Growth leaps by date of birth. Mental formation of a child up to a year

Both adults and children go through different age crises throughout their lives. According to psychologists, the bulk of age-related crisis jumps occurs in childhood and adolescence. This is easily explained by the fact that it is during these years that a person experiences the most dynamic development, which requires constant changes.

Doctors identify several crisis periods of childhood

The formation of general and neuropsychic reactivity in children is uneven. This process is characterized by periodic jumps. Such rather sharp and violent qualitative explosions are replaced by periods of quieter development. Childhood crises are divided into 5 main phases:

  1. Newborn crisis. This phase lasts 6-8, sometimes 9 weeks after birth.
  2. Early childhood crisis. It falls on the age of 12 - 18, 19 months (we recommend reading :).
  3. Crisis 3 years. It can start as early as 2 years old and last up to 4.
  4. Crisis 6-8 years (we recommend to read :).
  5. The adolescent crisis. He happens at 12, 13, 14 years old.

Newborn crisis

Among specialists, it is customary to consider the child crisis that a newborn is experiencing, from the physical and psychological side. From the point of view of physiology, the process of adaptation of the crumbs to the new conditions of its existence is implied, which is radically different from the prenatal period. After birth, a baby needs to do many things on its own in order to survive - for example, breathe, warm itself up, get and digest food. To help the child adapt and make this process as less stressful as possible, parents should develop a calm daily routine, ensure regular sleep and good nutrition, and establish the breastfeeding process.

In the phase of psychological adaptation, the actions and emotions of the child's parents play an important role. The baby, who has just been born, does not yet have basic communication skills, so he needs help and support, especially from his mother.

It is she who is able to intuitively understand what exactly her baby needs. However, it is very difficult to trust exclusively yourself and your baby, especially if there are many grandmothers, relatives and friends around who constantly advise something. All that mom needs to do is carry the baby in her arms, apply it to her chest, hug and protect from unnecessary worries, plus have an iron restraint.

It is important for the mother of a newborn child to build her own relationship with the baby, to establish mutual understanding

This crisis resolves by 6-8 weeks after birth. Its completion is evidenced by the emergence of a revitalization complex. At the sight of his mother's face, the baby begins to smile or in some other way available to him to show his joy.

Early childhood crisis

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The time of the early age crisis lasts from 12 months to one and a half years. During this period, the baby actively learns the world around him, learns to walk and speak. Naturally, at this age, the child's speech is still not very clear. While the parents talk about the baby's "own language", psychologists gave it the name of autonomous children's speech.

At this stage, the baby, for whom the mother is the center of his entire being, comes to understand that she also has her own interests and desires, and therefore cannot belong only to him. Together with this, there is a fear of being lost or abandoned. It is in him that lies the reason for the strange behavior of infants who have just learned to walk. For example, they may not leave their mother a single step or act differently - they constantly run away, thereby forcing them to pay attention to themselves.

The ability to walk independently becomes a kind of milestone in the development of a child - he slowly begins to realize his separateness

This phase marks the beginning of the child's manifestation of his own will and the adoption of his first independent decisions. The most accessible and understandable way to defend his opinion is protest, disagreement and opposing himself to others. It is categorically impossible to try to fight in these moments with the child. Firstly, it will not give any results, and secondly, now he needs to feel unshakable love from his parents and have their physical and emotional support.

It is important for parents to switch from the idea that their child is a helpless creature, to give him the opportunity to develop on his own at this stage of growing up. It is clear that an assessment of its capabilities is required and, if necessary, periodic pushing of the crumbs to something, or vice versa, a certain slowdown in its pace.

Psychologists were able to calculate, by weeks and months, the frequency of crises in children in the first year and a half. They created a special calendar for this in the form of a table by week. The weeks when the child is in crisis are shaded in a darker color. A yellow tint indicates a favorable time for development, and a cloud - the most difficult periods.

