagogical, moral and ethical and organizational ideas and principles embodied in the Olympic movement and the Olympic Games as its climax.

The concept of "Olympism" first nominated P. de Coubert in 1912. "Olympism, he wrote," unites like sheaf of sunlight, the principles that contribute to the improvement of man. " These ideas are based on the basis of the Olympic Charter, in the first rows of which the harmonious, comprehensive development, on the unification of the whole advantages of the body, soul and mind, about combining sports with culture, high morality. It is also very modernly a remark of the founder of Olympism that the athletics "can awaken feelings noble, like evil, it can be a knight and selling, courageous or cowardly, can both strengthen the world and lead to war."

We can be proud that the provisions presented above are echoing with scientifically based, expressed even earlier, regardless of Coutertin, the ideas of an outstanding Russian scientist-encyclopedist P. F. Lesgaft (1837-1909).

Truly wide range of his scientific interests and knowledge: the largest anata, advanced biologist and physiologist, teacher and psychologist, theorist and practical education, which created one of the world in the world of scientifically substantiated systems of physical education, organizer of higher physical education in Russia, a champion of women's education, Brilliant lecturer, progressive public figure, patriot, humanist and democrat - there was a legalt.

According to the expression of Professor E. N. Mednsky, P. F. Lesgaf "ended his theory of physical education and the development of the theory of family education a slender building of the progressive Russian pedagogy of the XIX century, the foundation of which was laid out Herzen and Belinsky, and the corps and details were built Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Piroggers , Tolstoy and Ushinsky. "

P. F. Lesgafa laid the beginning of the scientific analysis of physical education, considering it from the standpoint of anatomy and physiology, pedagogy and psychology. He one of the first in the world put physical education in one row with other disciplines taught at school.

The greatest merit of Peter Francevich is that he scientifically revealed the inseparable connection of physical education with mental, moral and aesthetic education, their relationship and interdependence.

He outlined his teaching on physical education in the capital labor "Guidelines on the Physical Education of School Children" (1888-1901), the 1st part of which begins with the historical analysis of the development of physical culture. A prominent place in it occupies a statement of formulation of physical education in ancient Greece.

Noting the great achievements of the Greeks in this area, Liegafa draws attention to the fact that, well, understanding the importance of the harmonic development of the personality, thanks to the gradual and consistent development of physical forces and dexterity in the young organism, they encouraged him "to conscious activities and the ability to own themselves; Strengthening the body with strict hygienic conditions, music and graphics, contributed to his mental development ... "

1. Biography P.F. Lesgfta

Peter Frantsevich Lesgaf glorified his name as a biologist, an anatom, anthropologist, teacher, doctor, creator of the scientific system of physical education, head of a major research institution.

All his life he was surrounded by a personality halo surrounded, happily combining a rare human charm and simplicity with the obsession of a strict, demanding scientist, a man of affairs and incessant labor.

September 8 (20), 1837 in the family of a jeweler, a member of the shop of golden arts, Peter Karlovich Lesgaft was born a son. This was the future Peter Petrovich (Franventovich) Lesgaf, a versatile scientist and "inspired teacher", as his Academician I.P. Pavlov, studying the biography, Peter Frances Lesgafta, any researcher faces a mystery that could not be solved to this day. Why he entered the story as "Franventich", and not "Petrovich"? And Peter Lesgaf and his brother Franz are referred to as Franventiv. In the official papers of different years, the recording is often found: "Peter Petrovich, also Franventovich" from the miser memories of the children's years Peter Francesovich Lesgaft we learn that the father very severely treated the boy and persistently killed him to work: from the Small age forced to wear firewood, clean sidewalk. The situation surrounding the little Peter, put the imprint on his subsequent life. Respect for work, intolerance to laziness, not true, principled and unfortunate, laid down since childhood, has become inherent in the nature of Peter Frantsevich Lesgafta.

In January 1848, after receiving home initial education, Peter Frantsevich Lesgafa was defined in the "greater acceptance", as the first class in Petreshule was called the Main People's School. L. learned well. He was well given almost all the subjects, with the exception of Latin and French languages, which later he had mastered without difficulty.

He diligently performed tasks and sometimes stuck over books and textbooks. But in 1851, his father decided to interrupt his training and gave a fourteen-year-old son in the disciples to a familiar pharmacy.

