According to the traditions of the national holiday artu, the Greeks of the dnr determined that the harvest this year would be successful. According to the traditions of the national holiday artu, the Greeks of the dnr determined that the harvest this year would be successful. Descriptions of resettlement by the founders of the village

Starobeshevo on the map, weather in Starobeshevo
Starobeshevo(Ukrainian Starobeshev, before 1896 - Beshevo) is an urban-type settlement in the south-east of Donetsk region of Ukraine, the administrative center of Starobeshevsky district.

  • 1 Geography
  • 2 Population
  • 3 History
    • 3.1 Village foundation
      • 3.1.1 Famous founders of the Besh-Ev village
    • 3.2 Decree of Catherine II
    • 3.3 Quotes from Order No. 1817 of March 24, 1780
    • 3.4 Descriptions of resettlement by village founders
    • 3.5 XIX-XX centuries.
  • 4 Village infrastructure
  • 5 The customs of the settlers
  • 6 Language
  • 7 Oikonyms and place names
  • 8 Economy
    • 8.1 Transport
  • 9 Social sphere
  • 10 Notable residents
  • 11 Notes
  • 12 References
  • 13 Literature


Located on the right side of the Kalmius River, lower than the Beresnegovataya estuary, near the Kamyshevakha River.


It is populated mainly by the Urum.


  • 1859 - 2,211 inhabitants.
  • at the end of the 19th century - 4,200 inhabitants.
  • 1970 - 6,900 inhabitants
  • 2001 - 7,184 lives. (according to the results of the 2001 All-Ukrainian Population Census), including men - 3 368, women - 3 816.


The Turkic nomadic people, presumably formed in the 8th century in the steppes of Kazakhstan and southern Siberia (the upper reaches of the Irtysh River), came from the Trans-Volga region to the territory of modern Crimea at about the beginning of the 11th century. The descendants of this people founded the Crimean villages Beshev (Beshav), Yeni-Sala, Mangush.

The list of the heads of Christian families in 1652 is reflected in the Ottoman tax records (Jizye deftera Liwa-i Kefe, 1652), which is a list of some Christian residents of Crimea who were taxed to the khan's treasury. Christian residents in 1652 Beshav village (Khan's land):

  • Triandafil Tohte
  • Tohte Dimitri
  • Yagmur Koste from Alushta

The foundation of the village

Village Beshevo(Crimean Cat. beş ev - "five houses") was founded in 1779 - 1783 by Greek settlers from the Crimean village of the same name BeshEv (later - Beshuy, Bishui, Beshav), located in the censer of Mufti Arpalyk (Fully diocese, south-western part of Crimea) , that is, in the Fully region of the Bakhchisarai Kaymakan.

Archpriest S. Serafimovich:

The resettlement was entrusted to A. Suvorov and, like everything that the great commander did, regardless of losses, it was carried out in the shortest possible time. The resettlement began in 1778. All Greeks from Crimea left at least 20,000. Unfortunately, the circumstances were not entirely favorable to emigration. Between the migrants, various ailments opened up, and moreover, a general illness appeared at that time in the Novorossiysk and Azov provinces, from which many of the migrants died on the way. 686 people came out, 120 families, 498 people came out.

Famous founders of the Besh-Ev village

  • Paniot Fedorov to Uzlu - 1776;
  • Fyodor Tokhtamyshev son (Pop) - 1737;
  • Nikolai Aslanov son (Pop) - 1742;
  • Terenty Konstantinov (Koval) 1786;
  • Apostle Anastasov's son - 1766.

The settlers drove livestock with them - about 100,000 heads, that is, about 5 heads per person. The figure, although not small, did not correspond to their abilities: in the new place, despite all the losses, after ten years they had several times more. The reason is freedom.

Those leaving were subjected to humiliating customs inspection by the Tatars, which caused protests and even unrest. After giving an unthinkable bribe of 5,000 rubles from state funds to customs officers, the settlers continued their way to Perekop without hindrance, then along the so-called Muravsky way, which partially coincides with the modern highway Simferopol - Moscow, then through the Molochnaya and Konka rivers.

They arrived at the place of the proposed settlement in September 1778, about which A. V. Suvorov joyfully and succinctly reported: "The departure of the Crimean Christians is over! ... Approximately, up to 130,000 rubles were spent on this trip." Some of the settlers began to settle down, while the majority were waiting for an answer to the request of July 16, which was not answered. A. V. Suvorov, who had already handed over the cases, but continued to follow the resettlement, turned to G. A. Potemkin with a request to speed up the response.

Decree of Catherine II

Only on May 21 (June 3, NS), 1779, was the Decree signed by Catherine II, called the Great, followed. This document, written in Greek and Russian, was known to the settlers under the name "privileged" (distorted - "privilege"):

To our faithful Most Reverend Ignatius of Goths and Kaphia and to the entire community of Crimean Christians of the Greek law of every title to all in general and to each separately, Our Imperial merciful word. Well-intentioned universal undertaking, bless the right hand of the Most High. Having considered the message sent to Us from you from Bakhchisarai on July 16 of this year (or rather, the last F.Kh.) a common and goodwill based petition for the deliverance of all of you from the threatened yoke and disaster by acceptance into eternal citizenship of the All-Russian Empire, we deign not only to accept all of you under Our All-Merciful shelter, but also, as if the dear children, having calmed them under it, to deliver a life that is only prosperous, how great is the desire of mortals and our undisputed care about that.

Following it, we deign to enjoy you in Our State not only all those rights and advantages that all Our subjects enjoy from Us and Our ancestors since ancient times, but in addition We have indicated:

  1. With your real resettlement to the Azov province, to transport from the Crimea, dependent on Our, all that your property that can only be transported, and especially the poor and indebted to the Khan and the local government to redeem from Our treasury, which from the amount determined from Us has already been fulfilled.
  2. For the most convenient settlement of yours, in the Azov province, a sufficient part of the land, which is special from other villages, along the Salt and other rivers and along the shores of the Sea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bAzov, so that there is abundant fishing in the dachas of your village All-mercifully we always favor and benefit the whole society without any to the treasury of Our taxes. For the merchants, artisans and industrialists, we assign the cities of Yekaterinoslav and Marianopol to the habitation of their province, as the most profitable places for trade.
  3. By dividing state residents into classes, We all mercifully dismiss everyone from State taxes and services, whatever rank they are for 10 years, and after that time they have to pay to Our treasury annually, merchants from capital, from the ruble, one percent each, guild, as well and bourgeoisie from the courtyard for two rubles; and the uyezd villagers, namely: the peasants, not from their souls, but from the land allotted for each of thirty dessiatines, will contribute 5 kopecks from each tithe per year; the poor villagers will be supplied from Our treasury not only with food for the first year, but also for sowing land of any name with grain seeds, cattle and everything belonging to the establishment of household management, with a return for all this to the treasury in 10 years; in the same way, their houses will be built by state support; property, on the land allotted to them, have to build houses, shops, barns, factories and whatever they themselves want from their own dependence, using everything in general forever from any stands freely, except for those cases when military teams must pass by your villages. From giving a recruit to the army, you leave forever, unless someone himself wishes to serve Ours.
  4. After his death, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Ignatius, we most mercifully entrust the flock of all these settlers who have left with him and are leaving Crimea in the future; which and to be directly under our Holy Synod. The priests who have come out today, remaining everyone with their parish, depend on him, who will continue to ordain priests and other clergymen in his flock, according to his own consideration and as necessary.
  5. The court and punishment and the entire internal police should be on the basis of the general laws in our state by the bosses elected from you by free votes, whom you can use the ranks and salaries of the state of the Azov province on the appeal of the governor's government. In the villages and villages, for protection in all necessary cases, special police officers from the Russians are determined, with whom these settlers are in the proceedings and in no way interfering with being just guardians and interceding. However, upon the entry of each into the clan of state residents chosen by him, we allow us to use forever and hereditarily all that which, according to our general legalizations, each clan of state residents uses, such as: free trade outside and inside the state, and for the greater benefit of these, are allowed to build from of your own capital, merchant sea-going ships, to plant necessary and useful factories, plants and orchards, after cultivating which you can sell all kinds of grape wines in your villages by small means, but you can sell barrels exported to the inner cities of Russia - in a word: to distribute all kinds of crafts of your own free will and the prosperity of everyone, and enjoy everything under Our Autocratic Scepter and the protection of laws. Giving all these advantages, We solemnly and hereditary to the whole society for eternal times, for the greater power, signed with our own hands and ordered to strengthen our State seal.

Catherine's decree was subsequently confirmed by Emperor Paul I, and Emperor Alexander I signed another Decree, essentially no different from Catherine's Decree with the omitted benefits, which had expired. Both Decrees were kept in a silver gilded ark, first in the Mariupol Greek court, and then in the city government.

Metropolitan Ignatius was not satisfied with this, probably because of the harsh climate in comparison with the Crimean climate, and therefore twice during the summer of 1779 he went to St. Petersburg to see his old friend and patron G.A.Potyomkin. As a result, the "Map representing a part of the Azov province of the Mariupol district, the land determined by the Greeks who left the Crimea" was approved. In the middle there is an inscription: “Be this way. Catherine"; below: "Confirmed October 2, 1779"; below the signature: "Prince Potemkin." The boundaries of the allocated lands were marked on the map, which did not coincide with the Decree of May 21, 1779, but coincided with the Kalmiuska plank, the place for the city of Mariupol was indicated, but the locations of the villages were not indicated. Before the revolution of 1917, the map was kept in the Mariupol council.

Quotes from Order No. 1817 of March 24, 1780

Legally, the resettlement ended with order No. 1817 of March 24, 1780 of the Azov provincial chancellery. Here are some excerpts from it:

By the decree of Her Imperial Majesty, the Azov provincial chancellery pursuant to the governor of the governor, Prince G.A. land of the warrant, at which and the attachment to his lordship for the signing of his eminence the Greek metropolitan and the deputies, a certificate about which the consideration is prescribed, transmitted in the original, filed from his eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Gothfia and Kafia, for signing him and the deputies of the Greeks who left the Crimea, the Greeks are obligatory evidence that they recognize the lands and places as sufficient and capable for the establishment of a city and settlement of farmers: from the Sea of ​​Azov and the mouth of the Berda River, where the Petrovskaya fortress (leaving 12,000 dessiatines in the fortress, as assigned on the map), along its left bank to the mouth of the Karatysh River, along the left bank of the Karatysh to the top, with it directly on the the bus of the Kobloy gully and along its right bank to the mouth of the Mokrye Yaly flowing into the river, along the right bank of the Mokry Yalov to the mouth of the Volchya flowing into the Volchya, from there along the Volchya bank to the mouth of the Osikovaya gully, along the left bank of it to the top from that peak directly to the top of the Beresnegovataya river , along its right bank to the mouth of the Kalmius river flowing into the river, along the right bank of the Kalmius river to the mouth of the same flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, from here along the Azov Sea coast to the aforementioned district of the Petrovskaya fortress, offers:
  1. Those lands, as in these nowhere, are sufficient, neither state nor landlord establishments, for the Greeks who came out of the Crimea to settle and build their cities especially without withdrawal, and where they themselves will choose villages from these convenient places, there they will cut off their districts for each, although there would not have been in this the total number of 200 households of 12,000 tithes, believing both in them excess, and that after the separation of those the district will remain in the future. If, after the granted 10 grace years have passed, any land will not be inhabited and remain empty, then taking away from them to distribute to those who wish, on an equal basis with other lands throughout the province; and when the number of immigrants from the Greeks increases, then add them by the number of those immigrants and even from empty places not allotted to anyone.
  2. Their city should be called Mariupol, which, being located in a decent manner, can be built either on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov at the mouth of the Kalmius River, or at the mouth of the Solyonaya River, also called Kalets, which flows into the Kalmius River; and all those lands granted to these Greeks, along the above written borders, have to make up the Mariupol district, and the zemstvo board of this district to establish in the fortress of Petrovskaya; and in this district, excluding the Petrovskaya fortress with the district, except for the Greeks, until the end of 10 grace years, no other nations should be assigned any land for the settlement of houses and other things, and by fishing against the dachas of those Greeks on the Sea of ​​Azov, exactly and in all rivers of this district, except for them not to be used by anyone; and the city by the Volch'ya River, which was previously determined for those Greeks to be called Pavlograd, and after that the local district of Pavlograd.
  3. Due to the lack of forest land in these places, not only the construction of houses for which the poorest can get it from the treasury, but also for other household needs to allow them free travel to the forests by the Mius River ...
  4. As those Greeks, due to the approaching autumn time and winter, cannot manage to build houses for themselves, then order them to allocate in advance apartments in the Bakhmutsky district, to Tora (Slavyansk), Mayaki (on the Donets river) and Raygorodok, where property on their own dependents , and the rest, on the government oxen given to them, wasting no time and got over, not forbidding those who wished to stay in the places where they are now, or go to the land near the Kamenka river, where some of them had stayed last winter, what from this lord the governor was notified of his Eminence, Metropolitan Ignatius, reminding him of his indispensable fulfillment, and so that he inclined the cultivators to the unrelenting sowing of winter grain this fall, either in the places where they now stand, or in the places determined for them again, only in order to acquire time was by no means wasted in the next year of bread ...

... To inform the Greek Metropolitan Ignatius that all Greeks in the Mariupol district of this year, grain-growers, from the first April, and the merchants and bourgeoisie from the fifth to the tenth, entered the settlement; send a decree to the warden warrant officer Gorlensky and order the inhabitants living on the lands of all ranks assigned to the Greeks to be resettled to the mouth of the Salt, to Pavlograd ... all orders and payment of taxes by the zemstvo will be released.

