If you have psychic abilities how to develop. How to develop psychic abilities book. Learning to feel our own aura

There is an opinion that the ability to clairvoyance is inherent in a person from birth. To uncover them, you need to practice diligently with specific exercises. Techniques and techniques will help you understand how to develop psychic abilities.


How to determine in yourself the ability to clairvoyance?

Signs to help identify paranormal abilities:

  1. Luck. If a person is constantly lucky, this is a clear sign of an unusual gift. So he is protected by a guardian angel - a faithful companion of a psychic.
  2. Strange animal behavior. If animals are afraid of a person, then he has a strong energy. It is a well-known fact that pets (especially dogs and cats) have a subtle sense of otherworldly forces.
  3. Technique problems. Technical devices, if you get closer to them, start to junk or work better. Such energy is capable of influencing the world around us.
  4. Fear of open space. A person always closes the door to a room and does not like it when it is left open. By closing the door, he unconsciously tries to protect his energy. This indicates the presence of ability.
  5. The ability to empathize. A person subtly feels the emotions and experiences of other people. This suggests that he is acutely aware of someone else's energy.
  6. Prophetic dreams. One of the main signs of the gift of clairvoyance.
  7. The power of thought. The offenders get what they deserve without any involvement of the person who has been wronged. This means that the latter can unknowingly influence other people.
  8. Materialization of thoughts and desires. A person attracts what he thinks about. Some receive this ability from birth, while others develop their entire life.

This video goes into more detail about the signs of psychic abilities. Filmed by Elizaveta Lileyeva's channel.

There are two ways to become clairvoyant:

  1. Learn from an experienced psychic. This method consists of theoretical and practical lessons. At every step, the teacher will help and give instructions. The training will certainly bear fruit, but it will not come cheap.
  2. Self-development of psychic abilities. In this case, the learning process will take more time and effort, but with due diligence, the result will not be long in coming.

When training psychic abilities on your own, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Relax. Make sure the internal energy is cleansed. Free yourself from unnecessary thoughts and experiences, tune in to the positive. Be in tune with yourself. Yoga and meditation can help you achieve this.
  2. Don't be lazy. Do psychic exercises daily, otherwise there will be no sense from the exercise. The acquired skills need to be constantly improved.
  3. Read esoteric literature. There is no practice without theory. But be careful when choosing books and only trust trusted authors.
  4. Get rid of bad habits. Try not to overeat and eat a healthy diet, quit smoking and alcohol. Well-being and lightness in the body contribute to a better circulation of internal energy.
  5. Keep your activities private. Do not pretend that you are developing paranormal abilities in yourself. This is a purely personal matter.
  6. Develop concentration. Learn to focus and notice details. These skills will be very useful in the future.
  7. Trust your intuition. Listen to your inner voice - it will guide you on the right path.
  8. Train your senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing). Skillfully managing these familiar sensations can help unlock new possibilities.
  9. Keep a diary. Make an exercise plan, write about successes and failures. This will help to analyze the shortcomings and develop in the future. You also need to record your dreams.
  10. Mentally reproduce pictures and images in your mind. You can use any photos and images. Look at them for a few seconds and then try with your eyes closed.

Learn to focus

The future psychic needs to be able to focus on his body and sensations in order to better penetrate the nature of the unidentified in the future.

To develop the ability to concentrate, you should start with this technique:

  1. Try to feel the blood circulating through your body. Relax, put unnecessary thoughts out of your head, take a comfortable position and listen to your body. The main thing is not to lose patience.
  2. As you look at your palms, feel your fingertips pulsing. Imagine how energy envelops your hands, energizing your body. Feel the warmth from your hands. It may not work the first time, so train daily until you get results.
  3. Put your palms together and feel the warmth. Then disconnect and close them again. You need to repeat until the warmth emanating from the hands becomes clearly noticeable.


It is with the help of meditation that the psychic tunes in the right way, opens energy channels and makes the most of the power.

When doing meditation at home, make sure that no one and nothing will distract from this activity.

