Creative activities with children 2 3 years old. What should a child be able to do? Developmental activities consist of several blocks

For the full development of the child, you need to deal with him daily. By the age of 2-3, children already have many knowledge and skills that need to be continued to develop, as well as to teach new things.

As before, classes should be carried out in a playful way so that the baby is interesting. When planning classes, alternate physical and mental activities, pay attention to the fact that the baby develops in all directions.

Development of creativity

Lesson "Modeling"
For modeling, it is better to use not plasticine, but dough. It is more plastic and safer.
Teach your kid to pinch off small pieces, roll balls, sausages. You can use molds with which the baby can make figures. Closer to the age of three, a child can be taught to sculpt simple figures, for example, a snowman, a snake. You can also make simple applications using the test. Lay out small pieces of dough on a previously prepared drawing, which the son or daughter will smooth out, attaching to the picture in accordance with the color.

Lesson "Drawing"
Pencils, crayons, paints are suitable for drawing. While drawing, the baby learns colors at the same time. Children 2-3 years old, as a rule, already know how to draw lines, circles. It is good to teach children to depict pictures consisting of these elements. For example, in order for the kid to learn how to draw the sun, it is advisable to first show himself how this is done, then draw a circle and a few rays, and then invite the child to draw the sun. Soon he will learn to draw on his own. At this age, you need to learn to paint without going beyond the contour.
Give the baby a large sheet of paper and let the child draw what he wants at the moment.

Lesson "Creating applications"
Applications can be made from paper, natural materials, cereals.

Development of speech

Lesson with children 2-3 years old "Reading"
When reading books, you need to pay attention to the pictures. Ask often what is shown in the picture. Read rhymes in which your child can add phrases. Towards the age of three, ask questions about the fairy tale you have read. Make riddles. Let the baby choose the book he wants to read on his own.

Lesson "Theater"
Use figures of people and animals, assigning a certain role to the baby. At first, the child will serve the figures, name them, gradually pronounce the words assigned to his hero.

Lesson "Speech apparatus"
Teach your child to blow bubbles, play the pipe, this will help in the future in the pronunciation of words.

Development of memory, logic

At this age, it is important to consolidate and improve knowledge about shapes and colors, sizes, quantitative indicators. Develop an understanding of the seasons, time of day.

Put objects of different shapes and colors in a box. Ask the baby to give only round objects, then only red objects.

Sprinkle beans and a bean or buttons of various sizes into a plate. Ask to sort small and large items.

Put various objects in a box, ask to put fruits and animals separately.

Nowadays there are many games to help develop memory and thinking. These are all kinds of lotto with shapes, flowers, animals, vegetables and other objects, games in which the task is to find the same objects, to find a pair, various puzzles. Children willingly play such games and remember the name of objects, their signs.

Development of fine motor skills

Mosaics, finger gymnastics, fastening locks, lacing, pouring cereals are suitable for the development of fine motor skills.

Developing social skills

Teach your baby to do household chores. Play what comes to visit, for example, a bear. Let the little man set the table, arrange cups, pour tea.

Ask for help in cleaning, dust off, sweep.

Let the baby put his favorite toy to bed, comb the doll, dress it.

Development of motor activity

Exercise, gymnastics, dancing help the child keep fit. The kid must be taught to walk in a straight line, over obstacles, climb labyrinths, jump.

Let your child listen to different music so that he understands the concept quickly and slowly, fun and sad.

Video "Developing activities with children 2-3 years old"

In ancient times, children grew up without toys, educational books, cartoons and activities. The lifestyle of the ancient man was such that absolutely everything was done by hand, and the child from birth was included in the daily affairs of the tribe. Modern life is arranged differently: there is no need to hunt mammoths, weave baskets, make tools, sew clothes. The washing machine washes, lunch is cooked in a multicooker, we buy clothes and food in the store. That is why modern parents cannot avoid inventing activities and games for their little ones. In some activities, the presence of an adult is mandatory, and which ones are needed just so that the adult can carve out time for his own affairs.

