Conspiracies from burns to read. Conspiracy from poison. How to talk pinching of a sedlication nerve

Burns can be treated by conspiracies, but not only hard, which do not require doctors intervention. Spell data will get rid of you from the feeling of discomfort, because they will accelerate the healing of burns and remove pain. You can use these magical means, only after the doctor's initiation!

Important information

Conspiracy from the burn will help a person not only to acknowledge or prevent blister, and in addition ensure security in the future. In addition, it does not require auxiliary actions, and you can read on any day of the week, at any time. In the people there is an opinion that it is enough to smear the burn place for this. In fact, it is impossible to do this. Thus, it is possible to independently increase the water, which is formed in the sore place. How to determine the degree of burns, first aid and symptomatic treatment according to the methods of traditional medicine.

  1. Ritual wounds.
  2. As for three days or nails.

Emergency Spell from Burns

You can spend a quick rite, in which it is enough to read a conspiracy from the burn, and only saliva of the one who died is needed from the undergrades.

You can read on your own on yourself, but you can apply on another person. Just reacting it is necessary for 7 minutes. Already after, the spell will not have such strength, and the pain subsides for a while. In general, the signs recommend that these words are phoned every time pain occur after injury.

Go to actions, you need to spit on a sore place, look at the burn and the sprinkle spell:

"Fire, light. The force gave, the pain caused. Now I will take the power, and the pain will remove. Do not be on the body of the water, do not live on the body of a red string. The pain subsides, and about the burden of God's slave (name) forgets. Amen (three times). "

Words are repeated three times. After the first time, the pain subsides. If the hand needs to wet in hot water (for example, wash the dishes), before you begin to do all these actions. Only then start to wash or wash.

Conspiracy against burn

In cases where the burn did not appear on the hand, and let's say on foot or cheek, you need to use both hands: one put on a sore place, and the second one is kept behind the urchoide from the other side where the incident occurred. If you hit the middle of the body, then absolutely no difference for which the lobe man will take.

"There will not see the blind, deaf will not answer, the chrome will not pass. I am a servant of God (name) or a slave of God, the pain gave, strength and health took. The usho, the medicine will serve, the healing of the healing will give, and the burn on the hand (or another part of the body) will not leave. The key is closed by the key, the castle and the seven litters lock. Words said, pain my wound removed. "

Such a ritual can significantly reduce the consequences, but if the burn is large, then after performing the ritual we go to the hospital. This is due to the fact that

Magic and vegetables against burn

Suppose that the burn occurred, and the words of the conspiracy were forgotten. Is it possible to avoid consequences and force the wound as soon as possible to hear? Sure you may. And the efforts for this are not necessary for this. In this case, we use fresh vegetables. Choose either potatoes or carrots. We rub on a small grater or skip through the meat grinder. Kashka should be very little and juice. Now we put on the wound and read the text.

In order for wounds and bruises quickly healed, Natalia Stepanova advises to drink a tincture of the leaves of the Zvercairus, the pladen of the Maulamoid, gold and herding of herbs. All plants are taken in equal proportions, and for the preparation of drinking infusion you need to take a spoonful of collecting herbs and brew 1 glass of boiling water. After half an hour, when the medicine is imagined, it needs to drink 4 tablespoons every hour, just a day - five times.

Conspiracy on the rapid healing of the body from wounds

Conspiracy, low tilting over the patient:

In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
From seal
From a rescue hand
Virgin Mary Castle.
On the river Jordan,
In grade Jerusalem,
In Thomas and Yerema,
There are three
Holy sheet,
God written.
From those holy sheets
All the power is unclean
All fire hello
Holy Water
Any pain
And wounds all
Christ of martyrs,
Thomas yes Yerema,
Lesters those
Above his head
Angels of God
My prayers
Lord! Vladyka
King earth and sky,
Help, God,
Thoring man.
I have slaves of God
(name of the evacuar),
In the mouth of secret words.
In God's sky water,
In the ocean-sea water.
Water is pain
And the catch is washing away
(Name) All Calvors
And everything is painful pain.
Words my keys,
Affairs of my castles.
In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, dream
Forever and ever.

