Conspiracies from cones on the head. When is this conspiracy applied? Preparation for plotting

How to get rid of damage and evil eye. Signs, charms, conspiracies, rites, prayers of Yazzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

12. Conspiracy from the tumor

12. Conspiracy from the tumor

Jesus Christ himself through the Kalinsky Bridge struck the leg on the charatnka. Like that charatnke is not green, so the slaves of God (name) Tumors do not blush, do not hurt, not prick, not to smit, but in the age of centuries to dying. Amen! Amen! Amen!

From the book, the daily life of sorcerers and signs in Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries Author Burut Natalia Valentinovna

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Release 02. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracy from the tumor This conspiracy is read at a decrease of twelve evening dawn in a row, while driving with a colored cloth around the tumor. In the other hand during the rite, keep Chagu (black birch mushroom). At the end of the treatment, wrap the chagu into a rag and take to fresh

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Issue 01. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

How to get rid of a tumor Take a coil with black threads and, tearing out the pieces of thread, read the following conspiracy: how this thread rushes, breaks down, breaks down, so go, cancer, burst out, do not come out, the growth is not coming. There is no place on the body of the slaves of God (name), as I will not leave me

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Release 05. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

From the tumor under the arm, this consumption helps almost from any cone, which is formed under the arm. But there are necessary to dry and fresh balaboles, those formed after potato colors. Tie them into the handkerchief and keep under the arm, at the same time

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Release 15. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracy from the brain tumor conspiracy read over well water, which a person sing, and the remnants of it pour it under dry wood. Usually this method helps well if, of course, the process is not too launched. The words of the conspiracy are: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Like people

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Release 07. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

From any tumor buy products and distribute them to beggars. After that, in three churches, they put candles "about health." Do so three days in a row, and on the fourth day, wash it with water, over which such a plot read: I will stand, blessing, go out, cross,

From the book of 7000 seizures of the Siberian Healer Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

From the tumor I continue to talk about the methods of treatment of cancer. Letters about this is such a quantity that the story about the methods of treating this disease I will be in a special place. That is one of them. Take three raw eggs from different chickens: first take on Monday, second - in

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Issue 08. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

From the tumor to read at a decrease month for 12 evening dawn, led by a colored cloth around the tumor, holding in the other hand of Chagu (chaga - on the birch, which destroys it). Chagu wrap in a rag after treatment, attributed to a fresh grave. This is: worth white birch,

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Issue 34. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

From the tumor under the arm, this consumption helps almost from any cone, which is formed under the arm. Supposed future dried or fresh balaboles are necessary, which are formed after potato colors. Tie them into the handkerchief and keep under the arm, at the same time reading nine

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and evil eye by Luzina Lada

From the brain tumor, of course, you should look, in what condition is the patient and at what stage is its disease. In addition to conspiracies and spells, cheeks should be made in the cemetery and the service to order for three churches, giving herbs, roots, hips and juices. Doostat the goat skin

From the book Magic wax, candles and conspiracy Author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Treating Tumor Nasopharynk Grandmother made a patient washing with a lovely, mixed with horseradish juice and water, dripped into the nose. Fresh diluted horse sorrel one to one with birch juice. Dried the peel of carrots and apples, filled with infusion and forced the patient every

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Issue 37. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy from the brain tumor, of course, success here depends on what stage is the disease and what is the general condition of the patient. In any case, in addition, the rite should hold rites of the sputter (in the cemetery), to order in three churches at once prayers for health, to ride the patient

From the book of the author

With the tumors of the testicles and the scrotum dried field binds in the powder and mix with butter (in 1 tbsp. The oil spoon is powder on the knife tip). Lubricate the eggs for the night with the scrotum and do this a few days, even when the tumor subsides to secure

From the book of the author

From the tumor himself, Jesus Christ through the Kalinov Bridge struck the leg on the charatunk. As that charatynka is not green, so the slaves (name) do not blush the tumor, do not hurt, not prick, not to smit, but in the age of centuries to dying. Amen! Amen! Amen! * * * Like on a knife, the water does not hide on the edge, does not boil,

From the book of the author

Conspiracy from a benign tumor This conspiracy needs to be read in the morning, shoulding themselves in the face of water from the stream or spring, while reading the conspiracy. After reading the conspiracy, it will be necessary to spill to the face again, and then wipe it. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the book of the author

Stop the tumor growth from the letter: "Dear Mother Natalia Ivanovna! I decided to take advantage of the coupons from your books on a free consultation. I ask you to answer and, if possible, can advise something on my problem. I have two tumors on my body

According to folk signs, the bumps on the leg grows after the man moved the road of the funeral procession. It is impossible to do this - we were told about this in childhood our grandmothers. It is necessary to wait a mourning procession or choose a workaround.

