If the child is a vampire to do what. My child is an energy vampire. Recognize, understand, raise

Which of us does not remember yourself in childhood. It is at this age, from birth to graduation, vampirism is born. Through this phase of development, each person passes, but it is still impossible to call the disease. The child is clean, it is an angel sent to us by God, and only we are responsible for the fact that the vampirism disease can develop.

While the child is helpless, he just needs us to pay attention to him: played and walked with him, to tell him fairy tales and sang songs to learn to draw, build, make sure, etc. Remember how parents belonged to you, Constantly distilled off from ourselves or patiently engaged with you?

The child in the family is the holy duty of the parents, especially the mother, devote himself to his upbringing, give the child to the child with his soul, to teach to rejoice and love. But you can only teach this by loving your child, and this is not enough for children. We are completely and next we see the parent indifference and irritation. It is in this field and vampirism is born.

Children's vampirism is punishment to parents and adults. The child is the indicator of the family soul, the "Lacmus paper" of the quality of the energies in which he lives with which it comes into contact. It is known that the child always stretches to a clean, bright and joyful man, and begins to be capricious in the presence of a bad person with a difficult character. And if you are your child all the time annoying, admit that you are a hard man that you are always better without him than with him that he is like a stone, like a cargo, the soul pressure.

This means that you are a vampire to your child, and not the opposite. Who is recognized in this? But from the side know more, as you feel about your child, how shout, scold, beat him in front of everyone. And your face becomes a beastful, predatory, voice, and a nervous tremor runs through the body. You are no longer a person, remember this, because the side is visible.

We must help the child to learn the world, charge it with interest, enthusiastically. If we do not give the child our love, joy and knowledge, if we say, - leaving, I'm tired, go myself, - he is capricious, but it grows up - he grows, grows - Hamit.

In these contradictions, we break and splashing hatred and irritation on the child. Instead of net energies, you dropped your soul dirt at him, and he calmed down, he charged. But what?

So the child lives, charging at home, at school and on the street with energetic garbage of adults and peers. He gets a contemptuous label "Cooler", "Idiot", "cattle", etc.

He is already looking for forces, at the expense of which it was used to live. He needs to break and twist, swear and rude, drink and smoking, and all this is at the bottom to cause an explicit or hidden irritation of others to charge. He does not understand this, the instinct of self-saying unconsciously acts here.

And then the whole life will be subordinate to this animal instinct of self-preservation, most often with a primitive mind. Well, if there will be a teacher, a friend or girlfriend on his way, who will show him the joy of life, love for neighbor and to knowledge if the spiritual world will open him, then he will be saved.

Children's vampirism manifests itself through early burning to plants and animals, to peers and parents. Frequent resentment caused by the child's soul form in it the niche in which negative energy accumulates.

Now it has become fashionable to keep the dog in an urban apartment. But do parents see how their children walk with the "favorite" friend? If the child in the family does not like, it is immediately visible in his respect with a dog on the street. In these actions, the child is seen early manifestation of vampirism. And then the inconsidants of dog attack on children become clear.

If not parents, then who will take the moral education of children? Kindergartens, schools, church or colony? Who! Perhaps only early Christian child education can prevent the development of vampirism.

How can we evaluate the teacher who have many students - two-shoes? He does not like his job, he cannot enthrall his subject, to interest and prove that his knowledge is the most important in a person's life. Do not force, and enthusiastically into the world that you built yourself. If this is not, then the student unconsciously begins to bring teachers from mental equilibrium.

Not receiving the joys of knowledge, these thin and clean energies, the student shakes at least some energy from the teacher. He unconsciously does not give himself to attracted and begins to vampire from the teacher. And then the other hidden meaning of the "winged" phrase of teachers becomes clear: "Or I, or ...!"

Student estimates are an indicator of his attitude to the teacher. If with twos on the troika, then this student does not want you to learn it. You are disappeared, because it does not happen of items. Maybe therefore, only he himself, teacher and parents know in American schools about the student. Talking to everyone in a row, as your student learns, you currently open your attitude towards him: friend and assistant you or ...

Education is the path of ministry. And therefore, children's vampirism should become the first signal of the unfavorable of the future citizen. If at home, in the family are not engaged with him, then this is your holy mission to the homeland, before God.

By the twelve years, a child may freely argue, defend its interests and views. He must have his own natural interest in life: Sport, Technique, Art, Nature, Books, etc. But here we see that nothing interests him, does not care, he does not want to make efforts for his spiritual and intellectual development.

