Conversation in the middle group DW folk crafts. The abstract of the conversation "Walk, Russia, wonderful masters. Communicative game "Friend palms"

Abstract Node on the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the surrounding reality "Acquaintance with folk toys"

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bfolk toys, to attach to the traditions of the Russian people, to develop attention, speech, expand the vocabulary, continue to acquaint with oral folk creativity.
To introduce children to national cultural traditions, to acquaint with Russian folk toys; develop interest in folk toys;
To cultivate the desire to create and create the reasons for Russian folk art;
Introduce children with a Russian folk toy; Learn to distinguish between form, color, pattern. Learning gently stick the appliqué details. Develop the aesthetic taste of children.
Develop creative perception, imagination, memory, speech, attention, observation, holistic visual perception of the world.
Integration OK: knowledge, communication, socialization, physical culture. Educator: Guys, do you like toys? (Yes) And what do you do with them? (Play) And where your parents take toys. (Buy in the store) And I know that you know poems about toys, tell. (Children tell poems A. Barto from the "Toys" series)
Educator: Here are some different toys. And before, the toys for their children did parents themselves from the girlfriend or bought at the fair.
Educator: And today I want to introduce you with very interesting toys, and what, you will learn, solving my riddles:
Near different girlfriends,
But, similar to each other.
They all sit in his friend
And just one toy.
Children: Matryoshka!
Educator: Right! This is a matryoshka! (Show Matryoshka). What kind of matryoshka is made? (from wood)
Educator: Guys, and you know that for the manufacture of Mattakers, the masters use the lime, birch, larch. For the work of the master take the highest quality wood, without bitch and cracks. (Showing Slides of Trees) And now, consider the matryoshki on my desk.
What are they in growth? (different)
Educator: Matryoshka, old traditional, folk toy. It is not accidental called folk, why?
That's right, because it is made by the good hands of Russian people.
- Guys, look at how many matryors here.
- What is she? (elegant, painted, beautiful)
-Why is she painted? (because it is painted, paint, sundress decorated with flowers)
Educator: Well, let's see what else was sold at the fair?
Look, what toys! (Showing slides of Dymkov toys).
Toys are not simple,
And magicly painted.
Snow white like birch
Simple, it would seem pattern,
But it's unable to look out.
This guys, Dymkovsky toys.
Educator: Guys and we and you see what Dymkovsky toys saw what they lepi
(Barsni, horses, turkeys, chickens, roosters). Note - they were sculpting from clay, the plots for toys were taken on the street. And for what they sculpt!? (To decorate your home, please friends, children). And now I will tell you how it is done.
Clay brought in the spring and kept it until autumn. Then she was soaked, Lepii, burned and lowered in a bucket with a milk divorced on milk. Painted. Paints took the brightest. What kind!? (red, yellow, blue, green).
Name the elements of the pattern (circle, points, rings, stripes, wavy line)
Top covered with a squirrel egg. None of the exercise was repeated.