Calendar of baby development crises by week

Three Years Crisis

The so-called crisis of 3 years may not occur strictly in 3 years. It has a fairly wide time frame. The time of its beginning and completion can vary from 2 to 4 years - this is due to the individual characteristics of the individual child. Also, this period is characterized by sharp jumps with manifestations that do not lend themselves well to correction. A lot of patience and endurance will be required from parents. You should not react very harshly to the baby's tantrums and whims (we recommend reading :). The method of switching attention is quite effective in such situations. With the next hysterical outburst, you need to try to distract the baby by occupying it with something else, more interesting.

7 pronounced symptoms of a crisis 3 years

The most common signs of this crisis surge are:

  1. Negativism. The baby begins to negatively relate to one of the parents or even to several relatives at once. This results in his disobedience and refusal to communicate and any interaction with them.
  2. Stubbornness. Demanding something, the child becomes too persistent, but at the same time does not have the slightest desire to listen to the position of the parents who are trying to explain to him the reasons why they cannot fulfill his request. The baby is unable to change his original desire and is ready to defend it to the end.
  3. Obstinacy. It consists in actions that children do in spite of. For example, if a child is asked to collect things, he will scatter more toys, if asked to come up, he will run away and hide. This behavior is caused more by a protest against the rules, established norms and restrictions, rather than associated with a specific person.
  4. Willfulness or desire to do everything on their own without the help of adults. At 3 years old, it is difficult for a baby to make an assessment of his own potential and compare it with his real capabilities. This leads to the fact that he often performs inappropriate actions, as a result, gets angry, having failed.
  5. Rebelliousness. Wanting to make sure that his opinion is taken into account, the baby deliberately conflicts with others.
  6. Depreciation. The child ceases to appreciate everything that was previously dear to him. It boils down to broken toys, torn books and disrespectful treatment of loved ones.
  7. Despotism. The crumb demands that his parents fulfill all his whims, thereby he tries to subordinate them to his will.

Early childhood autism

It is important not to exclude the possibility that age-related crises in children may be accompanied by mental disorders. During this period, hormonal changes occur. It is caused by the activation of the nuclei of the diencephalon and the pituitary gland. The child is rapidly developing the process of cognition, it is this that is the basis for identifying neuropsychiatric diseases.

At this stage of child development, early childhood autism may form (we recommend reading :). This is a certain deviation in mental development. The disease is characterized by a sharp decrease in the need to contact with others. The child has no desire to talk, communicate, he does not show any emotions to the actions of other people, that is, laughter, smile, fear and other reactions are alien to him. The baby is not interested in toys, animals, or new people. Such children amuse themselves by repeating repetitive movements - for example, rocking their torso, fingering with their fingers, or rotating their hands in front of their eyes. Such behavioral features require the obligatory consultation of a neuropsychiatrist. The earlier treatment is started, the more chances of a successful result are.

This crisis period has two main aspects:

  1. Physical development. This is a very stressful time for the body. At this age, the child is growing rapidly in terms of physical indicators, improves the subtleties of hand motor skills, he develops certain rather complex neuropsychic functions.
  2. Social change. Children begin to go to elementary grades, they have a difficult process of adaptation to new conditions, requirements and surroundings. Such changes can provoke the formation in the child of a complex of deviations in behavior, which has received the general name "school neurosis".

The "school" crisis is associated with increased workloads and a new social role of the student

School neurosis

A child with school neurosis is characterized by various behavioral deviations. Some schoolchildren have this:

  • increased anxiety;
  • fear of being late for class or doing something wrong;
  • impaired appetite, which occurs especially in the morning before school, and in some cases may be accompanied by nausea and even vomiting.

In other cases, similar deviations manifest themselves as:

  • lack of desire to get up, dress and go to school;
  • inability to get used to discipline;
  • inability to remember tasks and answer the questions posed by teachers.

In most cases, school neurosis can be found in weakened children who have left preschool age, but due to physical and mental data lagging behind their one-year-olds.

Parents need to weigh everything well before sending a six-year-old baby to school. You should not rush to this even at the age of seven, if, according to the pediatrician, the child is not yet ready for such changes.

