Why are cats dangerous for pregnant women? Why pregnant cats should not be stroked and what threats exist

The myth that a domestic cat must be isolated from a pregnant woman is based on the fact that our purring friends are very often carriers of a microorganism dangerous to human health - Toxoplasma. However, it does not take into account the possibility that our own body has already managed to come close to a dangerous microbe in its life, and therefore did not fail to reliably protect itself from it. To understand this issue, you need to find out what kind of microbe it is that can deliver so many troubles to a person and his furry pets.

Is the fear of getting infected from "our smaller brothers" so justified? Can pregnant women keep a cat in the house? Most often, concerns are raised by the likelihood that the animal is a potential source of the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. Indeed, the infection of a woman with this disease during gestation is fraught with tremendous danger. A miscarriage is not the worst thing that can happen. It is more terrible if a defective child is born, a cripple. This is really a disaster for the whole family for life. Given the unpleasant chance of getting a lot of problems from the neighborhood of their beloved kitty, people are trying in every way to get rid of the animal in the house. But in fact, this should not be in a hurry. If the infection of pregnant women with toxoplasmosis from pets were really so inevitable and widespread, then half of humanity would now move in wheelchairs. Fortunately, for a really dangerous situation to arise for a woman and her future offspring, a fatal combination of many circumstances is needed.

Firstly, if a cat has been living with you for a long time and has had time to get sick with toxoplasmosis, then most likely you yourself have suffered this disease (and its symptoms are very minor, they can be easily attributed to a cold), which means that your body has immunity. excluding re-infection with toxoplasma. It is believed that more than half of the world's population is infected with this microorganism. For example, in France - about 90%, in America - about 60%, in Russia - about 70%. By the way, toxoplasmosis can be contracted not only from cats. A dangerous microorganism can be introduced into the body when processing raw infected meat or during gardening work, digging in soil contaminated with microbes. This should be taken into account by expectant mothers. As already mentioned, a woman who has had toxoplasmosis acquires immunity, that is, immunity to the disease. This means that the danger for future pregnancy and offspring is over.

Secondly, cats that have undergone toxoplasmosis also acquire active immunity and become non-infectious to others. Thus, that fateful coincidence of circumstances that can spoil the joy of motherhood and fatherhood for people implies that while the family is waiting for the family replenishment, their pet "picks up" somewhere Toxoplasma, gets sick and infects its owner.

In the light of the above facts, such a probability is small, but still exists, and cannot be discounted. To finally decide whether to get rid of the cat, have it examined in a veterinary clinic. Appropriate tests should be done in the hospital and the owner of the animal. If behind your (with the cat) shoulders there is already a once transferred disease, then move on through life together, without parting. If a cat does not have immunity, then it remains at risk of contracting (at the most inopportune moment) toxoplasmosis, and this, as you understand, complicates matters. To prevent infection of the pet, do not let it go outside, do not feed raw meat, do not give dairy products that have not undergone heat treatment. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from cleaning the cat litter, leaving it to other family members. If this is not possible, then use rubber gloves (preferably disposable) when cleaning. Disinfect your cat's litter box periodically with boiling water. And only as a last resort, if it's very scary, you can ask relatives to keep the pet in their house until your long-awaited baby is born.

Is it possible to avoid unpleasant consequences without giving up communication with your pets?

Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy

These animals pose the greatest danger to pregnant women, since it is from a cat that toxoplasmosis can be contracted, which affects various organs and systems of the body, most often the eyes and the central nervous system.

If in most of the population toxoplasmosis proceeds with mild clinical manifestations, disguising itself as an acute respiratory infection and not leading to severe long-term consequences, then primary infection with this disease during pregnancy can cause severe damage to the fetus.

Infection routes. This microorganism infects more than 350 species of mammals, birds and reptiles, which can be a source of infection. Of particular importance in the spread of infection is attached to cats, since the release of oocysts (accumulations of Toxoplasma, surrounded by a dense membrane, formed in the intestines of felines) is found in about 1% of cats.

