How to moisturize the skin of the face at home. Natural ways to moisturize your skin at home. To achieve the effect of moisturizing, you need to follow these rules

For owners of dry, flaky skin at any time of the year, the topical question is how to moisturize the skin of the face so that moisture fills every cell of it and finally the unpleasant feeling of tightness disappears. The usual moisturizing cream often ceases to work after prolonged use, and the skin requires and requires the desired oxygen.

The solution to this problem can be found on your own if you know the little secrets of abundant moisturizing of the skin of the face at home.

To fully moisturize the skin of the face at home, you need not only to be able to prepare the appropriate products that will provide the cells with useful oxygen. You need to start with your lifestyle, in which lie the real causes of dryness and flaking of the face. You can apply the most moisturizing of all moisturizing masks every day, you can wash your face ten times a day and do special procedures in beauty salons every six months, but after a certain amount of time, again and again, the skin will become dry and tight.

To avoid disappointment again, try to make the following changes in your life.

  1. Change your moisturizer, even if it has served you faithfully for many years. The skin gets used to the same components and stops responding to them. When buying a new cream, pay attention to its composition: it should contain hyaluronic, lactic or glycolic acids - these are one of the most effective substances that retain moisture in the cells.
  2. Before applying the cream, you need to moisturize the skin with thermal water every time.
  3. Make homemade moisturizing face masks twice a week.
  4. Protect your skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet (do not expose your face to the sun) and low temperatures. In summer, a wide-brimmed hat will help, in winter - a warm scarf.
  5. Get into aromatherapy. Baths with essential oils are the best moisturizer not only for the face, but also for the whole body.
  6. Drink more water.
  7. Make sure that the air in the room where you are is always humidified.
  8. Do not wash with hot water.

At first glance, the recommendations are simple and easy to implement. Nevertheless, they very effectively solve the problem of how to moisturize dry skin of the face and get rid of the feeling of tightness. These same tips are ideal for other skin types, as all cells require sufficient oxygen.

What moisturizers can you make at home?

The most popular answer to the question of how to moisturize the skin with home remedies is masks. In fact, there are disproportionately more means of such an action:

  • masks;
  • tonics;
  • lotions;
  • compresses;
  • cocktails;
  • cream;
  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • ice cubes etc.

To moisturize the skin at home, you need a complex effect on the subcutaneous layers, devoid of moisture. And for this you need to provide your skin with constant oxygen saturation with the help of these products, the recipes of which are on the network a large number.

These requirements are met by the active moisturizing and nourishing product from the Avon brand “Anew. Update. Endless effect. It is not addictive, so you do not have to look for something to replace it after a while. The secret is that instead of one cream, you get a double-sided tube two in one.

Cream 1 with Phyto+ complex restores and smoothes the skin, cream 2 with retinol and hyaluronic acid saturates it with nutrients. You constantly change the type of exposure, using the first cream for a week, the second for a week. In combination, both products enhance the effect of each other, help to make the skin younger and healthier.

Recipes for the Best Homemade Facial Moisturizers

So that not only a moisturizing skin mask becomes your salvation from dryness and tightness, use different recipes for various products of the same action.

  • 1. Cucumber mask

Grind a medium-sized cucumber (3 tablespoons), mix with heavy cream or sour cream (a teaspoon), dilute with rose water (a teaspoon).

  • 2. Herbal cocktail

Leaves of mint, coltsfoot or chamomile (two tablespoons) pour boiling milk (100 ml), cover, cool to room temperature. Apply with a cotton swab on the skin, wash off after half an hour.

  • 3. Glycerin tonic

Turn strawberries (2 tablespoons) into puree, pour boiling water (100 ml), add glycerin (a teaspoon), cool, strain. Wipe the skin with tonic twice a day.

  • 4. Homemade cream

Mix liquid vitamin E (tablespoon) with jojoba oil (six tablespoons) and grated beeswax (two tablespoons). Heat in a water bath, stirring constantly, until the wax dissolves. Cool the mixture until it thickens completely. In a blender, mix aloe juice (one tablespoon) and rose water (two tablespoons). Add a mixture of oil and wax, grind, mix in rose (4 drops) and sandalwood (8 drops) essential oils. Transfer the cream to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

  • 5. Herbal ice cubes

Wipe the skin daily with ice cubes, and even better - with frozen cubes of herbal decoctions. Herbs such as linden blossom, sage, chamomile, mint, dill, rose, rose hips saturate the cells with moisture and improve the condition of dry skin.

  • 6. Vegetable compresses

To moisturize the skin, you can make compresses from the fresh juice of vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, carrots or cabbage. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice out of them at home, moisten gauze folded 3-4 times in it and put it on your face.

  • 7. Honey lotion

Pour lime blossom (one tablespoon) with boiling water (200 ml), cover, leave for an hour. Strain and add honey (one tablespoon).

