Colorless urine as a sign of renal disease. Deciphering the general analysis of urine. Folk remedies and recipes

Urine is considered an indicator of human health, therefore, at the slightest change in its external characteristics, one can suspect any disturbances or inflammatory processes in the body. One of these signs is colorless urine.

Colorless urine - what does it mean

Urine acquires a certain color due to the pigments contained in it, and the urine of adults is colored in a darker color than that of children. Normally, in healthy people, urine has a light yellow tint. If the urine becomes discolored and looks like water, then this may be the result of both completely harmless and pathological factors.

The color of the urine is of great importance. According to this indicator, experts judge the general state of urine, detect various renal pathologies, and determine the presence of certain elements. But for newborn babies, colorless urine is considered normal.


The main reason for colorless urine is considered to be the consumption of a large amount of liquid or products containing it in a sufficiently large amount. It's just that the body functions in an increased mode in order to remove large volumes of water. The urine simply does not have time to get saturated with pigment substances, that is, urobilin, which leads to its clarification, up to discoloration. When the drinking regime is normalized, the color of the urine becomes normal, that is, light yellow.

If urine remains like water for a rather long time, then against the background of a similar factor, active leaching of useful microelements and salts from the body can occur. If you have reduced your fluid intake, and urine continues to discolor, then you need to undergo a urological examination to identify the cause of such a violation.


Foods containing a lot of liquid can cause discoloration of urine. These include:

  • Watermelons;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Coffee;
  • Tea, etc.

In this case, to eliminate the problem, it is enough to exclude these products from the diet, then the frequency of urination will decrease, and the urine will become a standard yellowish color. That is, for the treatment, a small correction of the diet is enough for everything to return to normal.


If the diet and drinking regime can be considered completely harmless factors of why there is colorless urine, then the diseases that cause such deviations cannot be attributed to safe reasons.

Most often, urine becomes like water in pathological conditions such as:

  • Neglected renal pathologies;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hepatitis and other hepatic pathologies;
  • Pathological processes in the urinary tract.

To identify the pathological factor causing urine discoloration, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and the necessary laboratory diagnostics.

In children

In infants, in the first few days after birth, while the genitourinary system is finally formed, the urine is also colorless, which is considered normal. But in older children, certain causes precede the discoloration of urine. Medicines can change the shade of urine in a child, the so-called. aquatic products such as watermelons or cucumbers, excessive water intake, and pathological conditions.

With the growth and age-related changes of the child's body, in the absence of pathological causes of discoloration, urine soon acquires normal shades. Among the pathological reasons as indicated by colorless urine are diabetes and kidney disease. In this case, the urine will look like regular water.

Among women

In women, the reason why urine has become almost colorless can be not only kidney failure, a lack of pigment substance. Also, pregnancy can be the cause of this deviation. Color changes in urine in women in position occur due to hormonal changes.

Also, toxicosis often becomes the cause of colorless urine during pregnancy, since a woman, due to dehydration, begins to consume large volumes of fluid. But when the condition returns to normal, the shade of urine takes on a traditional shade.

Given that women more often than men suffer from diabetes, during which there is a tendency to excessively increased consumption of liquids, this pathology is one of the most common causes of urine discoloration in women.

In men

The male population has its own reasons for urine discoloration:

  • Diabetes, forcing patients to drink more fluids
  • Semen entering the urethra. With a similar factor, after a few hours, an independent normalization of urine occurs.

If, after a few days, the shade of urine in an adult does not return to normal and it remains like water, then other reasons should be sought. To do this, it is better to contact a doctor leading urological practice.

In the elderly

In the elderly, urine normally has more and even with an abundant drinking regime, it has a slightly yellowish tint. The most dangerous cause of urine clarification is kidney failure, which requires mandatory, qualified therapy.

Dangerous combinations

So, colorless urine does not always indicate the presence of pathology. But if the urine continues to discolor for quite a long time and does not depend on the drinking regimen, then it is necessary to contact a specialist, since diabetes can be the cause of such clarification, while urine acquires a sweetish odor.

You should also be wary if the urine excreted in the morning becomes discolored. A similar sign means the fact that the kidneys have lost their concentration ability. That is, in fact, the patient may develop kidney failure. If there are frequent discoloration of the morning portions of urine, which has a sweetish smell, then there is a high probability of diabetes or organ failure.

Reason for seeing a doctor

As already mentioned, the reason for obtaining a urological consultation is long-term discoloration of the urine. Before you run to the hospital, you need to really assess the physiological aspects that explain the discolored urine.

Our urine is a kind of health indicator that is able to reflect the attack of external and internal changes. You also need to undergo regular medical examinations. Most patients at first do not pay attention to the urine darkening syndrome, and they go to the hospital in the most neglected state. This is not serious, because the easiest way is to remove the problem from the inside and at the very beginning of the pathology.

Our readers know that in the project "Are you healthy: undergo examinations together with" Komsomolskaya Pravda "we talk about all types of tests and examinations that are recommended to regularly do to a healthy person. Fluorogram, cardiogram, mammogram, tomogram, ultrasound of the main organs, examination of the stomach, blood and urine tests, gynecological smears, examination of the prostate - nothing will remain without the close attention of Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents. In each issue you will find a report on how we passed this or that survey, and answers to questions about how important this survey is, how to prepare for it, and how often to take it. It will be easier to find out if you are healthy with Komsomolskaya Pravda!

I have always considered the delivery of a urine test unpleasant and not too necessary. But Olga Nikolaevna Ambrozhevich, the doctor of laboratory diagnostics of the city polyclinic №5, was able to prove: without this simple analysis, the picture of our state of health will be incomplete.

You shouldn't be like that, - Olga Nikolaevna remarked, seeing how disgustedly I put the jar with the analysis on the laboratory table. - Urine is the mirror of the body. Even the most experienced doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis without further examining the urine test. No analysis, no diagnosis.

- And what can the "waste" of our body tell us about?

About many things. For example, by analyzing urine, it is possible to assess the function of the kidneys and other internal organs, to identify the inflammatory process in the urinary tract, and at an early stage, when the treatment is most effective. And if you sometimes look more closely at the urine, then you yourself may suspect that something was wrong.

- Look closely at what?

To the color of your own urine. It is worth - do not be surprised - to pay attention to the smell. It is the changed color and smell of urine that are the first to signal problems in the body. Just do not panic if you ate beets or garlic the day before, and the next day you notice that your urine turns red or has a specific smell. Urine can change under the influence of certain foods. By the way, some medications can also change its yellow color to rose-red. But if there are pains in the lower abdomen, painful or frequent urination, blood in the urine, it is already a signal to urgently consult a doctor.

- Can a urine test lead to a false trail?

They can, so you need to be able to take a urine test correctly.

- By the way, why do you need to take urine only in the morning?

This time was not chosen in vain. After the night, elements accumulate in the body that will help the clinician to accurately assess the patient's health. After standing, the urine can become cloudy, bacteria appear in it, which should not be at all.

- How is the research analysis carried out?

First of all, a laboratory assistant casts a part of the material into a test tube and uses a urometer to determine the specific gravity, reaction, color and turbidity. Then the tube is placed in a centrifuge. Then comes the next stage - determining the chemical composition of urine (the presence of protein, glucose, bile pigments). Then the sediment is rolled onto a glass slide and microscoped, that is, viewed through a microscope.

- This is where the fun begins?

I confess that when I first saw a urine test under a microscope, I was amazed. Until now, I never cease to wonder what patterns nature can create in such an environment. Each element - protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes - has its own unique shape, and bacteria even move like living things.

We count the number of leukocytes by eye, but this is not always possible - sometimes they combine in a lump, mixed with mucus. This happens in the analysis of older people or those who do not follow personal hygiene ... Sometimes it signals a running inflammatory process. In such cases, we write on the form: "A large number of leukocytes."

- What else can a laboratory assistant see through a microscope?

After an abundant intake of vegetables and fruits, oxalate crystals are clearly visible in the urine - in the form of postal envelopes. With cystitis, crystals appear in the form of sledges, sometimes in the form of gymnastic weights. In a patient with thrush, mold filaments are visible, sometimes even a tree with branches looms. Diabetes mellitus can be identified by prism-shaped crystals. Violent sex "throws" sperm into the analysis - both for men and women. Alcohol does not affect the test result, but you can guess that a person has drunk or drinks well by the pungent smell.