How to entertain a baby

While the baby is small, games and activities with them are very simple. A baby up to a year old can be easily carried away by a bright rattle. This age is most associated with the development of different sensations. The kid is interested in everything: to feel, hear, see, lick. It is on acquaintance with different sensations that it is best to direct your efforts.

Together with a crumb, you can sort out rags of different textures, press the buttons of a musical toy, consider large pictures in books. Sometimes the mother can leave the child, leaving him with a rotating or developing rug, where you can touch and examine a lot of things. However, by the end of the first year of life, the child masters movement in space: either he confidently and very quickly crawls and stands at the support, or he tries to take the first steps. From that moment on, his interest is more and more directed to the study of the world around him, and the mother needs to be puzzled by new ideas for activities for the baby.

Spending time with a toddler of 1-2 years old

At the age of 1-2 years, the best playmate is the mother. Of course, the company of peers will also be interesting for the child, but children develop precisely in the process of joint activities with an adult. What can you do with your child?

  • Blowing bubbles. Usually, all kids love to watch colorful soap bubbles fly and watch the "magic" of transforming water into multi-colored iridescent bubbles. They will be interested in where so many bursting balls come from, and the child will definitely want to try blowing a soap bubble himself. This activity can stretch until the solution in the bottle runs out.
  • Artistic creativity. A one-year-old baby will gladly paint with finger paints, at 2 years old the child will already quite cope with liquid gouache, watercolors, pencils and felt-tip pens. It makes no sense for a mother to actively participate in the drawing process: let the child himself study the properties of paints, mix colors and make his own discoveries. In this process, an adult is only required to properly organize the artist's "workplace" and slightly direct his actions.

Creative activities with toddlers from 1 year old - drawing with finger paints

  • Modeling. Offer your kid some modeling dough or regular soft plasticine. You can show the baby how to roll a ball, a sausage, how to make a cake. You should not demand specific results or teach your child to sculpt specific shapes: it is always interesting for kids to study the properties of the material themselves. The advantage of this activity is the development of motor skills.

We make from dough for modeling

  • Reading of books. Children 1-2 years old are not yet able to perceive long prose and catch the plot thread. As much as we love fairy tales, 1-2 years is the age of poems and rhymes. Small poems on topics that are understandable and familiar to the child will be just right. At the same time, parents should not “reinvent the wheel” and give preference to the classics of children's literature. Also, children are very fond of special musical children's books.
  • Role-playing games. At about 1.5 years old, babies develop an interest in role-playing games. In such a game, the child imitates the adult, performing the actions that he himself observes on a daily basis. The most popular subjects for babies are to feed the doll, swaddle it, ride it in a stroller, and put it to bed. True, many manipulations are still inaccessible to the baby, so you can't do without the help of your mother. The older the child, the more "advanced" the plots of his games become.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  • Active games. Not a single day with a child should do without them. Do not sit constantly at the table with brushes, plasticine and books ?! Be sure to run and jump, warm up. For example, you can entertain your toddler with a game of catch-up. If the child still does not know how not to run, but also to walk confidently - you can roll a ball on the floor, jump on a fitball.

  • We play toys. It's not enough to make the whole nursery play with different toys. A child can master them only with an adult, so moms and dads should definitely be included in such games. For kids 1-2 years old, cubes, pyramids, musical instruments, frames with inserts, constructors with large details are ideal.

Toys for a child 1-2 years old

  • Air balloons. Kids love to play with balloons. You can draw on the ball, you can inflate it and let it go without tying it - it will be very fun and whistle quickly during the deflation process. The child will be surprised and interested in how a light and large ball can be made from such a small piece of rubber. (From personal experience: a small inflated balloon was tucked into the boy's T-shirt (like a big tummy). His joyful surprise knew no bounds. For 10 minutes he ran with the happy face of the owner of a miracle under the T-shirt! Http:// -zanyat-rebyenka-v-1-2-goda.html)

How to keep your child busy

"Distracting" activities for a toddler (1-2 years old)

Sometimes a mom needs to keep her baby busy to do planned household chores or just take a break. Leaving a child idle and unattended is not safe, so it is better to offer him some interesting activity.

