How to wash a ballpoint pen from a cloth. How and how can you remove a ballpoint pen ink stain from clothes and furniture at home? Gifts of chemical industries

You can use traditional methods or chemical solvents to remove ink from a ballpoint or fountain pen from clothing. Traditional methods include dairy products, food acids, alcohols, hairspray - these are designed to remove stains from delicate natural fabrics. Acetone, White Spirit and high-purity gasoline "Galosha" will cope with tougher and more resistant fabrics. Before using any product, it is recommended to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Both a child who goes to school and an adult can smear their clothes with a pen during especially busy work moments. The sooner a person starts cleaning clothes, the more likely they are to do it as efficiently as possible. In other cases, it is necessary to decide how to wash the ballpoint pen from the fabric so that the stain goes away quickly without damaging the material.

Cotton and linen clothes

The vast majority of modern items are made from cotton or linen.

Despite their versatility, these fabrics are not resistant to a variety of stain removers, so they need a special approach. A mild ammonia solution will be the most effective remedy for ink stains on these fabrics.

He can very efficiently remove a ballpoint pen from cotton and linen fabrics, including, but has a pungent unpleasant odor. In order to get rid of this smell, it is enough to wash the thing with a fragrant washing powder.

In addition to pure ammonia, you can use a mixture of it with turpentine. As a result, when mixing, a pasty substance is obtained with which you need to treat all stains from the paste. After a few minutes, the soiled item is ready to be washed.

Alcohol and acetone also have unpleasant odors, but they are very volatile, so after a short time there will be no trace of contamination.

Note! If, after exposure to acetone, white stains appear on things, they can easily be removed with ammonia.

Silk, wool and synthetics

Silk and woolen items are classified as delicate items. Like synthetics, they very poorly tolerate the effects of aggressive solvents: they lose their shape, structure and even color. The ideal option would be to use low concentration alcohol solutions.

It can be increased as the tests are carried out - if weak solutions do not remove ink from the pen, it makes sense to increase the amount of alcohol.

Baking soda and baking soda can safely clean a ballpoint pen from a cloth.

On its basis, a mushy solution with water is prepared, which is applied to the spots. After 5-10 minutes, the stains dissolve to such a point that the item can be washed in the usual way.

Powdered mustard can be used similarly.

When diluted with warm water to a thick paste, it is an excellent remedy for smudging ink stains.

Advice: in the case of mustard, the processed item can be left for several hours and then washed in the usual way.

Technical aggressive means

Such substances include chemical solvents that can wipe off even the most resistant ink and even. Instead, they can negatively affect even the most resistant tissue.

Attention! The solvents described below should only be used as a last resort.

The most common paint and varnish solvent "White Spirit". It is used at home not only for, but also for removing stubborn stains of ink, markers or.

It is a colorless transparent liquid that perfectly cleans helium and ballpoint pens on a variety of surfaces. At the same time, it poses a danger to synthetic fabrics, deforming them and discoloring them. Also, do not use "White Spirit" for natural delicate fabrics.

An excellent tool to remove ink from will be high-purity gasoline "Galosha".

It has a specific unpleasant odor, but it copes well with ink, even on velor.

Advice! To get rid of the smell, it is recommended to clean the furniture with a cloth dampened with warm water.

Folk remedies

In addition to using effective, but sometimes dangerous, chemistry, you can try using traditional methods. They have a much lesser effect, especially in cases where the ink stain is already firmly dried on the clothes. In any case, it is better to try to start with folk methods - you can go to serious household products at any time.

Dairy products

Dairy products contain active ingredients that are damaging to ink stains.

Milk whey effectively fights dirt on linen and cotton without affecting the fabric itself.

In the case of velvet, ordinary milk will help. This method only works for very fresh stains. The soiled item must be soaked in warm milk; after an hour, it can be washed.

The ammonia copes with both fresh stains and old stains from gel and ink pens.

It is enough to soak the stain with ammonia using a cotton swab for the ink to begin to come off the fabric. After processing, the item can be washed to get rid of a strong unpleasant odor.

Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide

These two liquids, both individually and in combination, are excellent household solvents that can clean any sofa of even the most resistant ink.

You can experiment with each remedy separately, or mix them in equal proportions. The method of using the funds is similar to that described above.

Food acids can also deal with fresh stains.