Felines are the main carriers of toxoplasma: oocysts accumulate in the intestines of cats and are excreted with feces into the external environment (on the ground, sand, litter for litter). All objects that come into contact with oocysts (this can be vegetables and fruits, feed for livestock) become infected, when the feed is consumed, domestic animals (cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc.) become infected.

The main route of infection with toxoplasmosis for humans is alimentary (that is, occurring with food intake), the entrance gate (the place where the pathogen enters the body) is the intestine. Infection occurs when oocysts enter the body from dirty hands, when tasting raw minced meat, eating insufficiently heat-treated meat and eggs.

A person can become infected with this disease not only from cats, but also from dogs, since at the stage of acute infection, Toxoplasma is contained in the saliva of dogs and can get on damaged human skin (abrasions, cuts) when licked by their pets.

Symptoms The "insidiousness" of toxoplasmosis lies in the fact that most often this infection occurs in a latent, asymptomatic form. In a fairly large percentage of cases when a pregnant woman is infected with toxoplasmosis, the clinical manifestations are rather scarce, the disease proceeds in a mild form, mimicking the symptoms of ARVI. There is an increase in body temperature to low numbers (37.2–37.4 ° C), an increase in various groups of lymph nodes, general weakness, headache, pain in muscles and joints, irritability, in some cases a pinkish, small-spotted rash appears.

Danger to pregnant women. Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous for pregnant women because, due to the very small size, microorganisms are able to freely penetrate from mother to fetus through the placental barrier. Given that with increasing gestational age, the permeability of the placenta increases, most often infection occurs in the third trimester. The immediate danger to the fetus is the primary infection with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. If a meeting with this infection occurred 6 months or more before the onset of pregnancy, the formed immunity reduces the risk of infection of the fetus to a minimum.

Although the risk of infection in the first trimester is low, the most severe consequences for the fetus are noted precisely with infection in the early stages of pregnancy. Among such consequences are fetal death, spontaneous miscarriage, malformations of the eyes (up to blindness), brain, heart and limbs, severe neurological disorders. When infected with toxoplasmosis in later stages of pregnancy, premature birth can occur, and congenital toxoplasmosis in the fetus can also develop. The manifestations of this disease in newborns can be either pronounced (fever, rash, enlargement of the liver and spleen, jaundice, hydrocephalus - excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain, microphthalmia - underdevelopment of the eyeballs), and erased. The latter are often detected several months and even years after birth (for example, neuropsychiatric abnormalities, developmental delay, chorioretinitis - inflammation of the retina and choroid).

It is rather difficult to suspect the development of a primary toxoplasma infection, since in the overwhelming majority of cases, the primary infection proceeds without clinical manifestations, and if they are present, due to the decrease in immunity observed in all pregnant women, they are usually very weakly expressed. Primary toxoplasma infection may be indicated by the development of ARVI-like symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, headache, weakness, fever) in combination with a rash that does not extend to the scalp, palms and soles, as well as an increase in the cervical, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes.

If, when taking tests for the presence of toxoplasma infection (usually carried out in the first trimester), no signs of contact with this infection are found, then if the doctor suspects a primary infection, a second test for toxoplasmosis is carried out.

Treatment. If a primary infection is detected, a combination of antibacterial drugs (CHLORIDINE, SULFAZIN, SPIRAMICIN, CLINDAMYCIN, SUMAMED) is prescribed to pregnant women. These medicines can be used during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and can significantly reduce the risk of congenital toxoplasmosis in the fetus. Newborns are also subject to treatment, both in the presence of severe clinical manifestations and in the asymptomatic course of toxoplasmosis, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing severe long-term consequences in them.

Prevention of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after handling any animals!
  • You should not get a cat or dog during pregnancy and 6 months before planning to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • If the cat already lives with you, entrust the care of her to another family member; cleaning the litter box should be done daily.
  • To prevent toxoplasmosis infection of cats (and from them - and their owners), animals should not be allowed out into the street, and also fed with raw meat.
  • Never try raw minced meat, undercooked meats, steamed milk, raw eggs, and soft-boiled eggs.
  • Use a separate cutting board for meat and wash your hands after cooking meat.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
  • Limit gardening work if possible.

