Than they washed their hair in the old days. Hair care, as in the old days: what our ancestors washed their hair with. Colorless henna for strengthening and hair growth

In the daily hustle and bustle, few people think about why a person needs hair. And our ancestors betrayed hair of great importance. If you want to have healthy and beautiful hair, read the secrets of our ancestors in this article.

Hair performs several very important functions for a person:

1) Firstly, hair is a kind of "antenna" that receives cosmic energy.

2) Secondly, the hair acts as a battery. They store energy. The personal strength of a person. A person with long hair has better intuition. A woman with long hair carries a child WITHOUT toxicosis.

3) Thirdly, hair keeps the memory of a person. A person who has experienced a very great grief is advised to get a haircut. And for the same reason, under no circumstances should you cut small children's hair. There is a belief that a child must be cut bald at the age of one. This is sheer nonsense. A child actively learns the world, learns every second of his life, and you just take and cut off all his memory. He starts learning from the beginning. On the face of a lag in development. Why do girls tend to develop faster? Because they are usually not trimmed. It has been proven that children who have not had their hair cut grow much faster.

Delicate baby hair performs quite serious functions in the first years of life, they feed the child with cosmic energy. Yes, besides, by re-emitting it, they create a strong protective field around the organism that has not yet grown strong.

Children under 12 did NOT have their hair trimmed. Trimming the ends of the hair to a length of no more than one nail in young people over 14 years of age was done in order to make the hair grow faster, and this act could be performed only on the days of the new moon.

In the old days they didn't cut their hair. A woman with short hair was considered disgraced, and among all nations. Even the men didn't cut their hair. It was customary for some peoples to cut men's hair, but note that haircuts were far from short.

The commandment of God Svarog says: “Do not cut your fair hair, your hair is different, but with gray hair, for you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and lose your health.”

Hair can't be dyed

We all studied physics at school. The color of objects arises mainly in the process of absorption of waves. The red vessel looks red because it absorbs all other colors of the light beam and reflects only red. When we say "this cup is red", what we really mean is that the molecular composition of the surface of the cup is such that it absorbs all light rays except red ones.

So, your hair has a certain color, as we know, there are no pure colors, the shades of hair are varied and very complex. Based on the foregoing, hair absorbs energy flows from a certain wavelength. And exactly the energy that your body needs. What happens when you color your hair? Your body begins to receive energy alien to it. And what is the result? That's right, disease. So women, think a hundred times whether it is worth painting over gray hair, does it spoil you so much. By the way, French women, who are considered the ideal of style and taste, never painted over their gray hair.

Do you know that the average hair length for a woman is to the buttocks? And what about a normal one, capable of providing her with the necessary supply of energy - up to her knees?

A woman with long hair has such a powerful energy that she is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man, to protect him with her energy from any troubles.

By the way, a husband receives protection from his wife when he combs her hair. The Slavs had such a tradition.

A woman could let her hair down only at home or in nature. For the simple reason that loose hair (and even more so, cut hair) absorbs all the negative energy. Including the lustful thoughts of men. Imagine a girl who has had short hair all her childhood. And why is everyone surprised when she grows up and hits fornication. And you imagine how much vulgarity she absorbed in her entire life, so why be surprised.

The braid flew into the girls, it was located along the spine and it was believed that all the light Universal forces pass through the hair into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with special vitality, preparing her for the future Sacred mission of motherhood. She symbolized the unification of the vital forces of the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. A married woman braided 2 braids in order to receive energy for herself and for her unborn child. So that the braids do not interfere with work, they were collected in a bundle, or put away under a scarf ...

It should be added that the hair that fell out during scratching should not be thrown on the floor or on the ground, because you can deprive yourself of the vitality that Mother Nature, the Heavenly Gods and the Great Ancestors of our Clans give us. Therefore, from generation to generation, the ancient Wisdom is passed down so that the hair is burned or tied to a young fruit tree so that the hair grows well and is strong like a tree.

What is the best way to wash your hair

Our Ancestors did not use shampoos, and washed their hair once a week, while the hair was thick, healthy, did not split or fall out. Here is a whole article about natural hair shampoos. Here we present just a few:

mustard powder. It is mixed 50x50 with soda, diluted to a state of sour cream and applied to wet hair. If you have oily hair, you can leave the mixture on your hair for a couple of minutes, if dry, rinse immediately. Mustard is very degreasing, so you can make a mask of burdock oil before washing. You can also add coarse rye flour to this mixture.