Komarovsky does not recommend overloading the baby until he fully adapts to the new way of life. Better to postpone additional sections and circles. Latent brain damage, which could have been acquired as a result of complications during childbirth or pregnancy, infections or injuries sustained in preschool or early childhood, may appear during the period of adaptation to school. The signs of this are:

  • fatigue;
  • motor restlessness;
  • resumption of stuttering, which may have been present in preschool age;
  • urinary incontinence.

In addition to the obligatory help of a doctor, it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere at home. Do not scold and punish the crumb, do not set unbearable tasks for him.

For ages 12-15, the most noticeable changes are characteristic - both in physiology and from a psychological point of view. During adolescence, boys have increased excitability and incontinence, quite often they can even show aggression. Girls at this age are characterized by an unstable mood. In addition, regardless of gender, adolescent children are characterized by increased sensitivity, indifference, excessive resentment and selfishness, and some begin to show callousness towards others, bordering on cruelty, especially for those closest to them.

Striving to be independent, not dependent on adults and trying to assert themselves, adolescents often commit dangerous and rash acts. For example, not being able to find themselves in studies, sports or creativity, they start smoking, addicted to alcohol, try drugs or engage in early sexual activity. Another way of self-affirmation in adolescents is grouping, that is, spending time and communicating in a peer group.

Compared to a first grader, a teenager needs the same amount of parental attention, and sometimes much more. However, it is necessary to perceive him as an adult, and not as a child, and understand that now his pride is especially vulnerable. It is absolutely useless for a teenager to impose his own opinion. In order to achieve results, you only need to guide the child. He should consider that he makes the decision independently.

Teenagers in times of crisis require almost more attention than first graders

Mental disorders during adolescence

During adolescence, in some cases, children have certain mental disorders that are difficult to distinguish from the usual features of a crisis state. At this stage of development, especially in situations where a boy or girl is rapidly maturing physically and sexually, a still latent predisposition to serious mental illnesses can manifest itself. It will not hurt at all and even help a consultation with a psychiatrist if the following changes are observed in the usual behavior of a teenager:

  • sudden changes in mood;
  • strange hobbies;
  • isolation and coldness in relations with relatives and peers;
  • detachment from his age-specific occupations and interests.

All phases of a child's natural development have a pattern, but their course can go completely differently. In some children, this is a change of painful and sharp jumps, in others it is a mild and almost imperceptible process. The physical and mental characteristics of each child undoubtedly affect how he will experience a crisis state, but an important role in this is played by the conditions in which the baby grows and is brought up. When parents are patient and balanced, and the atmosphere in the family is calm and friendly, the crisis period passes quite quietly, without excesses.


Growth jumps in infants up to a year can cause tantrums and strong whims for no reason. Surely every mother notices that even if a small child has no pain, his mood can be completely different. There are weeks when the baby is ready to have fun for hours without a break, and there are times when there is simply no end to whims. Some attribute this to the weather, others to teeth and some other factors. In fact, everything is much simpler. There is a scientific explanation for mood swings - it's all about the growth and development leaps that every child periodically experiences.

The fact that children grow unevenly is not difficult to notice. There are days and even weeks when there is no significant gain in either height or weight, and then suddenly the indicators begin to suddenly increase again. The same happens with psycho-emotional development. Only in this area, jumps happen much more often and they absolutely do not coincide with periods of physical growth. New skills appear unexpectedly, the child opens the world from a completely different side. All this is directly related to the work of the brain and its transition to a "new level".

What are the characteristics of the leaps in psychoemotional development?

Each of the developmental leaps falls on the child like a squall or hurricane. The kid is literally "unsettled" by a huge amount of emotions and impressions, but it is impossible to stop the work of the developing brain. Do you think, for example, just to understand that the world around you is colored or to start distinguishing patterns?

