Baby dowry - preparation for the birth of a child. Baby stroller. Moving around the apartment

How to prepare your home for a newborn? There are many superstitions that before a baby is born, buying a dowry can bring trouble. However, the reality is that after his birth, a young mother will not be able to go shopping, choose furniture, clothes, or even more start repairs. The expectant mother will be much calmer if everything you need is bought a couple of months before the coveted date. Therefore, you need to prepare an apartment for the appearance of a baby in advance!

What should be a children's room?

The nursery should be furnished so that, first of all, it is comfortable for the mother and safe for the child. The room should be bright and well ventilated, however do not put the bed in the path of a draft... Optimal in child's room - 22 degrees... It is advisable to ventilate the room several times a day and do wet cleaning as necessary.

Cribs Nowadays, there are very different: with longitudinal rolling, with lateral rolling, transformer beds, cribs with drawers or cribs on wheels and other options with their own pros and cons. Do not forget that the purchase of a crib is most often followed by the purchase of a mattress and soft walls.

Pillow the baby does not need at least one year old.

You will also need a place to store baby clothes, diapers, diaper toys. You may need to purchase several lockers... Availability changing table desirable, but due to the lack of space in the apartment, you can easily do without it

Buying a stroller

Walking with your child in the fresh air is extremely important. You will have to walk a lot with the child and often therefore the stroller must be chosen carefully, taking into account the environmental and climatic conditions in which the child will be.

On the eve of a pregnant woman, it becomes very difficult to do household chores, and a newborn in the house really needs cleanliness. Therefore, the responsibility for putting things in order in the house falls on the shoulders of relatives and friends. You definitely need to spend wet cleaning, wipe off all dust and try to keep the room clean. Since there is very little time left before the baby appears, it is better to wash all children's things with a special powder and put them in their places. You should also consider buying a humidifier, especially if the baby is born during the cold season. Dry air can contribute to excessive loss of moisture in the body and dry out mucous membranes, preventing free breathing.

Parents-to-be are trying to prepare thoroughly for the birth of a child.

As a rule, dad and mom begin to provide maximum comfort and coziness in the children's room, buy a whole mountain of things, and then grab their heads, fearing to forget something important before giving birth.

And often this is exactly what happens, therefore, first of all, it is important to prepare the most necessary things for the first time for the newborn.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of things for a maternity hospital

So, the whole process of giving birth to a new life begins with the hospital. Most likely, you will be provided in advance with a huge list of things for the expectant mother and baby, half of which is simply not needed. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare such basic things that should be useful and not impressive. Among them:

2-3 pieces of undershirts;

5-6 pairs of sliders;

2-3 pieces of flannel and thin diapers;

3 warm and thin caps;

Diapers for the first days of the newborn;

Wet wipes;

A bottle that can be useful for expressing breast milk on the advice of an obstetrician;

Several pairs of socks and mittens;

A set of clothes for a statement or an envelope.

With such an arsenal, any mother will be calm after the birth of her child.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of things to sleep

When a new member of a young family first moves from the hospital to the parental home, he may not have many desires for the first time. In the first days of these is sleep. Therefore, a sleeping place must be equipped in advance for the child. To do this, you need the following things:

    The crib is the first attribute that cannot be forgotten. It is very important that the bed is made exclusively from natural wood. If you already purchase a bed for a baby as a primary need, then future prospects should also be taken into account in it. This is an adjustment of the sides, a multi-level bottom, the presence of protective pads on the sides, built-in boxes for storing the baby's linen and clothes.

    The mattress should be matched to the size of the bed itself and fit perfectly to the walls. You can choose spring mattresses that are appropriate for babies, springless or orthopedic. An orthopedic mattress has 2 sides: the hard side is suitable for a child under 1 year old, and the soft side after reaching 30 months.

    Bumper for baby cot. It is located along the inner perimeter and looks like soft sides. It is necessary to protect the newborn from accidental blows, injuries, stuck body parts between the bars of the bed, as well as from drafts.

    The sheet should be perfectly sized so that it is convenient to tuck under the mattress and prevent it from constantly slipping. You can choose a sheet with an elastic band.

    Blanket. You can choose one of the options for a baby blanket, for example, flannel, terry, woolen, plaid. Don't forget about the duvet cover.

    Mobile or music carousel above the crib. You can choose the mechanical or electronic option, which will help an infant up to 5-6 months of age fall asleep faster.