Hair can be washed egg yolk. Beat the yolks, apply to damp hair, distribute evenly. But there is a little trick here. It is necessary to wash off the egg yolk gradually, adding a little water and “blurring” the yolk.

And of course, no one canceled soap. Best of all - economic, its composition is absolutely natural.

Wash your hair too alkali. So they did in our village, a bucket of ash, filled with water, insisted. Then they took a ladle of this infusion and added it to clean water, washed their hair in it, and by the way, they washed themselves when there was no soap.

After washing, it is very useful to rinse the hair with decoctions of herbs: burdock, chamomile, nettle.

Naturally, combing your hair is very beneficial, it improves blood circulation and, as a result, hair nutrition and growth. It is better to comb your hair with natural combs: bristle or wooden.

Dear women, do not dye or cut your hair - this is your wealth!

You probably also asked yourself this question more than once: what did our ancestors wash their hair with when shampoo had not yet been invented?

And after all, everyone had long, beautiful and healthy hair. Of course, ecology used to be incomparable with the present time, and people ate exclusively natural products.

Hair washes were also natural:

Ash - lye was prepared on its basis. To do this, they took wood ash, mainly birch or aspen, and poured it with warm water. They insisted and washed their hair with this infusion.

Clay was used for this purpose.

Soap root was widely used in Russia, from which a decoction was brewed.

An excellent hair wash, which is still used for hair care today, is rye bread. It is soaked in water and the resulting slurry is applied to the hair, left for a while to act, and then washed off with water.

Eggs were also used to wash hair.

Another useful nutrient for washing hair is fermented milk products: kefir. curdled milk, whey, ayran. They were especially popular, and remain to this day in Central Asia.

In different countries, hair washing products were different, and this is not surprising, because culture and customs, as well as the surrounding nature, were different.

  • For example, in India, hair was washed with mixture of coconut milk and black pepper.
  • In Egypt, they made a paste-like mixture with the addition of clay and ash, which was perfectly lathered.
  • The Arabs used various oils, incense and ashes.

They rinsed their hair with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Many folk recipes that came to us from antiquity have found their application in the manufacture of modern shampoos.

You might be interested to know:

  • What are the pros and cons of dry shampoo?
  • Lots of dandruff when using dandruff shampoo

Our Ancestors were well aware of the properties of herbs that give beauty to hair. They did just fine without the chemicals in the bottle.

Modern hair products deplete the hair. They contain chemical components that harm the structure of the hair, scalp and health. The task of corporations producing "magic" hair products is to create an ever-growing market. And for this, all means are good ... But these means are not good for us and for our hair. Therefore, the clearer the composition of the shampoo, the better. Choose natural shampoos, which include only natural ingredients. Making your own homemade shampoos is easy enough.

SOAP broth.
Soap 200 g pour two liters of water and boil for half an hour. In this decoction, wash your hair without soap and shampoo, rinse with plain water, and even better - infusion of chamomile, if the hair is light, and a decoction of oak bark - if dark.

Take 4-6 pieces of black bread (depending on the length of the hair), put a stack in a container, pour boiling water and leave overnight.
Or a similar recipe for oily hair: pour 150 g of rye bread with boiling water. Porridge "soap" the head, hold for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse hair thoroughly with water. To give a beautiful shine, they are rinsed with an infusion of birch leaves.

½ cup kefir, beat 2 egg yolks until foamy and wash your hair.
It is very useful to wash your hair with serum.

Beat two egg yolks and dilute them in 200 ml of warm water. Apply along the length of the hair, and then rinse with water.

Pour 1 tablespoon of tansy with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strained infusion wash hair without soap for a month. This remedy is used to eliminate dandruff.

Lye is a consistency of ash infused with water. Unlike various detergents sold in stores, this is a completely natural substance!
Washing hair with ashes is one of the ancient remedies used by our great-grandmothers. You can use them on occasion. Dilute a glass of wood ash with water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to wet hair with massaging movements of the hands. After washing your hair with warm water, rinse them with acidified water.
Properly diluted lye can wash both the head and the body.
As a shampoo, it is good to use decoctions of herbs: chamomile, calamus, nettle, from the rhizomes of burdock and tansy. The herbs were poured with water and boiled for 30-35 minutes, then cooled for about 15 minutes, but not until completely cooled. A warm decoction was applied to the head.