Studying cans on a shelf in a store, wiggling twigs or even a drawing on their own clothes requires a lot of effort from the baby and at first he gets very tired of it. In the future, of course, all this will be perceived as natural processes, but when everything around is new, it is not so easy to accept and master it.

How to understand that a child is experiencing another developmental leap

The signs by which it is possible to determine the approach of the next leap in development are individual for each infant. Someone does experience them without visible changes. However, in general it is:

  • unexpected screams and whims for no reason;
  • the demand for attention and constant physical contact with the mother, in fact the child "does not get off his hands";
  • decreased appetite and sleep problems;
  • a wary attitude towards strangers.

Some mothers start to panic and think that their child is sick with something or is simply naughty. In fact, this behavior is quite natural. After all, it is not at all easy for a baby to find that the world is arranged much more complicated than it seemed before, and he is going through this situation not without difficulties.

When a child experiences leaps in psycho-emotional development (calendar)

Despite the fact that each child develops at an individual pace, everyone experiences the races at about the same time.

In total, up to 1.5 years, they occur 10 times, starting from: 5, 8, 12, 15, 23, 34, 42, 51, 60 and 72 weeks. The duration of each stage can be from one to several weeks.

If the child was born earlier or later than the term, then the countdown should start not from the actual, but from the theoretical moment. In premature babies, developmental leaps occur later than in their peers, since the brain must "grow" to the desired level before moving on to a new stage. A weekly and monthly calendar will help you calculate your child's growth spikes. The table of development peaks will tell you what to do when the child is very naughty and throws tantrums.

Peaks (in detail):

Is it possible to avoid the problems associated with leaps in development

Unfortunately or fortunately, all children experience leaps in development: both calm and capricious, and those who show strength of character from birth. And each has certain problems associated with them.

You should not be afraid of this and try to avoid it - after all, this is the only way a child can move to a new stage of mastering the world. In addition, seeing that your little one can do much more than before is a worthy reward for whims and related problems.

How to help your child cope with developmental leaps

Imagine that you suddenly woke up on an alien planet and around - a new, completely unknown world. It is unlikely that you will be able to feel comfortable at the same time. The same thing happens to a baby who is experiencing a leap in psycho-emotional development - new emotions, new impressions, a new look at familiar things. Everything around suddenly changes.

Only the mother remains a reliable support, so you should not be offended by the child for the fact that he seeks to be near you, is capricious, asks for your arms and requires attention. In this situation Parents should be patient- after all, they are not only older, but also wiser.

Try not only to be close to your child, but also to support all his endeavors. Perhaps this is how you will contribute to the development of unique abilities, which in the future will be called talent. By the way, future geniuses show themselves from childhood and their developmental leaps are much sharper than those of other peers. True, do not forget that it is always difficult to make discoveries on your own. Therefore, you can gently direct the baby and his attention in the right direction. After all, who, no matter how mother feels it better than others, on a subconscious level?

And one moment. Be loyal to the fact that the schedule and daily routine after each jump suddenly changes. In some periods the child will want to play more, sometime on the contrary - to study and "read" books with his mother. Therefore, there is no need to blindly follow the routine. A child is not a TV program where everything is clear and at a certain time.

New Ability - New World!

After a child becomes restless and capricious, parents begin to observe him more closely and suddenly suddenly notice that he has new knowledge and skills. Something that previously could not be achieved even after long exhausting activities, for example, to teach how to assemble a pyramid or look for corresponding pictures, comes as if by itself.

In addition, a pleasant bonus - after the baby has made a new leap, he again becomes cheerful and active, comfortably existing at the level that has become familiar to him, shows independence, actively applying new skills in practice. Mom has a "calm and quiet". True, this will not last long - exactly until the moment when the brain is ripe for the transition to the next stage.

Personal experience

Over the past 1.5 years, I received a storm of emotions, whims and hysterics from Max. Reacted to them, too, was far from calm. Now I am a master of calmness and understanding of level 50)))) I thought our teeth were being cut and magnetic storms. And nobody suggested. These leaps are especially pronounced in sensitive, emotional and temperamental children.

