Dock Film Secret Territories. Secret Territory Day with Igor Prokopenko Other films Documentary films online watch for free. Download video and cut MP3 - we just have it

01. The death of the planet. As will be (13.01.11) 02. In search of Shambhala (01/20/11) 03. Sablers from space (01.27.11) 04. Rats. Underground Mind (02/03/2011) 05. UFO. Singles on the moon (02/10/2011) 06. Secrets of the anomalous zones (17.02.2011) 07. Seven days before the end of the world (02.24.2011) 08. Werewolves. Code of the Beast (03/03/2011) 09. UFO. Neighbors on the Sun (03/10/2011) 10. UFO. Mysterious trail (03/17/2011) 11. The death of the planet. Blow from space (03/24/2011) 12. Mirror. Parallel worlds (03/31/2011) 13. Parallel reality. Life in a dream (04/07/2011) 14. Parallel worlds. Stop Time (04/14/2011) 15. UFO. Chronicle of disasters (04/21/2011) 16. Solar threat (04/28/2011) 17. Life after death (05.05.2011) 18. Sulests. Body wonders (05/12/2011) 19. Stargate. Mystery of seats (19.05.2011) 20. Unclean force (25.05.2011) 21. Space moving. Attack on Mars (06/01/2011) 22. UFO. Mounted contact (06/08/2011) 23. In search of a parallel world (06/15/2011) 24. Bacteria. Mind in the microscope (06/22/2011) 25. People of the future (06/29/2011) 26. UFO. Mystery of the Golden cradle (08/03/2011) 27. Bacteria. Elixir Youth (10.08.2011) 28. The world after 2012. The embodiment of the prophecies (12.08.2011) 29. Planet of mutants (08/17/2011) 30. The secrets of the saints and seats (08/24/2011) 31. When the earth will turn over (09/02/2011 ) 32. Aliens. The door to the universe (09.09.2011) 33. Secrets of time. Return to the future (09/16/2011) 34. The Earth will explode tomorrow (09/23/2011) 35. Space Wanderers (09/30/2011) 36. Borrowed in time (07.10.2011) 37. Ancestors from space (14.10.2011) 38. Dragons . Star race (10/21/2011) 39. Earth's death (10/28/2011) 40. Spies from space (11.11.2011) 41. Universal mind (11/18/2011) 42. UFO BC (25.11.2011) 43. Apocalypse. Wrath of the planet (02.12.2011) 44. UFO. Mystery of people in black (09.12.2011) 45. Conspiracy of the Black Force (12/16/2011) 46. Upgrade the Earth. The mission is fulfilled (03.02.2012) 47. Call of blood (10.02.2012) 48. Mars. Motherland of the gods (17.02.2012) 49. Immortality. Life without a body (24.02.2012) 50. Space chronicle of the Earth (03.03.2012) 51. Tunnels of time (03/16/2012) 52. UFO. Reptiles among us (03/23/2012) 53. UFO. War of the Gods (03/30/2012) 54. Guests of the Heaven (04/06/2012) 55. Apocalypse. Slow-up bomb (13.04.2012) 56. Pyramids. Heritage of the gods (04/20/2012) 57. Gold. Secret power (04/27/2012) 58. Lost paradise (04.05.2012) 59. Guests from the parallel worlds (11.05.2012) 60. UFO. Forbidden technologies (19.05.2012) 61. Parallel worlds. Zones X (25.05.2012) 62. Dwarfs in the Universe (05.11.2011) 63. Pyramids. The secret of immortality (01.06.2012) 64. Treasures of Star Aliens (06/08/2012) 65. Time Wheel (15.06.2012) 66. Invisible Race (June 22, 2012) 67. In contact with the Galaxy (29.06.2012) 68. Amazon. Survivors of the Apocalypse (10.08.2012) 69. The shortcings of the Universe (17.08.2012) 70. The last day of the Earth (August 24, 2012) 71. 2012. Return of the gods (08/31/2012) 72. Bases of aliens (09/07/2012) 73. Laboratory of the Universe (09/13/2012) 74. Apocalypse. Weather sellers (09/21/2012) 75. In the footsteps of Star Aliens (09/28/2012) 76. In search of eternal life (05.10.2012) 77. Life in parallel dimension (12.10.2012) 78. Where is the abyss (10/19/2012) 79. Bermuda triangle. Secret gates (26.10.2012) 80. Solar apocalypse (02.11.2012) 81. Pyramids. Extraterrestrial technologies (09.11.2012) 82. Who occupied the Earth? (11/16/2012) 83. UFO. A different tree (11/23/2012) 84. Forbidden archeology (30.11.2012) 85. Signs of darkness (01/18/2013) 86. Monsters. Time puzzles (01/25/2013) 87. Secrets of the luna seas (01.02.2013) 88. UFO. The Second Coming (02/08/2013) 89. The legacy of the Star Aliens (02/15/2013) 90. Secrets of the ancient land (02.22.2013) 91. Heavenly Fire (03/01/2013) 92. The Kidvers of the Planet (03/15/2013) 93. Good trolls of the Universe (03/22/2013) 94. Atlanta from Planet Sirius (03/29/2013) 95. Beyond the Grand of Heaven (04/05/2013) 96. Mars. One end flight (12.04.2013) 97. Lost treasures of the ancients (04/19/2013) 98. The hostages of the distant worlds (04.26.2013) 99. The road to the gates of fate (05/17/2013) 100. Chariots of the gods (24.05.2013) 101 . Pale fire universe (05/31/2013) 102. Space rock stars (06/07/2013) 103. The legacy of alien architects (14.06.2013) 104. Climate of the planet. From drought to Typhoon (06.21.2013) 105. Mind. Forbidden Knowledge (08/23/2013) 106. Next to God (08/30/2013) 107. The Brotherhood of the Universe (09/06/2013) 108. Molchan Giza (09/13/2013) 109. Aviation of ancient peoples (09/20/2013) 110. The Universe. The entrance is prohibited (09/27/2013)