It is advisable to do this when no one is at home, in complete silence. Get into a comfortable position while sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and imagine a place where there are no people, such as a forest or a deserted beach. Breathe less frequently and deeper. The main task is to free the mind and feel the energy that fills the body. First, learn to meditate at home and then you can practice anywhere.

Do you have psychic abilities?

This video is about meditation. Filmed by Simple Thoughts channel.

Feel the energy of objects

This learning phase is based on a hands-on lesson. For its successful implementation, sit in a comfortable place, preferably at a table or on a couch.

Close your eyes and try to feel the energy of things nearby. Bring your palms together a little so that the energy accumulates in the center of the hand. If it doesn't work, you can first try with your eyes open, and then, complicating the task, close your eyes. In the future, learn to define a thing without touching it. Hard and painstaking work that requires patience lies ahead.


It takes constant practice to develop supernatural abilities.

There are several special exercises that can help you unleash your magical potential:

  1. Clairvoyance exercise. For him you will need a transparent vessel (bottle or glass), complete solitude and silence. There should be no patterns or decorations on it. Concentrate on the vessel, look at it and ask an exciting question. The main thing is not to be distracted and focus on this thought. After a while, an image can be seen in the vessel, which will be the answer to the question. Don't be discouraged if the first try doesn't work out - this exercise requires multiple repetitions.
  2. Exercise with cards. Aimed at developing intuition and foresight. Take cards (playing cards, children's picture cards, or any other) and place them face down. After that, try to guess what is depicted on each card. Try the same thing with items: have someone put the item in a drawer or box. Then try to feel what lies there.
  3. Exercise with photography. For him, you need a photo that captures an unfamiliar person. In this case, there must be a relative who communicates closely with him. The point is to tell about a person using only a photograph. This exercise takes a lot of practice, and the insight usually comes after a few days. Then be sure to check the assumptions with the facts and evaluate the result.
  4. Candle exercise. From a quiet and dark place, light a candle. Peer into the flames as you mentally ask a question. The flame should be at eye level. Wait until you see an image or vision in front of you. The result is possible in the first training session.

This video explores several clairvoyant techniques. Filmed by Sergey Ratner's Channel.

How to learn to see the aura

In the first stage, for several days, consider the small dots and lines that appear when you close your eyes. Perform in the evening or at night before bed. It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to exercise.

Moving on to the second step, follow these steps:

  1. Take an object, preferably a solid color. The item should be on a light background, so use a white sheet of paper.
  2. Begin to peer into the object, but look not directly, but as if through it. After a while, a subtle haze will appear around the object. Then you can see its color, which depends on the color of the object. For example, a yellow item has a blue aura, while a green item has a red one.

This video describes one of the techniques that will help you see the aura. Filmed by channel Enlightenment.

How to feel the aura with your own hands?

Try the following exercise:

  1. Sit in a chair keeping your back straight.
  2. Try to completely relax and not think about anything for a few minutes.
  3. Spread your palms about 30 cm apart, keeping them parallel to each other. Then slowly bring them together until they touch.
  4. Slowly spread your arms again.

After a few sessions, you can feel the boundaries of the aura with your palms, which will manifest itself in the form of warmth or a feeling of elasticity.

This video shows an exercise to help you feel the aura with your hands. Filmed by the channel Esoterics secret knowledge.

How to start seeing prophetic dreams?

Give yourself a clear plan to dream about what will happen tomorrow. Practice for a month.

Over time, the ability to see the fragmentary events that will soon occur will appear. More practice and dreams will come true. Memorize each dream in detail or write them down. In the future, you can create your own personal dream interpretation system.

Learn the technique of lucid dreaming - it will help open up new possibilities.

This video talks about the lucid sleep method. Photographed by the Kostya and Gek channel.


Being engaged in extrasensory perception, it is necessary to study the relevant literature on esotericism and parapsychology. She will give theoretical material, without which it is impossible to start practice. Books will also help you understand how strong the desire for paranormal abilities is.

Be selective in the choice of literature: there are many charlatans among the authors of works on extrasensory perception and esotericism. Refer only to reputable and trusted sources.

