Selection with the urine in the child. Why a child in the urine a lot of mucus, which means such a quantity. High concentration of protein

With a prophylactic goal and, if suspected the development of urinary system diseases, urine analysis prescribe. Deviations indicate a violation of the work of the urinary tract and kidneys. Important indicator - mucus in the urine in a child.

In most cases, the sediment is noticeable, sometimes doctors detect not only the mucous secret, but also protein, blood, sand. What does it mean? Is the mucus dangerous in the urine? What to do to restore urin quality? Answers in the article.

general information

The mucous secret in Urin is not an independent disease, but a sign of a negative process in the urinary tract. The mucus produce glazing urethra cells.

Functions of the mucous secret:

  • tissue protection from the effects of urine components, irritating tender mucous membranes;
  • protection of urinary tract from the penetration of conditionally pathogenic organisms (golden staphylococcus, intestinal sticks) and causative agents of dangerous diseases (flow, trichomonas, streptococcus and others).

In the development of background pathology, the child appears additional signs indicating inflammation, development or. Excess mucus in children's urin is easy to notic before obtaining results of analyzes. , distinguish the mucous secret. Often other impurities appear: blood, sand ,.

Causes of the presence of mucus in urine of a child

Depending on the factors provoked by the appearance of mucous inclusions in the derived fluid, parents must act as recommended by the doctor. It is impossible to panic if the baby was detected in the urine, the mucus was revealed, but also not worth treating this fact.

Proper algorithm:

  • relocation of analysis;
  • refinement of research data;
  • when detecting deviations in the work of the bladder, the inflammatory process is the timely beginning of therapy.

The mucus appears in the absence of pathological changes under the action of factors:

  • the child is poorly submitted before the urine harvest;
  • urine has long been in the bubble against the background of taking drugs or with intent to restrain urination;
  • the use of non-sterile containers;
  • the jar with the material was long standing in a hot room.

Diseases and pathological conditions:

  • phimosis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • violation of metabolism in the kidneys, the appearance of salt sediments.

Factors provoking pathological processes:

  • improper nutrition;
  • violation of hygienic rules when caring for child genitalia;
  • long use of antibiotics;
  • injury to the mucous membranes and bubble;
  • infections in other departments of the body;
  • the penetration of intestinal sticks from the anus area with improperly toasting the child, especially, girls, after a fear.

Note! Sometimes the cause of the accumulation of the mucous membrane becomes the wrong collection of material or the finding of urins longer periods in the closed container at high temperature in the room. In such a situation, bacteria actively multiply in the fluid, Urina is muttered.

Norm of indicators

In the absence of pathologies of urinary tract and inflammatory processes in the genital organs, the urine contains a minimum number of mucous membranes. In decoding, parents see the following entries: "+" (necessarily, one), "1" or "traces". With the active separation of mucus with the urine laboratory, indicates the following data: "++", "+++" or "++++".

In general analysis of urins, it is necessarily a definition of such an indicator as "mucus in the urine". For the exact result, parents must properly prepare a child (carry out hygienic procedures), acquire a sterile container, collect Urin, taking into account the recommendations of the urologist.

Other impurities in the urine

The more deviations in the analysis of urin, the higher the risk of developing severe forms of the human pathologies:

  • in the inflammatory process in the urethra and bladder, the mucus indicators were increased, the epithelium of various species was revealed;
  • increased salt content indicates a violation of metabolism, excess accumulation ,. Urolithiasis often appear red blood cells and blood in Urin: and move along the channels, the walls scratch;
  • analyzes show not only mucous secret, but also protein? With a large share of probability, the doctor suggests other defeats of the bean-shaped bodies;
  • to clarify the diagnosis, additional analyzes (and blood) are carried out, radiography. In severe cases, with difficulties with the definition of the pathology, it is necessary to take a small fragment of tissues for cytological research.

Children of any age give an analysis of urin with a prophylactic goal. A regular study of the derived fluid makes it possible to timely determine the development of diseases of natural filters and the urinary sphere. When a child appears in a child in the urine, it is important to revoke the analysis, deal with the reasons for deviations. Proper preparation for the study, the use of sterile capacity reduces the risk of data distortion. When identifying pathologies, a children's urologist or nephrologist is engaged in treatment.

Video. Children's doctor Komarovsky on the norm of urine analysis in the child and the causes of the presence of mucus in Urin:

The clinical results of a laboratory study of urine is the most important indicator of the child's health. With each visit to the children's clinic, the doctor necessarily prescribes this analysis, and this applies to all children, starting with newborns and infants and ending with adolescents over 12 years old.

Attentive parents may themselves suspect that the baby is not all right. For example, one of the symptoms, frightening almost every mother and signaling possible disorders in the work of a children's body, is the presence in the urine of mucus.

In order not to be lost in a similar situation and clearly understand what to do next, it should be carefully understood in this matter.

The mucus is produced in glass-shaped cells forming the mucous membrane of the urethra. It helps protect the mucous membranes from the aggressive impact of urea and other components contained in the urine.

Especially concentrated urine becomes in a period of the disease of the baby or forced contact with hazardous substances (for example, during the passage of chemotherapy or irradiation). If the urinary pathways did not contain a slight amount of mucus, the infections would be easier to penetrate into the bladder and the ureter.

By the way, the suppression of the activity of bacteria is another function that mucus is performed in the human body. It is known that the mucous membranes of the internal organs are an excellent nutritional medium for the reproduction of microorganisms and the growth of their colonies. The mucus does not give bacteria to penetrate the walls of the urethra, protecting the vulnerable urinary system of the child from infection.