Thus, Warrant Officer Gorlensky was the caretaker, and since 1780, Prime-Major Prince Shakhmatov was appointed "to the charity of the different nations of Christians who came out of the Crimea"; from 1781 Seconds-Major Mikhail Safkov was in charge of settling settlers in a new place.

Who were these people? Characteristics of Major Seconds M. Safkov, signed by the Governor of Azov, Lieutenant-General V. Chertkov (extracts): “From 1780 he was appointed provincial zemstvo commissar; there he settled them both in the city of Mariupol and in 21 settlements ”.

Descriptions of resettlement by the founders of the village

This is how, almost 40 years later, the immigrants themselves describe their wanderings in a petition to the Minister of Internal Affairs Lansky: for the most part from the lack of them ... it is not hypocritical to say in the very truth that whole families suffered from their lives, and many lost even half of them, and not a single family was left without the loss of a father, mother, brother, sister and children, in a word, out of 9 thousand souls there was not even a third of the male immigrants, and at the age of 15 he could barely gather with newborns ... up to seven thousand souls. "

XIX-XX centuries.

In 1896 it was renamed to.

On the eve of the First World War, Starobeshevo had 685 households, in which 4.3 thousand people lived and was considered a large village.

In 1889, in a village with a population of 3.8 thousand people, there was one medical department where a doctor, six paramedics and a midwife worked, who served another 24 villages. In 1912, a seven-bed hospital was built in Starobeshevo.

In April 1918, Starobeshevo was captured by the Austro-German invaders after their expulsion in December of the same year - Denikin's army entered Starobeshevo, establishing its own rules until January 3, 1920. After the expulsion of the Denikinites and the restoration of Soviet power, a volispolkom was created in the village, and a village council of workers, peasants and Red Army deputies was elected. Compulsory partnerships for joint cultivation of land are created, which included 13 farms.

In 1924 the village of Starobeshevo became the center of the district. In the 1924-1925 academic year, 320 students studied in two schools, and the next year already 477. In 1927, a park was laid in the center of the village on an area of ​​3.5 acres. In 1930, the Starobeshevskaya machine-tractor station (MTS) was founded, which after 2 years already had 50 tractors and served 17 collective farms. In the same year, the country's first female tractor brigade was created, led by Pasha Angelina.

241 residents of Starobeshevo as a result of the "Greek Operation" 1937-1938. shot on the verdict No. 42 of the NKVD dated 02/05/1938.

In August-September 1943, heavy battles were fought here to liberate them from Nazi troops.

"podvignaroda" was looking for information about his father, found an award order N 028 / n dated September 28, 1943.

big, many people were awarded. Trying to understand where it was in geography, I read everyone. A few days

under the impression that I saw it myself. From the descriptions of the exploits and assumed that the battles were close here.

Village infrastructure

In 1780, a stone church was built in the village instead of a tiny church made of vines and brushwood. The extraction of stone developed. However, as in the previous, Crimean times, agriculture was also of great importance. They grew wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, flax, hemp. But in comparison with animal husbandry, agriculture again played a secondary role. Bread was harvested with sickles - in this regard, there have been no changes since the time of medieval Crimea. Then the sheaves were taken to the current for threshing. This operation was carried out with a special stone roller (to this day, such rollers are scattered in abundance on the streets).

The production of skating rinks was especially well established in Beshev. The Beshevites provided for themselves and sold skating rinks at fairs to residents of other villages. From the quarries, the stone was taken out on carts (max). In addition to fences, houses, barns, and cattle sheds were sometimes erected from stone.

In the village itself, two annual fairs were held.

In Beshev, there were 17 landless farms, and 64 had only 1-3 dessiatines of land. Archbishop Gabriel wrote about this: “The Greeks are not very diligent in farming and baking. That is why significant areas of their fields and meadows remain idle. What a difference between the economy of the Greeks and the economy of the German colonists living near them, to whom part of their lands has already passed! " The Greeks were engaged in gardening only for themselves, growing the most necessary vegetables for the family. For a long time the Greeks did not engage in crafts.

A special wedding custom in the village of Starobeshevo was that on the second day of the wedding, the godfather divides between all the relatives "melon" or "bohchu" - chicken and sweet biscuits. The custom has survived to this day.

Migrant customs

The chant of almost forgotten Greek folk songs is sad as a longing for the irrevocably gone. at the same time, the dance music is incendiary and cheerful. The most famous of the surviving dance melodies, the fast haitarma (k'aytarma), has undeniable traces of the musical culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples.

At the end of the 19th century, the village was often called: the village of Beshevka, Yekaterinoslavskaya province, Mariupol district. At that time, 4200 people lived in the village, there was a church, 2 fairs, up to 10 commercial and industrial establishments.

In 1866, a unified system of civil structure and government was extended to the Greek settlers. Among 11 Greek volosts, Beshevskaya was also created - which later in 1874 became part of the Mariupol district.

The peasants of Beshev were provided with the ransom (for 20 years) the land in their use. In 1656 male souls there were up to 17 dessiatines. However, there was no equality among the inhabitants. With the development of capitalist relations, already 20 years later, draft animals and agricultural implements were mainly owned by wealthy peasants. The newcomer peasants who worked for the local rich were especially poor. Since 1896, after the separation of the village of Novobeshevo, the settlement began to be called the village of Starobeshevo.

The land was cultivated in a primitive way, and very meager crops were collected. As a rule, the poor did not have enough grain until the new harvest, they borrowed it from the kulaks, returning one and a half or two measurements for one. Many ruined local poor and impoverished landless peasants from Kharkov were also forced to hire kulaks. Chernigov, Poltava and Tambov provinces. The average earnings of a farm laborer were 60 kopecks. in a day.


The language is predominantly Russian.

Characteristic among the elderly population is the Starobeshev dialect of the Kypchak-Cuman language (Urum, Urum Tyl, Central Crimean Tatar, Azov Urum Kipchak-Polovtsian dialect with an insignificant amount of Oguz elements, the Polovtsian group of languages ​​of the Western Turkic supergroup).

Kuman (coman, Tatarcha, kypchak) is the language of an ethnic conglomerate of tribes known under the common name of the Kypchak-Kumans-Polovtsian-Tatars of the great Kypchak steppe, which stretched in the XI-XIV centuries from Altai to the Danube and was called Desht-i-Kypchak, as well as Bulgaria , Hungary, Romania and Mamluk Egypt.

The Greeks first spoke the central dialect of the Crimean Tatar, but later experienced the influence of the Turkish language, which manifested itself in the division of the Urum subdialect language into four groups of collusion, which develop centrifugally and differ in the degree of proximity to the Kypchak and Oguz groups.

In Starobeshev's dialect, we observe the reflexive one only in song folklore - as an individual feature of the language of performers predisposed to maintain the tradition of an artificial high style (yeldi instead of t'eldi “he came”, yul instead of gul “rose”). There is no correlation between the affixes of the original case and the gerunds.