Walks the yard turkey (steps in place)
Among the ducks and girlfriends
Suddenly he saw a robe (stopped looked down)
Angry haze (sink feet)
Wings shook (hands, pat on the sides)
The whole swelled, like a ball (hands on the belt)
Or copper samovar (pin round hands in front of the breast)
Shook the beard (shake her head)
Running arrows (running on the spot)
Educator: Did you like toys? They are affectionate and gently called "haze", because they make these toys in the village of Dymkovo, but they are called Dymkovsky.
What are these toys called? (Dymkovsky toys.)
What do Dymkov toys do? (From clay.)
Leading. That's what different toys are. Adults have long been done for children various toys - fun. For this, any material was suitable - whistle was obtained from a piece of clay, from the woods - busy cubs, chicken, storks. And the wonderful rag dolls were born from the remains of the fabric. This is not just a children's toy, it is an integral attribute of ancient rites. It was believed that the dolls made by their hands from the girlfriend have magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls could drive off evil spirits and bring happiness to the house.
(Showing slides of rag dolls)
Leading: These are the interesting dolls from rags. It is easy to up, and here the toy came to life. Guys rakes from rags? So what? (Rag)
Educator: The rag doll was the most common toy. Dolls stirred: Girl grows, becomes mom and passes his daughter's doll. The rag doll lived in every family. Children did them themselves, they began to "twirl", i.e. Making a doll from five. Playing in dolls, girls studied sewing, embroider, spin.
All dolls dressed in beautiful dresses, which were made with a special meaning - each outfit meant something. But in any outfit, a red color was to be present.
Educator: The red color is the color of the sun, health, joy, warmth, the same believed that the red color protects from the evil eye and trouble.
Look carefully on these dolls, when consideration, did anyone notice one feature of these dolls? What are they like? What unites them?
(Dolls have no face.)
All dolls were made faceless, i.e. There were no faces, it was believed that in a faceless doll could not accommodate the evil spirit and harm the owner of the doll.
Leading: Here with what interesting toys we met with you, learned from what they were made.
Let's remember with what kind of. (Matrychka, Dymkovskaya, rag)
Educator: How do you need to treat toys and labor of people's masters?
(Carefully, neat).
Educator: Well done, we will play with toys carefully and gently.

Introduce children with the history of the Dymkov toys; Show the characteristic features of the painting of the Dymkov toy; Learning to distinguish elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovsky painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, cell, point-peas). Develop aesthetic perception, feeling of rhythm, colors. Educate love for folk art of Russia

People lived in one village. When it was cold on the street and the winter frost was skiing the ground, the furnaces were flooded in the houses, smoke enveloped the roofs, so that nothing was visible. One smoke ... so called the village of Dymkovo. Adults were worked in that village from morning to late evening: they dug the land, they prepared food, grazed the cattle, and the children were joking, playing the meadow, sang songs. They did not have such toys like you. And adults thought: how to please the kids. They scored on the banks of the river clay, a different fun figurines were cut off, burned them into the oven, covered with chalk, divorced on milk, painted with paints. For the holiday of "whistle" masters of Sloboda Dymkovo leopamed clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, clarops. So the Dymkov toys appeared. Bright, funny, perky, these toys lead us into their special, fabulously beautiful world.

Dymkovsky toy needlework. Each creation of one wizard. From the modeling and to the painting the process is creative, never repeated. No and there can be no two identical products. Each toy is unique and unique. The clay for the manufacture was traditionally mined in Symkovo Slobod, which is on the lowland shore of the Vyatka River from the city of Kirov. Collected red clay in Sloboda used to cut the shovel, mixed with small river sand - there is a huge river beach nearby. So, clay, after mixing, they turned over many times, wetted with water. In the old days, Mesil's legs generally. Now the craftswoman does not dig clay and do not have it. The preparation of the material is carried out by a machine method, on one of the ceramic industries. Clay comes to workshops in the finished form - polyethylene briquettes for 10 kilograms.

Each toy from a piece of clay to the finished sculpture is performed by one master. If a lot of time was spent by a craftswoman to prepare clay and whitewash, then more attention is paid to the process of smearing and painting toys. Slices of clay are separated and rolled into balls. From the balls make separate details of the toy. The Dymkov toy is different that it is not done from one piece of clay, but from several. The clay ball is rolled into the pancake, the cone is made from the pancake - the barynie skirt is ready. It is hollow inside with walls with a thickness of 4-6 mm. The walls of the cone align - believing the workpiece in the hands. Then, wetting with water, attach handles-sausages, head ball. All of small clay pieces. All basic elements of toys are made first. All joints smoothed with a damp cloth. It turns out like a whole. Then decorate the toy details - Kokoshnik, coupling, handbag, doggy, pigtails, a hat, etc.

Dry shamened blanks for 3-5 days, sometimes longer, in air. In the old days, the toy was burned in Russian furnaces. Put straight on firewood, or on the iron baking sheet. Clay begins to warm up and soon becomes as if transparent - glows smooth red on fire. On this, the firing process ended, and toys slowly cooled in an extinct furnace. Now toys are burned in muffle furnaces at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees. Such a high temperature gives clay even greater strength. The furnaces are quite large, in them toys are loaded by parties. Again, the craftsmen do not take up precious time on non-macatic processes.

