Conspiracies with honey for love. Honey conspiracy, a strong conspiracy for the love of her husband. To attract love

Honey rituals - magic rituals for beauty and wealth

Honey rituals are magical rituals for beauty and wealth.

Since ancient times, golden honey has been considered the greatest gift of the gods. It has been successfully used in various magical rites for beauty and wealth. On the basis of honey, sacred drinks were created, with the help of which honors were given to the gods and goddesses.

Honey combines the forces of the Sun and the Earth. This truly divine gift of nature is highly appreciated not only by magicians, but also by doctors, who believe that it helps to maintain strength and health for many years. Cosmetologists who use the beneficial properties of honey in the creation of many cosmetics did not stand aside.


You will need 100 g of honey and 1 liter of fresh milk. The latter should not be boiled, but hot enough for honey to dissolve in it. Combine both components and mix well. Also, to enhance the effect of magic, you will need lavender and lemon essential oils.

Fill the bath with warm water. Add 3 drops of lavender oil and the same amount of lemon oil. Now pour honey milk there, saying the incantatory words:

I enter the ocean of beauty and strength.
Let my skin, my body
they will take strength into themselves,
let the sweet take in
let tenderness be found!
I get a beautiful body!
Done as I wish!

Immerse your hand in water (up to your wrist), stir the water with your hand three times in a clockwise direction.

Take a bath for about 15-20 minutes. However, if you suffer from pulmonary, vascular or heart failure, the time should be shortened, and even better - first ask your doctor if such a procedure is not contraindicated for you.

In the process of taking a bath, imagine how your skin becomes soft and tender, how a radiant image of attractiveness emanates from you, how you like yourself. This procedure is performed once a month, preferably on a full moon.


It is useful to use the magic of honey wash before meeting with a loved one to create a charming image, but it can also be used in general before communicating with people, to charm the audience.

In 1 liter of warm water, dilute about 1.5 tbsp. l. honey. When washing with honey water, say three times:

Tenderness, come into me
sweetness, attractiveness put on!
May it be so!


A rejuvenating and whitening honey-apple mask is done before a date. Peel a large green apple and grate on a fine grater. Now take honey (2-3 tsp) and say it to it:

Sweetly charm, I will call,
I will bring beauty to my face,
on my body!
The magic will stay in me
I seem more beautiful!
May it be so!

Mix honey with grated apple and apply the mask to cleansed face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

HONEY FOR Slenderness

The ritual for harmony begins in the first days of the waning moon and then is repeated four more times every two days. That is, you should have five identical rituals performed.

Take 0.5 liters of thick honey, lubricate all problem areas (in your opinion) with it. Then begin to lightly pat these parts of the body with your palms. Repeat the following words constantly as you go:

Once, twice, three times I hit!
My honey takes fat from my body!
May it be so!

Clap for 5-7 minutes. Then take a warm shower. When the water begins to wash over the body, say these words:

The water sister washes my body,
with honey and excess fat washes off me!
May it be so!

Honey should not be applied to the legs for varicose veins.


It is best if the honey stored in the house and used for rituals of wealth is floral or, as it is also called, prefabricated, mixed (this is when bees collected nectar from different plants).

For the procedure, purchase a new natural bristle brush in advance. Before performing the honey ritual for wealth, put things in order and cleanliness in the apartment. The phase of the moon is growing, the desired time of the day is morning.

Fill a small container with honey, take it in your left hand and a brush in your right hand. Say:

Honey, the gift of the sun and the gift of the earth,
grant strength!
With the power of honey I will go around my house,
I will take away all misfortunes and troubles!
Honey gives sweetness
let the life of those who live in this house,
will become sweet, joyful and kind!
Desire into words! Words into action!
May it be so!

Now start walking around the dwelling, moving clockwise. In the process, collect a drop of honey on the brush and lightly touch it to each corner - at the bottom, where the floor adjoins the wall.

Put the honey left over from the ritual on the kitchen table. Holding both hands over it, say:

Let it be good
and well-being will go!
Strength and happiness into life
let him carry!
May it be so!

This honey must be tasted by every household member.


For the next rite of attracting wealth, purchase a honeycomb and three wax candles. You will also need a lattice on which to put the honeycomb. Place a container under it where honey will drip. Let the honeycomb sit on the wire rack for 24 hours to maximize the honey flow.
Melt the remaining wax over the fire. When it has cooled slightly, roll up seven balls of approximately equal size.

With water, symbolically rinse the rest of the honey from the wire rack into the container underneath. Add three more cups of water there, stir.