His desires are stacked only in two terms: "Give" and I want.

All your attempts to captivate a teenager into the world of spiritual joy are broken on the carnal: "And what will I have with it?" This is the already formed vampire.

I met adult people patients with vampirism, and with a debt of clarifying the circumstances of their lives, it was discovered that the reason for this state was the school and even a specific teacher.

After all, some of our teachers have to humiliate and insult the student in front of the class, peers, school, and even parents. But I don't want to be angry, but to put everything in my place, say straight and openly. Such teachers need to be driven away from children, from kindergartens, schools, technical schools and universities, so as not to infect children with vampirism virus.

By fourteen years, many children are sick chronic vampirism. And ahead is a lot of life, but what? The trouble is a family in which the vampire child grows, but three times the sore family, which he will create himself.

The dumpier is a vampire child and a human woman. This phenomenon is quite new and very rare in the history of vampirism. The mythology of vampires does not store information about similar phenomena.

It used to be believed that vampires are not able to multiply by physical way. They considered her "children" those who were told, a close relationship was established between them, "parents" were taught and took care of "children."

But with recently, it turned out that some vampires have alive sex hormones and are able to intensify physiological processes related to sex and reproduction. The child of such a vampire and a person is called the dump. According to some sources, the appearance of the first dumping falls on the second half of the last century. Vampires often come into sex with their victims, but not every woman can conceive a child for a vampire, tantamount, as not every person can be facing a vampire. Only the selected will get this role.

The dumping can be compared with the rhennisters in the world of darkness they call people born from Mother Gul (in the Arab Mythology of Gin Female). They possess the abilities and weaknesses of the Guly, but to maintain life, they do not necessarily drink the blood of vampires. Life expectancy is quite long, about 400 years. In addition, rhennisants can extend life in the same way as Guli. They breed as people, the child of two rhennisants is also a rhennant. Some vampires use them as their servants, and especially distinguished can get the formation of vampires.

Although the dumpiers and grow up with human speed, but live for a very long time and for this it is not necessary to eat blood, some may not even know about their origin. The dumpier, unlike a vampire, can not make a person a vampire.

In most of the dumping constitute a threat to vampires, becoming professional vampire hunters. What is the reason for this hatred?

Over the years, human half of the Damp will turn thirst for blood. As a result of the anger, the dumpings grow fangs, the lips pale and the terrible hunger torments them. But they can cope with it, hatred gives them strength, dexterity and invulnerability. On the one hand, they possess many strong sides of the vampires, on the other, the lack of natural weaknesses of the vampire. An innate hostile attitude endowed them with a special light, helping to recognize and detect a vampire or their lair.

Light half of the dumping rejects the desire to drink human blood, but in rare cases, for example, when wounded, they simply need blood to restore forces. They, unlike vampires, not be afraid of garlic, aspen cola (if the heart does not pierce), etc., since they are on the highest level of evolution. The dumpier is a living person, even if it lives longer than any mortal and five times stronger. In other words, it is an ideal machine for murdering vampires

The history of vampirism keeps information about the Dampire-hunter Murat Barnabar, who lives among the Gypsies and a flying in the Kosovo-Metokhia region, Serbia. In the 50s, he had achieved great success in his business.

For example, in the movie Kima Newman "Dracula Andy Warhol" dampir called a man who has become a vampire for a short time.

In the encyclopedia "I will know the world. The unclean power "says that the dumpiers, on the contrary, are very weak and barely live to thirty, but at the same time they are skillfully destroy the vampires, and they never happen to children.

I. Eastoka
Dumpiers are children of human women and men-vampires. Vampires are the creatures frozen in their development, they do not change, they do not grow old and will not die. At these points it follows that the Vampire woman is not able to have children, her body loses this function with the appeal. Men's vampires were lucky more - they can conceive a child with a human woman (men do not change during the period from puberty and to death and they do not have certain years to conceive or cycles of the ability to reproduce offspring).
Just as the dumpier is unusual, everything is unusually preceded by his appearance, ranging from the Union of Man and Vampire, ending with this creature. A pregnancy gets into the gap between one and the other. The dumpiers appear like human children, by childbirth. But the pregnancy is not included in the category of something very human and usual: 9 months are equated in this case by 19-20 days, that is, each day is about two weeks.
Since the creature that mans is healing is half a vampire, then it is, it is powered by blood, and since everything that surrounds a small dumpier is a whistery of mother - he feeds her blood. Thus, the body of the woman is depleted and the satellites of a pregnant woman are becoming a pallor and pain.
The mother weakens the immune system and the temperature is constantly changing - the consequence of the fact that the fetus does not allow to eat it correctly, in principle, in general, eat, than either besides blood, the body begins simply to reject human food. Conclusion: the fruit is not compatible with the body of a woman.
The longer the time, the more stronger the woman's health, the dumpier grows and gains strength, but this power is the heritage of his father and in connection with this, every movement of the crumbs breaks a couple of three bones, which is why the belly of a woman was covered with bias. It is also worth noting that the shell around the child is a gift of dadgets - the same hard as the skin of the vampire, which does not allow you to spend an ultrasound or make an injection in the stomach, and therefore learn something about the fruit is simply impossible, right up to its appearance. In the last hours of stay in the womb, the dumpier lonens the most important bones of a woman, namely the spine and the bones of the pelvis, after which literally thars off the way to light than kills his mother.