Conspiracy so that the wound quickly heal

So that the edges of the wound quickly grown, read the conspiracy in a whisper, holding a hand over the wound:

"In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Per hour is good
In a strong minute
Per hour of death
By month, death,
Gat you, snake,
Drinking ore
And Sukrovitsa
When drinking chirling
And in his sip
When the sky at night
Then the Mother Eases
Holy Yakov Word
My repeats,
So as not to dive
And not hurt
Not burned, not baked,
Not mournful.
Would not go from wounds
And would not hurt
Body with body grow up
Commend, slave (such something),
Do not flip and not Mayya.
Lord, blood
The slave of yours (name).
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for fast wound healing

For fast healing, the wounds read such a plot:

On the sea,
On the ocean is worth
Mother of God
With saint rhiz
With an honest vest
With the Lord
Glory and beauty.
She is for the whole world
To come down on patients
God's mercy
So that all sorrow
Diseases disappeared
And (such something) wound
From the body disappeared.
You, wound,
In the body (such something)
Drink, infection,
No place here,
And to be to you
On the other side.
On the side
People do not live
And in the sky bird singers
Do not sing
Fish in water
Not swimming
Wheat on fields
Not growing.
From the body of this away.
The key to my words.
Castle to my business.
In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, dream
Forever and ever.

Conspiracy If they were injured in the forest or field

If you are in a field or in the forest and to the hospital far away, froline the leaves of the yarrow leaves, the leaves of the mother and the plantain and put on the wound. At the same time, tell me:

"Accept, mother earth,
The pain
Usmy my rhir.
In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, dream
Forever and ever.

If you in the forest or in the field strongly paved your hand or leg, to quickly stop the blood and wound healing, use the Grandfather Tobacco mushroom (rain), but not dark, and white, not yet dried. Cut the mushroom and remove the flesh out of it. Attach it to the patient and tie it. Stop instant blood will help and plot:

Come to the rib your
And Jaco, the demon of the Cross is afraid,
Tako and blood
From the Russian Academy of Sciences will stop! "

Conspiracy from cuts

Another Siberian Healer Natalia Stepanova offers a plot that saves from the cuts. Read it like this:

"Blood back does not flow
Blood flows forward
Let me (such something)
The cut will not take.
Knife does not cut
And does not sit
And my body
He will not take.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy so that the man of pain does not feel

There is such a miraculous conspiracy so that the person does not feel pain when injured. Here is his words:

"Go, needle, there and here,
Know your business
Steel body,
Frames and sew
Live body,
So that it doesn't
And not hurt
Neither now
In no hour
Not mournful.
You, bones,
You, residents,
Dern jernets
Land in drought
Neither blood nor ore
Neither pain nor tongs.
It would be
And the slave of God (name)
There was no blood,
Neither ore
Neither pain nor nippers
From under all the time
From under all bones
From under the fifth lived.
In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy to stop the blood quickly

To speak quickly cut, you need to keep your right hand over the sore place and three times a quick whisper to say:

"They walked three rivers flowed:
One blood river,
Other water bone
And the third water is no.
So would be the wound
Nican became
Slaves (name)
He stopped hurting. "

Recipes Natalia Stepanova from non-healing wounds

Siberian healer advises to always have in the house the oil of the richnik. There is no better funds from non-healing wounds, burns and animal bites. To prepare the oil, you need to finely chop up the rose and place it in sunflower oil, at the rate of 2 tbsp. Spoons of plants per 100 g of oil. Put a bottle into a cool, dark place for three weeks and do not forget to take the oil infusion from time to time. The wounds are lubricated, not overlapping the compress, and in an hour it is neatly wedged with a napkin.

If in your area does not grow by a rustic, then you can replace it with an atrociety. Create oil from the Hypericum the same as from the richness, then the oil is filtering and lubricated them wounds.

