What can wash the green on the face. How to wash the green from different surfaces? What you can not handle the sensitive skin of the child

Probably, each person came across such a problem as spilled green. A not less common problem is spots from the greenstone on the skin, especially when they are on the face or on other prominent parts of the body. Nowadays there are special means that quickly remove the greenfront from one or another surface. However, if special means for some reason are not possible to buy? It goes without saying that the green can be washed and remedies. Below will be a list of the most affordable ways, with which you can wash the diamond greens.

How to remove the spots of the greenstone from the skin?

Asking the question of whether the usual alcohol immediately comes to the mind of a large number of people. It is worth noting immediately that the clear alcohol can not erase the greenstock. For this purpose, you will need to mix alcohol with a small amount of lemon juice. It is usually enough to mix 10-15 drops of juice with 5 tablespoons of alcohol. It will not be superfluous to mention that such a solution can cause to rain the fresh spot of the greenfront, simply apply a mixture of juice and alcohol onto a cotton disk and wipe the skin surface. But what to wash the green, if you have already dried up? The same mixture of lemon juice and alcohol will come to the aid, but in this case the separation procedure of the diamond green will be not so simple.

Other means against green shots

If you do not have neither lemon juice, nor alcohol, and you do not know how to wash up the green, then you can rare the stains of the diamond greenery to others, also quite effective way. To do this, you will need an ordinary fat cream or lotion that will need to be applied and washed away from the spots of the greenstone several times.

The most secure screen removal method

If all of the above methods of rubbing the greenstock you are not suitable for any reason, and you continue to torment the question of how to wash the green from the face or body, then the usual table soda can come to the rescue. It will not be superfluous to notice that the soda has excellent whitening properties. In this regard, this powder is perfect for removing stains not only from the skin, but also from tissue and other surfaces. To remove the spots of the greenstone, you will need to mix soda powder with water to a porridge consistency and apply to the surface to the surface, after a few seconds, washed.

If necessary, repeat the procedure again. I would like to note that this method of removing the spots of the greencraft is not only effective, but also the safest. Therefore, this method can be used to erase the spots of the greenfront from the skin of the child or from the skin, which is fairly sensitive to any effects.

Well, at the end I want to give advice: in order not to wonder about how to wash the green, take it not in the bottles, but in the form of special pencils, which are very convenient and, most importantly, to use it safely.

All the famous greencraft is an alcohol solution of a substance that chemists call a diamond green. This antiseptic medical preparation is an integral part of the first aid kit in almost every home. Despite the huge number of new and modern drugs with bactericidal properties, Zelenka remains a favorite tool for all generations. It prevents infection in abrasions, scratches and cuts and contributes to their rapid healing. But, in addition, the diamond green has a negative quality - leaves spots that are very difficult to remove. Therefore, the question of how to launder the green leather and from other surfaces remains always relevant.

Diamond green on skin cover

Most often, the greenstock is applied to small areas of the skin in its various damage. It happens that part of the solution accidentally falls on hand. It does not at all harm health, but it looks very inestore. Then the question is whether to wash the green with the hands.

For this purpose, alcohol solutions are excellent:

  • normal medical alcohol;
  • colognes;
  • lotions for face and body;
  • tonic for removing makeup;
  • vodka;
  • salicylic alcohol.

For even greater efficiency in alcohol solution, you can add lemon juice. Also, a chlorine solution is suitable for removal of the greenstone. Although even with such effective means, it will be difficult to remove the green. However, if you know how to wash the green leather from the skin initially, the stain will remove almost completely immediately.

How to wash the greenstone with children's skin?

The skin of the child is much more gentle than in adults. Therefore, the use of alcohol solutions on it is undesirable. After all, most often the children receive their portion of the antiseptic after the next falls and cuts. And how to wash the green after the windmill? After all, the whole body of the child is covered by malicious specks.

For kids, it is better to use gentle cleaning methods. The most successful is the processing of green areas of hydrogen peroxide. But it should be avoided by the mucous meal. You can also rub a nutrient children's cream into the skin, and then rinse with soap solution. Such procedures should be carried out at least once every 1.5-2 hours, and then in 1-2 days can be completely getting rid of stains.

How to wash the green from the skin of a child in summer in the country when there is nothing at hand? Everything is very simple - enough to squeeze the juice from sorrel. Such a means contains many acids that will help get rid of the spots of the greenstone and not only from them. All the above methods will also suit people with sensitive skin and various allergies.