In addition to oxalic acid, citric acid can be used as well as vinegar. It is enough to soak the item in a warm acid solution for a short time for the active substances to chemically destroy the structure of the ink. If they do not completely rid the fabric of stains, then at least it will be much easier to remove them later.

It has an extremely unpleasant odor, but it copes with stains perfectly.

Suitable for cleaning hard fabrics such as upholstery. In this case, you can clean the sofa from the smell with soapy water.

The triple cologne contains several types of alcohols, so it may well act as a solvent.

Its main advantage is its relatively good smell, so it is preferable to use it in residential premises.

Hair spray

Some hairsprays are alcohol based. If you apply varnish to the stain with an aerosol and wipe it off after a few minutes, then there is a chance to get rid of the handle from the soft fabric sofa at least partially.

If the pen was not of the highest quality, you can dissolve the stain with regular soap or dish detergent.

It is enough to dilute a little soap in warm water to get a soaking solution. The thing can be left there for several hours - the effect of this will only be better. If the soap does not completely cope with the stain, then alcohol will definitely help to wipe it off completely.

Below is a video showing several ways to clean a gel and ballpoint pen from a wide variety of fabrics.

Larisa, May 14, 2018.

Every student, apprentice or clerk periodically encounters such a problem as a stain from a pen. This kind of pollution always gives a lot of trouble, and sometimes completely spoils the thing. A trace from a gel or ballpoint pen can ruin any product, be it a favorite bag or a winter jacket. This pollution is very easy to remove from the hard surface of any furniture or linoleum. But what about if a festive shirt, down jacket or

Do not despair! Gel and ballpoint stains are easy to remove if you follow some simple tips. However, you must also remember that not all products are suitable for certain materials. So, before using any tool, you need to try it on the wrong side of the product or on the seams.

You will need

-lemon juice.


A fresh stain can be removed with warm milk or yogurt. We wash the contaminated area with warm milk, and then we wash the thing, first in lukewarm, and then in cold water. If this stain is old, it is necessary to soak the thing in warmed milk for a while, and then wash it.

For white things, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia and water (one teaspoon for one cup of water). It can also remove dirt such as blood, wine or grass stains.

Ink stains can be removed on leather goods with salt. For example, if the ink stain is placed on the leather upholstery of upholstered furniture, then the process of cleaning the furniture is very simple. You need to sprinkle salt on the stain, then brush the surface of the salt and rub this area with lemon juice. In order to give the furniture a shine, it is necessary to treat it with a sponge, which we moisten in turpentine.

Several factors affect how to remove stains from a gel pen: the degree of soiling, the type of fabric and the age of the stain. Fresh stains are easier to clean. To prevent the stain from spreading during washing, you need to do the following: melt the petroleum jelly and paraffin and apply around the stain so that the fabric is soaked through.

You can start with a dishwashing detergent. Apply a small amount of the product to the stained area and scrub with a small brush until foam forms. Then rinse and pat dry.

If that doesn't work, you can try valerian. Apply a few drops to the stain and allow to absorb. Then wipe off with a rag. This remedy is usually suitable for raincoats, leather and suede.

For gel pen stains, use rubbing alcohol or vinegar. But you need to be extremely careful when using it on colored fabrics, as they can shed. Lemon juice is an excellent remedy for removing stains from gel and ballpoint pens. In addition, lemon juice is excellent for removing sweat and iron stains.

The stores sell special products for different stains. Perhaps it is they who will help you in the fight against this pollution. They must be added when washing. But the water temperature is needed at least 60-80 degrees.
There is a good series of stain removers. It's called "Dr. Clean Stain Remover". On sale you can find stain removers under different numbers (each number removes a specific group of stains - everything that displays is described). 50ml yellow plastic bottle, each number of the stain remover has its own color of the sticker and cap. You can try to find this remedy at your regular hardware store.

Also, they say, Antipyatin gel helps a lot, even when soap and powder of the same name did not help. But, in my opinion, it is better to try the gel right away.

Mix ammonia with baking soda and apply to the contaminated area. Leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Another option is a 1: 1 mixture of ethyl alcohol and glycerin. For the best effect, soak the stain in glycerin for an hour, this will help the ink come off better.

Silk items must be handled very carefully, so the above methods will not work for them. For silk items, dilute the mustard and apply to the fabric. When the mustard is dry, gently scrape it off and rinse under running water.

Sprinkle salt and lemon juice on a fresh stain. If the ink has not yet been absorbed, the stain will disappear!