Parents should be remembered that a minor amount of mucus is considered the norm (normal values \u200b\u200bestablished by WHO standards are applicable only to completely healthy children). If the mucus is determined in the urine visually, and its amount clearly exceeds the allowable values, you should show the child to the pediatrician.

How to recognize mucus?

It is possible to notice the mucus of the mucus in the urine of the baby, carefully examining the contents of the children's pot. The mucus is small patches or threads having a dairy color and a practically transparent structure. The diameter of such threads is not more than 1 mm, and length from 1 to 4 mm.

Watering in the presence of mucus becomes muddy, can change its color (in the direction of the darkening) and even the smell (there is a slight swamp odor). The villi themselves must be in suspension, that is, swim in the liquid, without settling the bottom of the pot or other tank.

Important! If the villi has a greenish tint, or mixed with blood streaks, you should immediately go to the children's hospital. Blood may indicate internal bleeding, and the green color on the hidden purulent infection of the urinary tract.

Determination of mucus using analysis: norms and minor quantities

Not always, the mucus is noticeable visually. In some cases, it may be present in the urine, but its number is so small that it does not affect the appearance of feces. This is considered an absolute normal indicator, so you should not worry about this.

The mucus (or its traces) is determined in the study of general urine analysis, which the child must pass several times a year in accordance with age recommendations (but not less than 2 times a year - for children of any age).

After receiving a form on the hands with the results of the study, parents can independently determine whether the amount of the definable mucus of the norm corresponds.

To do this, you need to find the Count "Lump" and see what it is indicated:

  • "Not determined" - the mucus in the urine was not detected;
  • "Traces" - mucus is present in negligible amounts corresponding to the physiological characteristics of the children's body;
  • "1" - mucus within the age norm;
  • "+" - the amount of mucus slightly exceeds normal values \u200b\u200b(there may be a violation of the rules for passing urine to research);
  • "Increased" - the amount of mucus exceeds normal values;
  • "++++" - the amount of mucus corresponds to the maximum indicators (pathology).

If the renal epithelium is detected in the baby's urine, it may be the first sign of glomerulonephritis. This type of mucus in minor quantities are permissible only for newborn children (in the first 3-4 weeks of life).

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about the need to pass a general analysis of urine, how to pass it, as well as how to decipher the results.

Why does the mucus appear in the urine in a child?

All the reasons leading to the appearance of epithelium cells in the urine can be divided into two groups: pathological / internal (associated violations of the functioning of internal organs) and external (not related to the work of the children's body).

Internal reasons

  • Phimosis

The disease that is diagnosed only in boys. Pathology is a cluster of the mucous membacity, which in excess is generated by sex and accumulates under extreme flesh. When urination, the mucus is mixed with urine and forms mucous chips.

  • Vulvit, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis.

In girls, mucus in the urine may indicate the diseases of the vaginal sphere caused by dysbacteriosis or infections. Most often, the disease is caused by streptococci, intestinal wand and mushrooms of the genus Candida.

  • Inflammatory processes associated with the infection of the bladder or urethra (urethritis, cystitis).

The number of mucus in these pathologies will always significantly exceed the norm, since the body produces it in elevated amounts to suppress infection.

  • Inflammatory kidney processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).

With these diseases in the urine of the child, renal epithelium will be detected.

External reasons

  • Wrong collection and transportation of urine.

In order for the analysis results as as accurate as possible, four urinary collection rules should be remembered:

  1. The child should be well submitted;
  2. It is advisable to wake up the crumb to early and immediately put on a pot so that the morning urine does not hit the analysis;
  3. You can keep urine at room temperature not more than 1 hour;
  4. It is possible to collect liquid only in a sterile container (you can buy sterile jars in the pharmacy).
  • Bad hygiene genital organs.

This can be attributed to both insufficient and excessive hygiene. For example, too frequently washed girls lead to drying the natural vaginal environment and the destruction of the useful flora, which ultimately ends with a violation of the acidic medium of the vagina. This, in turn, leads to the emergence of dysbacteriosis and the development of bacterial infections.

The concept of bad hygiene lies in the correctness of the implementation of hygienic procedures. It is very important to prevent the contact of the intestinal environment with the genital bodies of the child (especially for girls). Therefore, fed up the kids is needed strictly backwards!

  • Long stagnation urine.

A small amount of mucus may well be present in the urine after night sleep (if the baby did not get up at night in the toilet). If the child deliberately delays the emptying of the bubble, the result of the analysis can also be inaccurate.

  • Reception of drugs.

Some medical drugs contribute to stagnation of urine, as a result takes a lot of time between hikes to the toilet.

  • Disruption of drinking and edible mode.

Insufficient fluid consumption contributes to excess deposition of salts on mucous membranes, which leads to the development of inflammation and an increase in the development of the secrecy. The same effect leads the presence in the children's diet and non-appropriate age (pickles, canned food, sharp seasonings, marinades, sausages, etc.).

How to treat?


The first thing you need to make parents when the mucus is found in the urine of the child (especially if the baby feels badly, it hurts, commemorates, complains of pain and debris) - it is to show the baby to the district doctor.

After passing the urine, the doctor will send a small patient for auxiliary consultation, for example, a urologist, a gynecologist (for girls) or a surgeon (for boys - with phimosis).

In addition, a child will be appointed a number of additional studies that will make sure to determine the reason for the increased level of epithelium in the blade liquid. These include:

  • urine analysis on Nechiphenko and Zimnitsky;
  • study of blood and urine on the sugar content;
  • Uzi urinary system organs;
  • bacterial sowing vaginal flora (for girls).


  • Infection of urinary tract.