Things that will not be needed at first are a canopy, a pillow and a night light.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of things for walking

Doctors recommend daily walks for any newborn child. There are also necessary things for this lesson, without which the walk will not be a comfortable and pleasant pastime. So, among them:

1. A stroller. The purchase of such an attribute should be given special attention. Among them, the following types are distinguished:

    transformers, which include several varieties of positions and can be used for a long time;

    tricycles - it will be hard to cope with such strollers due to the difficulties of management and long getting used to;

    double, in which you can change the position depending on the season;

    forward-facing reeds are not suitable for newborns, they are allowed for children from 1 year old.

When choosing a stroller, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

    maneuverability and quality of shock absorbers;

    smooth running;


2. Mattress. The preparation for the walking process does not end with the purchase of a stroller. A newborn baby should be comfortable in a stroller cot.

3. A raincoat that will cover the stroller in case of rain must be in stock.

4. Warm leg bag.

5. Bag - often comes with a stroller.

6. Mosquito net.

7. Overalls-transformer with insulation for a cold pore or an envelope blanket. If the baby is born in a warm season, then a lighter version of the envelope or clothing will be needed.

You can delay the first time with a sling, a car seat and a thermal bag.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of household accessories

The baby spends most of the time, of course, at home. Even in spite of the fact that his sleeping place is fully equipped, there is no need for anything on walks, the usual home pastime will also not do without obligatory things. For the first time, the baby will need:

    disposable diapers;

    wet wipes;

    baby oil and lotion;

    diaper cream and baby powder;

    washing powder for baby clothes;

    changeable bed linen;

    a changing table is very desirable, it is a very convenient thing for the first time;

    body and room thermometer;

    cotton buds;



    scissors with rounded ends;

    diapers are light and warm;

    undershirts are light and warm;

    body for a cold and warm season, depending on the season of birth;

    caps with and without insulation;

    socks and scratches;


    a first aid kit that your pediatrician should help you put together.

While the child is very small and sleeps a lot, the mother can add a daily planner to the list of must-have things, where she will write down important events, new achievements and valuable advice.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of items for bathing and feeding

It would seem that what is needed to feed an infant is a breast full of milk and nothing more. But in the modern world, nursing mothers cannot do without such things:

    special nursing bras that facilitate this process and make it convenient and comfortable;

    pads for absorbing milk from the breast;

    ointment that heals nipple cracks.

If the young mother does not have her own milk, and feeding will be carried out artificially, then you will need the following set of accessories:

     a special bottle with a nipple, it is advisable to have several of them in reserve. The nipple must necessarily have the anatomical shape of the nipple of the female breast, they must also be in stock;

    plastic funnel;

    a special brush for washing baby bottles;

    measuring spoon and glass;

    sterilizer and automatic bottle warmer;

    pillow for feeding;

    a few bibs;

    a syringe without a needle for saturation with vitamins.

Not necessary for the first time shopping for feeding are: a breast pump and a container for saving expressed milk.

When it comes to bathing a newborn, you should prepare thoroughly for this process. Naturally, we are talking about moral preparation, which also includes knowledge about the process of bathing a baby, and about practical. To bathe a baby, young parents will need a whole list of items, including:

    baby bath;

    baby soap and shampoo;

    a sponge for washing a baby or a terrycloth mitt;

    thermometer for water;

    bath towel with a corner.

Buying all the necessary things should not be done at the last moment. Before giving birth, future parents have a lot of worries, among which there will be no time to find the things the baby needs. The prejudices that it is impossible to acquire things in advance are a thing of the past. Modern methods of medicine have completely supplanted the likelihood of their appearance. So things for a newborn can and should be purchased in advance so that at the time of birth no unnecessary worries would distract the young family from enjoying the happy moments of the emergence of a new life. Do not trust prejudice, rely on common sense.

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In anticipation of the birth of a baby, young mothers and fathers are worried, going over the ideas of preparing the house for the appearance of a little man.

The preparation of the apartment should begin as early as possible, since childbirth is an unforeseen matter, and at a later date it can begin at any time.

In some families, the child sleeps in the same room as the parents, while others have their own private bedroom. In any case, the principles of arranging furniture, and creating the necessary conditions for a comfortable sleep of the crumbs are similar.

The room where the baby will rest must undoubtedly be bright, with the possibility of airing the room. Carpets are collectors of dust and pet hair, so it is better to refuse them, as well as from soft toys, in the first months of a baby's life.

Flowering plants should be removed from the room to avoid allergies in the crumbs. The crib can be placed next to the mother's bed, for ease of feeding, or separately, preferably in the corner of the room and away from the windows.

Each parent chooses the design himself. These will be either plain walls in a delicate shade, or bright geometric shapes on a light background, or illustrations with animals.

Mom and Dad have 9 months to experiment and find their favorite room option for their baby.

Buying things for a newborn.

