French waterfall and other romantic hairstyles. Gentle and romantic french hairstyles

What is a French kiss? It is best to say that a French kiss is magic, and to stay on it. It is best to say that this is a kiss, during which the souls of lovers are connected. It is best to say that it is just an unforgettable kiss, especially when it is made with knowledge - well, or without it, it does not matter. In short, this is the most popular kiss all over the world.

And for most guys from 9 to 22 years old, this is the only practice of them kiss, not counting the usual, simple kiss. Despite its popularity, he causes the greatest number of misunderstandings and at the same time excites the curiosity of young people, bringing him like any other kiss.

Dry book description does not allow you to feel the excitement and joy that you experience when implementing it into life. All these emotions - and many others - you can only get in practice, kissing in French. What exactly needs to do for this?

The French kiss implies contact languages, and, like when eating, here, by and large, there can be something right, and something wrong. Sometimes both languages \u200b\u200bwork, sometimes only one. It happens that the guy begins, but it happens that the girl. There is an infinite set of options, the easiest of which is just opening your mouth while kissing and wait for what happens next. Imagine that your partner's mouth is your mouth, do the same thing there as in your own: drive a language, as if studying the territory, pass the partner's teeth language - you will hang anything to the entire coil, but do not make anything like that partner What would not like himself. When will this occupation bore, just stop and try something new. Maybe you will help if you think about it as a meal. Do you know what pleasure do we receive from meals? French kiss is the same pleasure. Just watch not swallow your partner!

  • The term "French kiss" came to Russian as an element of French culture, which has always been considered the most closely related to the theme of love. In France, this kiss is called the "Soul Kiss". Where to begin? The best start - a variety of kisses of the lips, during which, slightly open your mouth. This is exactly the moment when many are lost and start nervous. Do not panic if you suddenly get a bad heart. In such circumstances, it is so natural! Kiss with an open mouth causes strange sensations. Strange and beautiful. It is very possible that your partner will repeat your action and also will open the mouth. If not, try to suck her lower lip. It can help her relax. When she opens his mouth, the only thing you have to do is start working as tongue. What does a girl think during a French kiss? "Does I like him? Does he love me? Does he like how I kiss? What happens if we are both lost control over yourself? It's nice to see how it is excited. And, perhaps, he kisses me now! .. Oh , he kept his tongue too far, I cripple, help! No, perhaps, everything is in order, as nice! Oh, yes! How good! I hope we will kiss all night. "

    When it comes to kisses, many guys do not work imagination. They hear that their friends constantly talk about French kisses, so it seems to them that if they are not working as a language during a kiss, the girls will find them in inexperienced. In addition, unfortunately, not all guys are so loved by simple kisses, which can only be content with them for a long time. The young men need something more exciting, so they resort to the only means - the French kiss. In addition, guys most of them consider this kiss as a way to force events and move to a new stage of relationships.

    Which of us did not hear about the French kiss. His homeland is considered to be France - a country of love and romantically. And here this kiss is called a "kiss of the shower", so during it there is the highest degree of unity of two loving hearts, and we can say that the souls of lovers are connected.

    It is a French kiss increases the confidence of partners to each other, allows you to "feel" a person: the sincerity of his relationship, degree of excitement. And also this is a good way and on your part to express the most intimate feelings to your beloved.

    This kiss is still the name of the "struggle of the tongues", because here the contact of the languages \u200b\u200bkissing is always implied. To be included in the game can both the languages \u200b\u200bof both partners and is possible only one. Not necessarily to continuously intelligence in the mouth of a partner. During this kiss, it is enough for your languages \u200b\u200bat least once, the second of a second touched each other.

    If you never kissing "in French", then do not be afraid to try and experiment. If a person's favorite and you understand next to you, he will help you. Having learned this kiss, you will understand how diverse the gamma of his shades. He is always new and always different.

    And, nevertheless, despite all the fabulous charm, you should not hurry with a French kiss if you just met a person and this is your first kiss. Although there are exceptions from all the rules, you can try if you both are ready for the transition to this step.