If you have to contact the ground, wear heavy rubber gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after finishing work.
To prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus, all pregnant women are examined for toxoplasmosis when registering. Laboratory examination for immunoglobulins (antibodies) of class M and G reveals:

  • women who have immunity to toxoplasma (they have class G antibodies in their blood);
  • a contingent who has never been in contact with this infection (in these women, neither class G antibodies nor class M antibodies will be detected in the blood - they need to be especially careful to avoid primary infection during pregnancy);
  • pregnant women with signs of fresh infection, which are subject to treatment (antibodies of class M are determined in their blood).

Cat scratches and pregnancy

This is the name of a disease caused by a pathogen that lives in the mouth of cats.

Infection routes. Infection occurs through scratches and cat bites. It has been established that owners of kittens less than 12 months of age have an increased risk of the disease.

Symptoms After 3–10 days, a painless red spot appears at the site of a scratch or bite received from a cat, and after 1–3 weeks, an increase in lymph nodes is noted (the localization of the affected lymph nodes depends on the location of the scratches: if they are located on the arm, then the axillary or elbows increase. lymph nodes, if on the leg - inguinal). These symptoms may be accompanied by general malaise, lack of appetite, pain in muscles and joints, but, as a rule, the general condition suffers slightly. The disease is characterized by a benign course: pathological symptoms go away on their own without requiring treatment.

Danger to pregnant women... Violation of the general condition of a pregnant woman associated with intoxication of the body can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply), in severe cases - to the development of symptoms of the threat of premature birth and termination of pregnancy.
Treatment. The typical course of cat scratch disease does not require specific therapy. In severe cases, antibiotic therapy is used, for this purpose during pregnancy, it is possible to use AZITROMYCIN, SUMAMED.


Do not pick up cats and kittens, as they can behave aggressively at a completely unexpected moment.
If scratches cannot be avoided, treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide, and then iodine, this helps to reduce the risk of developing the disease.
Microsporia (ringworm)
This is a fungal disease of the skin and hair that can be spread by pets.

Infection routes... The main source of infection is cats (especially kittens), less often dogs. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick animal, as well as through objects with hair or skin scales of a cat or dog caught on them.

Clinical manifestations. Symptoms of the disease include microsporia of the skin, when foci with a roller-like elevation along the edges and peeling in the center in the form of small peeled scales of the upper layer of the skin, and microsporia of the scalp, where rounded areas of baldness with hair broken by 6–8? Cm are formed on it (hence the name of the disease).

Danger to pregnant women. The infectious agent does not get directly to the fetus and does not have a negative effect on it, but drugs prescribed for the treatment of ringworm are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Prevention. Never pick up, do not stroke street or unfamiliar animals, as even healthy-looking individuals can be sources of infection. It must be remembered that a domestic cat, which is allowed to walk freely on the street, can get sick with microsporia and become a source of infection for the owners.

Canine rabies and pregnancy

A dangerous disease that can be contracted from dogs is rabies, a viral infection characterized by the development of severe encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Infection routes... The source of the virus is domestic animals - dogs (less often - cats).

An infected animal becomes violent and aggressive, rushing at a person and biting him for no reason. The characteristic symptoms of rabies in animals are fearfulness, salivation, and hydrophobia.
Human infection occurs when a bite or saliva gets on damaged skin. The rabies virus is not transmitted from humans.

Symptoms At the site of the bite, swelling, pain occurs, there is a slight increase in temperature, symptoms of mental disorders (fear, apathy, depression). This is followed by the stage of excitement, the most characteristic symptom of which is attacks of hydrophobia (at the sight of water, the sound of splashing, or even the mention of water, panic arises), after which the paralytic stage sets in.

Danger to pregnant women. This disease poses a great danger due to an extremely unfavorable prognosis (it almost always ends in death), therefore there is no data on how the rabies virus can affect the fetus.

Prevention. Since there are currently no treatments effective against the rabies virus, the most important role is played by preventive measures:

Annual vaccination of domestic dogs and cats. The likelihood of getting sick from a vaccinated pet if the timing of the vaccine is observed is practically zero.

Avoid contact of your pet with outdoor or wild animals.