It is advisable not to rush to buy things for the baby and buy only the most necessary things for his birth:

  • Washer- nowhere without her! It is better to wash a bunch of small pants 2 times a day than to constantly spend money on diapers.
  • Thermopod- will greatly facilitate the lives of mothers who feed their children with formula. You won't have to wait every time for the kettle to boil.
  • Crib- you can buy an ordinary inexpensive one, or a playpen bed with a built-in cradle and rattles.
  • Diapers and oilcloths- if the baby will rarely wear diapers, you will have to stock up on a bunch of diapers: warm and thin, as well as a couple of oilcloths.
  • Diapers- if the mother does not want to do the laundry every day, it is worth buying several different small packs of diapers and see which ones are more suitable for the baby.
  • Bathtub- in the early months of a baby's life, you should bathe every day, preferably before bedtime.
  • Blanket- one for a walk, one for a crib.
  • Pacifier- you can buy several and different types at once, so that the baby himself chooses the one he likes.
  • Thermometer and special remedy for colic, which last from three to six, and in some babies even up to eight months.

Over time, parents will have to buy different things. These will be bottles, intelligence toys, high chairs, walkers and jumpers.

Savings methods.

Many people cannot afford luxurious cribs and expensive clothes. To save the family budget, you can buy things from your hands. For example, the sale of strollers and highchairs is often reported in newspapers and on websites.

In order not to spend money on diapers, you can buy a suitable fabric and sew them yourself. When you ask “What to give?”, Say - money, so it will be possible to distribute finances to more and more necessary things, and there will be no identical things.

As they age, children need more and more things for natural needs, play and the development of intelligence. You should not buy a bunch of things at once, many may not be useful, or the child may not like it. And when buying toys, you do not need to fill up the crumbs with them, it is better to give one every morning so that the baby will enjoy the new day!

The birth of a new life is a wonderful and exciting event for a family, be it a young couple waiting for their first child, or already experienced parents who have learned the experience of giving birth and raising a little person. The appearance of a child changes the life of his parents once and for all, and every child will change it again and again, because all babies are unique and carry a divine particle in themselves. The family has a huge responsibility to meet the little guest with dignity on the threshold of a big life, so loved ones should help expectant mothers and fathers in preparing for the birth of a child. When the first, most difficult months of pregnancy pass, special attention should be paid to the important aspects of preparing for the birth of a baby.

1. Physical preparation for childbirth

Any woman should, from the first day of her pregnancy, begin preparations for a successful gestation and successful childbirth. First of all, you need to reconsider your daily routine. If your work is connected with strong physical and emotional stress, it is worth warning the company's management about your pregnancy and ask for simplification of working conditions. You need to get enough sleep, so your daily routine should be as long as your body requires.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be complete and balanced, it is worth giving up products containing preservatives, dyes and flavors. We try to limit the interaction with harmful substances that can occur through the skin or respiratory tract. It is imperative to quit alcohol, smoking and the use of any medications, without consulting a doctor. It is desirable to maintain moderate physical activity, it can be walking in the air, household chores, shopping. If possible, you should start attending special classes in groups, it can be gymnastics for pregnant women or prasu-yoga. It is necessary to avoid large crowds of people in closed spaces, such as public transport, concerts, cinemas, in order to exclude the possibility of contracting infectious diseases, if visiting such places is necessary, you should use protective disposable masks.

2. Moral preparation for childbirth

Your communication should not be reduced to the usual circle, find like-minded women among successful mothers, communicate with them on the topic of pregnancy and childbirth, ask for advice, however, not all advice should be followed, always check the information. Read special literature, magazines for pregnant women, watch videos so that your level of theoretical training is as high as possible. After all, people, as a rule, are afraid of the unknown, and what a person is familiar with, at least in theory, becomes more understandable, and therefore less scary. It must be remembered that pregnancy is not a disease, but childbirth, is a natural natural process.

3. Psychological preparation for the appearance of a child in the house

Study the literature on what a newborn baby looks like and what kind of care it requires. You need to know what difficulties you may face in order to avoid panic if they arise. Get ready for the birth of a child as for the appearance of a welcome guest, find out everything about his preferences and tastes, about how to behave in certain situations. After all, the importance of this little guest can hardly be overestimated, you need to do everything in your power to facilitate his arrival and adaptation in this world. Start with your pregnancy and introduce him to the world of tastes, sounds and touch. At certain times, the child will interact with you, and you will understand this by the response shocks inside. You will understand what he likes and what he is not happy about, when he is scared and when he is happy and relaxed. The first important step on the path to spiritual intimacy with a child will be the first ultrasound, it is worth taking a photo of a little man, it will remind you of the importance of your role, and will reduce the consequences of the suffering that a woman may experience at different stages of pregnancy.

