What you can tie for the skier yourself. Clothes for cross-country ski: how to choose? How to dress on a ski ride - Travel

Here we are talking about amateur riding on cross-country skiing.

When, at what temperature can ski?

The ski season, for example, in the middle band of Russia begins with the advent of snow cover (in November-December) and may continue until the end of March and even early April. You can ski at any temperature - from a small plus to a big minus, if you feel comfortable, do not marznet and do not sweat. To do this, you need to dress correctly.

What to ski?

How to get dressed?

Most often the problem is not in freezing, but in overheating. First of all need exclude various down jackets and warm jackets. Often you can see "skiers" with wet from sweat back - these people do wrong.

In proper clothes without movement should be cold. Depending on the temperature on the street and your riding pace, clothes and the number of its layers can change, but this rule should act always. At the same time, of course, you do not need fine tightwear, like athletes. Jump synthetic thermal underwear (thin or medium thickness), top - preferably with a high collar. In any case, the throat needs to be protected: for this, an imminance of a universal scarf-mask (balaclava), which can be closed and neck, and if necessary, face. From above - warm-up ski suit from a material type Soft Shell ("Soft Shell") or any similar combination of a light jacket and pants.

In proper clothes for skis you should be cold without movement, and while driving you should not sweat.

You can take a slight down jacket with you to wear it on the privala, but then - remove and remove in the backpack.

An important element is quite thick socks (special thermosciences are recommended for cross-country skiing).

In addition, you will need an unproduced hat, a well-closing ears (but the head in it should not sweat), and ski gloves. Well, if a special coating is applied to the gloves to better hold sticks. If the headscreen is used in the header and gloves type wallstopper ("Windstopper") is a good sign.

A small advice: Before skiing, apply hygienic lipstick on the lips to protect them from the temptation.

What if I fought?

This means that for this weather and the speed of movement you are dressed too warm. Reduce the tempo! Otherwise, you risk bottle. Next time, take into account this and get straight. Pay attention to what is said above: in proper clothes should be cold without movement, and while driving you should not sweat.

What to do if your hands frnds?

You need other gloves. If you have ski gloves, then they are too thin. Look at the store insulated cross-country ski gloves. Mittens, knitted gloves - all this nonsense, they are not suitable for skiing, as they are blown away by the wind and do badly hold the ski sticks. If warmed ski gloves do not solve the problem, you can try ski gloves (Just make sure there is a special coating to better hold sticks).

Is it possible to ride cross-country skiing in skiwear?

Please note what is said above about proper clothes. Still, skiing is another type of activity, and the clothes for her are different. But if you move on cross-country skiing so slowly that they do not overheat and do not sweat in ski clothes, you can continue.

What ski boots are better?

Is it possible to ski at the beginning of winter when little snow?

When the snow cover is not yet very thick, it is already possible to ride, but there is a risk of scratching skis, as someone can hang down stones, frowning land, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to have at least two pairs of skis - one, which is not a pity - for the first and last snow, and the second - for the main ride at the height of the season.

Is it possible to ski when it is snow?

Yes of course. The thin fresh layer of snow even improves slip, and the skis with a notch is better held on the skiing when repulsed. Of course, with high snow and wind you will not be very comfortable, as the snow will fall into the face.

Is it possible to ski at the plus temperature?

Sure you may. Even need. Please note everything that is mentioned above about proper clothes - you need to dress easier to not stand. And if you are traveling for the city, keep in mind that it will be colder there.

Is it possible to ski in spring when snow melts?

If it seems to you that the snow almost melted, then this suggests that you are rarely chosen from the city. As a rule, behind the city at this time is abuse. There is always a little colder. It is enough to drive away by car a few kilometers, and you can go skiing perfectly in the forest or in the fields despite the fact that in the city of solid puddles. Especially long snow lies in the shade of trees, along the edges of the fields - look for such places at the end of the season.

Skiing is well ride in a slightly lowered ski access (in any case, such a skiing is much better than icing). Therefore, the spring time is melting snow - a great time for skiing. And when the minus and positive temperatures alternate (night / day), the fields are formed in the fields, allowing you to ride in any directions and do not fail.

How often can you ski?

If you feel well and do not fall from fatigue after the ski riding, you can ride at least every day (if the weather is comfortable for you).

What to do if snow sticks on skis?

Podlip often occurs at a temperature near zero, when you touch the skiing of water or wet snow.

Tip: Drive through a shallow puddle or a plot of wet snow on two parallel skiing, with acceleration or plowing sticks. Do not stop and do not repel your foot. Driving then on dry snow, you "explode" skis, and the snow will not stick. If the sublip still occurred, clean the skis by hand or repeat the passage along the puddle and "wiping" skis about dry snow.

With quick driving skiing, usually cleaned themselves, with slow - more likely frost. Before stopping, try to dry the skis.

The main principle of clothing for cross-country ski - multi-layered. Used in sports and tourist clothes. As a rule, the set of clothing consists of 3-layers: thermal underwear (moisture), fleece (thermal insulation), membrane jacket (protection against precipitation and wind). The same principle is used in.

Turnover for cross-country skiing

Ski thermal underwear is the most important element of clothing. For skis does not fit the usual knitted thermal underwear from the clothing store. Read in our special article.

The main function of the sports thermal power is the moisture removal. Therefore, for skis you need completely synthetic linen. Better anatomical cut so that it is sitting like a second leather. Such a landing will prevent rubbing and improve moisture removal. Do not forget about thermotruises with windproof, especially under racing jumpsuit. Cotton underwear quickly wet and does not hold warm.


