Interesting ideas for teacher's day at school. Scenario of the teacher's day in the form of "Saturday evening". How would we get into a fairy tale

Teacher's Day comes every year on October 5, but how can you make it unforgettable for yourself and your colleagues? We offer 5 of the most fashionable ideas that we spied on YouTube and Vkontakte.

1. Dance

Two years ago, on Teacher's Day, teachers from Klyuchevskoy secondary school from Omsk danced to fiery music right in the school corridor. The disciples were not only surprised, but also proud of their mentors. In general, collective dancing is one of the most popular ways to celebrate something at school.

2. Record a video greeting

The rapid proliferation of telephones with a built-in video camera or camera, and then also equipped with a special selfie stick, made the majority of the population specialists in photography and filmmaking. On the occasion of the Teacher's Day this year, the Ministry of Education and Science is holding an action "My beloved teacher". You need to find a picture of the teacher and post it on one of the social networks with the hashtag # FavoriteTeacher. All works are collected automatically here. The Council of Young Teachers of the Northern District of Moscow launched a similar campaign with a similar hashtag #Congratulations your teachers for video congratulations. Teachers, don't forget your teachers!

3. Arrange a day of self-government

In the 687th gymnasium of St. Petersburg and MBOU "Kirov Gymnasium named after S. Baimagambetov" (Leningrad region) on Teacher's Day, it was decided that teachers can usefully for the educational process give the reins of government to students and have a little rest. Therefore, the schools held Self-government day when the lessons were conducted by the guys themselves. An incendiary clip of students from St. Petersburg is above, and a report on an event in the Leningrad link.

4. Conduct "Oktoberfest"

Last year, instead of the Teacher's Day, Oktoberfest took place in Gymnasium No. 1 in Nizhnevartovsk. There is no analogy with a beer festival - only the time of the event. The program was intense, but the most impressive was the final action, when the students had a pillow fight and threw fresh tomatoes at each other! Do not be lazy to watch the video to the end.

5. Learn something new

In the Krasnoyarsk gymnasium "Univers", when senior pupils taught in elementary school, the teachers themselves turned into pupils. They got a unique opportunity to learn something no less creative than the teaching profession - to draw, dance and even beat the rhythm with glasses!

In the store, they are probably already studied and thought out by many schoolchildren and, of course, by their moms and dads.

But surely many people want to make Teacher's Day a real holiday for their favorite teachers, to create a good mood for everyone. So, you have to work hard! After all, the best congratulations and holidays are those that were invented and embodied by the guys themselves. We offer you some ideas for congratulating teachers. Perhaps they will only become the basis for the manifestation of your imagination and initiative!

1. Start of the school day

So where does the holiday begin? Of course, from coming to school! Already in many schools a tradition has developed: on this day, children meet teachers, and everyone is handed a flower, or a ball, or a small bouquet at the entrance. And, of course, it's nice if good music sounds!

2. Class design

Each class, as a rule, decides on its own to congratulate the teachers who come to the lesson. If the school does not have a “cabinet” system, but the premises are assigned to the class (for example, in primary grades), you can decorate it before the start of lessons. Here the range of possibilities is very wide - from a beautiful bouquet in a vase on the teacher's table and a poster on the wall to garlands and balloons throughout the class.

An interesting and fairly simple option is to draw a whole picture in advance with colored crayons on a blackboard.

3. Festive wall newspaper

Let us dwell a little more on such a seemingly traditional congratulatory genre as a festive wall newspaper. Usually, this means something like a huge hand-made holiday card. However, such a newspaper can be much more interesting!

For example, you can, by placing a photo of your favorite teacher in the center of the sheet, surround it with petal leaves with good wishes from each of the students. And you can add her favorite characteristic phrases - every teacher has such!

To view the photo in full size, click on the picture

By the way, similar photos and wishes can be collected in a kind the book giving it to the teacher as a gift. Or maybe the video archive of the class will be enough for a whole movie about the teacher and the students?

4. Calendar

A real calendar with photos of students and teachers can be a good alternative to the newspaper: now it is easy to order, and the selection and layout of the material will be left to the students. He will decorate the class for a whole year, every month helping everyone to remember different episodes from the life of the class.

And so the teacher enters the smart class ...

5. Congratulations from the class

The choice of congratulations from the class is very large: from a simple greeting word (which, however, also needs to be thought out in advance and entrusted to someone!) To a whole "theatrical" performance. There would be a desire and time to prepare!

You can arrange a small flash mob within one class: for example, each of the children hands the teacher a ball, inside which is a note with his wish. The balls burst gradually, and kind words will be read for more than one day.

