The unique properties of sage when planning conception. Sage for conception - how does the plant affect the woman's body, and how to take it

For a long time, sage has been considered a sacred herb, which is used to treat various diseases. It is distinguished by a large number of useful substances and compounds that positively affect the organs and systems of the body. In addition, sage is known for one invaluable quality - it increases the likelihood of conception.

The benefits and effectiveness of sage in pregnancy planning

Every tenth couple faces the impossibility of conception. There can be many reasons for this.

According to statistics, diseases of a woman cause infertility only in 40% of cases. In 45%, the culprit is a man, and 15% is due to the immunological incompatibility of partners.

Infertility can have a variety of causes

In most cases, infertility occurs due to hormonal imbalance and lack of ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, ready for fertilization, from the ovary, which occurs once a month. The female sex cell lives only 24 hours. If during that period she meets with a sperm, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur. Otherwise, menstruation will begin.

The work of Italian scientists from the National Research Foundation has shown that estrogen therapy in women who have difficulty in the growth of germ cells, in most cases, causes the maturation of the egg. During the observation period, 25 patients received estrogen therapy, 9 of them developed follicles up to 18 mm in diameter, 8 ovulated (4 became pregnant and delivered at term), and only 3 did not notice changes.

In the journal "Obstetrics and Gynecology" No. 5 for 2012, an article "Phytoestrogens: what is known today" was published, which covered the research of scientists from the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology and Reproductology named after. I. M. Sechenov about the effect of sage on the body of a woman with menstrual irregularities. It has been scientifically proven that pain during menstruation disappeared in 75% of patients, and the reproductive phase of life was prolonged in 15%.

The composition and effect of the plant on the body

The properties of sage are explained by the amazing composition of the plant. Its leaves and fruits contain:

  • carotenes;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • phytohormones.

Phytohormones are organic substances that are part of plants and have regulatory functions. Due to their special structure, they have a hormone-like effect and cause an estrogenic effect.

Sage has long been called the "sacred herb", and in Latin the name of the plant sounds like "healthy well-being"

During treatment with sage, positive changes occur in the body of a woman that contribute to ovulation and conception:

  • improves ovarian function;
  • the cycle becomes regular, and menstruation becomes painless (with an irregular cycle, ovulation is impossible);
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina disappear;
  • follicles become stronger, mature in time.

Interestingly, even in the days of ancient Egypt, sage was distributed on the streets to all women after devastating wars in order to speed up the birth of offspring.

In addition, the herb has the following effect:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • hemostatic;
  • reducing frigidity.

It is scientifically proven that the use of sage increases the chances of conceiving twins. This can be achieved by stimulating ovulation, otherwise there is very little chance - only 1 case out of 87. When taking a decoction of the plant, the level of estrogen in the blood increases, the likelihood of the simultaneous maturation of several follicles and, accordingly, multiple pregnancy increases.

Stimulation of ovulation has been scientifically proven to increase the chances of having twins

The healing properties of sage - video

Admission rules for women

Before starting treatment with sage, women should definitely consult a gynecologist, and men - with a urologist, and undergo the following examinations:

  • gynecological examination;
  • hormone analysis.

To combat infertility, as a rule, an infusion of the leaves of the plant is used. You can prepare it as follows.

  1. One st. l. raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 15-25 minutes.
  3. Filter the liquid through a strainer or gauze.

The infusion is drunk during the day for 4-5 doses at regular intervals. A fresh portion of the drink should be brewed daily.

For the treatment of infertility, various options for preparing a therapeutic agent are used: decoction, infusion, tea

The treatment regimen depends on the cause of infertility:

  • with irregular menstruation, the grass is taken on the fifth day of the monthly cycle;
  • in the absence of menstruation, the infusion can be started on any day;
  • to stimulate ovulation, the therapeutic fluid is consumed on the first day of the cycle.

Drinking sage is only allowed until the 10-11th day of the menstrual cycle. Then ovulation occurs and pregnancy can occur. If this does not happen, the treatment is repeated monthly. The course of therapy is 2-3 months, after which they take a break for 30 days.

