Vaginal childbirth after cesarean section: my experience. Natural childbirth or caesarean section? My personal experience

A promising girl from the capital, a student of a prestigious university, with a demanded specialization that guarantees prosperity and a career, marries a young Middle Eastern slacker who is interrupted by odd jobs of a very dubious nature ... This is not a melodrama plot, this is a specific girl - the daughter of my very, very close friends ... Everyone is shocked. Neither persuasion nor appeals to turn on the mind lead nowhere. Here is a manic desire to upset this marriage by any means does not leave me.
They will go to their husband's homeland. In order for her to become the tenth wife and give birth to sex children, doomed to be strangers everywhere. Of course, children from mixed marriages are very beautiful, But if there is a discord in the family, they are neither here nor there.
Am I intolerant? Or right?


Lena Lenina

Good morning everyone. On Saturday I went to stylish kitchens (I love them dearly for the quality) I designed the kitchen .. At first I counted Tommasi's kitchen, with milling beauty - 3 meters (including the refrigerator) on 136))) decided to simplify - facades without milling, almost to the ceiling, white facades 3D plastic, those that are olive (in fact, the color is called "white gold, although it is not clear why because the color is delicate olive)) - enamel. on the facades - they tell me she is capricious in the kitchen, there may be chips, the cat can ruin. Maybe someone has this enamel as in a sock ???
They offered to notice the enamel also on 3D plastic (at a price immediately cheaper by 18 thousand and you can add a box where the hood is for this money), but the enamel is so beautiful .. in general, what can you say about the facades and materials ??
The kitchen was counted at 270 with everything and mixers and aquaphors and appliances)



I had a free minute, I decided to surf ... And here's what I stumbled upon. A petition of very unusual (in my opinion) content accidentally caught my eye, namely, the official refusal to establish and pay alimony. I attach the text below, cleaned up the links. I can say one thing: I'm just shocked after reading. And I was wondering if it was some kind of trouble with my head, and I react so aggressively to such topics, because the corn is too painful, but in fact we are heading for this? The topic, of course, not for quarrels, but for discussion. It’s very interesting to know what you think about this? Actually, the text:

Cancel child support for minor children

We believe that at present the institution of the family in Russia has collapsed. More than 60 percent of divorces across the country, and in some regions up to 110 percent, are a direct confirmation of this.
One of the factors that ruin Russian families is the barbaric alimony policy widespread in our country. Both citizens themselves and officials (courts, bailiffs, guardianship authorities, etc.) suffer from the modern alimony system, and most importantly, our children suffer.
We believe in the rationality and integrity of Russian citizens and propose to abolish alimony for the maintenance of minor children, leaving the Russians themselves, within their own families, to resolve issues of supporting their own children.
Why is it necessary to cancel child support for minor children?
1. Alimony practice increases the number of divorces, thereby violating the rights of children to a complete family
2. Alimony in the barbaric form in which it exists now negatively affects the country's demography and the psychological climate within the family
3. The state is unable to control the situation with non-payers of alimony - in 2017, more than 850,000 non-payers were identified, and despite all the increasing penalties for non-payment of alimony (up to criminal liability), their number is not decreasing
4. A divorced spouse who receives alimony in court often prevents the child from communicating with the second parent, since there is no interest in building any kind of relationship with the second parent. In practice, it is extremely difficult to achieve normal communication with children through the courts.
Cancellation of alimony has the following advantages:
1. After the abolition of alimony for minor children, the number of divorces in the country will sharply decrease
2. Non-interference of the state in family affairs will have a positive effect on the country's demography - more children are born in full families
3. A large number of state employees will be freed, who today are unsuccessfully engaged in knocking out alimony from almost a million debtors. These officials can tackle more important and pressing social issues; the abolition of alimony also decriminalizes the article for non-payment, which will breathe a sigh of relief to almost a million people who, for a number of reasons, are currently unable to pay alimony.
4. Divorced spouses will have to peacefully solve the problems of divorce, they will not be able to manipulate children, as a result, the rights of children will be maximally protected

Ruslan Diaghilev, activist of the Male Egalitarian Movement

Well, something like this, but what if they really start to introduce this? Well, after all, it's nonsense ... And if people could come to an agreement and agree, then in general there were no trips to the courts with this topic, or is there something I don't understand right? Or is it just that the peasant has already dropped the visor and all his ex-wives with bailiffs and responsibility got him?))))