Closer to the year, these are hysterics "mom do not cry", with not letting go to the toilet, terrible screams in the cold at -20 and at home, if at least something is not as he thought, all day on the pens ... by the year then I, Of course, I was pumped up, but my psyche did not have time.

Calm angels during these periods can only whimper a little and their mother does not see anything special in their behavior.

I really hope that you will read this article on time and this information will be useful to you) Still, it is easier to realize that these are some kind of jumps, and not your child is trying to drive you crazy!

According to the book by Hetty Vandereit and Frans Ploy, "Is it naughty? So it is developing!"

Recently I talked with an experienced mother. We talked about the development of a child up to a year. I complained: "The kid is capricious all the time, the whole day in his arms ..." "No wonder, you have 19 weeks, another leap!" It turns out that babies up to a year are naughty on schedule! This is a real discovery for me!

Regularities in the development of a child up to one year old

In general, I became interested in this topic. And here's the information I dug up. The development of a child up to a year occurs in jumps. This applies to both physical and mental development. Studies have shown that the periodization of a child's development corresponds in time to changes in brain waves. By the way, jumps in the mental development of babies under one year old often do not coincide with growth spikes, of which there are more.

Development stages of a child up to a year

Difficult periods are observed in all babies at the same age. And the developmental stages of a child up to a year follow this schedule: 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46, 55, 64, 75 weeks of life.

Child development crises do not go unnoticed. At such moments, babies are often whiny and capricious, it becomes more difficult to cope with them than usual, they literally "hang" on their mother.

When a child learns something new during a growth spurt, he will have to get out of his old habits, and this is not easy. If the baby is already walking, he should not continue to expect that he will continue to be worn in the same way. When he began to crawl, he will be able to pick up toys on his own. With each jump, your child can do more and become more independent.

Child development factors up to one year

The difficult period passes as unexpectedly as it comes. For most mothers, this is a time of relief. The baby has become more independent. He is constantly busy trying what he has recently learned. And the kid is delighted! But this calm is not for long. The next leap is coming soon! Until a year, there will be many more!


During growth spurt, babies under one year old suckle longer and more often than usual to increase the amount of milk in the mother to meet the needs of the growing baby body. What to do during a developmental leap? Just feed your baby up to a year as often and as long as he needs. This will help you increase your milk supply quickly. The breast works on the demand-supply principle, which means that the more the toddler sucks, the more milk the mother produces. A few days of more frequent feedings will result in more milk supply and the baby will return to a more normal “routine” of feedings.

Indicators of child development up to one year

Growth leaps up to a year can be measured in centimeters and grams. In order not to worry if my child is growing and gaining well, I found the following parameters.

By the age of 4-5 months, the weight of the child doubles, by the year it triples. Each month, you can determine the "normal" increase as follows: in the first six months, the child should add 800 g each month, and for the second - 400 g.

Babies grow on average 2.5 cm per month. In general, the baby should grow by 24-27 cm in a year.

Is it naughty? It means that it is developing!

A small step back and a leap forward

Children grow up in leaps and bounds. For a long time, nothing or almost nothing happens. And suddenly, in one night, the child grows a few mm. The mental development of children also occurs in leaps and bounds. Studies of children between the ages of 1.5 and 16 have shown that these leaps coincide in time with changes in brain waves, which can be determined using measurements. In infants up to 1.5 years, 7 age periods were also known when changes in brain radiation occur. It was found that in each of these periods, the development of the child makes a noticeable leap. But in the mental development of infants there are even more leaps, which, however, have not been studied from the point of view of the brain until now. The leaps in mental development do not always coincide with the leaps in growth. The latter are more numerous. And teeth usually do not appear at a time when the baby is making a developmental leap.

What happens when your child's mental development takes another leap?