You can try to remove the gel pen stain using the recommended ballpoint pen stains. So, for fabrics that are resistant to the action of chemically active substances, stains from a ballpoint pen are washed off with vinegar or alcohol, and then washed with warm water. From less resistant fabrics, spots from a ballpoint pen are removed with a mixture of vinegar and alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is pre-heated a little in a water bath.

With the help of turpentine, which can be bought at any pharmacy, you can remove such stains from silk and woolen products. With a cotton swab, which we moisten in turpentine, we wipe the stain, and then we wash the thing in lukewarm water.

With these simple tools at hand, it is easy to remove stains from gel and ballpoint pens.

Be extremely careful when removing gel pen stains, as there is a high probability that they will blur and leave unsightly streaks.
If the color of the fabric has disappeared along with the stain, do not be discouraged. There are a variety of dyes in stores to help bring your garment back to its original color. They need to be added during washing or soaked in the discolored part in the basin.

Helpful advice
If you are afraid to apply the above products to fabric, then try to stain an old item that you no longer wear. Experiment with different types of cleansers.
A good, but overhead option is to take the item to dry cleaning.

Are you in trouble? Have you stained your T-shirt, jeans, dress or any other clothing with a ballpoint pen? First of all, the thought arises in my head: "Well, you have to throw out your favorite thing!" In fact, it is not necessary to resort to extreme measures. After all, you can get rid of the set spot.

Of course, removing ink from clothes will not be so easy. So, a completely logical question is brewing: "How to wash the pen and is it possible at all?" Today there is a huge selection of ways to remove the hated stain.

This can be done by contacting a specialist - a dry cleaner, where specialized equipment and professional chemistry will do everything for you. We want to warn you in advance that this pleasure is not cheap. Sometimes it's easier to buy new clothes than to spend money on dry cleaning.

Another - less costly, but at the same time, no less effective way to remove the stained spot is to do everything yourself at home using various means. There may be several options, consider the most popular methods of dealing with ink stains from gel paste formed on clothes.

Try the following remedies.

  1. Talcum powder or crushed chalk. You will need to place the stained clothing on a flat surface, evenly apply one or another product to it, cover it with a diaper and put an additional load on top. Wait for the desiccant to absorb. To do this, leave the clothes in this state for about 2-3 hours. After that, you will need to wash the dirty item using a powerful stain remover or a simple laundry soap of your choice.
  2. Regular salt. Sprinkle salt on contaminated clothing and then pour lemon juice over the stain. Wait about 1-2 hours for the salt to soak into the stain, then wash in soapy water. If you decide to withdraw ink this way, then take your time. This technique is only suitable for whites, as lemon juice acts as a bleach.
  3. Vinegar. This method is actively used by housewives to clean dirty things. It is also great for removing gel pen ink. To do this, you need to prepare a special mixture based on vinegar and cornstarch, apply it to the stain, respectively, wait a few hours for this composition to soak and penetrate into the tissues. Then the soiled thing must be washed in.
  4. Regular drinking milk (non-sour). You can remove the stain by soaking the dirty item in milk overnight. To prevent the milk from souring, you can put it in the refrigerator. After that, you will need to additionally wash your clothes.
  5. Expired milk. In a bowl of sour milk, soak clothes with a gel or ballpoint pen stain for 20 minutes. Then rinse the garment in water and wash it additionally in the washing machine.
  6. Cornstarch does a great job on ink stains and has been tested by many people. So how do you use starch to wash your pen? The starch must be mixed with milk until a paste is obtained and applied to the ink stain. This composition is left on the stain for several hours, and then the clothes are washed.

If you are in doubt about one way or another to get rid of ink stains on clothes, then try the more traditional methods - using various medications to get the dirt out of the gel pen. This will be discussed below.

Medicines that are readily available at the pharmacy can also help you get rid of ink stains.

There are several popular methods.

  1. Ammonia mixed with water in equal proportions: 1 tablespoon each. Use a cotton ball or cotton swab to apply the resulting composition to the spot from a gel or ballpoint pen. To prevent the appearance of streaks, it is necessary to apply the resulting composition from the edges to the center. For extra protection of your garment, place any cloth or cotton pad inside out.
  2. Acetone and alcohol mixed in equal parts. The solution is applied to the stain from the gel pen, apply a cotton swab, which you use to treat the stained surface, for about 15 minutes. After that, wash the clothes in clean water, and then with the addition of powder.
  3. To remove stubborn stains, apply pure rubbing alcohol to it and leave it on for a few minutes. After that, the stain should disappear without a trace.
  4. Use ammonia. Apply a few drops of this product to the stain, wait a few minutes. Then rub the area stained on the clothes with a damp cloth, tissue or cotton swab. This way you will be able to remove the ink stain in a matter of minutes.
  5. Try using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, ethyl alcohol, and plain water. Apply alcohol to the contaminated area first, then peroxide, and then rinse the clothes in plain water.