Next, place the candles in front of you in the form of a triangle. Light them up. Take the wax balls one at a time, dip them in honey water, utter spell words and put them in the center of the triangle. Magic words sound like this:

The power of the bee and the power of the elements
money to the house!
The strength of the sun and the strength of the earth,
money to the house!
The power of honey and the power of water
money to the house!
May it be so!
May it be so!
May it be so!

At the end of the ritual, leave the balls where you usually keep talismans, objects of power and things that attract well-being. Another option: place the balls in the sector of wealth - this is either the left corner of the room farthest from the door, or the southeast zone of the house.
The remaining honey water is used to wash the room with it - these are mainly windows, window sills, corners and thresholds.

In magic, a conspiracy for honey is widely used - they can attract money, love, luck, health, beauty.

With the help of honey, you can attract love, money, luck.

In order for the effect of the ritual to take effect, you need to adhere to the rules:

  1. It is important to read conspiracies attracting something to life on the growing moon, if the phase of the moon is not indicated in the instructions for the rite.
  2. Buy honey only from trusted suppliers who are sure that the bees in the combs are healthy and bring a quality product.
  3. Use only a wooden or plastic spoon. Even table silver kills the medicinal properties of the product.
  4. Buy only wax church candles for rituals.
  5. Donate 10% of the proceeds to the benefit of the church after achieving the effect of the ritual.

An important nuance is not to skimp on ceremonies. The main rule of white magic says that before you get what you want, you need to invest energy and quality attributes in the ritual. You cannot buy an expired product or a product at a dubious price. Your best bet is to find a beekeeper who looks after his bees and only produces healthy, fresh honey.

Time-tested rituals with honey will help improve trade.

Spoon sales ritual. At dawn, take a spoonful of fresh natural delicacies and whisper three times:

“As bees - God's workers - rejoice at the honey, so would the merchant people rejoice at my goods! Merchants flocked, goods flew! Money - in my wallet! Words are a castle! Amen."

After each time, you need to spit over the left shoulder. Lightly grease whiskey with charmed honey before the start of the working day. On this day, you can safely count on good revenue at the outlet.

A conspiracy for a specific purchase. If you need to sell a certain product as quickly as possible, you need to cross it, grease it with a delicacy and read in an undertone over the thing:

“I am a good merchant! I sell my goods, I take money for myself! Your money for me, my goods for you. May it be so."

This uncomplicated ritual will draw the attention of customers to the charmed item and speed up its sale.

Rite of passage for clients with a blade of grass. To attract buyers, you should pick a blade of grass at dawn. The conspiracy to trade read on honey 12 times:

“As a grass of grass stretches to the sun, bees flock to honey, so the merchants would reach out and flock to me! May it be so."

You need to grease a blade of grass with a conspiracy mass, and then hide it in the workplace so that no one finds a magical object.

Prayer for trade. An ancient prayer will help to improve the influx of customers, increase sales. Smear the threshold of the outlet with a delicacy, after reading the words:

“I, the servant of God (name), ask magical powers to help me establish a successful trade. The bees that carried this honey worked. I also want to work hard and make people happy. Let the customer come to me and buy the product they like. I’m ready to make a good discount, if only the sales go up. I conjure a good sale with honey. As long as it lies at my doorstep, until then it will attract customers. Please make sure that sales increase and my income increases. Amen".

Wealth conspiracy

To make money appear, you can resort to sweet magic. This ritual is especially good for those who are familiar with the expression "money slips through their fingers."

The ritual should be performed in the morning without strangers.

It often happens like this: there is work, to arrive too, but it is impossible to collect a certain amount. To carry out the Old Russian rite, you should prepare:

  1. Red candle.
  2. Red cloth.
  3. A spoon.
  4. One hundred grams of honey.
  5. Container for treats (glass or wooden container).
  6. Local currency banknote. You cannot spare money - choose a larger bill.

You need to carry out a ceremony for money luck early in the morning without prying eyes. Place a candle on the table, put a bill on the left, and honey on the right. Light a candle while it is burning, read the conspiracy for honey:

"Like a candle and a red conspiracy is read - so everything is exactly as it says and happens."

Pick up the sweetness in a spoon, pour it on the bill. Leaning over the money, whisper a conspiracy for money luck:

“Honey is sweet, honey is sticky, like lime and honey is sweet, so let the money go into the house. To get it sweetly - it is not difficult to get it. So that they stick, stick - and then don't come off. As honey is sweet, so money will flow into the house. As honey is sticky, cash flow will remain in the house. By the power of the morning dawn, by the power of honey, money by power, the spoken word will not be taken back - so be it! "

Put out the candle. Wrap the bill in red cloth and put it on the windowsill. Conspiracy objects should be illuminated by the sun all day. The next morning, the attributes must be removed from prying eyes and the bundle must not be touched. Soon after the ceremony, you can expect the addition of money in the house.