We wrote about sports socks. Skiing thermosciences should not only get moisture, but also to keep warm. Therefore, pay attention to the socks with wool - 50-60% of the wool in the composition will maintain heat and will not cause discomfort.

Thin fleece

Fleece - second layer of clothing. It retains heat and relocates moisture from the thermal power in the outer layer. Quickly dries right on the body, so perfect for long-term ski workouts and walks. For active workouts, the fleece is relevant only in the cold, conditionally, in -20 and below. Depends on the activity and preferences of an athlete. When choosing, consider that the fleece sweater should not put the movement, I feel comfortable for a warm-up costume.

Workshop suit

According to the principle of multi-layered, sports brands developed materials that include several layers at once and combine their functions. Such materials are called Softshell. For example, SoftChell for ski suits combines the thermal insulation layer and windproof.

A cross-country ski suit is a jacket and pants from various types of Sofzhella. They are not blocked in the front, and the back of the soft stretch fleece for removing extra moisture is made behind.

Warving costumes for cross-country skiing is important to choose a little free. Do not forget that in the frost under it it is better to wear 2 layers of the thermal shell or a thin fleece shirt.


Beach ski vest - additional protection against wind and cold. Wearing on top of a ski suit. Special vests from Softshell are sold for skiers, like ski suits. Front protect against wind, rear - ventilation inserts.

Gloves or mittens

Cross ski gloves are characterized by materials and cut. The top of gloves and the molds are made, as a rule, from Softshell. The palm is raised more subtle, but durable material. It is necessary for the stability of gloves to abrasion and better contact with a ski stick.

For the sensations of the temperature of the hand all are different. Someone rides -5 without gloves, someone puts on mittens. General recommendations Such: Approximately up -10 fit gloves, with T below -10 it is better to wear mittens.


A cross-country ski hat should not only keep warm, but also quickly dry. Ski caps are made of synthetic materials and membranes: fleece, thin softchell, windstopper.

It is better to have several hats from different materials of different thicknesses in arsenal. In the frost, use hats from a 2 layer fleece, better with Windstepper on the forehead and ears. If on the street warmer -10, you can use a cap from 1 layer of the fleece or stretch fleece. At the same time, in any weather, wear Bundan-Buff.

Bandana Buff

Ski Buff - Sports of scarf. It has a tube shape, for which the skiers and called the "ski tube". Mandatory skier accessory - protects the neck, ears from the wind, and partly face.


Ski boot covers

The desired accessory for training in frosts - covers for ski boots, they are incomplete, boils. You can find under the shoes of all well-known manufacturers. If your legs are frilled and you already have good thermophones, then you will definitely purchase overbrows.

Running Ski Glasses

Ski glasses - a mandatory accessory in any weather. Do not think that "glasses only for athletes, and I am so, pedestrian." Here are the reasons why skiers need glasses:

  • wind and cold protection
  • snow protection
  • sun protection
  • protection from entering the eye sticks on mass starts

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One of the best types of active winter holidays - skis. To prepare in advance for races, it is necessary to rationally approach the choice of clothing for skiing. There are few smallest things.

Simple solution - buying a ready-made costume for skiing in a sports store. Whatever brand seemed attractive, the buyer studies the characteristics of sports ski equipment.

Clothing for active skiings is created taking into account the requirements for sports equipment:

  • ease;
  • no interference for active movements;
  • wind protection, moisture;
  • thermoregulation.

When walking on skis, there is a problem - overheating, reinforced sweating, and during the stop - cooling. Equipment manufacturers create suits with these circumstances.

Modern materials will come to the rescue, helping the body of the skier to give extra moisture. The costume is designed by special rules: there is protection or ventilation in the necessary places, inserts using heterogeneous materials, additional zippers, holes. A person does not overheat and is not overcooked excessively.

Skiing clothes consists of several things:

  • sports ski jacket, windbreaker;
  • pants;
  • fleece jacket, "warm-up" suit;
  • term underwear;
  • cap;
  • gloves;
  • socks.
  • footwear.

Thermal underwear for skiers as a lower layer of clothing

Thermal underwear skiers has special characteristics. It is a reliable defense, made of modern materials and has the desired cut. Khson has additional inserts on the knees. Several parts of the jumper elongated:

  • gate;
  • sleeves;
  • back.

For a long time, the Council is not relevant - use cotton underwear as a lower layer of clothing. It is important to choose a thermal underwear made from special threads.

Second layer of clothing - insulating

The second layer of clothing is a ski suit from synthetic tissues, tosing, light. It is used in competitions, with an intensive run for a walk. Such a kit is called "warm-up". He has a high collar, cuffs, with a slot for thumb, ventilation holes, inserts to protect against wind.

The warm-up sets are available taking into account the temperature range - from warm weather to frost. Sofsell, Elastane and Polyester - materials of "warm-up" trousers, jackets, overalls.

An additional part of the second layer is a vest, it is removed or worn depending on the weather and body state.


Skier windproof jacket is made of two or three layers of lightweight material. The manufacturer indicates the temperature regime. The jacket is accompanied by a characteristic - "warm", "warmed", "warm-up". Purchase a light, unproduced, three-layer, water-repellent jacket - the right solution. Jacket and pants can be purchased separately.


Pants with high waist and straps - mandatory part of equipment. They protect the back well, are comfortable when driving. Pants are protected from wind, snow. Several types of material are used, wool is added to the synthetics to ensure proper heat regulation with active walking. In many models there is a fleece nobody inside the pants. The trousers are tailored in a special way - they narrow to the bottom.
Pants are different: models without straps, self-slip pants. They differ pants based materials that promote protection and insulation. Materials - Fleece, Lycra, Sofzhell. Lower threshold - from minus 10 to minus 35.