Other ways to remove emerald spots with leather

There are other methods of getting rid of the diamond green. They are not considered more efficient, but also have the right to use. Here are also tips on how and than laundering the green leather:

  • Wrap your hands in a warm bath with a manganese (a pair of 1 L crystals) or chlorophyllip.
  • Apply the bleach on your cotton swab and wipe the fan. Then, rinse with soapy and treat with a cutlery vinegar to avoid damage to the skin.
  • Wipe with vegetable oil 2 times a day contaminated skin: fats will destroy pigments - and the greenstock will be removed.
  • Apply toothpaste on a stain and pull it out with an old toothbrush.
  • Enchanted in a hot tub and rinse the stains with the help of household soap and coarse washcloth.

Also can help for laminate laminate:

  • Solvent for oil paints.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Gasoline, kerosene.
  • Scrubs.
  • Perfume.

What else can I use?

In order to be more convenient to rub the stain, you can use brushes for shoes, toothbrushes, washcloths or ordinary dishes washing sponges. The fresh pollution, the faster they will allocate. And how to wash green from the skin if the stains are old? Unfortunately, practically nothing. The greenflower penetrates deep into the skin cells, and only time or zealous rubbing will help with the help of all the above funds, but the pale hints on the green antiseptic will still remain.

How to remove green from other surfaces?

Very often, with careless handling of the Vlaschik, the greencraft can get not only on the hands, but also on the clothes, furniture items or floor. In this case, there are also a number of recommendations for laundering green spots, because to throw away your favorite things or live in an untidy room, I do not want anyone.

From clothing, carpets and soft furniture upholstery, diamond green is removed using high-quality bleach and stained fiftesers. Before using them, the surface needs to be blown, not swinging green. At the same time, it is always necessary to take into account the properties of materials and read the instructions for applying to the data. If the cloth is woolen, then you will have to use only soap solution and multiple washing under the jet of cold water.

Furniture and other wooden surfaces can be cleaned with an ordinary elastic. If the Zelenka managed to absorb, then it is necessary to get the remnants of the antiseptics with a napkin and start hardly rub the stains with the help of a solvent for oil paints, gasoline or ordinary acetone. It should be neat so as not to damage the furniture with these means. If the glossy surface is, it is worth using conventional detergents for washing dishes.

If the greenflower spilled onto linoleum or laminate, then it is possible to rub it with the same means as clothes. Alcohol solvents can also help with the addition of lemon juice.

Among familiar from childhood, antiseptic drugs, the honorable place occupies a solution of diamond greenery. A broken knee, abrasion, scratching necessarily underwent iodine or green. Now these funds also use. Sometimes, after that, bright spots remain on clothes, furniture, hands, which are not so easy to launder, drop or dismissed. But there are time-tested methods allowing to remove such pollution.

What are the stains from green from different surfaces

Neaxo-coal treatment of green often leads to the emergence of pollution in the most unexpected places - on hand, clothing, floor, bathroom, furniture. Green spots need to be removed quickly, since fresh contaminants are outlined easier than the solar.However, if they appeared on your things long ago, you can get rid of them from them.

Than you can drop the spots from the green: surface types and cleaner - table

Type of surface Means
Skin of hand
  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover;
  • petrol;
  • laundry soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • body Scrub.
  • alcohol;
  • facial scrub.
  • alcohol;
  • vodka with citric acid.
White cottonchlorine bleach
  • acetone;
  • alcohol.
Light and colored tissues x / b
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol.
Knitwear and other delicate fabricsalcohol
Synthetic materials
  • washing machine;
  • alcohol.
Wool productslaundry soap
Upholstered furniture and carpets (natural and synthetic)
  • washing powder;
  • stain remover for light upholstery;
  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • starch;
  • ammonia.
Parquet, laminate, linoleum
  • detergents;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • acetic acid with manganese;
  • soda;
  • alcohol.
Polished surfacesalcohol
Tile, sink and bath
  • alcohol;
  • liquid stain remover.
Plastic surface, refrigerator
  • alkaline soap;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • for white surfaces - cleaning agents with chlorine.
Rubber doll
  • alkaline soap;
  • toothpaste;
  • alcohol;
  • ultraviolet.
Wallpaper vinyl and phlizelin
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • starch.
Painted wallsalcohol
Products made of genuine leather, leatherette
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda.
  • alcohol;
  • toothpaste.