  • 8. Poppy tincture

Poppy seeds (one tablespoon) pour boiling water or boiling milk (100 ml), close, leave for three hours. Wash your face twice a day.

  • 9. Herbal decoction

Mix dry yarrow, lemon balm and hops (one teaspoon each), pour boiling water (200 ml), boil for two minutes on low heat, leave for at least four hours. Wash your face twice a day.

  • 10. Yolk applications with oatmeal

Grind the yolk with oatmeal (one tablespoon), if necessary, add olive oil for a more liquid consistency.

All these homemade skin moisturizers and the right lifestyle will help you achieve beauty and freedom from feeling tight and dry. Use them wisely, strictly according to prescriptions, without passion and overdoses - only in this case you can achieve truly brilliant results in the very near future.

Causes of dry skin include an unbalanced diet, poor-quality cosmetics, genetics, arbitrary use of antibiotics, complications due to an allergic reaction, and a violation of the water balance in the body. There is also an individual feature when the epidermis naturally contains little moisture. The reasons are clear, now it remains to find a solution to the problem, which is to use folk remedies and follow practical recommendations.

Watch your nutrition

A proper diet is the foundation of healthy skin. Due to the lack of vitamins and minerals contained in healthy foods, the epidermis becomes dry, the skin loses its elasticity. To prevent this, it is necessary to analyze the daily menu, eliminate all unnecessary and focus on the right food.

  1. Make a diet with the optimal ratio of BJU, which is calculated as a percentage and looks like this: 40/20/40. If the amount of proteins consumed is above 40%, the skin will become even more dry, so do not abuse them. The right fats will help to moisturize the epidermis, do not be afraid of the 20% mark.
  2. Focus on chicken and quail eggs, fish and other seafood. Do not forget about pork pulp, beef, chicken fillet. From carbohydrates, it is worth giving preference to beans and cereals, whole grains. Regarding vitamins and minerals that should be contained in products: A, B6-12, C, D, E, Omega acids, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium.
  3. Never skip breakfast. Otherwise, the body will not “wake up” on time, and the skin will lose precious moisture. Start the morning with dairy products (cottage cheese, smoothie, yogurt) or with oatmeal / flaxseed. Add fresh berries and fruits, marmalade, nuts, seeds.
  4. In the pharmacy you will find badger and fish oil in capsules, purchase them and drink the full course. These drugs can be replaced with a complex of vitamins and elements, which are produced in 60 tablets (duration of administration is 2 months).
  5. Be sure to keep track of the amount of fluid you drink. Drink filtered water (at least 2.5 liters per day), green tea. It is also allowed to drink natural juices without sugar (cabbage, carrot, tomato, citrus, cucumber) and fruit drinks. If it's hard to keep track of your drinking, download an app on your smartphone that will signal you about it.

Use folk remedies

Masks, lotions and tonics will help you moisturize your skin. All incoming ingredients are in the public domain, so do not be lazy to prepare the compositions at least 3 times a week.

  1. Cottage cheese. Cover the skin with fatty cottage cheese (from 18%) 3-5 times a week, the exposure time is 45 minutes. The composition perfectly fights dryness, relieves inflammation and redness.
  2. Cucumber. Grate the vegetable on a fine section grater, combine with 60 gr. fat sour cream. Spread evenly on the face, hold for at least an hour. If possible, carry out the procedure every day.
  3. Aloe. Remove the peel from one stalk of aloe vera, run the base through a blender or meat grinder. Make a mask from the resulting porridge, cover with gauze on top, leave for half an hour. The procedure must be carried out 3 times a week, at least.
  4. Vegetables and fruits. It is especially important to make compresses in the summer. Choose any product of your choice (cabbage, carrots, watermelon, melon, tomatoes, etc.), squeeze juice out of them, moisten gauze and apply on your face. The procedure can be carried out daily, the exposure time is 25 minutes.
  5. Strawberry. Take 10 frozen or ripe strawberries, place in a blender and puree. Add 20 ml. liquid glycerin, 120 ml. hot water and 10 gr. honey. Stir, wait for cooling, pour the mixture into a jar. Soak a tampon in the composition and wipe the skin 2 times a day.
  6. Medicinal herbs. Brew in 125 ml. steep boiling water 20 gr. Melissa, 20 gr. oak bark and 10 gr. sage. Infuse for 1 hour, strain after the expiration date. Pour into a bottle, wipe the skin with a moistened cosmetic disc every day in the evenings.
  7. Mac and milk. Bring 50 ml to a boil. fat milk, fill them with 20 gr. poppy seeds, wait 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, strain through gauze, dip a cotton cloth into the composition, wring out and apply on the face. Keep about half an hour, the frequency of the procedure is every other day.
  8. Honey. Brew in 85 ml. boiling water 35 gr. thyme, wait 25 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and cotton. Add a spoonful of honey, dissolve it, dip a cosmetic swab into the mixture. Treat the skin 1 time per day if there is no allergy.
  9. Eggs and flax. Break 1 egg into a bowl, beat it with a mixer. Pour in flaxseed porridge, wait until it swells. Carry out the procedure in 2 stages: first, peel with the resulting mixture, then wash your face and apply a new composition, hold for 20 minutes.
  10. Dill and parsley. Squeeze the juice from a bunch of dill and a bunch of parsley, add some water, then pour the mixture into ice cube trays. Freeze, wipe the skin every day in the morning and evening. In the summer, you can do without parsley, it has a whitening effect.
  11. Rose hip. Take 50 gr. rosehip berries, rinse them and pour over with boiling water. Infuse for 4-5 hours, then pass through a colander or sieve, wipe the skin with a decoction. You can also use the composition inside (no more than 150 ml per day).
  12. Wax. Buy vitamin A or E in ampoules at the pharmacy, pour into a container. Grate beeswax, add to vitamin. Put in the microwave for 20 seconds, after the expiration date, remove, mix with a toothpick, cool to an acceptable temperature. Make a wax mask, hold for 20 minutes.