The territory of delusions with Igor Prokopenko 2017 is a cognitive journey to the secrets of the Universe. The journalist opens the curtain over the secrets of antiquity and modernity along with the group of advanced scientists of different industries of science. Prokopenko will publish materials that were under the vulture of "secret" for a long time.

Cycle releases are raising ambiguous issues in the field of astronomy, archeology, physiology and history. Comments and interviews of serious scientists are confirmed and refuted long-known facts. Official science is grilling, and sometimes frankly ignores some inexplicable materials. But how is the deep "rabbit nora"?

All issues

"The territory of delusions" will publish many data and artifacts that, to put it mildly, do not join the opinion of modern science. Unknown history pages are confirmed by the documents that the official public will not be available for the coming years.

Each transmission of the cycle reveals the secret and explores it from different points of view, often, diametrically opposed. The author does not impose his point of view, only states the facts. What way to take - the viewer itself decides.

The original lead manner gives food for thinking, makes you think. Especially interesting versions regarding the problems of modernity, as they directly affect our lives. Weather changes, the problem of refugees in Europe, the murder version of Nemtsov is the latest issues of "territories of delusions".

Were the Americans on the moon? Moon - artificial object? Why did the research stopped? The transfer opens the veil over the history of the Luna study. Supporters of the "lunar conspiracy" will publish video and photographic materials that were removed allegedly on the Earth's satellite. But, despite hundreds of fake photos, serious scientists recognize that the flight on the moon was still.
What did astronauts actually collided with?

Classified materials become available - on the Moon, astronauts recorded traces of an unknown civilization. The lunar phenomena is regularly fixed by astronomers.

One of the versions is the activity of lunar civilization, which has a level of development much higher than the earth. This is confirmed by numerous pictures with objects of artificial origin.

How many times did humanity reach the highest point of development and degraded? Did the modern man of their ancient progenitors smarter? The last finds of archaeologists refute the classical theory of evolution. We did not happen from the monkeys - they talk about this sensational archaeological finds in Georgia. The age of human remains of the genus Homo Sapiens is almost 2 million years.

There is an opinion that modern humanity is smarter and more beautiful than those who erected the pyramids. But research of physiologists and archaeologists says that the amount of gray substance decreases, a person is stupid. This contributes to the technocratic development of civilization. But is it developed? Or nevertheless degradation? The modern world of fragile, enough of several global technogenic disasters and the development of civilization can reverse.