Plot if the wound does not heal

If the wound is not overgrown, rotates and burns with fire, you need to weld in the holy water of the Waist, then speak the water and rinse the wound it. After a few days, the wound closes and heal. The conspiracy is:

"Like a holy cross
The deva is expelled
So in this body
Harvest is leaving.
You, wound, holy water
Trampled on all the keys
Forever close up.
In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, dream
Forever and ever.

Conspiracy So that the wound is not rotting and not bleeding

So that the wound did not rot, did not sore, not bleed, read three times:

"Bath water to cure
River water to cure
All dirty water
To cure.
I rode from river water,
From thin water
And from all the dirt.
Blood will heal
The body calms down.

Plot if the operational seams do not grow

In the non-examination of the operating seams, they dreamed of a new needle over an inadequate seam and they say:

"Needle, steel body,
His legitimate business
Prayers of His
(name) Sewing,
Diverge to meat
Do not come around the wound.
On Lature-stone sit
Two sisters,
Two needles
Two steel masters:
One wound
Firmly fucking
Sries, other meat
To meat
Fragrance helps.
Blood will take
Meat merges.
In now, for centuries,
All bright times.

Another conspiracy so that the operational seams are faster:

"I will come out (such something),
Mother born,
In the Holy Church
Baptist bass.
Towards me
Holy Mother of God
With John the Baptist,
With Nikolai
Wonderworker goes
In the right hand
Silver needle
With silk thread
Mother of the Virgin,
Slava on the slave (name) body,
So that the pus did not go,
Wound is not blood
And did not hurt
Flesh did not rot,
Bones did not lie
And (such something) about their
Wounds forgot.
Be, my words,
Extremely strong knife
And faster fast
Bulat spear.
Words are mine
Keys and locks
And my deeds
No one would lime.
In now, for centuries,
At all times.

Conspiracy to heal the deepest wound

To overclock the deepest wound, do so. Put the patient in the corner of the chopped home. Read nine times conspiracy, putting on a sore hand. It is better if at the same time the patient will stand, and not sit.

"Father, God,
Tree ruined,
Tree slaughtered
Izbu set.
I will put it
God's slave
(Name) in the angle of hut.
Take out a birth from him,
Take out his pain.
Pump, chips,
If, lobs,
Firing, a rog
Fire, tears,
Sleepless nights,
Creams, crying.
Take the angle of resin,
To myself
From God's slave (name),
From the body of his baptized,
From blood.
Take a pussy, loko,
Yellow sweat
Sukrovitsa, pus.
Wound it, clean,
The edges of his wounds
Wooden angles,
On you icons
Saint liks hang.
And I'm with a slave (name)
You will hover on you
My business is true
My dispute time.
What word is around
What silent.
Chur, my key,
Take the castle, the house.
Now and confessed
And forever in the ages.

A detailed description of several sources: "Prayer for Baby burns" - in our non-commercial weekly religious journal.

Approoming your lips as close as possible to the burn place, and say three times:

"Lord, help to heal the servant of God (name) from pain me, from the wound!

May it be so! Amen!".

It is better to spend this ritual at dawn or at sunset, preferably with a growing moon.

On the leaves of blackberries three times read "Our Father". Next, these leaves are sprinkling with holy water and, crossing several times, attached to the burning place.

Conspiracy is read three times, after each reading you need to fit into place the burn:

"Morning dawn before noon,

And evening until midnight,

And your burn before my word. "

"Dreamed" - free online dream book.

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Conspiracy from burn when fate leaves fiery traces

How often we make mistakes, rarely thinking that the most irreparable can occur. The child left unattended can cause severe harm to himself and cause the feeling of guilt for the fact that it was possible to prevent.