We do not know how to make a relationship with a stopping teenager with a pharmacist. It is known that, without preparing the year, Peter escaped from the pharmacy, causing anger not only the Father, but also the mother. He ended up the training of Peter in the male branch of the School of Light Anna, which was called Annenshul. For admission to the Medical and Surgery Academy in the summer of 1856, 500 candidates appeared, only 254 people were credited. Among them and Peter Franventovich Lesgaf. Petra Frantsevich Lesgafta's admission to the Medical and Surgery Academy coincided with a fundamental positive change in its management.

At the initiative of P.A. Dubrovsky, President of the Academy, there were significant changes in the study program, new departments have been created, the intensive construction of new buildings and the restructuring of the old one unfolded. Under the leadership of the scientific secretary of the conference of Nikolai Nikolayevich Zinin Peter Fruzvich, Lesgaft received the first skills of serious research work, learned the strict formulation of experiments and handling chemical reagents.

Very soon, L. began to assist Zinin at lectures. Lectures at the Academy began at 8-9 in the morning and continued until 3-4 hours of afternoon, practical classes were usually carried out in the evening. Many professors of the Academy were on the formation of the character and views of L. Significant influence, but a major role in becoming it as an anatoma-researcher and scientist played undoubtedly Professor Vezseyslav Leonidovich Grivor.

PF Lesgaft his physical education system laid the beginning of the scientific analysis of physical education. Considering it from the standpoint of Anatomy, Physiology, Pedagogy and Psychology, Lesgal One of the first in the world put physical education in one row with other disciplines taught at school. The greatest merit of the scientist is that it scientifically revealed the inseparable, organic connection of physical education with mental, moral and aesthetic education, their relationship and interdependence. The core of the pedagogical views of the LeskefTa on physical education was the provision on the unity of physical and spiritual development at the decisive role of moral education. Nowadays, this is very important!

2. First studies P.F. Lesgfta

At the proposal VL. Drubor Lesgafa agreed in a private manner, without remuneration, to work in his department in an anatomical institute, fulfilling the duties of an abnormal transceller. According to the Council, Hruber, he decided to put these studies as a basis for its dissertation. At the end of 1861, Lesgal passed the exams to obtain the highest degree of doctor of medicine, and in early 1862, the following degree, doctor of medicine and surgery. It began to be determined by its position. On March 23, 1863, the Order of the Military Office on the ranks of civilian Peter Frantsevich Lesgaf was appointed a super-current alternator without cash in the second military-land hospital, to the women's department of the surgical clinic of Professor A.A. Caitera. Such a provision brought the possibility of Lesgafeta is quite free to dispose of its time. It leads the practical classes of students of the 2nd course, reads lectures on the anatomy to the 5th year students. He works above his dissertation. At the same time, the legstrunel was carried away by anthropology, studies the variants of the structure of the skull, the features of growth and the formation of it in persons of different ages and gender.

Leaving in the summer abroad - to Austria, Germany, France, he visited the anatomical museums and acquainted in detail with the collections of the skulls. On May 8, 1865, a disk was appointed, where the Lesgal had to defend his right to a degree. Protection passed brilliantly. Soon for the zealous service, Lesgaf was awarded the Order. St. Stanislav 3rd degree. In the spring of 1868, at the petition of V.L. Hruchor, Lesgaf, who has already been recognized by everyone as one of the best anatoms, finally received the paid place of the anatomy anatomy, remaining simultaneously with the reinforcement in the hospital.

This year brought Peter Frances Lesgafeta also the degree of doctor of medicine and surgery for the composition of "Kolotomy in the left lumbar region from an anatomical point of view." In September, he received a message that he was elected a competition for the medical faculty of Kazan University and approved by an extraordinary professor of physiological anatomy.

In Kazan, Lesgaf spent 3 years. He was the founder of the Society of Natural Resistors at the Kazan University, he owns the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an anthropological museum, the organization of expeditions to replenish it, the discovery of a lecture on modern problems of science. But after 3 years of Lesgafta at the order of the king, they were fired from Kazan University without the right to teach. The reason served as a conflict with Professor A.V. Petrov, who unimpressed exams at students instead of Lesgupta.