Flying squirrel

I'll make a reservation right away, I'm opening the topic just out of interest. The situation is this: I am writing another book in which one of the heroines and her husband lives by inertia, there has been no love on her part for a long time, looks to the side, but suddenly the husband does an act, after which her eyes open and she realizes that she was wrong.
And the question arose, but did anyone really have it? That is, did someone's husband (groom, beloved) do such an act that would make you look at him differently (with a + sign)? Maybe love arose just after this, or feelings were revived.
Those who did not have this, I will be grateful for the answer, what act of a man could give an impetus to the development of feelings.
That is, the topic is simply to remember, dream, speculate. I apologize if I do not answer right away: three children and a busy life do not allow me to immerse myself in the forum)))
And yes, this is not a collection of material for a book, for her I have already thought of everything)))


Karpova Karpova

In one very large community dedicated to the right parenting, when asked whether you buy tasty things for children, 99.999% of commentators answered that they never, never, never buy chips and soda for their children, their children eat a maximum of three gummies a week and eco-dried apricots from sweets. and the chocolate from the kinder is thrown away.

I feel like a cattle - my children love chips, soda and sweets and eat them as much as they want. But on any new years and birthdays, they do not throw themselves on sweets and do not gorge themselves. At our home, sweets, cookies, refined sugar, marmalade, marshmallows, etc. are constantly available. Weight is ok, teeth are great, no problem at all. There is only a rule that sweet only after the main meal: meat and vegetables, or soup, or porridge. When a friend came to my child, who is prohibited from sweets at home, not because she has diabetes or diathesis, no, she is absolutely healthy, and her weight is normal, but because “sweets are bad for children,” she collapsed. She even asked why we keep a bowl of sweets full with a slide on the table, and do not give out to each child one by one. I replied that you can take as much as you want, and she sadly said that only parents can eat as much sweet as you want at home.

And I am deeply convinced that prohibitions and overly strict restrictions can only achieve that the child will eat all this secretly either at a party or buy with pocket money.


“Having joined the ranks of pregnant women, I immediately registered on a forum where women in an interesting position communicate. It turned out that in Russia there is now a boom of naturalness in childbirth and defending one's rights. Women have ceased to be afraid to voice their demands to doctors, discuss delivery protocols and remind who is in charge in this process. They refuse stimulation and, surprisingly, pain relief during labor. But our foremothers have dreamed about this for centuries.

Of course, the number of “good” births and successful pregnancy outcomes will never be compared with the statistics of problem deliveries with consequences. And that's okay. Nevertheless, behind every “bad” case from the banal statistics (death, birth trauma for a mother or child) there are two, at best, living people. Even purely theoretically, I did not want to join these ranks.

Despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, it turned out that no one can give me guarantees that these very births, which they like to call a natural process, will go well. And at some point, I realized that I simply had no right to take such risks. This is how a conscious decision came that my child should be born by means of a COP, so as not to minimize, but to exclude any negative consequences for his health. Not the last argument in favor of the COP was the desire to protect oneself from medical rudeness during childbirth.

Well, besides, I absolutely did not feel the need to give birth naturally at all costs and to prove my feminine viability. It is enough that my body was capable of such a miracle - to conceive and endure a new person without any problems.

Recently, Russia's chief oncologist joked grimly: "The Soviet doctor provided assistance, and the Russian one provided a service." However, when it comes to childbirth, this formula does not work. Organizing my cesarean was the biggest stress for me during my pregnancy. In Russia, no one asks a woman for her opinion on this issue. And this is amazing! You can decide to increase your breasts to size 15 and no one will dissuade you, but it is officially impossible to choose how to give birth to your own child, even if there are alternatives, and even for money.

