Ransom of the bride in winter. Winter bride redemption scenario. Material support for a fun wedding event

In the wintertime, arranging a fabulous ransom is so easy. Let's remember together your favorite children's fairy tales?

In winter, it is so easy to arrange a fabulous ransom based on famous works. Well, let's remember together your favorite children's fairy tales?


Only instead of Kai, the bride will be imprisoned. The role of the icy lady can be played by one of the bride's friends. Think about the appropriate setting - a dress in silver-blue tones, crystal jewelry, a beautiful headdress. Prepare cubes, each of which will have one letter written - let the groom add affectionate "nicknames" to his beloved from them. If the task goes hard, you can offer to come up with an appeal for each letter.

Then have the groom guess the riddles from the wise raven. These can be questions about the beloved (her favorite flowers, dish, etc.).

Freeze the apartment key in the cube. Let the groom in any way, but for a certain time, try to get him.

To add a touch of irony to the challenge, invite the stone-faced groom to stand in front of the mirror and read a funny poem or sing a song. To enhance the effect, you can inhale some helium from the balloon.

The final test on the way to the bride will be the temptations of the Snow Queen, who will try to invite the young man to marry one of her ice retinue (at this time, the bride's friends can start dancing beautifully, complimenting the groom).

The ransom will culminate in hot Kiss, which will awaken the bride from sleep and warm her heart with hot love.


In order for the ransom to be the most convincing, it is necessary to take care not only of Russian-folk costumes, which will convey the atmosphere of a fairy tale, but also to choose a suitable place. If time permits, and the cold does not frighten, it is best to go to the forest. At this time, the bride may be somewhere in a secluded place: a house (if the ransom takes place somewhere at a recreation center), a car (if you are far from civilization). The ransom leader will portray the good Morozko, who will try to lead the groom off the right path. To begin with, you can suggest choosing the path along which the bride passed. Let a few wedding guests trample a small path, and the groom guess where the traces of his beloved are. Then Morozko propose to compose a funny poem, where there will be words - love, frost, nose and carrots (you can think of options yourself). The competition for the distance of throwing snowballs, in which the groom will have to surpass his friends or Morozko himself, will help to keep warm. A young man can drive up to his beloved in a sleigh pulled by three horses with bells.


For the ransom scenario based on this tale, twelve volunteers will have to be found among the guests, each of whom will make riddles and offer tests to the groom. Performing in the three, each season will not let the groom to the bride until he completes the task from each of them.

So, for example, the winter months may offer to temporarily build a snow fort or To make a snowman... The spring ones will make you confess your love in unusual ways, the summer ones will hold a quiz on knowing the best vacation spots, and the autumn ones will harvest compliments and affectionate words for the bride from the groom.

A hot fire constantly appears in the fairy tale. Therefore, the groom can be offered a test of making a fire - for example, with the help of a flint. The test can be replaced with a simpler one - for example, talking to the bride about your love while the sparkler is burning.

A bouquet of snowdrops will become a pass to the bride. Whether the groom finds fresh flowers, draws, or comes up with something else - depends on the imagination and resourcefulness of the young man.


If the celebration takes place by date close to the New Year holidays, you can organize thematic buyback... In order to butter up the bridesmaids, the groom must give each of them a small present. Decorating the Christmas tree with the help of improvised means can be a fun and interesting ransom. You can offer the groom in advance colored paper and scissors so that he can make toys with his own hands. Taking the phrase "HAPPY NEW YEAR" as a basis, the groom should compliment the bride for each letter. A loving groom can come to the bride, dressed up by Santa Claus, and the bride will hand him a letter of wishes, which he will fulfill one by one on each wedding anniversary.

The ransom script based on the cartoon "The Flying Ship".

If your wedding is in winter, you want the bride ransom not in the entrance, or you just like the cartoon "The Flying Ship", then this scenario is for you! Scripts of bride ransoms have already been written in great numbers and are wandering from site to site. I want to offer you my new buyback scenario. The main idea of ​​the ransom: the groom and his friends find themselves in a fairy forest, where he is met by the young daughters of Baba Yaga - young Yozhki. Bridesmaids conduct tests for the groom.