Or the most simple: everyone gets up in turn and say a few warm words. By the way, it's also a good idea to think over the order - it looks interesting when a neighbor gets up in a "wave", and, conversely, a rehearsed "chaotic" order. Quite suitable, especially for younger children, are prepared in advance poetic lines.
But, of course, your words are no less valuable, albeit very simple and "in prose" ... And how funny (or, conversely, touching) can be the songs-alterations performed in honor of the hero of the day!

6. Flash mob

Flash mobs, of course, can be school-wide - this is a rather original and very funny way of congratulating, although it requires a lot of preliminary work. We need organizers who think over the place of its holding, time (for example, a big break), negotiating with the participants.

It is not always possible to rehearse joint actions, so it is better to choose simple options - for example, at a certain signal, all the “just walking by” schoolchildren clap their hands and chant: “Congratulations!”. The most interesting are the dance movements, which are gradually joined by all new participants (do not forget to take care of the music!), But they, of course, should be quite simple, and the presenter (leader) showing the movements is clearly visible to everyone.

And, finally, the most popular and grandiose point of the holiday, which most often ends this joyful day -

7. Festive concert

This is where you can show all kinds of talents and skills! Will surely sound songs: well-known, own composition or alteration; lyrical or funny, solo or chorus. Dances, scenes, even magic tricks or acrobatic performances - everything is appropriate in such a concert! But in funny numbers it is better to be careful, because today the reason is not at all suitable for satire on teachers.

Of course, as for any real concert, you will need poster... Well, or at least a beautiful ad in the most conspicuous place. And it would be nice to make invitation cards for each teacher - you can present them in the morning, meeting teachers at the entrance to the school.
During the concert, of course, there will also be an opportunity to say words of gratitude to the teachers. You can even come up with original nominations and reward every teacher!

If the format of a traditional concert is a little fed up, there are many ways to do it in a new way. For example, make it thematic: in the "Indian" or "elven" style, or based on your favorite books: the "Mumitrol" or "Hobbit" concert will definitely be remembered by the whole school for a long time! Or you can hold instead of a concert KVN(it's great if a team of teachers takes part in it too!). Or put on a real show - which, of course, requires a fairly long preparation.

Let this wonderful holiday be fun and interesting in every school!


photos from sites,,,,,

I want to congratulate all teachers on their professional holiday. I endlessly appreciate your service to the country, your indifference and responsibility. With all my heart I wish you health, a lot of strength and a lot of creative energy. And I really hope that every year the state will treat its real heroes more reverently.

Each school has its own traditions, so my ideas can be added to your annual ceremonial meetings with the awarding of the best, skits with rework songs, children's concerts and closing teas.

1. Costumed congratulations from students on Teacher's Day

The idea is this. From each class (more precisely, from each parallel), you need to choose 2-3 students who will congratulate the teachers at the very beginning of the holiday. One congratulation from first graders, one from second graders, etc. Let all classes with the letter "A" try this year. Next year - "B". The class teacher and parents are involved in the preparation of the short number.

Each performance should last no more than two minutes, then 11 congratulations will take half an hour, taking into account the hitch.

We select the images for the speakers taking into account the literature program. I don’t remember very well what class they read, I’ll sketch out an approximate list. For children, you need to choose costumes. This is an important point, as costumes will save the day, even if the text is not very good.

1 class- Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
2nd grade- Three girls (who are under the window) from Pushkin's fairy tale
Grade 3- heroes of Krylov's Fables (Dragonfly and Ant or Crow and Fox can be used)
4th grade- Three heroes
Grade 5- handsome hussar (Borodino)
6th grade- Tom Sawyer, the heroes of Gogol from "Evenings on the Farm ...", The Young Peasant Woman
7th grade- Auditor
8th grade- Vasily Terkin
Grade 9- Onegin and Tatiana
Grade 10- Oblomov
Grade 11- Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova

Children should say beautiful congratulatory words in the images of their heroes. It's good if it turns out artistically, with a twist, using phrases from works, rhymes, where appropriate.

It is convenient that one teacher needs to prepare only one congratulation, and he will not even know about the rest. Let me remind you that you have to do it in 2 minutes, otherwise 11 performances will result in a "Chinese concert". The fancy dress congratulation looks very impressive, do not forget to take pictures.

The gift in this case is the congratulation itself, but just in case.

2. Video "In a nutshell"

This technique is often used on TV. You need to edit the video so that the maximum number of students read one beautiful greeting. You can prose, you can poetry. Gather the brightest representatives of each class and ask them to read 2-3 words from the board (it is better not to tear phrases).

For example:

1st student: Dear teachers!
2nd student: Today is your holiday!
3rd student: I would like to wish you
4th student: peace, kindness, happiness!
5th student: May every day bring joy!
6th student: We want to surprise you with our successes,
7th student: we dream that after many years you could be proud of us ... and so on.

It turns out a beautiful congratulatory video from students from grades 1 to 11.