Love conspiracies for honey

A ritual with honey for personal happiness allows you to settle love in your heart. To carry out the ceremony correctly, it is important to follow the recommendations of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, the famous Vanga:

  1. Put on a white new shirt on a naked, clean body.
  2. Light a church candle and place it on the windowsill.

Take a tablespoon of honey, bring it to the window, say:

“In the thoughts of (the name of the beloved) only (the name of the witch). Love, pure and sweet, settles in his heart, feelings flare up with a passionate flame. The Lord will give them good, he will not leave them in trouble. Let this word be fulfilled. Amen, amen, amen. "

  1. Wait for the candle to finish.
  2. Eat honey and drink a glass of holy water.
  3. Collect candle ends, take them to the shore of any body of water and bury them under a tree.
  4. Get up early in the morning and go to church.
  5. Pray to Nicholas the Pleasant and the Most Holy Theotokos

This is a very powerful method of attracting love, in the effectiveness of which hundreds of people have managed to convince themselves.

Natalia Stepanova, a famous master of magic, also has a love ritual with honey. This is the most powerful method for attracting love, but it takes care and patience while doing it. The fortune teller and healer advises to carry out the ritual only on Tuesday.

On the table, you need to lay a black tablecloth and put a black bowl on top without a pattern. Place a photograph of the man who should be bewitched under the container. To the left of it, put the sweetness, to the right - red wine. Place three church candles in front of the bowl and light them, starting with the left candle. Read a strong conspiracy:

“Truly, it is said, then this prayer will curb Strength, be three flaming ones, three spirits with Silin who have Az knowingly make this prayer to the Silin from ancient times the abode to the knowledgeable. By an immeasurable force, I hold onto human fate and destiny What is commanded. And it will fulfill the foretold. In the book of human destinies, the commanded tale. Then, by this prayer, I create my path for my request, Yako the word is true of ours, so it is true that everything is sealed by the covenant of my secret words from now on strength. Amen."

After that, with your left hand, you need to carefully pour the treat into the bowl, continuing to read:

“As honey in charge of satiety, he is a bearer of joy for human souls. do this with sworn books, say these words: “How sweet is honey, so is a slave (name) for a slave (name), moldings to her body. slave (name) flies to slave (name) Let him clutter her, let her slave (name) trample with a rooster Let her love Slave (name) without slave (name) souls One without the other undead, and together the life of honey. To a slave (name) thoughts about a slave (name) to think To love a slave (name) to a slave (name) from dawn to dusk From sunset to dawn meadow As anxiously a bee saddles a flower, also anxiously a slave (name) to a slave (name) let it saddle Like a bee descending the flower doesn’t, so the slave (name) and slave (name) cannot come down. That is how it is now arranged by the forces of three demons, By the swarm of bees, the honey path of the eternal persecuted souls, the word said by the Churches of the wicked ringing, everything is sealed by the anathemist-priest in signed handwriting. So be it. Amen."

Then gradually pour in a little wine with your right hand, saying:

"That is not wine, I clothed with strength, I pour out the blood that seethes my veins with passion straining From the well of life and death of the cognitive, I pour out This blood, like inseparable bonds, I fasten the destinies of the slave (name) and the slave (name)."

The ritual must be completed by mixing the liquids in a bowl. The finished conjured product can be added to drinks, to food, both to yourself and to your beloved. After the ritual, when it will be necessary to leave the house, it is important to lock the windows, doors, and leave the apartment without turning around. Also, on this day, you cannot eat bread, flour products.

Conspiracy on honey and milk to attract love

To open the aura for new feelings, to attract a beloved, you can use:

  1. Honey (100 g).
  2. Milk (250 ml).
  3. Full-length mirrors.
  4. Three red candles.

For love to be strong, you need to give a man a charmed honey

Light candles at midnight and place them in a semicircle near the mirror. Take off your clothes and all accessories. Take milk in one hand, honey in the other. Peering into the reflection, say:

“As milk gives strength, and honey makes life sweeter, so the servant of God (the sorcerer) will become graceful, beautiful for the slave (the name of the beloved). What is said will come true. Amen".

The final stage is to eat honey and drink milk. Now you can go to bed without talking to anyone until morning.