Exile of a brilliant professor extended the whole city. The student highlighted the proclamation in defense of the Ladgefta, and 7 of the best professors of the university laid their resignation statements on the rector's table. October 24, 1871, leaving his wife and Son in Kazan, Lesgafta went to St. Petersburg. There he had to agree to the only work that Gruber could offer him, - to produce anatomical preparations for the veterinary branch. It gave scant towards existence. He begins to attend lectures of Professor M.M. Rudneva on pathological anatomy and studies histological drugs. Anthropology has long been occupied by Peter Frantsevich Lesgafta and he writes a large article "The task of anthropology and the study method", which attracted the novelty and originality of the author's views on a completely new branch of knowledge.

Peter Frantsevich Lesgaf Used anthropology as a science about a person who considers not only the structure, the development and departure of various organs and tissues of man, but also the impact on the environment.

Lesgaf wrote: "To know a person, to send and appreciate his actions, we can only when, understanding the structure of its body, we will be well aware of the influence of all external conditions, both physical and moral."

The materialistic understanding of the inextricable communication of a person with the surrounding external environment, with the effects of this medium on the anatomical structure of organs and tissues and their function was the essence of a new, progressive teaching, which was soon reflected in the "functional anatomy", the creator and brilliant representative of which Peter Francesovich Lesgafa appeared.

In winter, 1871-72 g. He made another first steps on this new path, which then glorified his name. The uncertainty of the position of the "professor without the department" forced him more than once to address the medical department to accept him to the service. Finally, on April 27, 1872, he was determined by an overwhelmed junior official at the medical department and the summer of the same year aimed at combating cholera, first in Kiev, and then to the Mogilev province. Lesgal successfully coped with the case entrusted to him: managed to quickly reveal and isolate the sick, convinced the villagers to follow the rules of hygiene.

After returning, Lesgafa again took up anatomical studies, published a number of interesting work on anatomy in medical journals. By this time, it is the beginning of his work on the theory and practice of physical education, on the creation of the scientific foundations of pedagogical and therapeutic gymnastics. Studying the anatomical features of the organs of the movement, he again and again convinced in the close connection of the form of the body with its function: only the body that actively functions is developing. If the organ does not train, do not give it a load, it is inevitably weaken and atrophy.

Anatomy-physiological essence of a person is determined by its activities. Only permanent activity approves and maintains its specific qualities and properties in man. That is why the exercises, training of organs and system Lesgaf believed the necessary prerequisite for their normal functioning, for healthy and active human life.

In September 1872, Lesgafa begins to work as a consultant in the gymnastic institution A.G. Berglond, where he could in practice, to carry out those principles and presentations, which subsequently constituted the scientific-theoretical foundations of its rational gymnastics. "Only the knowledge of the needs and capabilities of the human body, he loosened," only a scientific approach to carrying out any type of gymnastics can make it a weighty instrument in improving a person, as a physical, so moral. Simultaneously with the work in the gymnastic institution Bergmita, it is engaged in the manufacture of drugs, conducts anthropological surveys and anatomical studies. And with the unofficial consent of the Grador, he opens up on the apartment of general education courses, which gradually rose into the famous courses of Lesgafta. But unexpectedly from the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, it was disposed of immediate removal from work.

Only after the numerous lasts of the kruker and the LadgefTa himself on October 7, 1874, Alexander Secondly allowed Lesgafeta to do "to the part of the scholar service." However, 4 years passes, before Lesgafta recognize the second prosecutor in the Medical and Surgical Academy and he will be able to start reading lectures, and not only there.

In the autumn of 1875, he begins to lecture on Vladimir courses. These lectures caused a lot of conversations in the metropolitan society. Peter Frantsevich Lesgafant denied any "Divine Start" and firmly associated mental processes with physiological. Such ideas were recognized as harmful and the minister forbade further reading of the Public Lesgafet. Then pf He was given to the new, who seized his case - to develop issues of physical education.

The beginning was found at the Gymnastic Institute of Bergman. Watching the lesgeft classes made adjustments to them, gave advice, set the sequence and intensity of the load during individual exercises, led anthropometric studies. He had a little small, he began to produce his rational gymnastics method, which could allow to achieve a greater effect and was free from a number of erroneous provisions of the Swedish, German and other gymnastics systems, Peter Fruzvich Lesgaf appealed to the General Directorate of military-school institutions (Guvuz) with its proposal Services. And from December 1874, he began classifying gymnastics with pupils of the second Petersburg military gymnasium, and from March 15, 1875, at the request of the director of the Gymnasium, the Medical Department accepted Lesgafta to the position of official for special instructions.