These are truly effective methods of getting rid of ink stains on your favorite clothes. Try it, maybe one of them will save your T-shirt or dress from heavy dirt from a ballpoint or gel pen.

Many people use different chemistries (traditional and non-traditional) to get rid of different types of stains. What products can help deal with ink stains?

  1. Standard stain removers. You can choose absolutely any manufacturer. They are almost identical in composition. Any household chemicals store will advise you on which product is right for your case. Try one of the powerful stain removers. Apply the stain remover to the stained area, then rinse the clothing and wash well.
  2. Apply a special alcohol-based hand cleaner to the contaminated surface (it has a disinfectant effect). This composition will help to cope with the most difficult stains without difficulty.
  3. Hairspray is not the most traditional way to deal with ink, but it is still very effective. This product also contains alcohol, which perfectly helps to cope with the most difficult dirt. Apply varnish to the fabric until it is damp. The stain will disappear almost immediately. Then wash your clothes in the washing machine.
  4. Apply toothpaste to the ink stain and massage a little. This method is not suitable for all fabrics, but it still works in most cases. Don't forget to wash the stain-free item.
  5. Another non-standard method is a composition prepared on the basis of dishwashing detergent, vinegar and warm water. Mix these ingredients in the following proportions: half a teaspoon of the product, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and a liter of water. Soak the stained clothing for half an hour and then wash it.


  1. If you stain the suede cloth in a ballpoint or gel pen, use sandpaper.
  2. In case of stubborn dirt, it is recommended to dry-clean the clothes.

In spy books, disappearing ink pens appear at least in every fourth. What is written disappears without a trace, to the joy or disappointment of the heroes. In life, everything is different: what your child painted on his white blouse or on your leather bag is not going to disappear by itself. This also applies to the blot on the pocket where the paste or gel has leaked. A little carelessness leads to chagrin. But only if you don’t know how to remove a ballpoint pen stain using simple means.

With our advice, even the most ordinary paste of the simplest ballpoint pen will disappear, like in the best spy detective. Removing stains from ballpoint and gel pens from clothes is a troublesome task, but absolutely not impossible. Even if they are not planted on durable linen or cotton fabrics, but also on leather, wool, synthetics and delicate silk.

To successfully remove lettering and blots, you will need:

  • a piece of gauze, calico or other clean cloth that absorbs liquids well;
  • cotton swabs for large stains and cotton swabs for small ones;
  • rubber gloves, as some of the substances used are quite corrosive.

An oilcloth is also useful to cover the table surface, a wash basin and a washing machine with it.

Gifts of chemical industries

You can get rid of a ballpoint pen by various substances and their combinations. After any of the methods, the thing will need to be washed to remove the remnants of household chemicals and the last particles of gel or ballpoint pen paste.

In case of need, it is better to keep the following tools in your home arsenal:

  • ethanol;
  • White Spirit;
  • ammonia of different concentrations;
  • acetic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • gasoline soap;
  • acetone;
  • fine table salt;
  • soda.

It's not bad if you have a couple of lemons stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator and there is a bottle of milk (you can also slightly sour).

Methods for removing stains

The sooner you start cleaning, the easier it will be to remove the paste or gel from your clothes. Old marks are much more difficult to remove, especially if they have been heat treated (ironed).

Since many of the proposed methods can leave colored streaks along the edges of the treated area, cleaning is best done from the edge of the stained area to its center.