The ransom of the bride takes place without money, and includes the merry trials of the groom. The ransom is recommended to be carried out in the yard of your house, on the street. The same ransom can be carried out. If the bride lives on the 1st floor .. The script is good for a winter wedding.

Characters: bridesmaids as young daughters of Baba Yaga, in colorful scarves, sheepskin coats and felt boots (ideally, dress them up in the style of Russian folk tales or a la Baba Yaga). You can give one of them a broom for the entourage.

Props for a fabulous ransom and decoration:

We decorate the yard in the form of a fairy forest;

In the courtyard, we organize a tea party for guests in the Russian-folk style - we set the table, cover it with a tablecloth, take out the samovar, bagels and pies with different fillings (we take out the food and samovar when the groom arrives);

Musical accompaniment will make the ransom dynamic, fun;

The magic bag of truth is an opaque cloth or paper bag;

Filling for the bag: comb, hand cream, rolling pin, grater, baby soap, toy cow, shiny Christmas tree toy and a small framed photograph of the bride;

Playing cards with reasons for marriage;

Log and ax;

Paper blanks for cutting snowflakes, glue, scissors;

Labyrinth drawing and marker;

Notes with the name of the dances: lezginka, lambada, rock and roll, twist;

Bath broom, crown on the head of the groom;

Fairy Ransom Scenario.

The groom enters the yard with friends. The melody of the song of the ditties Babok-Yozhek from the Flying Ship m / f plays in the background. The groom is greeted by the bride's friends in the guise of the young daughters of Baba Yaga.


What men!

What the hell is this!?

Where did such good fellows come from in our fabulous forest?

Where are you keeping the path?

The groom replies that he has come for the bride.

Grandma-Hedgehogs to each other:

Stop! Stop!

It's not welcoming - just ask questions!

As the popular wisdom says: first feed and drink, heat the bathhouse, and only then to Elena the Beautiful!

Eh, Grandma-Yozhki, let's get down to business!

The bridesmaids - Yozhki - immediately start drinking tea - they quickly set the table, set the samovar, etc. While treating them with tea and pretzels, they sing ditties (to music from the Flying Ship movie).

Stretch the accordion fur
Eh, play it, play it
Sing the ditties of the grandmother Yozhki,
Sing, don't talk!


Let's drink tea from a samovar,

With dryers, cheesecakes,

Delicious pretzels!

You come closer

Dance with us!

We are to the handsome groom

Let's drive away the sadness-longing!

He dreams of a girl And, at least, a queen!
Choose any of us
Lead that hour down the aisle!

The groom replies that he needs another bride.


Why are we not good for you?

Look, what beauties! How we sing!

No dowry?

Your bride must be very rich, since you don't like us - beauties?

The groom answers: beautiful, love, etc.


Is it really the most beautiful one?

Do you really love so much?

Probably cunning? What kind of beauties are we? Shouldn't love us?

We will check it now!

Testing the groom on the beauty of the bride.

The groom is offered to pull objects from the magic bag of truth, only one of which corresponds to the beauty of the bride. If he is not drawing a photograph of the bride, then the groom must say what this item has in common with the beauty of his bride (i.e., a compliment on the subject of the pulled item). The groom is given 3 attempts.




And how much you love the bride, we will also check it now!

Trial of the groom "Frosty letter":

Lay out a frosty letter from snowflakes on the window - a declaration of love. Snowflakes can be entrusted to cut to all the groom's friends. You can glue with glue stick or paste. If the windows are high and you don't want to stain the glass, then the groom is offered a drawn window on whatman paper.


How passionately in love!

Like the fire of the hearth of our hut on chicken legs, I give the tooth of a mountain lion!

So the groom came for the Beautiful Bride! Is he worthy of the treasures of our fairy forest?

We will check it now! The wisdom of the people is not for nothing that says: Tell me who is your friend, and I will tell you who ...?

Friends in chorus suggest: - You!

Groom Friends Challenge:

Dance competition to warm up the guests.