The first "special order" - travel abroad "For a detailed acquaintance with pedagogical gymnastics and with institutions for special preparation of teachers of this art." During the rest of the time, he continues special classes in German, Swedish systems, as well as on the system proposed by them.

For 2 years, he traveled 13 European states, visited 26 cities where all institutions visited for special training of gymnastics teachers. He attended classrooms, talked with teachers, medical workers, studied the gymnastic shells and even gave his recommendations to improve their designs. In the end of each year, he represented a report on a business trip to Hwuz. One report was published as a separate application called " Cooking teachers of gymnastics in Western European countries. "

The findings made by Peter Frantsevich Lesgafet in the report, emphasized that the laws of anatomy and human physiology should be based on physical education. The most important condition for the successful teaching of the gymnastics, he considered the strict sequence in the load dosage, mandatory accounting for individual abilities of students.

Peter Franventich seeks to organize 2-year -ic educational and gymnastic courses, which opened in September 1877 at the second Petersburg military gymnasium. For them, Lesgal lectured on the anatomy and led on the 2nd year of all practical activities, including gymnastics and fencing. Practical tasks in physics, chemistry, hygiene and the anatomy were carried out in the laboratories and cabinets of the Medical Surgical Academy, and the course of lectures in physiology was read by I.M. Schechenov, who, until the end of the life, supported friendly relations with Peter Frantsevich Lesgafe.

3. Teaching P.F. Lesgaft on physical education

The creation of a domestic system of physical education is inextricably linked with the name of Peter Franventic Lesgafta.

Peter Frantsevich Lesgafort (1837-1909) entered the history of domestic science as the largest scientist in the field of anatomy and pedagogy. Scientific theory of physical education. He laid his deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology as a basis for creating a scientific theory of physical education. In 1974, Lesgal published the work of the "Basics of Natural Gymnastics", which attracted the attention of the Russian pedagogical community and interested in the military department of Russia. He was invited to work in the General Directorate of military-school institutions (guvuz) to guide the physical training of listeners.

In the system of Hwuza, Lesgafa worked for 12 years. They were developed and written "Guidelines on the Physical Education of School Children." In addition, he organized courses officers-managers of physical training of the Russian army.

Lesgafeta was again allowed to engage in pedagogical activities. He developed a physical training system for military gymnasium students. In his pedagogical and social activities, Lesgaf supported all the progressive and advanced. In science and practice, Lesgafa stood on the positions of natural materialism. The basis of his pedagogical system is the doctrine of the unity of the spiritual and physical development of man. The main objective of the pedagogical system of the Lesgaft is "Harmonic, comprehensive development of the human body," under which he understood the systematic mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. As a result of this upbringing, the child develops love for work and it is prepared for any elementary work.

Lesgafete developed the theory of pre-school education in detail. They identified the main foundations of the education of children in the family: cleanliness, movement, humanity in education, the sequence of the word and the case, the absence of arbitrariness, violence and oppression.

Based on the fact that the main task of the school is education, i.e. Acquisition of knowledge and skills, its system P.S. Lesgaft called the system of physical education, which was built on the basis of the achievements of the modern science. His works in the field of anatomy, pedagogy, biology, history did not lose their meaning to the present.

The main provisions of the theory of physical education are reduced to the following:

    both mental and physical education should contribute to the preparation of a person to high-performance work for the benefit of the whole society;

    the creative activity of both human mental and physical activity is possible only with a conscious choice of funds to achieve their goals. Therefore, one of the important tasks of physical education PF Lesgafa believed the development of the ability to consciously perceive the results obtained from exercise, as well as analyze them;

    only harmoniously developed people who have a "ideal normal organism" are capable of the highest productivity and productivity of labor;

    under the harmonious development of P.F. Lesgaf Used the correct combination of the development of mental and physical forces of man;

    harmonious development is possible only under the observance of the principle of the permanence and consistency of the complication of exercises, taking into account the age, genital and individual characteristics of the physical development of each person;

    proper physical development can be carried out only with the help of a scientifically based system of physical education;

    the physical education system itself should consist of a small amount of natural movements used in various conditions and in various shapes gradually complicating depending on pedagogical problems.