  1. Wipe the stain with ethyl alcohol mixed with equal proportions of glycerin. Perfectly removes paste from a variety of fabrics, leather, leatherette, oilcloth, furniture.
  2. Pour a pinch of fine salt on the stained area, and then squeeze the juice from half a lemon on top, so that the salt turns into gruel. Can be washed after an hour. The method is suitable for linen and cotton.
  3. Soak the affected area for a while in milk warmed up to 50 ° C. The milk dissolves the paste from the ballpoint pen, as the milk becomes colored, you can replace it with fresh portions. After the paste disappears, wash the thing as usual. Suitable for all types of material, except leather. You just need to wipe the skin with a swab dipped in warm milk.
  4. On linen and cotton, you can remove a ballpoint pen stain with a mixture of ammonia and water in equal proportions.
  5. Gel pen stains can be easily washed off with heated vinegar.
  6. It is also possible to remove the stain from delicate fabrics, silk, wool, for this you need to use gasoline soap.
  7. A mixture of acetone and alcohol will help remove stains from natural fabrics. Strongly unsuitable for synthetic materials. May leave light streaks around the edges, but normal wash will do.
  8. Taken in pure form, alcohol, acetone and hydrogen peroxide will also help to cope with the paste on clothes. It is only necessary to check the durability of the color in a place hidden from the eyes, so as not to spoil the thing completely.
  9. Ballpoint pen stains can be removed from genuine leather with regular hairspray. You need to sprinkle the stain with varnish, and after a few minutes rinse this place with water.
  10. Colored fabrics can be saved with pure glycerin. With a swab with glycerin, you need to wipe the stain, and then rinse everything thoroughly in warm water, adding a handful of ordinary table salt to the basin.
  11. A mixture of ethyl alcohol and vinegar will help remove ballpoint stains from light-colored natural fabrics.
  12. The baking soda gruel will deal with stains on lightweight fabrics. A mixture of baking soda and water should be left on the surface of the stain for at least a couple of hours, after which a normal wash should be carried out.

Nobody canceled hardware stores either. The assortment of stain removers is quite wide, and in almost any store you can find stain removers specifically for ink, paste, marker marks and other stationery.

It is better to have expensive and especially delicate things cleaned. And if the thing is just a favorite, then stubborn spots can be made almost invisible if you paint the entire surface with a ballpoint pen. Creative people use lines of their favorite poems and any pictures and texts for this. Instead of going to the trash can as hopelessly spoiled, the thing becomes an exclusive work of authorship, to the envy of everyone around.

Ink marks on your favorite clothes are a rather annoying problem. Especially schoolchildren and office workers encounter it. You can remove the stain at home without resorting to dry cleaning services. It is important to act quickly to prevent the paste from penetrating deep into the fibers. What funds will be needed?

Fresh and old pollution

First sprinkle a fresh blob with fine salt or talcum powder. Next, press a paper towel to the surface. Hand wash with shampoo, powder, or laundry soap.

You can use a variety of products to remove the ballpoint pen stain.

  • Lemon. Saturate the problem area with freshly squeezed juice. Sprinkle fine salt on top. Wash the item after 10 minutes.
  • Shaving cream. Squeeze a small amount onto the stained area. Rub thoroughly and rinse in warm water.
  • Sour milk. Soak the stained item in a dairy product for 20 minutes. Then hold it under running water and wash as usual.
  • Toothpaste. Apply the substance to the blot for 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, wash your clothes. This method will help whiten the item slightly.

If nothing is done in time, the oily ink will be absorbed into the structure of the matter. In this case, use special stain removers, alcohol, household acids or turpentine.

Sometimes you can only remove the stain using complex methods. A contaminated wardrobe item is cleaned with a mixture of water, 10% ammonia and ethyl alcohol (in equal parts). The composition of alcohol and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio has proven itself well. You can mix 1 tbsp. l. turpentine with the same amount of ammonia. Treat the stain with the mixture and wait a quarter of an hour. Rinse the clothes in soapy water first and then in clean water.

Natural and artificial leather

The choice of cleaning agents for these materials is very wide. You can use an eraser, hairspray, cosmetic creams, glycerin, ammonia and alcohol mixtures, scotch tape. It is recommended to check the effect of substances in an inconspicuous area. For example, on the seamy side, on the seams or pockets.

You can remove a stain from white skin by applying 5-7 drops of hydrogen peroxide to it. After 30 minutes, wipe the area with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol or vodka. Also, old traces from the handle are removed by the gruel from water and salt. Spread it over the stained surface and leave for 2 hours. Next, brush over the garment with a soft bristle brush.

You can remove a stain from a pen from things made of natural or artificial leather using many means: an eraser, hairspray, cosmetic creams, glycerin, ammonia and alcohol mixtures, scotch tape.