Conspiracy on suitors

Before counting on family and love happiness, that very special person must appear in life. Honey will help convince grooms to take the first step. If you already have a certain man in mind, you need to read the conspiracy:

“As a drop of honey stretches, it will not break, so our love will not be interrupted. As the amber honey is sticky, so the sweet one stuck to me. As the honey of May is sweet, so my dear is strong and smooth at night, the lips are sugar, and the hugs are strong. I can't beat my words to anyone, don't open the lock, don't eat honey, starve on the sidelines, won't swear at my darling. The word is true, the tongue is on the lock, the keys are in the water, under the black stone over the three seas. "

The honey love spell will begin to work when the object of sighing eats the charmed honey. You can pour them over pancakes or treat your beloved with a treat in its pure form.

In order to find suitors, a woman must strengthen her own sexual energy. This is easy to do - every time before going to bed, you need to lubricate your lips with honey and clearly represent the man you want to see next to you. The visualization should be fixed in a whisper:

"You will be attracted by honey, you will not tear yourself away from it."

This simple ritual is performed for one week.

Conspiracy to challenge passion

For couples whose love begins to fade, a ritual can be performed to induce passion. This will require white honey and a wooden spatula. Putting honey on a steam bath, whisper a conspiracy:

“The sweet treat languishes and melts, spreads over the body. Now (partner's name) will reach for the body of (the name of the witch), passion will wake up, a wave will flow into his heart. What was said is destined to come true. Amen".

Use a wooden spatula to spread the honey over the body and repeat the words three more times. After the ceremony, you can swim. On the same night, you need to make love with your chosen one.

Conspiracy with honey for pregnancy

If a couple cannot have a child for a long time, they can resort to prayer and pregnancy ritual.

The conspiracy will help you get pregnant soon

To do this, the girl must remain at home alone, open the window and sit down so that she is completely in the moonlight. Opposite yourself, you need to put a mirror, put your hands on your stomach and stroke it clockwise. A woman should say a prayer to the Mother of God.

Then you need to take honey and whisper to him:

"As honey is sweet, so let a new healthy life grow in the womb."

Both spouses must eat a treat. On the same night, it is important to devote time to each other and surrender to love. In the morning, the couple goes to church, where they buy the Unexpected Joy icon, holy water and a candle.

On the same evening, a woman places the icon in front of herself, lights a candle, and wipes her hands with holy water. Looking at the face of the Mother of God, say:

“Mother Mother of God, intercessor of mothers, wife of the Myrrh-bearer, come out of the heavenly doors, strengthen the servant of God (name), reward a spiritual child, heavenly in the flesh. Amen".

The remaining charmed honey must be added to food and drink for each of the spouses. Higher powers and honey will definitely help those who sincerely wish to become happy parents.

Honey rituals for beauty

The most powerful beauty ritual is performed with a mixture of a tablespoon of buckwheat honey and a teaspoon of aloe juice.

This ritual is performed every Friday for three months!

As you stir the ingredients, say with confidence:

“Sweet honey, thorny flower. Power of nature beautify your face! Youth, come back, old age, go away! "

Apply the conspiracy mixture on the face, leave the mask for 15-20 minutes. Then, washing off the mass from the skin, say:

"As water flows from the face, so beauty is gathered into the cells."

The healing properties of honey and aloe will not keep you waiting. Already after the first procedure, the effect will be visible - the skin will tighten, it will shine, the complexion of the face and body will acquire a healthy color.

Weight loss conspiracy

Honey acts as a reliable assistant to attract the beauty of the body, for weight loss. Among the healing properties of honey, a cleansing effect stands out: microelements gently remove toxins from the body and increase the tone. For the ceremony, you will need to go to the beekeeper and buy flower honey from him directly, without intermediaries. You cannot take change.

At dawn, before sunrise, washing yourself with water, you need to cross yourself and read the spell:

“I will be a graceful swan, a slender birch, a thin reed. Go away fat, go away weight, go away despondency! I don’t want to be fat, carry extra pounds! Honey is a natural healer, will help me! I will be a beauty written, slim figure, I am happy. As she said, so let it be! "

When pronouncing a conspiracy for honey, a person must believe in the result and put energy into words. Reading magic slander, fulfilling all the prescriptions, in a short time, you can change the situation in trade, luck, in love.

Sometimes it is impossible to attract love or money into life, sell an apartment quickly or become more beautiful in traditional ways. Then magic comes to the rescue. For this, use the most common means. One of them is honey. If you read the honey conspiracy correctly and follow the instructions, then you can quickly get closer to your dream.