After the furnace, the blank is brown-red. For blissing in the old days, the chalk solution on milk was used - dipped the toy entirely. Milk on the surface skeins and forms a durable bright film of gooseic glue. The spray is a characteristic feature of the Dymkov toys. Now the spray is made using Temperal Belil, which are applied by brush. The final part of the process is painted. First we will tell about the ancient traditional way of painting: dry paint trees were treated with an egg, a peroxide kvass or vinegar was added. The color gamut was poor, only the main tones. The compositions from soot to Fuccin and Chromium were used. These paints seemed to be given a billet part of their color and sounded muted. In the 20th century used gouache, also divorced on egg. Now use bright acrylic paints - very persistent.

Brushes use preferably soft, different sizes. Thin brushes allow the master to bring minor details into the plot - it is not always good, since it leads to the oversaturation of the plot. On top of the paint sticks the slices of graval gold or sweat - a mixture of zinc and copper. They shine and give together with bright paints dazzling charm of the Dymkov toy.

(Senior pre-school age)

Purpose:to form patriotic feelings and respect for the history of the Russian people through acquaintance with the People's Dymkovsky toy.

Educational: Rail interest in the products of Dymkovsky masters. Educational: To acquaint children with one of the types of folk applied arts - the Dymkovsky clay toy, the history of her occurrence, elements of painting, color.

Developing: Develop attention, aesthetic perception, memory.

Materials and equipment: exhibition of People's Dymkovsky toys; A selection of illustrations, photos and pictures on the topic Dymkovsky toy.

Preliminary work: a selection of Dymkovsky toys, audio recordings of Russian folk music, preparation of issues for children in the content of the conversation.


The educator begins his story to audio records of Russian folk music.

It was long ago that my grandfather had a great-grandfather. On the right bank of the wide river Vyatka with deep ancient times there is a Dymkovskaya Sloboda, very not far from the city of Vyatka (now the city of Kirov). Icestari in Sloboda settled People Master - Pechskens Yes toys. Masters-toy Lepii Dymkovsky toys from red clay, which was collected along the banks of the river. The finished Dymkov toys was dried several days. Then they burned in the furnace, sturned and elevated with chalk dissolved in milk, and then decorated with patterns.

Old people say that the Dymkovskaya Sloboda received its name because in her in the morning there was a smack of Russian stoves in the morning, when the masters burned toys that the spring was taken to the city of Vyatka for the holiday whistle phones.

Where did the tradition of celebrating a local holiday going? In those days, it was not calm in Russia. Once along the river, the enemies approached the city of Vyatka, the inconspicuous set of nomadic hordes. The city threatened inevitable death. Then Vntychi, so called people living on the shores of the Vyatka River, wondered trick. All residents of the city received on the clay whistle. Having put on the enemy night at night, they raised the desperate whistle. Nomads decided that they were surrounded by the squads to the revenue, and fled in fear. Since then, the townspeople have been celebrated their special holiday whistle. Later, the ancient festival of whistle paintings turned into a holiday whistle, and nowadays in the fair in the fair.

On this day, the townspeople from Mala to Velika and whistled with all his might in clay ducks and pigs were gathered at the city shafts and in the market. The choice of toy-whistles was not accidental every whistle had his magical meaning. So whistle-bear is a possessor, the owner, "gave" a bogatyr force, Baran - happiness, and a cow - wealth. Unfortunately, over time, people have forgotten what magical power is the image of one or another whistle toys, but in our days, the traditions at the fair are not only selling Dymkovsky whistles, but also flies over the city, a ringing cheerful whistle.

So they became famous for their craft Dymkovsky-toy masters throughout Russia-Mother!