It is important to understand that jeans and trousers, even sports, but not ski, will not provide proper protection against wind and cold. Ski costumes will be disproportionately insulated with active ski rows. Skiing technology and skiing, differ from each other by the nature of human movements.

Costume for skiing

The classical rule for the skier is three light layers of clothing, and not a warm jumpsuit or a common winter jacket. Exception - overalls for sports racing. For amateur races, the best option is a suit from a jacket-windbreaker and trousers.
Standard suits for skiing consist of a jacket and pants. They are designed for different temperature regime. It is necessary to select the option based on the average temperature indicators in a particular area.
ATTENTION Draw how walks will be held. Riding for long distances of well-trained people - one situation, a walk with children at low temperatures is completely different.

There is a clothing corresponding to the temperature minus 5, 0 and even plus 5 degrees. Costumes designed for a mesmer frost are over minus 15 degrees.

Lower threshold for ski clothing of extreme sports lovers - minus 30-35 degrees.

Men's, female, children's costumes differ in color scheme, style. In male rules, many black jackets, pants. Women's, children's brighter, diverse.
Dress up - the natural desire of women. The need to preserve femininity when walking on skis is taken into account by designers of modern sports costumes. Color, texture, cutting a female costume allow you to save the individual style of its owner.

Fur in most costumes is absent. On sites there are models of ski suits with a hood, decorated with fur. The manufacturer clarifies that these jackets for a low-active rest, and not for running.

Ski hat

Choosing a ski hacap or child, comply with several rules. The hat must be warm enough, but do not overheat the head. It is better to try the headdress before buying. Even if the size coincides, due to individual characteristics, it happens, the hat is slipping on the eye or is restless.

Materials of ski hats - a mixture of artificial and real-wool threads that create a comfortable feeling that do not give the head to stand or overcohoe.

Special types of hats, additionally covering face and neck, - Balaclava, Buff. Dress them at air temperature below minus 10 degrees. Selection of special gloves is carried out by hand.


Boots take into account the needs of conservation of heat. The choice depends on the skier skills, what is the goal - sport or walk, you pick up such shoes. Classic style boots are sports and pleasure. The classic stroke assumes that the movements of the leg will be free. Boots do not cover ankle, the sole is soft.

During the skate stroke risk the risk of injury. Therefore, boots with a rigid sole, the fixation of the ankle. These boots for athletes. Lovers buy combined boots with medium characteristics - not tough, but protecting ankle.

Boots differ in size, fastening standards. This shoes are women's, male and unisex. Color - white, black, gray, with color inserts. How comfortable boots will be, depends on the choice of socks. Feet warmed up strongly, socks provide the right temperature regime. Fleece socks with seal will help avoid corns.

Error starting skiing - use of ordinary clothes, not ski equipment. Overheating, discomfort is provided as if a thick fur coat was put on. Dressing children, dress yourself, taking into account the main execution rules:

  1. Do not wear casual clothes.
  2. Do not dress too warm.
  3. Keep legs, hands, head warm.
  4. Take replaceable clothes.

The desire to excessively warm the children before the winter race will bring harm. If parents with a child are going to not just walk through the park, but skiing, then the best option is to buy a special children's ski suit, consisting of trousers and jackets. The feeling of coolness before walking is normal. A person quickly warms up when moving.

In sports stores for sale a variety of types of jackets, trousers, shoes, including children.

Kids and adolescents should be prepared for ski campaigns, taking into account all the requirements for clothing. Its selection depends on the temperature of the air and the distance from the house to the ski. If the place where the ski is laid, are close, safely put on a sports suit. If to the park, forests will have to get a long time, you need to change yourself before check-in.

Be sure to change clothes after intense ski run. Wet after active movements will be cap, gloves, socks, linen. Requires an equipped room where dry things are worn. Suitable options are a recreation center, a tourist complex.

Going to the ski resort, it is worth taking care not only about the correct selection of tools, but also about suitable clothes for active winter rest. Make it for the first time is not as easy as it seems.

The skier's suit should simultaneously protect the athlete from the cold and not to give it sweating, be functional and not to shoot the movement of a person. So that winter skiwear for children and adults could combine all these functions, its manufacturers constantly improve their technology. Nevertheless, one unchanging aspect remains - the system of clothing skiers. It consists of three layers: a ski thermal power, sweaters and outerwear - jackets and trousers.

Thermal underwear among skier athletes should perform two functions: protect the body from the cold and to remove moisture. Based on this, it is already possible to conclude that the products made of cotton or wool for the ski resort are not suitable.

When buying a thermal power, you need to take into account the conditions in which it will be used: for example, the duration of the wear socks without washing and the air temperature in the resort during the rest. Selecting the basic layer of clothing, you should not be shy to try it directly in the store. And the pants, and T-shirts should fit tightly to the body, but do not shoot movies. On thermal underwear, all seams must be outside, so as not to cause irritation on the body. This also applies to the location of all shortcuts.

Read our special article about whenever winter sports.

It is also worth saying a few words about and underwear. They must comply with the same principles as the thermal underwear: only synthetic tissues are possible, tightly adjacent to the body, but not squeezing.

Check out photos of sports skiing and accessories:

Stripe in a costume of skiers

The second layer of ski suite is a thermal, protecting the body from low temperatures. He, like thermal underwear, should pass moisture out. Therefore, as a heater, as usual is called a layer, a fleece sweater appears. This synthetic material perfectly retains heat, "breathes" and very wear-resistant.