From the burn plot, with severe damage to the skin

Looking at the little Dimka, and you will not say that it is completely recently his back was covered with scars. The smart boy knocked over the boiling kettle. It remains only a little redness, but it will take place over time, and after all, terrible scars could stay for life. Helped get rid of terrible consequences conspiracy from Burn using oil with propolis. 100 grams of peasant oil takes for cooking, heated in a water bath, 20 grams of propolis are added, it rests on fire continuously stirring, the words are repeated: "The ointment of therapeutic is welded, from all sorts of babies to the body." After 20 minutes, it is removed and put in a cool dark place in a tightly closed jar. Applied to the baked areas of the body with soft, circular motions. The words of the spell are pronounced:

Walked fire water, splashed across the shores;

Found the stream on the body of the slave (name);

Endowed the streams, curves of berazhkov;

Excrace came all the bodies, the land equalized;

The slave (name) is the same as before.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Everything is done in complete silence, without the presence of people, even if closest, the curtains must be torn.

Fast burn plots

How often, burning on, we do not know what to do. Just just remember one simple conspiracy from BurnFor rapid healing and relief from pain.

Blow and sentence

"The wind of the clouds accelerates and my pain is reversed."

Led by a ring finger right around the brazing burn:

"As a fire came, made tracks, around the hearth will circle all the traces of notice."

Under the jet of cold water whispering the conspira:

"Water go to the ground and a burn with them take away."

Spit into place burns and say:

"Ugh, pah, ugh, fire, fire - all that passed to me, quickly resolved."

Faith in conspiracy

In our family conspiracies from Burn Transmitted from generation to generation. They were used in practice with small burns and with severe damage (nephew wraked). Act quickly and efficiently. Used conspiracies from burn, It is important to believe in what is being done and said. If a person belongs to everything with distrust, then the effective result will not work. In this case, it is better to find someone who really takes everything that happens as a kind of sacrament. Spells and faith give 100% result.

Conspiracy from Burn

Conspiracy from burn will help to raise pain faster, help wound healing. So often people face domestic injuries that sometimes they should be treated much more often than other diseases. Of course, the most common place where you can get a burn, is a kitchen.

We take for hot handles of teapots and skillers, inadvertently shed hot tea or coffee on yourself, often burn in boiling oil splashing in all directions ... But one thing, when the injury is small, and in an adult, and quite another - when the burns are completely different children. Here you need to especially quickly provide first aid. And such a help is a popular conspiracy.

Treatment of burns by folk conspiracies

If the burn is not too extensive and deep, then the plot will help to get rid of it very quickly and painlessly. Especially if you perform it in the first minutes after what happened. With more serious injuries, when the skin is black, and the fabrics completely burn out, therapeutic conspiracies help relieve unbearable pain, accelerate healing. Of course, traces after severe burns will remain, but the process of recovery may be noticeably faster. Today, many, probably heard of such recommendations for the treatment of burns, like the mas »with sunflower oil or other means. Some say that it helps, and others that it is nonsense and she does not help a person. And even exacerbates the situation. In fact, both the first and the second. After all, sunflower oil, as some other means belong to elements of folk rites for recovery. But many simply do not know that when using such funds, the words of the conspiracy should be said. That is why one such rituals help, and others - no. Folk conspiracies are called, because they assume not so much the presence of actions, how many words. They are power, and thanks to them people can help themselves or others recover.

Conspiracies for burning burns

  1. Immediately after the burn, take a household soap, laminated them an exhaled place so that a lot of foam is formed. When to wash, spell 3 times: "From the hollows of hot foam on the water, the medicinal foam. Pain on the dog, red on the mare, burn on a black cat, and my hand (leg or other place) of Clea, Tsev, Bela. Foam is nothing to wash and not wash off, but give her to dry completely.
  2. Attach the scorching sheet of nettle to the burn and say: "The rose on the redness, I put across the ends of the scratched, to the edges of the burnt. I will take off in the evening, take up to the morning. The pain on the outcome as the needle is spectable at the bottom. Sniklah did not fall, the burn was hid, so it would be a burn my jelly, on Peter - Kolovrat crossed. " Wait until the sheet cools and only then remove it.

The rites presented here are very effective. And the faster after misfortune to perform a plot from the burn, the faster the relief will come. There have been cases when burns passed without a trace, and even an hour on the skin there was not even redness.