Every time I read an interview with some obstetrician-gynecologist about childbirth, I come across a boring memorized monologue that caesarean is a serious abdominal operation that is not performed at will. Now it only makes me grin. I understand perfectly well that this very doctor, by acquaintance or protection, will, of course, do a caesarean, and the operation itself, correctly and on time, has less consequences than natural childbirth. Times and trends have changed. Now, babies after natural childbirth are more likely to be registered with a neurologist than with the consequences of CS. Arguments for natural childbirth and horror stories about the COP now seem to me to be sucked out of the thumb in order to avoid the global epidemic of Caesarean.

So I decided to write about my birth. They were my first natural ones, since I had a cesarean section with my first baby. Throughout the pregnancy, I really wanted to give birth myself, I was tuned into the fact that there would be no cesarean, I read a lot about it and consulted with doctors. Everything went well, the attachment was along the back wall, the fetus was determined by ultrasound to a maximum of 3500 g, there was no scar pain.

In the end, I got my way and was referred to an "attempted vaginal birth" thanks to my doctor at the consultation. There was little to do - to find a doctor who would take delivery after cesarean. In the end, a very competent and professional doctor was advised to us.

I never felt the first childbirth, tk. gave birth with the help of the COP. Therefore, I was terribly afraid, although I was still tuned in to success. I was terribly afraid of ruptures, just in panic. The doctor said he uses a gel to prevent tears and to make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. I also used it during childbirth.

The contractions began at 40 weeks on exactly May 9 at 12 noon with an interval of 7-8 minutes. By morning, the interval became every 3 minutes. At 10 o'clock in the morning my doctor examined me and told me to go up to the prenatal room. I stayed there until 13:00. Due to the fact that I did not sleep all night, the contractions began to weaken a little ... And the opening was only 7 cm - I thought I could not stand it.

At 18:30 I started to grieve slightly. When I was told to switch to the chair to give birth, I asked: “What, is it already possible? Hooray!". For a few (after each one I asked the midwife if I was doing everything right, how was the baby there and whether I needed to cut me) I gave birth to my daughter - 3560 g and 54 cm. Inexpressible feelings ... some kind of thrill, or something .. In general, giving birth, I can tell you, is easier and better than. After 3 hours, I ran into the ward with my feet with the baby in my arms.


Oh, what a fine fellow you are all the same! I don’t know, I probably would not have dared. I'll take note of your experience ;-)

You are so clever !!))))) "What, you can already? Hurray!" - it's so cute)))) I hope that everything will be fine with your baby))

I didn’t read the article, but I gave birth 3 times after the ECS, everything is in order :)

You are a great smart girl. We were not afraid. And luckily, all is well. I'm happy for you)

Comment on the article "Spontaneous childbirth after cesarean section: my experience"

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, in Vladimir, all pregnant women arriving for childbirth are given a document to sign for consent to a caesarean section. This operation can be sudden if necessary, even if the woman was going to give birth herself. Such a document in its list of some of the described consequences seems scary, since the form, for example, contains the following phrases: “I am aware that medicine, like all branches (anesthesiology, surgery, etc.) are not exact sciences. ..

Breastfeeding after a cesarean section After a cesarean section, the development of lactation may differ from how it occurs after a normal birth. The appearance of milk usually occurs a little later, on the 4th-5th day. However, if the caesarean section was not performed as planned, but with the onset of labor, then the hormones necessary for the timely start of lactation have time to accumulate in the woman's body. Sometimes, in the first few days after the cesarean section, the baby has to be fed ...

How can a nursing mother survive the "stormy rush" of milk? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It is released in small quantities, and my mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of 3, the beginning of 4 days after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. They are often accompanied by painful sensations, a slight increase in local temperature ...

As reported by METRONEWS, it is indeed possible. Petersburg doctors for the first time carried out such a unique operation of a child in the womb of a mother. There was little guarantee of life after a caesarean section for the baby. And in order to save the baby's life, experienced surgeons performed this complex operation. Examination of a pregnant woman showed that the fetus has a malformation: a violation of the normal development of the brain associated with excessive accumulation of fluid in it (hydrocephalus) and diaphragmatic hernia. V...