Special attention to Lesgal addressed the use of folk games. He saw in them a big raising value. In games, children repeat what they see around themselves. His advice to provide children more time for free games and exercises in the fresh air is relevant and in our time.

4. Pedagogical activity of Lesgafeta P.F.

In the pedagogical activity of Ladagfta, the preparation of pedagogical personnel of physical education occupied an important place. In 1877-1882 He headed educational and gymnastic courses created by him physical training of military schools and army. In 1896

By sample of these courses, Lesgafa opened the highest courses of educators and managers of physical education. He performed as a champion of the Higher Female Education. His higher courses were considered the most progressive educational institution. When entering courses, there was no reference to political reliability. Many large scientists led to the courses at the courses: V.L. Komarov, E.V. Tarla, A.A. Ukhtomsky.

Graduates of courses that have gained theoretical and practical training worked in many cities of Russia. In 1905, they were closed due to the participation of their listeners in the events of January 9. Instead of lesgeft courses, organized the highest free school. During the first Russian revolution, the school premises were used to conduct political gatherings, conversations, various general education courses. The school was persecuted by the royal government and in 1907 was closed. Thanks to the enthusiasm of progressive Russian pedagogy, the top courses of Lesgafta resumed.

Lesgal was a public teacher. In 1893, in St. Petersburg, a society for promoting the physical development of students of young people (Osfrum) was created, in whose activity Lesgafa took an active part.

According to the example of this society, its branches in other cities of Russia - Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, etc.

As a result of the activities of the ofru, platforms for games were opened, excursions and trips for the city were opened, in the forest, skating and other forms of recreation and entertainment were organized, mainly for children and adolescents from poor families. The royal government pursued Lesgaft for its progressive activities. He was constantly under the supervision of a police guardian.

In 1901, for speeches to defend students-demonstrators of Lesgfta, they were arrested and sent from St. Petersburg to Finland for a whole year. Lesgal led a constant struggle against reactionary theories in biology, medicine and pedagogy. Scientist subjected to scientific criticism of foreign methods of physical education. He especially criticized the German and Swedish gymnastics for the lack of a scientific and pedagogical approach to the selection of exercises and the use of sports shells.

The name of the Lesgafta, its scientific and theoretical and pedagogical activity took a worthy place in domestic science and pedagogy. Despite a number of shortcomings, "assigning pedagogy to the section of biology, the denial of sports competitions and exercises on gymnastic shells and some others", created by him the physical education system differed in originality and was the best for his time.

Many scientific works of Lesgaft have not lost their meaning and now. Its name was called one of the largest special institutions - the State Institute of Physical Culture in Leningrad, now the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgafeta.

The Lesgaft system did not become the basis of the national system of physical education due to the lack of qualified teachers in the country. In addition, by his idea, the system did not comply with the interests of the royal government and the Russian bourgeoisie. At PF itself. Lesgafta had a lot of erroneous provisions arising from its formal logical worldview. However, many of the provisions of his system that have justified themselves in practice entered the elements in the Soviet system of physical education.


    Holochapov B.R. The history of physical culture and sports. Moscow, 2001.

The history of physical culture and sports. Edited by V. V. V. Moscow, 1983.

    Kullyko N.F. History of physical culture. Orenburg, 1994.

    Kun L. Universal history of physical culture and sports. - M.: Raduga, 1982.

    Lesgal P.F. Cathedral Ped. op. TT. 4 and 5 - M.: FIS, 1953 and 1954.

    Lesgal P.F. Cathedral Ped. op. TT.1 and 2. - M.: FIS, 1951 and 1952.

    Pillars V.V., Finogenova L.A., Melnikova N.Yu. The history of physical culture and sports. Moscow, 2009.

