Riddles about husband and wife. Riddles about the family. She does not control or keep on a short leash.

During the summer picnic, the four married couples drank 32 bottles of lemonade. The wives drank: Jeanne - 1 bottle, Jacqueline - 2 bottles, Colette - 3 bottles and Anette - 4 bottles. Husbands did not yield to their wives: Monsieur Pont drank as much as his wife, Monsieur Dubois - twice as much as his wife, Monsieur Peyzan - three times, and Monsieur Fontaine - four times more than his wives. What are the names of Madame Pont, Dubois, Peyzan and Fontaine?
Correct answer sent: Vyacheslav Kravchenko, Alexey Nefedov. Thanks for participating!
Correct answer: Let x, y, z and u be the number of bottles of lemonade that the wives of Monsieur Pope, Dubois, Peyzan and Fontaine drank, respectively. Total wives drank x + y + z + u = 10
bottles of lemonade. Their husbands drank
x + 2y + 3z + 4u
bottles of lemonade, and four married couples together emptied
2x +3 y + 4z + 5u = 32
bottles of lemonade. Substituting
u = 10 - x - y - z, we obtain
18 = 3x + 2 y + z.
The numbers x and z must be either both even or both odd. The values ​​x = 1 and x = 2 disappear, since each of the numbers y and z does not exceed 4. For x = 4 we would get z = 2 and y = 2, which is impossible, since x, y, z and u are different numbers. Therefore, the problem admits a unique solution:
x = 3, z = 1, y = 4, u = 2;
x = 3 (Colette Pont), y = 4 (Anette Dubois), z = 1 (Jeanne Peyzan), u = 2 (Jacqueline Fontaine).

  • 1. Daughters and sons of parents. (Children)
  • 2. Parents of parents. (Grandmother and grandfather)
  • 3. Cell of society. (A family)
  • 4. Children of children. (Grandchildren)
  • 5. People connected by blood ties. (Relatives)
  • 6. A man and a woman who got married. (Spouses, husband and wife)
  • 7. Mom and Dad for children. (Parents)
  • 8. Parents' heirs. (Children)
  • 9. Who loves grandchildren more than children. (Grandmother and grandfather)
  • 10. Brothers and sisters of parents for their children. (Aunts and uncles)
  • 11. Parents who are not raising their children. (Foster parents, guardians)
  • 12. A group of close relatives. (A family)
  • 13. The daughter of the same parents for their child. (Sister)
  • 14. Son of spouses for their own daughter. (Brother)
  • 15. Degree of kinship of brothers and sisters. (Relatives, cousins, second cousins)
  • 16. People getting married. (Newlyweds, newlyweds)
  • 17. What is the name of a family with 3 or more children. (Large)
  • 18. Descendants of a man and a woman. (Children)
  • 19. Sister of one of the parents for his children. (Aunt)
  • 20. A parent's brother for a child. (Uncle)
  • 21. As one word is called a group of people - husband, wife, their children. (A family)
  • 22. The man to whom the woman is married. (Husband, spouse)
  • 23. The woman the man is married to. (Wife, spouse)
  • 24. What is the name of a married couple. (Husband and wife)
  • 25. A husband's wife for their children. (Mama)
  • 26. Spouse of a woman for her child. (Dad)
  • 27. What kind of relatives are there. (Near and far)
  • 28. Not relatives, not cousins, not second cousins. (Distant relatives)
  • 29. The woman who gave birth to a child. (Mother)
  • 30. A man who has a child. (Father)
  • 31. What is another name for the parents. (Mother and father)
  • 32. Relatives-predecessors. (Ancestors)
  • 33. Blood relatives who lived earlier than their contemporaries. (Ancestors)
  • 34. Heirs of ancestors. (Descendants, children)
  • 35. As the celebration of 25 years of marriage of spouses is called. (Silver wedding)
  • 36. What is the name of the holiday of the 50th anniversary of married life. (Golden wedding)
  • 37. What is another name for the family house. (Family hearth)
  • 38. An invariable attribute of a prosperous family home. (Cosiness)
  • 39. What do parents do with their children. (Raised, educated)
  • 40. How else can you name the three groups of relatives - grandmother, daughter, granddaughter. (3rd generation)
  • 41. Name the representatives of 4 generations in the family. (children, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)
  • 42. Document outstanding at the time of marriage. (Marriage certificate)
  • 43. Certificate of divorce. (Divorce certificate)
  • 44. As the people call divorce. (Divorce)
  • 45. The future husband for the future wife. (Groom)
  • 46. ​​Beloved woman on the eve of the wedding. (Bride)
  • 47. Future spouse for a man. (Bride)
  • 48. A man for whom a woman is going to marry. (Groom)
  • 49. A woman who agreed to marry a man. (Bride)
  • 50. The holiday of creating a family. (Wedding)
  • 51. Celebration of the occasion of marriage. (Wedding)
  • 52. The symbol of the conjugal covenant on the finger. (Wedding ring)
  • 53. Ring worn by a family man. (Engagement)
  • 54. Rings worn by spouses at a wedding. (Engagement)
  • 55. Rings worn by husband and wife on the ring finger. (Engagement)
  • 56. Parents of a spouse. (Matchmakers)
  • 57. Parents of a husband or wife in relation to the parents of a husband or wife. (Matchmakers)
  • 58. As the wife's mother is called. (Mother-in-law)
  • 59. The wife's father. (Father-in-law)
  • 60. Spouse's mother. (Mother-in-law)
  • 61. The spouse's father. (Father-in-law)
  • 62. Husbands make up jokes about her. (Mother-in-law)
  • 63. According to a popular saying, her son-in-law goes to her for pancakes. (Mother-in-law)
  • 64. Daughter's husband for her parents. (Son-in-law)
  • 65. Who is the sister's husband to her relatives. (Son-in-law)
  • 66. What else can you call your wife's sister. (Sister-in-law)
  • 67. A wife's brother for her relatives. (Brother-in-law)
  • 68. The wife of a son to his parents. (Daughter-in-law)
  • 69. Husband's sister for his loved ones. (Sister-in-law)
  • 70. What unites relatives. (Blood relations)
  • 71. The leader in the family. (Chapter)
  • 72. Several children born at the same time by one mother. (Twins, twins, triplets)
  • 73. Brothers and sisters born together. (Twins, twins)