In case of a bite, it is necessary to treat the wound with soapy water and iodine, consult a doctor as soon as possible for a course of prophylaxis against rabies with an anti-rabies vaccine. The course of administration of the rabies vaccine should be started no later than 14 days from the moment of the bite, it is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Helminthiasis and pregnancy

Infection routes. A source of infection for humans can be both dogs and cats, which become infected by eating raw meat and fish, as well as food on the ground. Helminth eggs are excreted in feces, falling on the animal's fur, from where they can fall on the hands of a person who has stroked a dog or cat. Thus, helminthiasis is a typical case of dirty hands disease.

Symptoms They are quite diverse, since they depend on the type of pathogen, as well as on the characteristics of the pregnant woman's body: allergic reactions may occur, long-term body temperature (not rising above 37.40 C), abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, headaches, general weakness, anemia (decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood).

Danger to pregnant women. Helminths do not penetrate the placental barrier, therefore they do not pose a direct threat to the fetus, but they can have an adverse effect due to a disruption in the condition of the expectant mother, leading to the development of placental insufficiency - to dysfunction of the placenta and a decrease in oxygen supply to the fetus (for example, with anemia).

Treatment and prevention. Since anthelmintic drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, preventive measures are important, which include:
washing hands immediately after contact with an animal;
refusal to use dishes that include raw or insufficiently heat-treated meat or fish (including sushi);
compulsory deworming (preventive treatment with antihelminthic drugs) of pets at least 2 times a year.

Psittacosis and pregnancy

Poultry can be a source of psittacosis and its species, psittacosis. Psittacosis is a group of diseases resulting from contact with birds. Psittacosis (parrot fever) is a disease that develops after contact with a parrot.

Infection routes. The causative agent of the disease is a microorganism from the genus Chlamydia. The source of infection is sick birds (birds of the parrot family are most susceptible to infection, canaries, turkeys, geese also get sick), which secrete pathogenic microbes with nasal mucus, when sneezing, coughing, with feces. A sick bird, as a rule, has characteristic signs of the disease: ruffled feathers, refusal to eat, drowsiness, mucus from the nasal openings, diarrhea. Human infection occurs by airborne droplets, by inhaling dust containing particles of excrement, down of sick birds.

Symptoms It takes 1 to 3 weeks from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms. Chlamydiae cause the development of pneumonia (pneumonia): the body temperature rises, a cough appears, chest pains, severe weakness. With a mild course, the disease has a duration of 7-10 days, in severe cases in people with weakened immunity, the disease can have an undulating course, lasting up to 2-3 months. Since immunity is weakened during pregnancy, expectant mothers have an increased risk of a severe course of the disease.

Danger to pregnant women. Psittacosis is not dangerous for the fetus, since it does not directly cause its infection, but in severe cases of the disease, the expectant mother may develop intrauterine fetal hypoxia, premature termination of pregnancy.

Treatment. Patients are subject to treatment in a hospital setting where antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic therapy is carried out with drugs permitted during pregnancy.

Prevention of psittacosis during pregnancy:

  • You should not have birds during pregnancy, and preferably 1–2 months before planning it, since young individuals, as well as birds that have undergone transportation, are especially prone to the disease.
  • It is better not to place the bird cage in the room where the expectant mother sleeps and spends most of her time. Caring for the bird, cleaning the cage, entrust another member of the family.
  • You can not stroke and take in the hands of birds on the street, in the zoo, living area, etc.

Other pets

Listeriosis and pregnancy

In some cases, pets can become infected with listeriosis, an acute infectious natural focal disease.

Infection routes. Listeriosis affects both domestic animals (cats, dogs, chickens, geese, guinea pigs, rabbits, goats, pigs, cattle) and wild animals. Human infection occurs when eating insufficiently thermally processed meat and dairy products. A contact route of infection is also possible when caring for pets.

Symptoms The disease begins acutely: a headache appears, an increase in body temperature to high numbers (more than 380C) with chills, general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases a rash in the area of ​​the joints. With the progression of the disease, symptoms of damage to the central nervous system join (severe headache, convulsions, paralysis), listeria sore throat may develop (it is accompanied by sharp pain in the throat when swallowing).