In the manufacture of ski clothing, a fleece of various thicknesses can be used - from 100 g / sq. m. up to 399 g / kV. m. In addition, allocate:

  • Two-layer fleece (ThermalPro), which internal layer provides thermal insulation, and external protects against small wind and rain;
  • Windblock (WINDBLOC), which has a special membrane between two layers of the fleece, fully protecting from the wind. After drinking a special ski sweater, it is necessary to clarify what kind of fleece is used in a particular model. It will help to collect an equipper with a more suitable specific ski resort.

Suit for the mountain skiing and snowboard in the form of a jamb or a separate jacket and are an external layer of athlete clothing. Consequently, its main functions will be the protection of the body from external influences - wind and precipitation. In addition to moistureproof, the skier's costume must have the ability to evaporate moisture.

The first parameter is measured by manufacturers in millimeters of a water column, the second - in millimeters per square meter per day. What these indicators are higher, the better. The average indicators among leading manufacturers of skiing are 5000 mm in relation to moisture and 7000 mm / sq. m. per day for vapor permeability.

Ski jumpsuit, jacket and pants Can be manufactured in three different ways. The most popular and recommended experienced athletes - membrane, as it best misses moisture out and protects the costume from wetting. Fabrics with a spraying or a teflon solution applied are less durable and worse coped with their functions.

Do not chase the costume thickness. Modern technologies make it possible to produce thin but warm tissues. Babushkina prejudice in this case is better to throw out of the head.

Ski suit- It is not only clothes, but also the equipment of an athlete. Therefore, considerable attention should be paid as follows:

  • The jacket and skier's pants should not fade his movement. Pants must be purchased only with a high waist, which will be hidden at approximately 10 cm under the jacket;
  • Lightning on elements of clothing must be large and reliably closed;
  • The suit must be supplied with pockets in which you can put at least a phone and skipping on the slope;
  • The coloring of the costume should be bright, especially if it is planned to ride a non-safe track.

How to choose skiing gloves

When planning skiing, it is worth taking care of not frozen hands. To do this, well simultaneously with a ski suit to purchase ski gloves.

Their main advantages should be able to maintain heat, waterproofability and the ability to hold the ski sticks in them. Gloves of skiing have increased firing pieces with laces, which prevent snow from entering inside.

Ski boots: what to pay attention to

An important element of an athlete's equipment is shoes. For descent, it is advisable to purchase special ski boots that will safely sit on the leg. When lifting the foot of the heel, the legs should not be broken away from the insoles: if it happens, then such boots will not be able to secure the foot on the ski.

In addition to the foregoing, it is worth adding that skiing shoes should not be tough: by the end of rest with the wrong selection of shoes, it is very likely to break the fingers into the blood.

Accessories for ski suit: hats, scarf, balaclava

As a rule, a ski suit protects the torso and legs. Without heat, the neck and head remain. Even if you buy a sweater with a high throat and a hooded jacket, the ears of the ears and the throat will not hurt. In this case, fleece scarves will come to the rescue, warm caps without pumps and other discover parts (read the choice of ski or snowboard caps), as well as, bandans and balaclava.

It will be best that they will be purchased in a specialized sports store along with the rest of the equipment. This will allow, firstly, to collect a complete set of clothes for the ski resort, secondly, will serve as a key to the quality of accessories.

Ski helmet and ski glasses: Necessible on the slope

In the mountains, the cold wind is often blowing, and even if you first feel difficult, then I can be sown from the slope, we can very much that they were not bought in advance or at least not to hire.

For skiing, especially beginners, it is worth buying a helmet to at least protect yourself from possible bruises. The material from which is made, should be qualitative and not crumble from a light slap on the body. The element of the equipment must be at the head of the head and have good fasteners.

On the slope are needed to protect the eyes from the wind, the sun and glare. As a rule, they have a durable housing and put on their heads with a wide gum that does not give them to subscribe.

Summing up, it is worth summarizing tips on the selection of clothing descent:

  1. The suit of the skiing should consist of three layers and include thermal underwear, insulation layer, jacket and pants;
  2. Men's, women's and children's skiwear must be seamless exactly in size, do not shoot motion, manufactured from synthetic fabrics that produce moisture outward, but do not let it inside the costume;
  3. When choosing equipment, it is worth navigating the quality of tissues, their moisture resistance and vapor permeability, and not for the price or fashionable colors;
  4. Shoes to the ski costume should be exactly the size of the legs and moderate in hardness;
  5. On the slope necessarily need to take with them protection for ears, eyes, throat and hands.

1. What do you need to buy before the first trip to the mountains? How to choose the desired?
- For the first trips to the mountains, it is not necessary to acquire a complete ski kit - in any box office you can take skis any quality and manufacturer. But boots, well-fit you, to acquire extremely preferably: the comfort of the skiing box is primarily determined by the convenience of his legs. You need to choose ski shoes very carefully, do not regret the time and strength to fit. In each pair of trying boots, it is advisable to look like at least 10 minutes to understand, they are suitable or not very. It is worth remembering that the most expensive boots are not necessarily the most good. There are no "bad" and "good" firms, there are boots, best suited to a specific person. For optimal choice of shoes, we recommend contacting specialized sports / ski shops, where you will help find the best option.