Moisturize your skin with creams

To date, there are many ointments, creams and gels that can cope with any skin imperfections. Take advantage of this, purchase a product with hydrocortisone in a pharmacy (concentration no more than 0.5%). Read the instructions for use, then follow it strictly. In addition, it makes sense to consider drugs with panthenol in the composition. It is not forbidden to use the component in its pure form, but, as a rule, it is very expensive.

Here are effective creams that do not give way to unmixed panthenol: Pantoderm, De Panthenol, LaCree, Bepanten, Spray Panthenol, Elidel. In addition to the fact that the drugs moisturize the skin, they also fight peeling, inflammation, microcracks, burns, abscesses and abscesses. It is for this reason that such ointments should be in the medicine cabinet of every housewife. Read the manufacturer's recommendations, most drugs are allowed to be used by young children (up to a year), pregnant and lactating women.

  1. It is known that high temperatures dry the skin, so you need to wash your face with cold water. After that, do not rub your face hard, blot it with a soft towel, let the remaining moisture be absorbed.
  2. You can wash your face in the morning with decoctions of medicinal herbs. To prepare them, it is enough to brew linden or chamomile flowers in boiling water, insist, strain and dilute with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Choose gentle washing gels and mousses that do not contain harsh ingredients such as peroxide, salicylic acid, alcohol, activated charcoal. Based on your skin type: the drier it is, the more fats and water should be contained in cosmetics. The ideal option is serums and hydrogels.
  4. Purchase thermal water, it is available in bottles of 500 and 1000 ml. Spray your face with it even in cases where you are wearing makeup, the makeup will not spread.
  5. Solarium lovers must use protective products with a high UV filter. The same applies to prolonged exposure to the sun: lubricate your face with cream, wear a cap or a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. Do not use scrubs with absorbent particles. Make gentle peelings from crushed apricot kernels and sour cream. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 10 days. At the same time, if due to insufficient hydration, the skin began to peel off, do not try to tear off the detached layers of the dermis.

Moisturize your skin with folk methods, review your daily diet. Make sure that the air in the apartment / house was not too dry. Get a humidifier, hang a wet towel over radiators, or put a pot of cold water on the stove to boil it all away.

Video: how to moisturize the skin

Dry skin needs proper hydration. Everyone can face such a problem, there are many reasons. Starting from malnutrition, ending with the use of low quality cosmetics. Hence the need for the use of folk remedies, which we will discuss below. But first, let's examine the main aspects of why the skin becomes dry.

Causes of dry skin

There are external and internal factors that can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon. This list includes:

  • lack of elementary basic skin care;
  • abuse of cosmetics on alcohol, scrubs, peelings;
  • lack of fluid in the body (consumption of less than 1.5 liters of clean water daily);
  • washing with hot water;
  • incorrectly composed diet;
  • addictions (tobacco, alcohol);
  • treatment with harsh antibiotics;
  • taking laxatives and diuretics;
  • frequent exposure to stress;
  • age threshold 50+;
  • change in skin type as a result of extraneous factors;
  • influence of weather conditions (frost, wind, sun, etc.);
  • being in a stuffy or smoky room;
  • inadequate hydration of the skin.

The above list does not include all the reasons that can lead to excessive dryness of the skin. It all depends on the lifestyle, health status, principles of care.