Danger to pregnant women... Infection with listeriosis during pregnancy is especially unfavorable, since this leads to spontaneous miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death, premature birth, intrauterine infection of the fetus, and mental retardation of children. Children with congenital listeriosis are born in a serious condition, have adaptation disorders, symptoms of pneumonia, and cerebrovascular accidents.

Treatment. Therapy is carried out with antibacterial drugs, symptomatic agents allowed during pregnancy.

Prevention of listeriosis during pregnancy:

  • Contact with pets, let alone wild animals (for example, in a zoo) should be avoided.
  • It is possible to buy meat and dairy products only with the confidence of adequate sanitary and veterinary control (in no case should you buy meat and milk "from hand", in places not specified for this).

Leptospirosis and pregnancy

An acute infectious disease characterized by a severe course with damage to the capillaries, liver, kidneys, etc.

Infection routes. The source of infection can be both domestic (pigs, cattle, dogs) and wild animals (mice, rats, hedgehogs). A person becomes infected by eating contaminated meat, bathing or drinking contaminated water, while caring for animals.

Symptoms The disease is manifested by a sharp increase in body temperature up to 39-400C, chills, a rash on the limbs and trunk, and abdominal pain. There is damage to the liver (jaundice develops) and kidneys, as well as the central nervous system, which is manifested by severe headache, confusion.

Danger to pregnant women. The disease is especially difficult in pregnant women due to a decrease in immunity, it can lead to termination of pregnancy and death.

Treatment. Treatment in a hospital is necessary, in severe cases, patients are placed in the intensive care unit, antibacterial, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Prevention of leptospirosis during pregnancy:

  • It is strictly forbidden to stroke stray dogs on the street!
  • Do not allow your dog to come into contact with stray or wild animals.
  • You should buy meat products that have only passed sanitary and veterinary control.
  • Annual vaccination of pet dogs against leptospirosis is recommended.
  • You cannot swim and use water for domestic needs from reservoirs that are not intended for this.

Throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, a woman is constantly being told what she should and should not do to protect her unborn baby. Pregnant women constantly follow the rules about what they can and cannot eat. They have to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages and refrain from taking most medications. Pregnant women are forced to constantly exercise, adjust their daily routine to meet the doctor's appointments, and pay attention to the temperature of the water in the bathroom before taking a dip. And so, in addition to all these experiences, the question of cats arises. Can pregnant women have contact with cats or should they strictly avoid them?

There are many rumors about how cats can harm a developing fetus, and everyone has their own opinion on this. However, in order to make the right decision about pregnancy and the presence of cats in the life of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to have reliable facts. What can be the consequences of finding a cat with a pregnant woman?

For this reason, it is very important that a pregnant woman does not clean up after the cat. If there is no other option, the woman should wear rubber gloves and take special hygiene precautions. Cat feces should be cleaned every day. To reduce the risk of infection, cats should be kept away from kitchen tables. Pregnant women should wash their hands every time they come into contact with a cat. Also, cats should be regularly taken to the veterinarian to make sure deworming and vaccinations are being done at the right time.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to take precautions, but still pregnant women can safely be under the same roof with cats.

How much joy and trouble pregnancy gives a woman. This is possible, then it is not possible. Be careful with this, give up the other, but you must get it. Head spin. The advice of friends, doctors, grandmothers and neighbors is sometimes exactly the opposite. This is the case with cats and pregnancy. Definitely, the grandmother will forbid even approaching the pet, giving as an example a million scary stories with terrible consequences from communicating with a cat during pregnancy. The doctor, most likely, will be at the same time with the grandmother, but it will probably be difficult for non-doctors to understand his explanations. Although toxoplasmosis, about which he will definitely tell, seems to be a familiar word, but what and how not everyone knows. But girlfriends and just interlocutors on the forums will refute all of the above said in simple words: I have 2 cats in my house, they have perfectly endured 2 pregnancies together. Everyone is safe and sound.

Where is the truth? Most likely, all parties are right. But the decision of what to do with a cat during pregnancy is still up to you. Arm yourself with knowledge and you won't go wrong.