To attract money

The Siberian fortune teller and healer Natalya Stepanova has created a unique strong slander that allows you to get rid of debts and attract money into life. In the modern world, money plays a very important role. The ritual procedure is simple:

Wait for the waxing moon. Take a spoonful of honey and stand near the window. Looking at the night luminary, a strong conspiracy should be read:

“I, the servant of God (name), want money in my life to increase in the same way as the moon is now increasing. I will ask the higher powers for help so that they can help get rid of debts and improve the financial side of life. I will conjure the attraction of money with honey, so that I have it while I have this miraculous ingredient. White magic has always helped people and will help me too. Amen".

You need to eat this honey and go to bed right away. Do not tell anyone that you have turned to magic, otherwise there will be no result.

For successful trading and profit

If you want to achieve maximum success in the field of trade, attract customers and increase profits, then you should carry out an easy, but rather strong ritual.

To do this, you need to smear the entire threshold at the front door with honey, read the following conspiracy on honey, on trade and attracting financial stability:

“I, the servant of God (name), ask magical powers to help me establish a successful trade. The bees that carried this honey worked. I also want to work hard and make people happy. Let the customer come to me and buy the product they like. I’m ready to make a good discount, if only the sales go up. I conjure a good sale with honey. As long as it lies at my doorstep, until then it will attract customers. Please make sure that sales increase and my income increases. Amen".

For sale an apartment

For the successful sale of an apartment, a ceremony should be performed on the day of the Annunciation. To do this, take a tablespoon of honey and add a spoonful of milk to it. Now you need to take a coin and dip it in the prepared mixture of honey and milk.

“Let the sale of the apartment go faster. I will beckon buyers with honey, and soothe myself. I have been unable to sell my home for a long time. I hope that magic will now help me achieve my goal. Only on her is my last hope. I'll give the apartment in perfect condition, and I'm asking for a little money for it. So let me have no end of buyers. Milk and honey are essential nutritious foods. They will feed my wallet with bills. Amen".

The coin is applied to the threshold of the front door of a house or apartment. If you carry out the ritual correctly, then in 2-3 days several clients will come to you, who will agree to buy a home.

To attract love

There are love rituals that will protect you from cheating or attract your beloved.

If there is a possibility of cheating in a relationship, then take a spoonful of honey, eat a little. After that, give honey to your loved one and read the following prayer words:

“I love my chosen one and will not share it with anyone. Let the lover who looks at him lose her sight forever. If she decides to take him away from me, then the bees will sting her. You, my rival, will tear yourself away from him, and you will never come into our life again. Amen".

To perform a love spell, you need your photo and a photo of the chosen one. You need to drop a little honey on each photo, connect the photo and read the following words:

“I, the servant of God (name), love one man, but he does not have reciprocal feelings towards me. I turn to magic for help, so that it would help mend my life. You will be attracted, servant of God (name), to me and you will never be able to leave. Amen".

To attract beauty

Often, after breaking up a relationship, a woman is disappointed in life and no longer hopes to find a man for herself, because she ceases to feel attractive. To become happy again, you should perform a simple but very effective ceremony to attract beauty. It should be held on Thursday and only on an even number. Take off all your clothes. Pour some water into a bowl, add aloe juice and a little honey to it. Then start mopping the floor.

When you're done, look at the dirty water and read the following disclaimer:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to become beautiful and attractive to all men. I am worried that I will no longer be needed by anyone. Men do not burn with passion for me, do not see my beauty. I appeal to the higher powers with the aim that they help the guys to discern my external and internal beauty. I want to be happy, have a good family and have a baby. I hope that soon my wishes will come true. Amen".

You need to wash with water and do not dry yourself with a towel. The next day, go to church and ask for health for yourself and your loved ones. For the fastest possible result, you can donate money to the church.

Honey is one of the strongest energy products, so it is used for various rituals. The conspiracy requires a bee product, which is sanctified on August 14 on Spas Honey. With the help of honey, you can improve your health, forget about many troubles.

Conspiracy with honey for colds

First you need to say:

“The witch is a disease, get off me! Go beyond the swamps, the field, the forest, forever! You taste bitter, cold. I will refresh myself with honey, I will keep warm with warm milk. May it be so!"

Then the honey should be put into heated warm milk. The words must be spoken three times. After the infusion is drunk.

Conspiracy with honey during quarrels

If you constantly have quarrels in your house, there is no quiet life, there is a discord in the family, you need to use the following recipe: take black tea, brew it, add honey - just one teaspoon is enough, say the following phrase:

"Honey, soften the ardor of the angry, pacify, remove the insult."

You will immediately notice how calmness, peace, life will improve in your home. The house will be filled with joy. Tea is drunk by all family members.