During each jump, something new develops very quickly and unexpectedly. This almost always happens in the baby's nervous system, bringing him a new ability. For example, the ability to recognize patterns. It manifests itself around the 8th week. This ability affects the general condition and behavior of the child. It changes and improves everything he has been able to do so far and gives the infant the opportunity to learn new things. This can be expressed, for example, in the fact that the baby begins to pay attention to visible "patterns", for example, cans on a store shelf, or branches of bare trees swaying in the wind against the background of the sky. And at the same time, your child can now control their body position. This is also a kind of "pattern", only it is recognized not outside, but inside the body.

How will you tell if your child is making a developmental leap?

The "calling card" of such a jump is the tiring, whiny periods. It becomes more difficult to cope with the baby than usual. Many moms get worried. They ask themselves if the child is sick or annoyed, not understanding why he is so harmful. The kid rushes to his mother.

At what age do difficult phases begin

Difficult phases are observed in all children at the same age. There are 8 of them in the first 14 months. At first, they are shorter and quickly replace one another.
If your baby was born 2 weeks late, start counting two weeks earlier. If he was born 4 weeks before due date, start counting 4 weeks later. This difference also indicates that the surges are related to brain radiation.

No child can escape it

All children go through difficult phases, both calm, problem-free, and capricious, "with character." The kid "with character" is even much more difficult than the "calm" one. And so was his mom. Such a child already requires more attention, and in "critical" periods he needs "extraportion". He needs even more mother's attention, he is eager to learn new things, and he has stronger conflicts with his mother.

You will see that he can do more than before.
It's hard, take pity on the child!

The baby goes back to a safe base

As the baby suddenly becomes more restless, you start to worry. Automatically, you begin to observe him more closely. Then you notice that he is behaving normally again. And you also notice that he can do much more than before, tries to do something new, and you understand that your baby has made a leap in development. Children get scared of these leaps. During this period, the child's familiar world is turned upside down. This fear can be understood: imagine that you woke up on an alien planet. Everything suddenly became completely different. What would you do? Would you continue to sleep peacefully? No. If only with an appetite? No. Would you cling to familiar people? Yes. And that's exactly what your little one does.

New Ability: New World

Each new ability helps your child learn new things. The baby gains abilities that were inaccessible to him before this age, no matter how much exercise was done with him. You can compare each new ability with the new world that opens up to him. In this world, there are many opportunities to make discoveries. Something new there, something familiar, but much improved. Each child sets his own priorities - according to his predispositions, his preferences, his temperament. One examines everything and tries everything, the other is carried away by one single thing. Every child is special.

Help your little one learn

You have the opportunity to show your child what is next to him and what suits him as a person. You know your child best. Therefore, you will help him better than others to manifest what is in him. Your little one isn't the only one who sets priorities. You too are embarking on a journey of discovery. Something will be more interesting to you, something less. After all, every mother is special. At the same time, you, as an adult, can offer something that your little one will not notice. You can help him “discover” what he missed. With your help, he learns faster, easier and more varied.

Conflicts with the baby.

When your child learns new things, they may have to give up their old habits. If he can walk, he can no longer expect his mother to wear him the same way. If he has learned to crawl, he can take toys himself. After each jump, your child can do more and become more independent. Both mom and baby understand this, and sometimes this leads to conflicts and quarrels. The desires of moms and babies do not match.

Cloudless phase: short rest after the jump

The difficult phase passes as unexpectedly as it begins. It is then time for most mothers to relax. The kid has become more independent. He is busy applying what he has learned recently. And he is happy. But this rest is short. The next leap is coming soon. Your baby is working hard.

Scheduling hours of games is not natural

If your little one is allowed to decide when to receive your attention, you will find that this will change from week to week. During each jump, your child experiences the following: - the need for mother's closeness, - the need to learn new things with his mother. Therefore, the scheduled hours of play are unnatural. It may so happen that the baby wants attention at an unplanned time. Magical, funny, scary experiences with your little one are impossible to foresee. A child is not a video that can be played at a certain time. He is not an adult.