Conspiracy will help reduce the size of the bumps on the legs

But these are only folk beliefs. But the doctors argue that bumps on the thumb can be a hereditary disease, as well as arising from wearing uncomfortable shoes. It also matters the height of the heel, which affects the location of the foot.

Bones on the leg cause discomfort and are quite painful. To remove them, you can apply vintage magic rites or conspiracies. Such rituals are carried out at home without calling for the help of practicing magicians.

Conspiracy from the bone on the leg is quite effective, it is capable of:

  • get rid of pain that occurs when contact with shoes;
  • remove the swelling;
  • significantly reduce the size of the bump.

Conspiracies are well helped for healing from Natalia Stepanova, as well as vintage folk rituals and magical rites.

Traditional treatment in the fight against repellent cones can not be excluded. It is necessary to try all methods that can lead to positive results in the fight against this problem. Sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention. However, even it may not give the expected healing.

Conspiracy from the protruding bone on the leg can add or even replace traditional treatment. Below are the most efficient magic methods.

The ritual can be performed as a person suffering from bone on the thumb and any member of his family.

Before starting the rite, buy any meat on the bone in the store. It is not necessary to bargain and take the delivery. Come home, start the ritual:

  • rinse meat and boil it;
  • when it is fully prepared, get it out of the pan and put on a white kitchen towel;
  • when the meat cools, bite a big piece from him and eat;
  • the rest of the meat is needed to rain a home dog or attributed to the street and treat the stray.

Please note that the gender of the dog should coincide with the man of a person who has a bone on his leg.

For ritual it will take meat on the bone

At the time when the meat is brewed, words are pronounced in an arbitrary form, the main send of which is to get rid of the bone. Then they read any conspiracy to heal. You can read prayer from the disease or a conspiracy on healing from Stepanova.

The rite is carried out in the period when the moon is in a decreasing phase. This is the right time to get rid of diseases and other troubles.

If the ritual is executed correctly, the patient will soon feel relief.


Early in the morning, at sunrise, go landing, forest or garden. On the tree find a dry branch and laid it away. The branch should not be very thick. It is taken in two ends and shifted in half. At that moment, when the crunch is heard, pronounce:

"As this branch breaks and the bone on the leg is destroyed and leaves."

Each hand should stay on a piece of branches. The cross will be folded on the ground, poured on top of dry leaves, grass and burned.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the cottage or go to the grove. Therefore, the ritual can be held at home. Pre-prepared a dry twig. She spends on a bone on foot and read spell:

"As the sun of darkness, the night burns and the fire of the birth and dismiss will burn."

After the ritual, the branch is buried in the ground or burned. In order for the conspiracy to be magical strength, it is impossible to show a branch.

Strong conspiracy from cones on the legs on a flowering tree

Rite spend in spring, while flowering trees. Women choose female trees - pear, apple tree, cherry, birch, etc. Men are suitable chestnut, peach, almonds, apricot.

Effective conspiracy spend in spring when trees bloom

The tree ask the permission to break the dry twig. Then they find it and lazy. After that, they read a plot:

"I'm not a branch of breaking, but you remove the bones on the bones, and how dry kidney never bloom, but the broken branch is no longer growing, and there are no cones on my bones, and the bones of my patients on their hands and legs to heal. Christ saves, Christ heals. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, confessed, in the eyelids. Amen".

When the conspiracy is spoken, the tree necessarily thank.

How to get rid of the cones on the leg using the Golden Us

Unconventional methods of treatment of footprints include the use of therapeutic dishes, decoctions and compresses. A very effective way to treat bone on foot with medicinal herbs.