MUSTARD SHAMPOO (for oily hair)
Mustard shampoo-mask was prepared as follows. They took 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard powder was diluted with kefir to the consistency of sour cream. Added 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk. The resulting mixture washed the head like a shampoo.

They also used shampoo made from oatmeal, which was steamed. Then they added a spoonful of honey and one egg yolk to it. Apply to hair and wash off after a while.

Pour pea flour prepared with a coffee grinder with warm water. Let it brew overnight. Then apply the gruel to your hair and leave this mask for thirty minutes. The pea mixture will remove all the dirt and oil from the hair, and after rinsing the mask, you do not have to use shampoo.

Put 1 teaspoon of soda with a slide in a mug of warm water (250 ml).
As soon as you wet your hair with a solution, foam appears. You wash your hair with an “individual” shampoo, then rinse your hair with water.
The composition of the grease is individual for each, which means that the composition of the resulting “shampoo” is different for each.

RECIPES for hair strengthening and growth

4 tablespoons of chopped flax grass, pour 0.5 liters of milk and boil for 5 minutes, strain. Rinse your hair with decoction.

1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. The resulting decoction moisten the hair and scalp 1 time per day.

eyebright officinalis
2 tablespoons of chopped herbs in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain.
A decoction of herbs is used to wash the head 3-4 times a week to improve hair growth.

Infusion of herbs (40 g of raw materials per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour) rub into the scalp 1 time per day.

1 st. pour a spoonful of dry, powdered nettle leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, strain and apply immediately: moisten the hair or their roots without wiping with a towel. Infusion improves hair growth, strengthens them, eliminates dandruff.

To strengthen hair and stimulate their growth, add honey to warm boiled water (40 ° C) (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Moisten the head with honey water or rub it into the scalp 2 times a week. It strengthens the hair and promotes its growth.

Boil 3 handfuls of husk for 5-10 minutes in 2 liters of water, strain. They wash their hair with a decoction (once a week), after which the hair is rinsed with a decoction of willow bark, rhizome and burdock roots (4 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water).

INfusion of nettle and coltsfoot
Rubbing infusion of nettle and coltsfoot
3 tablespoons of dried herbs, taken in equal amounts, pour 1 liter of hot water and infuse for 30-40 minutes, filter and immediately apply. Sometimes the infusion is made stronger by pouring the same amount of grass with less water.
Infusion of herbs impregnate the roots of clean hair 1-2 times a week.
You can use young leaves of plants.

Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with a small amount of warm water, the consistency is sour cream. Apply to hair, wash off after 2-3 minutes.

Today, in order to care for hair, thousands of different products have been invented. Each of them has its own purpose, for example, cream-shampoo for smoothness and shine, shampoo after painting, etc. And what did they wash their hair with in ancient times, because shampoo is not even 150 years old.

Until the 8th century, clay, ashes, herbal infusions, and oils were used to wash the hair. In the 8th century, soap was invented by the Arabs, which quickly spread throughout the world.

The peoples of Central Asia used lactic acid products to wash their hair. Even today, they are used in the preparation of masks and shampoos that help strengthen hair. Traditional medicine advises rinsing hair with serum to give it shine and softness.

In ancient Egypt, a special paste was prepared, to which ash was added to degrease hair. Such a tool cost a lot of money, so it was the privilege of the rich. Ordinary people sprinkled ashes on their heads.

Hindus used coconut milk to wash their hair, which was mixed with hot pepper.

In Russia, they washed their hair with birch ash, and rinsed it with all kinds of herbal decoctions. To keep the hair soft, use a serum to rinse.

In many nations, the roots of the soapwort were used, which the people called the "soap horse".

And then came 1903. Year of birth of the first powder shampoo. More than twenty years later, the world received another wonderful discovery - liquid shampoo. With his appearance, women breathed more freely, because now it has become much easier and more pleasant to take care of their braids.

More than a hundred years have passed since the discovery of shampoo. And now on the shelves of our stores we can see hundreds of multi-colored bottles, each of which contains a familiar, but such an indispensable tool for us - shampoo.

Cream shampoo koumiss, shampoo-conditioner for weakened hair, shampoo against hair loss, dandruff ... All this is available to each of us, it remains only to make the right choice.

When you are expecting a child, you are most afraid of harming him somehow, so you start to think not only about what you eat, but also about what gets on your skin, and through your skin into your blood. Including - about cosmetics and means for washing. Are they really harmless?