1896 - 1909 Predecessor: position established Successor: Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich Birth: September 20 ( 1837-09-20 )
St. Petersburg, Russian Empire Death: November 28 ( 1909-11-28 ) (72 years)
Not far from Cairo. Father: Franz Karlovich Lesgft. Mother: Henrietta Adamovna Lesgft. Education: medical and Surgical Academy Academic degree: m.D. Profession: biologist, anal, anthropologist, doctor, teacher

Monument pf Lesgafete at the main building of the State Academy of Physical Culture. P.F.LESGAFTA in St. Petersburg

Peter Franventovich Lesgft. (8 (20) September ( 18370920 ) , St. Petersburg - November 28) - an outstanding biologist, an anatom, anthropologist, doctor, teacher, creator of the scientific system of physical education, a progressive public figure of Russia.


Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft was born 8 (20) September ( 18370920 ) In St. Petersburg in the family of a jeweler of German origin, Franz Karlovich Lesgafta.

It is possible that he received his first knowledge in medicine from his mother, Henrieta Adamovna Lesgafort, because it was a "obest grandmother" and from time to time was called to provide obstetric assistance to giving birth to women. In January 1848, after receiving the initial home education, Lesgal was defined in the first class in Petrishul - the main German School of St. Peter. But in 1851, his father decided to interrupt his training and gave a fourteen-year-old son in the disciples to a familiar pharmacy. He ended up learning Lesgaft in the male branch of another German school - Annenshul.

In the summer of 1856, Lesgal was enrolled in the Medical and Surgery Academy. His receipt coincided with a fundamental positive change in its management. At the initiative of P. A. Dubrovsky, President of the Academy, significant changes were made to the Academy Programs, new departments have been created, the intensive construction of new buildings and the restructuring of the old have developed. Under the leadership of the Conference of the Conference of Nikolai Nikolayevich Zinin, Peter Fruzvich Lesgaft received the first skills of serious research, learned the strict formulation of experiments and handling chemical reagents.

In 1861, Lesgal ends the medical and surgical academy and receives a silver medal and the title of a doctor. In 1865, he receives the title of Doctor Science (Medicine), and in 1868 - Dr. Science of Surgery. Since 1868, Lesgaft - Professor of the State Casana University, from 1886 - Professor of St. Petersburg State University - teacher of human anatomy. Lesgafa was engaged in a lot of physical education of a person: in 1881, on the initiative of Lesgaft, the courses of gymnastics and fencing teachers for the army were opened, since 1893 participated in the work of the St. Petersburg Society for Physical Development. In 1893, opened the biological laboratory. In 1896, he achieved discoveries under the biological laboratory, educators and managers of physical education (higher courses of Lesgafeta) - National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft. P. F. Lesgaf died near Cairo, buried in St. Petersburg on literary walkways. In recognition of the merit of Lesgaft, a monument has been established before the educational corps of the university founded by him.

Pedagogical ideas


All pedagogical phenomena and theoretical provisions he considered from the standpoint of anthropologism. He understood anthropology as a science examining not only the structure, development and function of individual organs of the human body, but also as a physical and moral impact on the human environment. The main role in the formation of the identity of the child P. F. Lesgaf diverged upbringing. P. F. Lesgafa argued that the development of the body is influenced by the environment and exercise. "All that exercises is developing and improving that it does not exercise - disintegrate," he wrote. Lesgal spoke against the theory of inheritance abilities. He believed that, no matter how much parents are capable, their children left without education and education will not be able to develop their spiritual powers that a person's mind, as well as, is developing, is being improved under the influence of the environment, education and education. Being a materialist, Lesgal led an active struggle with the teachers who recognized heredity to the leading factor in the formation of the person. In contrast to this anti-scientific, the reaction position, Lesgal pointed to the leading role of upbringing and education in the development of a person's personality. "Most educators - he wrote, - in case of failure of his pedagogical events, everything is disappeared by everything on the notorious" hereditary ", on the" degenerate spoilness of children's Nature or in consolation and other references to some elusive influences that can neither be foreseen, nor avoid ... It is usually a hurry to allow the existence of congenital bad inclinations, it is eruptfully interpreted about "incorrectly spoiled children, exactly this corruption has been in itself and For her, the child himself is responsible! The impact of the leadership of adults somehow always remains in the shade; and they don't want to believe that the "the spoilness of the child's school and preschool age is the result of the education system, for which one pupil is paying for all the same.