To spend a ritual, wait for the growing moon and with the onset of the full moon, we draw a red woolen thread on the wrist. This charm will strengthen the magic power of the body, and the full moon will contribute to the execution of the conspiracy.

Several leaves of the Golden Usa and Laurel lay out on the window sill, so that the moonlight falls on them. Ask the Earth's companion to help you and put plant leaves with a healing force.

After that, the leaflets are applied to the bone. It is necessary to fix them so that they fit tightly to the shishke. Then they fit to sleep.

During the month, such a "vegetable" compress must constantly apply on the night, one night use laurel leaves, another - gold mustache. When the leaves end, the ritual is repeated.

Prayer from cones on the legs

In the churches they buy 39 candles, bring home. At home prepared a pelvis with warm water, then a little holy water is added to it, they take two towels. Candles are lit and placed all over the room. The feet are lowered in the pelvis and, rubbing the bones, sentence:

"Having hurt the Ward, I give a bone to get drunk. Let all grave from the legs, evil pain and swelling. Let the gait become greedy, the skin of the heels is not cut down. As a protective driver's legs, some times have a threshold. I go around the hundred roads, let God help it. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen"!

After reading prayer, the legs are removed from the water and wipe the towel. Then the second towel should be sprinkled with holy water, wrap the foot and sit so for a few minutes. After that candles are quenched. The rite is carried out in full moon. A month later, the ritual repeat.

Conspiracy on black bread

Take a small piece of black bread and from the ball make a ball.

From the ball of black bread make a ball and ride them on the bone of the legs

Bread Krugasch ride on the bone and pronounce a conspiracy from the protruding bone on the leg:

"Skull-sculitz, red maiden. Here you do not stand, bones do not break. I braid you from the bones, from the relics, from the riveted head, from a white brain, a gray hair, from brown eyes, from a white face, from pink blood, from blue lived. Go, cheek-sculitz, a red maiden, go on thick vines, on the bustle swamps, on the high mountains, where the sun does not boost, the moon does not enter, the birds do not fly, the dogs do not breech. There you live-to-be, your kids are inhabited, raise. I am in a word, and the Lord is a thing, did not herself helped the Lord himself helped the servant of God (name) all the nastyness to expel. "

Ritual spend three nights in a row before bedtime. For each time there is a separate bread. After reading the conspiracy through the left shoulder, you need to spit three times. The ball gives a stray ps.

This vintage magic ritual is of great strength. However, it is not necessary to hope that the bone will disappear the next day. It is necessary to gain patience and sincerely believe in success.

During the ritual, it is necessary to fulfill all the conditions, conspiracy read clearly and without errors. Best written it on paper than trying to memorize.

Conspiracy on bones on the legs from the Siberian healer

Most popular with those who are trying to improve the quality of life with the help of magic spells are conspiracies for healing from Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova.

For a conspiracy, the decreasing phase of the moon is chosen. It is necessary to break down a small piece of the dry branch, and then spend it three times on the bone. Then pronounce:

"Mental bones, I break you and clean like this dry branch. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After that, the branch is buried in the ground.

You can heal from cones on the legs only if faith lives in the healing force of magical rituals. You can not doubt the treatment or carrying rites carelessly. If you take responsibility for the conduct of magic spells, then do everything extremely carefully. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.

Lord God pursue, the Lord God will ask. And the most Mrs. Virgin Mary Mary Mary. Lies the field, in that field there is a church of God. The church was sitting the girl. Does not know how the girl is neither of the weathered, nor the picer, nor read, nor to write, not a certificate of intelligence. Only the girl was able to stand yes (name) Shishak Zam. Bump bump, Red Krasnitsa, Half bump, Tatarka cone, Women's bump, Cossack bump, Blue bump, black bump, bump Bela, Single bump, Golden bump, Spring bump, Povered bump, Eat bump, poverty bump, shrid ! The dotel you are cololated, and the blood of the pores until I knew and did not heal. And Terecherich know, and you are changing you. On dry closures refer. Where people do not go, the dogs do not bump, the chickens do not sing, the Cossacks do not go. How there is a spirit of living, not slaughter, so at (name) in the head of the bumps are not. (Name) on the spare track, on the walk, on the beauty. Paradise Saint and the peace of Ocoxin's slave on that light, for the fact that he treated, and we taught us. Amen.