  • Paper expanse. Both at 1 year and at 2 years old, babies show great interest in rustling paper, tearing or wrinkling it. The safest option is to give the little one a roll of toilet paper. The perforated paper is interesting to tear off the sheets, and what a pleasure it is to unwind the roll and see what is in the middle. Newspapers and magazines rustle great, but it is not advisable to give them to the baby: newspapers are heavily stained with paint, and the sheets of glossy magazines have sharp edges that can easily hurt you.
  • A bag of surprises. We put different items in a textile bag or a gift bag and give it to the baby. Children are interested in taking out objects one by one, examining them, folding them back. By the way, many kids love to rustle with bags from the supermarket. This is not the best activity for a child: a toddler can put a bag on his head, bite off and inhale a piece of cellophane. Such games are possible only under the careful supervision of an adult.
  • Kitchenware. If mom needs to cook dinner, you can take the baby with you to the kitchen. Plastic containers, silicone spatulas, pots, spoons and cooks are popular with all kids.
  • Pour over, pour over. For a long time, a child can be carried away by such a meditative activity as pouring water from a container into a container or pouring cereals. To play, you need a large basin, which we fill either with water or with something free-flowing (large pasta, beans) and various jars, boxes, bottles. If the child is playing with pasta or cereals, choose such an option so that the particles are large.

GREAT games for the little ones

  • We include in household chores. In some situations, you can not try to keep the child busy for a while, but do household chores together. For example, give him a damp cloth and show him how to dust off. At 2 years old, the baby will be able to wield a baby brush for the floor and even wash dishes. You can put the little one on a stable supply near the sink, turn on the tap with water, lather with a sponge and let the plastic dishes wash.
  • Interactive toys and cartoons. Of course, it is better for a child to watch cartoons together with adults, but sometimes the mother needs to concentrate well and not be distracted by the child at all for 15-20 minutes. You should not abuse this method and "turn off" the baby from the everyday life of the family, because observing the actions of adults gives much more for development than the most "developing" cartoon.

It is better to alternate joint and separate classes, while it is imperative to give the child the opportunity to get bored, to idle and to come up with a game for himself. Constant slipping of ready-made games and activities inhibits the creative development of the baby and dulls his cognitive activity.

Let's summarize a little.

  • Entertainment with an adult:
    • Bubble;
    • Air balloons;
    • Painting with paints (finger, watercolors, gouache);
    • Modeling with dough or soft plasticine;
    • Books (music can be used);
    • Role-playing and active games;
    • Games with toys;
  • Independent pastime of the child:
    • Toilet paper / newspapers / magazines;
    • Rustling packages;
    • Overflowing water;
    • Pouring of croup;
    • Help for thinking: washing dishes / cleaning;
    • Cartoons.
    Note to moms!

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At 2 years old, your baby is already a personality! With its own character, with habits and preferences. What should a baby be able to do according to his age? How to assess the development of a child at 2 years old?

Physiological development at 2 years

Isn't that so, the child has grown noticeably over the past year? But what about his weight? Why is the child picking it up so slowly? Because the baby no longer lies still, he is active, energy is spent on an incredible scale, where can you get better here?

The table for the development of the height and weight of a child at 2 years old looks something like this:

Maria, mother of 3 and 2 year olds, children of the same age: “Children of even the same sex develop in different ways. My eldest son at 2 years old weighed as the youngest at a year old! Now their weight is almost the same. But there are no deviations in development, and this is good news. And weight - so, in my opinion, it is better to undershoot than too much. "

What a 2-year-old child should be able to do

In order to correctly assess whether the development of the baby is age appropriate, it is important to know what a child should be able to do at 2 years of age.

Physical activity

The physical development of the child at 2 years old was replenished with new serious skills. The child not only walks well, but also learned to run and jump. Many children learn to walk backwards, learn to walk on tiptoe, squatting down. The kid dances, plays ball, rides a tricycle - what a two-year-old fidget can not do! How to develop physical activity of a child at 2 years old? An ordinary gymnastic complex is enough, and it's too early to give it to the sports section, unless, of course, you dream of raising an Olympic champion.