Anemia is the most common pregnancy problem in which the hemoglobin level in the blood decreases. Among pregnant women, in the vast majority of cases, anemia occurs from a lack (deficiency) of iron in the body. First, the level of iron in the depot decreases, due to this, for the first time, the level of hemoglobin may still be within normal limits. However, in the future, without adequate therapy, the hemoglobin level begins to decline sharply and iron deficiency anemia develops ...

The subscript is an indicator of what kind of work :) It's just that the assessment is the usual, current, for the system it is considered as 1 assessment. With index 2 - this is an independent work, for the system (average score) it is counted as 2 marks With index 3 - this is a test, for the system ...

Currently, the optimal management of childbirth in infected women has not been fully determined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological study. Natural childbirth includes a whole range of measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture of amniotic fluid, reducing trauma to the birth canal in the mother and the skin of the baby. Only if all preventive measures are observed does ...

Pregnancy for a woman is not only anxious expectation of meeting a child, but also a lot of questions about how to properly prepare for this event. Now the answers to them are collected in a convenient format in the new section "Pro childbirth" on the portal for modern mothers Here all the most useful information for pregnant women has come together - not only articles, but also tables, videos, infographics. 1. Physical preparation Childbirth is a physiological, natural process associated with a colossal ...

In the maternity hospital of the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after Filatov, 62-year-old Muscovite Galina Shubenina gave birth to a daughter. The birth was carried out with the help of a cesarean section, which was carried out by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist Nestor Meskhi. The middle-aged mother Galina became pregnant with the help of the IVF procedure, according to the information service "Vek". According to doctors, the pregnancy, despite the age of the woman in labor, went well. The girl appeared in the family of Galina and Alexander, for them this is the first common child. The weight...

Christina sits down and sits on her own, stands up, holding onto the support, walks with support and tries to take her first independent steps. Christina is actively interested in everything that is around her, picks up and examines toys, tries it out.

In half of the cases, he drives on his own, since 11. If anyone has already done this, did all the European countries list them? If a teenager already has a Ross. passport, is the permit issued for it or for the COP?

Anya walks, runs, jumps on her own, eats on her own and carefully, knows how to undress and dress (loves nice clothes), is “friendly” with the pot. Anya is an active, mobile girl, willingly takes part in holidays and entertainment.

Preparation. Independent travel. Independent organization of recreation: booking hotels, buying tickets, renting a car and accommodation, excursions and attractions.

Girls, for information! Looking for free and QUALITY courses for young parents? You are here: [link-1] ADVANTAGES: The courses are organized by the Moscow maternity hospital No. 16, everyone can attend them, regardless of registration at the place of residence, without an appointment, starting at 15:00, but come at least half an hour earlier, otherwise it may not enough places. The preparatory course consists of 7 lectures, the schedule is posted on the website, covers all topics of interest to the expectant mother (change ...

QUESTION 4 years have passed since the first birth. There was a cesarean section. If I get pregnant a second time, can I give birth myself? ANSWER Olesya Tveritinova, head of the gynecological department of the Clinical and Diagnostic Center of MEDSI: - It is believed that planning the next pregnancy after cesarean should not be earlier than 2 years later, since the scar on the uterus should form properly. Otherwise, during the next pregnancy and after childbirth, it will disperse, which can lead to bleeding ...

Independently from start to finish - no. There is no independent work yet (we have problems with switching on - switching - getting stuck - slipping - forgetting where we started).

How to teach children to sit on their own? I came to you for advice, can you give me a hint? Anyuta is 2 years old, she recently started to crawl, but she cannot sit

Who travels independently to Veliky Ustyug. How do you plan to move from Kotlas to Veliky Ustyug (if traveling by train)? The travel agency told me the price of a transfer of 2500 for a minibus one way.

I read in stories about childbirth that the courses teach how to look at the opening of the cervix on your own at home ... I really want to know how it is determined ..

2 Feb 0 906

It just so happened that gynecologists from district polyclinics often do not differ in tact and delicacy.
All these events or features of my pregnancy led to the fact that I went to the hospital at the 36th week of pregnancy with pulling pains in the abdomen. The term, according to the doctors, was still small for childbirth, the contractions were artificially stopped, kept on storage for a week and allowed to go home. Another week passed and I again rushed to the hospital, after my water broke in the morning. However, labor did not begin despite the stimulation.