In men's minds there was an idea that women should be mysterious and conceal some kind of secret. Often because of this, trying to portray a mysterious person, girls make many mistakes. Therefore, in such delicate, feminine matters, the main thing is not to overdo it. Let's figure out what kind of mystery men want to see in women.

A bit of classics ...

In Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard, Varenka, aiming to be in the center of male attention, adopted the image of a sad girl in a black dress. She thought that men would come up and find out from her why she was sad, thus she wanted to arouse interest in herself. But this game of "riddle" left the girl alone.

Who is she, the mystery woman?

A woman of mystery and unpredictability are synonymous words. Because it is the suddenness and unpredictability that contributes to the agitated behavior of a man. The mystery woman bewitches with her warmth and affection, suddenly appearing in the life of a man. Such a woman is never fully revealed and she disappears just as she appeared - abruptly and unexpectedly. The novels colorfully describe such women, later girls, striving for especially increased attention of men, try to become an unread book with an interesting plot.

Most women play their "seduction" game, and most often fail it miserably. Therefore, brewing all this mess, it is preferable for a woman of mystery to think a thousand times: is it necessary? In real life, everything is much easier in any way in films and love novels. But girls like to complicate things, and only because of this, who is she, a mystery woman, remains unknown to the end? Every man has his own!

For lovers of puzzles ...

Men love to solve riddles and puzzles associated with women. It turns them on, they immediately have excitement and interest. Since the first impression is formed instantly, mystery women try to immediately interest their man. If they see that they have already liked the man outwardly, then they use their inner qualities, they try to become for the man not like everyone else. The mystery woman shows that she is interested in a lot, you can talk about a lot with her. And a man should have the opinion that he will never be bored with such a woman in the future in their life together. But a mystery woman always knows when to stop, she does not tell her entire biography and her entire life, but only informs what is important and necessary. She knows how to shut up on time, like in films, at the most interesting place. And it always suddenly disappears, leaving only a fragrant trail from its perfume.

