It will be interesting to know what. Strong collection of facts. Interesting to know! The movie Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself

So, do you know what?..

In the Conan Doyle books, Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, Watson!"

Peanut is not a nut.

In fact, the peanut is not a nut, but the seed of a herbaceous plant in the legume family.

The word "love" occurs 613 times in Beatles songs.

Tibetan monks can sleep standing up.

Cats don't taste sweet.

A genetic defect common to all cats prevents them from enjoying sweets. This was established by Joseph Brand (Joseph Brand) and his colleagues from the American research Center for chemical sensations Monell. The researchers took saliva and blood samples from six cats, including a tiger and a cheetah, and found that each cat had a useless, dysfunctional gene that other mammals use to create a sweet receptor on the tongue.

Photoshop is 20 years old.

Koala sleeps 22 hours a day.

Koalas inhabit eucalyptus forests, spending almost their entire lives in the crowns of these trees. During the day, the koala sleeps (for 18-22 hours a day), sitting on a branch or in the forks of branches; climbs trees at night looking for food.

On average, 12 newborns a day are given to the wrong parents.

Sea stars do not have a brain.

The movie Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself.

Chaplin placed third in the Chaplin lookalike competition.

Chaplin once took part incognito in a Tramp look-alike contest. According to one version, he took second place in the competition, according to another version - third, according to the third version - fifth.

Hitler was a vegetarian.

According to most biographers, Hitler was a vegetarian from 1931 (since the suicide of Geli Raubal) until his death in 1945. Some authors argue that Hitler only limited himself to eating meat.

OK is the most used word in the world.

Paparazzi in Italian means "annoying mosquito".

In Oklahoma, watermelon is considered a vegetable.

Most robberies happen on Tuesdays.

George Bush was a cheerleader in high school.

One cigarette takes 5 minutes of life!

Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

Beaver teeth never stop growing.

If the cola was not tinted, it would be green.

On Windows, you cannot create a folder named "Con".

There are a lot of hidden system folders that have appeared since the creation of Windows, Con is a command of one of the services, so you can’t call the folder that way.
And there is also a beautiful legend that Bill Gates banned this file name because he had such a nickname in school - con (something like "crammed, nerd").

90% of species of living beings have not yet been discovered!

With an ordinary pencil, you can draw a line 55 kilometers long.

Human and banana DNA match by 50%.

If a shark swims "upside down", it may go into a coma.

A newborn baby kangaroo can fit in a teaspoon.

A frightened person sees better.

A cockroach can live without a head for 9 days.

There is no word for "yesterday" in the Eskimo language.

The Earth is gaining 100 tons of weight every day due to cosmic dust.

Red is the most common color on national flags.

Pigs can get sunburnt.

Blue is the calmest color.

You can die from laughter.

The Zhuk car was Hitler's idea.

There is a version that once Hitler acted as a designer,


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The thermal conductivity of glass is so low that you can take a glass rod that is hot in the middle by the ends and still not even feel the heat. However, it is interesting that the material with the highest thermal conductivity is not at all any metal (silver or copper), as many people think. The highest thermal conductivity has a material that is so similar to glass - diamond. The thermal conductivity of diamond is almost 6 times greater than that of silver or copper. So if someone makes a teaspoon out of diamond, you won't be able to use it because you'll burn your fingers the second you dip the spoon into hot tea.