The groom names a dance that the bride likes, and friends should dance it. The second option: the bridesmaids have notes with the names of the dances in their fists, the groom opens one of the fists. Friends dance this dance as perky and fun as possible.


Phew! They killed us with their dances!

Good dancers!

Is the groom ready to receive the attributes of family life and thereby show his reliability?

Our one and only Elena the Beautiful will be married only to the most worthy!

Test "Dignity of the groom":

Friends of the groom name the groom's quality and then suggest options for its "suitable use" in family life.

Grandmas-Yozhki give the groom a bath broom, a crown on his head and the right to demand a hot breakfast in the morning.


Now he is prepared, dressed up! What a responsible and important day. And if on the path of life to distract him, what will be from his beautiful wife?

Yes, work, friends, football!

And other excesses are different!

And you sing to us about the bride - inserting her name into the song. But the song is not any, but the words of which begin with the first letter of the bride's name. Friends can help.

Test of the groom "Song of the Bride".

The groom and his friends recall a song whose words begin with the first letter of the bride's name. And sing a song, inserting the name of the bride.


Oh, the Beautiful Bride has circled you!

Are you ready for anything for her?

But we will check if you are telling the truth!

Yes, what is in your heart now and we will find out - we will spread our magic deck and they will tell about your thoughts. Pull the card, and we will find out the answer to the question - why did you decide to marry.

The girlfriends give the groom a deck of cards on which his thoughts are written (the reason why he decided to marry). The groom draws a card. You can give several attempts to the groom, saying that he is cheating, not pulling that much, friends are distracting and teeth are talking.

Reasons for getting married:

Dad said: if he kissed, he must marry.

Mamma said: you have already grown up, let your wife feed you now.

Friends persuaded: they wanted a holiday.

Fell in love with no memory.

Met the best girl ever.

I sat down on her smile.

Delicious cooking - saving on restaurants and cafes.

In winter it's cold to go on dates.


But our Bride has so many admirers - you have a dime a dozen competitors!

And will you have enough strength to fight off the admirers of the Beautiful Bride?

Here's a weapon (ax). Fans crowd. Will your friends help you?

Then use your heroic silushka with the whole team, but for peaceful purposes - replenish our stocks with firewood so that there is enough for a hot, hot fire in the oven!

A moving challenge for the groom's friends. It is necessary to show that they know how to chop wood. Or throw snow.


Strong! He scattered all the rivals with the help of his team!

You are good at leading! That's right, and you love it with your wife!

So be it, we will give you a magic felt-tip pen that will lead you to the Beautiful Bride.

But the road is difficult and you can only pave it with your mind!

Trial of the groom "Paths of the Fairy Forest":

A labyrinth is attached to the door, where the groom is drawn at one end, and different fairy-tale characters are drawn at different exits from the labyrinth, and only at one exit is the bride. On all the roads of the labyrinth there are mushrooms, berries, flowers. The task for the groom: to draw a path to the heart of a sweetheart with various affectionate nicknames - he says every time he meets a mushroom, berry or flower along the way.

At the end of the ransom, the groom is handed the key to the bride's door. The key can be put in several boxes with names: a key in a casket, a casket in a casket, a casket in a chest, a chest in a store packaging. And comment on all this when the groom opens each box.

If the groom and his friends begin to demand a ransom from their friends for the groom, then you can answer them:

Show a white handkerchief - a white flag and propose negotiations in which to give the bride's shoe for the groom. Designer shoes, dear, heiress of Cinderella's crystal shoe. But no - so instead of the bride there will be only a shoe and you will have to look for your bride, trying on the shoe for the girls of the whole neighborhood. And you will be late for the banquet, but go and paid for the banquet! Oh, how will you get money! So come on, don't haggle! Otherwise, we went to the stupas and flew away! Fyut - and you will stay at the closed door!

You can find another scenario for an unusual bride redemption in winter by

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A wedding is a joyful and bright holiday. For newlyweds, it begins in the morning with packing and preparation. Couples who respect ancient traditions also carry on a cheerful custom, which suggests that the groom should not just take the bride out of her house, but ransom it. What is Bride Ransom? First of all, this is a lively, funny ceremony that will betray the mood for the whole day. In addition, it will allow guests to get to know each other better by taking part in a perky and silly event.