Riddle or "highlight"?

Trying to become a mystery for men, do not forget why you are loved by your dear and beloved people, your comrades and friends, as well as the stronger sex. Beauty and pleasantness, innocence and gullibility, naivety, complacency and kind-heartedness, is a "highlight" in a girl. The riddle and the "Zest" exist quite side by side, but the "zest" is much more visible than the riddle. Since the representatives of the stronger sex, they know specifically what belongs to the "Raisins" of their beloved women, but what is the mystery, men cannot really answer. It is up to men to decide what will become a mystery in you, a "highlight" or an individuality, your angelic smile, a playful rise of the eyebrow during an inspired conversation, or your embarrassed look.

Does a woman need mystery?

Men are really turned on and intrigued by easy flirting with them, understatement, keeping a certain distance and allowing them to approach themselves only a millimeter a day, and what if such understatement turns into disappointment with closer communication. Therefore, the question arises: is it worth keeping up with this whole plot?

For men, what is incomprehensible and interesting is a mystery. Pleasant surprises that contribute to the emergence of admiration, happiness and joy in men's souls are preferred much more and more often than riddles. Lacking their precious time, men are completely immersed in work. Because of this, the overwhelming majority of the stronger sex do not get great pleasure, after a hard working day, to move their, so tired convolutions over the riddles in a woman.

For men, a woman who is fanned with purity and clarity in the morning, and her favorite scent in the evening, is real. And it doesn't matter to him at all if there is any mystery in it. Since all the present is predominantly valuable in life, honesty and ease are important for men. If a woman can always be varied, both seductive and caring, fragile and sensitive, a little stubborn and purposeful, not forgetting to be weak and strong, she will certainly be loved and her man will be well with her. And the female mystery lies in the interweaving of all these feminine characteristics that men are ready to comprehend all their lives, and women, in turn, are ready to surprise and surprise.

The mystery of a woman lies not in a mysterious look and habits, not in a manner of speech and not in a shade of lipstick. Mysteriousness cannot be artificially faked. If you pretend and put on masks, you will be exposed quickly, very quickly. The man in front of whom you will play the role is most likely not a fool, he will find you strange, not mysterious. Why? Everything is simple. Anyone feels false and deceitful. Especially the man.

1. She gives emotions

The main difference between us and men is how we fall in love. Girls fall in love with a specific character, with a specific person. We can describe his appearance, the qualities that he possesses. Men fall in love not with a girl, but with the feelings that he experiences next to her, with the emotions that she gives him.

A bitchy young lady who calls her chosen one from morning till night with a desire to talk about a relationship or have a fight is unlikely to give valuable emotions. And for support and inspiration, as well as for the girl who presents them, any man will move mountains. First of all, he wants to feel like a man, wants to see how he is admired, to be a knight in shining armor, roughly speaking. And his actions will be like a knight's. He wants to receive the cherished kiss from his lady of the heart after a bloody fight. He wants to achieve and conquer, besiege an impregnable fortress and starve out. Even the most unromantic person in life needs drama. Give him strong emotions, a feeling of flight - and you will become irreplaceable and inimitable.

2. She is a little lacking

Have you ever seen a small child unpack a gift for the new year or birthday? A gift that you've dreamed of getting for a long time? Have you seen how his eyes burn? You should be such a gift. The ultimate dream of a little boy. Because men are, in essence, children. But they don't write letters to Santa Claus.

There is such a paradox in the excellent science of economics. Smith's paradox. It is also called the Water and Diamonds paradox. What is it? Water, which is vital, costs mere pennies, compared to diamonds, without which you can easily live. This is because the reserves of water are greater than the reserves of diamonds. Therefore, water loses its value. But let's not go into the jungle of this paradox. Smith also said that if a person were given three glasses of water, he would drink the first, wash the second, and wash the floor with the third. What a man should do when you present ten glasses of yourself on a gold tray. 10 glasses of care, support, love. It is not surprising that at some point your love will lose value for him. Any riddle and mystery will disappear, the very idea of ​​the forbidden fruit will cease to be such, because everything has long been studied and accessible.

