Is it worth it to start a Husky in a private house. We follow hygiene. Training and education

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized northern riding breed.

Perfect for active people who will not be confused by a frisky and mobile pet. The ability of wool to self-cleaning, lack of drooling, the dog is practically odorless, qualities that have led to the fact that huskies are increasingly kept in city apartments.

in the photo the Siberian husky lies near the house

Photo and description of the Husky breed

Siberian Husky - medium size, with a large skeleton, thick coat, harmonious build, attractive head and ears.

Well adapted to great physical exertion, it has long been used as a sled dog for transporting small loads, including people, over a fairly long distance. She has an athletic build, light and fast gait.

Any color is acceptable:

  • white
  • black and white
  • gray white
  • silvery white
  • brown - white
  • isabella (very light coat color close to white)
  • marble
  • sable (copper or red wool)
  • agouti (black - red - white wool)
  • peebold (white wool with patches of any color)
  • black and tan (tricolor)
  • black

Siberian husky character

Happy Siberian Husky - photo in motion

The main distinguishing features of the character of the Siberian Husky are cheerfulness, poise, good nature and energy. Thanks to these qualities, it is great for families with children.

The breed gets along well with children of different ages and becomes a good friend and companion for them. If you show affection and care, he will definitely reciprocate.

Despite the fact that the character of the husky was formed in the harsh conditions of the north, they are easy to train - the husky can obey well, but there will be some independence in the character.

He gets along well with representatives of his breed, as well as with many other non-aggressive dogs. There is a wariness towards others in the character, but the fact that she does not have aggressiveness and suspicion of strangers prevents her from becoming a real security guard.

They love maximum attention to themselves, however, if you often have to go on business trips, the dog will not be particularly bored, so you can safely entrust care of it to your friends.

Siberian Husky maintenance and care

An ideal method for keeping a Siberian Husky is a spacious aviary in the private sector. But, as you know, the breed can be kept in urban housing conditions.

Siberian Huskies are quite clean, so their fur and skin do not emit any smell. True, during the heating season and in rooms with dry warm air, molting is more noticeable.

If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that this is a sled dog that was bred for fast movement in the northern expanses, so it needs physical activity and long walks without a leash.

If you plan to keep in an aviary, it is important to note that they are very fond of digging the ground and can jump high, so take care of special measures that prevent them from arbitrarily getting free.

During the shedding period, comb the undercoat thoroughly and regularly, so the process will go faster and less noticeable.

The most important point in caring for a husky is the correct and proper care of the coat, because it is she who conveys all the beauty of this breed.

Siberian Husky pictured with a red tulip

The wool of the Siberian Husky is characterized by its density, due to which it has water-repellent properties. It is worth noting that a puppy needs more care than an adult dog, because babies require a lot of attention and affection.

She is not sheared, the alternative is grooming, which is taught from puppyhood.

Brush regularly, especially during shedding, to remove excess dead hair.

When combing, it is important to take into account one feature - it is best to comb the tail when the dog is in a supine position, so it will be more comfortable for her.

For hair care, a bristle brush is suitable, which will clean the wool from dust and dirt.

Bathing Siberian Husky

Photo siberian husky puppy white color with glasses around the eyes

Bathing is an important moment in the care of the Siberian Husky. Ideally, you can bathe no more than once a year, but in urban conditions they bathe as they get dirty.

Many breeders use dry cleaning wool.

With proper care, maintenance and a balanced diet, they are distinguished by health and longevity. It is important to know that huskies can hardly tolerate heat, so you need to constantly monitor that the dog does not overheat and does not get sunstroke.

Siberian Husky food

Photo Siberian Husky puppy with a surprised look

The diet of a Siberian Husky puppy is significantly different from that of an adult dog.

For small puppies, it is important to grind food into small pieces, which he eats without much difficulty. And upon reaching the age of 9 months, the young animals are transferred to the diet of an adult dog.

It is important not to forget that this is a very active dog, so the food should be balanced and high-calorie. In addition, the feeding time of a puppy, in principle, like an adult dog, should be regular, that is, at the same time. Basically, huskies eat little food, but there are also lovers of a tight meal.

Nutrition must be balanced. For this purpose, you can use dry food, but huskies prefer natural products, in no case do not mix dry food and food, this is harmful to health.

If you chose dry food, keep in mind that in this case the dog needs to drink more water.

Make sure you have regular access to a bowl of clean water.
When choosing in favor of natural nutrition, it is important to diversify the diet: the basis of nutrition should be meat (70%), preferably beef (scalded with boiling water or boiled), but chicken and rabbit meat are also suitable.

In food, you can add the insides - hearts, kidneys, tongue.
Huskies enjoy eating boiled sea fish.
Vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers).

Siberian Husky photo in competition

It is necessary to start the process of training a Siberian Husky puppy at the age of 3 months. In general, huskies lend themselves perfectly to training, since the instinct of obedience is initially laid in the blood.

You can train both independently and through a club with a cynologist. However, training in a club has its advantages - your dog will communicate with other members of the breed, plus professional training in the necessary commands.

In training, the basic principles for all dogs are used. The main rule is not to allow a puppy to do what will be forbidden in adulthood.

You need to start training with the basic commands “Stand”, “Sit” and “Come to me”.
Knowing these commands is the key to pet obedience.

Huskies, though stubborn, are diligent and obedient, while grasping all commands on the fly. Commands should always be pronounced in a clear and persistent strict voice so that the dog understands that you are not trying to command, but are asking to follow the command.

The exceptions are the commands "No" and "Fu" - these commands are pronounced with a threat intonation.
The key to successful training is the reward of a treat as soon as the command is completed.

Another indispensable command for obedience is "Near".

After the puppy begins to understand the command and carry it out, it is necessary to move from treats to praise. You can also use various rubber toys - balls, balls or bones.

Huskies love games, and this can be used in training. If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that this is a self-willed and characteristic dog, so it is important to be patient in training.

Siberian Husky disease

  • corneal dystrophy
  • inversion of the century
  • progressive retinal atrophy
  • cataract
  • glaucoma
  • atopic dermatitis
  • depigmentation of the nose
  • paralysis of the larynx
  • degenerative myelopathy
  • adenoma of the perianal gland
  • in males (testicular tumor)

Huskies have gained great popularity among breeders due to their unusual appearance and friendly nature. But even despite the positive qualities, these dogs are far from suitable for everyone, because, for example, they are unsuitable for hunting or guarding.

Breed features

Huskies are native to the cold northern regions, where people have long been accustomed to sledding. This breed was bred specifically for harness and is considered one of the best riding. There is evidence that the progenitors of modern huskies are wild wolves. As a result of their selection with domestic dogs, an amazing breed was created with special strength and endurance, combined with extraordinary philanthropy.

The appearance of the husky will not leave anyone indifferent. At the withers, the height of dogs is usually 50-60 centimeters. They have a fairly well-developed musculature, so long and active walks will only be a joy for the animal. The coat of the Husky is very lush, with a thick undercoat. It allows you to easily endure even the most severe frosts. The color of dogs is usually dominated by a combination of white with black, gray, brown and red.

Husky's unusual eyes deserve special attention. They are the hallmark of this breed. Most often, dogs have bright blue or amber shades of eyes. Huskies also often show heterochromia. This phenomenon is characterized by coloring the eyes in different colors. For example, the left one might be blue, while the right one might be brown.

Huskies are pack animals by nature. They love to communicate and easily get along with other individuals. It is very important for them to receive attention from others, so sometimes dogs can be annoying and too curious. Based on the fact that the Husky breed is classified as a sled dog, they are characterized by increased activity. Animals love long walks, preferably at a fast pace. When suppressing the natural activity of dogs, they can be naughty and mischievous, thereby attracting the attention of the owner.

Huskies have a very friendly nature. They rarely show aggression, so they are suitable even for families with small children. Do not start this breed of dog as a guard. The animal will not cope well with its duties and feel uncomfortable at the same time.

Husky content features

Although huskies are fairly easy to keep and care for, the inexperienced breeder may have some problems. In order for the animal to feel comfortable at home, you must follow some simple rules:

  1. Hygiene - Huskies are especially clean, but despite this, their coat requires proper care. Dogs do not need regular water treatments, a few baths a year will be enough for them. Husky shedding occurs once every six months and is very intense. During this period, the dog should be combed out with a special brush. Thanks to this action, tangling of wool can be avoided. Huskies can't be cut. Wool protects the animal from the sun and cold. Damage to its top layer can cause heat stroke or frostbite.
  2. Huskies need to be walked several times a day. Dogs love active games like frisbee, overcoming obstacles, jogging fast behind a bike. For this breed, physical activity is a vital necessity. In winter, you can harness dogs to sleds. If the husky's need for activity is regularly ignored, the animal is more likely to become naughty. The quality of walks largely depends on the mood, behavior and health of the dog.
  3. Like any other breed, huskies need timely education. It is advisable to teach the dog basic commands from a young age. If possible, a general training course should be taken. This rule must be followed when keeping a husky at home.
  4. In order for the dog to be healthy, it should be balanced and regularly fed, as well as provide constant access to drinking water. The life expectancy of an animal largely depends on the quality of nutrition.
  5. A husky should have its own place to rest. Usually animals choose their own convenient location. Most often, these fluffy dogs prefer cool tiles or linoleum. Do not place the dog's place close to heating appliances.

How to care for a husky in an apartment is not much different from the general rules of keeping. The only thing to pay attention to is the limited space. When walking, let your dog run freely. Otherwise, its activity can harm shoes and furniture.

Husky education

When keeping a dog at home, it is imperative to properly educate it. Huskies should be taught commands from an early age. In the absence of training, the dog will not understand the prohibitions, it may run away, spoil furniture and other property. The upbringing of the husky should be done by one person who causes respect in the pet. In general, this breed is easy to train.

Training should begin at the age of three months, when the puppies are separated from their mother. The entire learning process should take place in the form of a game, otherwise the dog may be bored. When communicating with a Husky, intonation plays a huge role. All commands must be pronounced in a calm, low, clear voice. It is strictly forbidden to break into a scream or lisp during training.

Dogs must be trained to wear a collar, leash and muzzle. Of course, freedom-loving huskies do not delight in these items. The owner must be patient, consistent and strict during the training period. Sometimes for good results and obedience, you can reward the dog not only with praise, but also with a treat. If punishment is necessary, it is strictly forbidden to beat a pet. If the dog does not perceive a strict tone, you can, holding the withers, press the dog to the floor. Thus, the husky will understand that the owner is stronger and needs to be listened to. It is necessary to punish a dog when:

  • manifestation of aggression towards other people;
  • manifestation of groundless aggression towards other animals.

In these cases, the punishment must follow immediately so that the dog understands the reason for such actions.

Husky feeding at home

Good nutrition is what is necessary for any animal, including huskies. Care and maintenance at home, in an apartment, private sector or aviary, is primarily based on proper feeding of the dog. There are several optimal options for catering, these include:

  • use of ready-made dry food;
  • compiling a diet exclusively from natural food;
  • combined type, combines the first two options.

Experienced breeders do not recommend using only dry food. Nowadays it is very difficult to track the conditions of its production and storage, so there is every reason to doubt the quality. Feeding with natural food is deservedly considered optimal. Thanks to it, you can enrich the diet with all the necessary nutrients. Moreover, natural food has a positive effect on the digestive processes in the body.

Combined feeding is the most popular option. It implies the presence in the diet of both dry food and natural food. Combined nutrition allows you to reduce the time spent on preparing food for the dog, while guaranteeing the supply of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In general, the following foods should be present in the husky's diet:

  • meat - you should choose low-fat varieties, for example, beef, veal, chicken. Before giving it to a dog, it is boiled a little or scalded with boiling water. Raw meat can be infected with worms;
  • fish - preferably sea with soft bones, for example, salmon;
  • meat offal - must be in the diet in boiled form. You can use beef heart, liver or lungs;
  • vegetables - have a positive effect on digestion. The most useful for dogs are beets, cabbage, carrots. Potatoes can also be added in small quantities;
  • cereals - should not prevail in the diet. They are given along with meat and vegetables. Useful for husky will be buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley and corn porridge;
  • fermented milk products - kefir, cottage cheese, cheese. At the same time, it is undesirable to give milk to the dog, it causes bloating;
  • eggs - both chicken and quail raw eggs can be introduced into the diet.

In addition to healthy foods for huskies, there are those that negatively affect their health. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • smoked meats, fatty meats, fried foods - complicate the work of the pancreas;
  • sugar - negatively affects the condition of the skin and teeth;
  • spicy foods and seasonings - aggressively act on the mucous membranes.

Puppies are usually fed four times a day. With age, the number of meals is reduced to two. Portions should be medium in size. Overfeeding is fraught with obesity, which in turn provokes problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Currently, the Siberian Husky is a very popular breed with an extraordinary history. At one time, these dogs gained worldwide fame, as they saved the entire town of Nome in Alaska from the terrible diphtheria disease. And this is not surprising, since animals of this breed have an excellent mind and quick wit.

History of the breed

Husky is the short name for the Siberian Husky breed. It was bred by the Chukchi people in a very difficult and unfavorable climate. Huskies are very hardy dogs that can quickly cover considerable distances and still carry loads. Since the animals are small in size, the Chukchi harnessed them to teams of fifteen to seventeen individuals.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a register of all breeds living in the country was compiled in the USSR. For some reason, the Husky was not included there because of its size, as an unsuitable breed for transporting goods. Soon she assimilated with other breeds and practically disappeared.

It was possible to preserve the purity of the breed only due to the fact that huskies were brought to the USA to take part in the annual races in Alaska. And now these beautiful and smart dogs have finally gained their well-deserved popularity.

Description of the breed

Huskies are medium sized dogs. Male individuals reach at the withers from 53 to 60 centimeters. Husky girl has a more modest size (up to 56 centimeters). The weight of animals does not exceed 28 kilograms.

The most common are black and white and gray and white, but brown and white are much less common. Very often, representatives of this breed have a white or black mask around the eyes and a double vertical stripe in the forehead area.

An adult husky is a very hardy animal with a strong and compact build. Dogs have very thick, short hair. The ears are upright.

Animal character

Although huskies are accustomed to living in a harsh climate, they have a very friendly character. This is due to the fact that the Chukchi kept dogs in their homes in winter, so the animals are used to living side by side with humans. They treat strangers with some caution, but without excessive aggressiveness. Huskies are very fond of communicating with children, they get along wonderfully with other animals.

Once upon a time in nature, huskies lived independently and in the summer they got their own food by hunting, so they have no guarding instincts. This point should certainly be taken into account if you decide to take a puppy. In addition, the leaders of the teams made their own decisions, choosing the road. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that modern huskies have inherited stubbornness and independence from their ancestors. Keep in mind that your dog's opinion will not always match yours. And there are only two possible ways. Either a person must become an authority for the dog, or simply not let it go off the leash so that the animal does not become capricious. In any case, you need to find a common language with the husky and make friends. With their friendly nature, this is not at all difficult. Much more effort will be required to teach the animal to listen to you.

Keeping huskies in an apartment, it should be understood that they have retained strong hunting instincts. Therefore, some difficulties may arise. If there is already a cat in the room, then most likely the dog will not touch his neighbor in the home. But as for foreign animals, at the sight of a cat, a husky will certainly rush to catch up with him. With pleasure, the dog hunts chickens. Therefore, in villages with huskies, one must not lose vigilance.

Husky puppies

If you decide to get a dog of this breed, then you should first study the conditions of detention. And then make a decision about whether you can provide her with the proper conditions. As we will consider next.

How to choose a puppy? When choosing a baby, you need to decide on the goals: it will be just a friend or you plan to participate in various kinds of exhibitions. What does it matter? Very large, because depending on the goals, the sex of the animal is selected. Husky males are stronger and more enduring, while girls have a stronger hunting instinct.

In addition, husky puppies, like adult dogs, do not tolerate loneliness. They all day you and wait for your arrival. Huskies are sociable pets. However, it is better to take a puppy from a breeder who raises him at home. Such an animal will initially be adapted for living in a house or apartment and more socialized.

Puppies should be chosen no earlier than eight weeks old. At this age, you can already see what an adult animal will be like. For a show puppy, all external signs must be perfect. However, do not discount that some parameters may change in the future.

dog education

The remarkable characteristic of the Husky does not exclude some difficulties in keeping. You need to understand that this is a very active animal. Husky puppies love to dig holes, gnaw things. Living in an apartment, such a baby is capable of causing a lot of destruction, because he is very active and needs loads, activities, long walks. Of course, the external charm cannot be taken away from the breed, but when thinking about acquiring such a dog, you should know how to care for a husky in order to avoid unpleasant and unexpected surprises in the future.

A puppy should be brought up regularly, using educational and cognitive games. So you can become an authority for the dog and achieve its obedience. Under no circumstances should a puppy be punished. Otherwise, he will assume that the one who is stronger is right, and this is wrong. Having matured, such an animal will cease to obey you.

Husky food

Inexperienced owners often wonder about having a Husky. In the diet, you can include ready-made food - canned or dry. But it is better to still prefer a more natural feeding. To do this, you yourself will have to cook food for the dog. With such a diet, at least sixty percent of the food should include meat.

For the first feeding, you can give the puppy low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. Every week, you should definitely give a quail egg along with the shell. For the second feeding, be sure to give meat with buckwheat or rice porridge.

For dinner, you can offer the dog meat and vegetables, and on the fourth, limit yourself to meat or offal.

You can also use special based on nutritional advice from manufacturers. Than huskies: food or natural food - you decide. However, not everyone speaks positively about dry food. Still, natural food is preferable. True, it will require large expenditures from the owners.

It must be remembered that when using dry food, the puppy should always have plenty of water in an accessible place for him. Experts do not recommend adhering to a combined diet, i.e., alternating natural food and food.

How to care for a Husky?

I would like to note that this is a wonderful domestic breed and an excellent companion. The husky's characteristic and good disposition make the dog so popular among breeders. This breed is distinguished by neatness and cleanliness. Therefore, the maintenance of a husky does not cause much trouble. Animals do not leave drooling streams behind themselves, and the skin and wool do not have an unpleasant characteristic odor. They shed twice a year, but the problem is not so pronounced. It cannot be said that the whole apartment is covered with wool ... This is not typical for this breed.

Animals do not need special care. But periodically they need to be thoroughly combed out. For these purposes, you should purchase a thick comb. But the teeth must be brushed daily. Every week it is necessary to check the condition of the pads and claws of the husky.

Life in an apartment

Huskies in the apartment feel comfortable. However, it should be remembered that the animal needs exercise and walks. If you can provide all this to a dog, then a city apartment will become for her a normal alternative to a private house. The animal does not require special living conditions for itself, but the husky should have its own personal space. It can be a low or spacious sofa.

Since by nature huskies are mounts, they need heavy loads. Just walking once a day will not be enough. Therefore, for a breeder, the question of how to care for a husky should not so much be important as the issue of rational education and proper loads should be considered.

Animals of this breed love to travel long distances, while behind their shoulders there must be some kind of load. Therefore, in order to form a beautiful body of a dog, you will have to deal with it regularly. In the summer, you can take the dog for bike rides, and in winter you can go to the forest. Often dog breeders agree and connect their huskies for sledding competitions. This is a great leisure activity for the animal.

Mental capacity

Huskies are very smart dogs. They intuitively feel and understand the meaning of so many words. Animals even understand human facial expressions. Their intelligence is enough to solve simple puzzles. With a certain preparation, the Husky is even able to open simple bolts on the doors. Dogs even try to manipulate humans, wanting praise and treats. Sometimes they try to hide their bad deeds. In general, the animals are smart enough and have a sense of humor, you won’t be bored with a husky.

Husky Features

It should be remembered that the distant ancestors of the husky were not only ancient dogs, but also real wolves. Therefore, freedom and large spaces are so important for this breed. Don't be fooled by the cute, blue-eyed image of a dog. In the soul, this is not a simple animal, but a real hunter.

Of particular note is the tendency of this breed to stubbornness. Inexperienced breeders are extremely surprised by this trait of the animal. Meanwhile, this is quite understandable, if we recall the history of the husky. There are even situations when the dog does to spite the owner. Thus, she seeks to show her superiority. This behavior is typical for young individuals. But don't be afraid of it. Such nuances are solved with the help of physical activity and training. An active lifestyle is the existence of the breed. Therefore, when choosing a home friend, consider your capabilities.

Instead of an afterword

Huskies are very affectionate towards their owners. Communication with people is very important to them. Such a breed is not suitable as a guard, but it will become a wonderful friend who will bring only joy and warmth from communication.

Husky has a completely unusual timbre of voice. They make soft and melodic sounds, it does not look like barking at all. There is an opinion that their voice is even able to calm a crying child. If you are ready and able to provide the dog with good care and proper education, then you will not find a better friend. Moreover, the animals are great with children.

The Siberian Husky breed of dog has gained its popularity, first of all, for its unusual wolf appearance and friendly disposition. Probably many would like to buy such a puppy. However, according to experts, due to some character traits, this breed is not suitable for all dog breeders. Husky care in any case must be carried out correctly.

A bit of history

The Husky breed was bred naturally, for thousands of years, by the inhabitants of the Far North - the Chukchi. In terms of physiological characteristics, it is a relative of the well-known to everyone (but not its variety). Huskies were used by the Chukchi mainly as sled dogs.

Unfortunately, unlike the Laika, after the 17th year, this breed was recognized as unpromising in our country. And so she was completely ignored. The only thing that saved the Huskies from extinction was that even before the revolution, several of these dogs were taken out of Kamchatka by the Americans. That is why the breed is registered not in Russia, but in the USA.

How to choose a pet

They buy husky dogs, the care and maintenance of which at home require some knowledge, usually at the age of two months. Of course, it is quite difficult to determine whether a puppy meets the standards at this time without proper experience. However, paying attention to the skeleton of the animal (it must be strong), the correctness of the bite, the set of the neck and tail when buying, of course, is a must.

The color of the husky can be different. World standards allow 15 different shades. But in Russia they are recognized only with brown, black or gray. This should also be taken into account when choosing a puppy.

The eyes of these dogs usually have a rich blue color. It is this feature, along with the "wolf" appearance, that causes genuine delight in most people at the sight of a husky. However, the standards do not regulate the eye color of this breed too strictly. Brown, golden, olive, in any case, are not considered a defect.

When choosing a husky puppy, among other things, you should pay attention to his muzzle, paws and back. A light "mask" and dark "glasses" in representatives of this breed must be present. A hunchbacked back and loose paws, as well as sharpening wool, are considered defects according to the standards. The nose of representatives of this breed can be black, pink or even striped.

Husky in the future will be simpler if, when choosing, the owners pay attention to the character of the baby. The dog should be active, strong and not too aggressive. Perhaps, before buying, you should not only examine the puppy, but also take a little walk with him.

Character features

Husky is a very peaceful dog. Representatives of this breed are friendly to strangers. Therefore, using such a dog as a watchdog will not work. This breed is not suitable for those who want to see a cute “sofa” dog at home.

Husky care is, first of all, frequent walks. These dogs are very active, and without proper physical activity they begin to misbehave. If such a dog is kept in a city apartment, it is advisable to walk with it three times a day. Otherwise, gnawed furniture, scratched doors and floors are guaranteed to the owners.

Husky on the street

Walking representatives of this breed should only be on a leash, at least at first. These dogs (especially at a young age) show a tendency to wander and can easily run away. They never attack passers-by, but at the same time they can simply run up to someone from an excess of energy in order to “get acquainted” and scare a person with this. After all, the size of these dogs is quite large. In addition, in appearance they resemble wolves, which most people associate with aggressiveness.

Huskies, whose care and maintenance in an apartment involves frequent walks, can also feel good in the courtyard of a country house. In this case, an aviary with a warm booth is usually equipped for the dog. Allowing huskies to roam freely even in a suburban area is not recommended. Otherwise, the dog may decide to go on a free trade and hunt the neighbor's rabbits and ducks.

Husky care: how often to bathe

An unpleasant smell of dog from dogs of this breed almost never comes. This is considered one of the advantages of the Siberian Husky. But the purity of the coat of these dogs should be monitored as carefully as possible. During a walk, you should not allow the dog to climb into puddles or run through the mud, and even more so wallow in it.

The fact is that experienced dog breeders do not recommend bathing huskies too often. These dogs should take water procedures no more than once a year. If the husky gets dirty during the walk, the paws and contaminated areas of the body should simply be thoroughly wiped with a soft, damp sponge.

Husky care in the house and apartment: what to do with wool

Small puppies of this breed should be brushed at least twice a week. Their fur is very soft and thin, and therefore quickly falls into tangles. You can increase the time between combing to a week only after the husky is 5-6 months old. At this age, the coat of puppies becomes a little coarser.

During molting, care for a husky in an apartment should consist of daily combing. If this procedure is carried out less frequently, pieces of matted dog hair will fill the entire room very quickly. And it will be extremely difficult to remove them from carpets and upholstered furniture. If the dog is kept in the yard of a private house, combing during molting can be done 3-4 times a week.

It is better to take care of a husky's hair not with an ordinary comb, but with the use of special rakes, which you can buy at a pet store. Such a device has one important advantage. Rakes, unlike combs, do not tear the beautiful undercoat of dogs of this breed and do not break individual guard hairs.

What to feed huskies

Husky care includes the development of a balanced diet. this breed is best natural products. At the same time, the pet menu should be as diverse as possible. The dog should be given beef, chicken, sea fish, liver, heart, vegetables, etc. Of course, foods should be thermally processed before feeding. Otherwise, the dog may pick up worms.

Husky pork and lamb are not allowed. These types of meat are too heavy for their stomach. Be sure to include cereals in the diet - steamed oatmeal and buckwheat should be in the daily menu. Eating cereals of this variety stabilizes the work of the intestines and stomach of dogs of the described breed. At the same time, semolina and barley husky are completely unsuitable.

Experienced dog breeders advise a newly acquired small puppy to be put on a rice diet for a week. In the future, small pieces of white poultry meat or sea fish should be gradually alternately added to such a porridge.

Features of training

Proper upbringing from an early age is what is required for husky dogs. The care and maintenance of these large intelligent dogs require training. If the education of the puppy is not given enough attention, he will grow up completely uncontrollable. Love of freedom and the desire to lead in everything and everywhere in these northern dogs is literally in the blood.

Getting started, you should remember that the husky is primarily not a service dog, but a working dog. For example, she, on her own, without any training, will gladly ride the children or even the owners themselves on a sled. But at the same time, there is no way to develop aggressiveness in relation to strangers in a dog.

Most often, husky training begins from 2-3 months. The training program is chosen so that the dog will be as interesting as possible. It is not worth punishing huskies for not following commands during classes. Much better results with these dogs can be achieved using praise.

The commands themselves during training should be given to the husky in a clear, authoritative, calm voice. It should be shown during training and perseverance. However, we must not forget that these northern dogs respond much better to requests than to orders.

Proper care of a husky puppy is punished only if:

  • manifestations of aggression towards the owner;
  • committing acts dangerous to the dog itself;
  • displays of aggression towards other dogs.

Under no circumstances should you hit a husky. The following is usually used as a punishment:

  • the dog is taken by the withers;
  • press her to the floor so that she cannot move;
  • after the dog stops resisting and relaxes, he is released.

As a reward for training, be sure to use some goodies. Praise dogs in a flat, soft voice. These dogs absolutely cannot stand shrill intonations.

What mistakes should not be made

This is how Siberian Huskies are trained at home. As you can see, the upbringing and care of the described dogs presuppose the observance of certain rules. When raising a puppy, you should try not to make mistakes that are typical for beginners. These include primarily:

  • bans on communication with other dogs;
  • dragging a dog in his arms (especially with his stomach forward);
  • retraining (huskies will not perform an already learned command for no apparent reason several times in a row).

Among other things, a dog of this breed should never be allowed to play with household items - old socks, slippers that are no longer needed, etc. Otherwise, in the future, the dog will do the same with new things. Moreover, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wean him from this.


Husky care and feeding, as well as training this breed, are relatively simple procedures, as you can see. Pay more attention to your pet, walk with him in time, show maximum patience, and this dog will surely thank you with his love and boundless devotion.

2. Husky walks calmly next to the owner on a leash. Until he sees a cat, another dog, a new bush (and an old bush), a pigeon, a flying package, a pile of garbage. At this point, let go of the leash and let him run. We will still need shoulder and elbow joints.
3. Husky is kind. Kind to everyone, no exceptions. Counting on the fact that he will protect you from gopniks on the street is stupid and pointless. You can ask the bully to hold the leash and immediately run. He does not know point number 2. He will not have time to let go of the rope from his hands, and a dislocation of his shoulder is guaranteed. An adult strong male vomits like a Dodge charger of the 69th year.
4. Husky is a hunter. Personally, mine mercilessly killed two kittens, one and a half goatlings (I didn’t seem to finish off one, but I paid for two), a chicken, in the amount of one piece. And a trifle, like any rodents, I don’t think at all.
5. Wool is the seasoning for every dish on your table. She is everywhere. It seems that the dog shaves at night while everyone is sleeping. Clean every day, twice a day, all to no avail, the dog will throw more.
6. Shoes. Shoes will always be hidden. At first, guests who come to your house will leave in one shoe until they get used to hiding. Don't expect to get house slippers in my house. No, I'm not greedy, they just ate them a long time ago.
7. Huskies don't bark. This is true. They don't bark, they howl. Sometimes singing along to different singing cowards from the telly. But believe me, the first time he will howl in the middle of the night, while everyone is sleeping. And he will do it with his soul, like the most natural wolf. I'm sure you'll save enough bricks to build the new twin towers in New York.
8. Huskies have design ability. Mine began repairs in the hallway and in the kitchen, peeling off the wallpaper as long as he got it. I finished it, of course. He loves rearranging all the furniture that he can move (kitchen table, chairs, small bedside tables). 9. Husky chews on everything, not just shoes. She loves to unwind balls of thread, run away from you with your new jeans, tear your girlfriends' tights. Trying to fight it, I brought him different toys. Rubber balls are killed in two or three days, a tennis ball is eaten by the jaws of an adult dog in a day. They save beef bones, they last longer.
10. Speaking of bones. Huskies are very resourceful. Rest assured, in all corners of the house, as well as neatly wrapped in your duvet cover, the gnawed remains of a poor cow will be lying around. Do not try to collect them all (it will not work, he knows more hidden corners in your house) to take to him in a bowl, the dog will spread them out anyway.

11. Forget about sleep in the morning. The dog needs a walk. He doesn't care that it's blizzard outside and minus thirty, he even has furry ears. Same thing in the evening. Everyone knows that these are sled dogs, because they love to run very much. Got yourself a husky? You love to run.
12. Overslept the moment of the walk? Himself to blame. But for such cases, save a bigger scoop in the pantry, because the dog will not torment his body. And the dog is big, which means he goes to the toilet like a big dog.
13. The most epic fuck happens in early spring and late autumn. Husky recalls his relationship (scientists have not proven, but I'm sure) with a pig. The puddle is the best friend. And with a dead, decomposed cat, in general, from the first class together. It must be hugged to bring home the aroma of fresh, rotten, decayed flesh.
14. Are you going to take your dog in the car? Congratulations, you're being hated at car washes and demanding double the price for a salon cleaner.
15. I don’t know if this is the last one or something else I’ll come up with, but in case you already have a cat living in your house, don’t worry. Most likely, they will get along and the dog will not kill his cat (which I cannot promise the neighbor). Just be sure to free up a high place for the cat where the husky cannot reach. From now on, the cat eats on the windowsill, under the supervision and defense of the owner, and sleeps on the refrigerator. Although mine, lately, has believed in herself, and even drinks from his bowl.
16. Husky is the biggest beggar in the world. Did you see the gypsies in the market? So, they learned from the Husky. The cat from Shrek also studied acting with the Husky. If you get used to his puppy look, then your relatives and friends are ready to give him the last loaf of bread in a hungry year. After all, he asks.
17. Huskies are very picky eaters. Rather very strange in the choice of food. The fresh cucumber that lies in his bowl is equal to a piece of concrete that drunken workers from a nearby construction site put there. The Husky is smart and knows not to eat concrete. The same cucumber that the owner holds in his hands is equal to a medium-rare marbled beef steak. Husky is smart and knows that you can eat such a steak.
18. Thief and husky are synonyms. Left your sandwich on the table and went out to get your phone? Come and make yourself a new one. Poured dumplings into boiling water and dropped one on the floor? Don't even try to find it. By the way, this is a bit of a plus, you do not have to bend down to collect food that has fallen on the floor. From experience I can say that it is very convenient when I drop an egg on the floor or spill sour cream.
19. In addition to being an interior designer, Husky is also a landscaper. The design of your yard will become very original, neither you flowers, nor you small trees and shrubs. But a lot of holes. You will definitely step into one of them, and dislocate your foot.
20. Husky is smart. Very smart. But very cunning. Able to carry out any commands, ranging from sit / lie down and ending with a somersault over his head back. But only if you have a yummy in your hands, and he understands that it is for him. If not, you can sit/lie down by yourself. By the way, for a fresh chicken cutlet, it's good to tell Newton's second law.
Author mojnomiron