    Technique of a French kiss It is easy to learn, and it is easy to apply it in practice, but an entire life may be required for the extent of skill!

    Of course, the book description does not allow you to feel the whole range of emotions that you get when you realize a kiss. These sensations can only feel kissing. That is, practice, practice and once again practice.

    For those who are not familiar with french kiss technology Consider it in stages:

    • First of all, do not forget to take care of the freshness of breathing, and well, if the lips are slightly wet. Before the kiss, spend our tongue. Wet lips are a special magic that gives them attractiveness. Rough lips may not be very pleasant to the partner, so you can use hygienic lipstick. If you have dry in your mouth, you should drink some water.

    To strengthen the effect of a kiss, you can drink tea with ice or something else pleasant to taste, or experiment with various kinds of ice cream, which will give a kiss freshness.

    • Concluding with a partner, gently hug him behind the neck or launch his hand into his hair. And you can hug behind the waist or shoulders, if so more convenient.
    • Natural and smooth movement, slightly tilt the head aside. And if you are tuned to each other, the partner will respond reciprocity and tilt the head in the opposite direction
    • It is important to relax and breathe exactly, and if you close your eyes, it will give an even greater shade of romanticity.
    • Slightly open the mouth, gently touch the lips with your partner.
    • Tenderness and romanticism are the main features of the French kiss. Therefore, all your movements should be gentle and neat. Without aggression and voltage, find the language of the partner with your language. Touch it and take a little tongue, you can go down a little deeper, but just a little bit. Play with its tongue. Your language and lips remain relaxed.
    • Feeling yourself a little more confident, start exploring each other's languages, spend your tongue on the inside of his lips, explore his mouth.

    Pull your tongue to meet the partner. And when they meet will meet, perhaps you will feel a surge of emotions, since at this moment your souls are connected in one, while the tongue of your tongue is playing with your favorite language.

    Full what is called "dance of languages." At this point, your language does not wander on the mouth of the partner, and only "plays" directly with his tongue. And then give the will the imagination where to move your tongue.

    • Experiment with the following: You can suck the partner's language during a kiss. First, it will be difficult to catch it, but over time you will learn to act quickly. Maching, do not despair, make another attempt. Remember how you drink a cocktail through the straw, we put a partner language in the same way.
    • Imagine that the music is playing: it is quiet, then loud, loudly, slowing down, try kissing to the beat of it. So that your partner could say about you: "I never know with you that will be the next moment." Variety and constant changes are the soul of a kiss.

    The technique of French kiss is certainly important, but do not forget that the main thing here is to be natural and surrender to the wave of feelings. Get, first of all, pleasure from kisses!

    Do everything, from what it would be nice to you, do not forget about the partner, try to keep track of how much it is acceptable to him. Men, as a rule, in this regard are less demanding, so the partner in the men's mouth is much safer than a man in a female. And if a woman can move freely and experiment with their tongue in the men's mouth, then the man should be more careful, since the partner is not all actions with the tongue can be pleasant.

    Finishing the kiss, gently remove your tongue, reject your head and close your mouth. If this is done at the same time, it turns out sharply and it may not be very nice to a partner. Do not immediately remove from the partner, as this can lead to emotional shock. This is especially significant for girls. Therefore, having finished a kiss, give your girlfriend a smile, stick it, gently kiss her on the lips.

    Mia Farrow, "Child Rosemary", 1968

    Each era is marked with a pronounced style, for a person who knows and thoughtfully - finely intertwined with the mood of time.
    The 60s of the 20th century were the epoch of the cultural explosion, the sexual revolution and global madness, whose aggression was somewhat softened by the patient use of drugs and creative sublimation.
    We will provide for the cultural phenomena of the "Raunting 60s" to judge the connoisseurs, but, the fashion and style of that time are exceptional phenomena: harmonious simplicity, clear dosage, brightness and minimalism at the same time. From my point of view, in the history of the Fashion of the last century there were no more than ten phenomena, which could be called perfect. The style of the modov era, I consider one of them.