Speech development at 2 years

The kid's lexicon on average has about a hundred words, although some kids already operate with sentences, and some of the words are replaced by simplifications: “ko-ko” instead of “chicken”, “woof-woof” instead of “dog”.

For the development of speech, reading and memorizing simple poetry together is important.

The articulation of sounds in the baby is still imperfect, but it is too early to sound the alarm if the child does not pronounce "r" or replaces the hissing ones with whistling ones.

Emotional and social development

The child is already showing himself well in communicating with peers. Many children easily get to know each other first: they take another child by the hand or involve them in a game.

Most kids have already mastered the rules of behavior in front of strangers: they show shyness, try not to make noise in crowded places, not to pull their hand out of the hand of an adult.

Oksana reports: “My son had his first friend when he was 2 years and 3 months old. It was in the summer and my son was constantly eager to go outside, to ride a wheelchair with his new friend Serezha (as he called him "Uzyo").

Psychological changes

The child's intelligence develops by leaps and bounds. The kid is able to identify cause-and-effect relationships: he stepped into a puddle - his feet got wet.

Kids at 2 years old are able to serve themselves elementary, for example, eat, go to the potty, wash themselves.

Children are now extremely receptive to learning, so it will be quite easy to learn numbers and letters. Their imaginations are developing unusually rapidly, and this must be used: this is how their creative abilities will manifest themselves.

Be prepared for a wave of whims and tantrums: this is how the child throws out his emotions. Normally, this can last up to 4-5 years.

What can a child do at 2 years old? Here is a quick table of the skills:


  • The child walks, runs, jumps.
  • Steps over several obstacles, such as steps in alternating steps.
  • Maintains balance when walking in a straight line.
Cognitive development
child in 2 years
  • Distinguishes objects by shape, size, color.
  • Holds a pencil in his hands and can leave lines for them on the sheet.
  • Plays a simple constructor, knows how to collect large puzzles.
  • Shows quick wits (catches a toy out of the water with a butterfly net).
  • Performs several plot actions with a toy (lulls, feeds the doll; carries, loads the car).
Development of speech
  • Adds phrases of 2-4 words.
  • Knows how to finish quatrains in familiar verses, sing along.
  • Names and shows the items in the picture.
  • Performs several assignments at once (take, take, put down).
  • Remembers the events of the past day, answers questions about them.
Social and emotional development
  • Attempts to attract the attention of adults with facial expressions, gestures, speech.
  • Reacts positively to music, songs, rhymes, nursery rhymes.
  • He is enthusiastically interested in new games and toys.
  • Afraid of unfamiliar adults.
  • Demands his own, often unlawful. Offended, capricious in case of refusal.
  • He is strongly emotionally connected with his mother, cries for a long time when she leaves.
Self-service skills
  • Eats and drinks independently.
  • Asks for a pot and uses it for its intended purpose.
  • Knows how to partially dress and put on shoes.
  • He washes his hands and washes himself.

How to develop a child at 2 years old

An important tip: now, most likely, the difference between those children with whom they are engaged, and to whom they hardly pay attention, is not so noticeable. But several months will pass - and the difference will become obvious! Develop your kid, work with him! But follow an important rule:

“Teaching a child,” says Cecile Lupan, author of the popular early learning method, “is a game that, however, should be completed before the child gets tired.”

So how to develop a child at 2 years old?

Exercise and exercise

Classes aimed at the physical development of the child are best done when the baby is not hungry and does not want to sleep. The success of the classes depends on the child's involvement in the process: if he is interested, then it will be easy to study.

Right left

Knowing where is left and where is right is very important. You can practice these skills while charging. Give a handkerchief to the child's right hand and a flag to the left hand. Sentence:

A little step to the right - where the handkerchief is.
A small step to the left is where the flag is.

"Jumping gallop"

This exercise will help to hone the accuracy of jumping and strengthen the calf muscles: put a wooden block on the floor (no more than 15 cm high and about 20-20 cm wide), ask the child to jump on it and jump off (both in front and back, with his back). It is good to do the exercise under the count.