When planning to conduct this ceremony, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the venue. The portal site invites you to familiarize yourself with the options for a bright redemption of a bride from a private house.

  • Do not try to give the groom a drink, because there is still the main event ahead - the painting, and the whole solemn day. Instead of alcoholic drinks, it is better to use compote or water.
  • Do not overdo it with the number of contests for buying a bride in a private house and their length, otherwise, instead of a fun pastime, you will get a tiresome event for everyone. The optimal time is about 30 minutes;
  • It is desirable that the contests are interactive and involve the largest possible number of people.

Advantages of a private house

  1. Large space. Competitions can be held both in the yard and in the house, using yard buildings: a bathhouse, a barn, a summer kitchen. It is interesting to beat the space on the street in front of the gate;
  2. The ability to brightly and beautifully decorate the house, yard, trees on the site, a gate;
  3. The bride can secretly observe what is happening in the yard from the window;
  4. If a videographer is invited, there is room for maneuvers between the guests, more options for catching good angles.

A well-thought-out scenario will be the key to a successful and cheerful redemption of a bride in a private home. Its implementation should be entrusted to the host or host. The role of the “main salesperson” is usually performed by the bridesmaid or man with a sense of humor, preferably the father or brother of the bride.

The idea of ​​a bride price to be carried out in a private house already in itself refers to the village traditions. But this does not mean at all that you cannot show imagination, and should be limited only to the classic scenario. If the newlyweds have chosen a certain wedding concept, then the bride's ransom can be carried out in the style of the whole celebration.

We offer you an interesting option for buying a bride with fun contests, in which you can make the most of the space, both in front of a private house and in it.

Redemption of the Bride from Home - Classic Scenario

This scenario is the most traditional for a bride purchase in the village, but no less interesting. You need to start by decorating the yard. Hang various bright posters, wall newspapers (you can pin a poster "The bride lives here!" On the fence), decorate the trees with ribbons, hang photos of the newlyweds on a clothesline, secure them with clothespins, arrange flower pots.


  • ribbons, posters, balls, wall newspapers, flower pots, photographs for decorating the yard;
  • an old curtain for the "fake bride";
  • pencils, felt-tip pens, a sheet of Whatman paper or a small bag for a portrait;
  • dense threads for the "gossamer" competition;
  • packaging of disposable plastic dexterity cups;
  • a hammer, board, nails or a large log for a power competition;
  • balloons, a key, a needle for the "find the key" competition.

Meeting the groom

The advantage of the scenario of buying the bride in a private house is that the action begins at the gate. The witness and the bride's friends, when they see that the groom is already approaching, block the gate.

Witness: Hello, our clear falcon! How long have you kept your way to us! We've all missed our eyes! Oh, did you come for a bride! (here the groom must answer). A clever and beautiful woman lives here, working and caring. But, just like that, we will not give it to you. Are you ready to pass the tests that we have prepared for you?

Girlfriends do not let the groom pass until he agrees to participate in the tests. For extra effect, you can dress up two guys as bodyguards. They can threaten the groom that he would not spoil, otherwise they will be escorted out under white little hands.

The traditional character for the village ransom is the "fake bride". In this role, you can involve a man or a woman of venerable age. They can be wrapped with an old curtain, a wreath, beads. The funnier a character looks, the better.

When the groom refuses such a “bride,” the bridesmaids ask for a ransom or offer to participate in a competition.



The groom is asked to draw a portrait of the future darling. It is more interesting and unusual if the portrait is made of coins.

A test of agility

Wind the threads between the trees with a cobweb. The groom or the witness must bend through them.

Make a walkway in your yard with plastic cups. The groom must jump over them before entering. You can supplement this competition with various other questions about the bride, if the groom answers correctly, then he jumps to the next glass.

Power competition

In this competition, the presenter can give the floor to the father-in-law, who will test the strength of the daughter's future husband.

Father-in-law: Let's check, son, if you will be a good support for my daughter, will you cope with a man's work?