You can study the following books:

  1. Jane Roberts, Psychic Abilities. This book tells about how to develop the ability to clairvoyance, foresee the future, master the art of telepathy. She will help awaken hidden opportunities and get on the right path.
  2. Gennady Kibardin, "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop the ability for extrasensory perception." A psychologist by training, the author talks about a personal clairvoyant experience.
  3. Alexey Pokhabov, "Vertical Will". In this book, the winner of one of the seasons of the "Battle of Psychics" program teaches how to feel the world and its energy.

A psychic is outwardly an ordinary person. It is difficult to distinguish him in a crowd, taking into account only personal characteristics. However, the inner world is mysterious, mysterious - it is special. Did you know that every person from birth has the ability for extrasensory perception? Everyone had a situation when, according to the prediction, the very song that the "clairvoyant" sounded, or perhaps, among the 30 exam tickets, you learned only one, which you got, began to sing. Coincidence? Perhaps, if you do not take into account the fact that everyone has extrasensory abilities: for someone they only sleep in deep sleep, and someone found their way in order to comprehend this skill. How can one develop unusual, magical qualities in oneself?

Extrasensory perception - in everyone's soul

Since ancient times, humanity has been surrounded by magic. First, there were shamanic predictions, then extraordinary miracles, still unresolved mysteries of nature. Is there really something magical and supernatural? Each person is looking for the answer to this question based on their worldview principles: the skeptic claims that there is nothing magic, a real psychic gives not only verbal examples, but also real evidence that magic exists.

In fact, extrasensory abilities (the ability to perceive bioenergetic waves in an altered range) are inherent in every person from birth. When conducting numerous studies by American scientists, it was revealed that in the biofield of all the subjects there is an incomprehensible clot, which changes its size depending on how hard the person works on his abilities. The higher a person's intuition, prediction and telepathy are manifested, the stronger and brighter the image is formed. This means that all that remains is to reveal yourself, work on your capabilities - and you will definitely be able to do what you never dreamed of doing before!

The main thing is calmness!

Have you seen a psychic who is out of tune with himself? Constantly anxious, irritable, anxious, and nervous? No? The point is that it is impossible to work on your inner world, being in an imbalance with it. On the contrary, people engaged in yoga, spiritual self-improvement, calm and harmonious personalities show not hefty abilities, from which others are delighted. The first rule that a person who wants to join the army of psychics must master is complete calmness, both external and internal.

In order to learn how to control your emotions, the teachings of kung fu, qigong, yoga and the like can help you. Try not to go over negative events in your memory, always think only about the positive, the pleasant. Even if there is some kind of trouble, learn to restrain your emotions - this will help you more subtly and more clearly to feel the imperceptible vibrations of the energy field of other people.

If you want to develop hitherto unexplored qualities in yourself, focus on your body, your emotions. If you learn to interpret and understand your own feelings, then you will understand the nature of the unknown better. To learn how to focus, follow these simple tricks:

  1. Feel the blood running through your body. To do this, turn on all your creative energy, take a comfortable posture, relax and listen only to your body. At the first stages, it will seem to you that it is impossible to feel how the blood moves. However, you will get better at it each time. Don't stop there!
  2. Look at your palms and feel your fingertips pulsing. Again, you need complete calmness, concentration. Look at your hands, imagine how the energy runs through your hands, capturing everything, giving you new sensations and great strength. Feel how warmth starts to move on your fingers, how the tips pulsate - this is also impossible to feel the first time. Therefore, you force yourself to work over and over again on new abilities, increase them, multiply them.
  3. Work through the second point, but with a different goal. As you already know, the psychic feels all the energy with the help of his hands. At this stage, try to control your energy, reduce or increase its radiation. Put your palms together. Feel your hands warm, disconnect. Repeat this activity until you begin to clearly notice the warmth of your hands.