II. Appearance
These little monsters inherited many data from vampires, appearance is one of these items. The pallor is still an expressive feature of the chad of a vampire and a person, only for excellent porcelain skin, as an addition, is a light charming blush. The color of the eyes carries more human on both sides, that is, the color of the child's eye can be inherited, both from a woman and from a vampire man (for example, if the color of his eye in life was green, it is quite possible that the baby will get It is this color of the eyes). Also, this seems to be inherently inherited by the grace of movements - from the youngsters you can catch these chambers in the dumpiers; The melodious voice is still a reminiscent chime of bells and partially, the smell - their smell is different from the smell of vampires and is attractive, both for vampires and for changing iswolves. A mixture of an excellent perfume and a simple human smell is a good compromise.

III. Physiology
Recall those laid 9 months of tooling, which were replaced by 20 days ... The growth rate of the dumping does not disappear, and slows down, proceeding on the achievement of 7 years of life, that is, after 7 years, they no longer grow, do not change, do not agitat - They are immortal, like fathers. In his 7 years, the Dumpiers already look at all 18. The eye color is also no longer changing, remaining human, and pale, seemingly porcelain skin, is actually like a stone - just as durable, only a blush can mislead. Never looking at the hereditary pallor, the temperature of the dumpier body is much higher than the temperature of the vampire body and is almost equal to the temperature of the body of a changing island (approximately 38, 4 degrees). It should be noted that most of the superdudinal is inherited from vampires: force, speed, hearing, vision, smell - everything has many times superior to human data. But since the dumpier is one half a vampire, and on the other half a person, it is not surprising that in the veins of these creatures blood flows, and their heart beats, the truth of their heart is hardly compared with human, it is several times faster. It is also worth noting that the dumps are needed air and sleep. As for the diet - this is the matter of choice: the dumpiers can eat human food, and they can also vampire to consume blood, hunting people or animals. Most often, small dumps are preferable to the blood of people, but it all depends on further education, willpower and solutions.
The dumpiers also have the ability to cry, which are devoid of vampires, due to their unambiguousness of bodies and many other factors.
As for poisonousness, it only possesses male dumps, which means they can also pay people, but not in the dumping, but in vampires. Women's dumpiers are safe in this regard.

IV. sunlight
Although the dumpiers and descendants of vampires, but the sunlight does not matter for them. These creatures can safely move in sunny weather surrounded by people and not be afraid of any exposure. Their skin does not beat the glow like the Vampire, it only slightly glows, giving them the personality more mysteriousness, elegance and mysteriousness.

V. Ability
The dumpiers are not so majestic and dangerous as their fathers, but still not reckon with them and their strength will be one of the biggest mistakes in the world. The dumpiers, as mentioned earlier, inherited from the vampires of the immortality, but besides this, they have power, speed and silent, which are certainly not so developed, like vampires, but many times superior human. And this is not speaking of hearing, eyesight, smell and touching, which are also developed much stronger than human. Hear the beat of the heart of a person, being a few meters from him, hear the conversation of people in a hundred meters from themselves - all this is also under the power of the dump. The same with other feelings.

Vi. Talents
If in the case of vampires, some of their human qualities are repeatedly increased by creating a platform for the appearance of a special gift, then everything is somewhat different. The abilities that the father owned is a vampire, and those challenges of the abilities that could appear at the mother when contacting the vampire, are reflected, creating a complete opposite of parental gifts. For example, if the vampire was a shield for psychological attacks, it is likely that no shields will not have actions, that is, no one will be able to let them in their mind.