Where did the loot during the Second World War dissolved? How do the descendants of the Nazis treat their history? The widespread revival of the Nazi movement is alarming.

The gold of the Third Reich has not yet been found. Separate objects of the leveled disparately "pop up" in different parts of the world. But this is just the top of the iceberg. Where is the main part of the stupid?

Igor Prokopenko lifts the veil over some versions. Reich's gold traces are found in Argentina and Chile and there is a version that it has become a political asylum fee for Nazi criminals. The version is confirmed by documents and photographic materials.

Each film tells about an unusual phenomenon, which is difficult to find an explanation. Weekly, the audience learn about the abnormal zones, prophetic dreams, supernatural abilities of man and UFOs. The authors of the program consider all points of view - from the most fantastic to quite realistic.

Day of secret territories №1 - Spies of distant worlds

Both air passengers and pilots often talk about strange luminous objects accompanying aircraft ... Specialists of many countries track these UFOs, but almost always hide the results of their observations ... Why?

Secret Territory Day No. 2 - Fatal Contact

When will humanity face global danger?
- What secret weapon create scientists?
- Why Russia and the United States unite their space resources?

Secret Territory Day №3 - Mystery NASA

Gary McCinnon - the most famous hacker on the planet. He managed to do just incredible: hack the network of computers of the Pentagon and Aerospace Agency NASA. In 2006, the police arrested it for this, at the interrogation Hacker admitted that computers were watched only because he was looking for secret documents on contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. According to him, communication with our neighbors in the universe is already in full swing, only for some reason, for some reason they do not report this, but the most important thing, Hacker Garry McCinnen, said that he was painted those documents that testify the contacts of the military with extraterrestrial civilizations ...

Secret Territory Day №4 - Running to Heaven

Researchers argue that in antiquity people knew how to fly; Is it possible to return this knowledge?
The great mystery of human flights, not in a dream, but on Java, in the project: "running in heaven"

Secret Territory Day No. 5 - Conspiracy of the Fallen

Spear of Fate, the Ark of the Covenant, the Garlé Bowl - these artifacts giving infinitectural power, it was customary to communicate with the Templars. Today a new version has appeared: artifacts are stored brothers-illuminates ...

Secret Territory Day №6 - Games of the Gods

The ancient chronicles argue that 14 years ago gods descended from the sky;
- Recently, the scientists have advanced to the hypothesis: the first people appeared in the test tube;
- Why the theory of Darwin is powerless, before the latest finds of archaeologists?

Secret Territory Day No. 7 - Underground Martian

The fact that Mars was life, and perhaps there are, confirm many facts, for example, a Martian meteorite. The medium-sized stone was knocked out from the surface of Mars, about 17 million years ago, after impact of the asteroid. All this time, he furked space expanses, until 10 years ago, did not fall into the territory of Antarctica. What was the amazement of scientists, when after a thorough study, they found petrified algae and bacteria on the Martian meteorite. Moreover, the analysis of the Martian meteorite showed that about four billion years ago, the temperature of Mars was from -4 to +18 degrees Celsius, the atmosphere could be more dense than on Earth, and the climate: warm and wet, that is, the conditions are quite earth . It was this argument that was the main thing for supporters of existence on Mars: reasonable life, and finally new data appeared.

Secret Territory Day №8 - Dump of the Universe

In 2009, a catastrophe occurred in the orbit. Russian Military Communication Satellite "Space 2251", faced the American satellite of the network "Iridium". Both devices were completely destroyed. Russia by and large there was nothing to lose, the satellite was written back in the 95th year, and the American users felt the interruptions with communication and the Internet, but the most terrible consequence of the catastrophic accident, it became the appearance of a huge number of fragments. On the ortitis, each of them is ten times more dangerous bullets.

Today, astronomers beat the alarm. The near-earth space, resembles a landfill. Of the twenty thousand large satellites, no more than a thousand work. Tens of thousands of rocket fragments and spacecraft are without controlling orbits. Running them into space, no one thought they would be a threat to all mankind.

Day of the Secret Territories №9 - the lost gift of ancestors

What could be war, to a worldwide stream?
- What did the ancient gods fought?
- How did our ancestors won?