What were the Dymkov Masters in their products? The first toys of whistles depicting animals appeared - these are pigs, bears, rams with gold horns, horses, goats, claritions, cocks, geese, turkey. Next to animal figures added female image - woman with baby on hands. The fact is that after the battle with nomads, there are many widows with children in their hands. Therefore, a tradition appeared: all fees, reversed from selling toys to transmit to the content of widows, orphans, weak and need.

Dymkov's masters are constantly looking for new images for the Dimkov toys. Figures of the waterproof, ladnitsa, poultry houses, deposits were added to the Dymkovsky nanny. Men's images appeared - officers, Franti, Pie sellers. In addition to babies - kids, different ages and gender. Here is a horse rider on a hot horse, the hostess cottons at the oven, family drinks tea at the table. BUTwhat is the ringing and knock? It rapidly rushing the crew! The yamper skillfully controls the horse, and in the carriage of the launch of the lannik with an officer. By water alcohol, the Dymkovskiy France ride a lamp on boats. Pepling fabulous carousel, a scrooching, riding on the pig, causes a ringing laughter, Galdim children rolling down from the mountains on sledes ...

The Dymkov toy is easy to learn among other folk toys.

It stands out by its snow-white background, according to which the masters applied simple geometric patterns. These are circles, rings, points, stripes, lines, diamonds, ovals, dashes. Dymkovsky masters painted toys in a good ten bright colors: red, raspberry, blue, golden-yellow, purple, green ... and even golden glitter. It seems that in the appearance of each Dymkovsky toy involuntarily finds its reflection of the nature of those places where she was born. Imagine snow-covered drifts, frost, a blush decorates people's faces. Against the background of the illuminated snow, the color of clothing sounds especially brightly.

Folk art is always understandable and loved by everyone. And in our days, the Dymkovsky toys do manually unlike other folk crafts. Each toy is a unique piece of art, each has its own special character. The evil image of a gray wolf Dymkovsky masters prefer the image of a good ram or a proud man's handsome. Dymkovsky dog \u200b\u200bis a cheerful, harmless mongrel. Bear is a musician playing a balalaica or accordion. Proud beauty, the launch of the lannika flirtingly threw the head, slowly walking under the handle with a brave officer. And next to the stately nanny, surrounded by Gurba kids.

As in antiquity, the Dymkov's figures were not children's fun, the whistles did for the local holiday, and the elegant figurines were decorated with dressers and shelves with dishes, and in our days Figurines from Dymkovo serve to decorate our housing. We admire the cheerful and mischievous Dymkovskaya toy, and in the soul it becomes warmer.

The educator asks children questions on the content of their story.


Questions on the topic conversation:

  1. Why The settlement, the lobody called Dymkovskaya?(In the mornings over each, smoke from the Russian stove rushed.)
  2. What material did the Master of the Dimkovskaya Slobodi scratch their toys? (Masters looked toys from clay.)
  3. How did the Dymkov toy for murals prepared? Name the stages of preparation of the toy to the painting.(A ready-made Dymkov toy was dried for several days. Dried in the furnaces, got cold, bleached with chalk dissolved in milk. And then they were painted with patterns.)
  4. How did you save the simple Dymkov whistles in the city of Vyatka from the enemy?(Picking up to the enemy mill, the inhabitants raised a desperate whistle. The enemies thought that they were surrounded by his squads who came to the revenue and ran away.)
  5. How did the residents named their special holiday, in honor of this event? (Since then, the townspeople celebrate their special whistling holiday.)
  6. Who were Dimkovsky craftsmen depicted in their products?(First depicted animals - clarition, pigs, bears, rams, etc. Then there were nanny, ladies, waterproofs, checkpits. Men's images were added to them - Cavalers, officers, men, Frances and images of children of different ages.)
  7. Of which parts, elements, the geometric patterns of Dymkovsky products consist?(In the painting of Dymkovsky toys, there are circles, ovals, rings, points, stripes, lines, diamonds, dashes.)
  8. What colors used Dymkovsky masters for painting toys? Name the color gamut of Dymkov toys. (Dymkov's craftsmen painted toys in kind dozen colors - red, raspberry, blue, golden yellow, purple, green ... and even golden glitters.)
  9. Why do people buy merry, mischievous Dymkov toy?(Whistles are made for a local holiday, whistle fair, and figures decorate their homes.)