Exercises for the development of rhythm and coordination of movements (physical education)

They can be turned on when the baby is tired of monotonous activities, or, on the contrary, to "stretch" him in front of them. For example:

Vanya walked, walked, walked(the child walks in place)
And found the mushroom(crouches and stands up).
Once a fungus(incline), and two fungus(incline),
Put them in a box(squatting).

Educational games with a child at 2 years old

It doesn't matter if you have a boy or a girl: games with a 2-year-old child can be played in such a way that they will be interesting to all children.

Fun math

You can start learning account right now! There are a lot of techniques, you yourself can develop your own, the most convenient for you and your child. It is useful for this to hang a "talking" poster on the wall, there are the same posters with the alphabet.

Mosaic, constructor, puzzles

These activities develop perseverance and fine motor skills. Play with your child together!

Who walks (says?)

At 2 years old, the baby should be familiar with a lot of "our smaller brothers" - play, asking: "How does a cat walk?" How does he speak? How does one wash? " The same can be learned about a dog and a bear, a cock and a cow.


Plasticine, clay, salt dough, kinetic sand - there are a lot of materials for modeling, choose your taste! At 2 years old, the baby is unlikely to be able to blind something himself, but the process of kneading plasticine itself is useful for little fingers.


All children love to draw, and of different ages. With a two-year-old baby, you can draw with your fingers or palms - it's fun and develops fine motor skills. For a change, you can use sponges, paint brushes, and other absorbent items that leave unusual marks on the paper.

What to do with a child at 2 years old

In addition to educational ones, there should be just interesting games in a child's life. It is during the game that the imagination develops and the baby prepares for adulthood.

Transport Toy Games

Transport toys can interest a child not only in appearance, but also in their dynamic properties. Rolling a car, transporting a "load" in it, letting it down a hill - you can think of a lot of games!

Doll games

It is no coincidence that girls love dolls so much: this is a subconscious reflex, a maternal instinct. Do not extinguish it, nurture it from childhood! Moreover, playing with dolls can be so interesting!

Role-playing games

Playing a shop, a hospital, a cook is not only entertaining, but also "educational". Introduce "professional paraphernalia" to the games - dishes, a first-aid kit, toy money - this hones the skills that the child needs in the future.

Fashion show

Allocate unnecessary clothing to your baby. The child will love to dress in whatever he wants. At the same time, as they say, he will fill his hand.


Can a 2-year-old child watch TV? The later he starts to do this, the better, but at 2 years old it is difficult to isolate the baby from the TV. There will not be much harm if you allow you to watch a cognitive and kind cartoon a couple of times a week, but no more than 15 minutes of viewing!

Christina, Angelina's mother, 2.5 years old .: “When Gelia was ill, we did not go for walks, did not watch cartoons, so as not to strain our eyes during the period of high temperature, so we had fun as best we could. I really liked to play in the hairdresser's, in the chefs: Gela, by the way, sculpted dumplings herself! We also blew bubbles at home, played football with balloons, and, of course, read a lot. "

Toys for children in 2 years

In order for the kid to be interested in games and toys, they must arouse interest. What toys does a two-year-old need?


This toy is for children of all ages, because with the ball you can not only have fun, but also play sports.

Constructors and bricks

You can't build towers or houses without building materials! Lego Duplo for toddlers is the perfect building block for naughty fingers. They are large enough for a 2-year-old child to be able to put together several pieces into a makeshift house.

Dolls & Plush Toys

How can it be without them? Whom to feed and treat, put to bed and take out for a walk? And who to hug at night when mom turns off the light?

Sets of molds, buckets and scoops for the sandbox

Choose large molds without small parts. Parts that are too thin or too small will fall off when the toddler tries to remove the mold from the figure.

Musical instruments

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Two years is the beginning of the formation of the child's creative independence. Educational games for children 2 years old are aimed at the formation of social, physical, intellectual and mental qualities and skills.

With matryoshka

By arranging the matryoshka elements by height, the child learns to distinguish between the shape and size of the object. The bright colors of the toy shape the visual perception. By inserting the smaller matryoshka into the larger one, the child coordinates his actions, improving his fine motor skills.