Feel the energy of objects

In order to more quickly learn how to control psychic abilities, it is necessary to experiment a lot. The next stage of training is based on practice. Close your eyes and use your imagination. Sitting on the table, try to catch the energy of the objects next to you - it has been noticed more than once that any thing is capable of emitting a certain amount of heat at the micro level. The palms of the hands should be slightly closed so that all the information received goes directly to the center of the hand. At the initial stage, you can work with open eyes in order to better navigate among the surrounding objects, then, complicating the task, close your eyes. Learn to identify objects without touching them. It is difficult, but you can believe that this kind of work will bring you nothing but pleasure!

Always work on yourself

In order to develop psychic abilities, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time locked up, trying to feel new clots of unknown energy. In this case, it is much more effective to work on oneself of complete connection with the outside world.

  1. Exercise telepathy. Telepathy is the ability to read other people's thoughts. A person only thinks, and you already understand what is in his head and what he wants to say. When talking with others, change your position from the speaking interlocutor to listening. Delve into the conversation more, try to catch any manifestations of its energy. Only speak your guesses out loud if you are confident in your guesses. Advice: if you are just studying, do not pretend that you are a future psychic. Better to keep the boasting to yourself, and devote more time to practice.
  2. Play with your children. In order to realize in reality your mastery of extrasensory perception, try to play such a game with children. Close your eyes, ask to put an object in front of you - a cube, a ball, a felt-tip pen. Without touching the thing being investigated, try to determine what lies in front of you. To do this, consider the energy of the subject, try to determine the color, shape, size. Try to do this not spontaneously, but consciously, study the information that comes to you through the palms of your hands. Memorize the received vibration, compare it with other investigated objects.
  3. Likewise, you can develop your abilities anywhere: at a bus stop, even just wondering what time it is. First, listen to your intuition, and only then look at the clock. Imagine a person's appearance by looking only at their back. Before starting any business, ask yourself a few questions: how the new activity will turn out, will it bring success, and immediately answer them, including your intuition and clairvoyance. Once completed, compare your answers with the reality.


Prepare a candle, an aroma lamp, sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath, and then exhale slowly. Focus all your attention on the third eye, which is believed to be on the forehead between the eyes. Try to mentally pass through yourself the solar numbers 3, 2, 1, which represent a huge flow of positive energy, light, joy and tranquility. Stop the lesson only after you are sure that you are on the right enlightened path.

If you want to impress your family, friends and those around you with unusual abilities, engage in self-improvement. Always find time to experiment with yourself and others, be sure that you will certainly succeed. Know that extrasensory perception is inherent in every person. Someone only knows how to manage it, and someone does not even notice its presence.

Video: program for the development of psychic abilities

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. Predict the future, have search abilities, heal people, etc., but not many are awarded with these abilities. Someone has such abilities from childhood, someone wakes up in adulthood, so how does a person open up extrasensory abilities? Can you develop them yourself?

How does extrasensory perception work?

Psychics can be charged in various ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what individual abilities and personal preferences are.

If you do not have the ability to restore your bioenergy, you are strictly prohibited from treating other people.

As for the conjure directly, and various kinds of prayers, they are necessary for the magician for self-adjustment, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only due to the concentration of one's own thoughts, the release of bioenergy is given, which in turn allows you to work miracles.

It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well when his nervous system is balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the event that a person experiences rather strong emotions of fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. In order for the energy to be in order, you should develop only kindness in yourself.

It is worth considering the fact that when gaining energy, one of the most important components for any method of energy accumulation by the body is precisely the figurative representation of the energy accumulation process.

Gaining energy, you should feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, into every cell of the body. The brighter and more imaginative this performance is, the more effective its set will be.

Tuning exercises

As for the development of your intuition and, accordingly, the sixth sense, you can use some tuning exercises for this.

For the development of the sixth sense, you need to spend physical education minutes as often as possible, they will not take much time, but it is necessary to do this. You should ask yourself a problem, take a deep breath and focus on your inner I. ... It is also recommended that while developing your intuition, it is very important to enjoy it.

  • When you are waiting for a bus or minibus at a stop, guess which number will arrive first.
  • Hearing a phone call, try to guess who it might be.
  • Before looking at your watch, try to determine the exact time yourself.
  • When you wake up, try to catch what the news will be. First, you need to feel their attitude: whether the news is positive or negative.
With such little workouts and the like, you can develop your abilities.