Crisis calendar by week

5th week (4-5 weeks)

8th week (7-9) The world of "patterns"

12th week (11-12) The world of "smooth transitions"

19th week (18-20, but! Already between 14 and 17 weeks tension begins to grow)

26th week (25-27 again but: it gets worse between 22 and 26 weeks) The world of "interconnections"

37th week (36-40. "But" can not be repeated :) 32-37 the deterioration has begun) The world of "categories"

46th week (44-48. But it can start between 40-44 weeks) The world of "sequences"

55th week (54-56, but for some people starting from 51) The world of "programs"

Decoding of crises and advice on mom's behavior (does not fit into the record)

baby's personal calendar

In this article:

An analysis of the development of children under the age of one and a half years has confirmed the fact that leaps and crises of age development are directly related to changes in brain waves. Up to one and a half years, a child experiences 8 age crises, each of which occurs precisely during the period of changes in the radiation of the brain.

In each of the mentioned periods, the child makes a noticeable leap in development. Until one year old, there are not very many such leaps in children, but you need to understand that not all of them have been studied in conjunction with improving the brain. The jumps (crises) of mental formation may not coincide with the jumps in growth. It is the latter that prevail in number.

What happens to the child?

Every crisis for a child and his parents comes suddenly. Changes begin in the nervous system of the baby, which is accompanied by the development of a new skill. So, for example, at the eighth week of life, the baby develops the skill
recognition of "patterns", which significantly affects his behavior.

It is this ability that allows the baby to improve everything that he knew how to do before, helps him to comprehend new things. In practice, this translates into the child's close attention to the "patterns" encountered on his way in a park made of tree branches, for example, or in a room at sunset, when bizarre plays of shadows are formed.

How to find out about a new phase?

The main sign of a jump in children will be prolonged whining periods. During such a crisis, it is extremely difficult to calm the baby down, which becomes a cause of excitement for many mothers. It seems to them that the baby is sick, feels uncomfortable, some of them feel anger and irritation in response to the “harmfulness” of the baby. Children, experiencing another crisis, do not want to get off their mother's arms.

First changes and their number

Difficult periods, during which the baby makes a leap in development, come for everyone at the same time. There are eight of them. They take place in the first 14 months, with the first three in the period up to a year. At first they are short, then they get a little longer.

To correctly calculate the moment of the onset of the first crisis, you need to understand whether the baby was born on time, earlier or later. So, for example, if the baby was born 2 weeks later, then you need to start counting the same 2 weeks earlier. If the baby was born 3 weeks ahead of schedule, then it will be necessary to start counting 3 weeks later. These differences also confirm once again that crises are directly related to brain radiation.

Not a single child will be spared

The development calendar of each child at certain times provides for crises - this is understandable and there is no getting away from it. This is what nature has planned. Children
become capricious and harmful, regardless of what character they showed before.

It is noteworthy that it is more difficult for children with a difficult character to survive crises than for children who are calm, with a so-called non-problematic disposition. It will not be easy for their mothers either. They will need even more endurance and patience. The kid will need care and affection, feels the need to learn as much new as possible. It will not be possible to avoid the first conflicts with mom.

The end of the crisis state

Sooner or later, the baby's development calendar will improve and crises are over. The baby will become calmer and more agreeable. If you watch him, you can see that along with the end of the crisis wave, new skills have appeared. The child not only began to behave adequately, but also learned a lot during this time. There is another leap in the development of a baby under one year old.

It was during this period that the familiar world of children is turned upside down. It seems to him that everything around has changed, but he does not understand exactly how. Children are as afraid of racing as their parents. Change seems to them to be something special. They do not know what to do, lose their appetite, sleep, try to be as close as possible to the person who guarantors their safety - their mother. This is exactly how babies behave.

New abilities - new opportunities

Each new skill is needed by the child in order to better explore the world around him. The child learns to use abilities that he did not have before. Each of them will be appropriate to compare the gates to a new world that they open.

Each child has his own priorities based on predispositions, preferences, type of character, finally. If one gets to know the world, trying to taste and touch everything that comes along the way, indiscriminately, then the other is studying things with concentration separately. Each baby is unique.