Manhattan Island (USA) was bought in 1626 by Peter Minuit from local Indians for an amount approximately equal to $25. Currently, the total value of the island is in the millions of dollars. However, if Peter put his $25 in the bank at 7% per annum, he would currently receive $3.6 trillion, which is significantly more than the current value of the island with all the facilities on it. This is what makes the wrong decision once. Wind on your mustache, it will come in handy when buying an island :)
Since European fishermen were unable to catch anything resembling a young eel for a long time, the life cycle of this creature was shrouded in mystery for a long time. This continued until 1922, when a Danish professor discovered that eels living in Europe were actually born in the Sargasso Sea, and then made a long journey across the ocean along with the waters of the Gulf Stream. And only three years later they reach England. Another fact: eel blood is extremely toxic, but the toxins are destroyed during the process of cooking the eel. That is why you will never find sushi made from raw eel.
Before the US began construction of the Panama Canal, more than two and a half million gallons of kerosene were used in preparatory work. However, this kerosene was not used for any machines. It was used to spray swamps in the area of ​​a future construction site to kill Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes and malarial mosquitoes, carriers of yellow fever and malaria. Mortality from yellow fever and malaria were the main reasons for the failure of the French builders who made the first attempt at a canal.
Do you know how many colors are in the rainbow? It turns out that the answer depends on the country of residence. The Chinese believe that there are five colors in the rainbow. For residents of the United States, a typical answer would be six colors, while residents of Russia have seven.
The highest mountain on Earth is not Everest, as is commonly believed. If you measure the height from the earth's crust to the top, then Mauna Kea is the highest mountain on Earth. Its total height from the earth's crust to the top is more than ten kilometers. However, only 4245 meters are above the sea surface.
We often see Vikings depicted wearing helmets with horns. However, this is a big misconception, which was caused by one of the art schools founded in 1811 in Stockholm. The aim of this school was to popularize Scandinavian mythology. It was they who began to portray the Vikings in helmets with horns, but there is no historical evidence that the ancient Scandinavian warriors wore such helmets. I would also like to note one funny fact - before the attack, for courage and as an anesthetic, they drank a decoction of fly agaric. This led to the fact that after the massacre they were pierced by non-childish diarrhea :) And all these assholes were red-haired and with beards.
All cyclones originating in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, while cyclones originating in the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise. This is a direct consequence of the Coriolis effect. What happens when a cyclone crosses the equator? Answer: cyclones never cross the equator, usually they are born near the equator and then move towards one of the poles.
You probably know that the Sun above the horizon looks much larger than at its zenith. Many people think that this is an atmospheric optical effect. In fact, the size of the Sun does not change during the day, this is an illusion based on the fact that any object looks larger next to a straight line than in empty space.
A whale's heart beats 9 times per minute.
The whale does not release a fountain, but a jet of carbon dioxide. He exhales like that. The rest is splashes.
If a chicken puts its head under its wing and turns it upside down, it will fall asleep.
Indian elephants have to climb mountains for successful mating. It's too hot downstairs for conception.
There are more rabbits in Australia than there are people in China.
A robin chick eats 3.5 meters of earthworms per day. (where???)
An octopus has a rectangular pupil.
Seagulls have tough and inedible meat. And the polar bear has a poisonous liver.
Mosquito repellents do not repel mosquitoes, but "hide" you by blocking the receptors by which the mosquito finds its prey.
Snakes can sleep for up to three years without any food.