Color difference exercise

A child will easily learn to distinguish colors if, during any game, pronounce the color of an object aloud.

If the developmental game is aimed at a specific theme of the color palette, then the child is asked the question: "What color is this?" In case of a mistake, the adult must name the correct option, but you should not scold the child, because he is just learning!

By the age of 3, children are able to remember basic colors. The following exercises are used to develop the skill:

Lessons with beads of different sizes, shapes and colors

A variety of beads and fishing line are used for the game. In the first lessons, it is enough to string beads of the same color together with the child. Then the tasks are complicated and work with the diameter and shape. The speed of complication depends on the individual characteristics of the child and the imagination of the parents.

Instead of beads, you can use pasta of various shapes. Having shown the child an example of stringing pasta, they are allowed to try to make the product on their own. This game not only teaches the kid to distinguish between shapes and sizes, but also develops fine motor skills.

Hand-made beads can be used in further games with dolls or decorated with an element of a decorative panel.

Ball games

The ball game will delight children of any gender. The benefits of such activities are enormous: physical activity is combined with the development of dexterity, attention and accuracy. A small ball is enough.

At first, the child is shown how to throw and catch the ball, then they roll it on the floor or on the ground. At the next stage, they play by throwing the object to each other. A storm of emotions is caused by games in which the child can push the ball off with his foot.

It is ideal to conduct such activities in the fresh air. A simple and useful game will bring a lot of fun and necessary skills.

Sound pronunciation

The child will love the games with the pronunciation of simple vowels. For example, when reading fairy tales, they sound the cry of the heroes and repeat "ah-ah".

A visit to the zoo will allow you to pronounce the sounds that a particular animal makes. Using toys will allow you to achieve a similar result at home, for example, playing with a horse is accompanied by the sound "and-and-and", and with an airplane, the sound is "oo-oo-oo".

The pronunciation of consonants has one nuance - they are divided into soft and hard. In kindergarten, several exercises are adopted that take this feature into account. You can also conduct them at home.

For example, make a few sketches for the child with objects starting with the sound "M" in a soft and hard sound: a car, a fly, milk and a mill, a ball, honey.

Which hand

For this game, you will need a simple object that you can hold in your closed palm, such as a small toy. The child is given the task of guessing in which hand the toy is hidden.

Gradually, he will learn to guess the toy by the volume of the hand, where the hand is hidden more. An educational game will develop the child's observation and imagination.


This game is best played outdoors. Physical activity in combination with fresh air will be many times more useful.

For children from 1 to 2 years old, jumping on a flat surface is appropriate. In this case, it is worth taking an obstacle as a basis, for example, jumping over a small pebble. Then the task is complicated by jumping from a low height or over a rope.

  • « Frog". The child is offered the role of a frog, which must catch the mosquito with claps. Soap bubbles can be mosquitoes.
    • « Two frogs "... The adult and the child join hands and jump together, saying:

Look, there are two laughing frogs galloping on the edge. Jump-yes-jump! Jump-yes-jump! Jump from heel to toe.

      • « Frog in the swamp A round carpet is placed in the middle of the room - it will be a swamp. The carpet can be replaced with a rope folded in a circle. The child plays the role of a frog, jumping along the circle on two legs. An adult accompanies the game with a rhyme:

Here is a frog on the path Jumps, stretching out its legs: I saw a mosquito, Shouted "Kva-kva-kva"!


The game "Guess" is used in a wide variety of variations. The development of sound perception is presented in situations where the child is asked to guess how an object sounds, for example, a hammer is knocking “knock-knock”.

Guessing the heroes of fairy tales, the child gains fantasy skills. Children love to listen to songs or lullabies performed by their mother. Already familiar melodies can be hummed, let the child guess the song and even sing along.

Attention and memory

A child of 2 years old is distinguished by curiosity and craving for everything new. The development of memory and attention at this age is at the initial stage, it is important not to overdo it. For children under 5 years of age, ten-minute sessions daily are sufficient.

Logic games are well suited for developing attention:

      • « Find the item". Parents hide an object familiar to the child. Searches by a kid are necessarily accompanied by tips from an adult.
      • « What is the difference between pictures". The child is offered two pictures, differing in several objects. Together, it is necessary to find the differences between one picture and another.