In the event of pregnancy, sage should be stopped immediately, as it can provoke a miscarriage, and also has the ability to disrupt placental circulation, which can cause fetal death.

There are other recipes for making sage that can be used to treat infertility.

  1. Decoction. In water (1 cup) pour 1 tbsp. l. ground leaves of the plant, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After cooling, strain and add boiled water to the initial volume. The liquid is drunk 3-4 times a day.
  2. Juice. Squeeze 1 tsp from a fresh plant. juice. The portion should be divided into two times, slightly salted before taking.
  3. Seed infusion. 1 tsp brew seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Take according to the standard scheme.
  4. Sage with linden. Linden flowers also contain estrogens, so together with sage, a double effect is created.
  5. Borovaya uterus and sage. Both plants contain hormones of plant origin, which helps to normalize the hormonal balance in the female body. To prepare a decoction, mix 10 g of each herb and pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and filter, drink 3-4 times a day.
  6. One sachet is used in a glass of water and infused for 20 minutes. You need to drink tea during the day for 4 doses.
  7. Douches and sitz baths with sage. They help get rid of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which is very important for the process of conception and the overall health of a woman. To do this, use a decoction or infusion of herbs. The procedure begins on the 5th day of the cycle and is performed before the onset of ovulation. The course can be repeated three times, then you should pause for 1-2 months.

The choice of dosage form, dosage and duration of therapy is carried out by the doctor depending on the patient's condition, pathology of infertility.

Treatment of infertility with decoctions and infusions of sage, douching, hog uterus and other methods - photo gallery

Boron uterus, like sage, contains hormones of plant origin Linden flowers contain estrogens, therefore enhance the effect of sage
Sage juice contains a high concentration of phytoestrogens For convenience, sage can be bought in filter bags and brewed in a cup. Dried sage raw materials are used to prepare infusions and decoctions.

In some cases, the culprit of infertility is a man. The reason may be low sexual activity, insufficient sperm count, underdevelopment of germ cells. Sage helps increase testosterone (male hormones), which improves sperm quality. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, the following occurs:

  • destruction of infectious processes in the genitals;
  • microcirculation in the scrotum is normalized;
  • stagnation and obstruction of the seminiferous tubules are eliminated;
  • trophic and metabolic processes in the testicles are activated;
  • increases libido, which contributes to increased potency.

It is believed that taking sage during the conception of a baby increases the likelihood of having a boy.

Sage stimulates the production of testosterone, which means it increases potency and stimulates spermatogenesis.

Recipes for a healing drink for men.

  1. Infusion:
    • 2 tbsp. l. steam dry chopped leaves with a glass of boiling water;
    • put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then leave to infuse for about 60 minutes;
    • add boiled water to the initial volume;
    • drink three times a day in equal portions.
  2. Decoction:
    • grind 15 g of grass and pour boiling water in a volume of 440 ml;
    • put on fire and boil for 2 minutes;
    • after 45–60 minutes, filter the broth;
    • take half a glass before meals for a week;
    • if necessary, repeat the treatment next month.

Store the medicinal fluid in a cool place for no more than 24 hours. The next day, prepare a fresh portion.

Male infertility - video

Contraindications and side effects when using herbs

Like any medicine, sage should be used carefully, because instead of the expected benefits, you can cause irreparable damage to your health. The fact is that the herb contains the toxic substance thujone, which has a negative effect on the central nervous system, disrupts memory, attention, and creates mood swings.

In addition, there are some contraindications to the use of sage:

  • increased levels of estrogens (their excess causes a failure of the menstrual cycle, as well as the risk of developing endometriosis);
  • low blood pressure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • ;

    Some side effects may occur during sage therapy:

    • skin rash;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • hoarseness;
    • sore throat.

    It should be borne in mind that with an overdose (using more than 15 g of dried herb) or prolonged use of sage, tachycardia (increased heartbeat), vomiting, tinnitus, and convulsions may occur. In case of occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, the use of the plant should be stopped immediately.

