Questions to test the relationship. Psychological tests about relationships

This topic is extensive, that's why there are so many headings in the Relationship between a man and a woman section. The wise advice section contains advice from psychologists and women who have encountered difficulties in relationships with a man, but were able to find solutions to these problems. They share their experiences, I think such real life experiences can certainly help many. How to conquer a man, how to fall in love with a man, How to deal with envy, and other equally interesting topics are covered in this section. What is sexuality, is it possible to develop it in oneself, isn't it interesting? Who is she such a sexually attractive woman - this was told by Nadezhda Romantic. What a man really needs - read the article by Elena Beautiful.

Such interesting topics were also revealed:

The relationship between a man and a woman - through the eyes of men

We so want our relationships with men to be harmonious. The easiest way to find out how to achieve this is to ask the men themselves, and what do they think about this? The following topics are disclosed in the subject of Male gaze: How a man chooses a woman for a serious relationship, what is virtual betrayal, from the point of view of men and can it be equated with real betrayal, feminism through the eyes of a man, female egoism, what is it. Our women's magazine is read not only by women, but also by men, we hope that they will continue to share with us their views on the relationship between a man and a woman.

Relationship between man and woman non-standard look

What is hidden under the name "Relationship on Me"? Women are not always looking for relationships with men. It would seem that if a relationship is built by a woman with a woman, then it is much easier for them to find a common language, but in same-sex relationships not everything is so simple, you can read about this in the story "Bitter Honey". I am a lover - one of the readers of the magazine told us this story, her love relationship with a man, which originated in her youth, led to a separation, but after a few years they met again, only her beloved man was already married. Feelings flashed with renewed vigor, but what to do now if he has a wife and children? But not all mistresses are tormented by moral questions, in another story "An Inconvenient, Convenient Position" Nika told us about her mercantile view of the relationship between a man and a woman.

We opened this section especially for those women who have encountered difficulties in relationships with men and do not see a way out of this situation. Each of us in the comments can give his advice to such women, because the look from the outside is always more objective.

About the relationship between a man and a woman with humor

Is it always worth talking seriously about relationships? Sometimes a joke or anecdotes about sex helps us to look at the situation from a completely different - positive side to a greater extent. The most vividly about this is written in the short story Women's Logic. One of our regular readers shared her life stories about how she taught two married men a lesson. Read and cheer yourself up.

Family relationships are different from romantic love like a real football game is from watching a match on TV. Almost all families face crises and many are not ready to overcome them. Difficulties are not the end of a relationship, but a transition to a new level.

For women, love is the meaning of life - that's old news. Male psychology is different from female psychology, and because of this, disagreements in relationships arise. You can become the director and the main character of your own happiness story, write the script of your own life yourself.

It's nice to know that boys like you. Have you noticed that the most popular with them are not beauties, but sociable, funny and intelligent girls? And creative and passionate about sports, dancing, music or other interesting business, guys have no end to them.

It's hard to say if it's good to be together all the time, but common interests are the magic button that kicks off a relationship. It's great to find movies and books that you both like, or to discuss topics that are understandable. But it is more important that the couple have common goals, then the interests become the same.

It turns out that too active girls scare off young people - the guys themselves want to take the initiative and take care of the defenseless young lady. Hunters and victims are two extremes that you should not fall into, it is better to determine the golden mean and behave naturally.

Trust in a relationship must be necessary, otherwise communication turns into spy games or constant outbursts of jealousy. But doubts from time to time can disturb a girl's soul, and only a cold-blooded analysis will help to dispel them.

Mutual understanding may arise from the first hours of communication or may not appear after many years of acquaintance. It is not easy to understand the complex ways of forming similar personalities, but it is important to understand that they do not occur every day.

The image of a romantic man has faded somewhat, but somewhere in the depths of her soul, every woman would like her chosen one to be gallant, loyal, attentive and considerate. From these and other positive qualities, the character of a romantic is formed.

There are several legends about the origin of Valentine's Day. According to one of them, the young priest Valentine secretly married the lovers, for which he was sentenced to death. In prison, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and before his death wrote her a confession with the signature "Your Valentine."

During knightly tournaments, girlish happiness depended on the whims of the stronger sex. Girls could only respond to male attentions. The modern girl has two options for behavior - to ignore the shy young man, or to gain courage and take the first step herself.

The topic of relations between a man and a woman has always been and will be relevant. Despite this, not only young people, but also quite mature people do not have an understanding of what principles the relationship should be based on. We adopt the model of relationships from our parents, observing how they communicate, solve problems. If it is customary in a family to talk in a raised voice or assault is allowed, it is likely that the style will be perceived by children as acceptable - a bad example is contagious.