Conspiracy for happiness

Linden honey in a jar

It is necessary to take honey, best of all from flowers or linden, birch bark, purified water. When you notice that the moon is in the growing phase. You need to pour water into a container before the moon rises. At 12.00 you need to take birch bark, one by one, different types of bee products are taken and applied to the bark. Then it must be applied to the forehead area, it must be read 7 times:

“There is happiness in me, joy in me, good in me. From me - filth, from me - bad, from me - grief. As bee honey is sweet, as flower honey is sweet, as linden honey is sweet, so may my life be filled with triple joys ”.

Then you need to wash with water that you poured into the container, moisten the bark. The water is poured out under the tree - birch. The bark will be your talisman, carry it constantly with you, it attracts good luck, happiness.

Money conspiracy using honey

There are several ways to attract wealth. A money conspiracy that uses a sweet bee product will bring you profit. It is necessary to take a honeycomb honey, bring it and put it on the table, then cross and read the following prayer for money:

“God, the Creator of all, bless and multiply the seeds, and make us worthwhile for our use: by the intercession of John the Baptist and the Forerunner, graciously heeding our prayers, bless these bees and consecrate their goodness with their benevolence, let them bring abundant fruits, to your temple and your holy altars for beauty, it is also bought for our use to be it, O Jesus Christ our Lord, honor and glory to you, forever and ever. Amen".

After you need to bite off a little honeycomb, when you chew, say it:

“As honey is sweet, so money is sweet. As a bee collects honey a little, and a rich hive is gaining, so I will gain wealth. As honey sticks to a bee, so let money stick to me. "

A conspiracy for money requires chewing all the honeycomb. You need to get wax and melt it, take copper coins and download them into a honey ball, they need to be put under the threshold. Conspiracy for money is a proven method, the same as for trade in goods.

Rules for reading conspiracies with honey for strength

  1. Honey has solar energy, so you can ask him for strength. To do this, at lunchtime you need to put chalk in a jar in the sun, remove the lid from it.
  2. The can is brought close to the lips, quietly says:

    “As sweet honey ripens in my mouth, so my strength comes to me. No one will open his mouth to her, will pass by. Only for me this sweetness warms the soul, the heart comforts, the body heals. May it be so!"

  3. You cannot tell someone about the procedure, so that enemies, envious people do not take your power.
  4. After you read the conspiracy, the bank closes and hides in a place where no one can touch it.
  5. After three days, honey is consumed daily on an empty stomach. So you can improve your health, your mood rises, the body is filled with strength.

Conspiracy on honey for trade

Conspiracies with honey for love

To warn your other half from betrayal, to remain faithful yourself, it is necessary to use such conspiracies for love. To carry out the ceremony, you will need Altai or May honey - a large wooden spoon, it must be consumed in a small amount, then given to the second half. Such a conspiracy for love is pronounced:

“As grass stretches to the sun, as bees reach to honey, so the servant of God (name) would reach for me, he would not turn anywhere! Amen".

Such a conspiracy for love is popular, you need to take a photo, put honey on them and read:

"Anointed with honey - a slave (...) desired. Do not dissuade him from me with a spell,

Do not excommunicate him from me with a conscription curse.

Like flies on honey swarm and stick,

So a slave would stick to me (...).

Not even a gray-haired grandfather can break us,

Not a cunning grandfather, not a charmer girl,

Not a witch grandma.

Whatever honey is honey -

And he was on me.

Will not be able to relieve honey cravings (...)

Neither friend nor shaman

Cunning deception will not help my enemies.

A century for a slave (...) to admire me.

That I will leave him - like a sheep to be afraid of a wolf.

I have been smeared with honey, on the lips of a slave (...) - my seal.

Century after century, from now on I will finish,

What I have conceived will be

His mind will forget to resist.

From now on and for all time -

My word, my will -

sculpting (...) before you.

Nothing can wash my honey words,

But only stronger (...) stick to me.

The word Vedic is sworn

Honey, apiary, forest paths ”.

After that, you need to combine two photographs, wrap them in a cloth, be sure to red and hide. The honey that was left for the man to eat. Love conspiracies are carried out when the moon begins to grow, this is done on Friday, read up to 9 times.