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Greetings to you, my dear reader. My name is Olga, I am engaged in magic and conspiracies.

My grandmother, some of the conspiracies and love spellings, which you read here, were used for magical purposes here.

Now, in the grief century of the development of the Internet, many types of magical spells, conspiracies and love spells will also be available to you. I will be happy to share the effective way to attract good luck, wealth, money, love, and many others. Thank you for coming to my site!

Prayer for baby burns

"On the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of everyone, to you with the faith of resorting!

Watch from the height of the celestibilities of yours on me is nebidny, to the holy icon of your fallen, hear the humble prayer of Men's Greshnago and bring you to your son: the mind of him, yes, he illuminates the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace, and clean my mind from Thiet Healing my heart and healed his wounds, yes, I will enjoy me on kinds of kind and strengthen it to work with fear, so I will forgive all the evil-walled me, it will save from the eternal flour and does not deprive the heaven of his kingdom.

About the predicted by the Virgin! You are a fragments of the ESI in the image of your perishar who command themselves to try to you with faith: do not despise the clutch to me, and do not pass the sinks to me in the abyss of my sins. On the Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and your preservation and the concept of Hand in the eyelids. "

Conspiracy from Burn

Spit on the burn and say the words of the conspiracy.

"Mountain, go to the mountain, mouse, go to Nora.

Fire go to the water.

Do not come to the body of the slave of God (name).

Like you, burns burns, flew without wings,

Came without legs, so the slave of God (name),

You did not find anything and did not drag.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

To read this conspiracy, you need a knife with a wooden handle. Drive the knife knife counterclockwise above the burn site, seniting the following conspiracy.

"First of time, a good hour.

I speak burns, pain and lomot

We talk all seven comes.

Here you are 7 brothers not to live,

Bodies of the slave of God (name) not prick,

Do not break, do not burn.

Become my words strong

Be the affairs of my modeling.

From raw land to the bomb board.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Fire Guryuch, Fire Bolich,

In a wide field fire.

In the forest smoke and fell.

So that you, burn, quick

From the body of the slave of God (name) disappeared.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you have read the plot from the burn three times cross and split through the left shoulder.

There is a peace ... how sometimes we miss it! In the life of each of us there are moments when.

So that the cold and the cough rather passed, you need to be treated, treated, treated. If you do not want.

One of the ancient ways to treat frights and fears in children and adults was poured fright.

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In war, all means are good! Sometimes your enemies make such.

What such an insomnia knows, probably everyone. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only beautiful time. Unfortunately, cold and dark.

You probably heard about the conspiracy that is used to stop.

Rites and deterioration Voodoo have long ceased to be plots in films. .

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Together with the spring approaching and Easter. Many who are interested.

Slimming is always painstaking work, even if you exercise it.

Beauty standard changes each era. Earlier in Russia appreciated white.

Hanging moles can deliver a lot of inconvenience. Elementary ,.

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Work occupies an important place in the life of every worker.

Not all people are lucky, not for all work is a holiday. Highly.

Love and respect for others can be achieved by conspiracies. .

It seems that yesterday you smiled sweetly at work, and now.

Everyone knows how much depends on the grace and goodwill.

Probably, many have noticed that a few days before the birthday, various minor troubles begin to be crushed. This is not good! .

If you are waiting for an important solution for yourself and want it to be in your favor, it is advisable to enlist magical support.

Who among us did not dream of happiness? Didn't want to start a new, happy life? There is one prayer that will help you with this. If you run.

Desires have each of us. Someone is patiently waiting for the fulfillment of desire, and someone to strive for anything to achieve the desired one. .

There are many conspiracies to be in honor of people. Take advantage of them, then honor and respect for those around you are guaranteed. For.

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One of the unpleasant diseases, which is treated with conspiracies, is called "bitch udder" or hydrainets. Unpleasant and painful.

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Sometimes we are pursuing terrible pain. Medicines and tablets bring only short relief. Of course, in such cases you need to perform.