- Tell me, can a laboratory assistant pick up an infection through analysis?

If you do not comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards (gloves, gown, disinfectants), then it is likely.

- How many analyzes does a laboratory assistant look through during a working day?

More than a hundred daily. For general or clinical analysis, 200 ml of analysis is sufficient. It is advisable to remove the lid, and attach the doctor's direction to the dishes with an elastic band.

Taking my form with the results of urine tests, I carefully put it in the card - after all, here is almost everything about my health ...


How to take a urine test correctly

Thoroughly wash the testware and scald it with boiling water. By the way, you can buy a sterile test jar at any pharmacy. Special devices for collecting urine from children under one year old are also sold there.

Make sure to shower before filling the jar.

Women should not be tested during critical days.

Tell your doctor if you are taking medications.

Do not overdo it on the eve of taking an analysis with the use of mineral water: it can change the reaction of urine.

Urine must be in the morning.

For a healthy person, for the purpose of prevention, it is advisable to take a urine test once a year. Patient - according to indications.


What diseases can a urine test tell about?

1. If the color has changed (you can even determine it yourself):

Dark yellow - congestive kidney, edema, burns, vomiting, diarrhea.

Pale, watery - diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus.

Dark brown - hemolytic anemias.

Dark (almost black) - acute hemolytic kidney.

Red - melanosarcoma, renal colic, kidney infarction.

A type of "meat slop" - sharp jade.

The color of the beer (greenish-brown) is parenchymal jaundice.

Greenish yellow - obstructive jaundice.

Whitish - fatty degeneration and breakdown of renal tissue.

Milk - kidney lymphostasis.

2. If the smell has changed (you can determine it yourself):

Ammonia is an infectious disease of the urinary tract.

Garlic - if you have not eaten garlic, this smell may indicate poisoning with arsenic, phosphorus, selenium.

Acetone - diabetes mellitus, fasting, diabetic ketoacidosis.

Putrid - putrefactive bacteria.

Almond - cyanide poisoning.

Sharp - cystitis.

3. If the turbidity has changed. Healthy urine should be clear, turbidity and flakes indicate inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract.

4. Reaction (determined by the doctor): sour. A neutral or alkaline urine reaction signals the presence of a urinary tract infection. An alkaline reaction indicates pregnancy.

5. Density: norm - 1018 - 1025. Increased density - dehydration, high blood sugar. Decreased - kidney inflammation, renal failure.

6. Red blood cells: great when they are completely absent. If there are up to 100 of them, this is a signal of the presence of inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, urolithiasis, kidney cancer or severe infection. If there are more than 100 of them, then the urine will acquire the color of meat slops, therefore, this indicates kidney disease or bleeding.

7. Leukocytes: an increased amount indicates inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, cystitis, prostatitis, immunological kidney damage.

8. Protein: more than the norm (0.033%) happens with infection, inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, renal failure.

9. Bacteria and fungi: they shouldn't be normal.

10. Cylinders: there should be few of them, better when they are completely absent. A large presence is a signal of damage to the kidney tissue.


In the next issue, "Are You Healthy" - everything about mammograms.

What research would you like to know about?

Index Norm Decryption
Colour Straw yellow If urine looks like strong tea, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, destruction of red blood cells in autoimmune or toxic lesions are not excluded. The color of the meat slops? The doctor will suspect inflammatory kidney disease. There are also non-dangerous color changes: pinkish-red - due to taking certain medications, reddish - if you ate carrots, beets, strawberries
Transparency Completely transparent Turbidity and flakes - evidence of inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract. Do not panic if the clear urine, after standing, becomes a little cloudy: this is often the case.
Reaction (pH) Sour Neutral or alkaline urine reactions occur in urinary tract infections and in vegetarians.
Density (specific gravity) 1018–1025 The indicator rises with dehydration and an increase in blood sugar. A decrease in urine density occurs when the kidneys are inflamed or if the patient has drunk too much water
Protein Not more than 0.033% More happens with infection, inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, kidney failure, or simply after intense physical exertion.
Bacteria, fungi No
Cylinders No or isolated A large number of cylinders are observed in a wide variety of kidney diseases.
Erythrocytes No or isolated If the erythrocytes are up to 100 in the field of view (microhematuria), this indicates inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, urolithiasis, renal cancer or severe infection. If more than 100 (gross hematuria), the urine turns red - there is an inflammatory kidney disease or.
Leukocytes In men 0-3 - leukocyte, in women - 0-5 An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine (leukocyturia) indicates inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, prostatitis, and immune damage to the kidneys.


Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is prescribed when the results of the general cause suspicion: there seems to be no obvious pathology, but leukocytes and erythrocytes are slightly increased. For clarification, you need urine from the “middle of the stream”: the jar is substituted after the beginning of urination and removed before the process is completed. From this volume, the laboratory will take 1 ml and calculate the number of erythrocytes (the norm is no more than 1000), leukocytes (no more than 2000) and cylinders (no more than 20). If one or more parameters are increased, there is a pathology.

The analysis according to Zimnitsky is resorted to if there is a suspicion of the development of renal failure or inflammation of the kidneys. Urine is collected during the day in 8 cans: one for urine released every 3 hours. In the laboratory, they determine the quantity and specific gravity. The calculations are complex, but it is important that the volume of urine excreted during the day is greater than that at night, and that the specific gravity of all portions fluctuates in a certain way.

Here are the most common warning signs:


For analysis, 100-200 ml of urine collected in the morning is sufficient. Thoroughly wash and scald a small jar with boiling water, run the toilet of the genitals so that the analysis is not contaminated. Women should not be tested on critical days. Taking medication? Warn your doctor that certain medications will interfere with results. There are no dietary restrictions, but you should not lean on mineral waters before taking the test - they change the reaction of urine.

1 - kidney; 2 - ureter; 3 - bladder; 4 - urethra; 5 - renal arteries; 6 - renal veins

The urinary system is one of the most important systems of the human body. Urine contains excess water and metabolic products that come from the kidneys. The parameters of this biological fluid can tell a lot about the state of human health, its analysis allows you to make a correct diagnosis in the presence of a disease and prescribe adequate treatment. With this, one of the most important characteristics that even a person without medical education can control is urine color... A healthy person usually has a yellow (straw-like) urine. The color is due to the presence of urochrome in urine, a special pigment that is formed during the decomposition of hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen in erythrocytes. In lower concentrations, there are pigments urobilin, uroserin and uroerythrin. However, do not panic immediately if the color of your urine changes. There can be many reasons for this, from the most harmless to a serious illness. In any case, the final assessment of a person's health, and what the color of urine indicates, can only be given by a qualified doctor, who should be contacted at the first signs that alert you.

Products that change the color of urine

If you have a change in the color of urine, first of all, you need to remember what was included in your diet the day before, since many foods can change the color of urine. So, it will be orange in color if you have consumed a lot of carotene, which is found in large quantities in carrots. Crimson urine does not immediately indicate the presence of blood and some kind of pathology, it acquires this color in the case of eating beets, cherries, blackberries, products that contain food additives and dyes. If you drink strongly brewed, rich tea, the urine becomes very dark.

Also, urine can have a dark yellow color in a healthy person in the morning after sleep, since at this time its concentration in the body is very high. The dark color occurs in hot weather, when the body is dehydrated, and during significant physical exertion. If a person is drinking a lot of fluids, they will have clear urine. Studies have shown that urine can change with certain medications. Red urine can be caused by taking rifampicin, sulfonamide, analgin, phenolphthalein, aminophenazone, ibuprofen, aspiric acid, and other drugs. Green, blue color occurs when using methylene blue, saffron yellow when taking nitroxoline, which is used in nephrology. Taking vitamins B and C makes the urine rich yellow. All these natural causes of urine discoloration pass after a short time, otherwise you should be wary.