    The opinion of doctors and the impact on conception

    The opinions of official medicine regarding the treatment of infertility with sage were divided. The fact is that this problem is not considered an independent disease. It is associated with hormonal disruptions, the functioning of the immune system, and the health of the reproductive organs. In most cases, doctors do not prescribe the herb because it not only causes an increase in estrogen levels, but also lowers the amount of progesterone. In addition, the plant increases blood pressure.

    On the other hand, it has been scientifically proven that the use of sage stimulates the production of reproductive hormones, facilitates menopausal changes in a woman's body, increases the duration of ovulation and promotes pregnancy.

Many childless couples are ready to resort to the most unconventional methods of infertility treatment. Some medicinal herbs have been helping desperate women get pregnant for centuries. One such miraculous helper is that it has helped many couples. For conception, you need to know how to take a decoction of it for men and women.

Miracle herb - its properties

Sage has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and antifungal properties. But its most amazing quality is the treatment of infertility.

Infertility in women often occurs due to hormonal imbalances. The reasons lie in diseases of the organs of the reproductive system, or are hereditary.

Why does sage for conception help? This plant contains a large amount of phytohormones, which contribute to the restoration of hormonal levels. During treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in hormonal levels. It is especially important to monitor the level of estrogen.

Important! This herb increases estrogen production. If there is an excess of this hormone in the body, sage will only harm, the eggs will burst ahead of time.

What happens during treatment:

  • ovaries begin to work better;
  • the female cycle becomes regular, menstruation passes painlessly - with an unstable menstrual cycle, ovulation does not occur;
  • the herb helps eliminate inflammation in the vagina;
  • the endometrium becomes thicker - the thick epithelium contains more nutrients, which helps the embryo to gain a foothold;
  • follicles reach the desired length and strength - with underdeveloped follicles, ovulation does not occur.

Many of these problems are familiar to every woman. Therefore, you should start taking sage preparations even when planning a pregnancy.

How to brew and take

Before starting therapy, you need to clearly understand how to take sage to get pregnant. In this case, the broth should be able to brew correctly.

How to brew:

  1. Pour 15 g of grass into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let cool completely covered.
  3. You may not filter.

How to use it correctly - diagram

The cause of infertility affects the dosage regimen:

  • in case of problems with ovulation, the decoction should be started from the first day of the female cycle, when the body especially needs estrogen;
  • in the absence of monthly intake of sage preparations, you can start on any day;
  • with irregular periods, treatment should begin on the fifth day of the cycle.

With any treatment regimen, the herbal decoction should be taken up to day 11 of the cycle. Or before ovulation.

  1. The standard regimen consists of four daily doses of 50 ml. The decoction should be consumed at regular intervals.
  2. Sometimes doctors prescribe other medication options. Or 60 ml 3 times a day before meals. Or in the morning until tomorrow and in the evening after dinner, 100 ml.

With any therapy regimen, the medication should be stopped at the onset of ovulation (day 11-12 of the cycle). During therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the state of health so as not to miss the onset of pregnancy. Since pregnant women should not take this herb.

Phytotherapy should be carried out for 2-3 months. After that, you need to undergo examinations to find out about changes in the body. Even if the dynamics are positive, a respite for 1-2 months is necessary.

Important! If improvements are not visible, the treatment regimen should be reviewed.

During infertility treatment, it is necessary not only to drink sage in order to get pregnant. Douching should be done. This procedure will help eliminate inflammation in the vagina. Only healthy female organs are capable of conception.

For the procedure, you can use the classic infusion. It should be started on the fifth day of the cycle. Douching should be done before ovulation occurs.

Sage and linden

Linden contains natural estrogens. In tandem with sage, it helps to conceive women whose infertility is caused by estrogen deficiency in the body.

  1. To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to take 10 g of each herb. Pour 220 ml of boiling water.
  2. The scheme of reception is similar to the use of the usual decoction of sage.

sage oil

Will help in conception and essential oil of sage. This remedy is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.

It can be used not only in an aroma lamp, but also added to a bath. Water procedures with this oil are useful for conception, smooth out the manifestation of PMS.

Important ! Never take sage preparations at night.

Infertility is not only a female ailment. It is necessary to take sage to conceive a child for both partners. The reason for the couple's childlessness can be a low testosterone content in the male body, underdeveloped germ cells, and low sexual activity.