VII. How to kill the dumpier?
In this case, all items most of their part coincide with the items of the methods of killing a vampire. Only in this case in the battle: the vampire against the dumpier, the battle can end in a detrimental for the dumpier and without breaking into parts, but the deadly outcome to expect meaningless - regeneration is also inherited by these creatures from vampires, although not so fast, but still.
And therefore, the usual ways that act on people are also useless, as about vampires. To kill the dump, it needs to be broken into pieces and burn. It is also important that all parts of the body were betrayed fire, otherwise everything is meaningless.

VIII. Smell
The smell of the dumping is somewhat different from the smell of vampires and is attractive, both for vampires and changing theft, and there is nothing about people and write. For people, the smell of the dumpings is hardly delicious as the smell of vampires, not so sweet, but everything is just as attractive. A mixture of an excellent perfume and a simple human smell, the smell of blood is a good compromise for all creatures.

IX. Weak spots
Dumpiers in moral plan
ktically as fragile, like people. They are not alien to fatigue, depression, migraine, only diseases for the dumpings are still safe as for vampires. The structure of their brain also has its differences from human and vampire - they have the ability to think about ohms at the same time and feel all are capable of many times stronger than any person. The difference from the activity of the brain of vampires is the ability to concentrate on important events and not to produce them from the head to their permission, which means their appearance is not so compliant to distraction. They also have a phenomenal memory, they can remember even the moment of their birth. The dumpiers are also capable of higher feelings, such as love and hatred, but in contrast to the person they invest more feelings in it, because they are eternity in front, and there are a lot of space in the heart.
Weaknesses are also based on moral and mental bars in defense. Boots on native and loved ones, depressed and problems - all this tires, brings bitterness and so on. Etc
avda Dumping has a rather human expression of bitterness and pain - tears.
Also harm the dumps can cause teeth of another vampire / dampear-man or island's teeth, which are left in their body invisible scars.

We have been familiar with the vampires since childhood. Not in reality, of course, but from books and numerous films about the pale-fledged bloodstreams, closed in medieval outfits. Gothic atmosphere, mystery, mysticism - all these are shrouded in vampire history. But in life, everything is prosaic - and the vampires are not those, and their friends are different, yes, and they do not live in the castles, but next to us.

We are talking about people fueling by our emotions. Unpleasant when such a person is present or neighbors, but the energy vampire in the family is extremely difficult. Did you have to give energy throughout life, because the vampire is not so easy to remove from a vampire.

Energy vampire in the family - his psychological portrait

Your close person (for example, a husband is an energy vampire) seeks to bring you to a conflict on trifle. And no arguments go to the proof of your rightful. The more arguments you push, the more absurd accusations hear in your address. Charter argue and scream, you are trying to come to yourself without strength. And your husband is an energy vampire, flies around the house or quietly continues to do business, as if there was no hourly clarification of relations. Moreover, he communicates with you calmly and even benevolently.

Oversupply of problems

The energy vampire in the family can be a tear-sad, constantly loading you with its own problems. For example, your elderly grandmother begins to complain daily on joint pain. Since you are not a doctor, you advise her to visit a specialist to get a treatment. Grandma, as if not hearing your words, speaks of distrust of physicians. Then your advice is to try the methods of traditional medicine. But Babushka does not like traditional medicine. All offers - a visit to the paid clinic, the escort of an elderly person, the allocation of your funds for treatment - turn out to be useless. And tomorrow you will listen to the pain in the joints, without proving the grandmother that the way you need to look for a specialist in the office.

Family Eater Eater - Thorough Man

Your aunt, which is a good woman and a beautiful mistress by nature, sees a sacrifice in you to listen to all the details of my own life. And you have to listen not only about the life of the aunt itself, but also her girlfriends, relatives of the girlfriends. In this monologue, you are fulfilling only the role of the listener, and from aunt, go with a sick head from the a lot of information purchased during the story.

Child - Energy Vampire

Many people do not believe it. But psychologists believe that children over the age of 4 are able to pump out forces from parents (more often than the mother). Moreover, the child can behave in different ways: to roll the hysteries every half an hour or put pressure on loved ones with excessive love - literally hang moms, constantly hugging, kissing. There are no harm in the caress, you will say, but many after a long contact with our own children remain almost without power.

I - Energy Vampire

You can immediately begin to deny and laugh, saying that it is not. However, you can be fueled by the life of the neighbors. It is easy to recognize: when, after the conflict or emotional conversation, you literally feel the tide of the strength, you want to create, feel healthy and fresh. Recently retreats overnight, and you get markedly easier in the soul. True, you may well be an energetic vampire unconsciously. Complaining problems, you yourself without understanding, get a charge of cheerfulness.