The question will help a conspiracy from the bone on the leg cope with the problem, rather controversial. On the one hand, if you ask him a professional doctor, most likely, the answer will be only laughter and the Council will seem like a specialist. An experienced physician will solve all the treatment options: orthopedic exercises, corrective clamps, in advanced cases - osteotomy, that is, operational intervention. In principle, such an approach is justified, because with medical observation, the conspiracy will simply do not need - the patient is cured by conservative methods.

It is also worth noting that the priests do not approve the appeal to conspiracies in a similar situation. Much effective, in their opinion, for a believer person will be a prayer uttered from a clean heart, a visit to the church, a request for help from the saints. By the way, and to official medicine, Orthodox ministers do not have prejudices: Most likely, in a conversation with you, the wise priest will advise first of all to visit the doctor, and not talk to the cones on the legs of some local signs.

Conspiracy as an extreme measure to get rid of the illness

However, there are situations where all these simple tips cannot help. For example, the elderly often persistently refuse to "go to doctors", and they can't convince them any persuasion. And sometimes it happens that to the nearest hospital - a few tens of kilometers, to overcome which with an inflated bone on the leg is challenging the task. Or finally, you carefully fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor, but the ill-fated bump at the base of the fingers does not even think to disappear! In such cases, all measures are good, including those that are based on the self-pressure method.

After all, what is, in fact, the conspiracy, as not a hypnotic suggestion to himself, that you are absolutely healthy, and the whole birth is expelled from the body? In order for the idea of \u200b\u200bhealing to penetrate the subconscious, typical techniques are used:

  • rhythmic lines;
  • repeating words;
  • complex rituals designed to emphasize the importance of the process.

If all such manipulations have done over a person who is convinced of the existence of "invisible forces", the desired result will be achieved - and his body will attach all the strength to get rid of the disease. The simple conspiracy from the bone on the legs, uttered with the necessary intonation and energetic, will be the impetus that the subconscious was lacking to start acting. Of course, serious illness with such a reception cannot be cured, but only starting orthopedic problems can be stopped completely.

Example of conspiracy against bones on the leg

So, if you still decided to try on yourself a similar method, we offer you some kinda conspiracies, each of which can bring relief in the case of pain in the legs and curvature of bones. It is necessary to warn that the conspiracies from the bones on the legs should be pronounced when a person slept well, poked around and gained strength, and also completely concentrated on what was happening. Do not try to treat yourself with conspiracies when your energy is on the outcome, and consciousness is scattered - it will not bring you benefit.

The first plot is well suited for those who live near the forest. On the day, when the bone on the leg is least disturbing you, go out on the forest cleaner and, inhaling the fresh air of the breast several times, focus. Say:

Berry-bounds, look at me. You bone not try, I will give you a penny. Rock fraction, Skoroni's disease, bone sister in the ground of the depth. Remove it is unclean with fast scallers. Remove the disease with the scarring. Rota bone, attack Lyuhaya under the lock. Yes, the key of turning. And who will pick up - let yourself and take. So be!

After that, throw a small coin on the ground, the ruble or a penny, and then, without turning, leave the cleaner. To tell someone about the prisoner prohibited.

Conspiracy for those who believe in the existence of the highest strength

The second conspiracy from the cones does not require any preparation. Just sit down, relax and, closing my eyes, tell me the following words:

Lives in Jerusalem Staritsa Anna, about sinners praying tirelessly. According to the Holy Land, Anna steps, the legs barely knocks on the stones. Like Anna, the scaldings are buzzing, so the sister's sister (name) feet hurt. As the Lord on Staritsa Anna virtues, her sister has her (name) pain disappears. As the Holy Land, Anna walk-wander, and her sister (name) is healthy to be. Amen (pronounce 3 times).

It is desirable (but not necessarily) after this conspiracy to arrange an easy post for a couple of weeks - in particular, to refuse meat.