Girl makes a conspiracy on a photograph

Love conspiracy with honey, wine. The ritual is held on Tuesday, a black tablecloth spreads on the table. A deep bowl is placed that has no pattern, take a photo of whom you want to bewitch and put under the bowl. Honey is placed on the left side, wine on the right, preferably red. Wax candles are carefully placed in front of the container, three pieces are enough. They light up first from the left side. After you need to read the conspiracies for love:

“Truly, it was said, then by this prayer you will be curbed. Be three flaming ones, three spirits with silin

Az those who know, I have been making this prayer to the Silin since ancient times, the abode of those who know

Having taken over from oblivion and death

Then, having believed, I raise my voice

Then my murmur will fly with a violent wind

Obscene, ignorant calm

By an immeasurable force prevailing over human fate and destiny

What is commanded.

And fulfill the foretold

In the book of human destinies, there is a commanded tale.

Then with this prayer I make my way to my request

As the word is true, ours is true, that everything is sealed with a secret covenant

From now on, my words are powerful. Amen.

When you have read it, you take honey with your left hand and pour it slowly into a bowl, you continue to read conspiracies for love, grooms:

“As honey in charge of satiety, he is the bearer of human souls.

I have libations in great uplift

That of the three demonic powers called the sacrifice

That demonic forces restlessly wandering restlessly between

Simu rejoice and fulfill my request

Do this with your ruler, with sworn books, say these words:

“As honey is sweet, taco slave (name) is sweet for slave (name), until her body is molded

If love was a delight for them, they would not look at each other

Like bees fly to honey, let slave (name) fly to slave (name)

Let her clutch her, let her slave (name) trample with a cock

Let her love

A slave (name) without a slave (name) does not have a soul

One without the other is undead, and together life is honey.

Slave (name) thoughts about slave (name) think

To love the slave (name) to the slave (name) from dawn to dusk

From sunset to meadow dawn

As anxiously a bee saddles a flower, also anxiously a slave (name) to a slave (name), let him saddle

As a bee does not descend a flower, so does a slave (name), a slave (name), cannot descend.

That is how it is now arranged by the forces of three demons,

A swarm of bees, a sworn honey path

Eternal numb souls the word said

The churches of the wicked are all fastened together with the ringing

An anathemic priest signed in handwriting.

So be it. Amen.

Then add a small amount of wine and read three times:

"It is not wine, I clothed with strength, I pour out blood that seethes my veins with passion straining

From the well of life and death I pour out cognitive

This blood, as inseparable bonds, seals the destinies of the slave (name) and the slave (name). "

After the ritual, honey is mixed with wine. This mixture is added to food, tea. When you leave that day, you cannot turn around from the house, and it is also forbidden to eat bread.

A conspiracy with honey is used for the grooms, this sweet must be fed to the other half. Read these words:

“As a drop of honey stretches, it will not break, so our love will not be interrupted. As the amber honey is sticky, so the sweet one stuck to me. As the honey of May is sweet, so my dear is strong and smooth at night, the lips are sugar, and the hugs are strong. I can't beat my words to anyone, don't open the lock, don't eat honey, starve on the sidelines, won't swear at my darling. The word is true, the tongue is on the lock, the keys are in the water, under the black stone over the three seas. "

Honey in a jar, prepared for the second half

Such modern conspiracies are often used on grooms, you need to take 300 ml of sweet juice, put honey in it, while stirring, you need to quietly say:

“As a drop of honey stretches, it will not break, so our love will not be interrupted. As the amber honey is sticky, so the sweet one stuck to me. As the honey of May is sweet, so my dear is strong and smooth at night, the lips are sugar, and the hugs are strong. My words cannot be broken to anyone, the lock cannot be opened, the honey is not to be eaten, to starve on the sidelines, you cannot covet my darling. The word is true, the tongue is on the lock, the keys are in the water, under the black stone over the three seas. "

After that, mead is prepared from the juice, then it will be charmed, give it to your fiance to drink.

A woman often has to suffer from the fact that men do not pay attention to her. Such women have reduced sexual energy, this problem can be solved. You need to use this method, lubricate your lips with honey at night, visualize the image of the one to whom your lips will reach, and quietly speak out a conspiracy against the suitors:

"You will be attracted by honey, you will not tear yourself away from it."

The ritual is carried out during the week, do not forget to take breaks.

Conspiracies for love, sale, trade, money, grooms have been popular since ancient times, honey is often used for it, which has great energetic power.

Honey is a sweet, healthy, adored product that, due to the power of the sun, has the strongest energy. It is this product that is illuminated in churches and temples, on the Great holiday - the Savior of Honey. Therefore, in white magic, a conspiracy for honey is considered the most powerful and effective. And he uses it in ceremonies and rituals to attract money, good luck and clients in business.

Before starting to carry out, any ritual, in particular , a conspiracy for honey for money must be carefully prepared for it. The recommendations that will be below are universal, for almost all magical rites, which are aimed at improving the situation in commercial affairs.