Inflammatory diseases of the internal organs (for example, bladder or kidney) are always treated with antibiotics. Children are most often prescribed by the Amoxicillin preparation or its analogs ("Amoxiclav", "Flexin", "Augmentin", etc.).

In addition, therapy may include the following five points:

  1. Normalization of nutrition and drinking mode.
  2. The use of warm baths with extracts of medicinal plants and herbs (chamomile, calendula, a series, sage). It is important that the child during the adoption of the bath was in a sitting position.
  3. Restoration of the operation of the urinary tract (the vegetation preparation "Kanefron").
  4. Elimination of signs of intoxication, restoration of the water-salt balance (preparation "REGIDOR").
  5. Reception of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds), for example, "ibuprofen". They help reduce pain syndrome and relieve inflammation.
  • Phimosis

This pathology requires a mandatory surgeon consultation. Only a doctor will be able to make a decision whether the baby needs in the operation, or the situation may normalize independently, and temporary auxiliary measures will be enough. Boys with this diagnosis are also shown by seating herbal baths.

  • Vulvovaginitis.

Girls Children's gynecologist can prescribe local action drugs, destroying bacteria and fungus (most often it is ointments and gels). As an additional therapy, treatment with probiotics ("Linex") and lactobacteriums ("acipol") are used. These drugs help normalize the vaginal microflora and restore the level of acidity sufficient to suppress pathogenic organisms.

The appearance of mucus in the urine of the child is quite a frequent phenomenon, which is most often the norm. Nevertheless, if some signs of parents are alarmed (for example, the child is sluggish, blossomed, refuses to eat), not worth tightening with a visit to the doctor.

Only on time, the started treatment can guarantee full recovery and lack of serious complications, so visit the childhood doctor and preventive surrendering of analyzes should be carried out at least once every six months.

Inflammation in the body is very often characterized by mucus emissions. Doctors allow a slight amount of mucus in the urine. But when it is very much detected, it is already a pathology. What a disease causes a mucus in the urine and the causes of its occurrence, consider in the article. The involvement of the mucus in the urine, and that there is a norm, consider further in the article.

What does the mucus in the urine mean?

The human body reacts in different ways to various inflammatory processes. And it depends on both the physiological characteristics of the person and the child and the pathology of the bodies that the "crack" was given in work.

The presence of mucus in the urine already signals inflammation in the body of women and men, and it must be eliminated. Many may wonder - the causes of the appearance of cotton phenomena, and mucus in the urine what does this mean?

Consider, in more detail this phenomenon and the reasons for its appearance in Urin. The mucus in the urine and the inflammatory process in the body are interrelated. Abscess can break the outflow of urins, resulting in an increase in epithelium cells.

The disease itself can wear a common or local character. Often, when you pass Urin to the examination, elementary rules for collecting are not followed.

But often the causes of the appearance of mucus in large quantities, bacteria and protein in urine can be caused by any disease. Therefore, women and men take re-extra. analysis. And detecting in the urine, mucus and detect the causes of the disease.

Surveying mucus in the analysis of urine in a child, it is possible to recognize which processes occur in the growing organism. The same processes can be observed in men. They allow you to determine pathology and inflammation. A healthy person can have a mucus in the urine, as its development is made by the cells of the epithelium of the urinary tract, which have a glassworm form.

The mucus itself is designed to protect and protect the internal organs. Given the acidity of urine, the mucus envelops the organs, without giving the acid to destroy them. If destruction occurs, it means that destroyed epithelium appears. The mucus and bacteria in the urine signal to the immediate diagnosis of the body.

Urine mucus in women

The presence of mucus in the urine can be detected during pregnancy. The body is just beginning to adapt to the birth of a new life, and often physiological changes in pregnancy affect organs. During pregnancy, there is a lot of mucus in the urine - this is the norm.

As a rule, this is due to the development of progesterone and estrogen (female hormones) during pregnancy. And a large number of mucus in the urine during pregnancy is not pathology. For a conventional woman, diseases of the mucus can appear such diseases:

  • Cystitis - Having a special physiology, a woman's urethra is close to the rear pass. Neglecting personal hygiene rules, may be the penetration of infection in the urinary sphere. If the disease does not treat it will penetrate further into the organs.
  • Urethritis - This disease is associated with the inflammation of the ureter. In this case, the presence of mucus is due to its infectious and noncommunicable character.
  • Stones - Dangerous for the organism of the neoplasm. As a result, the stones in the bladder and the ureter can come into motion at any time.
  • Pyelonephritis - This is inflammation that affects the kidneys, and can cause sharp attacks (colic). The cause of this infection may be not cured pathologies listed above, and bacteria penetrated into a loyalty.

Mucus in the urine in a child and a man

Bacteria and mucus in the urine for men older than 50 years old, a characteristic phenomenon. They suffer from almost 80 percent of the strong half. When this turn is reached, the prostate can form nodules, which prevent urination, as a result of which the bacteria attack, causing inflammation.

And then the body begins to fight with them, but in an unequal battery, the bacteria won. Immunity tries to protect the body, as a result there is a large mucus mucus in the urine. This may be the cause of diseases that require immediate treatment:

  • Pathology of adenoma.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys, bladder.
  • Prostate tumor.

The urine analysis of the mucus found in the child requires immediate relief of the analysis. The kids without pathology mucus should not be at all, or its presence in a small amount is permissible.

In general analysis of Urin, the power of the mucus in the infants or the baby is older than the decoding is indicated as "+" or "1". If the analysis is indicated by the value "++" or "+++", then immediate medical intervention is required. Since the child has a lot of mucus means inflammation, which can continue to go into the chronic stage.