There may be several options for verification. The groom is handed a hammer and asked to hammer a nail into the plank with one blow. It is worth considering that such a competition can be traumatic, so assess the groom's abilities soberly. Second: block the path to the door to the house with a log. The groom must remove the log by himself.

Find the key

Inflate balloons, in one of which put the key to the bride's door, and in the others you can put pieces of paper with letters. Hang them on your front porch.

Witness: Dear groom! Our bride is preening herself, but getting ready for the wedding. Only now I forgot about the time. Hurry her up. But first, find the key to your betrothed's door.

The groom bursts the balls until he finds the key. If you come across a piece of paper with a letter, then you need to say a compliment to the bride, starting with her.

Witness: You passed our tests with dignity. Courage, agility and perseverance showed. Get the diploma of the best seeker. We wish you to cope with life's obstacles as easily as with our contests. Now hurry up, take your bride and run to the registry office, so as not to be late!

On the territory of a private house, you can also implement the scenario of redemption of the bride Medical examination, Wild West, Travel, use the ideas of the quest. Regardless of which scenario you choose, follow the advice www.!

    A wedding is one of the most important days in the life of both the groom and the bride. Therefore, every person wants his wedding to be held at the highest level. However, this cannot be achieved without prior preparation. It is necessary to organize the celebration itself, a banquet, a photo session and many other moments that require time and money.

    At the same time, do not forget about the ransom of the bride, since this process is one of the most important and most traditional in the whole event. Naturally, you need to pay attention to where exactly the ransom is made, since its scenario may depend on it.

    You should not try to do something banal in a hurry: you must either prepare properly, or abandon this idea altogether if it is not interesting to either the groom or the bride.

    If you still want to hold this event, then this article will suit you, as it will describe the buyout in a private home, as well as possible scenarios. Why a private house? You can find quite a lot of information about ordinary apartments on the Internet, and you can come up with many options on your own, but a private house is a reference to ancient traditions, when the ransom of the bride was carried out in the villages.

    A ransom in a private house is an event that can be played in a very interesting and vivid way, and with the help of this article you can achieve an incredible result.

    Ransom of the bride, what is it?

    Before considering a ransom in a private house, it is necessary to tell what this event is in principle. The fact is that many people do not often come across weddings in their lives, so they may not have a fairly clear idea of ​​what is happening there.

    So, if you do not know what a bride ransom is, then you should not worry, because there is nothing complicated about it. The bottom line is very simple: the groom, before marriage, arrives at the bride's home, but there the bride's witness and her bridesmaids are waiting for him, who are preparing various contests and tests that the groom must pass in order to get his bride.

    But why, then, ransom? The fact is that if he cannot cope with the test, incorrectly answers the question, or is unable to overcome a certain obstacle, he will have to pay a ransom to move forward. It can be both money and various pleasant things, such as candies, flowers, and so on. Only after fulfilling all the conditions, the groom can get to the bride and marry her. But what are the features of a ransom in a private home?

    Carrying out a foreclosure in a private house

    Frankly speaking, buying a bride in a private house is not very different in essence from what happens in any other place. However, this does not mean that you should not turn on your fantasy and carry out everything at a basic level, just like millions of other people.

    You should use the presence of a private home as an excuse to add some traditional theme. This can manifest itself in the costumes that the bridesmaids will choose for ransom, in the essence of the tasks, in how exactly they will communicate with the groom (you can always use folk ditties, old country dialect and other techniques to make the process more varied and interesting) ... But, of course, the essence should not be very different from the classical idea of ​​ransom.

    You should not do a large number of tasks, as this will tire both the participants and the audience, and you should also not make the tasks too difficult, because if the groom simply has to pay a ransom to the witness at every step, then there will be no interest in the process.

    Also, do not forget that the groom has a witness, whom you can also include in the assignments, so that a fun pastime does not turn into a routine for the groom. In general, the tasks should be few, they should be simple, varied and involve not only the groom. It is on this that you should build a buyout scenario in a private house.

    How does it all start?

    So, the main advantage of a private house is the fact that it has only one entrance, and you can get to it only through one gate or entrance. Therefore, first of all, you need to decorate the courtyard of the house thematically.