    Vidal Sassun created a hairdresser's empire, came up with an asymmetric variation of the hairstyle "Bob" (in which Victoria Beckham recently had recently (! Ultra-short haircut of an uneven strand and a star, unatailing to this day.

    Frame from the movie "Child Rosemary"

    Vidal Sassun creates a hairstyle of Mia Farrow.

    Actress Michel Williams today imites the style of Mia Farrow.

    Louise Brooks, "Pandora Box", 1929

    Quote: He was remembered in the fifties. The director of the French Sinemateka Henri Langloa called the Pandora Box to Masterpore: "No Garbo! No Dietrich! There is only Louise Brooks!" It was then that one of the most beautiful women of world cinema became a cult actress - the creator of myth Lulu.
    Her face was not a frozen mask, he did not need an even light - unlike the village of Greet Garbo, who blew up like mramor. Brooks's face could be studied as the Lunar Landscape (Lotta Eisner), impose deep expressionist shadows on him - it still seemed that the light source is inside. The haircut, because of which Brooks received the nickname "Girls in the Black Helmet", concluded an almost impeccable face into a strict frame.
    Karina Kommersant

    Having left the movie, refused to wear his corporate "black helmet" and tightly combed the hair back. Written elegant and ironic essays. Drew landscapes, resembling ancient Chinese painting. Signed them Lou Bru. Something average between Louise Brooks and Lulu. Karina Kommersant

    Stars of our time.

    Christina Ricci

    Naomi Kampbell

    Clara Bow, "This", 1927

    The term "IT-Girl" is almost undue into Russian. Everyone knows who is "IT-Girl", everyone is discussing "IT-Girl", everyone dreams of being "it-girl", and no one understands what it really is. Beauty? Not necessary. Wealth? Inticiously? Sexuality? Often - doubtful. Good taste - depending on what you mean by this.
    And yet - everyone knows who is "IT-Girl", everyone is discussing "IT-Girl", everyone dreams of being ...

    The first IT-Girl was the actress of a silent movie Clara Bow. So she called her author of the novel "IT" ("this") Elinor Glyn, whose older sister, by the way, was famous at the beginning of the twentieth century a lucile modist. In 1927, a film was removed on the novel, since then the young, sexually attractive persons, which they say everything around, called this way. Interestingly, the girlfriend Clara Bow, Louise Brooks is one of the first lucky holders of Bubi-Copp. - got this title already being an elderly lady.

    It-girl can be beautiful, talented, rich, fashionable, and may just be, the rest will apply.

    Haircut and laying A la Clara Bow at the stars of our time Charlize Theron.

    Audrey Hepburn, "How to Steal Million", 1966

    About the style of Audrey Hepburn should write the treatise, or say only 2 words.
    Therefore, strictly essentially: one more thing that she put into fashion and made the legendary, became a short haircut with an asymmetric "French bang", thanks to which the neck seems to be long, the eyes are big and a little surprised, and the girl herself is a little similar to the perfection itself, What was Audrey herself.

    Variation on the topic of Audrey's haircuts, but with another laying from Natalie Portman.

    Jamie Lee Curtis, "Fish named Wanda", 1988

    Jamie Lee was, of course, doomed to success. It is difficult to be not doomed to success if your father Tony Curtis, and the legs length with a list of state taxes. She conquered the audience, still being long-haired, in the first "Halloween". Jamie then was one of the fashionable hippian girls with leaning curls, in cowboy boots, with a sexual appearance, and not yet opened comedy talent.

    And then suddenly it turned out that her hair climb, yes so much that only a short haircut will save. Jamie Lee made a short haircut, ceased to put something at once and suddenly it was done truly, not daring to cool, and it still remained it.

    Jamie Lee in the "Fish named Wanda"

    Jamie Lee Nowadays

    Demi Moore, "Ghost", 1990

    Demi Moore is a beautiful luxurious woman who remains such and now, approaching the fifty years, and do not care - due to how many visits to surgeons, if it looks so good.
    For your real and screen life, it has repeatedly experimented with hair, then increasing them to the belt, then curling in the "chemistry", then swaying the sleeves, and all this, in general, more or less went, never it was more beautiful than With his boyish haircut in the film "Ghost", after which everyone got up, went to the hairdresser, but cut the hair.
    And correctly done.