The Dymkov toy is made of clay manually. Simple geometric patterns and bright colors make it elegant and festive. Remembering the history of her appearance, we get acquainted with the history of our homeland.

That is why the Dymkovsky toy has conquered not only the hearts of Russians, she fell in love with foreign guests and became a popular Russian souvenir, a business card of Russia.

Tatyana Andreevna Popova

Integrated cycles of classes for admission to Russian folk culture


With confidence it can be said that most of us, unfortunately, is very superficially familiar with the folk culture, our people. How did Russian people live? How did they work and how did they relax? What pleased them, and what was worried? What are the customs observed? What decorated your life?

We consider it necessary to bring to the consciousness of preschoolers that they are carriers of Russian folk culture, raise them in national traditions.

We have developed integrated cycles of classes for the introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture, united by common topics.

Wide use of folklore (fairy tales, songs, chastushki, proverbs, sayings, etc.). In oral folk creativity, how anywhere they reflected the features of a Russian nature inherent in the moral values \u200b\u200b- ideas about kindness, beauty, truth, loyalty, etc. Special place in such works occupies a respectful attitude towards work, admiration for the mastery of human hands.

Acquaintance with traditions, folk signs and rites, rituals. They have the subtlest observations of people behind the characteristic peculiarities of the seasons, weather changes, behavior of birds, insects, plants, beliefs in chambers, etc.

Acquaintance with Russian folk games, counters. Russian folk games are one of the genres of oral folk art. They contained information that gives the idea of \u200b\u200bthe daily life of our ancestors, their life, labor, worldview. The games were an indispensable element of folk rituals. Games are satisfied with children's thirst for action. Games provide abundant food for the work of the mind and imagination.

Theatrical activity of children. Children learn to beat familiar songs, sweatshirts, non-residents, fairy tales, etc. It uses a finger theater, a Bibabo Theater and a costume theater. In the process of theatrical activity, children feel deeper by the atmosphere of the past, get acquainted with the subjects of life, etc.

Acquaintance with the musical folklore. Children learn to listen and sing Russian folk songs, led with theft of dances, perform the movements of Russian folk dances.

Acquaintance with decorative and applied art. Children learn the history of the nucleation of folk crafts. In the process of artistic and creative activity, it is learned to carry out elements of decorative painting.

Creation in the group of mini-museum of objects characteristic of Russian people's life. Such mini-museums have a great influence on the formation of the spiritual qualities of the child - develop curiosity, bring up a feeling of beautiful.

Abstract classes

September Theme of the cycle "Lie in the garden" in the garden "

Lesson 1. Speech Development

Subject: "Lee in the garden, in the garden."

Software content. Rail interest in interpretation of folk creativity. Encourage children with a feather "Our goat". Teach to guess descriptive riddles. Consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries; their names.

Material. Stick (length 1 m), toy goat-dragonfly, basket, natural vegetables, fruits and berries: carrots, cucumber, onion, turnip, cabbage, apple, currant; 3 plates, apples for treating children.

Preliminary work. Heading the fun "Our goat". Explanation of words and expressions: "Mesil's dough", "The stove of Topil", "fairy tales", "Nonbylitsy", "unheardless". Selection of visual material. For a walk, learning the Russian folk game "Ogorodnik", explaining the expressions of expressions "by the end of the East", "all to the Vihor will take."

Russian folk game "Ogorodnik".

Each player calls herself some vegetable. Everyone becomes a circle. One child is a gardener - coming out in the middle of the circle and knocks a stick on the ground.

Children ask the gardener:

- Who's there?

He answers:

- Gardener.

- Why did it come?

- For repo!

After that, everyone leads a dance, they enhanced and sentenced:

On top of Rope Zelen,

In the middle fat

By the end of the era,

Hides the tail for yourself.