Discoloration during pregnancy

The color of urine during pregnancy usually does not differ from the color of the urine of a normal healthy person, and expectant mothers should also first of all analyze their nutrition. In addition, some gynecologists do not allow their patients to consume a lot of fluids, as a result of which, naturally, the dark color of urine should not be surprising. If, after a while, symptoms such as light feces, vomiting have joined this factor, then it is necessary to see an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. However, the color of urine and feces can also change due to certain hormonal changes in the woman's body in position.

If the color of the urine does not return to normal or any additional symptoms appear, this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Diseases that change the color of urine

Pale yellow associated with a low concentration of dyes, it happens in diabetes, chronic renal failure. In this case, polyuria can occur, the emission of a large amount of urine per day (more than 2 liters).

Dark brown or beer color caused by a large number of bile pigments - this is one of the signs of viral hepatitis. In this case, agitation of urine leads to the formation of a yellow foam, which is associated with bilirubinuria. In this case, the skin and sclera of the eyes can also become icteric. Also, this color can indicate a disease such as hemolytic anemia. At the same time, the process of hemolysis (destruction) of erythrocytes, which do not have time to fully mature in the bone marrow, is increased. As a result, the increased breakdown of blood cells increases the level of bilirubin and causes the appearance of jaundice.

Brown color may indicate the presence of cirrhosis of the liver or poor kidney function, which are not able to efficiently remove toxins. Brown urine in older men sometimes indicates the formation of a prostate adenoma. In this case, an urgent consultation with a urologist is required.

Red urine, like blood, appears if erythrocytes are present in urine that have come directly from blood vessels due to trauma, kidney tumors, urethritis, cystitis,. The color saturation depends on the amount of blood that has entered the urine. In the case, which mainly women are susceptible to, in addition to blood in the urine, all kinds of films, pus, clots of mucus are observed, in addition, there is a strong cutting pain in the lower abdomen and from the kidneys. With pyelonephritis, additional headaches appear, an increase in pressure and body temperature, and swelling.

Pink color urine gives urobilin in chronic hepatitis. Changed dark purple or even black urine color is a sign of significant hemolysis of erythrocytes due to severe poisoning with poison, drugs, blood transfusion of another group, melanosarcoma. In the medical literature, there is such a color of urine as the color of "meat slops", this is the shade that water has after washing the meat, it is red, but with a dark, dirty tint. This color is a sign.

Blue in diseases it is quite rare, however, such a shade can occur, but not due to damage to the genitourinary system, but due to internal infections, for example, pseudomonas. The blue color of body fluid can sometimes be found in children with familial hypercalcemia. This is a hereditary disease in which the level of calcium in the blood is significantly higher than normal.

Clarity of urine

An important symptom of the disease, in addition to color, is the smell of urine. In a healthy person, it is odorless, or smells insignificantly. Also, an important indicator is the clarity of urine. Normally, opaque urine occurs only in a newborn, and even then for only a few days, then in a person without pathologies it is always transparent. Very rarely, clouding can occur in a healthy body when eating protein products, in too hot weather, after a sauna, while after a while the urine becomes transparent. However, most often cloudy urine occurs when it contains a large amount of salts and the presence of bacteria. Before going to the doctor, it is possible to determine the cause of the clouding of urine. It is necessary to collect and put a container of urine for a while. If the cloudy urine is caused by the presence of salts, then they will soon settle to the bottom, as a result of which there will be a clear border between the clear, light urine at the top and cloudy at the bottom. If the cloudy urine is of bacterial origin, then there will be no clear separation. Also, cloudy urine can be in the presence of fats, mucus, an increased number of red blood cells, leukocytes and cylinders. Clouding may also indicate the progression of prostatitis in men. It should also be remembered that turbidity can be due to the precipitation of salts that are naturally found in urine, due to its long exposure to the open air. Therefore, if there is a need to pass urine for analysis, then it is necessary to bring the urine collected in the morning to the laboratory no later than 3-4 hours later.

Additional symptoms of the disease

Additional symptoms to look out for when the urine color changes are constant thirst, fever, poor appetite, yellowing of the sclera and skin, severe pain in the right hypochondrium or in the lumbar region, frequent urination accompanied by pain, increased blood pressure, light discolored stool, weight loss, weakness, headache.

If you have all of these additional symptoms, you must urgently consult a doctor for medical assistance.