Or maybe it’s better to turn to the experience of ancestors and try natural skin and hair care products? Many of them are really effective and useful. True, fuss with them a lot. I know from experience.

In my school years, I had a huge, luxurious braid: all the girls were jealous. Both my mother and my grandmother also had braids, which in those days - in the 80s - was, in general, a rarity. And the thing is that women in our family have been caring for hair for decades according to the great-grandmother's recipe: they made a decoction of black bread and a decoction of chamomile, insisted on both for a day, then warmed it up, sifted through two layers of gauze. A decoction of black bread foamed beautifully, they washed their hair. Chamomile decoction was rinsed.

By the way, we ourselves collected chamomile in the summer at the dacha and harvested it for the future, until spring.

Sometimes they made a mask from a beaten egg, from which the hair shone beautifully.

And never, ever use store-bought shampoo!

Only on vacation, in the south, where you can’t drag two huge old pots with you, specially stored for making bread and herbal broth: shampoo was bought there, of course. But shampoos then were not too good: the hair from them became thinner and tangled. There was no temptation to use the always foaming liquid from the tube. Especially when you consider the difference in the result: what lush, shiny hair after bread with chamomile, and what dull, dull hair after shampoo.

In the early 90s, we had on sale the creations of French and German cosmetologists, superbly foaming, wonderfully fragrant, leaving hair fresh, light and shiny. And my mother and I fell victim to progress, we became too lazy to make decoctions, preferring to squeeze a little mother-of-pearl gel from a beautiful bottle into the palm of our hand, and then smear our hair with conditioner - it was really easier to comb after it than after chamomile or nettle.

Shampoos with conditioners really saved our time. But my hair gradually got worse, the braid got thinner, and then I completely got rid of it. Now I wear a short haircut and look with envy at old portraits: oh, what magnificent hair women had in those days when shampoos did not exist yet! Yes, and I look at my own youthful photographs with surprise: is this braid really mine? And I dealt with it?

I wash my bobbed hair every morning when I shower.

And women in Russia washed their hair with braids once a week, when they went to the bathhouse. But they washed thoroughly, prepared several herbal decoctions. Chamomile - for blond hair, nettle - for dark hair, mint - for freshness, oak - for hair strength, infusion of linden flowers - from falling out, burdock roots - from dandruff, and from a decoction of steamed birch branches, hair became fluffy.

It must be said that our ancestors were cleaner than the ancestors of Europeans: their hair was washed no more than once a month, and not with herbs, but with a mixture of soap powder and ash. True, they were combed out twice a day with a fine comb made of bone or horn, which made it possible to clean them of fat.

Wealthy women both in Europe and in Russia used beaten eggs to wash their hair: they were applied to their heads, held for a while, then foamed with water. After the egg mask, the hair remained silky and soft. For rinsing, they used water with lemon juice or vinegar - this gave the hair shine.

The first shampoo that went on sale was “dry”, that is, it consisted of a mixture of the same powder, but no longer with vulgar ash, but with crushed herbs brought from India. In general, the word “shampoo” itself comes from the Indian shampo, which in Hindi means “massage”, “rub”. It entered the English language at a time when the British were actively developing the colonies, and, despite their contempt for the local "savages", they could not help but pay attention to how magnificent the hair of the Indians was. And the fact that the locals wash their hair quite often, and before washing they rub aromatic oils into the roots, then - gruel from crushed herbs, and then rinse with fragrant water infused with flowers ...

The first liquid, highly foaming and high-quality cleansing shampoo was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by a German: the pharmacist Hans Schwarzkopf, the founder of a well-known cosmetic brand. At first, he supplied liquid hair soap only to hairdressers, the new Schaumpoon product appeared on the general market in 1919.

Hair coloring was first thought about during the Renaissance.

In ancient Egypt, both men and women shaved their heads baldly with copper razors: noble ladies had natural hair wigs imitating a complex hairstyle with gold threads woven into them.

In ancient Greece, they cherished the beauty of natural hair, nourished it with olive oil and beaten eggs, hid it from the sun under linen bedspreads, but they had not yet guessed about dyeing it.

The ancient Romans were almost as fond of wigs as the Egyptians. True, they did not shave their heads and cared very much about the beauty of natural hair, but sometimes a luxurious and original wig was a detail of a festive outfit - red, blond or woven from heavy black braids. Hair for wigs was brought from the conquered lands: red hair from Gaul, blond hair from Germany, and thick black ones were the most expensive - they were bought in Asia. In the Middle Ages, beautiful ladies hid their bodies under a spacious, dense and multi-layered robe, their hair under a complex headdress.

And only in the Renaissance, when female beauty was no longer treated as a devilish temptation, and the body as a sinful vessel, when beauty was recognized as a gift of God, deserving of worship, and beautiful female bodies appeared in the paintings of all outstanding painters, - hair , loose on the shoulders or braided in braids, laid in helical curls, lush and shiny, became one of the objects of worship.

A mandatory touch for the beauty of that time was the golden shade of hair. “The hair is thin and blond, like either gold or honey, shining like the rays of the sun, curly, thick and long, scattered over the shoulders in waves,” Agostino Nifo wrote in his “Treatise on Beauty and Love” in 1539. The combination of golden hair and black eyes was considered absolutely beautiful.

The ladies learned how to lighten their hair: they soaked their hair with an infusion of saffron and lemon, and those who were poorer - those with a decoction of chamomile, sat down at noon on the balcony and hung their hair in the sun, while covering their faces with a thick cloth. The operation was repeated many times, it took a lot of time, but the rich ladies had plenty of time, and the hair gradually acquired a golden hue without much damage to their owner.

Henna and basma, sometimes brought by merchants from Arab countries, were not particularly popular in Europe: it was not known that they strengthen hair, and the colors resulting from dyeing were not considered beautiful and noble. The real popularity of henna and basma among Europeans - and Americans! - received only in the 60s of the twentieth century, when the hippie culture made everything that comes from the east fashionable. And natural hair dyes as well.

Artificial hair dyes appeared for the first time in the 19th century, but even then manufacturers could not achieve the durability of dyes: the dye was easily washed off, dyed hair stained everything they touched. Only in the 20s of the twentieth century, the well-known company L’Oreal released the first permanent hair dyes: only three colors - for blondes, brunettes and redheads. But this was already a revolution in the culture of hair care! Then new manufacturing companies and new shades were created, paints became more and more resistant, but until recently it was not possible to make them less harmful so that they do not spoil the hair and do not harm health.

Only at the beginning of the 21st century, in the wake of the general enthusiasm for “biocosmetics”, shampoos appeared completely on a natural basis, with practically no preservatives in the composition, and hair dye, which even pregnant women can use. So, if there is no time and energy for decoctions, you can go the other way - to understand the composition of the funds that you buy, and use only the most useful and safe ones.

Although still nothing can be compared with real herbs in terms of effectiveness ...

Just look at the old portraits.

Zinaida Umnyakova for Sweetstyle

Aromatherapy for hair

There are different ways to influence the scalp with essential oils. For example, enriching your regular shampoo with aromatic oils.

To stimulate hair growth - add 2 drops of rosemary oil, 4 lemon and 7 drops of eucalyptus to 100 ml of shampoo.

To eliminate dandruff - in 100 ml of shampoo, enter 5 drops of lavender, geranium and sandalwood.

To restore dyed hair - for 100 ml of shampoo, take 1 drop of geranium oil, 1 - lemon, 2 - lavender, 2 - eucalyptus.

For dry scalp - 250 ml - 2 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of geranium.

This shampoo actively stimulates hair growth.

For combination hair (oily at the roots, dry at the ends) - add 2 drops of lavender, rosemary and rosewood oils to 100 ml of shampoo.

Aroma oils can be moistened with a comb when combing hair. For this, a mixture of 1 teaspoon of water (even better - a decoction of herbs) and two drops of essential oil is suitable. For dry hair, lavender, orange, tangerine, myrrh, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang oils will benefit. For fatty - lemon balm, pine, sage, tea tree, bergamot, ginger, verbena will be useful and pleasant.

The same compositions can be used to rinse the entire hair after shampooing.

Folk hair care products

People have tried to preserve the beauty of their hair at all times, and not just with the advent of industrial cosmetics. Therefore, traditional medicine has many recipes for hair care: paints, masks, conditioners.

Our grandmothers used the following tools to give their hair the desired shade:

A decoction of chamomile will give the hair a golden hue. To do this, 100 g of flowers are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 30-40 minutes, the infusion is filtered and the hair is abundantly moistened with it.

A magnificent chestnut tint can give hair a tincture of walnuts. It is necessary to take 50 ml of water, 75 ml of olive oil, 25 g of alum and 15 g of crushed walnuts. The mixture should be held over low heat, cooled and lubricated with hair.