After taking a healing decoction, testosterone will be produced in the required amount. Which will lead to an increase in the number of spermatozoa and an increase in the chance of conceiving a child.

Interesting! you can do it at home without ultrasound, how to do this is described in detail in our article.

What else is useful decoction of sage for a man:

  • improves blood circulation in the scrotum;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the testicles;
  • eliminates stagnation in the seminal ducts;
  • treats inflammation and infectious diseases;
  • has a positive effect on potency, libido increases several times.

How to take sage for men


  1. For treatment, it is necessary to pour dry crushed leaves (15 g) into 230 ml of boiling water.
  2. Hold the infusion in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
  3. You can strain the medicine after an hour of infusion.
  4. Add water to original volume.

It is necessary to take the medicine 3 times a day, 55 ml each. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.


  1. Grind 15 g of sage leaves in a mortar, pour 440 ml of water.
  2. Put the mixture on a quiet fire, boil for 2 minutes. After an hour, the broth can be filtered.
  3. The medicine is taken in 110 ml immediately after waking up and before a night's rest.

Therapy should be carried out once a month for 7 days.

The broth should be removed between doses in the refrigerator, it can be stored for no more than a day. After 24 hours, the healing properties of sage are destroyed. It is better to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine every morning.

Are there any contraindications

Every medicinal plant has side effects. Sage is no exception.

  1. Hypersensitivity to sage is manifested in the form of nausea, dizziness, vomiting. In this case, herbal medicine should be discontinued.
  2. You can not take sage for problems with the thyroid gland, endocrine diseases, prostatitis, tumors of malignant origin, polycystic.
  3. With exacerbation of kidney disease, the use of sage should be abandoned until the attack is completely relieved.

During pregnancy, taking sage can cause a miscarriage. And during lactation, a decoction of this plant stops the production of milk.

Sage is a strong, effective herb for both male and female infertility. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking it. During therapy, regularly take screening tests.

Not even the most miraculous herb will help you get pregnant with the wrong lifestyle and thinking.

Unfortunately, not all couples manage to quickly conceive a child. Someone turns to expensive clinics, someone trusts traditional healers, and someone tends to herbal medicine. As shown by centuries of experience and research by scientists, plants containing phytoestrogens have a positive effect on the reproductive function of women. A striking representative of this plant species is sage. If you use sage when planning a pregnancy, then the long-awaited event can happen much earlier.

How useful is sage when planning a pregnancy?

Sage officinalis is actively used for the preparation of various medicinal decoctions and infusions. Sage has expectorant, soothing, antiseptic, antimicrobial, hemostatic properties. All these properties are associated with the unique composition of the plant. It includes tannins, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins, alkaloids, phytoncides, flavonoids and other useful items.

Many people use sage at colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition, sage is successfully used for hormonal imbalance in women, which does not allow you to have a baby.

Also, sage has a slight androgenic effect, which reduces milk production and contributes to a faster completion of lactation.

Sage is taken orally in order to:

  • Increase sexual desire;
  • Normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • Improve the functioning of the ovaries and accelerate the growth of follicles;
  • Increase the thickness of the endometrium;
  • Make periods less painful
  • Conceive a child.

Sage is able to fight pathogenic flora, streptococci, staphylococci in the vagina, so it is used in the form douching. In turn, sage essential oil helps heal cracked nipples in women who are breastfeeding. As you can see, when planning a pregnancy, sage helps to cope with various ailments that occur in women during the period of conception and menstrual cycles.


Even the most healing herb must be taken wisely so that complications do not arise. Sage in this case is no exception. This is especially true for women who have already managed to get pregnant. It is important to know in which cases it is not permissible to take and plan pregnancy.

Sage should not be used for:

  • Myome;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Acute nephritis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • endometriosis;
  • Lack of progesterone;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • Normal growth of follicles;
  • Intolerance.

How to use sage when planning a pregnancy?