Features of the analysis

For reliable and informative analysis, it is worth not to neglect the rules for collecting material. It is to get rid of secondary analyzes, and will give a reliable result. Before the fence of the material should be prepared: to purchase a container in a pharmacy, to carry out personal hygiene procedures. During pregnancy, the procedure is very careful.

Women should not collect material during menstruation. It is advisable to use a tampon, it is necessary to insert it into the vagina, so that extra bacteria do not fall into Urin. The day it is worth abandoning food that can cause a false positive result. In order not to be detected by the protein, it is worth abandoning eggs.

These are the basic requirements for general analysis of urine, and it defines many elements from the protein to the mucus in the urine.

Deciphering Analysis

During pregnancy, as already noted, the presence of mucus is not a pathology. The presence of mucus in a child, women, and men means pathology is possible, and sent to repeated analysis. Urin does not investigate specifically on the mucus, but its presence in the urine can distinguish: the muddy color of urine, and the precipitate.

In addition, the protein that is interrelated with the presence of mucus can immediately be detected. Medikov, it is customary to reflect on the point - the mucus in peculiar signs:

  • The norm in children, men and women - the mucus is absent or available in a small amount +.
  • There are many flakes ++.
  • The mucus is in very large amounts +++.
  • The mucus in the amount of visible without microscope ++++.



Mucus urine child what does

»Urine in a child

Mucus in the urine in a child

Even if the child pleases you with excellent health, it should periodically donate urine and blood for analysis.

Clinical analysis of urine in the first year of the child's life should be made before vaccinations.

It is not difficult to collect urine on the analysis, it is not difficult for a child, and will help make sure before the vaccination, that with the baby everything is in order, or to notice the beginning illness in time.

I pass the urine for analysis and getting the result, a rare mom does not try to decipher it myself. Among the many indicators in the eye, the mark in the mucus graph is thrown - an increased amount. What does the presence of mucus in the analysis of urine in a child?

It is not necessary to scare, because even an absolutely healthy child has a minor amount of mucus in the urine is normal. The mucus is highlighted by surface cells of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, ideally its amount in the urine is so insignificant that under laboratory studies are not detected.

Causes of the appearance of mucus in the urine in a child

A large number of mucus in the urine in a child says that:

1. Watering on the analysis was collected incorrect. When passing a re-analysis, the following rules must be strictly observed:

  • for analysis, the average portion of morning urine is collected, and the previous time the child should pee no more than 6 hours before it;
  • it is necessary to properly carry out hygienic procedures - wash and dry the penis from the boy, and the girl is moved in front of the opposition to the analysis of the microflora from the rear pass area;
  • the urine assembled for analysis is not subject to storage for longer than 3 hours, and during this time it should be stored in a closed capacity in a cool place without exposed to sunlight;
  • capacity for collecting urine on the analysis should be thoroughly washed and dried, and even better use for these purposes Special brothers for breast kids and sterile jars for older children;
  • it is impossible to collect a pot to collect, because it is impossible to wash it enough.

2. The boy does not fully open the head of the penis - FMOV. At the same time, the mucus from the fold is impossible to completely remove in hygienic procedures. This problem will help solve a children's surgeon.

3. The inflammatory process is actively developing in the urogenital system of the child.

A large amount of mucus in the urine speaks most often about the presence of inflammation in the outer genital organs or urethra, but may also be a manifestation of kidney disease (pyelonephritis, nephropathy) and bladder (cystitis).

In these cases, it is necessary to carry out additional surveys from the specialists of nephrologists and urologists, to pass urine tests on Nechiporenko, in the Winning Committee, to take brine strokes, to spend the urine Bacapos to determine what microorganisms caused inflammation.

4. In the urine increased the number of salts. Their enhanced content contributes to the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. But it is not necessary to scare, usually their number directly depends on the diet and the amount of liquid drunk.

The mucus in the urine in the child should not scare with the rest of the normal indicators and the absence of complaints about well-being. The reason most likely lies precisely in non-compliance with the rules for collecting and transporting urine-assembled.

But if the child at the same time is sluggish, he has increased the temperature, it complains about unpleasant sensations when urinating and notes pain at the bottom of the back or abdomen - it is not necessary to hide with a campaign to the doctor, perhaps a large number of mucus in the urine occurred due to the diseases of the urinary sphere.

It is possible to conclude about the health of the body, focusing on a variety of indicators, and not only on the overall state of health and the availability of complaints. So small children rarely can definitely say exactly what it bothers them, in addition, many of the diseases flow from them with lubricated symptoms.

Therefore, parents need special attention to the well-being of kids, their appearance and characteristics of natural discharge - urine and feces. So a possible alarming symptom can be mucus.

Therefore, let's talk now about how to treat the mucus in the urine of the child, what it means when it appears.

The urine of a healthy baby must be transparent, it should not be viewed by clouds or sediment. In certain cases, its characteristics may vary, depending on the changes in the diet or consumption of medicines, or vitamins. In the event that in the future urine acquires usual appearance, it is not worth nervous.

What is it - mucus in the urine?

Attentive mom may notice the appearance of thin translucent veins in the children's urine, whose diameter does not exceed one millimeter, and the length is two to four millimeters.

They are in suspension - float, not settled. So the heavy mucus looks like.

It is believed that their small quantity is the option of the norm, if the crumb tolerated for a long time before urination either, after a long sleep.

Nevertheless, if there is a lot of heavy mucus in the urine, and especially if they are combined with a change in urine color and / or clouding, you need to quickly appeal to doctoral help, even in the absence of a child's complaints and other symptoms of ailment.