The development of auditory memory is carried out using simple techniques:

  1. Parents hide a toy that makes any sounds. The child is looking for her, relying only on hearing ability.
  2. An interesting game for the kid will be a game in which different objects are put into the box, it turns out something like a rattle. The child tries to understand what is inside by the sound made.

Games that use the techniques of rearranging and disappearing objects develop memory and thought processes. At 2 years old, it is enough for a child to provide two subjects.

For example, playing with stuffed animals that are given specific names. First, they play with both toys, the adult calls them by specific names. Then they remove one toy and ask the child where the second is, while pronouncing the name of the disappeared character.

Fine motor skills

Special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills in children of two years of age. Up to 7 years old, this area is of paramount importance.

      • Repeat the movement. The adult will have to make several different movements, for example, sit down, raise his hands up, clap his hands. The child must repeat after him. The movement speed can slow down and speed up. This game develops not only motor skills, but also attention.
      • Piggy stompers... An adult lightly, with soft movements, pats the child with his palms or fingers. They start from the crown, back of the head, forehead, cheeks, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, abdomen, back, lower back, pelvis, buttocks, thighs, calves, legs and finish with the feet. At the same time, saying:

Three funny pigs
Put on the tramples together
And went for a walk soon
Jump, stomp more fun.

At the same time, the parts of the body that the hand touches are also called. After the child is interested in the game, he can independently "pass" in this way through his body.

      • Gymnastics like animals. The child is offered to go on a forest walk with amazing animals who like to greet in a special way:
  1. Sparrows stand with their legs slightly apart (wave their arms up and down, accelerating the movement).
  2. Then the sparrow flew away (they wave their hands and rise on their toes).
  3. The sparrow loves to swim in a puddle (they shake imaginary water off their hands and feet).

Then they get to know the owl. A wise owl is shown with its head spinning in different directions. The child must repeat. The snake is performed while sitting in the "Turkish" pose.

To greet the snake, the neck is pulled forward and pulled back. It is possible to show how the snake crawls away from the “lying on its stomach” position. They crawl on their bellies, pointing out to the child that the arms and legs work at the same time.

Educational games for a two-year-old child will allow mental processes to develop harmoniously. In addition, the ability to independently assess the situation and make decisions, even with the help of adults at the first stage, will form a solid foundation for the moral principles of the individual.

In play, the child learns many skills and abilities, so it is important to maintain interest in such activities.

Video: Lesson Examples

Video: Games for child development

Hello everybody! Today we are waiting for a varied menu, which will include everything! Both creative and physical and speech therapy exercises. And all this will become part of the program "classes with a child 2 years old at home." Agree, this is the most active and inquisitive age. Toddlers so actively comprehend everything and learn everything that just keep up with them. That is why some parents believe that the little one will gradually reach everything on his own. But is it worth letting the learning process take its course? This is exactly what we will talk about: what, how much and how you need to pay attention.

Imagine a house is being built. Even the layperson knows for sure that a foundation is necessary for the stability of a house. And the higher and larger the building, the more powerful and solid its foundation should be. What did I give an example? It clearly illustrates that in the beginning you need a good foundation of SKILLS and HABITS. It is this goal that developmental classes serve.

As the foundation is laid at the very beginning, so we use games to awaken the germs of talents, abilities and habits. At the same time, one must remember an important factor that we train our little man EVERYWHERE and ALWAYS: on the street and in the bathroom, when we clean the house, and the little one helps us, or when we go to the store to shop.

And for such lessons to be productive and bring help, you need to draw up lesson plans. Let me give you an illustrative example. Let's say you went out for a walk, and at the same time to buy groceries. It's winter outside, it's cold, drifts. What to play to make the baby interesting:

  • Walking is always a reason to "move", run, jump, stick snowballs and leave them.
  • In an informal setting, you can pay attention to the color scheme. And visual "tools" such as cars, snow, trees, birds will help us in this.
  • We alternate outdoor activities with conversation. This is a great time to talk to your little one. About what? About everything! Tell yourself where we are going and ask the kid what he sees.
  • You can also play in the store. Set aside enough time to take a leisurely walk. Stop by some food shelves, take them and name them. You can even show what can be done with these products. For example, like this: “This is tea! Tea. Say tea. They drink it. " And pretend you are drinking tea from a cup.