It is impossible to talk about harmonious relationships without the ability to compromise, understand another person, take into account his desires and characteristics. In adulthood, the stereotype of relationships continues to form under the impression of contacts with members of the opposite sex. Having experienced a negative experience, a person tends to look for negative traits in a new partner. On the one hand, this is a defensive reaction against repeating mistakes, but on the other hand, no one likes it when they try to discern in him, for example, a hysterical woman, an alcoholic, a boor or a slob. To build a good relationship, you will have to rethink your previous experience and try to perceive the new person as a person.

They say that Eastern women do not complain about their fate at all and even have contempt for Western customs. They fully recognize the superiority of men, in return having full support and getting rid of the need to decide their own destiny. It would seem awful.

What does a person's sociability depend on? Is it associated with an increased level of intelligence, erudition, the number of higher educations received? Of course not! No dependence can be traced here, because the ability to communicate is instilled from childhood.

This psychological test touches on a completely unexpected topic, because we are used to analyzing more global problems. Remembering the numerous situations associated with bargaining between spouses about the order of washing the plates, one would like to doubt: is this question really that simple? After all, it is from such everyday moments that our life, our marriage, our family well-being consists.

At the stage of newly emerging relationships, the whole world is seen in pink. Romantic fervor and arising passion erase all imperfections. Sobering up comes a little later, when partners begin to show their true character. One of the most undesirable traits of the chosen one is selfishness, the identification of the inclinations of which is the main task of the proposed test.

A very indicative test, which, even by the number of points that are close or far from the maximum result of 200 points, will help to assess the instinct of the owner of your chosen one. The main task of the psychological test is to indicate the severity of the problem.

When evaluating the next applicant, you need to remember that excessive pickiness and selectivity can cause loneliness. The proposed psychological test also considers this, the other side of the lack of relationships. There are ladies who reject a man on the very first date if he does not correspond to some fictitious ideals.

The proposed test touches on one of the most painful topics that at times comes to mind for absolutely every woman. Even if the issue of trust between a pair of lovers is in the foreground and there were no reasons for alarm, no, no, yes, the thought of the possible acting talents of the chosen one flashes in my head.

Many couples prefer to live together for a while, without formalizing a relationship, in a civil way. A few years ago, this practice was regarded by society as shamelessness and debauchery. But now even many Old Believer parents recognize the benefits of living together, the main purpose of which is to test feelings and relationships for "foulbrood".

This test does not deal with the problem of the distribution of household responsibilities, there is no reasoning on the topic "Who is right, who is wrong?" The assessment of a man's predisposition to escape from family or civil bonds is carried out strictly on the basis of the behavior of the woman herself.

The proposed test by the eternal relevance of the question posed should attract the attention of everyone who loves sincerely, truly and wants to know about the actual attitude of the chosen one to his person. Perhaps the most important question that worries the beautiful half of humanity is raised in this psychological test.

They say that there is no true friendship between a man and a woman. It's just that one of this couple carefully hides their feelings and thoughts, preferring to have a tit in their hands. The proposed test will help determine how desirable you are for your chosen one.

The proposed psychological test for seven simple questions will help determine why our relationships with men are so difficult? And most importantly: what is to blame?

Who is your husband - son, lover, rival ..? Did you know that your true attitude towards your husband directly affects your role in family life ?!

What's in store for you in this article?

Read carefully and you will find out:

1. How and why do family relationships develop?
2. The test for women will help determine the true attitude towards her husband!
3. The test results will help to rethink and improve a lot!

How and why do family relationships develop?

When getting married, every girl in her imagination draws pictures of a happy family life: love, respect, mutual understanding ... But after the wedding, lovers have to rebuild relationships, already family, and each of the spouses chooses their role.

Unfortunately, women (as well as men), in most cases, know only by hearsay about how to properly build these very family relationships. And it’s good if there was a good example in front of my eyes, when the parents really loved and appreciated each other.

But the culture of family life in the CIS countries leaves much to be desired in most families ...

You can't tell in a nutshell what and how to do ...

After all, relationships are the same work as any other, and in order to get the results, you need to put in a lot of effort. Responsibilities and worries dull feelings over time, and you have to think about romance less and less often.

“Everything is fine, and thank God!” - so many couples think so.

But is it really good?

What role have you assigned to yourself in your family life? Take a special test for women on the attitude towards her husband, and you will learn a lot about yourself and your role in the family.

Husband Attitude Test!

A few more words ...

The attitude towards my husband changes over the years, and this is normal. Someone's relationships become even stronger, and someone, over the years of family relationships, moves away from each other. But if you are together, then this has a higher meaning!

Perhaps you have asked yourself more than once what attracted you to this man? Why did you choose it? The test questions will help to understand this.

Write down your answer options so that you can calculate the result later.

1. Do you find that your husband is more attractive than other men?

a) he is my most beautiful;

b) he's pretty cute, but that doesn't matter to me;

c) sometimes he is beautiful, but sometimes he is simply ugly;

d) he is pretty, but some men are much more interesting than him.