What you need to do to do this:

  • A serious attitude and approach to further actions is required. It should be well understood that all your actions are directed towards your own good.
  • For the purity of the conspiracy and obtaining positive results, a strong love and attachment to the business, especially to the customers, is required, it is on them that the success of the enterprise depends.
  • To be successful in trading, you need to have important qualities: consistency and regularity. If you took one direction of activity, then lead it, and throwing from one to another will not lead to anything good.
  • Conspiracy for money and success in trade, learn by heart. Afraid to forget, write the words on a piece of paper or in a notebook.
  • After reading the conspiracy, feel grateful for what you have and in the future you will have.
  • The conspiracy is read only on the growing moon, it is during this period that it is likely to make a big profit.

There should always be a magical nectar in the house, for good, for tea and for a sweet life.

After preparation, how the internal states have been put in order, you need to prepare for the ritual itself.

Conspiracy for honey when money is needed urgently

Pour the best quality sweetness into a small container, the store one will not work. At midnight, over a container of nectar, read the prayer "Our Father" and silently go to bed. Go outside or onto the balcony in the morning. With bows to all four sides of the world, read the prayer "Our Father", cross yourself.

Get ready for work and take the charmed remedy with you. Upon arrival at the workplace, gently smear lips with honey and read the following conspiracy:

“I am a trader - a merchant, I am also a fine fellow! All goods, I will sell to you! Let money go to money, and profit as it attracts, so let it stick forever and never come off. May it be so".

Do not rinse or lick honey from lips. The spell with honey on the lips is very powerful. Read it as needed, but not often. The power of the conspiracy is so strong that even something that has not been sold for a long time goes away immediately.

We attract clients in trade with the help of honey

The client is the most important link in any commercial business. It depends on him how any enterprise will rise and flourish. By the way, for the trade to be successful, you will also need from the last article.

So, to begin with, and this is the most important component in any undertaking, you need to love the client with all your heart and soul. As trite as it sounds, he is a breadwinner.

Second, do not forget that thought can materialize. In order for what was conceived to work, you need to believe, despite any scientific excuses.

Third, in order for the client to be constant and generous, we call on magic to help. Take real honey and speak it strictly at midnight on the growing moon:

“As bees flock to honey, so do buyers flock to my product. They will take all my goods, and let them give back their money. May it be so".

Just read the conspiracy, smear whiskey with nectar and go to bed, before that, put the charmed honey on the windowsill so that the morning sun rays will nourish it with their energy.

Take the jar with you to your workplace. Before crossing the threshold of your store or office, brush it with a thin layer of nectar. In doing so, read the following words:

“As bees flock to flower nectar, so let my clients flock to me. To clients (product, service), I get profit. As bees have a lot of honey, so let me also have a lot of money. Till the end of time".

With a charmed means, treat your customers, give them tea. Next time they will come again and bring more friends with them.

Attract good luck with honey

To attract good luck, happiness and well-being, you need three kinds of any natural sweet attribute. Honey must be natural and liquid. You also need birch bark and spring water (you can from the tap).

Collect water before sunrise in a deep cup. At 12 noon, dip or coat a piece of birch bark with all kinds of nectar. Apply the finished bark 7 times to the forehead and read the following words the same number of times:

“I will be filled with happiness, I will be filled with joy, luck will come to me for my good. I cleanse myself of filth, thinness and grief. As honey is sweet, so may my life be filled with triple joy. "

After the ceremony, wash yourself with water from the bowl, then wash the bark in the same place. The water should be drained under a shrub or tree in the yard. The bark will serve as a talisman and you must always carry it with you.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

The next ritual is for those who need it. It is carried out with the help of a bee product and acts immediately.

For the ceremony, it is necessary that there is no one in the apartment. Honey must be liquid. Bypass all rooms without exception, including the bathroom and the closet, while dripping one drop of honey in each. At the same time, constantly read the following conspiracy:

"Money for us, joy for the tenants."

The next day, wash off the honey from the floor.

The second version of the ritual for the sale of an apartment for honey

The ritual is carried out strictly on the growing moon. To do this, you need to take honey, a glass of water and a small yellow or red towel.

In the morning, stir a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and wash with it. At the same time, pronounce the following words:

“You cannot knead granite with your fingers, you cannot count the fish in the sea, my strong words cannot be removed from me. I am a merchant-merchant, I carry a golden crown, as bees fly to nectar, so let the buyers look at my goods and want to redeem them. Key. Lock. Water".

Dry off with a towel and put it so that no one can see it.