Conspiracy from Burn

Conspiracy from Burn

In the fire field, in the forest smoke and fell,

You need to cry over the shoulder.

43. Determination of the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn. Pathogenesis of lesion

43. Determination of the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn. The pathogenesis of the lesion in order to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn, use several ways. The simplest, not requiring additional tools and a fairly accurate method - the "Palm" method. After some studies were

3. Skin lesion area. Method "Palm" and the "nine" rule in determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn

3. Skin lesion area. The method of "palm" and the "nine" rule in determining the burn area in order to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn, use several ways. The simplest, not requiring additional tools and a fairly accurate method - method

Saved the skin after sunburn

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Conspiracy 10.

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Conspiracy 11.

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Conspiracy 12.

Conspiracy 12 in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. In the blue sea-ocean there is a wide island of Buyan, on that wide island, the Church of the Cathedral, Apostolic, and the door sits the Mother of the Mostly Mother of God, Virgin Mary, and next to her

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Conspiracies from Burn

Conspiracies from the burn 1. Spit on the burned place and say: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is a red girl-maiden with live water and wet roller, puts off, the fiery river will sweep, destroy the sparks, blows the fire. Amen, Amen, Amen. .2. "The fire has lost his heat like Judas

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Conspiracy from poison

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The plot is three forces, there are three waters, three blood and water sisters. Heavenly Water - Rain, Ground Water - Sea, Underground Water - Key, and there is still the water of God - Holy, in the body of a man's water interior. I spell you, sea waters, rain, underground,

Conspiracy from Burn

Conspiracy from burning lackless saw. A legless catchy. Bezless took. Toothless bone. Fire Guryuch, Fire Bolich, in the Fire field, in the forest smoke and fell, so that you, burn, disappeared. Amen. Amen. Amen. It is necessary to shift through

Conspiracies from Burn

Mix the chicken egg protein with fresh sour cream and sunflower oil (1 tbsp. Spoon) and lubricate the burn place, saying: It goes red maiden with red and red brooms. Carrying, quenching fiery rivers, fiery flame. Conspiracy follows seven times, at the same time, at the same time, the river in which is sitting under the green bush, the victim. So go 2-3 times a day, washing off from time to time with water and apply it again. Bend low, so that your breath concerns the burn place, and read it three times: Lord, help to heal the servant of God (your full name) from pain me, from the wound! May it be so! Amen! Conspiracy is read in the morning, at dawn, and in the evening, at sunset. Read on the leaves of the Blackberry Father our three times. After rinse these leaves in Holy Water and attach to the spot of the burn, crossing several times. Ritual execution time is a growing moon.

Perfensional potatoes cramped with vegetable potatoes. Take the tuber, clean it, soda on the grater, put on the rag, attach to the burned place and say three times: I will become a slave of God (name), the words of saying the words, the slaves of God are really becoming. You, ug, do not have any pain, not shipping, do not go ahead, the slaves of God (name) bones are not harmful. Ugh, ugh, ugh! When the compress is heated, you need to remove it and apply a new one, repeating the steps performed earlier.

It is necessary to pour cold water to the scene and say: in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Roby, Lord, Me, (His name), from the pain of the hello, a tears of his slave (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Reading the conspiracy, it is necessary to represent affected places with completely clean skin.

Grilled and immediately rejected by a match, drive clockwise around the burn and whisper as slower three times as possible: hotly extinguished, the body does not harm, the rifting heart beats. All sorrow and pain release in a purely field, there will be it from now, there it is now for a walk. May it be so! Then this match will be burned to the end. When the burned place is tied, put the burned match and biblical

those it. Such manipulations spend before each ligation of the burn of any origin.

Three times say the words over the burn and every time blow on the sore place. Fire, lose your heat, as the sun loses it when it comes to the ground a dark night.

Beat the fresh raw egg and lubricate the obedient place, saying: at sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a frozen tree. That tree does not know either illness with fire, neither sushi dashing, so would be the slave of God (name) he underwent from the rod of the fiery.