Green fell on the fingers, nails, hair or body: what to do

Sometimes green hits the hair, the skin of the hands and other parts of the human body. Especially often this happens in the treatment of children, patients with chickenpox, when rashes need to be lubricated by this medication.

How to wash hands

You can remove similar contaminants with solvents - liquids for removing varnish, gasoline, acetone.

  1. Moch your cotton swab in any of these substances.
  2. Wipe it contaminated areas of the hands.
  3. Wash your hands with soap.

It is suitable and an ordinary economic soap, which is worth using immediately after the appearance of pollution. The longer the greenery remains on the skin, the harder it is to remove the stains.

How to wash baby skin and face after windmill

No less effective to get rid of green spots on the skin, is alcohol. You need to moisten in it a cotton swab and gently wipe the contaminated area. Avoid hitting any cleansing agent on the mucous membranes.

If you got a wind inspiration, you should not resort to too intense effects on gentle skin, as this may cause persistent scars.

For children's skin it is better to use gentle methods of cleaning, for example, a household soap. It is also suitable for hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Moisten in the composition of the cotton disk.
  2. Wipe it contaminated body area.

This tool is completely harmless and can be applied to the skin repeatedly. However, its effect is very low.

How to quickly clean your hair from green

If the stains were on the hair, use alcohol or vodka with the addition of lemon in proportion 5: 1.

  1. Gently apply such a solution on strands of hair using a cotton swab.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, rinse the toile water.

To cleanse the skin after the windmill, this method is the use of alcohol and lemon juice - invalid.

How to get rid of the greenery that fell on clothes

Greens from T-shirts, shirts and other things from natural materials can be washed off by ordinary boiling water.

  1. Take any dishes convenient for you and tighten fabric to it with a stain.
  2. Then gently pour boiling water into pollution.
  3. After completion of the procedure, put the clothes in the usual way.

This option is ideal for removing stains from things of a newborn baby, as in this case, chemical compounds are not used, capable of harming the child's health. But not all types of fabrics can be cleaned with boiling water:

  • fibers of artificial materials under the influence of high temperatures are destroyed;
  • multicolored linen can lift.

How to wash White Cotton and Bed Linen, Kitchen Towels

If white cotton fabric (sheets, towels, t-shirts and other linen) suffered from greening, the chlorine bleach will help to cope with pollution. It is necessary to use it with great care, since such agents sometimes damage the structure of the tissue.

  1. Dilute bleach with water, guided by instructions on the package.
  2. Soak the evaporated thing in it by 2.5 hours.
  3. Fat the product in the usual way.

To purify light fabrics, you can also use hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Abundantly moist the cotton disk in this solution.
  2. Attach it to the evaporated area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric, wipe well.
  3. Wash the hydrogen peroxide together with the traces of pollution with clean water.

Removal of green with colored shirts, t-shirts, sheets

To eliminate spots from a multicolored tissue, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide, diluted with water in proportion 1: 2. It is necessary to apply this method with great accuracy, since under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, the material may be discouraged slightly.

Acetone Solvent for Denim Fabric

If the green fell on denim clothing, it is possible to use acetone to remove it.

  1. Soak in this substance your cotton disk.
  2. Moisten with its help the fan of the fabric.
  3. Purit well and wash the contamination with clean water.
  4. Put the product with economic soap.

What to clean delicate fabrics, synthetics and wool

If the product suffered from delicate tissue and knitwear from the green, it is possible to save it with any transparent composition based on alcohol, for example, ammonia.

  1. Treat pollution with a cotton disk, impregnated with the selected tool.
  2. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Put the product in the usual way.

When removing green spots from wool clothes, the use of bleach and chemical solvents is unacceptable. They are able to apply irreparable damage to the structure of the fibers. In this case, it is recommended to erase a thing manually using 75% of the household soap. Synthetic materials are enough to wash in the typewriter.

How to remove green spots from carpets

Washing powder is used to eliminate green spots: Colored surfaces are recommended to be treated with a margin of color, and light with bleaching substances.

  1. In warm water, spread the washing powder, whipping it into a thick foam.
  2. Apply it to the fan of the carpet.
  3. Throw pollution with a brush.
  4. Armed with a damp sponge, carefully remove the remains of foam from the coating.
  5. Repeat the procedure again.