    Selma Blair in Variations on Demi Haircuts

    Isabelle Adjani, "Subway", 1985

    Algerian Emmigrant says, Father Isabelle Ajani, Radish her daughter alone, was terribly afraid that she would marry early and leaving her home, leaving him alone. Therefore, the daughter was inspired that the urodine, with the consciousness of this Isabel and grew up. Since then, Ajani suffers from complexes, it was not able to establish his life with men and, perhaps, almost the only one in the world does not understand that there was little women for the entire era of the existence of cinema in it as beautiful as she.

    In the classical "chemistry" of the 80s, with which Isabelle appears in the "subway" there is nothing special and notable.

    But when closer to the final everything around is crazy, and a gorgeous bourgeois, without removing his outfits from-couture and jewels, builds punk "Iroquo" on the head, then we are observing the present phenomenon.

    Meg Ryan, "French Kiss", 1995

    In the adorable and directly charming Ryan, in which you can fall in love with "When Harry met Sally", from a certain moment there was something unbearable, uniting with its regular partners on the terrible melodramas of Nora Efron Tom Hanks.

    But in the light air comedy "French kiss", together with Meg on the screen, a wonderful and unleashed Kevin Klein was soling on the screen, and then a small miracle happened, and Meg had returned to the state of the "Sun Luche" - a ridiculous, blonde, a luccoto-stylish creature, which We once knew and loved.

    Elisha Cuthbert today

    Gwyneth Paltrow, "Caution, the doors are closed", 1998

    In this film, the haircut symbolizes the rebirth of the heroine. Throwing the wrong fight Frenda, pretty, but a little unsure the girl, goes into a fashionable salon, where she repainting his decent brown hair into a dazzling blond and makes a complex, very stylish haircut with strands of different lengths, obviously inspired by twiggy modov icon.


    Bridget Foundation and Jennifer Jason Lee, "Lonely White Woman", 1993

    In this thriller, the haircut of the heroine also plays an important role. Character Bridget Foundations, succeeding young woman in designer outfits and with an elegant short haircut quarrel with her fiance and finds a neighbor in the apartment - a strange "gray mouse" in whether, which, as always, plays a crazy villain.

    Heroine Jennifer becomes obsessed with his shiny neighbor and gradually begins to steal her life. Having made myself the same haircut and painted the hair, she gives out himself for her sister, then for her own. All this is very confusing, sexy and stylish.

    The concept of a French kiss came to us from France. And this is known, a country that is closely connected with a dream, love, beautiful, romantic.

    The French kiss gives us the best idea of \u200b\u200bthe partner, gives you to feel how strong the senses of the partner are. In France, this kiss is called a shower kiss, as it leads to the union of two hearts. Naturally, the partner will be recognized not only through a kiss. Many people even consider a kiss violation of personal hygiene rules.

    Secrets of a French kiss

    An important moment on the way to a successful kiss is explained. Touch as younger as possible to the partner's shoulders, hug it for the waist, gently tap the back. Do not hold the body wooden with a kiss. The process will go in the right direction at easy thrust. Keep track of movements and gestures of your partner.
    Make so that the partner does not fall into the gusts of passion. If a person has a lack of oxygen, it will wider open his mouth, which is not very good at a French kiss.
    When excited, salivation is enhanced. Try in time to swallow saliva in order not to make a kiss wet.
    Before the kiss, take care of the freshness of breathing. Do not eat products that leave an unpleasant smell, like garlic. Use mint candy and chewing. With weathered lips, use hygienic lipstick. When touched your lips, there should be pleasant soft sensations.


    The French kiss has a feature of the application of both partner languages. But they need to know how to use. Language should not be shoved very far. It makes it difficult to breathe and it will be unpleasant.
    Many want to convey the whole passion through the kiss. They simply absorb partners and try to work intensively with the language. It is more often mixed or annoying.
    Do not dwell on the same kisses. Language is likely to get tired. Use a slight touch of lips, whisper affectionate words in your ear.