How to protect yourself from the energy vampire at home

How to protect yourself from the energy vampire in the family so as not to feel the decline of forces, do not fall into depression? After all, the situation is complicated by the fact that the energy absorber is your loved one. There are several techniques ,. Here are some of the ways that will allow to build a right policy when the Vampire relative will begin to eat your emotions.

If the husband is the energy vampire - what to do?

First of all, you need not to succumb to attempts to bring you out of equilibrium. He screams - you say a whisper. He chats without silence - you are silent. He blames you in all troubles - you agree. Understand that the spouse begins a quarrel to knock out the tears, cry, despair, guilt feelings. These are strong emotions that "feed" it, but exhaust you. Therefore, there are many ways to do if the husband is an energy vampire. Do not walk on a cry, better silent or answer briefly and calmly, if possible, leave the room, for example, washing with cool water in the bathroom. Spouse, realizing that you do not intend to participate in the jack, will gradually calm down.

How to protect yourself from the energy vampire in the family, if tears and complaints are going to move, and not aggression?

Take a sober, the problem of your relative realizes. And if the situation is in simple "whining", then calmly let us understand that you cannot help with any power. For example, the sister constantly oppresses you with stories about his difficult share, making a hint that good people are always lucky. Especially tramples such conversations when your family life with the second half is in perfect order. Stop listening to the flow of complaints, noticing: "I unfortunately, I can not choose a husband for you. Therefore, stop the sour, and go by himself, signing up the gym, maybe there will meet fate. " You will understand that the problem is clear, but I can only help myself.

If a child is an energy vampire

It is not bad to think about how it is possible to fill its need for energy. Not bad results bring mugs, sections, creativity, walking in nature. You can independently do with the baby, the main thing is to interest it. Tell him about nature, attend zoos, museums. If the time for walking is not enough, then determine, talking to the child, what he likes what he would like to do. Just do not press the authority, imposing my unrealized dreams and desires. If the daughter wants to go to the karate section, do not give it to figure skating. Then the child will absorb not your energy, but new knowledge and skills. The more badge - the higher the risk of development of "vampirism".

Regardless of who exactly the home vampire, it is, anyway, the exit of emotions can not be avoided. Then it is not bad to do the following procedures, allowing to fill the strengths:

  • Take a contrast shower or bath;
  • Stroll outdoors;
  • Tell in silence with closed eyes (you can turn on the noise record of the noise, shower, twitter birds);
  • Light an aroma with beloved essential oil (Bergamot, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, etc.). You can simply inhale the aroma of oil, drove it to the shawl;
  • In suspected theft of energy, imagine yourself in a pleasant atmosphere: at sea, in the forest, on the beloved parent sofa;
  • It is more often on nature - water, sun, the wind helps a person to reach harmony. By the way, the creeps for the city will be useful for the energy vampire;
  • Suggest a hobby for vampires so that they can take their time and draw energy from an interesting occupation for them.

Situation "I - Energy Vampire"

Perhaps your loved ones even openly told you about it. Do not be offended ("this can not be!"). If you do not provoke relatives specifically, then start working on yourself, in order not to harm anyone. Look for yourself and joyful emotions. As soon as you feel that you are ready to arrange a scandal, silence, squeeze in full breasts and calmly count to 10 (100, 1000). Is it worth spoiling a scandal relationship? After all, you can take yourself in hand if you want. Try to spend less on fate, and help assist in cases when it is really required. If you noticed the saturation of the energy after the conflict with a relative, then do not be afraid to admit yourself in your own energy vampirism. Realizing the truth, learn to push the negative on the root - drink a cup of strong tea, read your favorite book, take a break, if the fatigue has overcome. Let your loved ones cease to be energy donors.

Imagine, you met a long-time friendly friend in the street ... Talled ... From the first minute of communication, she begins to complain: the work does not suit, the husband does not earn money, the whole sick, there is no friends, the child does not want to learn, it does not want to learn. And, it seems, you need to sympathize and regret, maybe help something, but - I do not want. The only desire is to quickly say goodbye and leave, never seem to see. And she all continues to talk about her hard life, assuming that you have "Of course, everything is wonderful, look good, even grown up." You do not please these compliments at all, because it is not very believed in their sincerity. Familiar story? Probably, each of us did not appear in this situation in such a situation.