Immediately spit on the burn, three times the cruciform on it and tell me: on the sea, on the ocean there is the island of Buyan, the raw boron burns there. What to stew it? Holy Spirit, in his own words. Not I am his carcass, but the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God. Amen.

All this procedure with a spit, crucifixion and reading a conspiracy perform nine times. At the end, say a typing phrase once: to this day, we have an hour, by this minute.

Right hand type the land from under the young cherry, hook into a transparent polyethylene bag (tie two knots) and bring home. Light a wax candle and put in the candlestick on the table. Position the bag with the ground over the flame of the candle at a distance of 10 cm and 12 times count the plot: the birds fly over the earth, the moles crawl under the earth, and the person lives on Earth. I ask and I, (full name), your strength, the mother is alive, on the right thing! True! Candle immediately swell. In the wound, cover the sterile gauze folded in several layers, and put a bag with a conspired land on top. Hold it with your hands and read a conspiracy (by the number of years of life): On my, (name), the body sore did, pulled, Tomila, I got out, and the mother of cheese was healed by me, the pain took the pain, and he he he he he he healed the pain. May it be so! Then take the land and pour out on the dump, the bag burned in place and go, not turning around. And garlase with the addition of holy water.

Take nine blackberry leaves and throw them into cold water. Spend each piece of burn, repeating a conspiracy three times: three Mrs. from the East came, Ice and Fire brought with me. Ice and fire, cutting the heat. Slava Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Very carefully put your right hand on the burned place and say such words three times: the old coma of the earth under the clay. Burn, share. In the name of the Lord hesisy. After each repetition, jump slightly on the burn. After that, the pain subsides, and the patient will fall in a deep sleep.

To facilitate suffering and speed up recovery, read seven times on the oil or fat: a tripled woman was walking, carried three buckets of water to pour a scorching fire. As the dead dead man does not hurt, it does not steal, heals, it overgrown, fresh skin is hidden, so the slave of God (name) does not hurt, it does not steal, heals, hesitates, it hits the fresh skin. Amen. Then lubricate this ointment. The damaged place will quickly come back.

This procedure is extremely simple. Find the bitch on the home plant or wooden subject - stool, windowsill. Rotating the nameless finger counterclockwise around the bitch, read about yourself: like this bitch, so dried toothes pain (or burn) at the slave of God (the name of the patient). Amen! Spoon three times through the left shoulder.

C read three times on the rapid water. Water should be in your palms.

Saint reads, and Christ reigns, Christ commands, Christ heals! Amen! Amen! Amen! Make three throat out of the palms, and the remnants will be easy.

Copy on the burned place three times, after reading each time they blow the scene. And then split through the left shoulder:

Light and dawn, fire and water, Jesus Mother, there is no burn. The key to the castle, burn through the threshold! May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Copy on the burned place three times: in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Light yes dawn, christ food! I'm up to light, burn from words! Forever and ever! Amen! Amen! Amen! After reading the conspiracy every time, overlapping the cross sign on the burned place.

Read the conspiracy to the scene of the burn:

How blood is baked, so the wound is pressed, comes. Bless, Lord, free my body from the wound. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

C read three times on the rapid water:

Lord, my God, you are always with me! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! As you, the sky and the land approved, the mother of cheese land in moisture of heavenly spill. And both on Mother-Earth there is neither lobes, no scripts, no patterns, no bones, nor tumors, nor burn, nor cut, and you, Lord, strengthen my body, Slave of God (your full name). Approchet-strengthen my body white. And as if I had patterns on my body, it would be patterns, bits, pits, burns and cuts. One Arkhangelsky

key, forever and centuries. Amen! Amen! Amen! After reading the conspiracy, make three throat, and I will be able to residues. The operation is performed in the morning and evening, regardless of the moon phase.

Pour this plot three times over the burned place, every time after reading the sick place:

Fire, fire, lose your heat, like Judas lost my color when he changed his Lord God Jesus Christ in the gardens of olive!