By the evening, the council of doctors decided to do a cesarean section.

I cried, I so wanted to give birth myself, but for the good of my baby, I agreed to the operation.
My daughter was born quite baby, weighing 2760 g, and the first thing I heard from the nurse caring for me was snide: "You couldn't give birth to such a sprat YOURSELF?" From such an attitude, cheerfulness, as you understand, did not increase. In addition, I was in the ward with women who, in addition to cesarean section, had serious health problems with their children - their babies were on the brink of life and death. My neighbors looked at me and my daughter with envy and did not miss an opportunity to reproach me for not being able to handle a child.
Further more. After the operation, problems with the intestines appeared, and I was sent to the infectious diseases hospital, and later I was diagnosed with Salmonella with which I suffered in the hospital for about two weeks, endured incessant injections, and our baby was sent to the children's clinic with a diagnosis of newborn jaundice. We met with her only a month later. And despite all the obstacles, the baby was breastfed for up to two and a half years.

The period of recovery and mastering of Mom's work has begun.

Having given birth to my daughter by caesarean section, I felt inferior, I realized that I had not overcome an important stage in my life - the stage of giving birth to a child naturally, I did not feel my integrity as a woman. And then I firmly decided that I would give birth to my second child myself and this experience would be successful this time I would cope with all the difficulties and everything would be successful.

4 years have passed, I was actively engaged in self-realization in the field of real estate transactions, started working for myself, resolved the issue of housing. And then we suddenly learn that we are expecting a baby again! This time it was not easy as well. Throughout my pregnancy, I worked actively, as a result of which I was often stressed. Relations with relatives remained tense. Now I understand that I could not learn the lessons that life taught me during my first pregnancy, and these lessons came back in an even harsher form. Despite all the difficulties, I did not change my decision about independent childbirth. I have read many articles, reviews, recommendations on this topic. I was especially inspired by the famous physician Michel Auden, who argued that natural childbirth after a cesarean section is not only possible, but also beneficial. To be convinced of my ability to give birth myself, I underwent an ultrasound scan, which was supposed to show the viability of the scar on the uterus, but in our city no one gave me such information, but only reproached and said that it is necessary to listen to doctors, and that their advice is true in the last resort.

Many said that my desire to give birth myself was the delusion of a madwoman.

Only my husband supported me in this endeavor, realizing that I had chosen this path for a reason and my choice was correct.
This time, I rarely met with gynecologists, I got registered late and passed only the most necessary tests. Not without a negative attitude on their part. Once, already in the last weeks of pregnancy, I asked my doctor if I could give birth on my own, because the pregnancy was proceeding normally and the fetus was small. She answered sarcastically: "Go to Moniaag, to Moscow, but here, in Tagil, don't dream of giving birth yourself!" ("Moniaag" is an institute of gynecology and obstetrics, where natural childbirth after cesarean is practiced). In addition, once I let slip that I have training contractions, to which she stated that it is extremely dangerous for a uterus with a scar. It was clear that it would hardly be possible to give birth in my hometown myself, and I began to look for alternative ways.
It turned out that maternity hospital No. 40 in Yekaterinburg also practices natural childbirth after cesarean section and I really wanted to get there. Since I did not have a local registration, I had to conclude an agreement with an insurance company to pay for a separate ward, which cost quite decent money. So I ended up in the hospital.
At the examination on Monday, I asked the doctor if I could give birth myself. He replied that with a favorable set of circumstances, this is possible. Since it was already 39 weeks of pregnancy, I was scheduled for a planned operation at the end of the week. But the doctor canceled it and said that if I did not give birth myself until next Monday, then I would still have to do a cesarean section.
By hook or by crook, I persuaded my baby to hurry up to come out on her own. All week I searched the Internet for methods to stimulate labor and immediately tried to practice them. And so, on Friday night, the first harbingers appeared in the form of active training fights. On Saturday, the baby quieted down, as if gathering strength for a decisive leap to freedom. And in the morning on Sunday, the contractions began. Three hours after the onset of labor, the pain intensified and I reported this to the nursing staff. They immediately began to prepare me for the operation. Not understanding what was happening, I turned to the doctor on duty, saying that my attending doctor had allowed me to try to give birth myself. The reproachful expression on the face of the doctor on duty told me about her attitude towards such a decision. Seeing on my pillow the icon of Anastasia, the pattern resolver, the doctor looked at me sympathetically, probably deciding that I was a religious fanatic, but I didn’t refuse the operation, I just wanted to give the baby the opportunity to be born himself if something went wrong I was ready to go under the knife for a safe delivery. They did not dissuade me, they gave me to sign the corresponding papers, according to which I took responsibility for our lives with the child - it was not easy to sign, but my intuition and inner knowledge of a favorable outcome were stronger.
The contractions continued.