So what is the danger of a cat during pregnancy:

The main reason why a fluffy pet may end up outside the usual home while the mistress safely gives birth to another member of the family is toxoplasmosis. It is this disease that is most dangerous for the unborn baby in the womb. And just a cat can infect its pregnant mistress with an unpleasant sore.

- toxoplasmosis

The disease does not pose a serious danger to either the animal or the person. Often people get toxoplasmosis without even knowing it. Symptoms may resemble a common cold.

But toxoplasma is a real threat to the fetus. It affects the central nervous system of the unborn baby. A child infected with toxoplasmosis can be born with underdevelopment of the brain and other internal organs. Fetal death is very common. If the infection has passed before the 24th week, doctors strongly recommend termination of pregnancy.

Naturally, having heard this, the first thought that has visited you will be the thought - where to attach your Murka. But don't jump to conclusions.

Cat, toxoplasmosis and pregnancy

The described risk to the fetus is only the primary infection of the mother just during pregnancy or shortly before it begins. If you have had toxoplasmosis long before the "interesting" situation, there is nothing to worry about. This will have no effect on the fetus. And it is impossible to get sick again with this disease.

And now, having thought logically, it is difficult to believe that right now you and your cat will get sick. Most likely, this happened a long time ago, but none of you even knew about it. This means that both you and the cat already have immunity against toxoplasma and in the future you will not be afraid of it.

But still, it's too early to relax. To exclude all "what if" - go through the examination with your pet.

Tests for TORCH infections should be taken to exclude or confirm the presence of toxoplasma in the body. It is also necessary to pass cat feces for analysis. It is the test results that should clarify the situation with the cat in the house during pregnancy. And here there are several options:

  1. You are already immune to toxoplasmosis. Perhaps this is the best option. In this situation, everything remains in place. And you, the cat, and your future baby are already safe.
  2. The cat is infected, but you are not. This case is more unpleasant. You will have to look for a new haven for your pet. Let her temporary owners take care of the treatment, and you avoid other ways of infection.
  3. Both your body and the cat's body do not yet know about Toxoplasma. Most likely you will leave the cat at home. But it is very important in this case to increase security measures.

Cat and pregnancy - precautions

Neither you nor your cat are immune to toxoplasmosis infection. But God protects those who are saved.

All these simple steps will help you protect yourself from toxoplasmosis. Remember, too, that cats are not the only culprit.

Take care of your health and the health of your baby!

And also do not forget that we are responsible for those whom we have tamed. Even if you have to part with your beloved purr, make sure that she feels good in her new home. And be sure to take her back after giving birth! After all, she needs you so much!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

So, for example, one of the most common ailments is toxoplasmosis in pregnant women. And in most cases, it appears if the waiting parents have a cat in the house. How dangerous is it to contact a cat during pregnancy, how to prevent infection of the expectant mother and is it worth getting rid of your favorite fluffy ball? Read on to find out what experts think about this.

Often, doctors ask pregnant women if they have pets in the house and which ones. And when they mention cats, they warn women about the high likelihood of contracting toxoplasmosis, a disease whose consequences can negatively affect the child.

What kind of disease is it and how dangerous is it?

As for the carrier of the disease itself, the cat (cat) can become infected in two ways:

  • Through dust, dirt, communication with street cats (for those living in the house).
  • Eat an infected mouse / rat or other rodent.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in cats

  • rapid breathing, which is interrupted by periodic coughing and sneezing of the animal;
  • redness of the eyes, which is accompanied by purulent discharge;
  • increased salivation;
  • possible emaciation and recurrent muscle tremors.

If such symptoms are not suspicious, the disease spills over into a more serious form, during which the pet's liver begins to be affected. Against this background, one can observe frequent vomiting and diarrhea in the animal. He may also develop jaundice.

For people, and even more so for pregnant women, only toxoplasmosis in an open form is dangerous, since with a closed course of the disease, toxoplasma is not released in the animal. A person can become infected in the same way as an animal - through contact with contaminated soil, feces. The direct source of toxoplasmosis is raw, improperly processed meat. So during pregnancy, you need to avoid not only contact with infected objects and cats, but also deny yourself the pleasure of eating a poorly fried kebab or steak.