This cleaning method is ideal for synthetic and natural carpets. If the contamination is delicate, it is advisable to use a stain remover or alcohol. If none of the methods helped, refer to the services of specialized dry cleaning.

How to Clean from Green Carpet - Video

How to remove greenery spots with upholstered furniture

If the green furniture suffered from the stains, the following means were used to remove them.

If the furniture with light upholstery suffered, to remove stains you can use the ammonia or ethyl alcohol, vodka.

How to clean the leather sofa and things from eco-skin, leatherette

To purify products from genuine leather, Dermantina, eco-tree can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and soda, haweded by vinegar directly on a contaminated area. Also fit alcohol-containing napkins intended for cleaning household appliances.

How to bring green from hard surfaces

Often, in the process of using greens falls on various solid surfaces, each of which has individual characteristics.


If the greenery accidentally sheds the floor covered with linoleum, the following actions must be taken.

  1. Use detergent:
    • on a rag moistened in water, apply a small amount of gel for dishes;
    • wipe the contaminated area;
    • wash the heat tool water; Wipe the surface of the linoleum dry.
  2. Use acetic acid and manganese:
    • 50 g of acetic acid mix with manganese (powder take on the tip of a spoon and dissolve in 1 tsp. Water);
    • soak the resulting cotton swab;
    • gently wipe the stain;
    • wash the pollution with warm water;
    • wipe dry surface.

Working with similar substances, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands with rubber gloves.
The dietary soda, applied to the stain and poured by vinegar, to get rid of green spots on linoleum. After completion of the reaction, the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth or a brush, removing the remains of soda.

Laminate and wooden parquet

If the laminate and parquet, the furniture made of angry wood suffered from the stains of the Zeryanka, for cleaning surfaces:

  • alcohol;
  • alkaline soap, which should be abundantly rubbed the stain;
  • cleaning powder applied to pollution for 30 minutes, after which it is recommended to wash off with a damp cloth.

Stained Spots on Natural Tree Items

If the greenery tightly entered into the structure of a natural tree, it is possible to correct the situation with surface grinding. Removing the top layer of parquet, you will automatically remove the contamination itself. If the halo from the green does not disappear, it is recommended to glue the wooden surface, after which it is again covered with varnish processed area.

Tile, sink, bath

Often, grain processing is produced in the bathroom. Inactive treatment of this tool can cause the formation of spots on a tile, sink. In such a situation, you can use alcohol-containing liquids or stain removal, as well as other cleaning agents intended for home plumbing.

How to remove green with tiles - video

Plastic Plastic Tables

If the greenery turned out to be on plastic surfaces, cleaning agents will help it, which contains chlorine. However, they can only wash the plastic products from plastic. For colored plastics, you can use alkaline soap, alcohol napkin, gasoline, washing powder and kerosene. These funds are effective only when removing fresh green spots. With their help, you can also save the surface of the refrigerator from such contaminants.

Green on the doll

Sometimes the beloved children's dolls suffer from greens, especially after the game in the "Doctor". Remove similar contaminants with plastic dolls will help agents intended for plastic cleaning. If the toy is rubber, use other methods.

  1. Fresh stain from green can be wiped with a cleaning agent Domestos.
  2. It is necessary to work in this case in gloves, since the components of this composition are very aggressive.
  3. After the processing is completed, the toy must be thoroughly flushed using a soap solution and wanted a dry cloth.

In some cases, the position will help the position of whiteness, but it sometimes leaves ugly divorces on the body. You can also try to rain green with alcohol or toothpaste. But if after such procedures, the spot remained at the same place, put a doll in the sun for several hours: ultraviolet discolores stains.

Green on the walls and wallpaper

If the green fell on the painted walls, get rid of the stains will help all the same alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

  • apply the selected tool into the place of pollution;
  • leave for 2-3 hours;
  • wash off with water.

So you can clean and vinyl or flieslinic wallpapers. If the green fell on paper wallpaper, they will have to translate them. No less effective to remove such spots on the walls is the food soda.

If the green fell on the walls covered with white water-free paint, it is possible to remove it with alcohol. Watching surfaces to clean up in this way, unfortunately, will not work. In this case, it will have to use a mechanical method - scraping the upper coating layer and re-plain.

Green on the car

Some drivers who have a habit of parking their cars in the wrong places are often faced with the revenge of passersby, generously represented by the "iron horses" with green. You can get rid of such contaminants with a toothpaste or alcohol.