Secret Territory Day №10 - Get off the orbit

Why is climate change on our planet?
Is it true that humanity should be prepared for changing magnetic poles?
What if our planet collides with an asteroid?
All versions and hypotheses of scientists about what can expect our planet in the foreseeable future, see the project "Get off from orbit"

Secret Territory Day №11 - When the Earth is angry

Why does so many cataclysms collapsed on the planet?
- Is there a state modern science to predict the future of mankind?
Chelyabinsk, February 15, 2013, this day the inhabitants of the city will remember how a terrible dream. At 9:20 am, local time, Garazani saw how a glowing object was swept in the sky. After that, a bright flash took place and a powerful explosion thundered. The meteoric rain, which followed after the explosion, damaged dozens of urban buildings, turned into the hospital more than one and a half people. Immediately after the disaster, a special commission was created, having conducted a chemical analysis of cosmic wreckage, the scientists find out that Handrid fell in the Urals - one of the types of stone meteorites. According to preliminary calculations, the heavenly body, with a diameter of about 17 meters, weighed almost ten thousand tons. But the most important question remained the most important question: why astronomers were black, to a sudden attack from space ...

Secret Territory Day No. 12 - UFO. Secret files

Military argue that in 1989, an unidentified flying object was shot down; Why documents on this case are classified so far?
Sensational facts in an exclusive investigation: "UFO. Secret files".

Secret Territory Day №13 - in time basements

Is it possible to create a time machine? Where to look for the opposite side of the universe?
"In the basements of time" - the mystery of the Grand Destination Einstein.

Secret Territory Day №14 - the secrets of ancient beauties

Who presented the ancient women, the secrets of unearthly love?
- How did the seductive slave, became the hostess of the whole empire?
- Whose image embodied the Great Leonardo da Vinci, in his portrait of Jokonda?