Sage is sold in pharmacies in the form of leaves or filter bags. The herb must be brewed as directed on the package. The most commonly used recipes are:

  • We take 1 sage sachet, pour 1 glass of hot water, insist a little and use during the day, divided into 2-3 doses;
  • Take 1 teaspoon of leaves, pour 1 glass of hot water, insist 15 minutes and filter. Accept for 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The next day you need to prepare a fresh infusion.

To stabilize the hormonal background and treat infertility, it is recommended to use sage in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, after the end of menstruation (from 5 to 15 days). If menstruation does not begin for a long time, then the remedy can be started on any other day, but the first day of admission will be considered the fifth day of the cycle.

It is not advisable to use sage when planning pregnancy in parallel with hormonal drugs. After 2-3 cycles, you need to do an ultrasound to understand how much the use of sage has affected the body. The course of treatment is up to 3 months. A second course can be done after a month break.

In an effort to see the cherished 2 stripes on the test as quickly as possible, women are ready to use all means, including traditional medicine recipes. At the same time, do not forget that herbs can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Among the plants that affect the functioning of the reproductive system, sage occupies a separate place. What caused its popularity and what effect does sage have on the body of a woman planning a baby?

Sage when planning pregnancy - the chemical composition and properties of the plant

What substances that make up sage have a beneficial effect on the body of a planning woman?

The chemical composition of sage

The healing capabilities of the plant were given by the natural chemical compounds that make up its composition.

Among them:

  • Essential oils (up to 2.5%), including cineol, thuyon, borneol.
  • Flavonoids - salvitin, cynaroside, hispidulin.
  • Phytoncides are biological compounds that destroy bacteria and stop their growth. Also, these substances are a natural analogue of the female hormone estrogen.
  • Fatty acids (including linoleic acid).
  • Organic acids (ursolic, chlorogenic, oleanolic).
  • Mineral compounds - copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc.
  • Vitamins - beta carotene, elements of group B (B1, B6, B9), vitamin K.
  • Tanning (astringent) substances.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Salvin is a natural substance with pronounced antibacterial properties.

Useful properties of sage when planning pregnancy

The lion's share of the useful properties of the plant was provided by the essential oils, tannins and organic acids included in its composition. Sage has a disinfecting effect, has antimicrobial activity, effectively stops inflammation, fights fungal infection.

The properties of sage ensured its successful application:

  • When coughing - the plant provokes a pronounced expectorant effect.
  • To normalize the composition of the blood and the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  • Helps to cope with anxiety, with loads as a result of increased nervous tension. The high content of serotonin and thujone stimulates brain activity.
  • In the treatment of oral lesions - gingivitis, periodontitis - and throat diseases (as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent).
  • In inflammatory processes and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

What effect does sage have on the female reproductive system?

  • Stimulation of the ovaries.

Sage is a natural substitute for the important female hormone estrogen. It is he who regulates the maturation and growth of follicles. And, as you know, the formation of their dominant representative is a necessary component for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.

For the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the correct ratio of hormones is important. An imbalance in their quantity, caused, among other things, by the insufficient presence of estrogen, provokes various menstrual irregularities. The components of sage help not only to restore the regularity of the cycle, but also the normal volume of secretions (with heavy menstruation).

  • Regeneration of the myometrium.

Surgical interventions (especially curettage of the uterine cavity) damage the structure of the uterine myometrium, causing scarring on its walls. As a result, even a successfully fertilized egg fails to gain a foothold in the female womb. Sage intake stimulates the process of repairing damaged myometrium.

  • Stimulation of endometrial growth.

Among other important components of the onset of pregnancy, one should not forget about the thickness of the endometrium - the inner layer lining the walls of the uterus. If this “layer” is too thin, the embryo will not be able to stay in the uterus, and even if it manages to gain a foothold, then there is a high probability that the pregnancy will fail. Sage intake stimulates the growth of this layer, increases its elasticity.

If a couple plans to have a baby, a man should also take care of his sexual health.

Inclusion in the diet of a man decoction of sage:

  • Helps to increase sexual desire.
  • Increases the quality of male material (improves spermatogenesis).
  • Stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.

Contraindications to taking sage when planning pregnancy

As they found out, sage can have a serious impact on the hormonal background of both women and men. For this reason, before using this plant, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. This statement is especially categorical for women.