There is such part of people who always complain about their lives. They do not swear and do not quarrel, do not prove anything. They are always "whining" about the problems that are pursued and never change. During communication with the "Nod", a person can start actively yawning and feel pressure in the field of lungs. After such communication, you first experiencing irritation, and then tremendous fatigue, weakness, emotional devastation. Someone calls themselves "squeezed lemon", someone is an "empty jar." Family phrases "Nodikov", like: "I try for them, I'm soring out of my strength, but no one regrets me ..." They need them for their spares, soothered, encouraged. Usually, the interlocutor is worthwhile to withstand the head of such a person. Thus, the "Niktik" consciously selects emotional forces and energy, requiring constant attention to his person, receives a feed in the form of a positive energy of the interlocutor.

The second type of people taking energy from others also has the focus to cause an irritation response from the interlocutor. But they act completely different. Probably, you met in your surroundings of people who can develop a grand scandal due to a tiny cause. Such people openly go to conflicts, not even making attempts to repay them. Their sharp statements become the cause of quarrels and scandals. They are not afraid to cause peace of mind with their loved ones, and sometimes injuries. It seems that they are incredibly nervous the state of rest and harmony, which they strive to destroy. After communicating with such people, devastation and weakness are also felt. The culprit of the conflict, on the contrary, quickly calms down, begins to smile, may ask for forgiveness, and the next day will repeat the same
Both of these two types belong to the "energy vampires" (let's call them "energy dependent people"). Such people try to call the interlocutor (whether she is a colleague, or a familiar, or family member, or just a companion on the bus) some emotions to, subsequently take possession of them. In the first case, he will like pity and sympathy, and psychosomatic headaches may appear at the second participant of the conversation. In the second case, when an energetically dependent man suits an unreasonable scandal, he will be fueled by negative emotions (anger, irritation, anger, offend). His interlocutor can, besides overall weakness, feel pain in the stomach, which will be held after interruption of contact.

People are arranged so that when communicating (even telephone) exchange energy. Probably, everyone noticed that after communicating with one people the mood improves, the general tone of the body rises, I want to create and move forward. And after communication with others, it seems that so much "downloaded you" to you with your problems, and you have already become bad. Some people are generally very dependent on the emotional state of the interlocutor, taking on part of his mood.

Already at the age of two years, the child may show the character traits that will contribute to the formation of "bad, heavy" energy from them in adulthood. Such children, in the absence of emotional support of significant adults, will increase by "energy dependent people."
What kind of child has energetically depend on the emotions of another person, and what can be done to save him from this fate?

All the time, the humpy, something dissatisfied child is able to withdraw even the most patient parent. Many children from time to time are in a bad mood, crying and noet. But those who are accustomed only to satisfy their own needs, do it all the time. Infinite nagging annoying parents, so the reaction to such behavior is very sharp and intolerable. Parents complain that at such moments they experience huge anger and at the same time powerlessness, they simply do not know how to deal with their own child and their negative emotions. Do not shout and angry with a child. Try to find the causes of such a baby behavior. The most common cause of whining is some real need, the real problem that mothers and dads may simply not be noticed. The child himself is also not aware of the source of his own anxiety, and whining it becomes a way of weakening internal stress. Often the reason for the described child's behavior is the need for attention. Unfortunately, the child unconsciously makes a choice - it is better to get a portion of irritation and anger from the parent, just not indifference. Even slap does not upset the baby because he was already noticed, he was already paid attention to him. The task of parents is to have time to deal with the problem of the infinite Chumpy of the child so that such behavior does not have a constant, sustainable form of protection against internal experiences. Do not circumcise your child on the fate of the "Eternal Man, only in this way that can attract attention." If your baby has already formed a stereotype of "new" behavior, think about what is happening inside the whole family, since the child is usually a carrier of intrameal problems.

Adult lovers to squander grow out of small lovers to arrange hysterics with cries and sobs. Causes for hysteria with falling on the floor and loud cries can be several. Often the child checks in this way, does such behavior affect the parents, will they make anything that he would like. It happens that as soon as the requirement is executed, the hysteria immediately stops. And then, the child receives either the required toy, the thing or watching the TV, or, as in the case described above, the attention of adults. Such hysteries - the manifestation of the child's ability to manipulate you and your feelings. Try to figure out why only this energy costly your child is trying to get your attention (or possession of some thing), why it does not act in other ways. If you have noticed that hysteries arise when the kid is no longer able to control his emotions (heavily tired or overloaded with the impressions), rely on the state of the child is no longer as capricious. Each child has its own signs preceding the appearance of hysteria. It can be an increased irritability that spoiled mood or excessive activity. Try to learn to anticipate them and be able to help your baby in advance, protecting from unnecessary emotional experiences.