It was painful, exhausting, sometimes unbearable.

They didn't give me any stimulation. Firstly, with such a special birth, it cannot be done, and secondly, I did not need it myself. After 10 hours of exhausting pain, I was ready to give up and agree to the operation because I thought that the birth process was already taking longer than expected, and I did not want to harm myself or the child. But the nurse convinced me that everything is going well, the disclosure is good, that I am smart and there is no need to retreat! In the intervals between contractions, I called my mother and husband, asked them to run to church, light a candle for a successful delivery, prayed ... The contractions lasted about 16 hours ...

One of the doctors asked if I still want to have a third child. And I answered, drenched in sweat and writhing in pain - Yes, I want!

Then they unanimously agreed that in this case it would be better for me to give birth myself.
And finally, this patient baby with a strong spirit was born !!! I cried with happiness when they put her on my chest. Immediately, an anesthesiologist appeared in front of me and injected me with anesthesia, as it was necessary to check the state of the uterus.
After I woke up from anesthesia, the first thing I asked was: "I gave birth to YOURSELF ?!" “Yes, myself,” the midwife confirmed. And she told me that a girl was born. “Very curious and lively, like a mother! That's it, now you can give birth to the next child yourself. There were no ruptures or complications, as is usually the case, and everything is fine with the uterus! "
What a joy it was to know that I did it!

I gave birth myself, in spite of everything, I wanted to shout to the whole world about this miracle!

This was the first step towards realizing your feminine essence, your destiny. I realized that I need to listen to my heart, awaken in myself the ancient instincts of a true woman, follow the call of my natural intuition. It is difficult, sometimes painful, but this is the only way to comprehend the whole essence of being.
Compared to the first daughter, the youngest was surprisingly calm, in infancy there was no colic and other delights of the first months of a child's life. We were discharged on the fourth day. I felt so good that I immediately resumed active work in society, combining this with caring for our calm, healthy baby, since my husband helped me a lot. One of the colleagues joked: "You went to the store for a loaf of bread, because usually after childbirth there is a very long recovery!"
PS: Our baby is now more than two years old and she is very wise and calm and a child and is still breastfed, the doctors in the children's clinic would be happy to see us, but we do not need to go to hospitals. Now I know for sure - human possibilities are endless. You just need to believe in yourself, trust the Universe, God and your heart.

See also online workshops on childbirth by rehabilitation doctor Oleg Leonkin from the cycle Lecture by Marina Golubtsova

I knew from childhood that a cesarean section was waiting for me. Not a single ophthalmologist would allow giving birth herself.

When they ask me how everything went, I answer that I am ready to go through it at least every day. And it is true!

No, I'm not a masochist at all. It's just that the very fact of the birth of a long-awaited son overshadowed all the difficulties that I had to go through. And this operation is not so terrible as they say about it.

I hope my positive experience of going through a cesarean section will allay your fears, help you find out what you have to go through, what to be prepared for.

The most important

The main thing is your adequate attitude to caesarean section: if you cannot give birth yourself, caesarean section is an excellent alternative.

I am not tormented by a feeling of guilt or shame that I could not give birth myself. Do not be afraid of the possible consequences - I have a separate one about this. Thanks to the right attitude, I avoided postpartum depression, lactation problems and other horror stories about which they write on the Internet.

Positive attitude towards caesarean section will help you avoid many of the problems that young mothers often face when going through this operation, especially an emergency one.