Leatherette or leatherette can react unpredictably, especially to aggressive stain removers. Therefore, it is better to work with soapy water or citric acid. Stubborn stains are removed with alcohol.

Colored matter

On dyed cotton or woolen fabrics, ballpoint pen stains can be removed with citric acid. On silk - with the help of refined turpentine or mustard powder. In the latter case, the substance is mixed with water and applied to the stained area. After 24 hours, wash in warm water.

To remove stains from a pen made of multi-colored fabrics, a composition of distilled water, alcohol and 10% ammonia solution is suitable. All components are taken in equal proportions. Check the chemical resistance of the fabric. Apply the product to an inconspicuous area and observe the reaction.

If after removing the stain you do not want to wash the whole thing, use melted paraffin wax. Treat the area around the contamination with it. Then proceed with the cleaning procedure. Add lemon juice, rubbing alcohol or vinegar to the detergent and water before washing.

Wool and silk

For natural fabrics, cleaning compositions are selected especially carefully. Alkalis are not suitable for wool and silk. The structure of acetate silk is disturbed by acetone and vinegar. Ink paste is removed from delicate fabrics with baking soda. A gruel is made from it, with which the stain is wiped off. After 10 minutes, the product is cleaned off, and the thing is washed.

Purified turpentine has a mild effect. Spread it over the soiled area with a cotton swab. Rinse the item after 15–20 minutes. Soaking a pen stain in sour milk has a similar effect. Glycerin is also used as a stain remover.

Linen and Cotton

For these natural fabrics, phosphoric, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are dangerous. For white shirts, a warm solution of oxalic acid is used (for 250 ml of water - 1 tsp. Of the product). To remove the stain, you can prepare the following composition: dilute 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia. The contamination is moistened with a liquid, after which the area is ironed through a damp gauze. A simple wash with the addition of ammonia is also suitable.

Alternatively, a heated mixture of alcohol and acetone (1: 1) can be used to remove the stain. Walk the composition over the soiled matter. Rinse the product after 10-15 minutes.


Alcohol, milk, ammonia, turpentine or lemon juice will help remove traces of the handle from synthetic fabric. The main thing is not to use aggressive agents.

Vodka or alcohol. Suitable for cleaning a variety of plastic surfaces, bags and artificial clothing. Soak cotton wool in the liquid and treat the stain from the handle. Repeat the procedure until it disappears. Change the cotton wool as it gets dirty. Remove any remaining dissolved ink and alcohol with a clean sponge.

Lemon juice and salt. This method can be used to remove a fresh stain. Its action is as follows: salt prevents ink from spreading outside the blot, absorbing liquid, and acid corrodes them. The agent works within 5-10 minutes. After that, the thing needs to be cleaned and washed.

Milk. Used for any artificial fabrics. Pour the product into a small container. Soak the pen stain for a quarter of an hour. Wash clothes with added detergent. Rinse with clean water.

Gasoline and acetone eat away not only ink, but also synthetic products. It is better to refuse the use of these substances.


Jeans are the easiest to remove a fresh stain. Sprinkle it with chalk, talcum powder, or starch first. Place a paper napkin on top. Finish off by washing and rinsing your pants in cool water.

To remove large stains, soak trousers in a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. When the contamination lightens, treat the item with laundry soap. Set it aside until morning and then wash it.

You can remove the old stain with a mixture of acetone and alcohol (in a 1: 1 ratio). Moisten the stained area with it and iron through cheesecloth. The final step is washing. Place dishwashing gel on the spot. Rub it in and let it sit for a couple of hours. After the specified time has elapsed, wash your clothes.

Precautionary measures

After deciding how to remove the stain from the handle, think over a plan for further action. This will help to achieve the best effect and protect the procedure. Follow these guidelines.

  • When handling chemicals, ventilate the area and use rubber gloves.
  • Remove stains (regardless of age) before washing. Otherwise, the whole thing will be painted with ink.
  • Remove dirt from the wrong side, moving from the edges of the stain to the center. This will prevent it from spreading. For the same purpose, place a cotton napkin folded in 2-3 layers under the stain.
  • Sprinkle the cloth around the ink marks with chalk or moisten with water. This will prevent streaking.
  • Use cotton swabs for caustic applications.

Removing ballpoint pen stains is not an easy task, but it can be done. The usual washing powder is indispensable. It is better to use a specific remedy in each individual case. All of the above recipes have been repeatedly proven to be effective. If you don't have time to experiment at home, get stain removers.