Ritual for the Rodonarchist: the oldest woman in your circle

Finally, there is another way to speak a bone on the big finger. Get clean and dried chicken or fish bone and ask the older woman in the family to drive her over a problem site during the entire conspiracy. Let it read the words:

Under the land of the cave, in the cave of Virgin, the Virgin Chest, in the chest of illness. I will take the key of bone, the heating of the castle is golden. I'll take the key to the Dead, Silver Castle Saw. I will take the key pale, heating Copper Castle. Three castles opened and the chest opened. Come out, ailment, yes, take a servants with me: the unaware of an icy, biscoury, chromium, dry. Come out of the body, out of the skin, from the flesh, from the blood, from the temperature, from the pyat, from the clear eyes, from the silk Vlas, out of the legs, from the hands ... Away! Shut the chest. Under the land of the cave, in the tea cave, the virgin of that chest is yes empty.

We wish soon cure! Let this annoying disease never return to you again!

These are supposedly conspiracy. Especially "liked" about the bump and its elimination

Conspiracy used our grandmothers, their grandmothers ...

Sometimes you have to hear how people sigh: "About the mountain, grief!", "About the trouble, trouble!" Or to a child, laughing at his cants, they say: "Mount with you", "Mount you are onion" ...
Save you the Lord to say so. Mountain and trouble - Live substances, invisible to the eye. And when we sigh and say, they tightly hug us for the neck and say: "I'm here, I'm with you, I will not leave you." Therefore, it's better to speak more often, communicating with your loved ones: "Be healthy, happy, talented, rich ..." The same thing and yourself say: "Everything passes, it will pass and this strip in my life, I will be happy and healthy." Or: "God is merciful, he has a lot for us for us, which will ask, then will give."

Conspiracy from dental pain: Pour water into a glass on 1/3 - 1/2. Spelling 3 times: "The moon in the sky, the sun in Duba, Zamre, a worm in the teeth." Drink water with small sips. (From psychic Evgenia Kudryavtseva).

Conspiracy to stop bleeding: "Ruda stand, as ice is worth it, so blood from the wound does not run." (From psychic Evgenia Kudryavtseva).

If you hurt or fell, the bump was nubble, you have to turn to that place, bow and say three times out loud: "Holy place, forgive me, please, not you found me, and I found you." In addition, too, can also be said, becoming a face to the place where fell.

If the baby has fallen into his forehead, mom let him lick the lunch with the tongue from top to bottom and right left and suprates three times through the left shoulder. Bluebar and bumps will not.

So that the memory is to establish, you need to hit the head down and, pulling the air slowly with the nose, raise your head with open eyes to the ceiling, delay your breath to account 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and slowly exhaled, tilting the head, through Mouth (lips tube) - 4 inhalation and exhalation. 1 time per day for 20 days. You will remember everything!

If I forgot, I put money, documents, etc., say three times: "Angels, help find something and that." And immediately remember what I put it.

Successful teaching at school pray sv. Nikita, John Kronstadsky, Cyril and Methodius: "Give the saints, mind, talent, my child's mind at school (School, Institute)."

Conspiracy from the Schalu:
In the glass, pour water for three quarters, lower 3 clean spoons into a glass, any - can be tea. Each spoon take turns to hinder the water, jump out, lift the spoon with a wide one, so that the water flows into the glass to the glass (all this should be done with clean hands), as if wicked up a spoon, do not say:
"How the spoon does not rummage, so it does not bother ... (name)."
When the water is rolling from three spoons and spend the words of the conspiracy three times, take the glass with your left hand, pour water into the right hand, get your face or the face of the child if you take damn it. You can drink this water three throat or give to drink a child.

Conspiracy from fright in children:
Pour into the bucket or a circle of cold water. In another dish, melt wax. Keep the bucket over your head, leut into it melted wax and whisper: "Frighteners are frightened, pursuing for the thresholds, bones, a mixture, with vests, with lovers, from the rheetic heart, with a scarlet blood, from a riveting head ... (name). Amen". Read three days in the morning. If necessary, it is possible and longer.

If you burned out, read over the exhaled place for your place 3 times and baptize the place where burns: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the light before dawn, and dawn to the light, and the burn (or Ovwar) before the words. Forever and ever. Amen"

It is necessary to turn to the water, and then sprinkle with this water of a drunken man. Conspiracy words: "You, the sky, you hear, you see what I want to do over the body of a slave ... (name). Stars you are clear, get into the Book of Women, in my bowl the water from a tanned student. Monthly you are red, enter my crate, and in my crate neither the bottom, no tires. The sun is driving, enter my courtyard, but on my yard there are neither people nor animals. Stars, you take ... (Name), Using the slave ... (Name) From Wine. My word is hard. " Read three times, slip through the left shoulder.