It may well be that the mucus in the urine is a manifestation of an acute or chronic form of inflammatory lesion of the bladder or kidney.

Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor how the crumb (the presence of lethargy, anxiety, the participation of the urination behaves, and pay attention to its urine and stool, and control the body temperature. Systematic mucus detection in the urine should be considered as a reason to appeal to the doctor.

Mucus in the results of laboratory urine study

As you know, all children stand from time to time to pass tests, including the study of urine. In the event that the results of the study show the presence of traces of mucus in the urine or the number "1" - you do not need to worry. This indicator is considered a completely permissible version of the norm. If the child develops inflammation or other diseases, the level of mucus will be higher.

The classical cause of mucus in the urine often becomes insufficient compliance with the rules of hygiene. In addition, such a phenomenon may indicate phimosis - the judgment of the boys in the boys, and, finally, about inflammation or infection.

About how the mucus is corrected in the urine (treatment)

So, we found out that the mucus itself in the urine itself is not a disease. Such a phenomenon only indicates the presence of possible pathologies in the activities of the organs.

In the event that such a violation is recorded by your child, the first thing you are offered to pass the tests again.

At the same time, it is necessary to collect not the very first portion of urine after awakening, as well as make a particularly careful toilet of the external genital organs of the child.

It is imperative to deliver analysis to the laboratory no later than three hours from the moment of its collection. The assembled material can be stored only in a cool and darkened place.

In the event that the doctor suspects the presence of infectious inflammatory processes (inflammation of the kidneys, bladder or uretera), additional research may be needed. Treatment of such violations is most often carried out using antibiotics.

So, for example, to eliminate the pyelonephritis, the patient picks up an antibacterial agent (can be administered intravenously, intramuscularly and orally). In parallel, measures are taken to detoxify the organism and use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Custitian therapy in children also implies the use of antibiotics. Fluoroquinolones or amoxicillin are most often becoming drugs. In addition, an increase in drinking regime and rational balanced nutrition is shown. Many kids are advised to organize seating warm baths based on various herbs, for example, calendula, sage, chamomile, etc.

Many children with violations of the urinary system are advised to take the drug Kanefron H - based on various medicinal plants represented by the loving, rosemary and the goldenbird. Such a means effectively stimulates the elimination of harmful bacteria, as well as toxins from urinary tract.

In the event that the cause of the mucus in the urine in the child was the narrowing of the extreme flesh - phimosis, without consulting the surgeon could not do. At the same time, parents should apply to several qualified specialists in order to compare their conclusions and recommendations.

As a temporary measure, it is necessary to organize a child systematic seating baths, for example, with a chamomile, a weak solution of manganese, etc.

In some cases, phimos requires surgical treatment, but most often it is physiological and passes by itself to a certain age.

When the heavy mucus is found in the urine of the child, parents should apply for consultation to the doctor. It is also important to systematically pass urine tests to control the condition of the baby.

P.S. The text uses some forms of characteristic speech.

What does the mucus mean in the urine

One of the common research that helps determine the state of human health is urine analysis. Our urine consists of 90% of water, everything else is dry components. Watering with mucus speaks about different.

Only a qualified specialist is competent to assess the situation. The composition of urin depends on gender, age and other indicators. If you have discovered the mucus in the urine, that this means only the attending physician will say.

This result speaks of other serious pathologies, so do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

What does the mucus mean in the urine

Water-shaped epithelial cells of the urethra isolated a substance that protects internal covers from the acidic effects of urins.

The mucus in the urine in a small amount is considered the norm, since it has a neutralizing effect. It is impossible to determine the eye for its color or smell of health. This is done only by the laboratory method.

If studies have shown a lot of substance, then the patient is sent to the diagnosis to determine the cause of pathology.

Symptoms indicating an increase in the indicator does not exist. However, depending on the disease, which led to a deviation from the norm, a person may feel pain, tingling.

Analyzes are carried out laboratory using turbodimetric titration or test strips. These methods allow you to understand what the mucus says in the urine.

The reception of antibiotics and other drugs is reflected on the results of the study.

Causes of mucus appearance

Increased protein content causes such factors:

  • violation of the rules for collecting allocations;
  • disease organs of the urogenital system;
  • inflammatory processes of a small pelvis;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • consumption of a large number of protein food;
  • stresses.

Collect urin to supply analyzes in the morning immediately after sleep and on an empty stomach. This is done like this:

  1. Wash the genitals with soap.
  2. Treat fucelin or a weak solution of manganese.
  3. Girls need to shove the tampon in the vagina, so that in the urine the white mucus from the genitals was not.
  4. Switch a little urin before collecting it for diagnosis.
  5. Suppose the capacity of maximum after 2 hours, otherwise information about the urethral threads will be lost.

The child has

If a large amount of protein has been detected in Urine, then you should not be alarming. It is better to make the analysis again. Bad hygiene of the genital organs before harvesting or a non-sterile jar can show mucus in the child in the urine.

In addition, if Urina was not delivered on time for the study, the result will be invalid. The cup of everything, if the mucus is found in the urine, find out what that means it will help re-analyze, especially for infants.

To the main reasons for the formation of protein over the norm:

  • phimosis (narrowing of the extreme flesh in boys);
  • stagnant urine;
  • infections.

Among women

Bad figures for girls are often associated with the close location of the vagina to the urination channel. During the collection of analyzes, the mucous membranes can go there and turn out to be with the urine.

However, it will rather show a moderate amount of protein. The mucus in the analysis of urine in women in large quantities testifies to infections, the formation of kidney stones.

Such pathologies are manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, thickening during a visit to the toilet.