Video: How to remove green from various surfaces

Taking advantage of simple and proven methods, you can remove fresh green spots from various surfaces. This work will take less time and forces than the destruction of the solar pollution. Be careful, using a green, try to avoid the appearance of new stains.

In many families, the panacea from all the troubles and the Zelenka remained. All would be nothing if it were so securely not entrusted to the skin and any other surface! With this antiseptic agent, most of us get acquainted in the maternity hospital (green navel). Little changes during childhood (the consequences of the windmill), adolescence (turquoise knees) and adolescence (various parts of the body are joined to the knees). Therefore, the question is how to tip the green from the skin, at all times it remains relevant. And how many problems from uncomfortable bottles with a wide neck! One awkward movement of hands - and all the contents instantly turns out to be on clothes, furniture, floor! What to do and how to wash green disgrace?

In this article:

To linse the green leather ...

You can do nothing at all! Spots from the skin of the hands will come together in a few days. Work of the sebaceous glands, washing dishes, wash will do its job! And she still burns out on the sun.

You do not have any time, and you urgently need to wash the green? Remember: the more you slow down, the stronger the cunning antiseptic absorbs into the surface! What is the secret of such resistance? The main component of the solution of the green - aniline diamond, with which various dyes make.

  • Wipe pollution with a slice of lemon, unless you have allergies for citrus.
  • Fresh traces Try to tip alcohol or cologne. For a better effect, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on your cotton swab, then moisten it with an alcohol-containing agent.
  • Quickly linnet from the hands, green can be liquid for removing varnish.
  • Moisten the contaminated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with warm water, spread the scrub. For a few seconds, massage and wash. Loosen the solar spot from the first time will not always work. Try another milk for removing makeup or fat cream for hands.

To launder the green after the windmill ...

Take advantage of hydrogen peroxide. This liquid does not burn and absolutely harmless to the delicate skin of the baby. Moch your cotton disk and wipe the right places.

Lubricate green dots baby cream, and after 10-15 minutes, try to wash with the help of children's soap and shampoo.

Askorbinic acid tablet grind and dissolve in a small amount of warm water. Moisten a cotton disk, wipe the skin of the child. After such a procedure, slip the crumb under the shower.

To linen the greenfly from the fabric and wallpaper ...

Moisten the "spot of chagrin" hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. After a couple of hours, the stain will disappear. This method is suitable not only for fabric, but also for vinyl and flieslinic wallpaper.

Sprinkle a stain with food soda, moisten with acetic solution (on 100 ml of water, add a teaspoon of vinegar). There will be a reaction and "eating" the green.

Upholstery fabric Treat the ammonia, wipe the napkin. To save the wallpaper, use very carefully!

Sprinkle the "crime scene" with a cashis from the water and starch. The mixture should dry. Starch remnants remove the washcloth.

To wash the floor from the greenstone ...

  • First, remove the whole moisture with a dry cloth from the linoleum. Immediately wash the surface with warm water with detergent for dishes. Pollution should leave.
  • At the wet floor, put a little cleaning powder, carefully wrap and leave for the 30 minutes. Solve several times with clean water so that there are no white divorces.
  • If you discovered old spots, heave the benzine or kerosene rags, put it on the contaminated area of \u200b\u200bthe linoleum. After 10 minutes, remove and wash the surface with soap solution.
  • Use acetone. Moisten a soft rag in the agent and spend pollution. Remove the residues of the solvent with a linoleum soapy water.
  • Pour a little oxygen bleach, sprinkle with water. After half an hour, clean the soft brush, wash.
  • If still failed to completely remove the stain from the linoleum, pard the patience: over time it will go away.

Zelenka is an indispensable antiseptic that helps the rapid healing of wounds in everyday life. He is in every first-aid kit. When a child fell, a kneel broke, an adult broke or cut, a solution was used. Many have come across the situation when it is necessary to unwind a firmly sealed bubble with an antiseptic. And during this process, you will definitely be stained not only your finger, skin, and clothes, furniture or tablecloth on the festive table. And then there is a thought: "Oh, this greenflower, how to wash off to get rid of unexpected troubles?!"

Unpleasant situation

Remove the stains of the diamond solution instantly will not work. If you do not fundamentally, how quickly the green color will disappear, then you can wait, with time, the stains will get through the sunny rays (this concerns the skin of the face, body).