    French kiss technique

    Lump your lips before the kiss, they must slide and easily touch the lips of the partner. Tilt the head slightly, the noses should not interfere with you when converging. Feel the completeness of the kiss and close your eyes. If you do not like a person, then you do not have to experience it. Many kiss with open eyes. To pump the feelings, open your mouth gradually. Lick your partner's lips, and then gently push the tongue in his mouth. Game and gently touch his tongue. If he likes it, then experiment. Make the tongue circular movements, spend them on the gums and teeth, it turns out significantly. Breathe right. Do not use a French kiss without love.

    The French kiss is one of the wonderful forms of expressing your love for a near person. When contacting languages, a chemical reaction occurs, subsequently the emission of oxytocin hormone, responsible for the appearance of the feeling of euphoria and happiness. Therefore, such a kiss contributes to a good mood and relieves stress.

    Only with your loved one, you can feel all charming processes in the body. They deliver sincere happiness and joy.

    In contact with

    French kiss is how?

    A description of the French kiss states that it is considered the most common and sensual. Goted popularity thanks to classic kinocartes of the 60s.

    France is considered a country where love is at the heart of close relationships, and the kiss is a romantic manifestation of their feelings. Many couples are thinking about what the French kiss means. For loved, this is an important question that determines the further fate of the relationship. Therefore, no one wants to make mistakes.

    The main feature of the kiss is the contact of languages. It is this process that leads to the activation of human internal systems:

    • spinal nerve endings;
    • pancreas;
    • nervous endings responsible for excitement.

    Often, such proximity leads to the development of more serious intimate relations.

    How to learn?

    Inexperienced young people often wonder how to learn French kiss. The process of fusion of languages \u200b\u200boccurs at an intuitive level. The main task is to start with a mold of a kiss. When young people already know each other for a long time and feel like communication, start working as tongue simply. It is enough to open the mouth and carefully touch the partner's lips, over time, developing the intensity of touches.

    Studying the lessons of a French kiss, master the technique is easy. It is enough to understand the basic techniques that will help avoid mistakes.

    Technique implementation

    It is believed that the French kiss is complicated. In fact, observing simple rules, the process seems very pleasant and easy. With half-open mouths, the languages \u200b\u200bcome into contact and begin to interact. First contact light. The tongue of the language begins the study of the rotting partner cavity. Then the languages \u200b\u200bbegin to intertwine and actively rub on each other.

    There are several varieties and techniques:

    • an exquisite kiss - this form allows you to completely penetrate the partner's mouth and lick his panel;
    • the mill is the rotation of the language in the robot partner cavity;
    • fasting kiss - a sharp introduction of a language in the mouth and the suction of the lower lip of a loved one;
    • the royal kiss is to keep a tongue language.

    The technique of a French kiss implies a complete fusion of languages. Experiments allow you to create new forms.

    Step-by-step instruction

    So what is a French kiss? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. For some people, this is a special feeling. Others and do not attach such proximity to great importance. In the French themselves, the contiguous languages \u200b\u200bare called a "kiss of shower".

    To learn how to kiss, there is a simple step-by-step instruction. Below will be an explanation, which means a French kiss and how to kiss:

    1. Start the kiss should be started with lip wetting. Enough several times to lick them or drink some water.

    To kiss it gentle, lips lubricate sweet food and moisturize drinks.

    Good result bring:

    • lemonade;
    • tea or coffee;
    • sparkling water;
    • chocolate;
    • berries or fruits;
    • ice cream.

    Compliance with these simple items will help to achieve the best effect. Pleasant aroma of mouth contributes to greater excitation.

    1. If the lips have not twisted, it is necessary to apply hygienic lipstick.
    2. No good French kiss do without hugs. Therefore, you should not be afraid to grab the neck and waist of the partner, to launch your fingers into your hair. It will help close even more and leave good impressions after the process.
    3. When the heads gradually get closer, you need to look straight into the eyes of a partner. Lovely look - the most faithful way to getting confidence.
    4. When the lips are closed, the following reactions of the body occur:
    • pressure change;
    • the appearance of "goosebumps";
    • sweating palms;

    This is the natural reaction of the body at which the heart begins to fight stronger.