Who is neither suitable for her

Anything for the Vikhor will take.

Ogorodnik must call which of the guys turnip. If I guess, then "repa" runs away from him, and the gardener tries to catch up.

Structure occupation

There is a knock at the door. A goat-dragonfly comes to visit the guys. A goat brings a gift - basket with berries, fruits and vegetables. At first, the basket is closed, and it is not clear for children that it is located in it.

The teacher offers children to sing a song-speech about goat:

Our goat-dragonfly

That's smart was:

He went on the water,

He and dough Mesil,

He and the stove of the top

And kids feed,

Cottage cheese pellet lubricated

Songs sang and fairy tales said



The teacher says that the song very much liked the goat. Then he asks the goat, which lies in his basket. The goat-dragonfly offers children to guess the riddles - so they will find out what lies in the basket.

Red Maiden.

Sits in the dungeon,

And Spit on the street.


Without windows, without doors,

Full of hillside people.


I grew up on the garden,

My character is smooth:

Wherever I come,

All to the tears will bring.


Crop, and not a month,

Yellow, yes not butter,

With tail, yes no mouse.


One hundred clothes -

And everything without fasteners.


Round, ruddy,

I'm a rastic on the branch.

Love me adults

And little kids.


Black berries lush bush -

They taste good!


The tutor pulls the named vegetables, fruits and berries, folds them on the table.

Held the didactic game "Corrects in the garden and garden." Kozlolov asks for children to decompose vegetables, fruits and berries on three plates: the first plate - berries, the second plate - vegetables, the third plate - fruit. At the end of the game, the teacher and the goat clarify the guys that grows in the garden. Children call berries and fruits lying on the first and third plates. Then the educator asks: "What grows in the garden?" Children call vegetables lying on the second plate.

For goodbye, Kozlik asks for children to sing a song again. Gives each child an apple, clarifies that this is: vegetable, fruit, berry? Says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 2. LADKA

Subject: "We have vegetables and fruits."

Software content. Fasten knowledge of riddles about vegetables and fruits. Develop the initiative, independence and creative abilities. Fasten the ability to sculpt familiar objects, applying previously learned techniques. To draw the attention of children to the final result of the work.

Material. Basket with natural vegetables and fruits (carrots, cucumber, onions, turnips, cabbage, apple). Plasticine, molding board (for each child).

Preliminary work. Riddown riddles about vegetables and fruits. For a walk, holding the Russian folk game "Ogorodnik" (see above).

Structure occupation

The teacher reminds children that at the previous occupation, the goat-stinking brought them a gift to many vegetables and fruits. (Show basket with vegetables and fruits.)

Offers the guys to play in the game "Guess": "You give me a riddle, and I will try to guess. In case of difficulty you guys, you will help. "

Children remember familiar riddles.

Red Maiden.

Sits in the dungeon,

And Spit on the street.


Without windows, without doors,

Full of hillside people.


I grew up on the garden,

My character is smooth:

Wherever I come,

All to the tears will bring.


Crop, and not a month,

Yellow, yes not butter,

With tail, yes no mouse.


One hundred clothes -

And everything without fasteners.


Round, ruddy,

I'm a rastic on the branch.

Love me adults

And little kids.


Black berries lush bush -

They taste good!


The educator attracts children to guessing the riddles, demonstrates the deposits - vegetables and fruits: "This is what rich harvest of vegetables and fruits ripe in our gardens and gardens!"

Then offers the guys to cut out any vegetables and fruits.

Encourages the desire of children to sculpt different vegetables and fruits.

Draws attention to the techniques of modeling used by children. Reminds the correct methods of modeling objects round, oval, elongated form.

At the end of the occupation, the teacher considers the work with the children and offers to classify them: decompose vegetables and fruits separately.

Complete lessons:

  • expand the representation of children about folk crashes;
  • develop cognitive interest, to stimulate in the process of cognitive communication their curiosity, desire for independent acquisition of knowledge;
  • to educate love and respect for people of labor, products of their activities.

Wordwork: Craft, potter, strawwork, slurry, weaving, beads.