Experiments show that a cat thrown from the seventh floor is 30% less likely to survive than a cat thrown from the 20th floor. It is assumed that the cat needs to fly eight floors in order to understand what is happening, relax and regroup.
Panda is not a bear, but a raccoon. And strawberries are not a berry, but a nut :) And the red pulp that everyone loves to eat so much is actually a stalk. Watermelon is a berry. As is the pumpkin. And melon.
The sum of all the numbers on the roulette wheel is 666.
This sentence has thirty-two letters.
Women who paint their lips with bright red lipstick smile more often than others.
For LSD, the lethal dose is still unknown.
Helicopter flights are banned over Antarctica as penguins, which have short necks, try to look at them and fall down like dominoes.
Bubbles in Guinness, unlike all other types of beer, do not rise to the surface, but sink to the bottom. Why this happens, science still cannot explain.
Rain particles do not have a “classic” teardrop shape at all, but are rounded both from above and below.
If all 18-year-olds in China stand in one line and walk past you, then this line will never end. This is because the new residents will be 18 years old and line up faster than the line passes you.
Within 10 minutes, an average hurricane generates as much energy as all the nuclear power plants in the world give in total.
Multiply 37,037 by any number between 1 and 9, and multiply the result by 3.
In French French, the numbers 70, 80 and 90 are called, respectively, "sixty and ten", "four times twenty" and "four times twenty and ten". The same applies to the derivatives of these numbers. But in Belgian French, everything is like with people.
A "day" in earth orbit is approximately 90 minutes: 45 minutes "day" and 45 minutes "night". Thus, astronauts observe 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets in 24 hours.
Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise.
The very concept of "clockwise" was formed due to the sun and the rotation of the earth - the first hours were sunny, and the shadow made a circle in a direction that was later used for mechanical watches.
Coca-Cola was originally green. Most Coca-Cola is consumed in Iceland.
An ordinary standard format book of 500 pages cannot be crushed even if 15 wagons loaded with coal are placed on it.
In Central China, forests are "cut down" with the help of plastids.
The most popular female name in the world is Anna. Almost 100 million women wear it.
More people speak English in China than in the US.
The millionth resident of Moscow was born in 1897.
The lowest proportion of children in the world is in Germany at 15%, and the highest is in Kenya at 51%. The elderly are the most in Sweden 24% and the least in Kuwait 2%.
The Indiana State University Main Library building sinks one inch each year because the engineers did not take into account the weight of the books it contained.
The lighter was invented before matches.
Every day, US residents eat 18 hectares of pizza.
Every second American student expects to become a millionaire by the age of 40.
The most popular sport in Thailand is kite flying.
The letter "omega" must be pronounced with an accent on "a".
1% of people can see infrared and another 1% can see ultraviolet radiation.
D.I. Mendeleev was fond of making suitcases at his leisure.
Francis Drake opened the Drake Passage by overshooting the Strait of Magellan.
At the beginning of the 17th century, the spoon lengthened several times: she had to adapt to the fashion for jabots that protrude strongly forward. And at the end of the 17th century, soup spoons appeared, at the end of which there were a special kind of shields: while eating, they used them to move the beard away from the lips.
The fork was first brought to Russia by False Dmitry I from Poland at the beginning of the 17th century. Its defiant use during a feast in the Palace of the Facets on the occasion of the marriage of False Dmitry with Marina Mnishek caused an outburst of indignation among the boyars and served as a pretext for Shuisky's conspiracy. The fork played a decisive role in organizing the uprising, as it convincingly proved to the common people the non-Russian origin of False Dmitry (only a spoon was considered a Russian instrument).
Our eyes are the same size from birth until the end of life. And the ears and nose are growing all the time.
A person is born with 300 bones, but by adulthood only 206 remain. But the bones not only "disappear" (grow together), there are those that appear after 2 years - these are the kneecaps. A quarter of the bones of the human body are in the legs.
Most of the dust particles in your home are loose skin particles.
Parents and dentists tell us for a reason that we need to take care of our teeth. The tooth is the only part of a person that lacks the ability to self-repair.
In fact, the human body is quite strong, for example, hair is stronger than lead, copper, platinum and can compete in strength with steel wire (of the same thickness, of course). A woman's braid consists of an average of two hundred thousand hairs and easily withstands a load of 20 tons. The largest bone in the body is the femur, it is stronger than concrete and can withstand a weight of more than one and a half tons.
Only 2 percent of the hair that grows on a person is on the head.
The world's highest IQs on standardized tests belong to two women. One of them, Daniela Simidcheva, is one of the smartest ... unemployed people on the planet! Her IQ (almost 200) is comparable to the level of intelligence of the Nobel laureate Marie Curie. She is qualified as an electrical engineer, industrial engineer and teacher of English, plus five master's degrees, but can't find a job either in her native Bulgaria or abroad. Employers at the sight of her resume are horrified.
While at school, Margaret Thatcher had the nickname Toothpick.
Every 2 weeks, our stomach must re-produce a new inner lining, otherwise it will digest itself.
For humans, the lower lethal body temperature is 24-25 degrees. C, and the upper 43-44 degrees. C. There are cases of human survival even after reaching the indicated temperatures.
The ratio of overweight and underweight people globally is 1:1.
After a week of fasting, there is a pleasant lightness in the body.
A person's memory is able to store up to 90% of what a person does, 50% of what he sees, and 10% of what he hears.
It is impossible for any human mind, even the most brilliant, to think of more than one thing at the same time.
In humans, morning growth exceeds evening growth by 2-1 cm.
Men commit suicide three times more than women. However, women attempt suicide three times more often than men (or pretend to).
In order to pronounce one word, 72 muscles are involved.
Judging by the results of many years of research conducted in 20 countries, humanity is getting smarter. Regularly repeated intelligence tests have shown that each subsequent generation is smarter than the previous one by 5-25 IQ units.