3. Dummy challenge

It works great even when shooting with a mobile phone. Children and teachers should freeze while acting out funny school scenes. Naturally, you need to think over the scenario and clearly define the path of the operator. Editing is not needed here - the whole point is in continuous shooting of motionless students and teachers. Don't forget the dining room, the security guards, the director's office!

In the finale, the operator turns sharply to the joyful crowd of children, who “come to life” and shout “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! "

4. Congratulations from the students in the record ("Looking from below")

These are small funny videos, pre-recorded dialogues with children of different ages (Urgant does it masterly). Come up with one question that the children need to answer quickly. It is the rash answers that are always the funniest. You can shoot with a smartphone in good lighting, then mount everything into one congratulatory clip.

For example, ask which teacher is the most important in the school. How many years of study does it take to become a teacher? Why are there many women and few men in the school? What will teachers be like in 100 years?

You need to watch the video in the hall on the big screen.

I found something similar:

5. Photo contest - the best selfie at recess

This is also one big greeting card that teachers are watching on the screen. We ask each teacher to take a funny selfie with the children. Here you really need to show imagination so that the photographs turn out to be different in character. Students can be dressed up or asked to portray the same emotions. Give someone a letter-card that will make up the word "Congratulations", give balloons, flowers, come up with a funny background.

We combine all frames into one presentation. Let a beautiful energetic melody sound in the background.

Samples from the Internet:

6. Small entertaining tournament "Question-answer"

Option 1. Team tournament (10-15 minutes).
I already have an entertaining set of questions for a small intellectual game. Let there be 2 teams of 6 people and spectators. A bell on each table, the sound of which symbolizes the team's readiness to respond. ...

Option 2. Individual championship
Read the questions aloud, and print the answers on sheets of paper. It's been a long time since the teachers themselves took the tests? And then they have a festive comic test! We summarize the results as follows: we collect the leaves, read out the correct answers, and name the most successful one and award it at the end of the holiday, when you sum up the results.

You can also open the same tests on tablets and ask the teams to figure out where the fiction is, and where the truth is (this series of tests is called "True or False"). It is convenient that the results are summed up instantly, and the test itself is filled out online:

Or offer to guess the subject from the pictures (a fragment of macro photography - a strong increase in familiar objects). Here are also ready-made selections:

7. Reading aloud a work of art in different ways

The number is humorous, but the passage must be taken seriously. Let there be Pushkin's prose, for example. For this act, it is better to take an artistic teacher who is ready to show emotions and amuse colleagues. It's still fun to read the plays, so try it!

The text can be displayed on a large screen or given a regular book. In the first case, an inscription with a new condition will appear on the screen, in the second, we show a sign to the volunteer. Every 2-3 sentences are read with a different intonation: “this is how a first grader reads”, “go to rap”, “you chew a big hamburger while reading”, “run away from a maniac while reading”, “you are a robot”, “fall asleep” , “You try to captivate the class with your expressive reading”, “after each word you need to clear your throat”, “every line of the work makes you laugh”, “with this passage you enter the theater studio, add emotions”, etc.

It's funnier if viewers also see these signs and wait for a colleague to get out. Don't repeat it more than once, then it's not so much fun.

8. Game "Crocodile" (school words)

Everything is standard here, but fun - one presenter is trying to convey to colleagues the meaning of the hidden school word with gestures. We prepare in advance signs with the words: Unified State Exam, electronic journal, interactive whiteboard, lesson plan, test work, open lesson, parent meeting, teacher's council, call to class, last call, graduation, vacation, etc.

9. Master classes

We conduct master classes for office employees and always admire how the bustle gradually recedes, and everything that happens turns into meditation. A beautiful creative rest, which teachers also really need.

There are always many former teachers among the leading such master classes, so I have no doubt that in any team there will be craftswomen who will teach colleagues to effectively tie a scarf, do,. Surely there are specialists in modern make-up or those who will teach you how to make jewelry from natural semi-precious stones.

Turn on beautiful music, share funny stories, congratulate each other. Master classes are a beautiful rest from the difficult everyday life of a teacher.

Any ideas?

"Holiday Again" is a collection of holiday ideas, in which I collect all the simplest and most fun for different events. I am always glad for additions in the comments. Share the positive with your colleagues!

Do you have interesting traditions for Teachers' Day in your school?

How to prepare for Teacher's Day and how to decorate the classroom and school?

We decorate the classroom and the assembly hall

To create a festive atmosphere, it is worth decorating the office with a thematic decor. It can be:

  • foil balls in the form of numbers and letters;
  • holiday posters;
  • figurines of pupils made from helium balloons;
  • Natural flowers.