Remember that any children's scandal is ineptful, causing only adult negative, attempt to seek help! No child can realize that no one will ever love the nasty nodet or an avid amateur to arrange hysteria. The problem is that they behave like this because they really want to get the love and attention of their loved ones. Teach the child to other ways to get attention and love. And then he will not grow into a person who takes energy and power from the interlocutor at any cost. If the kid loves, he will be more trusted not only to his loved ones, but also to the world. It will be open to communicate and contacts, and people will definitely respond to him!

"How to help your child - an energy vampire?"

On energy vampires and vampirism you can find a lot of information. Most often different tips and techniques are given, how to protect and get rid of the "Alien Vampire". And if your vampire is your own, native and beloved child ... I will not leave him and "you will not throw away in the window." You understood this ... This understanding is the first step to healing.

How does a vampire child manifest?

Firstly. It persistently requires attention to a very specific manner, for example:

"Mom, I want tea." When tea is brought: "I do not want tea, I want milk."

Okay, tea is replaced by milk. "I no longer want milk, give me soup." Etc. etc.

If the mother does not withstand the "bullying", the child can cry a little, and then calmly play, he does not want anything - he got what he wanted.

Mom needs to understand that the child, the less small, mocks not specifically, he feels bad ...

Something similar can occur in the classroom. The student tries to "get" someone, for example: pushes, rolling, twirls neighbors. If children have not reacted, focused, for example, on the control, the energy vampire will attract the attention of the teacher. This may happen like this: the child will tapping a pencil on the desk - the teacher will make him a remark, after a minute he drops something - the teacher will make him a remark, he will be noisy to look for a portfolio - depending on patience and tact teacher will make him Note or exhibit from class, or somehow still appears.

But, for sure, after the second comment, the teacher will feel the tension, inner irritation, anger, and then indignation, possibly insult. It does not matter how it will go outwardly: "Calmly" will put in the corridor or scribble - there is an energy emission directed at this student.

The student, even if he stayed in his place, immediately calms down and focuses on to engage together with all children. He received the missing energy. And he did it because he felt very bad, he could not focus on the task, could not listen carefully, he just could not sit quietly - he was internally "bandaged." If you do not help such a child from outside, in the future it will become "unbearable."

Think about it! What energy from loved ones, from the surrounding he gets? The energy of irritation, evil, hatred, anger, ... every year "attacks of hunger" will be longer. And kindness, tenderness is less and less. And this person will try to raise someone, "to withdraw" with all sorts of means available to him. (In the book of S.N. Lazarev "A person of the future. Parenting parents" It is written that Pedophile is an energy vampire that feeds the energy of fear, humiliation, pain. Therefore, often pedophiles are sadists to get such energy as much as possible.)

You yourself probably experienced a similar time in my life. For example: You are at home. It would be necessary to do something. Take the book - not read, do not understand the meaning of words. Turn on the TV - you can not delve into the sense that hear. If you have a favorite hobby, and the occupation "does not go." Well, and so on, and the like.

The main thing in a similar situation is that you feel inside yourself ... an unpleasant whining in the center of the chest, like a feeling of hunger, some kind of tomorrow, nonsense, devastation, longing ... when you understand that everything is no longer you can endure such a state, you need somewhere go To the neighbor, for example, or to a friend - complain about life. (Options for the development of events in the article "We are all vampire gradually" - the role-playing game "Neighborhood").

Here the child feels like. He can not otherwise. He needs energy to live on. Why he was without natural, cosmic feeding - let's talk later.

And now I will return to the topic of our conversation "How to help your child - the energy vampire."

Secondly. Such "attacks" unpleasant to others, to put it mildly, the behavior of the child occurs periodically: at someone in 2-3 weeks, someone in a month or two (it depends on him completely closed the influx of a space influx of energy or partially) .

It is also necessary to draw your attention to the fact that after mom or teacher, or the neighbor internally or outwardly "out of my own", "emitted energy out of itself," the vampire child becomes affectionate, attentive, kind, caring, ... Contrast and should alert, push to understand the situation.

So your actions:

1. If you noticed this periodicity, you can check your doubts to note in the calendar the date of the beginning of such an abnormal behavior of the child.