Selection of the series: 01. The death of the planet. As it will be (01/13/11)
02. In search of Shambhala (01/20/11)
03. Sablet from space (01/27/11)
04. Rats. Underground Mind (02/03/2011)
05. UFO. Aliens on the Moon (02/10/2011)
06. Secrets of the abnormal zones (02/17/2011)
07. Seven days before the end of the world (02.24.2011)
08. Werewolves. Code of the Beast (03/03/2011)
09. UFO. Neighbors on the Sun (03/10/2011)
10. UFO. Mysterious trail (03/17/2011)
11. The death of the planet. Punch from space (03/24/2011)
12. Mirror. Parallel Worlds (03/31/2011)
13. Parallel reality. Life in a dream (04/07/2011)
14. Parallel worlds. Stop Time (04/14/2011)
15. UFO. Chronicle catastrophe (04/21/2011)
16. Solar threat (04/28/2011)
17. Life after death (05/05/2011)
18. Sulev support. Wonders of the Body (05/12/2011)
19. Stargate. Mystery of Libems (05/19/2011)
20. Unclean power (05/25/2011)
21. Space moving. Attack on Mars (01.06.2011)
22. UFO. Mounted contact (08.06.2011)
23. In search of the parallel world (06/15/2011)
24. Bacteria. Mind in the microscope (06/22/2011)
25. People of the Future (06/29/2011)
26. UFO. Mystery of Golden cradle (08/03/2011)
27. Bacteria. Elixir youth (08/10/2011)
28. The world after 2012. The embodiment of prophecies (12.08.2011)
29. Planet Mutants (08/17/2011)
30. Secrets of saints and seats (08/24/2011)
31. When the Earth will turn over (09/02/2011)
32. Aliens. Door to the universe (09/09/2011)
33. Secrets of time. Return to the Future (09/16/2011)
34. The Earth will explode tomorrow (09/23/2011)
35. Space Wanderers (09/30/2011)
36. Borrowed in time (07.10.2011)
37. Ancestors from Cosmos (10/14/2011)
38. Dragons. Star race (10/21/2011)
39. Death of the Earth (10/28/2011)
40. Spies from space (11/11/2011)
41. Universal mind (11/18/2011)
42. UFO BC (25.11.2011)
43. Apocalypse. Wrath of Planet (12/02/2011)
44. UFO. Mystery of people in black (09.12.2011)
45. Conspiracy of the Black Force (12/16/2011)
46. \u200b\u200bBlow up the land. Mission executed (02/03/2012)
47. Call of blood (02/12/2012)
48. Mars. Motherland of the Gods (02/17/2012)
49. Immortality. Life without body (24.02.2012)
50. Space chronicle of the Earth (03/02/2012)
51. Tunnels of time (03/16/2012)
52. UFO. Reptiles among us (03/23/2012)
53. UFO. War of the gods (03/30/2012)
54. Guests of the Heaven (04/06/2012)
55. Apocalypse. Slow-up bomb (04/13/2012)
56. Pyramids. Heritage of the gods (04/20/2012)
57. Gold. Secret Power (04/27/2012)
58. Lost Paradise (04/05/2012)
59. Guests from parallel worlds (11.05.2012)
60. UFO. Forbidden technologies (19.05.2012)
61. Parallel worlds. Zones x (25.05.2012)
62. Dwarfs in the Universe (05.11.2011)
63. Pyramids. Mystery of Immortality (01.06.2012)
64. Treasures of Star Aliens (08.06.2012)
65. Time Wheel (06/15/2012)
66. Invisible race (06/22/2012)
67. In contact with the galaxy (29.06.2012)
68. Amazon. Survived apocalypse (10.08.2012)
69. Changing of the Universe (08/17/2012)
70. Last Earth Day (08/24/2012)
71. 2012. Return of the gods (08/31/2012)
72. Bases of aliens (09/07/2012)
73. Laboratory of the Universe (09/13/2012)
74. Apocalypse. Weather sellers (09/21/2012)
75. In the footsteps of Star Aliens (09/28/2012)
76. In search of eternal life (05.10.2012)
77. Life in parallel dimension (12/10/2012)
78. Where does the abyss lead (10/19/2012)
79. Bermuda triangle. Secret Gate (26.10.2012)
80. Solar apocalypse (02.11.2012)
81. Pyramids. Extraterrestrial technologies (09.11.2012)
82. Who occupied the Earth? (11/16/2012)
83. UFO. Other tree (11/23/2012)
84. Forbidden archeology (30.11.2012)
85. Signs of darkness (01/18/2013)
86. Monsters. Time Riddles (01/25/2013)
87. Secrets of the Luna Seas (01.02.2013)
88. UFO. Second Coming (08.02.2013)
89. Heritage of Star Aliens (02/15/2013)
90. Secrets of ancient lands (02.22.2013)
91. Heavenly Fire (03/01/2013)
92. Kidnappers of the planet (03/15/2013)
93. Good trolls of the Universe (03/22/2013)
94. Atlanta from the planet Sirius (03/29/2013)
95. Beyond the Edge of Heaven (04/05/2013)
96. Mars. One end ticket (04/12/2013)
97. Lost treasures of the ancients (04/19/2013)
98. Students of the distant worlds (04/26/2013)
99. Road to the gates of destiny (05/17/2013)
100. Chariots of the Gods (05/24/2013)
101. Pale fire universe (05/31/2013)
102. Space Rock Stars (06/07/2013)
103. The legacy of alien architects (06/14/2013)
104. Climate of the planet. From drought to Typhoon (06/21/2013)
105. Mind. Forbidden Knowledge (08/23/2013)
106. Next to God (08/30/2013)
107. Brotherhood of the Universe (09/06/2013)
108. Molchan Giza (09/13/2013)
109. Aviation of the ancient peoples (09/20/2013)
110. Universe. The entrance is prohibited (09/27/2013)
111. Fuel for the Universe (04.10.2013)
112. Waiting for a new flood (11/10/2013)
113. Child of the Universe (10/18/2013)
114. Where to issue civilization (25.10.2013)
115. Battle of the ancient goddesses (01.11.2013)
116. UFO. Encryption from the bottom of the ocean (08.11.2013)
117. Star landing (15.11.2013)
118. Forbidden Space (November 22, 2013)
119. Nomads in United (11/29/2013)
120. Space Predators (01/24/2014)
121. Nights of the Universe (01/31/2014)
122. Where to look for Shambalu (02/14/2014)
123. New Ice Age (21.02.2014)
124. Who came up with Antimir? (04/04/2014)
125. Is there any life in the universe? (04/11/2014)