You can get rid of gray hair by using a decoction of onion peel. To do this, it must be boiled until a dark brown color is obtained, cooled and regularly moistened with plenty of hair with it.

Lemon juice is used to lighten hair. The juice of 1 lemon is diluted with a glass of water and moistened with plenty of hair. Lemon juice also adds shine to hair. However, this conditioner should not be used on dry and brittle hair.

To lighten the hair and become more shiny, use a decoction consisting of a mixture of equal amounts of chamomile, sunflower and barberry flowers. The mixture is poured with boiling water, infused for about 1 hour, filtered and added to the water to rinse the head.

Masks for hair health:

Mask for normal hair care

A mixture of herbs: chamomile, linden, nettle Pour boiling water over a mixture of herbs. For 200 ml of water: - 1 tablespoon of chamomile, - 1 tablespoon of linden, - 1 tablespoon of nettle. After half an hour, drain the composition, add liquid vitamins A, B1, B12, E (in oil) and crumble rye bread crusts into the liquid. After 15 minutes, apply the mass to the hair and leave under the film for 1-1.5 hours. For convenience, tie a napkin around your head. Rinse with plenty of running water.

Mask for dry hair

Burdock oil hair mask: 1 tablespoon of burdock (or olive) oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of cognac. Mix and apply the mask to your hair. Hold under the film for 2-3 hours, and rinse well with shampoo.

Oily hair mask recipes

Infusion for hair from nettle and calendula: 2 tablespoons of nettle, 2 tablespoons of flower calendula, 1 tablespoon of oak bark. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and rinse the hair with the composition over the basin several times. You do not need to use ordinary water after the procedure.

Folk mask recipe for blond hair care

1 tbsp chamomile and the same amount of rosemary pour 150-200 ml of vodka. Pour into a dark glass bottle and place in a dark, warm place. Shake the bottle every day. After 2 weeks, strain the tincture through cheesecloth, pour into a clean bottle and close tightly. 2 times a week before going to bed, wipe the scalp with a soft toothbrush dipped in tincture.

Folk mask recipe for dark hair care

After washing, rinse your hair with the following decoction: pour a handful of tartar and hops into 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes, then strain and cool.

Folk recipes for hair masks for dandruff

For dry dandruff, it is recommended to massage with castor and olive (or sunflower) oil (1 tablespoon each) 20-30 minutes before shampooing, adding the juice of half a lemon. Rub the finished mask with your fingertips into the scalp and hair. For oily dandruff, 30 minutes before washing your hair, apply a mask of honey, castor oil, aloe and lemon juices, taken in equal amounts, to the scalp. You can add 2 crushed garlic cloves.

Folk recipes for masks for hair loss

Apply salt to a clean head along the partings and cover with a film for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat every time after shampooing for 6-10 days. Linden prevents hair loss: 8 tbsp. lime flowers pour 500 ml of water and boil for 20 minutes.

Aloe hair mask

Mix together 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, egg yolk and one minced garlic clove. Rub this mixture into the roots of your hair and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your hair with infusion of chamomile or nettle. It is recommended to do this mask five times in a row before washing your hair.

Split hair repair mask

If the hair is thin and split, then half an hour before washing, you need to rub fresh cabbage juice into the scalp. It strengthens the hair and gives it a beautiful shine. In case of hair loss, before washing your head, it is recommended: - rub aloe juice into the hair roots. It has the properties of a biogenic stimulant. - Mix 2 egg yolks with the juice of half a lemon, add a few drops of burdock oil. Spread this mixture on the scalp and leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse well with warm water with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar. The procedure is performed every 8 days. - 4 tbsp. spoons of birch leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain and rub into the scalp after each hair wash.

Other hair mask recipes

Nourishing mask:

For hair care, burdock oil can be prepared: 1 part of fresh chopped burdock roots is infused for a day in 3 parts of sunflower or almond oil, boiled for 10-15 minutes, stirring often, defended and filtered. Burdock oil prepared in this way gives a beautiful shine to the hair, accelerates their growth, serves as good nutrition for the roots, and destroys dandruff.

To strengthen your hair, use the following mask:

A decoction of burdock roots for 10-20 g of dry chopped roots, brew in a glass of boiling water, cook for 10-15 minutes on low heat, leave for 5 minutes. Used for dandruff, itching and oily seborrhea. Rub into hair roots or rinse hair with it 2-3 times a week