2. Alternate the previous cases. How long have they continued? How ended? When all this began, from birth or such "attacks" appeared some time ago. Depending on the prescription, you will understand: the child was born a vampire or became as a result of some very painful case for him.

3. When you all realized and realized that the child is not to blame, he is very unhappy (after all, he cannot understand, know why it happens to him, he suffers from the feeling of guilt for upset his loved ones; he suffers, feeling cold And the remoteness of the parents, he feels lonely and helpless; he is not a man ...), and you only guilty in his behavior ...

That's where the feeling of love, tenderness, warmth, repentance, desires, wishes, to save, will help your child to help, to save, will help you to heal, become a normal, calm, friendly, loving child.

4. Summary with the calendar - "Rocky" date will come soon? Do not wait for her! After all, your child has energy on the outcome, and he already feels "not in his plate." You probably noticed this: he can challenge "outstanding", to refuse something unmotivated to do, can spend aimlessly time, not interested in anything, feel tired, etc.

5. Throw all your important and urgent things. There is nothing more important than your child! At that moment, when you saw that he was passionate about some kind of case, for example: draws, makes lessons ...

6. You get up behind it (the distance does not matter) and look at it with love. Feel in the center of the chest, in the shower, in the heart of this love. Do not think, do not talk about it - feel! It is the feeling - there is energy. Imagine how you send it these feelings, imagine how your Energy of Love envelops it, shelters from all unhappiness in the world. In your eyes, appeared tears from excess feelings? Perfectly! Continue how much you can hold these emotions.

7. If you see that you have the opportunity to strip the child, and the feeling of love in the chest did not appear ... Remember him when he was completely small, as he was Agucal and smiled, as hugging you and kissed himself in a rustling of his unacceptable children's sincerity . Or any other situation when you looked at him with a moutigation, enthusiastically, ... Remember those moments when you wanted it from an excess of feelings to hug and firmly press my chest, as if trying to become one of the whole ...

8. Do youlieve these most important feelings for those who love people and give them your child, more than once, and as often as possible. If your child was born a vampire, his upper chakra is closed. The full correction of his condition will require a lot of time and your strength, your energy. But don't you have to him? You must correct your errors.

9. To find out why you have such a child, you need to understand, remember about your "crime".

The types of physical (with physical crimes everything is clear without explanation) and moral crimes leading to the birth of a child - the energy vampire, a huge set. About them, with examples, it is well written in one of the first books S.N. Lazarev "Diagnostics of Karma" (which, I do not remember).

I will try to shorter, in my own words, tell about one of the most common options.

Situation. Girl meets with young men. At some point, she understands that he broke out, annoying it, for example: with his sweaty palms, or the smell of mouth, or his nose, he doesn't matter. And she, without thinking, sharply, in a rough form, and possibly with the joof, and with the desire to humiliate (so that he is probably behind her behind) tells him about the gap between them, because he ...

For him, this is a huge stress, tragedy (especially if he cannot correct his physical disadvantage, or he has overestimated ambitions, pride, sense of increased importance, and maybe just problems with the psyche). Options are subsequent behavior, actions of a loose cavalier, as you understand, an infinite set.

A young man decides to revenge all the girls: he meets, cares, falls in love with himself and ... throws it. Perhaps with the same words that heard from their first beloved. After all, girls also have shortcomings.

Someday he marries without big love, for the sake of decency or he needed the hostess in the house (the reason is unsupported). They may have children. The life of his wife and children in such a family will be hell: husband and father will humiliate, offend, find fault in trifles ...

And what about the girl? She can meet another corresponding to her, boyfriend, get married. And they will have a son. Yes, yes, here he is. He is an energy vampire, because it will be born with a closed top chakra, without access to cosmic, divine energy, "damned" - name what you want.

Why? The girl who humbles his first beloved, committed a moral crime. Because the consequences touched not only her life. Destroyed fate: young men, there may be dozens, deceived by him girls, his wives, their children, the parents of this young man and his wife (after all, they are also worried, seeing the life of their children, the suffering of grandchildren), you can mention more parents of deceived girls, Grandparents ... her husband of this girl, his and her parents, educators, teachers, classmates of such a child ...

One illuminated deed and a huge "com" destroyed destinies ...

Of course, if love passed and the relationship began to hurt, to put it mildly, discomfort (read the article "How to understand, I like the girl or not?" In the heading "Articles"), probably, it is better to part. But it is necessary to talk about it calmly, without humiliation of personal advantage of a person, without the instructions of physical disadvantages (in which a person is not to blame and, in most cases, cannot correct them).