She needs:

  • take tests to determine the level of hormones;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination (possibly in combination with folliculometry).

If ultrasound shows good follicle growth and normal endometrial thickness, taking sage is contraindicated!

Sage is contraindicated in:

  • Individual sensitivity to the plant.
  • Kidney disease in the acute stage.
  • Myome.
  • endometriosis.
  • Polycystic ovaries.
  • Even slightly reduced progesterone levels.
  • Reception of synthetic hormonal agents.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Even if, based on the results of tests and examinations, the doctor sees the need to take sage, do not exceed the prescribed doses. The plant has a high content of thujone, which is toxic in large doses.

Sage when planning pregnancy - how to prepare and take a remedy

To prepare a medicinal decoction, it is best to use dried pharmacy collection - this product has been tested and has passed the necessary certification.

  1. 1 st. l. pharmaceutical raw materials pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover the dish with a lid and leave to brew for 20-30 minutes. It is not scary if you leave the composition for several hours.
  3. Strain the resulting infusion.
  4. Take the composition of 50 ml (a quarter cup) three times a day half an hour before a meal. On the recommendation of a doctor, the frequency of administration can be increased up to 4 times or reduced to 1-2 times a day.

To increase the effect of using sage, oral administration of the remedy can be supplemented with douching with a decoction of herbs. Irrigation of the vagina is desirable to carry out shortly before sexual intercourse.

How to drink sage when planning pregnancy - choose the right days

If sage therapy is approved, it is important to follow not only the prescribed dosage, but also the decoction regimen.

  • The introduction of sage into the diet should begin immediately after the end of menstruation (day 4-6 of the cycle).
  • This is followed by a continuous intake of funds for 1-2 weeks. The exact duration of the appointment will be determined by the doctor based on the duration of the cycle and the results of ultrasound control. The duration of therapy depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle. In any case, after 5-7 days, it is imperative to do a transvaginal ultrasound.
  • The course of taking sage goes before the onset of ovulation.
  • Then the treatment is stopped. Sage and medicines based on it stimulate uterine contractions. As a result, fixing the fetal egg will be difficult, and in the event of a successful pregnancy, sage can lead to its failure.

The duration of therapy is different for everyone, most often from 1 to 3 months.

Sage when planning pregnancy - reviews on the use of the plant

  • Maria:“I drank sage from the 6th day of the cycle. There was a small endometrium. The first cycle was crowned with pregnancy.
  • Natalia:“I drank sage in the first half of the cycle, and the upland uterus in the second. As a result, only knocked down the cycle. I ovulated late and my period was almost 2 weeks late.
  • Elena:“Drank a course of sage. Pregnancy did not occur in that cycle, but ovulation was complete and menstruation was painless.
  • Anna:“When planning both pregnancies, I drank sage. The kids settled from the first cycle of taking the herb. ”

Even before choosing vitamins, it is strongly recommended to get medical advice, let alone herbs that can have no less effect on the body than drugs. Before starting treatment, be sure to undergo an examination and consult a doctor.

The medicinal properties of sage improve the health of various body systems, but this herb occupies a special place in the treatment of infertility. Sage is able to support the processes of conception and intrauterine. The plan for taking this herb agreed with the doctor, the selection of the optimal dosage and method of application, timely monitoring of the results of treatment make the plant a very effective assistant in planning pregnancy.

Treatment of infertility by methods of traditional medicine is inextricably linked with a very affordable plant - sage. Its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing action helps to make this process easier and safer.

Sage in the treatment of infertility: properties

Sage officinalis has many medicinal properties. Rich plant content:

  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory essential oils;
  • vitamins B, C, E, P;
  • camphor; phosphoric, nicotinic acids;
  • tannins;
  • thujone.

These components make the plant an assistant in the fight against many pathologies, including infertility.

The beneficial effect of sage on the female body is expressed in the rejuvenation of the reproductive system and its healing for successful conception. In addition, the medicinal herb is used during menopause to facilitate the hormonal changes in the female body. Also, prescribe the use of this medicinal herb in case of suspected pathology of the genital organs.