If the body is healthy, the metabolic process in it should function like a clock. A person receives energy along with food, and metabolic products are excreted during urination. But if some systems and organs malfunction, the excretory function may be disrupted.

One of the alarming signals is urinary retention in women (ishuria). It is the inability to urinate with a full bladder and a strong urge to urinate. It can be caused by various reasons, and require immediate medical intervention. The ICD disease code is R33.

Probable causes of urinary retention in women

More often, a violation of the normal outflow of urine becomes obstruction of the urinary tract due to the presence of some kind of mechanical obstacle (calculi, foreign objects, tumors). In this case, the violation develops gradually.

There are 2 forms of ishuria:

  • Sharp urinary retention - occurs suddenly against the background of a normal general condition due to trauma, severe obstruction of the urinary tract.
  • Chronic- due to persistent narrowing of the urethra or.

Urinary retention can be complete or incomplete. With complete ischuria, urination is impossible at all, with incomplete ischuria, it is very difficult, but urine is partially excreted.

The provoking factors of urinary retention in women can be:

  • Infectious diseases of the urinary organs. They cause swelling of tissues, sphincter.
  • Long-term use of certain medications. These include antidepressants, sleeping pills, antispasmodics, antihistamines, and others.
  • Weakening of the innervation of the bladder due to injuries of the spinal cord, pelvis, myelitis, diabetes mellitus and other diseases.
  • Deformation of the urethra, in which there is a narrowing of its lumen.
  • Hernia-like protrusions of the bladder or urethra (eg, ureterocele) due to weakening of muscle tissue. Because of this, the bladder or urethra is pressed into the vagina, it can fall out through its entrance.
  • Injury to the pelvic organs due to difficult childbirth, improperly performed operations, heavy traffic when it is contraindicated.
  • Recurrent bouts of urinary retention may occur during the occlusion of the ureter with stones. When the calculus is displaced, urinary excretion returns to normal.

Learn about the causes of the development and the methods of treatment of the disease in adults and children.

Instructions for using corn stigmas for kidney treatment are described on the page.

Retention of urine occurs in pregnant women in the last months due to impaired urine flow. The uterus grows so large that it compresses the bladder.

The causes of the pathological condition can be not only mechanical factors. Disruption of the central nervous system can also affect the process of urination. Ishuria can occur against a background of stress, nervous breakdown, overexcitation. And if a woman already has problems with the urinary system, then they can certainly worsen.

If a woman stays in alcoholic intoxication for a long time, severe intoxication of the body begins. This can lead to partial obstruction of the urinary tract.

First signs and symptoms

With ischuria, there is a strong urge to urinate, but the process of urination is absent, or is present in a minimal amount. Almost always, this condition is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.

During the examination, the doctor may notice an overflowing bladder. It is visually visible by the protrusion of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity in people with asthenic constitution. In obese patients, such a symptom is difficult to detect. When pressing on the spherical protrusion in the lower abdomen, the woman feels soreness.

Retention of urine flow may be accompanied by other symptoms, the manifestations of which depend on the cause of the disorder:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • deterioration in appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • temperature increase;
  • hypertension;
  • violation of the heartbeat;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina and urethra.

Possible complications

With acute urinary retention, serious consequences can occur:

  • wrinkling of the bladder, loss of its functionality;
  • peritonitis due to rupture of the walls of the organ and the release of contents into the abdominal cavity;
  • infection of the kidneys and urinary tract, urosepsis.


Since various pathological conditions can be hidden behind ishuria, therapeutic measures can be taken only after a complete examination.

Clinical and laboratory research:

  • examination by a specialist who, using bladder percussion, determine the volume of urine;
  • measuring the amount of urine by the method;
  • and blood;
  • (carried out immediately after the act of urination);
  • radiography.

Effective treatments for ishuria

If you are worried about urinary retention, then you need to find out if there is an obstruction of the urinary tract. Check whether or not it is present. The first thing to do is to empty your bladder. After that, start treatment, eliminate the cause of ischuria.

Learn about causes in women and treatment options for the disease.

The medicinal properties and methods of using cranberries for the kidneys are described on the page.