Naturalness of education at an early age

"Correctly, he wrote," the child teach to artificial surrender annoyance from the very appearance of him to light and this promote a decrease in his impressionability and impede the normal course of its development. The baby is worn in her arms, they tend it, they sing to him the monotonous jerseys, kiss, fake to him under Sounds pronounced - all this is artificial irritants who bring it to fatigue. Children are based on theaters and various public spectacles and meetings, they even arrange special children's balls for whom they are decorated with luxurious clothing and those are involved in luxury and competition. As a result, children It turns out to be sluggish, apathetic, indifferent to school classes. The stronger the pathogens, the more dull and the impressionability of the child is dulled, as a result it turns out to be constantly increasing the pathogen to receive the necessary effect. "... to excite ... reduced impressionableness, - Lesgafa wrote, - resort to stronger stimuli Well, the feeling will grow not in such a progression as irritation, but much slower; The very strong and unexpectedly active irritation can completely destroy the ability to perceive the impressions or even destroy the device serving to perceive irritation. "

School types

In his work, "School types P. F. Lesgafa showed how often the identity of a child is in the conditions of family education, as already in preschool and early school years, various negative types of children are formed:

  • hypocritical type;
  • gently scored type;
  • viciously scored type;
  • oppressed type;
  • ambitious type;

In his opinion, the manifestation of one type or another - a direct consequence of the influences of family life: "The child will not be born a hypocrite, but becomes such in the family, without being involved to reason and not receiving the concepts of truth; It does not appear ambitious, and this is done by constant promotions and admiration for its actions and abilities. "Schooling school types of children, Lesgafa showed all the diversity and wealth of the mental features of children of different ages and public classes.

Family education

P. F. Lesgaft believed that various types of children arise, first of all, in their family life and upbringing. In his book, "Family education of a child and its meaning" P. F. Lesgal outlined the scientific foundations of family education of children, he put forward demand before his parents: "SHARE OF HIS PERSONALITY", showed how important the combination of famous freedom of children (observation of adult activities, The phenomena of the surrounding life, clarifying the relationship between them, etc.) and reasonable leadership, anyone and attention to their needs and needs from parents. P. F. Lesgaf highly highlighted the period of family education from the birth of a child before entering school (until the end of the seventh year), which attached very important in the development of a person's personality. "During the family period of the child's life," Lesgafraft wrote, "his type and habits of this area and family are assigned to them, and therefore this period has a great influence on human life and leaves an almost indelible mark on all its future existence." P. F. Lesgaft saw the main task of the parents in order to create in the family such conditions that would allow children from an early age freely and harmoniously develop, set to participate in adult activities. Properly delivered family education, according to Lesgaft, should create a normal type of child, to preserve and develop its most valuable qualities: impressionability to the whole surrounding, amateurness, responsiveness, sincerity, truthfulness, interest in knowledge, etc. Completely unacceptable corporal punishment of children. They are harmful to the biological, psychological and pedagogical side. "A child who has grown under the incessant use of them is a sharp and separate type," Lesgaf wrote. - His characteristic features are suspicious, sharpness and angularity of action, closure, dull and slow reaction to the external impressions, manifestations of small pride and sharp anti-adhesive trips. "Appreciate the necessary conditions for children so that they can" live a child's life ", Lesgal demanded from parents and educators of strictly thought-out, consecutive actions involving the development of children of concentration, discipline, bringing their business to the end, the ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties in achieving the goals.

Criticism F. F. F. F.

P. F. Lesgafa was familiar with the practice of Fleblayevsky kindergartens abroad, as well as Russian paid kindergartens in St. Petersburg and considered them institutions that do not meet the requirements of the correct education and development of children: "Collecting children for general systematized classes from two and a half to three year old age when they only repeat (imitate) all of their surrounding and when they still do not have no observation, nor the experiences that contribute to their reasoning and more or less independent acts, you can support and develop them only higher manifestations, to the detrigration of their individual inclinations and the development of their character. " Lesgaf spoke against systematized and strictly regulated games and classes recommended by the flames. He believed that the content of the first games and children's classes should have an imprint of a social environment that surrounds them, a kind of reflecting the activities of people close to them. He wrote: "The theoretical foundations of the fence (follower of Hegel) are not withstanding no criticism: they indicate an insufficient acquaintance of the author with the nature of the child, with its development. Fantastic reasoning of the fiblies are too bad and do not find out the theoretical grounds of its system. " Lesgafa believed it is possible to use only individual games and races in family raising children, but based on a different methodology. He was surprised why often quite secured parents gave their only child to kindergarten, and believed that the transfer of children to kindergarten "could not be allowed in the absence of parents or inability to engage in their children." Recognizing the existence of kindergartens only as the inevitability and necessity for children deprived of parental care and care, Lesgal insisted that the educational work was resolutely changed so that they take a completely different character. Kindergarten should be like a simple family, he considered it, to have a comfortable room; Children must be granted great freedom in games and classes, especially outdoors. Indicating that the educational mother of predosococol and preschool children is the natural and indispensable educator of children of pre-school and preschool age, Lesgal considered the necessary and urgent task of the development of women's education in Russia.

Physical education

Based on the main position of the functional anatomy created by it, the unity of the shape and function, the Liegafraft believed possible to influence the function, "aimed exercise", on the development of the human body bodies and the whole organism. The basis of the pedagogical system of P. F. Lesgafeta is the doctrine of the unity of physical and spiritual development of the person. The scientist considers exercise as a means of not only the physical, but also intellectual, moral and aesthetic human development. At the same time, it constantly emphasizes the importance of a rational combination, mutual influence of mental and physical education. "It is necessary," P. F. Lesgaf wrote, "so that mental and physical education walked in parallel, otherwise we violate the right course of development in those bodies that will remain without exercise." Just as I. M. Sechenov, P. F. Lesgafa believed that movements, exercise are a means of developing cognitive opportunities for schoolchildren. Therefore, in his opinion, "the school cannot exist without physical education; Exercise should be certainly daily, in a complete relationship with mental activities. " Using the term "education", P. F. Lesgaf understands its wider than we do it today. In essence, education at P. F. Lesgaft is education, the formation of a person's personality, and physical education is a targeted formation of the body and personality under the influence of both natural and specially selected movements, exercise, which are constantly complicated with age, become more tense , require great independence and volitional manifestations of a person. The educational process of physical education P. F. Lesgaf defined as an object of socio-scientific research, as part of the general theory of physical education created by him. He considered an important goal of physical education. Ability to consciously manage his movements, "to accomplish the least difficulty in perhaps a smaller period of time consciously produce the greatest job or act elegantly and vigorously." For the first time in Russia, P. F. Lesgafa scientifically substantiated the need to use the methods of the word and show. Given the level of teaching gymnastics in the schools of the time, he did not deny the show, but it believed that this method should be used when the motor action was already consciously involved. All students must perform exercises consciously, not mechanically. This is possible with a clear and brief explanation of the exercise. Much attention to P. F. Lesgafa addressed the content of physical education, to use exercises and games as the method of knowledge. He classified physical exercises on four basic groups:

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • End of 1878 - 10.1884 - an incoming house is numbered - Finnish lane, 6, square meters. 17;
  • 10.1884 - 1890 - Mansion Levashov - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 18, apt. eighteen;
  • 1890-1896 - Yard Flygel Luvashov Mansion - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 18, apt. 25;
  • 1896 - 27.10.1909 - House A. A. Raevskaya - Trading Street, 25, square meters. eleven.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Peter Frantsevich Lesgaf: Main Works - SPb.: Print yard them. Gorky, 2006. - 720 p., Il.
  • Taimazov V. A., Kuramshshin Yu. F., Maryanovich A. T. Peter Frantsevich Lesgaf. The history of life and activity. - SPb.: Print yard them. Gorky, 2006. - 480 p., Il.
  • Shabunin A. V. Lesgal in St. Petersburg. - L: Lenzdat, 1989.
  • Shahverdov G. G. P. F. Lesgaf. Essay of life and scientific and pedagogical activities. - L.: Lesgal, 1950.
  • Shahverdov G. G. P. F. Lesgaf - Creator of the Russian system for training pedagogical personnel on physical education, in the book: Essays on the history of physical culture. Sat Labor. Under total. ed. Toropova N. I. - M. - P., 1949.
  • Memory P. F. Lesgaft. Digest of articles. Edited by Mednsky E. N. - M: FIS, 1947.
  • Butyrkin V. V. A summary of the course of lectures on theoretical anatomy, chitanic prof. V. V. Butrkin at the Medfak of Smolensk State University during the 1921-1925 school years. Smolensk: Student Publishing Commission for Smolensk State. University, 1925.