Helmet, special ski socks and mask are not luxury and not a fad, but extremely necessary items to relax in the mountains. The helmet should be not too heavy, comfortable and perfectly suitable for you. The distance between the eyebrows and the edge of the helmet (at the same time the helmet should be normally dressed and fastened) should not exceed the two folded fingers together. Helmet nowhere should be crushed. Think about whether you will wear a credit card, and if yes, it is better to make it fitting it. Internal "Upholstery" helmet over time is shaved, so that when the helmet should not move forward or back. The helmet must have good ventilation and hearing. Do not forget to take a ski mask on the fitting (if you have it) and try it together with your helmet.
To properly determine the length of the ski stick you need, it must be turned over the tip up, and take it so that the fist is pressed to the ring. If the hand formed a straight angle in relation to the body with a bending of the elbow - the choice is correct, in any other case, you need another stick length. The shape of the handle must be comfortable for your hand. Weight, flexibility and configuration of sticks matter only for experienced skiers and athletes.
Very important part of the equipment - glasses or ski mask. Ordinary sunglasses may not fit for riding, in the mountains it is very important to protect your eyes from the wind, snow, an increased ultraviolet at the height and light reflection from snow. The optimal color of the filter is orange or dark yellow - such a filter protects from the Sun and provides good contrasting visibility with foggy weather or on a cloudy day when it is difficult to consider irregularities on the slope. Do not forget about accessories: ski gloves or mittens are simply necessary, they are desirable to always have two pairs with you. Be sure to capture sunscreen and lipstick with high SPF, or buy it all in place - as a rule, in any item of the rental or supermarket, they are sold in a comfortable packaging.

2. How to choose ski boots?
After you climbed into the shoes (for the first time it is not so easy), stand up in the right rack (or just bend your knees), listen to your feelings and give your feet to get used to it. If you are comfortable, shoes tightly and evenly fit the leg, but there are no places where the pressure is too strong - all is well, moving on. In suitable shoes, you can move your fingers, but the foot should not have an excessive freedom: to move back and forth, to the sides or strongly disappear from the insole. Do not hope for the first fitting to find "your" pair - all people are different, and their feet are also different. All manufacturers make shoes not only in different stiffness, but also with different width of the block. Get ready to blame not one pair of boots to feel what they differ in, and in which you can painlessly spend on the slope for several hours in a row. Boots need to try on special ski socks (do not spare money on them, thinking that you can ride in ordinary sports socks - it's not the case).

For women and children there are special boot models that take into account their anatomical features and calculated on a different level of preparation. Many modern boot models suggest thermoforming - a special fit under the anatomical features of a particular person. Significantly comfortable makes riding and specially fitted insoles, they can be made in specialized stores.

3. How to choose to choose ski clothes?
It is almost most of the comfort during riding and after it provides proper clothes. It must necessarily be a multi-layered and provide maximum comfort when riding in all weather conditions, protect from cold and wind and well to remove moisture. Optimally, the clothing of the riding man should have at least 3 layers. Thermal underwear, fleece (jacket, turtleneck or sweater) and protective layer - trousers and jacket or jumpsuit.
There is a large selection of the so-called "mining" clothes - undoubtedly beautiful, but well adapted for relaxing in a lounge chair, and not for intensive riding. This clothing makes many fashionable brands, and if you plan to sunbathe more than ride, you can not change your favorite brand. Among the experienced skiers spending a lot of time on the slopes are popularly proven by specialized brands. This group includes Phenix., GoldWin., Descente, Kujs., Colmar., Spyder and some others. A little less money will have to spend on clothes Halti. (Official supplier of the World Cup Organizers), Salomon., VOlkl and RossignolAt the same time, in terms of indicators, it will not give up more expensive brands. If the price is critical, pay attention to the manufacturers of "sportswear in general", for example, columbia and other less expensive brands.

To buy and beautiful, and functional clothing, you need to watch not only on its cost and appearance, but also on the indicators. Manufacturers have long become a rule of good tone to indicate fabric parameters: water resistance (varies in millimeters of a water column held by the cloth), and vapor permeability (in grams of fluid that is capable of skipping one square meter of fabric per day). The general rule when choosing a model is: for ordinary skiers, conducting not too much time on the tracks, there is enough water resistance of the membrane from 5000 mm and vapor permeability - from 5000 g / sq.m / 24h. Of course, the higher these indicators, the higher the price of the thing. But the more chances that you will be comfortable and in the snow, and in the rain. The insulation is no less important - it should be thin and easy. Special attention should be paid to the presence and convenience of additional parts and their ergonomics - pockets and pockets, a functional hood, pleasant to the touch cuffs, etc. In good modern jackets there are many useful details, for example, a special pocket for skit-pass, "skirt" for riding in virgin (well, if it can be disgusted), mini-carabiner for keys, special wipes for wiping points or masks). If you ride in the helmet (what we hope for), it makes sense when choosing a jacket check if you can wear a hood on a helmet - in windy days this feature can be useful to you. The color of clothing is not the most important parameter when choosing, because the slope draws attention primarily on a beautifully skating person. If you first go to the ski resort, try not to acquire a completely white costume - although with fitting such an option looks attractive, in the mountains it merges with snow. In addition, with poor visibility of a person in completely white robe it is quite difficult to find on the slope.

4. How to choose skiing?
If you have already tried your strength on the tracks and confident that you will ride more than one season, it makes sense to buy your own skis - they will pay off after the first trip to the mountains. When choosing a skis, try the most accurately and objectively determine your riding level and the type of tracks for which you ride. Otherwise, you risk buying ski that you are absolutely not suitable, and money will be thrown into the wind. You do not need to take skiing strongly "swarrow", hoping that in the new season you will be quite able to participate in freeride competitions, as the turn of the plow has already been mastered. Skis differ not only by the target group for which they are created - for beginners, experienced, athletes, freeriders, but also for a variety of characteristics. There are special skis, originally intended for various types of skiing (for example, slagistic and skiing for giant slalom), skiing for skiing outside the tracks, for jumps and acrobatics in Snow parks, skis for ski tour, etc. However, those who only make their first steps on the tracks, there is no need to delve into details of parameters, geometry, devices and differences between different models.