A great way to decorate school for Teacher's Day is to decorate with balloons. They can be used to decorate:

  • facade and main entrance;
  • stairs, corridors, lobby;
  • training classes;
  • teacher's room;
  • assembly hall and stage.

For registration you can use:

  • arches and garlands;
  • congratulatory inscriptions;
  • flowers and bouquets;
  • various shapes;
  • gel balls.

To demonstrate the possibilities of aero design for decorating the school, we made a selection of photographs.

An unusual decoration will be a wall newspaper with photographs of teachers and students. Transform everyone into fairytale heroes or movie characters with the help of Photoshop - and the delight of those around you is guaranteed!

The school wall newspaper will be especially large and festive. It may contain headings: "We are proud of them" (teachers - about school graduates); "The history of the school in photographs and memories of teachers and graduates"; "The people's teacher" (about retired teachers); "Favorite teacher" (children’s notes about what their favorite teacher is dear to them, what role he played in their life, in what they would like to be like him); "Great teachers are joking."

You can also publish such a newspaper: on a sheet of Whatman paper, children circle their palms with felt-tip pens, put their photographs inside at the most tender age (1-2 years) and write short congratulations and wishes. If the palms are multi-colored, the newspaper turns out to be elegant and festive. You can announce a competition for the most unusual headline.

It is appropriate to arrange small posters with poems, songs, stories dedicated to students and teachers, with the obligatory indication of the authors; comic poster like "Favorite Words of Teachers".

The walls of the school can be decorated with posters with statements of great people about the role of upbringing, education, and the relationship between teacher and students.

On this day, as a rule, ceremonies are held at the school in the assembly hall, which means that it also needs decorations. A simple and effective way to make a room beautiful is to order helium balloons. Of these, arches, chains, columns and fountains are assembled on site.

How to prepare for the celebration and what to give your favorite mentors?

We prepare entertainment events

Not a single Teacher's Day is complete without a festive concert. But ordinary songs, dances and poems for many years can already bore teachers. Therefore, students should come up with something original - funny sketches from school life, parodies of colorful mentors.

An unusual solution would be to organize teams of teachers and schoolchildren, come up with fun and amusing tasks. Do not think that school teachers are serious and strict people who do not know how to have fun. Most of them retain their enthusiasm and creativity until old age - it is very difficult for people with a different character to work with children.

Self-government day

A well-thought-out organization of the holiday will provide an opportunity for teachers not only to relax and forget about daily plans and responsibilities, but also to get a charge of excellent mood.

This is a rare opportunity to swap bodies like in a movie and find yourself in the teacher's room as its inhabitants, but for teachers it is a unique opportunity to become a spy and observe from the outside. Perhaps this will change the attitude of both students and teachers to each other. Just do not be too strict teachers, because then you have to return to your place.

Flash mob

At the biggest break in the schoolyard, arrange a real flash mob. Pair up and go with the textbooks. Then put on a show. At the same time, start dancing to a famous school song (school anthem, if available). Movements should not be difficult and memorable.

How do you prepare for Teacher's Day?

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To celebrate Teacher's Day brightly and cheerfully, you need to give up banal holiday concerts, but show a little imagination.

Star Trek

Almost every school has red carpets. They are often spread out for graduates. Why not use them? Lay, for example, such a carpet at the entrance to the assembly hall so that teachers, walking on them, could feel like real stars of this day. Let each teacher appear in the hall with incendiary music, applause, camera flashes and joyful greetings.

Original script

To make the concert not boring, you can write the entire script for one unusual situation. For example, a plane with students falls into the ocean, and all the children find themselves on a small desert island without food or water. They need to choose who will be in charge of the island and therefore boys and girls begin to show each other their talents in order to determine who is the best. Plus, you can come up with an original ending. It will be both fun and interesting.


It is customary for teachers to give flowers and sweets, and, most likely, they are already pretty tired of them. You can choose an unusual gift for each teacher, starting from the subject taught by the teacher, or from the interests of the teacher himself. For example, chemistry can be presented with a flower vase in the form of a flask, on which various chemical elements will be written, and a literature teacher - one of the books of modern authors, far from the school curriculum.


A concert usually lasts 1.5 or 2 hours. During this time, you can have time to get hungry. But instead of the usual sandwiches or buns from the canteen, you can present the teachers with homemade goodies. Prepare one dish from each class, be it pizza or pie. Alternatively, you might even ask your students to cook at home. In this case, the variety of treats will delight your favorite teachers. This version of the buffet table will be the most suitable, firstly, it is much tastier than the usual snacks, and secondly, it is immediately obvious that the students treat their senior mentors with love.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday. No school life is complete without him. And it should be remembered for the whole year. The main thing is that teachers feel needed not only on this day, but throughout all the years of their work, because a teacher is not just a person who gives knowledge, he is a person who opens doors for children to a new, completely unfamiliar world.