Equipment: Potionic circle, clay products, straws, vines, flax, beads.

Structure occupation

The occupation begins in the hall of the nasal garden.

Educator (V.). Guys, greet everyone who came to visit us today. (Children welcome guests with words "Good afternoon!".) We will continue our journey through the city of Masters. Who lives in this city? (Children's responses.) That's right, people of different professions. There are a lot of professions! Name what professions do you know? (Children call professions.)

A new journey today will be unusual, we will learn about the old and rich history of Belarusian crafts, about Belarusian masters.

During the story of the teacher of the master engaged in work.

IN. Are you ready to go there right now? The journey begins.

Children with the educator are suitable for the first table, greet.

IN. Maybe someone from you knows who is a potter? (Children's responses.)

Gonchar - Master of Pottery, manufacturing clay products: dishes, toys, small sculptures, building materials.

The educator draws the attention of children to the pottery circle.

IN. The potted circle is a machine for making dishes and ceramic products. Let's watch the work of the pottery with you.

The educator commented on the work of the master, children listen to the educator and watch the work of the master.

The master puts in the center of a rotating potter circle com clay, wets his hands with water and then pressing thumbs makes a deepening and forms donyshko. Next, the workpiece is drawn into the cylinder of the desired height. They work, as a rule, both hands: one - inside, the other is outside. Hands move from the bottom up. They must be constantly wetted by water so that they slid well in clay.

IN. Guys, pay attention, how many products are made by the hands of the potter, but for this you need to put the finished product in the oven, burn it, and then the master will paint it.

Children thank Master, receive a gift from him and put it in a basket.

IN. Now the master will tell us about working with straw and will show your work.

Master. Pass, guests are expensive, I will tell you what can be made from an amazing straw: homemade utensils, hats, toys and decorations.

For weaving, the straw is best suited, prepared by hand, and I will produce it in different times - then it turns out different shades. Then I dry it, clean and soak in hot water. After that, it becomes soft and elastic.

The master demonstrates his work. Children view them and thank the master.

IN. The master will tell us about the ancient craft - sloping.

Master. Milicia I ask, guests are expensive! Come down. (He tells and shows.) People from the vine of the spill various in the form and appointment of the product: built hills, made hedges, cliff Napty, dishes. For the manufacture of wicker products, I use a feed rod.

Bars must be long, thin, flexible, having a smooth and smooth surface. In order for the vine to become more elastic, it is soaked in water before starting work.

IN. Again we call the road,

Who is waiting for us this time?

Who will continue their story?

Children with the educator are suitable for the fourth table, greet the master.

IN. Guys, pay attention to the products that the Master will tell us (Pews, products from flax, embroidery, dolls in Belarusian costumes, etc.). Let's listen to the story of the master.

Master. Maybe someone out of you guys heard who weaves? (Children's responses.) A man working in a weaving machine is called weaving. Craft for the production of fabric on a weaving machine is called weaving.

The weaving machine is one of the most ancient human workers. Here, fabric, canvas, finished product are obtained from simple threads. All clothes have long been, all household items, tumors, tablecloths were produced by weaver.

Children view work and thank the master.

IN. So that the products look beautiful and attractive, Belarusian craftswomen decorated them with embroidery, beads.

Children with the educator are suitable for the fifth table.

Master (by embroidery beads). Beads can be from various materials. Traditionally they were made of wood, amber and other natural materials. The art of manufacturing jewelry from beads is called beadwork.

Children view work and thank the masters, get gifts, say goodbye.

IN. Dear Guys! So our journey to the city of Masters is completed. What folk crafts did we meet? Let's look at our basket. How many souvenirs did the masters presented to us? (The tutor takes turns of souvenirs.) The people say: "If you love work, then work will love you." And the master who is not afraid of any work and can everything, call the master golden hands. Let's take advantage of the work of our craftsmen and thank them for their work.

Children choir say "Thank you."

You are great, guys know a lot. Great healthy, strong, hardworking, remember our folk craftsmen!