2. Who is the leader in the family?

a) my husband;

b) we are equal with him;

c) it happens so and so;

3. Do you feel safe and secure around him?

a) always;

b) partially;

d) in general, yes.

4. Does your spouse show aggression towards you?

a) shows, but he thinks differently;

b) never;

c) it happens, and I am unhappy with it;

d) occasionally.

5. How well do you know your husband?

a) pretty good;

b) I know a lot;

c) he still knows how to surprise me;

d) I know everything about him.

6. Is he more successful than many of the men around you?

a) he is successful;

b) there are more successful ones;

c) he wants to be thought so;

d) he himself interferes with his success.

7. Does criticism take place in your family life?

a) he advises - I agree;

b) we try to do without it;

c) he, as a rule, is critical of me;

d) happens.

8. How do you usually spend your leisure time?

a) I want to spend time with him, but I consider his need to be alone;

b) always with him;

c) we often spend time together, even too much;

d) everyone has their own hobbies.

9. Is your spouse the most courageous of all the men you know?

a) rather, yes, it has this quality;

b) no, but I don’t need it;

c) I doubt it very much, but it suits me;

d) definitely, yes.

10. Who needs advice more often, you or your partner?

c) the same;

d) it is not accepted in our country.

11. How does he behave with friends?

a) he usually draws attention to himself;

b) does not stand out, sits modestly;

d) everyone loves him very much.

12. If a dispute arises, whose word will be decisive?

a) we find a compromise;

b) it always takes a lot of time and effort to make a decision;

c) we are always very emotional in disputes, we do not yield to each other;

d) I decide everything.

13. Have you ever wanted to leave him?

a) no, never;

b) no, but ...;

d) yes, it is possible.

14. Do you have fans trying to court you?

a) no, the husband will not allow this;

b) I remain faithful to my husband, and stop any attempts;

c) sometimes;

d) often.

15. What does your spouse say about past relationships?

a) they evoke negative memories;

b) there is a feeling of resentment;

c) can discuss them calmly;

d) there are pleasant memories.

16. What do you think of your relationship with your husband?

a) I am very happy;

b) I love him with all my heart;

c) my opinion depends on the circumstances and mood;

d) it's nice that he treats me tenderly.

17. What do you do when he returns deep after midnight?

a) I'm waiting for it to come;

b) unobtrusively trying to find out where I was;

c) if he wants, he will tell himself;

d) I start to scandal.

18. What does he usually reproach you with?

a) my incapacity and helplessness;

b) my omniscience;

c) says I am a harsh person;

19. How do you feel about your former fan?

a) he is still close to me;

b) we are good friends;

c) we do not intersect;

d) I am in awe when meeting him.

20. Which of the following applies to you?

a) it creates opportunities for me to show myself and feel the fullness of existence;

b) I feel that he needs me;

c) he always speaks when something does not suit him in me;

d) the spouse listens to my opinion and follows my instructions.

The results of the test for the attitude towards her husband!

Which answer do you find more often - a, b, c or d?

If you have more options a) ...

It can be argued that you not only love your husband, you worship him, adore and idolize him. Your relationship is based on understanding, trust, and affection. You are ready to remain in the shadows and create all the conditions for him to be realized in life, to fully reveal his talents.

In many ways, you are an ideal wife, do not forget about yourself. Only on equal terms will you both truly appreciate each other and be able to achieve true unity, as well as unleash your full potential.

If there are more answers b) ...

You just melted into your husband. You are ready to be with him day and night, take care of him and fulfill various whims. Every day, pleasing your spouse, you completely forgot about yourself, about your interests, needs and pleasures. Such family relationships are not the best option. And the spouse most likely perceives you as a caring mother, and not as a woman. Think about yourself, you deserve no less attention.

If you have more answers under the letter c) ...

You have an "adult" and independent partner, and you are very similar to your husband. The independent man strives to be a leader, but you compete with him all the time. What do you want to prove by spending so much energy fighting for leadership? Was that what you wanted when you were spinning in a wedding dance? Let him know that you need his care and support. You should be tender and feminine again, so that your relationship sparkles with new colors.

If there are more answers d) ...

You are the clear leader in your family, and that suits you. Your husband has come to terms with his position, and loves you with all your requests and aspirations. Over the years of family life, your husband has become very attached to you, but he is very uncomfortable and painful when you suppress him with your criticism. And you know that! You take out your disappointment on him, because you always wanted to see a stronger person next to him. Perhaps you should be less strong yourself? Then, according to the law of compensation, your husband will begin to show this power.

How to improve relationships with scents?

Yes Yes! You heard right! Fragrances have a very strong effect on men and can evoke love, tenderness, passion or other intense feelings in them. The main thing is to choose the right bouquet of aromas and choose a real, high-quality perfume for the right mood. However, everything is already ready for you. You just have to decide on the mood! Everything