Conspiracy from groin and umbilical hernia:
In the morning an empty stomach Mom should seem to bite the edges of hernia and whisper: "hernia, hernia, I gnaw you. You have one tooth, and I have seven, I'll eat you. " They bite three times, to sput three times and each time to spit through the left shoulder.

So that the husband loves, in the morning, when wash, look in the mirror and three times say, sleeping through the left shoulder: "How people look in the mirror, so that the husband looked at his wife and did not see it, and soap how much Borzo will be sick, so soon the husband loved ; And the shirt is what is on the body Bela, so the husband was light. "

To make money, show all your money to the younger month and tell me three times: "As Milodia is going, so that and I have been going to money and not translated."

Conspiracy from epilepsy:
Do not tell a sick person that you are going to treat him, otherwise the plot does not work. Talking three times before sunset and blowing on the patient: "Lord, the first time, the Lord of the hour, the Lord God will pour, the Most Mother worship, all of the Holy Apostles. Become, Lord, to the rescue, the most accurate, in the portion. The mother was preching over the floor pure, carried Jesus Christ in the spill, the Blagoveshchensky silk rheua sheltered. With the Blagoveshchensk Silk Rise, the clink dropped, with the slave of God ... (name) Black disease was washed, washed off, he coped to the blue sea. Lag the same you, a black sickness, in the sea, at the bottom, at the slave of God ... (name) do not happen, the blood is not if the bones are not Lomi, we are going to go away, we do not take off, do not leave my spirit, the Lord. " It has the force at the Moon (convergence), on a young (mall) and full moon.

Conspiracy from thieves:
"I go out of the door of the slave of God ... (name), I get in the middle of the courtyard. Nikolai with me stands. Make, put on a locking lock. On both doors two angels are sitting. Who rides - will pass, who goes - will pass. The robber will go to the courtyard - will not reach: the legs are widelled, the hands are petrified, the eyes will darken. The circle of my yard is a fast river, a steep mountain, a dark forest. Amen. Amen. Amen." Rewrite the plot and leave in the apartment, house, garage. You can read three times by leaving the house.

To bring the husband or wife to the family, take a strand of him and your hair, connect together, soak with your blood and leave the room in the corner where a loved one sleeps. Or: Write the name of the seducer or seductive and burn a piece of full moon. Three nights in a row sprinkle the head of the sleeping spouse. Soon he gets tired of walking.

Conspiracy to a successful agreement:
Tie a node thread, put it through the threshold and pronounce three times: "As this node is tied, so we would have the slaves of God ... (Names or Name) The case ... (Such) is good." After that, to follow the case on which a plot was made.

How to remove from yourself failure and misfortune:
Take a broom new (neatly tied and elegant), complain about the apartment or room, saying: "With this broom, all my misfortune and failure will go." After that, a broom to quit at the crossroads.

Conspiracy from furunculov:
Find the bitch on the doorway, on the window frame, drive around the bitch cutting against a clockwise by a ring finger of the right hand and say in a whisper: there is no one's finger; Drive your finger around the furuncle and say: there is no place place; again on the bitch: how the bitch dries off; On the furuncule: so and the pain dry out. Repeat all three times, then shoe three times on the boil and three times through the left shoulder. Who did not cultivate the chirus, quickly gets free.

Barley conspiracy:
As soon as the red face appears on the eye, a sneous finger, opposite to the patient, three times circled in the direction counterclockwise and tell me: "So that you have no name, like this nameless finger." Then the same finger three times cross the barley and flush three times through the left shoulder. Repeat this plot three times.

Conspiracy for good luck:
To make a desire to take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times: "The desire of my great spirit of helping the Lord will be fulfilled, for the Lord helps, who asks for help.
Help will come in unknown ways, and the desire of my reality will turn, the events will acquire a way to exercise, and the Spirit of the Lord will be given to me what I ask him. I will cover a scarf, and I will wait. Amen."
Tie a scarf by a knot and wear with me before the fulfillment of desire, and then burn, not unleashing.