Also worth paying attention to the mucus in the urine during pregnancy. The substances should not be, however, the state of the girl admits the result of 300 mg per day. If analyzes regularly show a lot of substance, then this indicates the exacerbations of chronic diseases of a woman, prestal or nephropathy. In order not to launch the situation, it is better to immediately contact a specialist for competent treatment.

In men

If the mucus is found in the urine, find out what this means only the doctor will help. No matter how much protein indicates health problems. The muddy color of Urin should become a signal to appeal to a specialist. By the number of pathologies, which indicates a large amount of mucus in the urine include:

  • venereal diseases;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • cystitis;
  • tumor;
  • renal failure;
  • stone formation.

A young man should not be tightened with the appeal to the doctor. The listed diseases can make serious harm to health and affect the work of many organs. A normal indicator of protein content in men is considered to 1 g. The maximum permissible norm is 3 g. Regular diagnostics will help track this indicator and prevent serious pathologies.


Moxie in large quantities in the urine

In the study of the sediment in the urine it is possible to detect mucus (MUCUS in Latin). Usually, to assess the amount of mucus in the urine use the number of crosses (+), from one to four. Where does the mucus come from how it affects the pathology of urinary organs, it is necessary to take into account in identifying differences between the norm and pathology.

If minor content does not attract the attention of the doctor, then the identification of mucus in large quantities belongs to anxiety. It indicates the disadvantage in the epithelial layer of the inner surface of the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

How does the mucus go to the urine?

The epithelium of the urinary tract includes glazing cells. They are located along the ureterals, bladder, urethra. It is these cells that produce a special mucous membrane. Boxed cells, in fact, perform the function of the gland.

In the photo from an electron microscope, secreting cells have large sizes, but when filling the bladder turn into flat

The process of flow of mucus to the surface passes sequential phases:

  • accumulation in the cell of the source products from organic and inorganic substances;
  • synthesis of secrets inside the protoplasm;
  • accumulation, "packaging" in the form of vacuoles with moving towards the tip of the cell;
  • the excretion of the secret - the vacuol is merged with its shell with a cell wall and forms a time or time pass through which the contents are outward;
  • restoring the working condition of the cell.
  • protection of epithelium from urea and acidic products of slag decay;
  • delay of harmful particles, bacteria and viruses in the urine by sticking.

In the urine (Urin) there is always a small amount of mucus. It commensurately release urea and reduces the irritant effect of this substance. Visually, the presence of mucus in a small amount is impossible to identify. For this, urine analysis with microscopic examination is necessary.

The mucus with urine begins to stand out and discovered after urination during the rejection of epithelial cells caused by pathological causes.

Why is a lot of mucus formed?

The cause of increased mucus formation can be:

  • injury to the epithelium by stone, salting crystals (especially oxalates);
  • irritation of disintegration of drugs, poisonous substances in poisoning;
  • inflammatory response to penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • nutritional disorders with sharp dishes and seasonings;
  • autoimmune inflammation;
  • any dysfunction of urine outflow associated with a mechanical obstacle in the form of a narrowing of a channel or tumor;
  • long-term forced retention of urine (activates cell operation);
  • pregnancy at a large period.

You can get more information about the role of mucus in the urine in women in this article.

The mucus in the urine in men is most often a sign of prostatitis or long urine delay.

Inflammation pathogens are able to enter the urinary bodies:

  • with blood from remote foci of infection (chronic sinusitis, cholecystitis, adnexitis, tonsillitis);
  • with urine from urethra and genital organs.

A lot of mucus in the urine is observed at:

  • venereal diseases;
  • violation of personal hygiene by men and women with inflammation of the prostate or vagina;
  • anatomical features of the structure of congenital anomalies contributing to the impaired urine drainage.

In most cases, if the visible mucus appeared in the urine - this means that the inflammatory process in full swing. It is usually detected together with an elevated leukocyte, protein, bacteria, salts, and red blood cells. There are no specific symptoms, they are determined by the main disease.

How is the amount of mucus in urine analysis estimated?

The mucus in the analysis of urine is determined in the process of checking the degree of transparency with a general study. Special analysis do not. The mucus indicates indirect signs:

  • increased turbidity;
  • white precipitate.

Since in the general analysis of urine at the same time there are other elements of inflammation to allocate specific signs of only mucus formation difficult.

Quantitative definition depends on the view of a laboratory manner that brings through the urine precipitate under a microscope. There are no other standards. It is customary to designate the massiveness of mucus crosses from one to four.

In decoding a conclusion, this means:

  • + normal quantity;
  • ++ moderate increase;
  • +++ high indicator;
  • ++++ A very large amount, almost visible to the eye without a microscope.

It is permitted in conclusion to write about the number of words

These parameters serve as an additional feature of the intensity of the inflammatory response. Increased indicators require clarification of the cause.

How is the color of the mucus decryp?

In color, mucus can have distinctive signs caused by impurities. Brown shade - formed when erythrocytes in the urine, due to the damage to the parenchymal tank fabric:

  • toxic substances in poisoning;
  • with infectious diseases with high temperatures;
  • in conditions of impaired blood circulation.

White mucus is observed during leukocyturia caused by:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • durable urine stagnation.

Why the mucus appears in children can be found in this article.

Consider the clinical importance of identifying urine analysis of mucus combinations with other elements.

If bacteria and mucus are detected

How to collect urine analysis on Mau

The mucus and bacteria in the urine is a frequent combination. Both indicators indicate the inflammation of the bladder, kidney pelvis or urethra. Considering the functions of the mucus, it can be assumed that it is redundant precisely on the background of bacteriuria and is a physiological mechanism that allows the body to be cleaned of infection, to prevent the attachment of microbes to the epithelium of urinary organs.

If bacteria entered the urine from external genital organs due to incorrectly assembled analysis, the mucus also plays a cleansing role. It is possible to determine its origin (for example, to compare the mucus from the urethra and vagina) only by type of simultaneously isolated epithelial cells.

A significant amount is found in venereal diseases. To obtain pure urine analysis, women are advised before urine to put a tampon in the vagina.

If the urine detected protein and mucus

The combination of protein and mucus in urine analysis with moderate values \u200b\u200bcan be explained by increased physical activity, human supercool.

Protein is admissible in the form of traces. The increase in both indicators is possible at:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • tuberculosis kidneys;
  • disintegrating tumor;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • fevering condition;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe heart failure.

If many leukocytes have been identified with mucus

Leukocytes are carrying a protective function friendly with mucos. They also increase in response to the introduction of bacteria, viruses, mushrooms and other infectious agents. These cells have their own norms for children, men and women, are determined by clear counting.

The detection of a high level subject to the rules of collecting urine serves as an indication of the process inside the urinary system (in the kidneys, urinary bubble).

Diagnosis allows you to identify the disease by the nature of leukocyte cells dominant in the urine, their morphological structure. It matters to recognition:

  • malignant neoplasm;
  • sign of harbingers of tissue rejection after transplantation.

If the mucus is observed with the salts

The cause of precipitated salts is impaired nutrition or modified metabolism with acidification or urine lacking. Most often phosphates, oxalates and urates are detected.

Mucus looks like transparent fibers or stains, salt form crystal figures

Oxalables are the greatest danger, since they have sharp edges that irritate the walls of the urinary tract. Therefore, during oxalateuria, the largest amount of mucus is allocated.

Oxalates can increase significantly at:

  • poisoning;
  • urolithiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

For a specialist, it is important to distinguish the broken general metabolism from dietary excesses and use:

If the epithelium mucus and cells are detected

The epithelial cells, lining the urinary pathways, are aging over time and rejected (listened). At the same time, they are found in a small amount in the urine. At the same time, they are accompanied by mucous allocations. With inflammation, the number of "lost" cells increases significantly.

By type of epithelium, you can reveal the localization of the focus of inflammation. In the analysis find:

  • Cells of flat epithelium - as they linse the lower third of the blade, they are detected during cystitis, in men with prostatitis, urethritis. Massive selection of flat epithelium is detected with rare severe pathology - IG nephropathy. It is accompanied by a damage to the filtration function of the kidneys.
  • Transition epithelium is localized in the upper part of the ureters and renal pelvis. It appears in the urine during acute or exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, with tumors in this zone, urinary stones.
  • The renal epithelium is never detected at healthy kidneys. It indicates the defeat of the glomerular apparatus during glomerulonephritis, accompanies renal ischemia, is a sign of the start of the transplant rejection, the presence of stones in the kidney.

Flat epithelium cells serve as a more benign sign

Special attention in the diagnosis deserves the presence of mucus and renal or transitional epithelium.

When the combination of blood and mucus in the urine

Blood adherence is possible in the form:

  • single erythrocytes (microhematuria);
  • massive internal bleeding (macrohematuria).

Such a combination always implies expressed violations in urinary bodies, needs an additional examination. Most often detected:

  • renal disease;
  • tumor kidney or bladder with decay (blood clots are formed);
  • heavy stages of inflammation of the kidneys and bladder with the destruction of the basal membrane, the walls of the capillaries;
  • traumatic damage when injuries of the abdomen, pelvis, the use of catalyterization of pelvis and urethra.

Much more often observed microhematuria against the background of the use of medicinal substances.

Even if the child pleases you with excellent health, it should periodically donate urine and blood for analysis. Clinical analysis of urine in the first year of the child's life should be made before vaccinations. It is not difficult to collect urine on the analysis, it is not difficult for a child, and will help make sure before the vaccination, that with the baby everything is in order, or to notice the beginning illness in time.

I pass the urine for analysis and getting the result, a rare mom does not try to decipher it myself. Among the many indicators, the mark is thrown in the "mucus" column - an increased amount. What does the presence of mucus in the analysis of urine in a child?

It is not necessary to scare, because even an absolutely healthy child has a minor amount of mucus in the urine is normal. The mucus is highlighted by surface cells of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, ideally its amount in the urine is so insignificant that under laboratory studies are not detected.

Causes of the appearance of mucus in the urine in a child

A large number of mucus in the urine in a child says that:

1. Watering on the analysis was collected incorrect. When passing a re-analysis, the following rules must be strictly observed:

  • for analysis, the average portion of morning urine is collected, and the previous time the child should pee no more than 6 hours before it;
  • it is necessary to properly carry out hygienic procedures - wash and dry the penis from the boy, and the girl is moved in front of the opposition to the analysis of the microflora from the rear pass area;
  • the urine assembled for analysis is not subject to storage for longer than 3 hours, and during this time it should be stored in a closed capacity in a cool place without exposed to sunlight;
  • capacity for collecting urine on the analysis should be thoroughly washed and dried, and even better use for these purposes Special brothers for breast kids and sterile jars for older children;
  • it is impossible to collect a pot to collect, because it is impossible to wash it enough.

2. The boy does not fully open the head of the penis - FMOV. At the same time, the mucus from the fold is impossible to completely remove in hygienic procedures. This problem will help solve a children's surgeon.

3. The inflammatory process is actively developing in the urogenital system of the child. A large amount of mucus in the urine speaks most often about the presence of inflammation in the outer genital organs or urethra, but may also be a manifestation of kidney disease (pyelonephritis, nephropathy) and bladder (cystitis). In these cases, it is necessary to carry out additional surveys from the specialists of nephrologists and urologists, to pass urine tests on Nechiporenko, in the Winning Committee, to take brine strokes, to spend the urine Bacapos to determine what microorganisms caused inflammation.

4. In the urine increased the number of salts. Their enhanced content contributes The formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. But it is not necessary to scare, usually their number directly depends on the diet and the amount of liquid drunk.

The mucus in the urine in the child should not scare with the rest of the normal indicators and the absence of complaints about well-being. The reason most likely lies precisely in non-compliance with the rules for collecting and transporting urine-assembled. But if the child at the same time is sluggish, he has increased the temperature, it complains about unpleasant sensations when urinating and notes pain at the bottom of the back or abdomen - it is not necessary to hide with a campaign to the doctor, perhaps a large number of mucus in the urine occurred due to the diseases of the urinary sphere.

A rather informative study for identifying pathological changes in the human body is considered to be urine analysis. The slightest changes in the results of an experienced doctor may talk about many. For example, the appearance of mucus in the urine. But what does this mean?

Mucus in the urine

The mucus in the blade is represented by cells of the lunished epithelium of urinary tract. Epithelial cells are rejected in order to protect the wall from the effects of acidic or bacterial stimuli. In the development of urolithiasis, during the deposition of concrections, a large number of mucus is also formed.

Increasing the amount of the mucous membrane separated in the urine may indicate both the inflammation of the urinary or sexual systems and the progressive acute state.

Normally, there is a mucus in the blade in the blade, but in a small amount, which is explained by the normal operation of glassoid cells of the epithelium of the urinary tract.

Causes and pathogenesis

The child has

The most common cause of an increased concentration of mucus in the urine in children is the wrong or insufficient hygienic treatment of outdoor genital organs. Boys often mucous allocations accumulate under extreme flesh and if when bathing it is not enough to move it, then the accumulated mucus will flow into the urine, such often occurs during phimosis.

Girls provoke a lot of mucus in the urine may not comply with the elementary rules of personal hygiene or such a disease as vulvovaginitis. It affects the composition of the blade and use on the eve of the flour in large quantities and sweets.

In men

Men at the age of about 40 years and older often suffer from prostatitis. The cause of the development of inflammation may be viral, bacterial and fungal organisms. They are irritated to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and the glazing cells work more intense. In addition to the mucus, a large number of leukocyte cells appear in the urine, and the EE is accelerated in the blood. Such laboratory changes require further more detail. Venerical diseases also provoke what many mucus appear.

Among women

In women, the number of mucus in the urine is always somewhat higher than in men. This is due to the fact that the vaginal secret that stands out almost constantly, contains a certain amount of mucus. When collecting material for analysis, this mucus can also fall in urine. This phenomenon is manifested when overcooling. The anatomical features of the female organism suggest frequent cases of the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis, which provokes the appearance of mucus in the urine.

General information about the presence of mucus in the urine


When pregnancy, the appearance of mucus in the urine may be a formidable sign that means the fact that in the body of the mother there is an inflammatory process of unknown etiology. This may affect the process of nourishing the child and its development. Often, the cause of laboratory changes are any venereal diseases or pyelonephritis, cystitis.

Signs and symptoms

The mucus, which is detected in the urine is isolated (in small quantity), does not cause any unpleasant symptoms, it is on the contrary, it neutralizes the irritating effect of concrections or bacterial organisms in the urinary tract.

If the mucus stands out a lot and it is associated with any pathology, then the following symptoms may appear:

  • Pain of the cutting character, bred during the urination process (urolithiasis);
  • Buttering and pulling pain in the stomach, or rather - in its lower part, the increase in urination (with cystitis);
  • Can join (under urolithiasis or with cystitis);
  • Increasing body temperature, general weakness and chills;
  • In the urine, the concentration of leukocyte cells (with inflammation) can significantly increase, and in the blood - the acceleration of ESP.


In order to obtain the correct result of the urine analysis, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for the fence of the material:

  • You need to collect morning urine, its average portion;
  • Previously need to rinse the skin of the external genital organs;
  • Deliver the material to the laboratory is needed within three hours after the fence;
  • It is advisable not to collect urine to analyze women during menstruation, erythrocytes will be detected in the sediment, so the result will not be informative.

In the laboratory, the concentration of mucus in the urine is determined in the pluses. The permissible norm of the mucous membrane separated in the urine in adults is the result "+".

If the overall urine analysis, and rather, its decryption shows three or four pluses (maximum number) - it is necessary to undergo a full survey. In children in the urine mucus should not be at all.


The mucus in the urine is not a disease, this laboratory indicator often allows you to suspect the presence of changes in the urinary tract of an inflammatory nature.

Depending on the reason for increasing the concentration of mucus in the urine, various treatment is assigned:

  • When antispasmodics are prescribed orally or parenterally in order to stop the attack. When identifying congregations in the kidneys, it is often not necessary without surgery or.
  • If the reason lies in the inflammatory process of viral or bacterial origin - antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Assigned to rehanging urinary ways of uroantispetics, nitrofurans, herbal infusions.
  • In the pathology of the prostatic gland, preparations are prescribed, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, are able to reduce the cloth glands in the amount and relax muscle fibers. If medications do not help, then go to surgical treatment.


Preventive measures are in the right assembly of urine before conducting a laboratory analysis, for this should be followed by the rules listed above. It is not recommended to keep the urine for a long time before collecting it into the container, as the result will be false positive. It is recommended to refrain from excessive use of acute, salted and sweet food on the eve of the delivery of urine analysis.