According to psychics, each week of training will bring more success, you will be able to guess more and more daily little things. In these exercises, the main thing is that you will learn to distinguish psychic information from logic thinking.

In order to feel the power of intuition and feel confident in your own abilities, it is quite important to keep a diary. To do this, you can have a notebook, which will not give you much trouble if you carry it with you. In this diary, you should record all the results of your training, the noted cases of coincidences, etc. Writing down, in this way, it is not worthwhile to comprehend and edit the information received. You should write automatically, you can sketch pictures, etc. Most of all, people learn from their mistakes, and only over time you will be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as delirium somehow intersects with real life, since you still do not know how to decode the signals of the sixth sense accurately and correctly. Including in the diary, you should write down dreams, pictures that you just wanted to portray. And do not forget that with each new entry it is worth putting a date.

Many people discover psychic abilities in themselves after such cases as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this is due to the fact that after the stress experienced by the body, their right hemisphere begins to work much better, they listen to their sixth sense, and continue to develop it. It is easier for the body to rebuild, it seems to start working anew, a reboot process takes place, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

Each person has hidden abilities, just someone is engaged in their direct development, and someone simply lives according to the program of the majority, logically looking at various incidents, thereby dulling their intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop psychic abilities in yourself or just develop your intuition, then in this case, engage in your self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in it and strive to achieve your goal.

Today extrasensory perception and clairvoyance are gaining in popularity. They talk a lot about them on TV, they write in the newspapers. And many, of course, also want to learn to see a little more than others. Well, you can try ...

Psychic abilities and their development are often discussed today. Experts and scientists have been wrestling with this issue and arguing for many years. Someone is very skeptical of them, and someone is sure: the future belongs to them!

Before talking about how to develop psychic abilities in yourself, it is necessary to dwell on some important issues.

Is it possible or not?

There is an opinion that these supernatural abilities, in fact, are inherent in absolutely every person, but the degree of their development is different for everyone. Someone from childhood discovers the gift of clairvoyance, and someone learns this for several years without definite results. Opponents of this point of view say that the development of extrasensory abilities is impossible: such a gift is given only to a select few.

So is it possible to develop psychic abilities? We believe that with a great desire and perseverance, you can still master some skills. It is especially easy to do this for those people who have good intuition and flair.

How to learn psychic abilities?

There are two main ways to unleash psychic abilities. One of them is training with an experienced psychic. Today, many specialists in magic and clairvoyance offer their services in the form of training courses, which include both theory and practice. Perhaps this makes some sense. Communication with a mentor can give a lot in terms of extrasensory perception. The methodology for the development of psychic abilities is different for different psychics.

But this method may not always be acceptable for some reason. First, there are not such “teachers” everywhere. Secondly, sometimes it is too expensive. Thirdly, no one is immune from fraudsters: it may happen that this "pseudo-psychic" just wants to make money on you.

Therefore, our conversation will focus on how to develop psychic abilities on your own. This is the second way. It may seem more complicated, of course. But for a person who really wants to learn, there can be no fear of difficulties.

How to unlock psychic abilities?

Before developing your psychic abilities, you should reconsider your life. This concerns, first of all, a waste of time on trifles. Now most of it will have to be given to exercises and lessons. Don't feel like learning psychic abilities is a matter of a couple of weeks.

How to train psychic abilities: basic principles.

Many books and articles have been written about how to awaken psychic abilities. You can use them. They will become your helpers and guides into the world of the unknown. Only here you need to be careful: trust only trusted authors, not charlatans.

How can psychic abilities be developed? People often resort to different methods and techniques. It may depend on your goal, desires. For example, someone wants to become a medium, someone wants to see the future. From here, the most optimal way will be chosen, how to reveal extrasensory abilities.

All people have a certain set of abilities - physical, creative, intellectual. And these opportunities can and should be developed. You can see a lot of records, achievements, discoveries, inventions, brilliant masterpieces. But what about the paranormal? How to develop superpowers in yourself and what is it all about? Do they exist?