5. Skiing what manufacturer is better?
There are no bad or good manufacturers, no bad or good skis - there are those that best come to you. General rules for the choice of skis are: the price when choosing a ski is by no means the main defining factor. If there is confidence that you will ride a lot and often, it is best to test skiing to purchase. Mountain ski tests are regularly held by leading manufacturers, in the Alps, tests take place at the beginning and late season. If there is no such possibility, I want to buy ski, carefully study the results of tests and reviews of experts in magazines and the Internet, and try to correctly assess your level of skiing and its dynamics. If you do with the instructor, it makes sense to consult with him.

6. How to choose the right rhodation of the mountain ski?
If you are going to ride only on the tracks in the Alps, choose skiing by 5-10 cm less than your growth - if you prefer long arcs and high speed. For frequent turnover lovers, skis designed for short arcs are better suitable, 10-15 cm less growth. These rules optimally work with a normal weight ratio and rising growth. If the weight of the skier greatly exceeds the norm, it is better to choose a slightly more powerful model than much longer skis. When choosing a ski for beginners, the manufacturer's choice is notable, choose "younger" (the simplest) models and focus primarily on the ski design and their Roshovka.

7. How to choose skiing for a woman and baby?
All manufacturers produce entire series of women's skis, which differ not only in color, but also better adapted to the features of the female figure. Buying skis to a child, you do not need to take them out, trying to save. Each Rostovka ski is designed for a certain age and the growth of the child, and the riding on too long skiing may be unsafe. In addition, children's skis are very liquid, and sell them after the child grows up, it does not work much. For a child who makes the first steps on skis, it is better not to buy too long skiing. In any case, it makes sense to listen to the recommendations of the coach or instructor, or limit the rolling inventory.

8. How to understand the variety of model ski models? What to pay attention to when choosing?What are the skis?

Mountain skiing for freeride First of all, it is intended to those who ride very well and owns a riding technique outside the tracks in a deep untouched snow (virgin). Such skis all manufacturers are developing with the wishes of freeriders and skating features outside the tracks. As a rule, it is skiing with a wide "waist" - more than 100 mm, often with special technological solutions so that the skis be more manageable and stable. Among the models for freeride in professionals are especially popular Scott, Volkl, Dynastar, Armada, Black Crow, K2, BLACK DIAMOND And others - the winners and prize-winners of the World Championship in Frearywood and other prestigious competitions ride. These are usually the most expensive skiing in the line, they are produced by other major manufacturers - Head, Elan, Fischer, Atomic, Salomon, as well as a number of companies specializing only on Frearywood equipment.

Ski for freestyle It is easy to distinguish between coloring and form: TWINTIP design with a rounded heel, especially bright design and not the lowest price. Such skis are primarily calculated to provide a skier comfortable landing after jumping and tricks. In some models, an additional strengthening of Kant under the boot is used, such skis are designed to perform tricks on the railings.

Women's skisthey produce all the largest producers, and these skis differ not only in coloring and design (flowers should not be depicted on them). Like skiing for men, women's skiing greatly differ in their intended purpose: from the "soft" skis for comfortable riding newcomers to "aggressive" models for freeride or expert carving.

Sports Or Skis category "RACE" - a special category of skis, intended primarily for competitions in various disciplines. In this category, long, heavy and extremely fast skiing for high-speed descent, and slagistic skis (the shortest of the entire line of sports skiing), as well as skis for supergigant and gigantic slalom. "Slalomes" can be distinguished by a pronounced difference between the width of the sock and the waist skiing. Skiing for giant slalom have a larger radius, they are longer than slalomal skis and more straight. At present, sports skiing produce many well-known manufacturers: Head., Atomic, Fischer., Rossignol, Salomon., Nordica., Völkl, ELAN., Dynastar, Blizzard, Stoeckli. other. The fact that for Formula 1 of the Designer Cup, for the Mountain Ski Manufacturers - the World Cup of Ski Sports. Last season, the best brand in the amount of earned points in the overall event in men and women became Head, men - Salomon, in women - Head. In the top five (based on the results of the overall standings) last season also included, in addition to these two brands, Atomic, Rossignol and Nordica, good results also showed athletes on Fischer, Stoeckli, Voelkl (details can be viewed at Fisski.com).

Carver skiing - Currently the most common ski type, designed for riding on the prepared slopes. Such skis are more comfortable and "soft" than skis for competitions, they easier forgive mistakes and allow you to quickly ride on the prepared slopes, however, these skis are not too suitable for riding. Such skis is a narrow waist, wide sock and heel. The range of carving models for all manufacturers is very wide - from high-tech models for experts, which use various innovations, to simpler and inexpensive ski for beginners.

Universal models - Skis, in which manufacturers tried to combine the best qualities of different models and make skis "for all occasions." On such skis, it is possible to accelerate on an empty prepared slope, or a little ride outside the tracks, on a shoot or imaging. But, of course, like any "universal", they are inferior to specialized ski models, designed, for example, for freeride or only for carving. A good option for those who want to have one pair of skis and for skiing in the "big mountains" and for short trips to the local slides.

Children's and junior models - As it follows from the name, designed for children and adolescents. Kids skiing should be primarily beautiful and not too heavy, so as not to repel in the little skiers, the desire to ride. But to junior models, which are meant by novice athletes, are already presented by quite a "native" requirements. When choosing children's and junior models, it makes sense to adhere to the recommendations of the coach or an instructor dealing with the child.