How do you know if you are sick?

Most likely, it will be possible to identify the presence of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy by passing the tests that the doctor prescribes when registering. Usually, a blood test for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasma is done to diagnose the disease. As a rule, such tests are prescribed for women upon pregnancy, as well as for those planning to become pregnant. And, if the blood test results indicate a lack of antibodies, this could mean that the woman has a weak immunity to Toxoplasma infection and that there is a risk of infection. If the test shows the presence of antibodies of class G immunoglobulins in the blood, such a result indicates that a woman had a disease in the past.

When a blood test of a pregnant woman is performed and its results show active Toxoplasma, it means that she is a carrier of the disease. In such situations, the doctor prescribes other procedures for the pregnant woman in order to determine if her fetus is infected (this is, as a rule, ultrasound diagnostics and amniocentesis).

At the same time, there are signs of the disease that can lead a pregnant woman to think that she has become a carrier of the toxoplasma virus. In the first few days after infection, a woman can feel all the symptoms of a cold viral disease. If left unattended, toxoplasmosis can develop into a chronic form that is much more difficult to treat. If the female body is a carrier of chronic toxoplasmosis, then it can worsen only if the immune system fails.

It is worth noting that in one of his programs, the topic of pregnancy and a cat in the house was discussed by the famous children's doctor Komarovsky. And, according to his statements, more than 55% of the adult population of our country (including women) have already had toxoplasmosis. True, in the absence of symptoms or exacerbations, a person could not even guess about it.

Thus, women carrying a child who have undergone toxoplasma will already have antibodies in their blood that resist the disease. This means that during pregnancy, she and her baby are not afraid of toxoplasmosis. Considering that a woman could have suffered such a disease immediately after the appearance of a cat in the house, her pregnancy would not be at risk. Most likely, if the cat is domestic and leads an adequate lifestyle (does not go to landfills, does not feed on rodents), you should not get rid of it during pregnancy, because it will not harm either the expectant mother or her child.

Is it possible to play it safe and avoid infection?

All expectant mothers are very responsible about planning pregnancy and carrying a baby. Therefore, the question of how you can prevent toxoplasmosis infection due to a cat in the house is very relevant among pregnant women. Moreover, given that in the first trimester the probability of catching toxoplasmosis is 20%, and in the last - as much as 60, and also the fact that there are no home treatments for this disease (only a special course of therapy in a hospital can eliminate this infection).

Like any other disease, toxoplasmosis is much easier to prevent than to cure later. Therefore, if you are planning to "work" on a child in the near future or are already waiting for a new addition to the family, find out what preventive measures will help you avoid infection.

A few simple tricks will help you protect yourself from illness:

  • When cooking meat and, in particular, cutting meat, try to use the same board. Wear gloves before handling raw meat. After handling this product, thoroughly wash all tools and utensils involved.
  • All meat during cooking must be thoroughly stewed / fried and cooked for a little longer than usual in order to surely kill all pathogens.
  • When doing garden work, floriculture, do not forget about the simplest safety measures - wear tight gloves so that the earth does not come into contact with the skin of your hands. Especially if you have microcracks on them. Toxoplasmosis cells can easily penetrate through wounds into the body and cause disease in it.

As for the further stay in the house of a pet, which is the direct source and carrier of the disease, you should not rush to get rid of it. It is enough to protect yourself from the "feline tenderness". Do not let your pet rub against your face or touch the skin of your hands and face with its paws. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after playing with your cat.

Even if some of the Toxoplasma is in the secretions in the nose and mouth of the animal, most of them remain in the cat feces. Therefore, the cleaning of the pet's toilet with the onset of pregnancy will have to be taken over by a loving husband.

When wondering how to avoid toxoplasmosis, remember that it is not only a cat or a cat that carries the disease. You might just as well get an infection from your dog by simply walking outside or by not washing food well enough before eating it. Therefore, take care of your health and the health of your child in advance. Find out what precautions can help you do this and keep your little one healthy and happy.