Treatment with sage can be started only after receiving the results of tests for hormones made under the supervision of a reproductologist. Sage is prescribed exclusively in cases of low estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

The benefits of herbs when planning pregnancy

Sage is prescribed both for prevention and for the treatment of identified problems associated with infertility. This plant improves the reproductive health of both future parents, and the basis of such a healing effect is the high content of phytoestrogens - analogues of a group of human hormones. In women, they are responsible for the successful development of a fertilized egg, and in men, for a healthy one.


In the female body, phytoestrogens help for conception and at the stage of pregnancy planning to improve hormonal levels.

The plant normalizes the content of estrogen, which is necessary for better acceptance of sperm and easier passage of sperm through the genital tract.

Impact on the endometrium

A common reason for the appointment of a plant is the insufficient thickness of the endometrium. Phytoestrogens are able to increase it and, accordingly, the likelihood of successful attachment of the fetus to the uterine wall.

Follicle formation

It is used to stimulate the growth of the follicle, which also normalizes the entire process of the ovaries. However, if a hormone test confirms maturation and rupture, then the plant should not be used, as its intake will disrupt the natural course of the cycle.

How does it affect the menstrual cycle

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the herb is both effective and gentle means of normalizing the menstrual cycle.

The plant reduces pain during the bleeding phase and promotes the regeneration of the myometrium in subsequent stages. Sage is also widely used to neutralize menopausal manifestations.

Inflammatory processes

With inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, a medicinal herb (together with medicines prescribed by a doctor) can relieve the symptoms of such diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Testosterone level

Normal testosterone production is especially important for men when planning conception, as it is responsible for the quality of the seed.

Sage phytoestrogens in the male body are converted into testosterone and actively work to increase reproductive abilities: they fight sperm stasis, swelling, and infections.

Normalization of sperm count

Sage has an active effect on spermatogenesis due to:

  • restarting metabolic processes in the testicles;
  • activation of the formation of new spermatozoa;
  • improvements in the genitals;
  • normalization of the patency of the vas deferens.

To whom sage is contraindicated

The use of sage for medicinal purposes must be approved by the attending physician, because there are a number of diseases that are an absolute contraindication to the use of this herb:

  • endometriosis;
  • Neoplasms of any genesis in the uterus and ovaries;
  • Hypertension;
  • Acute kidney disease;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Allergy.

If the disease was not detected in a timely manner, then the use of the plant can become an obstacle to healthy conception and gestation.

So, an increase in estrogen production exacerbates, and a lack of progesterone can provoke the formation of cysts.

The use of the plant after successful fertilization must be stopped in order to avoid miscarriage!

Medicinal properties of the plant: what do they drink?

The most widely used pomace from the plant is the essential oil. For its manufacture are the leaves and flowers of sage officinalis. A common subspecies - meadow - does not have healing properties, therefore it is not used in medicine.


The leaves of the grass have a gray-green tint with translucent villi. For medicinal purposes, use leaves without cuttings, dried for 3 months. From the resulting dried mass, either herbal tea or infusion is made. Fresh leaves also find their use, due to their antimicrobial properties used in brushing teeth.


Sage blooms throughout the summer period with lilac inflorescences.

The flowers have a pronounced aroma and are great for obtaining an antiseptic essential oil.


The stem is not used separately, only in its full form with leaves and flowers. Bunches of unpeeled stems are poured into boiling water, held under pressure to soften the tetrahedral structure of the stem, then used as poultices.


The plant has a root structure rich in branches of varying degrees of woodiness. An oil is pressed from the roots, which, unlike the essential oil, contains a smaller amount of thujone, a substance that causes food poisoning.

Sage for conception: how to take women

There are several application options:

  • decoction;
  • infusion;
  • poultices;
  • oil, including essential;
  • in rare cases, juice.

Any form of therapeutic use of this herb helps to improve the main indicators of women's health: a stable menstrual cycle, the body's readiness for the possible, the optimal state of the reproductive organs for gestation and childbirth.