But let's say you can't wait. How to quickly wash the greenstone then? After all, I do not want to go to work in this form, or you need to do something with furniture or clothing. It is not hoped for "maybe it will come out", do not wait for help from the sun, but try to take measures to help cope with the problem.

Zelenka: what to wash it off from the face of the child and adult?

It all depends on the type of skin. For example, if children's or sensitive skin is categorically not suitable for alcohol and chlorine-containing. After all, there are situations in which the baby was sick with a windmill, in connection with which it is necessary to remove the effects from the skin, or a small child accidentally poured the contents of the bottle on itself and the surrounding items. It is bad for the green on the head (on the hair part), so do not wait for the diamond solution to dry, act immediately.

Effective methods

How is it removed from her body on the face of Karapuz and adult?

  1. Children's cream will help to lighten the emerald stains. Apply a thin layer and leave the cream smeared for about an hour, not more, then take a bath with shampoo. Take advantage of wash with washcloth, pull the specks with gentle movements.
  2. Vitamin C powders or tablets. Dissolve it in a small amount of water so that there is a pasty structure. Next, your cotton disc should be applied to the green plot and rub. Pre-moisten in acidic water (lemon or apple vinegar juice). Next is the adoption of a warm bath with a washcloth and shampoo.
  3. Provided that the kid / adult is not allergic, you can wipe the lemon with skin or sorrel juice. These natural components give a positive result, if applied instantly, immediately after trouble associated with the greenfront.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide - gentle skin gentle. Moisten a cotton disk or cloth them and spend green traces. After it is necessary to wash warm water with the addition of soap. By the way, if there is water procedures with it during the day, then the specks from the diamond solution will be faded.

Clean the spots from the body

How to wash off green from the body? Alcohol tinctures or vodka will ideally cope with the task. It is only necessary to periodically repeat rubbing, the traces will gradually be brightened. For a faster effect, add lemon juice.

If you are not afraid of the action and smell of chlorks, you can try it. It is necessary to moisten a cotton disk and intensively rub the stain. Act quickly, since the bleach causes an unbearable feeling of burning. Therefore, rubbed and washed away with plenty of water with soap.

The tonic for cleansing the skin can cope with annoying green, but in stages, not immediately. Moch them the mob or cloth and apply to the emerald trail, do, then rinse with water.

How to wash the green from the face? Soap is economic - one of the helpers able to cope with this problem. But you do not need to rub the body with a piece of soap. Just wash your hands and do something like a saturated foam. It should be labeled in diamond-affected parts of the body.

We remove stains from furniture and clothes

How can I wash the green from clothes and furniture? With fabric, emerald stains are mainly derived with the use of bleach or stained fiftesers (like Vanish). First dispense the bleach on the green spot, then soak with a "white" and comprehend with a washing powder. But keep in mind that the chlorine on the fabric will leave white spots, carefully use it in order not to spoil the thing.

Do not hope that the marks from the greenstock will disappear for one wash, you will need several stages so that you can sigh with relief. Even on white cloth, the stains will be eliminated, but it is necessary to make efforts - to lose, caustize and repeat two or five times.

Children or any fat cream will be able to resist the solution to the diamond, due to its properties, they split the structure of the greenstone. You must first apply the composition with a thick layer on clothing or fabric. Next should be left for half an hour, then rinse with the use of washing agent.

other methods

With a soft or tissue upholstery of furniture, remove the emerald stains can be removed by applying acetone, gasoline or kerosene. But remember that after their use in the room there will be an unpleasant smell.

Napkins, which are cleared of a computer monitor, is one of the effective means of combating the greenfront. Try to get into the cloth first, then post the usual way.

Food soda is a universal assistant for all occasions. It must be dissolved in warm water in proportions: 2 tablespoons by 0.5 liters of water. Moisten a rag in the solution and spend the green space intensively.

Furniture with soft upholstery can be cleaned of emerald spots using ordinary water and potato starch. Connect the two components so that it turns out the paste, and apply it on the fabric. Let dry. Clean water. If necessary, repeat again.


Now you know howlanka is removed than washed it away, we pointed out in the article. The solution is a diamond green alcohol - an excellent and necessary means that helps speed up the healing process of wound healing and human recovery. Without him, the everyday life is unthinkable, in which there are diseases, bruises, cuts, etc. If you not only applied an antiseptic to the wounder, but also accidentally poured clothes, furniture or dirted yourself, do not be scared. Everything is fixable.