How to moisturize your face

  1. Avoid using products that dry out your skin. This list includes tonics containing alcohol, harsh scrubs, and other products that are not suitable for your skin type.
  2. Do not wash your face with hot water, give preference to contrast rinses. High temperatures lead to the fact that the skin loses precious moisture and begins to dry.
  3. Eat at least 1.8 liters per day. purified water, but not boiled (it is useless). This list does not include teas, juices, and other drinks. Don't let your body get dehydrated.
  4. Review your daily diet, because beauty starts from within. Include more foods containing acids, vitamins, minerals in the menu. Lean on ingredients that have a lot of water.
  5. In winter and spring, the body experiences a lack of vitamins caused by the change of seasons. Do not allow this, drink multivitamin complexes to improve health.
  6. It should be understood that exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin. It begins to fade, collagen production slows down, moisture is lost. Do not abuse the solarium and sunbathing.
  7. In cold weather, protect your skin from chapping and frostbite. Do not wash your face immediately before going outside. Use protective creams like Nivea, which are designed for skin care in winter.
  8. Alcohol takes precious liquid from the body, the same can be said about smoking, drinking caffeinated drinks. If possible, eliminate all addictions or increase the amount of fluid consumed daily by 1.5 times.
  9. Nervous strain, constant exposure to stress, chronic fatigue, insomnia - all this negatively affects the beauty of the skin. Avoid negativity by any means, learn to step back.
  10. Drink fish oil several times a year, a food supplement can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of capsules. The composition effectively affects the skin, nail plates and hairline.

Skin moisturizing lotions

Instead of purchased cosmetics, you can use homemade caring lotions. Consider popular and simple recipes.

  1. Natural oils. Mix equal proportions of avocado oil, jojoba oil, and wheat germ. Inject 3 drops of patchouli essential oil. Stir, move to a dark container. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté with the oil mixture twice a day.
  2. Plum. Wash 5 large plums, scald with boiling water, then transfer to cold water. Remove the skin and bones, send the components to boil in 260 ml. boiling water. After 20 minutes, filter, apply after cooling 2 times a day.
  3. Oatmeal. Mix 250 ml. fat milk with two oatmeal oats of medium or fine grinding. Simmer for 10 minutes, then cover and let cool. Filter (this step can be skipped), use in the morning and evening on the décolleté, face, neck.
  4. Grape. Squeeze juice from half a bunch in a convenient way, mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey and leave for an hour. After that, add some water to dilute the product. Use as directed several times a day.

Before using the products for the first time, do a test to make sure that there are no individual intolerances to the incoming components.

Chamomile and natural oils

  1. The tool is aimed at deep moisturizing, whitening the face from pigmentation and freckles, leveling the relief and shaping the jaw line.
  2. Measure a handful of pharmacy chamomile inflorescences, combine with 0.25 liters. boiling water and leave in a container covered with a towel for 1 hour. Then filter and add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Fold the gauze fabric in 3-5 layers, lower it into a solution heated to a comfortable temperature and wring it out slightly. Apply to face, neck and décolleté. Wait at least 25 minutes.

Hop cones with St. John's wort

  1. The systematic use of home-made products will stabilize the water-salt balance in the tissues of the epidermis. The skin receives full hydration and nourishment with vitamins and minerals. The mask has a lifting effect.
  2. Connect in a common cup of 10 gr. St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, crushed hop cones, yarrow and chamomile. Pour raw materials 230 ml. steep boil. Leave the components to infuse for half an hour.
  3. After that, strain the infusion and add whipped yolk, 12 gr. bee honey and 30 ml. apple juice. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Spread the product over the skin and wait 25 minutes. Wash your face with non-hot water in the usual way.

Linden decoction with olive oil

  1. If you regularly apply a mask from the presented components, the skin will receive proper hydration and softening. After a few procedures, peeling disappears. Connect 55 gr. honey and 60 ml. olive oil. Warm up the ingredients in a steam bath.
  2. Add the egg yolk to the homogeneous mixture. Consider the temperature of the mixture should not exceed 35 degrees. Otherwise, the animal product will begin to curdle. Apply a homogeneous mass in several layers, each should dry out.
  3. The result will be about 4-5 layers. Once the mask is completely dry, remove it with a cotton pad. It must be moistened in linden broth. Such a composition must be prepared in advance from 40 gr. lime flowers and 250 ml. boiling water. Boil the component for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain and apply after cooling.

Curd with carrot juice

  1. The mask nourishes and moisturizes the cells of the skin. In addition, the epidermis is brightened, the tone is evened out. Combine in a cup 40 ml. warm village milk and 50 gr. fatty curd. Grind the products into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Enter into the composition of 45 ml. carrot fresh and 35 ml. olive oils. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Spread the product over the face with a cosmetic spatula. Wait half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Olive oil with tocopherol

  1. Cosmetic product with natural ingredients fully nourish the skin, moisturize and fortify. Dryness, irritation and peeling disappear. The epidermis acquires a noticeable softness, velvety and healthy appearance.
  2. Warm up 90 ml. olive oil in a steam bath. Add 6 drops of tocopherol and retinol to the composition. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Prepare a gauze napkin, make cuts for the eyes, nose and mouth. Treat the rag with the finished composition, put it on the skin. Wash off with cold water after half an hour.

Yolk with lemon juice

  1. The mask is aimed at deep hydration, nutrition and improvement of skin tone. The product effectively eliminates peeling, smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens and refreshes the epidermis. Slightly heat 40 gr. olive oil and put in it the yolk, 5 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and get a homogeneous mass. Make a slitted gauze napkin. Treat the rags in the finished product. Apply the mask on your face, wait a third of an hour. Wash your face in the usual way.

Aloe honey

  1. The product is aimed at gentle cleansing, nutrition and deep hydration. The systematic use of the mask will significantly increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Active ingredients eliminate redness and irritable processes.
  2. Take the stem of a 2 year old plant, wash and get rid of excess moisture. Send the raw materials to the refrigerator for 10 days. After that, pass the stem through a blender.
  3. Squeeze out the juice and combine with 50 gr. liquid honey. Spread a homogeneous product over a clean face, wait a third of an hour. After that, wash with water at room temperature.

To eliminate the increased dryness of the epidermis and moisturize it to the full extent, you need to find out the reasons. As an alternative to store-bought products, it is recommended to use homemade recipes. Pay attention to effective homemade masks.

Video: moisturizing problem skin

Among the huge variety of cosmetics and salon procedures, it is very difficult to find an effective way to moisturize the skin of the face. To make your search easier, we have prepared a list of the best methods for moisturizing the epidermis.

Before you start looking for the right method of moisturizing, you should learn how to properly care for your skin. The fact is that it is not enough to apply the cream on the face daily without cleansing the skin.

This issue needs to be approached comprehensively. In order for your skin to receive proper hydration, nutrition, and look young, it is worth every day from an early age to carry out certain stages of skin care. Namely:

  1. Cleansing. The skin should be cleansed of impurities, cosmetics, through cleansers. It can be various gels, foams for washing. Micellar water is also suitable. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week. It is necessary to eliminate the keratinized layer of the epithelium.
  2. Toning. After you cleanse the skin, you need to use a tonic that suits the type of skin. In this way, the remnants of the cleanser are removed. In addition, tonics also moisturize the skin.
  3. The use of masks. It is not necessary to apply face masks every day. 2-3 times a week will be enough.
  4. Cream application. After such procedures, you can use a suitable cream. Sutra use daytime, and in the evening - nighttime.

If you follow these simple rules daily, you will notice the transformation of your skin.

These procedures must be repeated in the morning and evening.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to visit a beautician. Sometimes home care is not enough and professional help is needed. And today there are many procedures that help moisturize the skin.

Now let's figure out which means to use, what homemade recipes exist for moisturizing.

TOP cosmetics

Before buying a cosmetic product, you should pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for.

Incorrectly selected moisturizing cosmetics may not be effective enough or, conversely, lead to increased oiliness of the epidermis.

Creams, gels

On the shelves of stores you can find a lot of funds. According to the reviews of people, cosmetologists, you can achieve a positive result after using such creams and gels:

  1. Aurealux Cream Dolce&Gabbana. This is a deluxe moisturizer. The cosmetic product is suitable for all skin types. The cream saturates the epidermis with vitamins, oils, useful microelements and helps to preserve life-giving moisture in its tissues. Gives natural radiance, slows down the process of wilting, restores cellular metabolism. Suitable for professional use. How to moisturize the skin of the face: apply the cream with a spatula to the palm of your hand to warm it up, then spread it on the face, patting it with your fingertips. Use morning and evening. The price is about 8000 rubles.
  2. Moisture Surge 72-Hour Clinique. This is an intensely moisturizing gel of the middle market category. Suitable for all skin types. It provides intense hydration for 72 hours. Helps to maintain the skin in perfect condition, preventing dryness and aging. It has a light texture that does not leave an unpleasant stickiness or oiliness. Provides optimal levels of hydration. How to quickly moisturize the skin of the face at home: apply with massaging movements in the morning and evening. The price is approximately 2500 rubles.
  3. Mary Kay Superior Nourishing Moisture Cream. This tool belongs to the mass market category. Suitable for dry and normal skin after 25 years. The improved formula of the cream combines everything you need for comprehensive care of the epidermis. The active ingredients prevent the evaporation of moisture, make the skin silky and elastic, improve its color. Does not contain fragrances, the composition is hypoallergenic. Apply daily in the morning and evening with massaging movements. The price is about 1000 rubles.

Other means

Also noteworthy are such means for moisturizing the epidermis:

  • Moisture Genius Aqua Fluid by L'Oreal Paris. The company has developed 3 products: for normal and mixed, for sensitive and dry, for normal skin. The tool is instantly absorbed into the epidermis, gives it the necessary moisture. Aloe juice in the composition has moisture-retaining properties, saturates the skin with oxygen. replenishes water reserves, helps to smooth wrinkles, prevents their appearance. Apply to face and neck, can be used under make-up. The price is about 500 rubles.
  • Avon Tri-Phase Facial. This elixir has a combined effect: nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates. After application, it does not leave shine, feeling of tightness, film, fat. With constant use, it normalizes the water-fat balance, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, saturates the skin with useful substances. Suitable for all types of epidermis. How to moisturize the skin of the face without cream: shake the bottle, squeeze a few drops into the palm of your hand and spread over the skin of the face, paying particular attention to areas prone to dryness. The price is about 500 rubles.
  • Ella Bache extreme hydration serum. The product is suitable for professional use. Can be used on all skin types. After application, it is instantly absorbed and saturates the epidermis with moisture, hyaluronic acid, apple polyphenols and other useful substances. Eliminates dryness and tightness, restores barrier functions, returns a healthy glow. Apply in the evening before applying the cream. The price is approximately 2500 rubles.

Such cosmetics penetrate much faster deep into the epidermis than any even the highest quality cream. This is due to their liquid base. Therefore, the effect is noticeable much faster.

Serums are an emergency, so they should be used if the skin needs intensive hydration and restoration.

Question answer

To choose the right vitamin complex, contact a dermatologist. He will prescribe a blood test, the results of which will give a complete picture of the missing vitamin substances.

Such products serve not only for cleansing, but also for moisturizing. The fact is that in their composition there are components that moisturize the skin. This is, for example, cucumber juice.

In the cold period, the skin does not have enough nutrition. Therefore, use appropriate products, but do not forget to moisturize your face.

Moisturizing folk remedies

Do not forget about the recipes of our ancestors. Using folk remedies, you can also moisturize the skin. Ideally, it is better to deal with the problem in a complex way: visit a beautician, use creams, serums and folk methods.

Honey to help

If there is no time for salon procedures and you are a supporter of natural cosmetics, but do not know how to moisturize your face in winter at home, then a honey-based mask will help. The benefits of this product are endless.

It has numerous medicinal (antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitussive, etc.) and cosmetic properties.

Being a rich source of vitamins and nutrients, this simple product is an effective beauty treatment.

It absorbs moisture from the air and keeps it in the skin cells, creating an invisible thin film, thereby preventing dryness and wrinkles.

After honey, the epidermis becomes deeply hydrated, velvety, smooth and elastic. Due to its antiseptic properties, the product prevents inflammatory processes: acne.

Apply to the skin should be in the morning and evening after washing for a few minutes. Can be used in combination with other components:

  • sour cream (deep moisturizing);
  • egg (increased tone);
  • milk (tightening effect);
  • lemon (whitening effect and elimination), etc.

Honey face mask:

Coconut oil

Judging by the reviews on how to moisturize your face at home with folk remedies, coconut oil is another effective moisturizing product. Suitable for all skin types.

After the oil, the skin is silky, deeply moisturized, acquires a healthy natural glow.

It also has protective, healing, anti-inflammatory properties, so it is great for use in the cold season, as well as for the treatment of dermatitis, which is manifested by increased dryness of the epidermis.

Like honey, coconut oil can be used in its pure form (apply for 10-15 minutes), or in combination with other products.


Extracts from this vegetable are widely used in skin care cosmetics. Its benefit lies in the rapid hydration and nutrition of the epidermis.

The product is 90% water and 10% nutrients, minerals and trace elements, making it an excellent facial toner.

Cucumber is refreshing, soothing and hydrating. It is recommended to use it not only to prevent dryness, but also to treat irritation and inflammation.

The vegetable accelerates regeneration, therefore, with regular use, it returns the elasticity and firmness of the skin. In addition, cucumber has mild bleaching properties, so it can be used to combat age spots.

According to reviews on how to moisturize the skin of the face, this product gives a pronounced effect when used on the face in the form of:

  • thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates;
  • grated mushy consistency;
  • freshly squeezed juice.

Use of sour cream

Sour cream is rich in various important substances. That is why you should pay attention to this product if you are looking for the answer to the question of how to moisturize the skin of the face.

Remember that you need to apply the mask on cleansed skin.

Tomato for hydration

By means of a tomato, you can provide the skin not only with hydration, but also with excellent nutrition. To do this, chop the tomato and cucumber.

The resulting mixture is squeezed and superimposed on clean skin.

Such a mask should be used no more than 1 time in 10 days.

apple usage

An apple is a valuable fruit, rich in vitamins, fruit acids.

Take any essential oil that suits your skin type and mix it with apple pulp. The mask lasts 10 minutes.

Homemade moisturizing lotions

Lotions and tonics are used after cleansing the face. It is not necessary to go to the store to get them, as you can cook them yourself.

To do this, you should take into account your type of skin.

skin typeSuitable photolotion preparation
NormalHeat up the water first
(about 150-200 ml). Then
add linden blossoms to it
(1 tablespoon). Strain the decoction and
mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey.
FattyTo 3 spoons of cereal is poured
a glass of boiling water. All this
should stand for a third of an hour.
Used in strained
DryYou will need the pulp of 4 plums.
Boil them for about 10 minutes.
on fire. The lotion is applied
strained form.
CombinedRed grapes turn
into the gruel, which should
stand 3 hours. Strain
all of this, and add to the juice
a little salt and a spoonful of honey.

In this section, you will learn how to moisturize your face from the inside out. These are just a few nutritional tips.

How to moisturize your face in summer with nutrition:

MethodA photoPeculiarities
Fresh juices,
In summer it should be included in
diet of freshly squeezed vegetables
and fruit juices from carrots,
pomegranate, tomatoes, cucumbers,
ginger, grapes, lemon,
strawberries, etc. also
smoothies are recommended.
To achieve more
pronounced effect and
getting the maximum
product benefits,
juicing is recommended
from several types of fruits
and vegetables.
increase consumption
In summer, the amount of fluid
who loses the body,
increases significantly.
To make up for her deficiency
and prevent skin aging
need to increase
water consumption up to 1.5-2 l
in a day.
Eating the same way
reflected in appearance.
human, the work of internal
organs, epidermis. That's why
should be excluded from the diet.
or limit as much as possible
harmful foods that
have no particular nutritional value.
fatty, smoked, spicy, salty,
fast food, semi-finished products, etc.
Recommended thermal
processing: boiling, stewing,

TOP 3 popular salon procedures

A variety of creams, serums and other products really benefit. But with their help, it will not be possible to achieve colossal hydration, even if it is an expensive product.

But do not be upset, as cosmetology does not stand still and today offers a lot of useful procedures. The best of them are described below.

Biorevitalization (hyaluronic acid injections)

They help to effectively moisturize the epidermis and stop the aging process. Getting into the skin, acid:

  • retains moisture;
  • improves oxidation processes;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • restores microcirculation.

Biorevitalization is carried out by women of various age categories. And if you do not know how to moisturize your skin after 40 or 50 years, and have already tried a variety of products, then it will be ideal for you.

The appearance of any woman at this age displays the inexorable course of the biological clock, even if she strictly monitors nutrition, plays sports and uses high-quality anti-aging cosmetics.

The effect is noticeable after the first. And with further saturation with hyaluronic acid, a stable result appears:

  1. Increased tugor, elasticity of the epidermis.
  2. Color improves.
  3. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Wet skin effect.

Under the influence of this substance, the skin restores itself.

Glycolic peeling

It consists in deep cleansing of the upper layer of the skin using glycolic acid.

At the beginning, the beautician cleans the epidermis, applies a weak solution of glycolic acid (it degreases and softens). Then a glycol gel is applied, which causes the process of exfoliation, i.e. exfoliation of dead cells.

The substance also has a moisturizing effect by retaining and attracting moisture, which positively affects the elasticity and tone of the epidermis.

Remove acid and dead cells with a neutralizing solution. After that, a nourishing or moisturizing mask with a soothing effect is applied. Can be used by owners of different skin types.

Alginate masks

These professional cosmetics are used to obtain a moisturizing, rejuvenating, cleansing, tonic effect.

They normalize the water balance of the skin, saturate it with oxygen, eliminate dryness and signs of fatigue. They have a tightening effect, so they are also used to eliminate fine wrinkles. The price of the procedure is from 1000 rubles.

The use of vitamin complexes

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home in winter? For this, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes. Here are some popular drugs:

  1. Cosmetic alphabet. The supplement improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Provides rapid regeneration, slows down the aging process, increases the barrier function of the epidermis. The complex contains 3 types of tablets: green (calcium-D3), yellow (bioflavonoids, antioxidants), red (iron +). Take 1 pc. each type daily with an interval of 4-5 hours. The price is about 400 rubles.
  2. Vitrum Beauty. The drug normalizes metabolic processes. Contains amino acids necessary for the formation of collagen and other proteins that improve the structure of the epidermis. It has an antioxidant, tonic effect. Take 2 tablets. per day. The price is about 1300 rubles.

In the first part of the article "Part 1: Deep moisturizing the skin of the face at home - is it possible or not?" we have analyzed the causes of dry skin, the 4 main types of moisturizing from a dermatological point of view, and what ingredients to avoid, as they will not only not help, but will harm.

We will devote this material to the most useful folk remedies for moisturizing the skin of the face, and also give the best recipes for natural tonics and masks that can be prepared at home.

Among all the variety herbal ingredients, cosmetologists highlight some plants whose moisturizing effect on the skin can be equate to expensive developments of scientific laboratories.