Taking a plant to increase the chances of getting pregnant is justified in cases where studies by a doctor show a reduced level of female hormones. Sage infusion is a more concentrated drink than a decoction, and therefore is drunk less often and in smaller portions. The most common dosage regimen is 2 tablespoons a day, one hour after meals. However, options for individual calculation of the daily dose are possible, taking into account the results of the tests.

Recipes to Improve Ovulation

To produce the hormones necessary for pregnancy (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, etc.), sage can be used in two ways:

  1. Taking a decoction or infusion inside (brewed according to the instructions and consumed 3-4 times a day according to the scheme).
  2. Massage with essential oil (rubbing into the skin in the lower abdomen).

Reception of a medicinal plant is limited to the first half of the menstrual cycle, when the menstruation itself has already ended.

Douching for conceiving a child

During the douching procedure, a decoction is used, less often an infusion (of low concentration). At the stage of pregnancy planning, it can help to cope with inflammation in thrush, infections and damage to the vaginal mucosa. In this case, douching can be replaced by sitz baths.

If the medicinal plant is designed to eliminate the hormonal problems of a woman that affect conception, then douching must be done immediately before.

The optimum temperature of sage broth for douching is 38 °

Sage leaves: how to take it correctly

The best option for purchasing a plant is at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Sage can be either a loose collection or powder, or tea bags. The certificate of quality provided by the point of sale will be a guarantee of a properly collected and dried collection.

Instructions for use usually suggest daily brewing and three times a day, but the best way is to take it according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. The specialist will take into account the individual characteristics of the body and calculate the optimal dose of leaves.

Helps to get pregnant or not after 40 years?

Taking sage by women over the age of 40 helps support the endocrine system and delay. Pregnancy planning is not limited to medicinal herbs, therefore, it requires consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can approve the use of this herb as a therapy to maintain the production of sex hormones. Sage, rich in phytoestrogens, can significantly improve the functioning of the genitourinary system of a woman.

How to drink sage when planning a pregnancy for men

Sage is able to stimulate the production of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Its reception has a positive effect on the entire reproductive system of a man, helping to improve the process of spermatogenesis, normalize the functioning of the gonads, and increase libido. In addition, herbal baths have a calming effect and are effective for the problem of premature ejaculation.


For a decoction, dry leaves are used, which are brewed in the ratio of "1 teaspoon of the collection to 1 cup of boiling water." The decoction must be done daily, filtered, taken before meals 4-5 times a day. Thus, a glass of fresh broth is enough for a day when consumed in portions of 50 ml.

How to drink in sachets

In pharmacies, you can find sage not only in bulk, but also in individual filter bags designed for one-time brewing. A glass of infusion from one package is consumed twice a day (half a serving), but not at night.

Dosing regimen for hormonal disorders

Sage is able to eliminate hormonal failure only with drug treatment, so its use must be agreed with the doctor. If there are no contraindications, then the following infusion options can be used to improve the hormonal background:

  • Infusion prepared from 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a water bath - 3 times a day
  • Alcohol tincture, aged for a month before thickening - 2 times a day for a teaspoon.

Tea with other herbs

Sage in combination with other herbs is often found in various herbal teas, from general strengthening to boosting.

Linden leaves, verbena, ginseng, lemongrass, etc. go well with it. Any herbal tea must be brewed according to the instructions and consumed a couple of hours after eating.

How long to drink sage to get pregnant

The scheme of application is prescribed by a doctor and requires careful observance to exclude possible harm to the body. Your doctor may order an ultrasound and hormone tests to track your results.

Sage intake begins at the end of menstruation and lasts 2 weeks. After stopping the use of medicinal decoction, it is necessary to track the onset of pregnancy.

If fertilization did not occur in this cycle, then the reception can be extended for another two cycles. It is recommended to repeat the courses no more than 3 times a year, which implies a pause equal to at least a month.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the success of attempts to conceive, because the herb must be stopped drinking as soon as pregnancy has occurred.

The medicinal plant is used for a wide range of diseases, including those associated with the inability to conceive. Taking the plant actively helps to improve the genitourinary systems of women and men, to normalize the processes that are important for pregnancy. Proper use gives results within a couple of months after the start of treatment.

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