4. Preparing at home for a baby

A friendly environment, order and cleanliness, as well as personal space, create the first living conditions for a child. Parents should make sure that by the time a new family member appears, he has his own corner in the apartment, shelves in the closet and other little things that create comfort. It is worth taking care of the absence of fungus on the walls of the room and bathroom; when cleaning, environmentally friendly detergents should be used. The room must be well ventilated, humidified and be able to regulate the heating temperature. The environment is the first indicator of a child's health.

5. Collecting a dowry for the baby

There are a number of prejudices associated with pregnancy and childbirth. One of them is preparing for the birth of a child. It is popularly believed that buying baby clothes before birth is a bad omen. However, it should be understood that all the signs are rooted in the deep past, and are associated with events that took place a very long time ago and have become irrelevant in the modern world. Several centuries ago, both children and women in labor died in large numbers during childbirth. Today, medicine has made great strides forward, it is not a midwife, but qualified specialists who take delivery, so let's leave prejudices in the past. Must-have purchases before childbirth: baby stroller, baby cot, crib mattress, baby bedding, changing chest or changing table, bath tub, baby clothes and baby care cosmetics. Be sure to prepare a discharge kit that should contain seasonal items. When choosing a dowry, consider factors such as environmental friendliness, naturalness, safety, comfort, ease, mobility.

6. Exit on maternity leave

A pregnant woman is legally entitled to maternity leave. The timing of going on maternity leave depends, first of all, on your well-being. However, maternity funds are paid only in accordance with the law. A pregnant woman needs to find out information about which social structure is involved in the calculation and payment of benefits, what documents are required to apply for benefits, what are the official dates for the start of maternity leave for pregnant women, where funds will be transferred. It is worth taking care of searching for information in advance, when the stomach does not interfere with free movement, it is also worth settling all issues related to travel before the onset of bad weather, for example, severe cold or ice.

7. Choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor

You also need to find out in advance which maternity hospitals are closest to your place of residence. It is necessary to visit the maternity hospital, to get acquainted with how childbirth takes place, in what conditions are women in labor and parturient women, whether the maternity hospital promotes breastfeeding, whether it stimulates childbirth, etc. It is also best to decide with a doctor who will lead your childbirth in advance, it is very important to enlist the understanding and support of the doctor.

8. Bag to the hospital

In order to make your stay in the hospital as comfortable as possible, you need to collect the bag in the hospital in advance. You will be given a list of necessary things, but you must make a list of items that make your life comfortable. It can be advised to include a good book or a tablet in the bag to make your stay in a government place more enjoyable, and handicrafts will also not be superfluous, if you like. Do not forget the camera and batteries for it, it is very important to capture the first minutes of your baby's life for his first album.

9. Arrangement of a children's corner

The place where the crib and other children's furniture will stand should be not only functional, but also beautiful. It is worth thinking about a light, unobtrusive decor for a children's corner, it can be letters with a name, colored paper flags, a beautiful picture. Just avoid too bright and large images, they can scare the baby. Children's things should be kept separately from adults. All things that you buy for a child should be washed and ironed, use baby powder for washing. If the item cannot be washed, it is worth wiping it down with a damp cloth, possibly using a natural detergent. Check the child's seat for drafts. Try to keep your baby's room light and fresh enough. A good purchase would be an air humidifier, as well as a thermometer (for measuring air temperature) and a hygrometer (meter for the level of air humidity).

10. Sorting and preparation of children's things

Sort baby clothes by age and purpose. To avoid clutter on the shelves, put items that aren't in time in separate bags and put them away in your closet. Clothes for babies that you intend to use in the first three months of a baby's life, wash, iron and put in a dresser. Prepare baby care products, set aside shelves, or purchase a plastic display rack from a hardware store. For small children's clothing such as hats, bibs and socks, it is worth purchasing fabric containers, the base of which is easily removable and washable.

You are now ready to receive your guest. Maintain an optimistic and joyful mood, do not listen to scary stories about childbirth and childhood illnesses. The emotional state of a pregnant woman is directly related to the success of childbirth and the development of lactation. Be attentive to your body, listen to your child, do not ignore your intuition. Good preparation in any business always leads to a successful outcome of the event.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 17 minutes


The instinct to "build a nest" is inherent in every woman. And, as soon as the woman realizes that there are nine months of waiting ahead and a happy addition to the family, she begins to storm children's, furniture and construction stores. Under the supervision of the vigilant and no less picky future dad, she chooses headsets for the nursery, new wallpapers with cartoon animals and bottles with sliders.