9. In the store Seller-Consultant Polymnames. I do not understand anything in it. What does the seller mean?

In specialized sports and ski stores, the sales assistant can operate the characteristics of skis and boots that will not immediately understand the beginners. Small "Likbez":

Soft skis. This term does not mean that the ski is soft, this is the conditional name of the ski characteristics. Such skis easier forgive mistakes, allow you to apply not too much effort for riding, and well absorb large irregularities of the relief. Soft skiing is primarily the model for beginners, as well as models for freeride, although they are fundamentally different - and in appearance, and in structure, IPO to other characteristics. It is convenient to study on such skis, but from easily "grow", so experts often do not recommend buying the lowest models.

Hard skiing - require good skills, physical shape and skiing efforts. On such skis, it is easier to gain speed, they clearly lead an arc, but beginners and not too well prepared people on such skis will be too difficult to learn. Each manufacturer in the same class of skis (for carving, expert carving, universal) offers models of different stiffness. In addition, modern technologies used in skis are allowed to accumulate energy and release it to increase the slip speed. Heavier people are encouraged to buy skis slightly more hardness than it is recommended for skiers with normal weight.

Stable skiing - Characteristics of the ski behavior on the slope, the maximum indicators of Stability are sporting skis. It is understood that more stable skiing practically do not come off from the slope at the time of slip, more precisely, the minimum amount of time in the flight phase.

Ski width. Wider skiing better behaves in deep snow and virgin, not "sinking" is usually more stable and stable.
The wider sock, the easier it is to turn it and start it. Such skis are used for carving. The more wider than the waist ski, the better the ski for inclusive skiing. Such skiing is better reacting to the dealership of the freerider, they float on deep snow, not drown in virgin. Skiing with a narrower waist is easier to scroll.
Skis with a wide heel and wide toe are used for carving. The wider the heel, the deeper the arc is obtained at the end of the rotation.

Side ski cutout. The smaller the lateral cutout radius (measured in meters), the less the radius of the arcs that the skier can go. A greater cutout (and radius) is done on slamomous and carving skiing, such skis allow you to make more arcs on short slopes. Skiing for inclusive riding is made a shallow cut in a large radius.

Ski or Rostovka length. In addition to the basic rules for determining the Rostovki, when choosing can be focused on the following: longer skiing is usually more stable, more stable and easier to go to virgin. Such skis are suitable for riding in the Alps or other "large mountains", on wide and extended tracks. Skiing are better suitable for frequent turns, they are easier to go through hard slopes with ice areas, better behave on an uneven, buggy track, they are easier to learn. When choosing a Rostovka makes sense to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer on the target group, because in addition to the length of the ski and its geometry, the mass of other parameters affects the behavior of the skis.

Stiffness index boot - The characteristic of ski boots showing how quickly and sensibly they pass the efforts of the skier and its movement on skiing. The maximum stiffness index (150 or more, depending on the scale adopted in the manufacturing company) - has a boot for sports riding. Such boots are designed primarily to participate in competitions, but in order to carry out the whole day on the slope, it is usually a thorough fit and a good physical condition of their owner. "Hard" boots make the skier work more on the slope, but at the same time optimally and quickly transmit any of his movements. The largest "soft" shoes (some models may have a lacing instead of traditional clips), designed for beginners and those who prefer spend more time in restaurants and sun loungers or prefers relaxed riding. Each manufacturer defines the stiffness index on its own scale, sometimes denoting it with no numbers, but by lettering designations. The optimal choice for the riding on the average level, and not participating in the skier competitions, ideally suitable on the shoe block, with a special insole and middle level of stiffness. For each model, the manufacturer clearly defines its target group: beginners, continuing, confidently rides, experts, freeriders, athletes, etc.

Termoformovka - Special process, in the process of which boots are warmed up to a certain temperature and are adjusted under the features of the legs of a particular person. For example, if the boot is slightly tuned in the ankle area, thermoforming, as a rule, helps to solve this problem. It is strongly recommended not to try to engage in thermoforming yourself - so you can damage the boot or achieve completely unexpected results. The perfect "tuning" of the boot is a combination of professional thermoforming and individual thermo-deformable insoles (customized individually not only under the features of the skier's stop, but also for a specific model of the boot). Special insole helps to optimize the distribution of human weight during skating, avoids unpleasant sensations with flatfoot and a number of orthopedic features and diseases.

Position "Walking-Riding" - A special switch (as a rule on the back of the boot), allowing you to easier to walk in shoes and more clearly and quickly transmit efforts to ski during skiing. Do not forget to switch it to the desired position, especially when riding.

Kant Tinting - Characteristics of the boot that allows you to adjust their tilt and position, depending on the characteristics of the anatomical structure and the location of the heads and knees. Especially helps to ride comfortably if the skier has x or o-shaped legs.

Adjustable clasp / clip - Additional divisions on clips or the ability to move them to expand allows you to comfortably ride people with wide legs.

Women's shoes Described taking into account the anatomical features of skiys. Like men's shoes, there may be any rigidity. Modern women's shoes have more elegant design, often with plush / fur finish, as a rule, lighter than men. Many manufacturers offer shortened models with low riding for women with wide shot. For beginners, there are also models with a lightweight entrance that provide comfortable dressing / removing the boots.

10. Are there any special rules in the mountains?
PDD in the mountains: Rules of Safe Catania

On the tracks, like on the roads, there are their rules, and these rules must necessarily know and observe. FIS Rules (International Ski Federation) are designed primarily to prevent accidents on the slopes and act as a "road rules", allowing to resolve controversial issues. Recently, many ski resorts conduct advertising campaigns aimed at introducing holidaymakers with these rules and reduce the number of injuries. Statistics show that many collisions and accidents in the mountains occur due to negligence and elementary ignorance "Mountain traffic rules."