The amazing book "1227 Facts", from which you will be stunned, contains the most complete information about our wonderful world.

The creators of the book have collected the most shocking facts that can amaze even the most seasoned skeptic.

And some of these facts surprised even the brightest minds of our vast planet.

Do you want to know what scientists were so amazed at?

Really it's interesting to know!

Then read the facts below!

The diary of success is sure that from the first line your mouth will not stop closing!

So let's go!

This is interesting to know: do not let your brain relax!

  1. There are so many diamonds on our planet that each of its inhabitants would have enough for a comfortable life.
  2. An English prison costs the government £45,000 a year. And this price is only for one prisoner. For this money, one Englishman can study at Eton.
  3. In the country of hamburgers and fries, there are three PR people for every journalist.
  4. In the Victorian era, women's magazines encouraged people to travel with a pin in their mouth. What for? It was she who could keep the lady from kissing a stranger.
  5. A female ferret can die from a year of abstinence.
  6. There is 500 times more uranium on Earth than gold.
  7. Regardless of the color of the rhinos, they are all the same color.
  8. Imagine that female plant aphids are able to give birth to female aphids already pregnant with other female aphids.
  9. Nearly half of the bottled water in the world is actually plain tap water.
  10. In the 19th century, it was fashionable to give the removal or replacement of teeth for adulthood.
  11. Every third earthling dies before reaching 1 year.
  12. The human brain does not process even a tenth of the information it receives.
  13. In the entire history of the existence of our planet, only 1% of all living things have been petrified.
  14. Aerosmith earned more money for playing "Gitar hero" than they ever did on any of their albums.
  15. The first metros were called "sewage trams".
  16. The English trade makes huge bucks on unused gift certificates. Why don't people use them? It's still a mystery!
  17. Arabs are illogical. Letters are written from right to left, but numbers are written from left to right. Reading an Arabic text replete with numbers is “a real pleasure!”
  18. Aborigines with an ancient culture can easily list the mountains that have long gone under water.
  19. Know that a coal-fired power plant is 100 times more dangerous than a nuclear one?
  20. 90% of crimes in Afghanistan are committed by the police. Who is behind bars at this time remains a mystery.
  21. Human saliva is inherently six times more powerful than the same morphine.
  22. Surprisingly, a simple microwave oven consumes more energy on the built-in clock than on heating food.
  23. A tenth of American electricity comes from old Soviet bombs.
  24. In one smartphone, 250 thousand patents for individual spare parts are collected at once.
  25. Caffeine is similar in composition to cocaine, thalidomide, TNT, heroin and nylon.
  26. Despite the overcrowding of China, only 15% of the poor live there.
  27. In the 19th century, theft of sheep or cheese was punishable by death.
  28. By age 18, the average child has already seen over 200,000 murders.
  29. The main income of the London Underground is from the sale of maps, rather than from the transport of people.
  30. The plumage of a bird is 2 times heavier than its skeleton.
  31. Of all the North Korean refugees, only two wanted to return.
  32. Despite the statement of American television about the chic life of their people, almost half of the citizens of this country live in poverty.
  33. Zeus ate his third wife.
  34. The king of Fiji brought measles to his island, as a result of which he personally killed a quarter of the population.
  35. The English use only 1000 words in writing letters or texts.
  36. With transparent eyelids, beavers can see without opening their eyes.
  37. In the early 19th century, millionaire Cecil Chubb gave his wife Stonehenge. However, his wife was so stupid to appreciate the gift that Chubb gave the gift to the British.
  38. Americans are really so stupid that almost a good half of them firmly believe that the Earth is only 10 thousand years old.

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