The sounds k ", g" in the root part passed into t ", d", while in the unlapping of the corresponding affixes they, on the contrary, depalatized: memlet "etke, kislege, t" itmege, ichkeller, t "elgeller. In the language of individual performers, the stylistic advantage is sometimes given to artificial formations from and at the beginning of the word: Azavdan yelir bir at "a horse runs from Azov", Yol yanyna bostan sachtym ok yuzel "I planted a bashtan near the road" (colloquial forms - t "yelir< келир, ох гљзель).

The substratum Romanian dialect of the Crimean village of Beshuy, and hence the Urum dialect of Starobeshev, stands separately in the Pontic dialect and gravitates towards the mainland dialects of the Modern Greek language, for which deep palatalization k ", r" is not a characteristic phenomenon, and the dialect of Beshui-Starobeshev itself can be singled out in a separate group - as a k / y-dialect.

In Starobeshev's dialect, the original palatal affixes -ge, -ke are preserved, but are often pronounced more broadly and firmly - as -ge, -ke. The local case is used irregularly. An example of using the language is given here.

Oikonyms and place names

Until 1896 the village was most often called Beshev. this primary form of oikonym prevails in official documents until the beginning of the 20th century. For example, it is also used by Archpriest S. Serafimov in his book "Crimean Christians (Greeks) on the northern shores of the Sea of ​​Azov" (Ekaterinoslav, 1901, 15, 16, 26, etc.). Over time, the ending -ev began to be perceived as a suffix. Thanks to morphological adaptation in the Ukrainian and Russian-speaking environment, under the influence of toponyms such as Selidovo, Ivanovo oikonyms Beshev also receives a neuter ending. For the first time with inflection of the neuter gender, it was recorded on the SKZR (LVII) at the end of the 18th century. It is presented in this form in the following later sources: MO, 103 - in the case of the Greek court No. 297, 1818; 1904, SZVMU, 14; 1913, SKEE, 228, etc.

The initial - identifying part of the toponym Starobeshevo arose as a "response" to the name of the village of Novobeshevo, founded in the late 90s of the last century by peasants who moved from Beshev. However, the modern form of oikonym at the beginning of the 20th century. was used irregularly, at this time Beshevo still dominates.


In the village are located the central estates of the former collective farms. S. M. Kirov and "Testaments of Ilyich"

  • JSC "Starobeshevskaya TPP" - located in the village of Novy Svet (15 km from the village of Starobeshevo)
  • Starobeshevsky inter-farm feed mill


The village is located at the intersection of highways. Latitude 47 ° 44'53.79 "N, Longitude 38 ° 1'27.10" E

Distances on motorways:

  • 36 km - to the regional center;
  • 45 km - to the Russian-Ukrainian border;
  • to railway stations:
    • 10 km - to the railway station "Novy Svet";
    • 17 km - to the railway station "Karakuba";
  • nearest seaport:
    • 100 km - the city of Mariupol;
  • nearest airports:
    • 47 km - Donetsk;
    • 110 km - city of Mariupol.

Social sphere

  • Memorial Museum. Pasha Angelina
  • Store
  • Stadium
  • House of culture
  • House of pioneers

Notable residents

  • Angelina, Praskovya Nikitichna (1913-1959) - a famous participant in the Stakhanov movement during the first five-year plans, shock worker, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1947, 1958), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1946).
  • Astakhov, Alexey Matveyevich (1904-1984) - Russian metallurgist, director of the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant from 1943 to 1957, laureate of the USSR State Prize, holder of the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, awarded many medals. Delegate to the 19th Congress of the CPSU.
  • Murzenko, Yulian Nikolaevich (1930-2008) - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education.

Notes (edit)

  1. State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. Collection: The number of the available population of Ukraine as of January 1, 2011. Kiev 2011. Responsible for the release of Timoshenko G.V. (doc)
  2. is currently destroyed, partially flooded by a reservoir on the river. Alma
  3. Surnames of the repressed


  • Starobeshevskaya District Administration (Ukrainian), (Russian)
  • Site of Starobeshevsky district (Ukrainian), (Russian)
  • The book by I. G. Dzhukh "The Odyssey of the Mariupol Greeks"
  • with. Run wild on the map of Crimea


  • Beshevo // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb., 1890-1907.
  • F.P. Khodeev. On a Long Field: An Experience of Chronological Description. - Taganrog: Sphinx, 1997.
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Starobeshevo Information About

To our faithful Most Reverend Ignatius of Goths and Kaphia and to the entire community of Crimean Christians of the Greek law of every title to all in general and to each separately, Our Imperial merciful word. Well-intentioned universal undertaking, bless the right hand of the Most High. Having considered the message sent to Us from you from Bakhchisarai on July 16 of this year (or rather, the last F.Kh.) a common and goodwill based petition for the deliverance of all of you from the threatened yoke and disaster by acceptance into eternal citizenship of the All-Russian Empire, we deign not only to accept all of you under Our All-Merciful shelter, but also, as if the dear children, having calmed them under it, to deliver a life that is only prosperous, how great is the desire of mortals and our undisputed care about that.

Following it, we deign to enjoy you in Our State not only all those rights and advantages that all Our subjects enjoy from Us and Our ancestors since ancient times, but in addition We have indicated:

  1. With your real resettlement to the Azov province, to transport from the Crimea, dependent on Our, all that your property that can only be transported, and especially the poor and indebted to the Khan and the local government to redeem from Our treasury, which from the amount determined from Us has already been fulfilled.
  2. For the most convenient settlement of yours, in the Azov province, a sufficient part of the land, which is special from other villages, along the Salt and other rivers and along the shores of the Sea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bAzov, so that there is abundant fishing in the dachas of your village All-mercifully we always favor and benefit the whole society without any to the treasury of Our taxes. For the merchants, artisans and industrialists, we assign the cities of Yekaterinoslav and Marianopol to the habitation of their province, as the most profitable places for trade.
  3. By dividing state residents into classes, We all mercifully dismiss everyone from State taxes and services, whatever rank they are for 10 years, and after that time they have to pay to Our treasury annually, merchants from capital, from the ruble, one percent each, guild, as well and bourgeoisie from the courtyard for two rubles; and the uyezd villagers, namely: the peasants, not from their souls, but from the land allotted for each of thirty dessiatines, will contribute 5 kopecks from each tithe per year; the poor villagers will be supplied from Our treasury not only with food for the first year, but also for sowing land of any name with grain seeds, cattle and everything belonging to the establishment of household management, with a return for all this to the treasury in 10 years; in the same way, their houses will be built by state support; property, on the land allotted to them, have to build houses, shops, barns, factories and whatever they themselves want from their own dependence, using everything in general forever from any stands freely, except for those cases when military teams must pass by your villages. From giving a recruit to the army, you leave forever, unless someone himself wishes to serve Ours.
  4. After his death, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Ignatius, we most mercifully entrust the flock of all these settlers who have left with him and are leaving Crimea in the future; which and to be directly under our Holy Synod. The priests who have come out today, remaining everyone with their parish, depend on him, who will continue to ordain priests and other clergymen in his flock, according to his own consideration and as necessary.
  5. The court and punishment and the entire internal police should be on the basis of the general laws in our state by the bosses elected from you by free votes, whom you can use the ranks and salaries of the state of the Azov province on the appeal of the governor's government. In the villages and villages, for protection in all necessary cases, special constables from the Russians are determined, with whom these settlers are involved in the proceedings and in no way interfering with being only guardians and interceding them. However, upon the entry of each into the clan of state residents chosen by him, we allow us to use forever and hereditarily all that which, according to our general legalizations, each clan of state residents uses, such as: free trade outside and inside the state, and for the greater benefit of these, are allowed to build from of your own capital, merchant sea-going ships, to plant necessary and useful factories, plants and orchards, after cultivating which you can sell all kinds of grape wines in your villages by small means, but you can sell barrels exported to the inner cities of Russia - in a word: to distribute all kinds of crafts of your own free will and the prosperity of everyone, and enjoy everything under Our Autocratic Scepter and the protection of laws. Giving all these advantages, We solemnly and hereditary to the whole society for eternal times, for the greater power, signed with our own hands and ordered to strengthen our State seal.

Fedor Sergeevich Temirov- was born on June 6, 1928 in the village. Starobeshevo in the family of the teacher S. Temirov, who was repressed in 1937. In 1954 Fyodor Sergeevich began work on the construction of Starobeshevskaya TPP. Then, since 1962 F. Temirov - chief engineer, head of construction of the Moldavian state district power station. In 1979 Fyodor Sergeevich was transferred to Kiev to the position of director of the design and technological institute "Atomenergostroyproekt". From the first days of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, he was a direct participant in its elimination. The institute headed by Fyodor Sergeevich developed a project for the shelter and in conditions of the highest radiation they built this shelter and a protective wall.

Victor Ivanovich Fesenko- (1938-2015) - Honorary resident of Starobeshevsky district. From January 1965 to August 1976 V.I.Fesenko - at party work: head of the department of the Starobeshevsky district party committee, second secretary of the district committee. From 1976 to 1990 he is the chairman of the Starobeshevsky regional executive committee. From 1990 to 1992 - chairman of the district council. From 1992 to 2000 - Head of the State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in the Starobeshevsky District. The year of death is 2015.

Ivan Geoggievich Juha- was born in the village. Razdolnoe. He wrote several fundamental works on the history of the Greeks of the Azov region, the repressions of 1937.

(O) (I) Population 6 424 people (2011) Place by population 3rd in the area Time: UTC +2 exp. / +3 years Telephone code: +380 62 53 xxxxx Postcode: 87200-87205


Located on the right side of the Kalmius River, lower than the Beresnegovataya estuary, near the Kamyshevakha River.



  • at the end of the 19th century - 4.2 thousand people.
  • in 1970 - 6.9 thousand people.
  • in 2001 - 7 184 residents (according to the results of the 2001 All-Ukrainian Population Census), including men - 3 368, women - 3 816.


The Turkic nomadic people, presumably formed in the 8th century in the steppes of Kazakhstan and southern Siberia (the upper reaches of the Irtysh River), came from the Trans-Volga region to the territory of modern Crimea at about the beginning of the 11th century. The descendants of this people founded the Crimean villages Beshev (Beshav), Yeni-Sala, Mangush.

The list of the heads of Christian families in 1652 is reflected in the Ottoman tax records (Jizye deftera Liwa-i Kefe, 1652), which is a list of some Christian residents of Crimea who were taxed to the khan's treasury. Christian residents in 1652 Beshav village (Khan's land):

  • Triandafil Tohte
  • Tohte Dimitri
  • Yagmur Koste from Alushta

The foundation of the village

Christians, as a hardworking and industrial people, constituted the most important source of income for the khans, while the Russian government tried to put the khan in the need to use the Russian salary, and therefore be grateful for it. On this basis, Rumyantsev decided to lead the Christians out of the Crimea. He invited Prince Prozorovsky to talk about this with the Greek Metropolitan Ignatius, and the Metropolitan, when the Russian government agreed to the conditions offered by him, began to preach deliverance from the yoke of the Tatars. There was a benefit here for both parties ...

The resettlement was entrusted to A. Suvorov and, like everything that the great commander did, regardless of losses, it was carried out in the shortest possible time. The resettlement began in 1778. All Greeks from Crimea left at least 20,000. Unfortunately, the circumstances were not entirely favorable to emigration. Between the migrants, various ailments opened up, and moreover, a general illness appeared at that time in the Novorossiysk and Azov provinces, from which many of the migrants died on the way. 686 people came out, 120 families, 498 people came out /

Famous founders of the Besh-Ev village

  • Paniot Fedorov Uzlu -;
  • Fyodor Tokhtamyshev son (Pop) -;
  • Nikolay Aslanov son (Pop) -;
  • Terenty Konstantinov (Koval);
  • Apostle Anastasov's son -.

The settlers drove livestock with them - about 100,000 heads, that is, about 5 heads per person. The figure, although not small, did not correspond to their abilities: in the new place, despite all the losses, after ten years they had several times more. The reason is freedom.

Those leaving were subjected to humiliating customs inspection by the Tatars, which caused protests and even unrest. After giving an unthinkable bribe of 5,000 rubles from state funds to customs officers, the settlers continued their way to Perekop without hindrance, then along the so-called Muravsky way, which partially coincides with the modern highway Simferopol - Moscow, then through the Molochnaya and Konka rivers.

They arrived at the place of the proposed settlement in September 1778, about which A. V. Suvorov joyfully and succinctly reported: "The departure of the Crimean Christians is over! ... Approximately, up to 130,000 rubles were spent on this trip." Some of the settlers began to settle down, while the majority were waiting for an answer to the request of July 16, which was not answered. A. V. Suvorov, who had already handed over the cases, but continued to follow the resettlement, turned to G. A. Potemkin with a request to speed up the response.

XIX-XX centuries

Decree of Catherine II

Only on May 21 (June 3, NS), 1779, was the Decree signed by Catherine II, called the Great, followed. This document, written in Greek and Russian, was known to the settlers under the name "privileged" (distorted - "privilege"):

To our faithful Most Reverend Ignatius of Goths and Kaphia and to the entire community of Crimean Christians of the Greek law of every title to all in general and to each separately, Our Imperial merciful word. Well-intentioned universal undertaking, bless the right hand of the Most High. Having considered the message sent to Us from you from Bakhchisarai on July 16 of this year (or rather, the last F.Kh.) a common and goodwill based petition for the deliverance of all of you from the threatened yoke and disaster by acceptance into eternal citizenship of the All-Russian Empire, we deign not only to accept all of you under Our All-Merciful shelter, but also, as if the dear children, having calmed them under it, to deliver a life that is only prosperous, how great is the desire of mortals and our undisputed care about that.

Following it, we deign to enjoy you in Our State not only all those rights and advantages that all Our subjects enjoy from Us and Our ancestors since ancient times, but in addition We have indicated:

  1. With your real resettlement to the Azov province, to transport from the Crimea, dependent on Our, all that your property that can only be transported, and especially the poor and indebted to the Khan and the local government to redeem from Our treasury, which from the amount determined from Us has already been fulfilled.
  2. For the most convenient settlement of yours, in the Azov province, a sufficient part of the land, which is special from other villages, along the Salt and other rivers and along the shores of the Sea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bAzov, so that there is abundant fishing in the dachas of your village All-mercifully we always favor and benefit the whole society without any to the treasury of Our taxes. For the merchants, artisans and industrialists, we assign the cities of Yekaterinoslav and Marianopol to the habitation of their province, as the most profitable places for trade.
  3. By dividing state residents into classes, We all mercifully dismiss everyone from State taxes and services, whatever rank they are for 10 years, and after that time they have to pay to Our treasury annually, merchants from capital, from the ruble, one percent each, guild, as well and bourgeoisie from the courtyard for two rubles; and the uyezd villagers, namely: the peasants, not from their souls, but from the land allotted for each of thirty dessiatines, will contribute 5 kopecks from each tithe per year; the poor villagers will be supplied from Our treasury not only with food for the first year, but also for sowing land of any name with grain seeds, cattle and everything belonging to the establishment of household management, with a return for all this to the treasury in 10 years; in the same way, their houses will be built by state support; property, on the land allotted to them, have to build houses, shops, barns, factories and whatever they themselves want from their own dependence, using everything in general forever from any stands freely, except for those cases when military teams must pass by your villages. From giving a recruit to the army, you leave forever, unless someone himself wishes to serve Ours.
  4. After his death, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Ignatius, we most mercifully entrust the flock of all these settlers who have left with him and are leaving Crimea in the future; which is directly under Our Holy Synod. The priests who have come out today, remaining everyone with their parish, depend on him, who will continue to ordain priests and other clergymen in his flock, according to his own consideration and as necessary.
  5. The court and punishment and the entire internal police should be on the basis of the general laws in our state by the bosses elected from you by free votes, whom you can use the ranks and salaries of the state of the Azov province on the appeal of the governor's government. In the villages and villages, for protection in all necessary cases, special police officers from the Russians are determined, with whom these settlers are in the proceedings and in no way interfering with being just guardians and interceding them. However, upon the entry of each into the clan of state residents chosen by him, we allow us to use forever and hereditarily all that which, according to our general legalizations, each clan of state residents uses, such as: free trade outside and inside the state, and for the greater benefit of these, are allowed to build from of your own capital, merchant sea-going ships, to plant necessary and useful factories, plants and orchards, after cultivating which you can sell all kinds of grape wines in your villages by small means, but you can sell barrels exported to the inner cities of Russia - in a word: to distribute all kinds of crafts of your own free will and the prosperity of everyone, and enjoy everything under Our Autocratic Scepter and the protection of laws. Giving all these advantages, We solemnly and hereditary to the whole society for eternal times, for the greater power, signed with our own hands and ordered to strengthen our State seal.

Catherine's decree was subsequently confirmed by Emperor Paul I, and Emperor Alexander I signed another Decree, essentially no different from Catherine's Decree with the omitted benefits, which had expired. Both Decrees were kept in a silver gilded ark, first in the Mariupol Greek court, and then in the city government.

Metropolitan Ignatius was not satisfied with this, probably because of the harsh climate in comparison with the Crimean climate, and therefore twice during the summer of 1779 he went to St. Petersburg to see his old friend and patron G.A.Potyomkin. As a result, the "Map representing a part of the Azov province of the Mariupol district, the land determined by the Greeks who left the Crimea" was approved. In the middle there is an inscription: “Be this way. Catherine"; below: "Confirmed October 2, 1779"; below the signature: "Prince Potemkin." The boundaries of the allocated lands were marked on the map, which did not coincide with the Decree of May 21, 1779, but coincided with the Kalmiuska plank, the place for the city of Mariupol was indicated, but the locations of the villages were not indicated. Before the revolution of 1917, the map was kept in the Mariupol council.

Quotes from Order No. 1817 of March 24, 1780

Legally, the resettlement ended with order No. 1817 of March 24, 1780 of the Azov provincial chancellery. Here are some excerpts from it:

By the decree of Her Imperial Majesty, the Azov provincial chancellery pursuant to the governor of the governor, Prince G.A. land of the warrant, at which and the attachment to his lordship for the signing of his eminence the Greek metropolitan and the deputies, a certificate about which the consideration is prescribed, transmitted in the original, filed from his eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Gothfia and Kafia, for signing him and the deputies of the Greeks who left the Crimea, the Greeks are obligatory evidence that they recognize the lands and places as sufficient and capable for the establishment of a city and settlement of farmers: from the Sea of ​​Azov and the mouth of the Berda River, where the Petrovskaya fortress (leaving 12,000 dessiatines in the fortress, as assigned on the map), along its left bank to the mouth of the Karatysh River, along the left bank of the Karatysh to the top, with it directly on the the bus of the Kobloy gully and along its right bank to the mouth of the Mokrye Yaly flowing into the river, along the right bank of the Mokry Yalov to the mouth of the Volchya flowing into the Volchya, from there along the Volchya bank to the mouth of the Osikovaya gully, along the left bank of it to the top from that peak directly to the top of the Beresnegovataya river , along its right bank to the mouth of the Kalmius river flowing into the river, along the right bank of the Kalmius river to the mouth of the same flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, from here along the Azov Sea coast to the aforementioned district of the Petrovskaya fortress, offers:
  1. Those lands, as in these nowhere, are sufficient, neither state nor landlord establishments, for the Greeks who came out of the Crimea to settle and build their cities especially without withdrawal, and where they themselves will choose villages from these convenient places, there they will cut off their districts for each, although there would not have been in this the total number of 200 households of 12,000 tithes, believing both in them excess, and that after the separation of those the district will remain in the future. If, after the granted 10 grace years have passed, any land will not be inhabited and remain empty, then taking away from them to distribute to those who wish, on an equal basis with other lands throughout the province; and when the number of immigrants from the Greeks increases, then add them by the number of those immigrants and even from empty places not allotted to anyone.
  2. Their city should be called Mariupol, which, being located in a decent manner, can be built either on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov at the mouth of the Kalmius River, or at the mouth of the Solyonaya River, also called Kalets, which flows into the Kalmius River; and all those lands granted to these Greeks, along the above written borders, have to make up the Mariupol district, and the zemstvo board of this district to establish in the fortress of Petrovskaya; and in this district, excluding the Petrovskaya fortress with the district, except for the Greeks, until the end of 10 grace years, no other nations should be assigned any land for the settlement of houses and other things, and by fishing against the dachas of those Greeks on the Sea of ​​Azov, exactly and in all rivers of this district, except for them not to be used by anyone; and the city by the Volch'ya River, which was previously determined for those Greeks to be called Pavlograd, and after that the local district of Pavlograd.
  3. Due to the lack of forest land in these places, not only the construction of houses for which the poorest can get it from the treasury, but also for other household needs to allow them free travel to the forests by the Mius River ...
  4. As those Greeks, due to the approaching autumn time and winter, cannot manage to build houses for themselves, then order them to allocate in advance apartments in the Bakhmutsky district, to Tora (Slavyansk), Mayaki (on the Donets river) and Raygorodok, where property on their own dependents , and the rest, on the government oxen given to them, wasting no time and got over, not forbidding those who wished to stay in the places where they are now, or go to the land near the Kamenka river, where some of them had stayed last winter, what from this lord the governor was notified of his Eminence, Metropolitan Ignatius, reminding him of his indispensable fulfillment, and so that he inclined the cultivators to the unrelenting sowing of winter grain this fall, either in the places where they now stand, or in the places determined for them again, only in order to acquire time was by no means wasted in the next year of bread ...

... To inform the Greek Metropolitan Ignatius that all Greeks in the Mariupol district of this year, grain-growers, from the first April, and the merchants and bourgeoisie from the fifth to the tenth, entered the settlement; send a decree to the warden warrant officer Gorlensky and order the inhabitants living on the lands of all ranks assigned to the Greeks to be resettled to the mouth of the Salt, to Pavlograd ... all orders and payment of taxes by the zemstvo will be released.

Thus, Warrant Officer Gorlensky was the caretaker, and since 1780, Prime-Major Prince Shakhmatov was appointed "to the charity of the different nations of Christians who came out of the Crimea"; from 1781 Seconds-Major Mikhail Safkov was in charge of settling settlers in a new place.

Who were these people? Characteristics of Major Seconds M. Safkov, signed by the Governor of Azov, Lieutenant-General V. Chertkov (extracts): “From 1780 he was appointed provincial zemstvo commissar; there he settled them both in the city of Mariupol and in 21 settlements ”.

Descriptions of resettlement by the founders of the village

This is how, almost 40 years later, the immigrants themselves describe their wanderings in a petition to the Minister of Internal Affairs Lansky: for the most part from lack of them ... it is not hypocritical to say and by the very truth that whole families suffered from their lives, and many lost half of them and not a single family was left without the loss of a father, mother, brother, sister and children, in a word from 9 thousand. there were no male souls left, even a third part, and at the age of 15 it could barely collect with newborns ... up to seven thousand souls. "

Village infrastructure

In 1780, a stone church was built in the village instead of a tiny church made of vines and brushwood. The extraction of stone developed. However, as in the previous, Crimean times, agriculture was also of great importance. They grew wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, flax, hemp. But in comparison with animal husbandry, agriculture again played a secondary role. Bread was harvested with sickles - in this regard, there have been no changes since the time of medieval Crimea. Then the sheaves were taken to the current for threshing. This operation was carried out with a special stone roller (to this day, such rollers are scattered in abundance on the streets).

The production of skating rinks was especially well established in Beshev. The Beshevites provided for themselves and sold skating rinks at fairs to residents of other villages. From the quarries, the stone was taken out on carts (max). In addition to fences, houses, barns, and cattle sheds were sometimes erected from stone.

In the village itself, two annual fairs were held.

In Beshev, there were 17 landless farms, and 64 had only 1-3 dessiatines of land. Archbishop Gabriel wrote about this: “The Greeks are not very diligent in farming and baking. That is why significant areas of their fields and meadows remain idle. What a difference between the economy of the Greeks and the economy of the German colonists living near them, to whom part of their lands has already passed! " The Greeks were engaged in gardening only for themselves, growing the most necessary vegetables for the family. For a long time the Greeks did not engage in crafts.

A special wedding custom in the village of Starobeshevo was that on the second day of the wedding, the godfather divides between all the relatives "melon" or "bohchu" - chicken and sweet biscuits. The custom has survived to this day.

Migrant customs

The chant of almost forgotten Greek folk songs is sad as a longing for the irrevocably gone. At the same time, the dance music is incendiary and cheerful. The most famous of the surviving dance melodies, the fast haitarma (k'aytarma), has undeniable traces of the musical culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples.

At the end of the 19th century, the village was often called: the village of Beshevka, Yekaterinoslavskaya province, Mariupol district. At that time, 4200 people lived in the village, there was a church, 2 fairs, up to 10 commercial and industrial establishments.

In 1866, a unified system of civil structure and government was extended to the Greek settlers. Among the 11 Greek volosts, Beshevskaya was created - which later in 1874 became part of the Mariupol district.

The peasants of Beshev were provided with the ransom (for 20 years) the land in their use. In 1656 male souls there were up to 17 dessiatines. However, there was no equality among the inhabitants. With the development of capitalist relations, already 20 years later, draft animals and agricultural implements were mainly owned by wealthy peasants. The newcomer peasants who worked for the local rich were especially poor. Since 1896, after the separation of the village of Novobeshevo, the settlement began to be called the village of Starobeshevo.

The land was cultivated in a primitive way, and very meager crops were collected. As a rule, the poor did not have enough grain until the new harvest, they borrowed it from the kulaks, returning one and a half or two measurements for one. Many ruined local poor and impoverished landless peasants from Kharkov were also forced to hire kulaks. Chernigov, Poltava and Tambov provinces. The average earnings of a farm laborer were 60 kopecks. in a day.


The language is predominantly Russian.

Characteristic among the elderly population is the Starobeshev dialect of the Kypchak-Cuman language (Urum, Urum Tyl, Central Crimean Tatar, Azov Urum Kipchak-Polovtsian dialect with an insignificant amount of Oguz elements, the Polovtsian group of languages ​​of the Western Turkic supergroup).

Kuman (coman, Tatarcha, kypchak) is the language of an ethnic conglomerate of tribes known under the common name of the Kypchak-Kumans-Polovtsian-Tatars of the great Kypchak steppe, which stretched in the XI-XIV centuries from Altai to the Danube and was called Desht-i-Kypchak, as well as Bulgaria , Hungary, Romania and Mamluk Egypt.

The Greeks first spoke the central dialect of the Crimean Tatar, but later experienced the influence of the Turkish language, which manifested itself in the division of the Urum subdialect language into four groups of collusion, which develop centrifugally and differ in the degree of proximity to the Kypchak and Oguz groups.

In Starobeshev's dialect, we observe the reflexive one only in song folklore - as an individual feature of the language of performers predisposed to maintain the tradition of an artificial high style (yeldi instead of t'eldi “he came”, yul instead of gul “rose”). There is no correlation between the affixes of the original case and the gerunds.

The sounds k ", g" in the root part passed into t ", d", while in the unlapping of the corresponding affixes they, on the contrary, depalatized: memlet "etke, kislege, t" itmege, ichkeller, t "elgeller. In the language of individual performers, the stylistic advantage is sometimes given to artificial formations from and at the beginning of the word: Azavdan yelir bir at "a horse runs from Azov", Yol yanyna bostan sachtym ok yuzel "I planted a bashtan near the road" (colloquial forms - t "yelir< келир, ох гљзель).

The substratum Romanian dialect of the Crimean village of Beshuy, and hence the Urum dialect of Starobeshev, stands separately in the Pontic dialect and gravitates towards the mainland dialects of the Modern Greek language, for which deep palatalization k ", r" is not a characteristic phenomenon, and the dialect of Beshui-Starobeshev itself can be singled out in a separate group - as a k / y-dialect.

In Starobeshev's dialect, the original palatal affixes -ge, -ke are preserved, but are often pronounced more broadly and firmly - as -ge, -ke. The local case is used irregularly. An example of using the language is given here.

Oikonyms and place names

Until 1896 the village was most often called Beshev. In this primary form, oikonyms predominated in official documents until the beginning of the 20th century. For example, it is also used by Archpriest S. Serafimov in his book "Crimean Christians (Greeks) on the northern shores of the Sea of ​​Azov" (Ekaterinoslav, 1901, 15, 16, 26, etc.). Over time, the ending -ev began to be perceived as a suffix. Thanks to morphological adaptation in the Ukrainian and Russian-speaking environment, under the influence of toponyms such as Selidovo, Ivanovo oikonyms Beshev also receives a neuter ending. For the first time with inflection of the neuter gender, it was recorded on the SKZR (LVII) at the end of the 18th century. In this form it is presented in the following later sources: MO, 103 - in the case of the Greek court No. 297, 1818; 1904, SZVMU, 14; 1913, SKEE, 228, etc.

The initial - identifying part of the toponym Starobeshevo arose as a "response" to the name of the village of Novobeshevo, founded in the late 90s of the last century by peasants who moved from Beshev. However, the modern form of oikonym at the beginning of the 20th century. was used irregularly, at this time Beshevo still dominates.


In the village are located the central estates of the former collective farms. S. M. Kirov and "Testaments of Ilyich"

  • JSC "Starobeshevskaya TPP" - located in the town. Novy Svet (15 km from the village of Starobeshevo)
  • Starobeshevsky inter-farm feed mill


The village is located at the intersection of highways. Latitude 47 ° 44'53.79 "N, Longitude 38 ° 1'27.10" E

Distances on motorways:

  • 36 km - to the regional center;
  • 45 km - to the Russian-Ukrainian border;
  • to railway stations:
    • 10 km - to the railway station "Novy Svet";
    • 17 km - to the railway station "Karakuba";
  • nearest seaport:
    • 100 km - the city of Mariupol;
  • nearest airports:
    • 47 km - Donetsk;
    • 110 km - city of Mariupol.

Historical significance of the place

The place of the battle of the Russian prince Igor with the Polovtsy on the Kayaly River (Kalmius) - at the confluence of the Kalmius river on the right. Kamyshevakhi (below the village of Starobeshevo).

The chronicle of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" says: "fighting off the enemies pursuing him, Igor's brother Vsevolod walked in a circle at the Ezer", that is, he climbed a rounded, elevated ridge, outlined by the "giant compass" of the water stream.

Social sphere

  • Memorial Museum named after Pasha Angelina
  • Store
  • Stadium
  • House of culture
  • House of pioneers

Notable residents

  • Angelina, Praskovya Nikitichna (-) - a famous participant in the Stakhanov movement during the first five-year plans, shock worker, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (,), winner of the Stalin Prize ().
  • Astakhov, Alexey Matveyevich (-) - Russian metallurgist, director of the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant from 1957, laureate of the USSR State Prize, holder of the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, awarded many medals. Delegate to the 19th Congress of the CPSU.
  • Murzenko, Yulian Nikolaevich (-) - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education.
  • Antonyuk, Valentina Genievna (09/23/1954, Novokaterinovka village) - famous chamber singer (soprano), graduate of the Kiev State Tchaikovsky Conservatory () in the class of n. SRSR, Professor N. K. Kondratyuk.

Notes (edit)


  • Starobeshevskaya District Administration (Ukrainian), (Russian)
  • Site of Starobeshevsky district (Ukrainian), (Russian)


  • F.P. Khodeev. On a long field. An experience of chronological description. Taganrog, Sphinx, 1997
  • Kon'kova G.A. Antonyuk V.G. // Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. - Volume I. - K .: ESU, 2001 .-- S. 587-588.
  • Sikorska I. M. Valentina Antonyuk // Ukrainian Musical Encyclopedia. - T. I. - K .: NAS of Ukraine, 2006.
  • Mukha A.I. Valeriy Antonyuk // Ukrainian Musical Encyclopedia. - T. I. - K .: NAS of Ukraine, 2006.

Greek holiday in Starobeshevo, 2015 / Photo: OD "Donetsk Republic"

Donetsk, May 8 - DAN. The Greek community "Patrida" from the villages of Styla and Razdolnoye of the Starobeshevsky district of the DPR, which were shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, today celebrated the national harvest festival - Artu. The celebrations took place without shelling of Ukrainian security forces in the village of Starobeshevo, community leader Svetlana Fedorova told DAN.

“In addition to the villagers, the celebration, which took place in the House of Culture, was attended by deputies of the People's Council and the deputy head of the Central Executive Committee of the OD“ Donetsk Republic ”Andrey Kramar. He noted that the public organizations of the DPR will continue to support the holding of national holidays, ”said Fedorova.

According to her, Artu's holiday began with a divine service conducted by the rector of the Starobeshevo Church of the Exaltation under construction. Then, according to tradition, there was a rolling of round national artoz bread with four baked eggs. It is by his "escape" that the Greeks determine whether the year will be rich in harvest.

“The first one to roll the bread was an immaculate youth. Then he was handed over to the oldest resident of the area, who turned 91 years old. In total, bread was rolled 12 times - according to the number of months in a year - on a homespun track, - explained the chairman. - According to legend, if the artose falls "face up", then the year will be fruitful, and the next Easter will be peaceful. This year, out of 12 “races”, artosis fell “face up” nine times and “edge” three times. A happy year awaits us. "

Fedorova noted that last year, at the Artu festival, bread also often fell "face up" and the year for the Greeks of the villages passed "peacefully and without shelling." She also stressed that before the outbreak of hostilities in Donbass, the national holiday Artu was celebrated in Greek settlements "on a large scale."

“Before the hostilities, after the divine service in the temple, a procession was held to the saur chukhrar well, near which the priests held another festive liturgy. After that, people went to the hill, from where they rolled artose. Then a large tablecloth was spread out in the field, on which various treats were placed, ”said Fedorova.

The organizers of the holiday clarified that a special feature of Artu this year was the competition of proverbs, sayings and songs dedicated to the holiday. The winners, mostly children, received prizes - small 200 Easter cakes.

Before the outbreak of hostilities, seven thousand Greeks lived in the Starobeshevsky region - 14 percent of the total population of the region. It was in the villages of Styla and Razdolnoye that up to 90 percent of the district's Greeks lived. According to local authorities, Greeks who left the territory of the DPR in connection with the outbreak of hostilities are returning to their homes again. * kk * rb * bъ