    For this, you can use both standard decorations, such as balls and ribbons, and more appropriate options, such as images of the bride and groom. You can diversify what is happening by playing traditional instruments such as the button accordion or balalaika.

    It all starts at the gate, where the groom and the witness are met by the witness and the bridesmaids. They block the entrance to the courtyard, not letting the men in until they agree to pass all the tests that were invented for them.

    Only when they agree, the witness and the girlfriends step aside and let the groom and the witness into the courtyard, from where it is already possible to begin to conduct tests, without waiting for the entrance to the house. This is another advantage of conducting foreclosure in a private home. This only makes the scenario of buying out a bride in a private house even more varied.

    Answers on questions

    The most important element of the ransom in all conditions is questions to the groom concerning his bride. You can ask them just like that, or you can make everything more interesting, for example, by drawing traces on the garden path along which the groom needs to move.

    If he answers the question correctly, then he can move a step closer, if he was mistaken, then he is forced to take a step back. In order not to delay the process, you can offer an alternative and pay part of the ransom for each wrong answer, so as not to receive a fine, but only move forward.

    A modern ransom for a bride in a private house may include additional special effects, such as light music or something similar, but attention will still be focused on the main action.

    What are the questions to ask? Here, the bridesmaid and her witness should already show their imagination. Naturally, you also need to find a balance here so that the questions are not too difficult, but at the same time they do not seem trivial. You can ask the bride's eye color, date of dating, shoe or ring size, his last gift for her (or vice versa), favorite dish, first or last date, and so on.

    There are many options, so you need to carefully approach this point and choose only the most interesting questions. A ridiculous ransom for a bride in a private home can also include various outdoor tests, but you should remember that these tests should not exhaust the groom too much, humiliate him and force him to do things that you yourself would not want to do. So be careful about outdoor testing.

    Test of strength

    Ransom payments in a private house are cool most often include any elements that allow a man to prove that he is strong and tough enough to protect his future wife in life together.

    For example, it might be a trial in which the groom has to hammer a nail into the board, but this option is traumatic, so you should include it solely at your own peril and risk.

    It will be much more interesting and safe to place a log across the passage to the house, which the groom (himself or with the help of a witness) will need to saw in order to go further. So he will be able to prove that he can protect a fragile bride in later life, taking her from the hands of her father, who did it earlier.

    Testing the doors

    How can you continue the scenario of buying the bride in a private house? A cool option will be available to you if you have more than two rooms. And given the fact that in most private houses there are many more rooms, this scenario may suit you with a very high probability.

    So, its essence lies in the fact that three or four rooms are locked with a key, and these keys are taken by a witness who has cards with tasks corresponding to the keys to the locked rooms. The groom, on the other hand, must take one card at a time, complete the task and receive the key to the room.

    Naturally, these rooms will be empty, but it will be exhibited according to the script so that in one of them the groom will find his bride. What tasks can you think of? You can already decide this yourself. Or you can always use the tips from this article!


    What tests can you think of to buy a bride? The modern scenario in a private house requires one setting, the traditional ransom requires another, but all this is done quite easily, but interesting tasks are a much more complex problem that not everyone is able to solve competently.

    After all, if the tasks are too difficult, the groom will spend a lot of time on them, and failures can ruin his mood. If they are too banal and simple, then no one will get pleasure from the solution.

    Well, the mosaic can be a test for the first door. You can buy a children's mosaic, or you can make the test a little more personalized: print a photo of the bride and groom, cut it into squares and invite him to assemble the whole photo. You should also keep an eye on the time: you need to limit it, as viewers can get bored if the groom fiddles with one test for too long.

    Find out your favorite

    This is a classic element of any ransom, in which every bridesmaid and witness leaves a lip print on paper, and among these prints there is also a bride print. The groom's task is to choose the print that belongs to his beloved.

    Playing with a little thing

    Given that this is a ransom, the groom and the witness should have enough money. They can also be used by asking the groom to put the bride's name on the floor using coins for a limited amount of time.