    Respect others
  • A skier or snowboarder must behave in such a way as not to expose herself and others and not damage to others.
    Control your speed
  • The skier or snowboarder must control its speed and direction of movement. It is necessary to measure its speed and a motion of movement with the state of the track, snow cover, weather and the number of people on the slope.
    Selecting direction
  • Skier or snowboarder approaching from behind, should choose the direction of movement in such a way as not to expose the skier or snowboarder in front.
  • The skier or snowboarder can overtake another skier or snowboarder from either side, provided that the Obdrawn remains enough space for intentional or unintentional movements.
    Exit on the slope, start of movement, movement upside down
  • A skier or snowboarder leaving the track, which starts the movement after stopping or rising, should do this without creating dangers for himself or others.
    Stop on the track
  • A skier or snowboarder should not stop at narrow places of the track or where visibility is limited, except in cases of extreme need. After falling in such places, the skier or snowboarder should release the track as soon as possible.
    Lifting and descent without skis
  • Skier or snowboarder, rising or descending down the slope without skis, should go along the edge of the track.
    Carefully treat signs and markup
  • Skier or snowboarder must follow signs and markup.
    Giving help
  • In case of accident, the debt of each skier or snowboarder is to assist the victim.
  • All skiers or snowboarders, as well as witnesses, regardless of participation or non-participation in the incident, should exchange with names and addresses after what happened.

11. What you need to know by going to the mountains?

    In addition to elementary compliance with the rules, there are several ways to protect ourselves and others from trouble.
    Do not neglect the help and learning from the instructor, hoping for your own talents and sports form. Newbies trying to learn themselves or with the help of non-professional "teachers" risk more.
    Do not force the process, trying to learn "everything and immediately" in 1-2 days.
    Useown, well-fitted and selected boots or rent equipment in good box. When choosing and fitting equipment, try not to overestimate your own level of riding. If the selected skiing, board or boots are not suitable - do not hesitate to return to the rental and exchange them.
    It is not necessary to use the equipment of your friends - the risk of getting the injury at the same time increases sharply.
    Before make a workout Before skiing: a few simple exercises and stretching allows you to ride more confident and safer.
    Rest in time - The greatest number of incidents occurs after lunch. It is impossible to go on the slope to those who are too tired, excessively ate or drank or drank, or those who do not feel. In these cases, it is better to go down on the lift, not amenable to persuasion.
    Do not start "chasing" on the slopes. Often, as when driving a car, euphoria arises and the illusion of complete control of the situation arises, and modern mountain skiing allows you to develop speed over 120 km / h. It is not necessary to ride too fast: it is so much easier to get a serious injury. Experts, completely confident in their abilities, it is worth thinking about those who ride nearby - their level of riding and the reaction rate may not be so good.
    Do not starve And do not refuse meals. At the height, proper nutrition, and especially "slow" carbohydrates are simply necessary. They are the source of energy that makes the muscles quickly and correctly work.
    Do not forget about water: Under the conditions of the highlands, the need of the body is increasing, but do not drink exclusively coffee and alcohol. Dehydration can lead to premature fatigue and injuries.

    Never do not go beyond the tracks by oneself. Even if you have all the illegal equipment and you are completely confident. Do not forget about an avalanche, pay attention to the estimates of the probabilities of avalanche (marked with numbers from 1 to 5 or flags, are postponed daily at the cash regions, lifts and map of the region).
    Never do not ride around the closed track. In case of injury on such a track, you will most likely have to pay the cost of evacuation and rescuers. The tracks close not just so, even if first it is not obvious.
    Listen your body and pay attention on disturbing symptoms. And, most importantly, leaving in the mountains - do not turn off your head. And do not forget to wear a helmet.

APRES-SKI - Literally (with Fr.) - "After skis" - all sorts of recreation in the mountains: bars, restaurants, discos, SPA centers, sports complexes, etc.

Green Route - The route for beginners, usually absolutely canopy. In part of the countries, green tracks are not classified, and indicated on the cards in blue.

Cant - the lower edge of the ski, upholstered with a steel plate (edge). Depending on the position of skiing, Kanta may be called internal (the ribs come close to each other) and external, upper and lower. In the turn, the inner edge on each ski is called the one that is closer to the center of rotation, and the outer edge is the opposite, which is further from the center of the movement.

Red Route - The track for confidently ski skiers, depending on the resort and relief, as a rule, medium complexity.

Off-piste. - Filly riding on unmarked and unprepared slopes requires a good level of preparation. On parts of the resorts, such skating is considered prohibited without accompanying the guide.

Plow - The position of the ski delivered at the angle with reduced socks. The technique of the simplest slip, braking and turns on the gentle slopes.

Ramp - Snowproat machine, processing routes.

Blue Route - Easy, simple route, as a rule, with a minimal bias.

Ski-foot - Part of the ski fasteners, are necessary for detention in the snow of the unfounded ski.

Rack - Skier position on the descent. In height, the rack is low, medium and high, according to the degree of toning the body back and forth - the front, normal and rear.

Ski Pass (Ski Pass, Lift Pass) - Subscription for lifts.

Ski-Bus. - A bus for skiers, delivering them to the regions of Catania and back to the center of the resort or to hotels.

Black road - The highest complexity of the category of trails, as a rule, black is indicated by the track with a large steepness or narrow, demanding from riding good techniques.