An important point! The child can be carried away by any game for 5-15 minutes. Not more! Therefore, alternate classes if you see that the interest of the toddler is waning.

So, let's summarize what we did with the crumb, and how it should work. During active recreation, we examined and studied various objects, analyzed their color, texture, properties and capabilities. This laid the cornerstone for intellectual development: attention, memory, cognitive abilities. We laid the foundation for memory and the ability to think creatively when we draw attention to products in the store.

But at home, you can give the baby physical education. And there are many options for that. For example, morning exercises, which we turn into a game, exercises with a ball, catching up, putting things in order in toys, etc.

You know, I will share my delight! I'll tell you about my and my baby's favorite finger games. It would seem, why so many emotions about them? Fun from infancy. Familiar acquaintances, but it is at the age of 2-3 years that these activities are perceived in a completely different way. If earlier we were active, we took the little one’s pen and ran our fingers over it, with the words about the magpie-thief. We bent our little fingers, massaged them or just kissed them.

Now everything has changed radically. Of course, we also help with our own hands, as before, but basically everything is done by the child! He is already interested. For example, when we catch his finger, or he is ours. When he claps or rubs his hands. So simple! But everything goes so amusingly. And most importantly, it helps in the development of fine motor skills, mental and language abilities.

Didactic fun is a great tool in the hands of parents

Speaking about what you can do with toddlers, I decided to bring out diddectic games separately. Why? They stand out from the rest in that some conditions and rules begin to be present in them! This is necessary for the next stage of growing up, when there are such concepts as "can" and "not".

What kind of fun is it, and what kind of conditions can there be? For example, a 2-year-old boy can easily separate round from square shapes, or yellow from green ones. This is a condition, but you can think of a different game. This is to divide the items into boxes, and if Bunny comes to visit and he needs a treat only in his favorite blue ...

Why speeches should be given more attention

And again I highlight exercises for the development of speech in a separate heading. When the baby is 2-3 years old, this is a special need. It is necessary to act in two directions:

  1. Enrich your vocabulary;
  2. Learn to pronounce words correctly.

Acting in the first direction, we all understand. What you need to read books for children. Also, communicate more. Say new simple words, repeat them several times and it would be good to show what it is. Role-playing exercises are also an excellent solution. At this age, not only the girl, but also the boy still calmly play with dolls. So let their "heroes" speak!

But the second point is unique! How? Our attitude towards him. Usually all parents get used to lisp with the little one. The baby hears the words they say. And how do you think he will pronounce them. When will he speak? Exactly! Just as I heard it! And therefore, for the development of the correct speech of the baby, efforts and attention are also needed from us.

Is it time for new games? Yes!

Friends! Our babies are growing. And for them, you need to constantly set reasonable goals. And it’s fun that helps. Then the baby grows fun and interesting. But at the same time, he is learning. It is at this early age that his mental and creative abilities are laid. On this basis, personality, habits and abilities will be built.

What can you offer toddlers? Board games are what comes into the life of the crumbs. It's too early to think about walkers, but bingo, decorations, plasticine and dominoes are ours! The kid will be happy! And parents too! We understand that at this time, while the baby and I are sculpting or collecting similar patterns in the loto, he focuses his attention, works hard and moves towards the goal!

But the time has come for the development of feelings, for this we need sensory games. The little one already knows a lot about objects. But you can broaden his horizons, because a flower and a freshly baked bun smell, and a tennis ball is heavier than an inflatable. Show the difference, help the little one deepen his analytical skills. He learns about new concepts: the properties of objects and their meaning. Take time to provide information and food for thought.

Agree, a rather big topic. Talk and talk about her again! Therefore, I leave you room for your statements. Share! Tell us! Leave your comments! I'm sure every parent has something to say. Your experience is very important and it will brighten the article.

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