Go to the address and read the instructions for use of Palin for the treatment of cystitis.

Bladder catheterization

This is a first aid measure for urinary retention, which is carried out in a clinic. For the procedure, a woman needs to lie on a horizontal surface. Legs should be as far apart as possible. Substitute a basin to collect urine. The perineum is treated with an antiseptic to avoid infection.

The catheter is liberally lubricated with petroleum jelly or glycerin. It is inserted very carefully into the urethra. You need to act very slowly so as not to accidentally damage the organ. After inserting the tube, lower its other end into the pelvis. Urine will drain there. If the process of urination is slow, you can apply light pressure on the pubis. Strong pressure can cause the bladder to burst.

After removing all the contents of the organ, the catheter is slowly and carefully removed. If the situation is severe, the catheter may be left in the body for several days. During this period, you need to constantly check the condition of the perineum, treat it with antiseptics, and replace the catheter with a clean one.

It is impossible to carry out the procedure in case of trauma of the urethra, acute, the presence of stones in the urinary canal. In this case, a cystostomy is performed. In the area of ​​the bladder, the skin is pierced, an elastic tube is inserted through the puncture through which urine will flow.

Therapy of underlying diseases

After the urine is excreted, the causative diseases can be treated. If foreign objects are found, they must be removed.

The tactics of treating urolithiasis depends on the size, composition, localization. Small, smooth stones that can pass freely through the urinary tract can be removed with conservative therapy. It is necessary to use antispasmodics to relieve pain. Drinking plenty of water is recommended.

If the deposits are large, an operation is performed. Most often this is by the method under the influence of ultrasound or laser. Sometimes you have to resort to open operations if other methods of removing calculi are impossible to apply.

Tumor formations can only be treated by surgery. In case of malignant tumors, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are additionally carried out. In the presence of benign small formations that do not show a tendency to intensive growth, they offer the tactics of observation and constant control.

Treatment of urinary tract infections is carried out with antibacterial agents that are effective against inflammatory pathogens.

Effective antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Zeazolin;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Azithromycin.

With neurogenic factors in the development of ischuria, drugs are prescribed that stop the atony of the bladder detrusor:

  • Proserin;
  • Atropine;
  • Papaverine hydrochloride.

On a note! If the cause of the condition is disruption of the central nervous system, stressful situations, a woman needs to stay in bed for some time, take warm baths, and also drink sedatives.

For urinary tract injuries, several groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • hemostatics;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-shock and detoxification agents.

Reflex urinary outflow disorders can be eliminated with a warm bath. The sphincter of the urinary tract relaxes and it is easier for a woman to urinate. Pilocarpine or Proserin is injected intramuscularly. 1% Novocaine is injected inside the urethra.

Folk remedies and recipes

Herbal medicine cannot replace traditional treatment. Folk remedies relieve symptoms, promote urine flow.

Proven recipes:

  • 15 lily of the valley flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew, drink 1 spoon three times a day.
  • If not spicy, it is useful to chew juniper berries.
  • Pour 40 g of oat straw with a glass of boiling water. Put on fire for 10 minutes. Drink 200 ml three times a day.
  • Brew 1 spoonful of hop cones in a glass of water. Drink 1 spoon 3 times a day.
  • Mix fennel, elder flowers, caraway seeds, adonis (1 part each), juniper fruits, parsley seeds (3 parts each). Insist 1 spoonful of the mixture in a glass of cold water for 6 hours. Drink the contents throughout the day.

To prevent urinary retention, women are advised to:

  • timely diagnose and treat urinary tract infections;
  • prevent urine stagnation, urinate on time;
  • visit a gynecologist at least 2 times a year;
  • eat right to prevent salt deposition and development;
  • take medications only as directed by a doctor;
  • adhere to a drinking regime of at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Retention of urine in women indicates a malfunction of the urinary system. It can be caused by various reasons. It is necessary to ensure the normal outflow of urine as soon as possible and eliminate the root cause. Prolonged stagnation of urine in the bladder can lead to irreversible processes, loss of organ functionality or more serious complications.

Video. A specialist at the Moscow Doctor clinic will tell you more about the causes and methods of treating urinary retention in women: