Instructions for building nails with gel on tips. Arched nail extension. Build-up on the upper forms - step by step instructions

Long beautiful nails are one of the signs of a well-groomed woman. But not every girl can boast of natural long and strong nails.

To solve the problem, tips were invented, with the help of which the masters can create the perfect manicure of the length that the client wants. Photo tips will be presented in this article.

What are tips?

Nail tips are plastic dummies of nails that exactly repeat their shape. They are applied to natural nail plates for a perfect look. Fastening is carried out using special glue. Do not worry about the durability of the tips: they are made of high-strength plastic that can withstand everyday stress.

Each tip consists of two components:

  • base - a strong and long part, which is the free edge of the nail and is responsible for the desired length;
  • the short part, with which the tips are attached to the nail plate.

By the way, for the first time tips began to be used back in the 70s of the XX century. True, such a complex technology for fixing them was not used then, and they were simply glued over the entire nail with glue. These are the so-called false nails that were especially popular in the 90s. Now nail extension is also in demand, they are non-traumatic for natural nails. But still, some people prefer gel build-up through cardboard forms to such plastic templates. Although the end result of the procedures carried out by these two methods is not different.


Nail tips are not standard templates with the same parameters and are suitable for all nails. They are classified according to various parameters:

  1. The size. According to this indicator, 10 types are distinguished, each of which corresponds to a specific nail of each finger.
  2. The shape of the extension devices is also varied: classic, curved, straight, pointed. The length can be any: from 1 cm onwards. But more often on sale you can find more similar in shape to natural nails.
  3. Contact area: deep, short and non-contact. This parameter will depend on the size of the nail plate itself. The smaller it is, the shorter the contact area will be.
  4. The color is also presented in several versions: transparent, nude, multi-colored, with a decorative design, with a jacket, etc.
  5. Purpose: universal, for the correction of bad nails, with a strong bend of the arch of the edge of the nail.

How to choose the right tips for building

High-quality nail extension on tips is, first of all, a high-quality choice of the material itself. If the procedure for lengthening the plate is not the first time, then preference should be given to already known and proven products.

In addition, the following should be considered:

  1. To give the extended nails the most natural look, tips should be chosen with a thinner edge of the plate, but at the same time durable.
  2. The material from which the accessory for increasing the length is made should be distinguished not only by high strength, but also by flexibility. This factor will facilitate the build-up procedure, exclude the appearance of defects on the tips and extend their service life.
  3. Tips should not contain a large amount of harmful substances. Therefore, cheap material is not worth buying, but rather more expensive ones.
  4. If the tips are bought for yourself, then you need to choose those that will ideally repeat the natural nail plate. A professional craftsman should have a large amount of material in order to be able to choose a form for each client.
  5. The backing design should match the future nail design.

There are whole sets of tips on sale, which include templates, different in size and shape.

Additional materials

To build up tips at home or in the salon, you will need a set of additional materials, without which it will be impossible to carry out the process. These include:

  • tips themselves;
  • a special tool with which the length of the tips is cut - Nail cut;
  • gel-based glue, by means of which the templates are attached to the nail plate;
  • a variety of nail files with different surfaces for grinding, leveling and more;
  • buff - a type of nail file for correcting the nail;
  • primer;
  • building gel or acrylic;
  • brushes and sponges to remove dust from sawn nails;
  • UV or LED lamp;
  • solution to remove the sticky layer;
  • antiseptics for hands, as well as for wiping and disinfecting instruments;

It is necessary to control the availability and quantity of the listed materials, because if something ends in the process of building up, then the process will not be completed.

How to build on tips: stages

Nail extension with tips is carried out in stages.

  1. Applying a disinfectant to hands and nails.
  2. Hygiene of nails: removing dirt, trimming the length to zero, cutting the cuticle.
  3. A selection of tips according to the natural nail.
  4. Applying glue and fixing the templates to the nail plate.
  5. Alignment of joints between tips and plates, giving them a uniform look. Correction of the shape and length of templates.
  6. I cut the entire surface of the tips.
  7. Removal of dust and saw cut residues.
  8. The surface of a natural nail is wiped with an essential primer.
  9. Application and even distribution of gel or acrylic on all surfaces of the nail plate together with tips. After each application, drying is carried out in a lamp.
  10. Aligning the edges of the tips with nail files.
  11. Registration of design.
  12. Application of the top on extended nails for a stronger hold.
  13. Removing the sticky layer.
  14. Applying oil to the cuticle area.

Some nuances

Working with tips requires observance of some nuances:

  1. Before you start attaching the template, you must cut the edge of your own nail as much as possible.
  2. The size of the tips should correspond to the width of the nail plate.
  3. For the material to be firmly fixed on the plate, you need to apply glue to the contact area and press for 20 seconds.
  4. The tip should be given its final appearance only after it has been glued.

Many tools allow you to do this yourself at home, but there are some nuances, we will try to take them into account so that the work looks natural and effective. Let's consider two ways how to build up nails at home using tips and gel polish.

T ips are a special material for lengthening nails. Every girl in childhood necessarily had "false" nails, which she put on her relatives, and got long marigolds.

Nail tips are a descendant of such false nails. Only they are not superimposed on the entire nail, but continue it from the widest point of the plate.

How to choose the right tips for your nails:

  • Choose thin tips. Tipsa material should be as close as possible to your nail plate, that is, the same thickness as the nail, and the same elastic;
  • Select the material in size more accurately to the size of your nails, otherwise the look of naturalness will be lost;
  • The shape of the nails is also important when choosing tips. If your nails are too flat or bulging, choose tips specifically for that nail shape.

To build up nails at home in stages, you should take not an ordinary decorative gel polish, but the following consumables and tools:

  • A special UV lamp that allows gel polish to cure much better and faster.
  • Special gel for building.
  • Tips and tips cutter.
  • Glue, brush, nail file with surfaces of various abrasiveness.
  • Degreasing compound.

How to build nails correctly: tips + gel

  • Prepare your hands. Wash them thoroughly with soap and an antiseptic. Too greasy or dirty nails will not allow the glue to dry out, and you will only waste material;
  • Now apply a little glue to the tips where it will be applied to the nail;
  • After the tips have stuck, you can start processing it and bringing it to the shape of the nail you need;
  • Apply the base layer of the gel to the resulting nail and cure with a UV lamp. Apply the gel according to the rules so that it lies in an even thin layer;
  • After the gel dries, give the nail the desired shape and remove irregularities from the surface with a file;
  • Now you can cover the resulting nails with a tonal varnish, and then with a top.

How to build nails correctly: video instruction

How to build nails correctly: with gel polish on the form, video tutorial

The extended nails are ready! As you can see, the whole process is very easy and simple, and requires very little experience with the extension tools.

Now you can make the most beautiful manicure design, look!

In professional life, nail service masters often face various problems. They can be either highly technical or human-related.

This article will focus on the technical side of the issue. Each time you meet with a new client, you have to decide on what the extension will be done - on tips or on forms.

It is good if by this time knowledge, skills and abilities have already been accumulated, and you can call yourself a master universal. Then your decision will be objective. It often happens that insufficient knowledge of a particular process leads to a subjective choice (personal preferences of the master).

The motto for each professional should be an individual approach to the client, namely: taking into account the shape, size, problems of natural nails, as well as the wishes of the client.

The same craftsmen who, performing only one type of work, are trying to convince the client of the imperfection of all the others, can be advised to study new methods, approaches and techniques of work.

Tips: we will find for everyone

The modern variety of different types of nail tips is such that they are suitable for almost any type of nail.

Universal tips with an extended socket (contact area). The shape of the tips allows you to form almost any shape of the free edge of the nail. Suitable for most types of nails.

Naturally shaped short socket and dome tips for clients with short nail beds and for those who prefer medium length nails.

Curved tips, with a high dome and long socket, which look perfect on nail plates of any length.

Tips without a hole, having a dome bend of 50%. Suitable for nails with a curved natural dome and for creating gorgeous arches in competitions.

Snow-white tips with a perfect, natural-shaped dome, and with a dome bend of 50%. Designed for quick creation.

An exception may be clients with strongly curved natural nails. But, despite such difficulties, from the given range of products, you can choose tips that are suitable for the nails of a particular client. A variant is possible when the master works with only one type of tips. Then, when assembling, fitting and gluing them, you need to be especially careful to avoid problems.

Tips are glued like this:

Prepare a natural nail for work (disinfect hands, file down the free edge of the nail, move it away using a peeling agent, gently remove the natural shine of the nail, remove dust from filing);

Disinfect natural nails (so that bacteria do not get on the tips during fitting);

Try on tips, shorten its contact area if necessary;

The natural nail plates are re-disinfected and treated with a preparation that normalizes the acid-base balance of natural nails;

Tips are glued by applying it to the free edge of the nail at an angle of 45 degrees. The tips are gently lowered onto the nail and fixed for 10 seconds;

The tips are shortened with nippers (cutter) to the desired length, shape the free edge.

We will solve the problems

If the master decides to work with tips, he may face a number of problems. Let's list the main ones.

1. After the tips have been glued, their edges and boundaries of the natural nail plate do not match (photo 1).

a) Reason: the size of the tip was chosen incorrectly.
Solution: select tips so that the tips of the tips exactly coincide with the boundaries of the natural nail or slightly overlap it.
It is prohibited to forcibly spread the tips on the nail!
b) Reason: when gluing, the tips moved relative to the central axis of the nail.
Solution: when gluing the tips, be careful, do not rush.

2. Formation of longitudinal cracks on the surface of the tips when it is glued (2).

a) Reason: in 70% of cases, various preparations (for example, disinfecting liquids) that have fallen on the tips are "to blame" for this.
Solution: after you have finished processing the glued tips with files, you cannot disinfect the free part of the natural nail with a spray! It is necessary to use a special lint-free cloth soaked in an antiseptic.
b) Reason: the imposition of a tip with a curved dome on a flat nail plate.
Solution: use tips strictly according to the size and curvature of the natural nail.

3. After the end of the build-up, the contact zone of the tips shines through from under the modeling material (3).

a) Reason: the contact area of ​​the tips is not cut down enough.
Solution: when processing the tips, nullify the “natural nail-tips” border.
b) Reason: the tips were pressed twice during the gluing process. For example, for some reason the newly pasted tips were shifted. This can happen if the client's hands are cold. Then the curing time of the glue is lengthened several times (the usual curing time is 3-5 seconds). From the moment the tip was pressed for the first time, part of the glue had already hardened, which influenced the transparency and strength of the bond.
Solution: Smoothly pressing the tips, do not change the pressing force. If for some reason it was not possible to stick the tip with one touch, you must replace it with a new one, re-process the natural nail and repeat the gluing procedure.

4. After gluing, the tips are not symmetrical to each other.

a) Reason: incorrect turn of the tips.
Solution: Before applying each tip, you must first try it on. In this case, the client's palm should lie in the master's palm freely and without tension. (4) .
b) Reason: the order of sticking tips was violated.
Solution: follow the order of sticking the tips. Start with the little finger of the left hand, then the ring finger, then the index finger. The last one is to glue the tips on the nail of the middle finger and align it along the central axes of the already glued tips.

5. Lifting tips in the area of ​​the lateral sinuses of the natural nail (5).

a) Reason: the shape of the tips does not match the shape of the nail.
Solution: if the nail plate is barrel-shaped and the tips are flatter, it is necessary to additionally press the side parts of the tips. It is advisable to choose tips exactly according to the size of the natural nail (see item 1).
b) Reason: incorrect selection of the tip size, as a result of which the contact area of ​​the tip falls on the nail rollers.
Solution: use tips strictly in size.

6. Kinks on tips

a) Reason: faulty nippers (cutter), wrong angle when cutting tips (6a, b - wrong).
Solution: check and sharpen the wire cutters. Correct tips are cut like this (6c - correct).
b) Reason: the master presses heavily on the contact area with his nails, trying to press harder on the sides of the contact area of ​​the tips.
Solution: Press the tips with your fingertips.

7. Air bubbles under the contact area (7).

a) Reason: the wrong glue was selected.
Solution: select the glue according to the surface of the natural nail plate. For example, if the nail is uneven (deformed), you must use gel adhesive. Its consistency allows filling irregularities and cavities on a natural nail with a subtype.
b) Reason: when gluing, the pressure force on the tips changed.
Solution: glue the tips with a smooth motion, forcing air out from under the tips hole. Do not be distracted so as not to change the pressure on the tips.

Also, remember the following rules:

Do not try to stick the tips on a large surface of a natural nail. The maximum coverage area is 1/3 of a natural nail. When external factors act on the nail, the glue is destroyed first of all, therefore it is more convenient to use tips without a contact zone. They are glued, capturing 2-3 mm of a natural nail. If you nevertheless encounter one of the problems, remove the tips by soaking it in a special liquid for removing tips. Then glue the tips again. It will take a few minutes, and the result will be quality work - beautiful, durable artificial nails.

Tamara KATKALOVA, nail modeling instructor

Nail tips, forms, acrylic, gel: how to make the right choice?

Those who are not familiar with the procedure for nail extension, but dream of a beautiful manicure, should read this article. If you decide to extend your nails, then you just need to find out for yourself which is better: acrylic or gel? Which type of extension is more correct: on forms or on tips?

We choose: gel or acrylic

  • The most noticeable difference is in the speed of building and hardening of the material. Acrylic tends to harden naturally, so it dries much faster than gel. For acrylic extensions, you do not need special devices and materials that dry the nail. The gel hardens only when exposed to UV rays. Each layer is dried separately. This greatly increases the build-up time.
  • Acrylic has a smell, and quite a sharp one, the gel does not.
  • The gels have a special shine, which is not lost even after treatment with special liquids or solutions. Acrylic fades quickly. Therefore, they need to be polished with a special oil.
  • Acrylic molds are considered to be more durable, although they do not look thicker than gel molds.
  • Acrylic nails appear more graceful because they can be tightened. But not all masters are able to compress gel forms. Especially if they are built on tips.

Tips or Forms? Choose and not be mistaken

Forms are pieces of paper with an adhesive base, which are substituted under the nail when building up. Tips are made of plastic. They are glued to the edge of the natural nail. Both the molds and the tips are methods of gel and acrylic build-up support. It should be noted that the strength of the build-up does not depend at all on which technology you choose. It all depends on which master you turn to, and what level of professionalism he owns.

This is what tips look like

Benefits of using tips

  • To build up nails on tips is a less time-consuming procedure. It is easier to lay out the building material on the finished form.
  • If you have brittle nails, then nail tips are the perfect option for extending them. You can apply tips even if they were broken at the root.
  • On tips, a qualified master will equally quickly make extensions with both gel and acrylic.

On tips, you can equally quickly perform extensions with both gel and acrylic

Disadvantages of tips

  • Nails extended on tips look less graceful, flatter.
  • The possibilities of the master when using tips are limited: some forms of manicure can only be performed on forms.
  • Some masters cannot make the extension with tips thin and graceful. Therefore, visually, a manicure may seem too heavy and cumbersome.
  • Nails extended on tips (it does not matter, gel or acrylic) cannot be tightened.
  • The most vulnerable spot on the nail is where the tips are glued. With a slight blow, the tipsa disappears almost immediately.
  • On wide nails, the tips will create the effect of even greater width and plane of the shape.
  • If the nail leans down strongly during growth, then it is impossible to align such nails with a tip. The grown nail will appear too curved downward.

Advantages of forms

  • With the help of the form, you can create any non-standard platform for building.
  • They can be squeezed. Therefore, they will appear thin and graceful.
  • Nails extended on the mold will appear solid and are more durable.
  • By using molds, you can noticeably improve the natural shape of your nail by slightly narrowing or widening it.

Disadvantages of forms

  • Not every master knows how to properly build nails on forms. Sometimes, due to the unprofessionalism of the master, the nails may seem ugly and inelegant.
  • Injured nail plates are very difficult to build up when using molds.
  • If the extension is performed using a gel, then the process can take quite a long time.

About the history of nail extension

Nail modeling began in the 30s of the last century. A certain Mademoiselle Juliet Marlene began to use tea bags as the basis for artificial forms. And the second stage in the formation of fashion for building up took place already in the 50s of the last century. Dentist Fred Sleck severely injured his finger and injured the nail plate. In order to "glue" it, Fred used dental filling material. This is how the first acrylic building materials appeared. In the mid-60s, a real "boom" began on artificial nails. Diana Ross and singer Cher became the legislators of the new trend.

More and more girls are looking for an alternative to salon extensions. This desire arises due to the fact that there are no special difficulties in the procedure, even a girl who is just beginning to learn the art of manicure can cope with it. Benefits of nail extension at home:

  • saving time on visiting the salon;
  • financial savings (only a single investment is needed to purchase special tools, materials).

Home nail extension methods

There are several options for the procedure.


The acrylic technique uses a substance that contains components of powder and liquid, which increases the quality of adhesion of the artificial nail to the natural one. It has been used for over 20 years, ever since women borrowed acrylic from dentists and began to use it for cosmetology. The acrylic method is considered more reliable than the gel method due to its effective, long-lasting result.


The gel method of nail extension uses biogel based on the resin of coniferous trees. Semi-synthetic or natural ingredients are also used. The use of the gel gives the manicure a natural look, the nail plates become smooth and shiny. A significant disadvantage of the gel technique is the low strength of the extended nail. If a crack or break occurs, the procedure will be repeated.

Nail tips technology

Tips are plastic false nails, templates. Depending on their quantity in the package, these goods will cost from 10 to 400 rubles or more. Popular forms of nail templates are rectangular or pointed, although there are others that are more original, bizarre.

The technology of nail extension at home using tips is simple. It is necessary to select the required size of the artificial template depending on the original size of the natural nail. The plastic plate is glued, it is given the desired shape, after which the technology is selected: gel or acrylic. Using tips is an easy way to make beautiful nails quickly.

On forms

When building up with tips, forms of standard sizes are used, and when building up, templates are used, thanks to which an individual size is created for each nail. With this technology, the bendable mold is fixed under the nail plate and securely fixed due to the sticky edge. The gel material is spread over the mold, dried, after which they are removed.

Thanks to the use of forms, it is possible to make the nails more refined and natural, for this it is necessary to squeeze the slightly hardened material on the sides with metal tweezers. It is impossible to do this with tips. But, according to the reviews of professionals, it will not be possible to make high-quality forms right away, this will require skill.

Materials and tools for home extension

A complete set for home nail extension will cost at least $ 100, but it will last for a long time. An expensive purchase will be a UV lamp, but without it, it is unrealistic to make correct nail extension at home. Initially, purchase high-quality materials so that the result of the manicure does not suffer later.

To build with tips you will need:

  • Timer UV lamp;
  • A set of files of different abrasiveness (180/240 grit and 100/100 grit);
  • Buff 120/120/120 grit;
  • Cuticle sticks;
  • Nail scissors;
  • Cutter for cutting artificial plates;
  • Nail tips, as well as glue for them;
  • Brush for removing dust from nail plates;
  • Metal tweezers;
  • Nail Prep - bonding agent;
  • Acid-free primer;
  • Modeling gel;
  • Finish gel;
  • Sticky layer remover;

Step-by-step photo and description of the procedure

Before starting to independently perform a manicure, it is recommended to go to a professional master for this procedure at least once to see in more detail, get acquainted with the nuances, subtleties of its implementation. After that, feel free to do your manicure at home using step-by-step instructions.

  1. Prepare all the necessary materials and tools.
  2. With a file, carefully remove the upper glossy layer of the nail. This is a prerequisite in order to improve adhesion.
  3. Glue the tips of your choice to the nail, squeeze it and wait for a while.
  4. Tame the tips with scissors to the desired length, then file it into the desired shape with a nail file.
  5. It is recommended to stir the gel before application. After that, it must be carefully applied to the surface of a natural nail that is not covered with tips.
  6. Dry the manicure with a UV lamp for about two minutes.
  7. Apply a layer of gel again. Each step of applying the gel is followed by a lamp drying step. Apply as many coats of gel as needed to achieve the desired thickness.
  8. Remove the sticky layer with a degreaser.
  9. Cover your nails with colored nail polish, French manicure or other original designs.

Tip: In order for the finished manicure to be strong, to last for a long time, it is recommended to designate the so-called stress zone. This is the approximate middle, the center of the natural nail plate. The layer of gel in this area should be as thick as possible, and to the edges should go to a minimum. So the shape will be rounded, natural and held securely.