There are, of course, exceptions, but most of the women are actively developing the nest.

Nesting instinct

What motivates the expectant mother, covering the whole family with a wave of her inexhaustible energy?

Renovation of an apartment before the birth of a child

Of course, a major overhaul a couple of weeks before giving birth is unnecessary. But it is still worth paying attention to certain corners of the apartment.

What is the best way to prepare the nursery for the birth of a child?

The child needs personal space, of course. Firstly, he will need to crawl and play somewhere, and secondly, he will need to put mountains of toys, clothes and other things of the baby somewhere. If there is a separate room, where, after some one and a half or two years, daddy's screwdrivers and mom's cosmetics will disappear, then you should approach its arrangement with all seriousness.

In the absence of such a room, a specially designated area of ​​the common room becomes it.

What should be considered in the children's room?

All small things that can get into the respiratory tract (stationery, jewelry, sewing items, etc.), as well as important documents should be removed higher.

Cleaning and disinfection of the apartment

Cleaning the apartment, carrying out the necessary disinfection before the birth of a baby is an obligatory and responsible process. But it is better to entrust it to the future father and relatives, because the expectant mother will have no time to deal with these matters - she will be in the hospital.

What should dad take care of to keep the apartment clean when mom and baby arrive?

It is important to remember that all disinfectants should be hypoallergenic and as gentle as possible, and the floors should not be slippery (you can apply special decorative and protective coatings - they will protect the floors from future child's arts and prevent accidental falls).

What do you need to buy before leaving the hospital?

Despite all the prejudices and omens, expectant mothers, for the most part, still try to buy the necessary things in advance. After the baby is born, it will be difficult to do this. Not to mention that the baby needs clothes, a crib and various small things from the first days. What should you buy first?

Choosing a stroller:

Today it is quite extensive: colors, additional functions, dimensions, etc. But in addition to its attractive appearance, the stroller should be distinguished by maximum comfort for the child. What to look for when buying a stroller:

  • Protection from rain, snow, sun, mosquitoes (visor, awning, foot cover, raincoat, mosquito net);
  • The presence of a footrest for the child's feet;
  • The ability to flip the handle to the desired side;
  • The ability to transform the stroller ("sitting-lying-half-sitting");
  • Matching the width of the stroller to the width of the elevator aisle in the house;
  • The lightness of the stroller (the ability to lower and raise it on your own, without the help of a dad);
  • Additional accessories (carrying bag, basket for things, table, mattress, bag for mom on the handle, pockets, etc.).

The birth of which is expected in winter is more preferable. It saves from wind and frost best of all. The disadvantage is the difficulty with moving such a stroller. Considering these nuances, it will be more convenient to use a transforming stroller, which can be easily folded and disassembled, and also has a cradle that protects the baby from the wind from all directions.

Choosing a crib:

It is the crib that immediately creates an atmosphere of comfort, serenity and fairy tale in the children's room. Especially, emphasized by an unobtrusive light canopy, a musical carousel and delicate shades of the bedspread. Of course, bed linen for a child must be new and made only from natural fabrics. What to look for when buying a crib?

  • Crib for 3-5 years - the most ideal option. The cradle is a pleasure for six months, and the child will not need a large bed soon. The bed must have removable sides and the ability to assemble and disassemble. It's good if the wheels of the crib can be replaced with a "pendulum" - there are many such models today. This will allow the baby to swing right in the crib.
  • Bumpers cribs should adjustable in height ... While the baby is small, it is more convenient to transfer it to a crib with a low sided side. And when he grows up, it is better to raise the board higher so that the child does not fall out.
  • Ideal multifunctional option - a cot with a changing table and drawers for the baby's clothes.
  • need to buy with eco-friendly natural filling ... Desirable, orthopedic, and with the possibility of changing (and washing) the cover.
  • Soft sides today are sold in every children's store. To avoid the baby's bumps, who will inevitably fall in bed trying to learn to walk.
  • Canopy - a thing that is more attractive for mom. For a child, it is, by and large, unnecessary. If you can't do without it, then you will need to wash it constantly so that dust does not accumulate over the child's head. Again, the installed bracket should be carefully checked for strength. The child, having learned to get up, can pull him towards himself by pulling the canopy.

Bed linen in the crib:

This list depends on the capabilities of the parents, but the baby, of course, should have the most necessary things. Namely:

Baby furniture:

  • Chest of drawers (wardrobe) for storing clothes and things of the child;
  • Feeding chair;
  • Basket for toys.

Clothes and things for the baby

The rest is individual. Depending on the capabilities and desires of the parents.

Necessary little things: