In a kindergarten without vaccinations: will take or refuse? What vaccinations are required for kindergarten a list of mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten

It always comes the time when children who are accustomed to live from birth in a family circle time to give a kindergarten. There, kids get acquainted not only with peers, but also with many new viruses and microbes. Well, if the child enters the unfamiliar world of the kindergarten in fulfillment - his immunity is prepared for the fight against the smallest organisms thanks to vaccination.

For admission to the preschool, a vaccination card is required, so parents need to clarify which vaccinations are needed for kindergarten. Indeed, in 2014, by order of the Ministry of Health, changes were made to the vaccination calendar.

Why do you need vaccinations for kindergarten

Your baby is adapted to those infections, in the circle of which it rotates. Before the child goes into kindergarten, it needs to be prepared for a meeting with new microbes and viruses in an unfamiliar team, especially if there are visitors from dysfunctional countries. A household path of infection with many infections through toys, inventory is distributed in kindergarten. In case of infection, the disease occurs in severe form and is fraught with serious complications. However, in the grafted baby, in the case of infection in kindergarten, the disease will flow in light shape and without complications. The vaccinated child protects both its family from an infection from kindergarten.

In preschool children, the immune system is still imperfect. In children's preschool groups, where the child comes from home, the risk of new infections circulating in the team increases. Vaccinations create protection against the disease.

Most often, it is the causative agent of a pneumococcal infection that is more involved in the development of the guys from the Children's Garden of Orz, Bronchitis and Otita. For children under two years, pneumococcal infection is dangerous in what flows in a heavy form of meningitis or pneumonia. The vaccination from the pneumococcal infection is much reduced by the risk of incidence of bronchitis and ac.

The windshield is so easily transmitted that it can inflate it from the window in kindergarten and infect most of the children. The windmill virus remains in the body all life and with a decrease in immunity can be activated under a mask of another disease - a sliding deprived. To protect the child from the windmill in kindergarten, doctors recommend to make a vaccination from it.

What are the laws about vaccinations

Upon arrival of a child in kindergarten, the provision of a preventive vaccination card is required. Immunoprophylaxis for admission to kindergarten is carried out on the basis of the following legislation.

List of mandatory vaccinations

What vaccinations are required for kindergarten? According to the National Calendar, the vaccination provides for the prevention of children from the greatest infections. In the individual vaccine map of the child noted the timing of vaccination.

Mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten:

Mandatory vaccinations are regulated by the scheduled vaccination calendar. For vaccination against measles, rubella and vapotitis, it is advisable to use the combined Vorikov or MMR II vaccines. For vaccination from hepatitis B, an inactivated vaccine is used, which cannot harm children.

List of additional vaccinations

In preschool institutions, children not only expand the circle of communication with peers. Their immune system is forced to adapt to unfamiliar microbes and viruses. Usually, the child in age has already been vaccinated before entering the kindergarten. For complete protection of babies in an unfamiliar team, additional vaccinations are recommended:

  • from meningococcal infection;
  • from hemophilic infection, the vaccination on the calendar is carried out children from the risk group and before entering the kindergarten;
  • from hepatitis A;
  • from tick-borne encephalitis.

Acquicing from hemophilic and meningococcal infection must be finished 2 months before admission to kindergarten.

Why do you need additional vaccinations for kindergarten?

  1. Meningococcal infection has gained a large distribution in Russia last decade due to the influx of people from disadvantaged regions. The infection causes inflammation of the brain shells and is a danger to preschool children. The vaccination of infection is made singlely inactivated imported vaccines that are easily transferred.
  2. Ticking encephalitis is dangerous by the development of paralysis, as a result of which a person can remain disabled for life. Children in kindergarten go for a walk in the parks, where there is a risk of bite with a tick. The vaccination from tick-borne encephalitis makes kids from 2 years of age.
  3. Hemophilic stick carriers are 40% of children of preschool institutions. The causative agent of hemophilic infection is the cause of most cases of ORZ disease, otitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. The disease often proceeds in the heavy form of purulent meningitis. The chopstick of hib infection is transmitted not only when talking and sneezing, but also through toys, household items. In addition, susceptibility to the disease is high in children under 5 years.
  4. Hepatitis A is considered a disease of dirty hands. In kindergarten, children are very closely communicating with each other and can easily get jaundice.

By summing up the preparations of the kindergarten, we recall that in addition to the obligatory instances of the age, additional immunization is also recommended. From vaccinations you can refuse, but in the threat of an outbreak of infection in the city, an unmet child will remove from visiting a kindergarten. In large cities with a huge migration of the population, the epidemiological situation is unpredictable. In addition, the kid without vaccinations will be constantly under the risk of infection from other children. The graft child is a guarantee of the calm of parents for their baby's health.

All parents should know what kind of vaccinations need for kindergarten. For the normal and efficient development of the child, he should support communication with other guys, so visiting the kindergarten will not be superfluous. In order for the child to take into a preschool educational institution, it becomes necessary to obtain a certificate, and what kind of vaccinations need for kindergarten, not everyone knows.

If the parents did not want to make vaccinations to their chad, then some problems may arise with enrollment or it will be necessary to find a private kindergarten where other requirements are valid. All vaccinations are made in advance so that the child has developed immunity. To do this, it is necessary to follow the scheme and timing of procedures. Vaccination will help protect the children's body from severe ailments, will strengthen the immune system, which plays a major role in the fight against the invasion of microbes.

Required vaccinations in kindergarten

These are mandatory vaccinations to be made to children under two years:

  1. Polio.
  2. Tetanus.
  3. Diphtheria.
  4. Whooping cough.
  5. Rubella.
  6. Measles.
  7. Parotitis.
  8. Hepatitis B.
  9. Tuberculosis.

Almost all parents know that, for example, a cough vaccination is affected and not simple. No need to forget that this ailment is unsafe for the vital activity of the child. Cocalus is most common and there is no point in risk, and it will rather protect the vaccine in effect. Some parents do not want to vaccinate their children from rubella and measles, believing that Pado must independently overcome these diseases and acquire persistent immunity to them. But the consequences can be unpredictable - there is a risk of occurrence of inflammation affecting the brain, which leads to disabilities.

If you do not make a vaccination from the vapor, then with the disease, violations of the sexual sphere are possible, especially in boys.

It is carried out once three vaccines. And if separately, then for the children's body to transfer them more difficult. Enrollment in kindergarten without vaccinations entails problems. In the medical institution, having studied a small patient card, make an extract with vaccination. Only in this case children take the garden. In case of refusal of vaccinations due to contraindications, the leaders of the children's institution are obliged to enroll such children. The same rules for enrollment and school without vaccinations. Medical workers advise to be hidden from hepatitis A, which in places such as the garden is distributed and has the property to adversely affect the liver. Small body temperature, which can be subsequently climbed or easy malaise - exceptions to the rules.

The extremely dangerous disease is meningitis, because it causes inflammatory processes in the cerebral shell. Therefore, the meningitis needs vaccination for children from six-month age. In summer, there is a lot of ticks that endure encephalitis. It has the hardest complications, right up to the acquisition of disability. But there are vaccinations that will serve as a protective barrier from such an agence.

At all young children, I have not yet developed your immunity on the influenza virus, so in the autumn it is not superfluous to make vaccination.

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Why require vaccinations for kindergarten

At some point, all parents face that it was time to give children to a kindergarten or school. It is important to understand that the child needs to learn to communicate in society with other children to be able to get along with people and interact with them. Enrollment in the garden is, of course, the first independent yield of the child into the world of themselves like, as well as the problem of collision with bacteria and viruses.

The immune system learns to resist them, but this happens not at one point, in the process of "learning" children often have to be sick.

It is not necessary to take vaccinations as a givenness, which is necessary only to the Knebovsky leadership - they can serve as to strengthen the immunity of the child. There is a basic list of vaccinations that are included in a special calendar for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, providing protection against deadly viruses. There are additional vaccinations that can be made at the request of parents.

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Diseases and vaccinations against them

Hemophilic wand has a danger to children under the age of five. It is most dangerous that carriers of infection are considered almost forty percent of children who go to kindergartens. This microbe has a property transmitted and through contact (through common items), and not only by air. This causes concerns. In the process of vaccinations conducted in preschool and school children's institutions, as a rule, the rate of sharp respiratory diseases is reduced, because the hemophilic stick is the main reason for the ARZ. And with the help of the vaccination, the child's full protection is ensured for the entire period of vaccination, that is, for five years.

The vaccination is transferred without side effects, in exceptional cases there is local redness and seal, the temperature lifting is not marked or is extremely rare. Vaccination is shown to children from infant age, the plan is up to four injections. This gives the maximum protection effect on age from six to twelve months. Children over the year make one injection from hemophilic sticks. Vaccination from this infection can be complemented by other vaccinations, except for some not well-widked.

Vaccination can be carried out using various techniques.

Intramuscular injection is the most popular method, is characterized by efficiency, and therefore more acceptable. With the help of it, the vaccinations are absorbed, respectively, the necessary effect is achieved, and allergic reactions do not occur, because the vaccine is instantly spreading under blood flow.

In the way of swallowing - from enteroviral diseases. Take the right amount of solution, dripped into your mouth or cookies, in order to calculate an unpleasant taste. This simple method still detects some drawbacks - a dosage error, an incomplete intestinal digestibility.

Intravoga introduction - vaccine from tuberculosis, against smallpox and several others. By tradition, the injection is made in the shoulder or the forearm of the needle of the usual one. If the vaccination is entered correctly, the skin at the injection site will have a whitish color.

Subcutaneously - this method is carried out the greatest amount of vaccinations. It is simple enough, but has some shortcomings due to low speed and therefore is shown for people with low blood coagulation. This method is contraindicated to vaccinate from hepatitis and rabies. Entered into the blade area, in the thigh or in the shoulder zone. The skin section is taken with two fingers and injection is made in the resulting fold. So easily defines the exact dose, which is more efficient.

Nasal - with the help of aerosol, solutions are introduced through the nose. Vaccination This way does not contribute to the development of systemic immunity, creating protection for bacteria only on the mucous membrane for a short time. Such vaccinations are designed to protect against diseases that are transmitted by air (flu, cortex, rubella). Entered into the nasal cavity by means of a pipette, in the case of an ointment base or in the form of a cream, by means of a tampon from the wool. The minus of this method is part of the vaccine can get into the stomach, therefore, the dose regulation is hampered.

Before vaccinations, urine and blood tests are surrendered to research to identify existing contraindications.

Whether the requirement of the administration is legally. Garden about the presence of a child of all the necessary vaccinations when taking into children. garden. ?

Adoption Federal Law of the Russian Federation of September 17, 1998 №157-ФЗ "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" contributed to the introduction of a civilized approach to immunization of the population based on the principle of informed consent. The legislative state is recognized as state refusal from threats of the part of the population, which consciously refuses vaccinations. Moreover, according to this law, the state assumes responsibility for possible damage due to vaccination (since a well-healthy person during vaccination is at risk of getting sick, to become disabled and even die).

Article 5 of the above law enshrines the rights and obligations of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis, in particular:

The lack of preventive vaccinations entails (p. 2):

  • a ban for citizens to departure to countries, in which, in accordance with international medical and sanitary rules or international treaties of the Russian Federation, requires specific preventive vaccinations;
  • temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and wellness institutions in the event of mass infectious diseases or in the threat of epidemics;
  • refusal to admit citizens to work or the removal of citizens from work, the implementation of which is associated with the high risk of infectious diseases. The list of works, the execution of which is associated with the high risk of infectious diseases and requires compulsory conducting preventive vaccinations, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the implementation of the immunoprophylaxis, citizens are required (p. 3):

  • fulfill the prescriptions of medical workers;
  • in writing, confirm the refusal of preventive vaccinations.

In accordance with Art 11, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of September 17, 1998. №157-FZ "On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" Preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens, parents or other legal representatives of minors and citizens recognized as incapable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The fact of refusal reflecting, indicating the consequences of the absence of vaccination, is drawn up in the history of the child's development (F. 112-y), a medical record of a child visiting a preschool educational institution, a general educational institution (F. 026-y), and signed by a parent or face, his Replacing, as well as the head of the medical institution and the district physician.

So, if you want to give your child to a kindergarten, which is located in a distant tropical country, then you must make him vaccinations from some tropical fever and something else, as exotic. But the kindergarten, located in your city, can only temporarily refuse to receive your child if there are mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics. And this is quite logical: such a measure will protect your unmailing child from an unnecessary meeting with infection. But the presence or threat of the epidemic is determined not by the desire of the administration of the kindergarten, and local medical institutions. Therefore, according to claim 2 of article 5, you have the right to give a child to any kindergarten or any school without vaccinations.

But at the same time, according to claim 3 of Article 5, you must confirm your refusal of preventive vaccinations in writing. In some cases, you will be offered to write about your refusal right in the baby's medical card. In other cases, you will need to write an application on a separate sheet addressed to the director of the school or kindergarten. The text should be approximately: "I, Ivanova, Anna Petrovna, on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation" On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases ", N 157-F3, from 09/17/98, Article 5, p.3, inform about the refusal of preventive vaccinations and the reaction of Mantu to my son, Ivanov Sergey , student 1 "a" class school N 12 cities N. "

Just in case, it is possible to progress: recall that without your consent, no one has the right to make any vaccinations to your child. So to your application can be attributed to such a phrase: "I remind you that on the basis of paragraph 2 of article 11 of the aforementioned law, no preventive vaccinations should be carried out without my consent."

Let us summarize, children aged from 2 months to 7 years are accepted into kindergarten. The reception of children in the institution is carried out at the written statement of parents (legal representatives) in the presence of a child's medical card, a copy of the child's birth certificate, photocopies of the passport of one of the parents (legal representatives), in which the child is inscribed. Parents (legal representatives) may be denied the child's admission to the institution only in the absence of free places in the institution. The pre-school educational institution primarily hosts children of working lonely parents, students of mothers, disabled I and II groups; children from large families; Children under guardianship; Children, parents (one of the parents) of which are in military service; Children of the unemployed, refugees and forced immigrants, students. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Additional Measures of State Support for Disabled" from 02.10.1992 No. 1157 establishes that "disabled children ... are provided by places in children's preschool, medical and prophylactic and health facilities in priority."

Thus, the requirement of a kindergarten administration about the presence of a child of all the necessary vaccinations when taking a kindergarten is illegal.

Vaccinations from various diseases - the topic that sooner or later begins to be discussed in each family and becomes the cause of disputes. Does vaccinations baby from birth or wait? Will the child take a kindergarten without vaccinations? The choice remains yours, and we will tell about the vaccinations for kindergarten and the refusal of them.

Children's Garden

Some parents do not make their children vaccinations from birth, believing that it is not necessary to disturb the immune system of the newborn. However, the value of preventive vaccinations for kids is difficult to overestimate. They protect the children's organism from hazardous infectious diseases that carry serious complications, and sometimes fatal outcome. Therefore, if you are going to give your child to a kindergarten, but have not yet been vaccinated, we carefully weigh everything for and against.

What vaccinations do in kindergarten

All vaccinations for children are performed either individually in the clinic procedural office, or organized in kindergarten. To do this, the educational institution comes to immunization specialists with vaccines. The health workers of the kindergarten pre-make a vaccination plan, having studied information about the vaccinations of each kid and revealing, to whom and which vaccination is required at the moment.

All information necessarily fit into the children's card or in the vaccination list. However, any vaccination is made by the child only with the written consent of parents or legal representatives. If there is no consent or written a refusal of vaccinations, then the health worker has no right to do them. Before vaccination of all children, the doctor necessarily examines to make sure that the child is healthy and can well transfer the introduction of the vaccine.

In Russia, there is a calendar of preventive vaccinations, which all medical institutions adhere to. So, if the child is healthy, then he will be vaccinated on a certain period. If at this age, the baby is punished or had contraindications, then the vaccination is transferred and is made later. Accordingly, in kindergarten, health workers also make vaccinations according to the calendar. For example, in 20 months organized by vaccination from poliomyelitis in the garden (second revaccination). But they will make it only to those children who should receive her at this age and whose parents signed consent.

Thus, even in educational institutions, doctors look at the individual graph of vaccinations of each child. If you refuse to conduct them or, for example, do not want to make only vaccinations in the fall in the garden (annual influenza vaccination), write a written refusal.

The preventive vaccination calendar operating throughout the Russian Federation will help you to navigate what the next vaccination must be done to your baby.

What vaccinations are needed for kindergarten

When the baby first enters the kindergarten, his immune system has not yet time to fully formed. When a collision with a huge number of viruses carrying by different children, the child begins to hurt more often. Some infections can be transferred particularly hard and give complications. Vaccinations before a kindergarten allow you to significantly reduce the risk of infection of the child and form a resistant immunity to many diseases.

Here it is necessary to recall that any vaccination can be canceled by resolving parents. We will tell you what vaccinations are needed for kindergarten, and you decide, do it or not. We advise doubting parents to think well, because the rejection of vaccination puts under the blow to the health of your child when communicating in the team.

The list of mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten includes two vaccine groups:

  1. Mandatory calendar vaccinations that you can look in the picture in the previous chapter. These are vaccinations of BCG (from tuberculosis), from hepatitis B, polio, ADH (from diphtheria, cough and tetanus), PDA (measles, rubella and epidemic vapotitis).
  2. Additional vaccinations: against influenza, pneumococcal, hemophilic and memingococcal infections. They are not in the national calendar of mandatory vaccinations, but they are also important.

Usually to two years, age when children are first going to the garden, all the vaccinations needed for kindergarten are made. The exception is those kids whose vaccination schedule has been shifted due to special testimony of doctors. In this case, the rest of the vaccinations will be done in kindergarten.

Visiting the child kindergarten is not only his communication with peers, but also a collision with a huge and diverse world of microbes and viruses surrounding almost every person.

And since the immune system of the kid is still quite weak, he begins to root often. It is to strengthen children's immunity and a mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten are sent.

List of mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten

The list includes not only those included in the Russian national calendar, but also additional vaccines capable of protecting the child from other, no less dangerous diseases.

Thus, a child who is preparing to enter a kindergarten must be made:

  • calendar (mandatory) vaccinations - BCG, DC, from polio, rubella, measles, steam;
  • additional - against hemophilic and meningococcal infections (2 months before sending to kindergarten), against a pneumococcal infection (for 1 month) and against influenza (every year at the beginning of autumn).

If the baby entering the kindergarten was already 2 years old, and he still did not hurt the windmill, then it usually requires this vaccine.

Does the kindergarten take without vaccinations?

In accordance with Russian legislation, parents have the right to decide independently, whether to make their child vaccinations. Their absence can be the cause of only temporary refusal to take the toddler in the garden, if there are mass infectious diseases at this moment or there is a risk of epidemics.

In other words, in kindergarten, they have the right to refuse to receive a non-vaccinated child only in the presence of a threat of an epidemic in the institution. However, despite the legal right of parents to independently decide whether to vaccinate to her child if there are their refusal, the garden, as a rule, is trying to avoid taking a baby in any way.

Most often, the head of the kindergarten simply does not accept a medical map in which there are no marks about vaccination. More cautious employees in order to avoid troubles report that there are no free seats in the kindergarten.

Moreover, in the clinic they may not sign a medical card not a graft child. And there is still a SanEpidemstancy that strictly follows that no one take anyone without vaccinations to the preschool institution.

What if not accepted into kindergarten?

If the district doctor refuses to sign a medical care, the head physician of the clinics should be applied, indicating its next step (in case the question is not resolved) - an application to the prosecutor's office and a complaint about the management of health care. If, demanding to make vaccinations, in kindergarten refuse to take signed medical cards, the application should be written to the head of the head or the Department of Education.

When all places unexpectedly ended in kindergarten, in a statement in the name of the head, it is necessary to ask for clarifying why the place for the child was first it was, and with the emergence of the question about the vaccinations suddenly gone.

After a written response about the absence of places to the appropriate age group, no one will be able to accept anyone or will be forced to first notify the applicant that the place appeared.

But if parents do not want to vaccinate their child due to certain circumstances or the presence of contraindications, it should not be the cause of the violation of its constitutional rights.