It's just that a woman should be a little missed. You give him one glass, where both care and love are concentrated, and he drinks it greedily, not completely satisfying their thirst. But as soon as he drained this glass, God only knows what euphoria this poor guy is in.
That's the whole secret, that's who they write novels and poems about.

3. She does not control and does not keep on a short leash

At what point do you start to consider a man as yours? After the first kiss or first sex? Any answer is wrong. Slavery was abolished several centuries ago, so in our world no one owes anything to anyone and no one belongs to anyone. Of course, you can disagree. But one thing I know for sure: a short leash did not benefit anyone. When you start to consider a man yours, control and distrust from scratch, he begins to dress. From a riddle you turn into a simple and annoying woman. If a man needs you, he will go out of his way to see you or contact you.

It’s not a size 5 chest or a wasp waist that drives you crazy. Poems are not written about full lips and round priests. Women are admired by those who are able to inspire, who can make a man happy. Love makes a woman for a man "the same", "special", "unique". It is love that drives you crazy.

Incredible facts

Do you love riddles and detectives? Then these puzzles are for you.

You need to have a good mind to solve these criminal riddles.

Can you find the killer or catch the criminal?

Check yourself how quickly you can solve these crimes.

You will find the answers at the very end of the article.

Murder riddles

1. Iced tea

© Joshua Resnick

The two girls were having dinner. Both ordered iced tea.

One girl drank her tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups in the time it took another to drink only one cup.

The girl who drank one cup died and the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How could the girl who drank the most tea survive?

2. Cassette

© double double / Getty Images Pro

The man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a pistol in the other. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed the tape play button.

On the recording, they heard: "I have no reason to live anymore. I can't do this anymore" and then the sound of a shot.

After listening to the cassette, the police knew that it was not suicide, but murder. How did they know?

The man was found killed on Sunday morning. His wife called the police, who questioned his wife and everyone in the house.

They gave the following alibis: the wife says she was asleep, the butler cleaned the closet, the gardener picked vegetables, the maid received the mail, and the cook made breakfast.

The police immediately arrested the killer. Howfound out the police, and who is the killer?

There was a crime on Fremont Street. The prime suspect is a man named Sean Baker.

It is known that a man was walking along the road when he was suddenly shot in the stomach. The suspect had brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a baggy Armani suit similar to that of Sean Baker. Sean was asked to tell the story from the beginning.

“So,” Sean said. “I was just walking in the park when I saw this man walking down the road. Suddenly, a guy appeared behind him and shot him. I ran home as quickly as possible. "

The police asked him to describe the killer. "He had a ginger mustache, ginger hair and a baggy Armani suit."

“I think this man is lying,” said the policeman. How did he know?

Crime riddles

5. Machine, knife and wife

© stevanovicigor / Getty Images Pro

The man killed stabbing his wife in the car. There was no one around to see it.

He threw her out of the car, making sure not to leave fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife off the cliff into the ravine, where no one would find it, and went home.

An hour later, the police called him and said that his wife had been killed and he needed to report immediately. b Xia to the scene of the crime.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they know what happened?

6. Coin

© Velavan1990 / Getty Images

A dead body was found below at multi-storey building. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the man had jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide. A detective was summoned to investigate the case.

He went to the first floor and entered the room, which was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and tossed a coin way down ... Then he went to the second floor and did the same. He did this until he reached the last floor.

Then he went downstairs and said that it was murder, not suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

The daughter was at her mother's funeral when she met the man.

She liked the manand she wanted to meet him. As she walked, she realized that she did not recognize the man's name or telephone number.

Later when she returned to find him, but he had already left.

A week later, she killed her older brother to find a man. Why?

A rich man lives alone in a small cottage. Since he is partially disabled, everything is brought to the cottage.

The postman brought him the letter on Thursday when he noticed that the door was ajar. Through the crack, he saw the body of a man lying in dried blood. The police arrived and examined the place.

On the threshold was two bottles of warm milk, a Monday newspaper, catalog, flyers, and unread mail.

The police suspected premeditated murder. Who do they suspect and why?

9. Court