What are superpowers?

Paranormal abilities have existed since antiquity. For some, they manifest themselves more strongly, for some, on the contrary, they are weaker, and they need efforts in order to develop their potential. Humanity uses the capabilities of its own brain for only less than ten percent. Nowadays, anyone can take a superpower test and find out what their potential is. Naturally, most of these services on the Internet are scams. However, how to develop superpowers in yourself? There are techniques designed to wake up the rest of the sleeping ninety percent. In this case, a person is able to carry out out-of-body exits (astral travel with the help of subtle bodies), masters hypnosis, the ability to enter altered states of the psyche (for example, into a trance), is able to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience, as well as many other abilities. Naturally, this requires some decent work. People who have such capabilities are called psychics. But who are they? How to discover superpowers in yourself?

Who is a psychic?

This is a person who is able to perceive the invisible magical paranormal world and influence it. Translated from Latin, this word means "very receptive person." Many people are interested in the question - can a simple person discover such opportunities in himself? How to develop superpowers in yourself? Are they congenital, inherited, passed down from someone, or are they natural for all people? There are several answers to these questions.

Natural development

Proponents of the first point of view are of the opinion that it is possible to achieve magical capabilities through constant hard training. How to develop superpowers in yourself? To work hard. This is what many magicians and psychics think. For example, you can learn to enter a trance when a person is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible and unknowable areas of the universe. Since time immemorial, such techniques have been used by priests, oracles, wise men, shamans and druids. To achieve a trance state of consciousness, it was necessary to perform some rituals. And now modern magicians have developed techniques that include inhaling certain smells, incense and herbs, rhythmic movements, dancing, drumming, and so on.

A gift from above or a curse?

There is another point of view on how to develop superpowers in oneself. According to her supporters, it is possible to become a sorcerer, psychic, magician, shaman or witch only with the help or with the consent of other beings who inhabit subtle worlds that are different from our usual physical plane of being. These creatures can be both servants of light divine forces, and minions of the forces of darkness, darkness and death.

Basically, people who call themselves psychics, sorcerers, magicians, witches and witches do not really talk about how they got their strength and their capabilities. Usually they are limited to general phrases such as "received power as an inheritance" or "discovered his gift after clinical death." Nobody spreads about their secret assistants (or even more so patrons). Usually psychics and magicians in response to the questions: “Who are these assistants? Where did they come from and how do they help? " are limited to answers like: “They are not allowed to speak. These are Angels (Spirits / Demons / Souls) ”, - or something like that, without any details.

Steps towards unlocking magical power

Despite the fact that there are two views on the same problem, most experts agree that everyone can develop to one degree or another. How to develop First you need to make your brain work differently. For example, doing exercises with your internal clock. Before going to bed, tell yourself that in the morning you will wake up refreshed and energized. You need to be clear about how you wake up at the right time without any alarm. Some people are helped by visualizing the scrolling of the alarm clock arrow and stopping it at the right moment. In just a few days, you can learn how to manage your internal clock and do without an alarm clock. This exercise is very simple, but it clearly demonstrates the undisclosed abilities of our consciousness.

Complete self-control

How to develop superpowers in yourself? This is impossible without self-control. The development of superpowers implies the ability to control oneself, one's emotions, thoughts and mood of the body constantly, maintaining all these parameters in an ideal state. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate any disturbances or diseases of the physical body. Study esotericism, magical practices, religious and philosophical views of various peoples - do not stop looking for your way! One day you will surely stumble upon it. The book market is now replete with various materials on these topics. There are a huge number of techniques and developments that can give results. It is very important to maintain communication with like-minded people both in real life and on all kinds of thematic sites and forums. Usually there you can find more experienced comrades who are able to advise on various issues of concern.

Energy body workouts

How to develop superpowers in yourself? It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to what is called the "subtle body" and its energetics. On the basis of existing methods, you can come up with individual complexes of classes. The development of will, memory, thinking, concentration will help in working with energy. It is necessary to include in your training meditation, breathing exercises, mantras or prayers, "working out" of the chakras and energy channels.