    On the sheets of paper, you need to write one letter at a time, if you wish, you can fold a chamomile from these leaves. The groom must tear off a petal from this chamomile, characterizing his future wife with a word starting with the letter depicted on the petal. It can also be compliments, affectionate nicknames and other pleasant things.

    The last steps

    As mentioned earlier, the bride will not be in the rooms, but a window can be opened in the last room to stage the bride's escape. And the groom will only have to find her, using the tips of the witness.

    The bride can hide in the garden, with neighbors, in the car, or in any other secluded spot. You can think of an additional test for finding a bride, or you can simply guide the groom, for example, according to the principle of "hot" and "cold".

    The place of the redemption is a snow-covered courtyard or a park near the bride's house.

    In the magical forest, the bride accidentally touched the staff of Santa Claus. Everyone knows that the one “who touches the staff will never wake up”. However, there is one remedy: the sleeping beauty-bride can be awakened by the kiss of the handsome prince-groom and the smell of a bouquet of 5 snowdrops that grow in the magical forest.

    The groom needs to collect a bouquet of 5 snowdrops for his beloved. But in order to pick the cherished flowers, you should complete the tasks of Baba Yaga, who, as it turns out, not only arranges dirty tricks, but also grows snowdrops in winter - she has such a hobby (if snowdrops cannot be found in winter, you can replace them with other flowers e.g. roses or chamomile). For completing one task, the groom receives one flower.

    An example scenario:

    You can decorate the trees in the yard with New Year's toys, decorate with sparkles, and also dazzle snow figures and snowmen.

    It is imperative to put a table with a hot samovar. Bagels, bagels, pies, gingerbread and pancakes - all this will be a great addition to the fabulous decor and a small buffet table for guests on the street. They will be able to warm up with aromatic tea with Russian folk dishes. If you wish, you can put a bottle of vodka with salted mushrooms, cucumbers and herring as a snack.

    The ransom of the bride is carried out by Baba Yaga. You can rent a suit or build it yourself: glue a colorful nose, find a worn scarf and a broom.

    You can invite a bayan player or a balalaika player for ransom. It will perfectly complement the flavor of the Russian national holiday and set a cheerful mood.

    Stage 1. Magic mirror

    Looking in a magic mirror, Baba Yaga will ask the groom tricky questions about the bride.

    Examples of questions:

    What did the bride eat for breakfast today?
    - What is the bride doing now (asleep - she touched the staff)?
    - What fellows does your spouse like: beautiful, smart, strong or generous?

    Stage 2. Beauty Bride - Long Braid

    The bride is very beautiful. But to maintain this beauty, she has to dress up and preen every day. Will her future husband help her in this? With the help of scarves, hats and jewelry, a young man in love must decorate a snow woman, imagining that he is dressing up his bride. Of course, Baba Yaga will try to prevent him, because, despite her advanced years, she considers herself the main forest beauty.

    Stage 3. Snow confessions

    The groom must lay out the recognition of his beloved with snowflakes on a magical forest canvas of registration of marriages and feelings.

    Small paper snowflakes are prepared in advance. Whatman paper is decorated with paints under the old canvas.

    Stage 4. Girls best friends

    As you know, girls' best friends are diamonds, and in our winter fairytale case, ice floes. The groom and his friends must fill Baba Yaga's box with 10 pieces of ice (instead of them, you can use mild shards of glass or pieces of amber).

    Pieces of ice are hidden in advance along the perimeter, where the bride's ransom takes place.

    Stage 5. Love ditties

    The bride is a refined nature. She needs a companion who is well versed in art. The groom and his friends will demonstrate their skills and abilities in the field of dancing. They will have to compose ditties for the bride to the given rhymes, and then perform them, dancing.

    Baba Yaga can offer the fellows to change into warm felt boots for the convenience of performing the dance and give each of them a headscarf. An accordion player or balalaika player will play along with singers and dancers.

    Examples of rhymes:

    The bride is the place
    Hot - shoulder
    Milenok - from the cradle
    Date is a task
    My dear - marry me

    After completing all the tasks and collecting a bouquet of 5 snowdrops, the groom goes to the parlor to his bride, where he wakes his constricted from frosty sleep with a gentle kiss.