    1. It is necessary to breathe in the process to the nose that actually happens at an intuitive level. Thanks to this kiss it can continue as much as you like.
    2. Starting with light kisses and licking lips.
    3. When awareness came that it was already time to apply a language, the mouth gradually opens. If the partner still does not blur the lips, then it is necessary to provoke it to this action.

    What should not do:

    • very widely blurring jaws;
    • aggressively bite the lips;
    • trying to open the mouth of your loved one.

    It is enough to break the lips and gently start tying a language in the mouth.

    1. When the languages \u200b\u200bhave already merged together, you should just enjoy the kiss, breathe calmly, not penetrate the tongue too deep.

    It is necessary to try to smooth out the saliva approximately every minute so that there is no unpleasant feeling.

    Use a French kiss in practice is easy. It happens mainly at an intuitive level. Do not worry, it will only violate the natural process. Everything will go smoothly and with pleasure if the feelings are mutual.

    This information contains an exhaustive knowledge that will help to understand what a French kiss is, and step-by-step instructions will prevent common errors.

    How to kiss in French?

    The very concept of "correct" each interprets in its own way. There are a few simple rules that make a kiss as pleasant as possible. There are the following parameters that should be adhered to:

    • absence in the oral cavity of the abundant amount of saliva;
    • wet and unlined lips;
    • neat penetration of the language.

    The rest can be trusted to yourself and partner. The quality of the kiss also determines the presence of mutual deep feelings. If a close relationship with man really is felt, then under the compliance with the above rules, you can achieve unforgettable impressions.

    Below will be pictures that will help to understand what the French kiss means.

    The guys most often show the initiative in such proximity. In order not to experience insecurity, you need to act quickly. If everything leads to a kiss, then listen to your inner alarm and follow it.

    Simple tips:

    • refresh breathing before the meeting;
    • eliminate smoking;
    • drink water or sweet drink.

    During a date, it is necessary to behave ease. Comfortable and cozy communication - a sure way to get a French kiss.

    1. When the climax is nearing, it is necessary to do everything to make the girl felt defenseless. It is better to hug her stronger and climb. The result will not make yourself wait.
    2. As soon as everything happens, then it is better to obey the desires of the girl. Gentle bites and giving a lip will benefit. It is important to keep track of the tongue.
    3. It should be remembered that this is a French kiss, which means it should deliver the maximum euphoria.
    4. At the end it is necessary to press your favorite and smile to her. This will help restore the dialogue, and will also leave good impressions after prolonged silence.

    How to behave girls?

    The technique of performing a French kiss for all the same. In case the guy decides to kiss the girl first (and it should be), it is better to trust him. All actions should occur naturally. If you not want to kiss if you do not want to kiss, then it is better to say about it in advance so that there is no misunderstanding. Otherwise, it is better to listen to her desires.

    Warm relationships become only stronger after a kiss. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove if the guy exhibits warm and tender feelings.

    • make lighter hints to a partner;
    • take the initiative to your hands (we are talking about a guy);
    • do not forget to hug your loved one.

    Mutual feelings are able to lead to an unforgettable kiss, so you should not be afraid to do something wrong.

    Video Tutorial

    How to make a French kiss, it is shown in the video attached below. If there are still questions, how to kiss, then this lesson will help to understand the details.

    The video tutorial on the topic "French kiss" will show you how to kiss in French:


    1. Now questions about how to kiss when a French kiss should not arise. Some experienced couples say there are no specific rules when making pleasant manipulation. Passion always covers unexpectedly and is not guided by the instructions.
    2. During a French kiss, it is important to trust the partner and feel comfort. Then all the processes will occur naturally.
    3. Just before a date to put the mouth cavity and appearance. You should be a polite and gentle companion. It is not necessary to have tremendous experience in understanding what a French kiss is and how to make it. As a result, everything will turn out, and a kiss with a loved one will be remembered for a long time.