Botanical Moisture Ingredients

  • Such amazing plants include, first of all, aloe vera. Its stabilized form helps to cope with dehydration on several levels at once. There are several active moisturizing ingredients in aloe.
  • Besides, agave, having a number of unique healing properties on the skin, it is an excellent conductor for other beneficial substances.
  • Many moisturizing ingredients are next to us: honey, cucumbers, raspberries, plums, carrots, apples, avocados, lemon, oils (olive, wheat germ), oatmeal, egg yolks, green tea, kefir, dry algae.
  • And from medicinal herbs, in addition to aloe, you can use linden, rosemary, chamomile, calendula, parsley, wood lice, iris, birch. Healing vegetable oils have not only nourishing, but also moisturizing, as well as antioxidant effects, so they will be useful for dry and aging skin (oils of wheat germ, grape seed, avocado, sesame, linseed, sea buckthorn, olive, shea, roses, sandalwood, geranium , evening primroses).

If the skin does not have hypersensitivity, it will be very useful to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté in the morning with an ice cube prepared with a decoction of herbs or fruit juice; ice from birch sap is suitable for aging skin. Massage with such a cube lasts 20-30 seconds.

Before applying the mask or before the massage, you can make a steam bath for 10 minutes or a hot compress from the same herbs. This will facilitate better penetration of nutrients deep into the skin. And at the final stage of care, a cool herbal compress will protonate and refresh.

Thorough cleansing of the skin before a mask or massage is a prerequisite for a quality procedure. For dry skin, soaps and alcohol solutions should be avoided.

Moisturizing lotions

The stage of cleansing is completed with toning lotion. This is necessary to restore the acid-base balance of the skin disturbed due to washing. The simplest recipe is a decoction of chamomile or mint. However, at home, you can prepare more complex compositions:

plum lotion(for dry skin)

Peel 3 large plums and remove the pits. knead a little and pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, use the cooled broth.

Oatmeal lotion (for oily, dehydrated skin)

2 tbsp oatmeal, pour 2 cups of boiling water or milk (if the skin is peeling), cover and cool. Wipe morning and evening after cleansing the skin.

grape lotion(for normal and combination skin)

Thoroughly mash ripe red grapes and leave them for 2 hours. In half a glass of the resulting juice, add a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. honey, mix and leave for another half hour.

Oil lotion(for very dry, flaky skin)

1 tbsp apricot oil, mix with 1 tsp. wheat germ oil and 1 tbsp. jojoba oil, add 1-3 drops of rose essential oil. This mixture is good to wipe the face and neck at night.

Recipes for moisturizing masks

And here are some recipes for moisturizing masks that traditional medicine offers.

Mix cottage cheese, warm milk, carrot juice and olive oil (1 tablespoon each) until smooth and apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your face with an ice cube. This mask also has a whitening effect.

Herbal mask for dry skin.

1/2 tsp. dry herbs of yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, strawberries and blackberries, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Mix the infusion with 1 tbsp. sweet apple juice, 1.tsp. honey and 1 egg yolk. Lubricate the face with the resulting mixture, rinse thoroughly with water after 15 minutes.

Beat until foamy 1 tbsp. fat cream along with 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Apply a thick layer on the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe the skin with cucumber juice.

Refreshing mint mask for dry skin.

2 tbsp crushed mint leaves pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, cool and strain. Apply a warm slurry of leaves on the face and remove after 15 minutes with wet cotton pads.

Egg mask for dry and flaky skin.

Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. grape, peach or apricot kernel oils, and with 1 tsp. slightly crushed oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass on the face, gently massaging it. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

During such procedures, it is necessary to lie down and relax the muscles of the face. The course takes 1.5-2 months (2 times a week). After 2 months, the course can be repeated. To maintain the effect, 1 mask per week is enough.

Vegetable oils for skin hydration

A few words about such common healing oils as olive and grape seed oils.

Olive oil

Olive oil has antioxidant, rejuvenating, moisturizing, cleansing, regenerative and analgesic effects.

It restores the protective function of the skin and restores its tone, does not clog pores and improves skin respiration. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which in their composition similar to maternal milk lipids.

Recently, olive oil has been given special attention due to its anti-cancer properties it is recommended to apply on the skin after sunburn. Its use in a cream, mask or as a massage base gives a wonderful result in the above tasks. Great for sensitive skin.

For home beauty treatments, use extra-virgin oil, first (cold) pressed, to avoid clogged pores and inflammation.

Grape seed oil in cosmetology is used both as a separate component and as part of care products.

Suitable for any type of skin, as on the one hand it nourishes, fortifies, deeply moisturizes and regenerates the skin, increasing its tone and elasticity, on the other hand, it has astringent, sebum-regulating, antibacterial and porosuzhivayuschie properties.

Besides this, it strengthens capillaries, serves as a conductor for other beneficial substances, is a powerful antioxidant and a source of phytoestrogens, preventing aging and removing toxic substances from the body.