Learning assistance is accepted

If there is an opportunity to help a child in mastering the world around him, then you should not neglect it. Only parents will be able to show him everything that will lead to the manifestation of his personal potential. Not only baby is ready
set priorities. Following him can open doors to the world and parents, scooping up for themselves in it something new, interesting, unusual.

Every mom and every dad is as unique as their baby. Therefore, it is the adult who can draw the attention of the baby to the fact that he himself, perhaps, would have missed the eyes and ears. It is mom or dad who will help the baby to master the world around, delicately drawing his attention to what he missed. Thus, the teaching will be more interesting and faster.

Conflict situations with a child

It would seem, what conflicts can we talk about with a child under one year old? Nevertheless, they do happen and you need to be ready for them. When a baby learns something new, sometimes he you have to give up the usual. So, for example, it may seem to him that his mother will carry him in her arms forever, even though he learns to walk on his own. He can also expect help in cleaning toys, although he may well do this himself as soon as he learns to crawl.

Each new phase in the life of a child under one year old makes him more independent and adapted to life. Everyone understands this, including parents, and this is what can cause the first small conflicts - more often between mother and baby, whose desires periodically do not coincide.

Rest after the crisis

When a difficult phase passes, there is a pause between it and the new phase - a happy time. It is at this time that mothers take a break from the whims of babies and enjoy new achievements with them. The little one is busy with the fact that he uses a new skill, and his mother peacefully watches him. This is an idyll, but it will not last long. The development calendar provides for the next quick changes, because in order to develop, the baby needs to work, and he does it with all diligence.

Playing by the clock is unnatural

If the child is given to independently decide when to receive the care and attention of adults, then from week to week it will be
change. During the next crisis, he will need the closeness of his mother, the need to master something new with her. That is why during this period it is contrary to the nature of the child to play games at a certain time.

The kid may need attention at any time, including the one that was not planned earlier. You cannot foresee such moments, but you need to be ready for them and always be close to the baby.

The first crisis - week 5: sorrows and joys

In the fourth or fifth week in the life of the crumbs, regular changes occur, which become the cause of a new crisis. The senses are actively developing - the baby is faced with something new and incomprehensible to himself. He is scared, he is confused, so he screams and demands that everything be the same as before.

The only person he trusts at this time is mom. She should be near as much as possible, not to deprive the crumb of bodily contact. This can continue for one day or the whole week.

Parents need to know that if in the fourth or fifth week the baby requires more breast than usual, then he has had the first leap in development. When he eats breast milk, he feels protected.

The kid at this time requires increased attention and affection. Some of the mothers seek help from
breastfeeding specialists, believing that the process is disrupted. They mistakenly assume that they do not have enough milk to feed the baby so much during the day, and do not realize that the crisis will soon be over and their task is to continue breastfeeding.

Second phase - 2 months

Around the middle of the seventh - beginning of the eighth week of the first year of life, babies enter the second crisis phase. At this age, they have new abilities, the functioning of the sense organs improves. The baby hears better, smells, tastes. All this is unusual for him, so the only thing he wants is to go back to his mother, hide on her chest and feel completely safe.

During this period, babies become capricious, lethargic, irritable. Only close bodily contact with parents can calm and relieve their inner tension.

12 week - the last phase up to a year

At 11-12 weeks, a child under one year old begins the third crisis phase of development. The baby learns to perceive the world around him in a different way. It changes the attitude towards toys and others. Of course, this will not happen in an hour or a day. For this, the baby will need time.

The child's world becomes more disciplined as soon as he begins to understand that change is permanent and inevitable. At the 12th week, the baby gradually gets used to them and even begins to perceive them with joy.

The child already subconsciously feels that changes give him new opportunities. That everything around is changing and he is moving forward with everything. That is why, at 11-12 weeks, a leap in development can be expressed not by crying and fear, as usual, but, on the contrary, by indicative calmness, which will become a harbinger of change. The last phase can last from one day to a week.