When to go to a planned cesarean

Ideally, as close to the expected due date as possible... In practice, doctors often rush to hospitalize a pregnant woman - just in case.

The doctor also sent me to the hospital 2 weeks before the birth. Fortunately, the admissions department returned home to carry out the pregnancy. As a result, I went to bed 5 days before the operation. And it's still early!

The operation was done 1 to 3 days before the expected date of delivery. But according to my feelings, it was necessary to do it a week later (at 41 weeks). After all, it is not for nothing that usually childbirth occurs at 38 - 42 weeks, when the child is ready to be born.

Preparing for a caesarean section

Blood and urine tests are taken in advance. There is a conversation with an anesthesiologist. In my case, also a trip to the optometrist. For elective surgery, epidural or spinal anesthesia is used. General anesthesia is used less and less often - in special cases or with an emergency caesarean section.

The night before, the nurse gave instructions on how to prepare for the operation and what to take with you.

No food or drink is allowed from 18:00. At night - a tablet of valerian. At 5 am - a cleansing enema, shower, hair removal. Then she bandaged her legs with elastic bandages.

Collected a bag for the operation:

  • rubber slippers,
  • mug,
  • a bottle of water
  • phone (it was then taken away, because it is not supposed to).

Personal belongings and things for the newborn, clothes, watches, rings and even earrings - all this is given to the nurse for storage (they are then brought to the postpartum department).

And finally, they came for me. In the treatment room, I undress, lie down on the gurney. A catheter is inserted into the urethra. I was afraid of this moment, but in fact it didn't hurt, just unpleasant.

The gurney is taken to the elevator. We go up. The winding empty corridors and here it is - the operating room, the place where my son will be born.

How is a cesarean section

I had spinal anesthesia. It worked quickly. A screen was placed in front of the belly. When the doctor made the incision, there was a feeling as if they were holding a pencil, no pain.

After 5 minutes, they began to get the child. I expected it to happen quickly and easily, like in the videos that I once watched. But no. The doctor and nurse (or midwife) put in a lot of effort, I saw how hard it was for them.

And then it hurt me. She said about it, but the doctors reacted calmly. I realized that since they have such a reaction, then everything is in order. It remained to wait until they finally get their son. The main thing is that everything is fine with him! I don’t know how long it lasted, it seemed to me that it was too long.

And so my baby screamed... The neonatologist took him to her desk. I turned my head, trying to see what she was doing to him. She lay there, looking at her son. The pain was gone. Instead, a feeling of euphoria came. I became a mother!

It seems to me that the maternal instinct woke up in me at that moment when I saw two stripes on the test. Every day and every month he got stronger. And here, in the operating room, it reached its climax.

For doctors, these are ordinary everyday life. For mom - one of the most important events in life... Thanks to the neonatologist who even without asking brought her son to me - for a kiss. For her, this is a trifle, for me - a moment that will forever remain in my memory. The son looks like a little gnome with a wrinkled nose. Our first kiss... And now they carry him away. I still have to wait - until our next meeting for another whole day.

The rest of the time, the anesthesiologist entertained the doctors by reading bad reviews from the Internet about our maternity hospital. The whole operation lasted 40 minutes.

What about after the operation?

After the operation, you need to stay in the intensive care unit for another day. The most unpleasant memories remain about this place.

There are five of us in the ward. Everyone has just been cured. The nurse may not be a bad person, but no one felt much kindness from her. When the anesthesia began to recede, oxytocin drips to contract the uterus only made the pain worse.

But pain is nothing compared to feeling helpless when you have to ask permission even to go to the toilet. In addition, it was impossible to talk to the roommates on the bed. Just sleep, drink and turn from side to side. Even walking in the ward was not allowed, although it is known that the sooner a woman gets up and begins to move, the better. True, no one wanted to walk.

All this time my thoughts were only about my son. I dreamed that the next day would come soon, and we saw each other again. Fortunately, at night they put a dropper with a strong soporific pain reliever... And there is morning and a long-awaited meeting.

As you can see, the operation itself, despite some pain, left only pleasant memories. Subsequent rehabilitation is a trifle. The most important thing was ahead of me - in