How to leave a guy if there is another. How to take and leave a guy without offending him

Almost every girl had such a case when she wanted to leave a guy, but at the same time, without offending him. To do this in practice turned out to be much more difficult than in words. Breakups are difficult for many reasons:

  • Unwillingness to hurt the guy (with his refusal).

  • Fear of the guy and his actions. Some men have a very nasty and quick-tempered character, such men can still begin to persecute, and sometimes even beat the girls.

  • Sometimes a guy knows more about a girl than he should, and after parting, he can tell everyone her secret.

  • The desire to remain friends. Sometimes guys turn out to be great friends (loyal, brave, understanding), but absolutely disgusting lovers - in such cases it is better to part with good friends.

In general, you realized that leaving a guy without offending him is in your own interests. Now let's look at the ways of parting.

How to leave a guy without hurting him:

  • Set up a breakup! The easiest way not to offend a guy is to make him think that he left you, not you. To do this, introduce him to your beautiful girlfriend, and ask her to play along - as if she is in love with him and wants to start dating him. For your part, behave as disgustingly as possible. Do whatever he doesn't like to make him want to break the old relationship by starting a new one. However, here you will need a reliable girlfriend who will not give you up.

  • Throw a guy over text. A great option for those who do not know how to properly express their thoughts in words. Make up an SMS so that he learns the following essence: he is the best guy on Earth, but you have ceased to have feelings for him and thus do not want to lead him by the nose. Let it be better to leave now, and not in 5 years, because it is much more difficult. And wish him lots of love.

  • Leave him for cheating. If you are too proud to humiliate yourself in front of a guy, set him up - ask your very beautiful girlfriend to openly flirt with him, and maybe even persuade him to go to the movies or a restaurant. You, in turn, catch him hot and make a scandal that will lead to parting. If a guy takes offense at anyone, then only at himself or at your girlfriend.

  • Stop seeing him. An excellent reason for parting is short and rare meetings. Leave the city on business, spend a lot of time in classes, circles and courses, demonstrate your exceptional employment. To get the guy used to spending time without you. Over time, he will understand that he is fine without your presence, and you without him.

  • Arrange a scandal from scratch. Scandals are an excellent reason for parting - start throwing tantrums at him more often, shout at him, resent his actions. Believe me, men have little patience, and sooner or later, he will leave you himself and will not be offended in the slightest by you.

  • Admit that you have a different orientation. This is a modern excuse to leave a guy without offending him. Believe me, today there are a lot of girls who dream of connecting their lives with the female sex! Optionally, you will need to prove it, because you have not cheated and are not cheating on him with girls. Suffice it to say that you have realized the fact that men do not attract you at all, either morally or sexually. By the way, this method is ideal for those who want to break the holiday romance.

When a relationship reaches an impasse, the thought of parting inevitably appears. Most girls want to say goodbye to a guy without getting hurt. How to do this when a person feels sympathy? How to leave a guy without hurting him? It is important to choose the right time, place and the right words. Let's consider several options.

"Hey, can we break up?"

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but parting by SMS or through electronic networks is gaining momentum in the age of technological progress. Write the guy a message on VKontakte that you want to break the connection. State your thoughts clearly. You must be sure of what you say, there will be no turning back.

The method is good because the young man will not be able to kiss or hold you. Virtual contact will smooth out sharp corners, since the interlocutors are on opposite sides of the monitors. Form a message in such a way that it does not bombard you with a bunch of questions, everything should be simple and transparent. Describe the severity of the situation without fancy phrases. Tell me what you don't like. Send a long message with all the nuances. Be sure to apologize and make it clear that it's not his fault.

“You see, I prefer girls…”

The most effective way, which is not suitable for everyone. Many modern girls resort to such a trick. Sincerely admit to the guy that girls have been attracting you lately, and you can no longer fight the attraction. Do not forget to mention that from now on men do not excite you, the devilish essence will soon break out.

It is not necessary to prove what was said, perhaps he will offer a threesome or take you on a "weak" that you can not kiss "that beautiful girl over there." Do not fall for tricks, do not laugh, it is important to believe in the invented story yourself. The method is effective, despite the absurdity.

The method is not suitable for girls living with a guy in a small town where everyone knows each other. Thus, you can end the holiday romance without offending anyone. Look at the situation, if you have known a guy recently, and he knows little about the personal life of his companion, then go for it!

"I'm Anna, let's meet?"

You can not offend a guy when parting with the help of a girlfriend. Two weeks before the expected date of the break, persuade a friend to start chasing after your boyfriend. She needs to flirt with a guy, lead to frank conversations and spend time together. Please note that the candidate must be charming, attractive and credible, otherwise nothing will work. You need to become the worst girl in the world for these half a month. Arrange scandals, saw, swear.

The situation is to force the guy to leave you himself. He is sure that a beautiful young lady is waiting for him, easy to communicate and conflict-free. Many young men prefer such ladies, so with your behavior you will push him to the cherished step and don’t offend a bit, he made the choice himself. If everything works out, ask a friend to talk with him for another week, gradually moving away. Male pride will not suffer much, because the guy has known her for several weeks.

"We need to have a serious talk..."

This method is not cunning, everything is quite transparent. Tell your boyfriend that you want to meet for a serious conversation. Make an appointment in advance, he will need time for moral preparation.

At the meeting, let them know that the feelings have passed, they can’t be returned. Don't be rude, insult or shout. Do not make claims and do not focus on his personal qualities. If you mention that you are not happy with the behavior, he may begin to beg and reassure that he will change. Do not make empty promises and do not offer to remain friends, such an attitude will humiliate him.

Do not drag out the conversation, end the conversation as soon as you understand that he is not going to go on a binge or drive a car around the city at night. Show yourself as a polite, persistent person, do not reproach. Do not hug or kiss the guy as a reassurance, tactile sensations put a lot of pressure on emotions.

  1. Prepare your speech in advance, you need to look confident, speak clearly and be ready for anything. If necessary, rehearse in front of a mirror so that you can observe your own face, it should not show pity.
  2. Neutral territory is suitable as a meeting place for a serious conversation. The place of the gap should not be fraught with pleasant memories.
  3. Whatever happens in a couple's life, respect must remain. This does not apply to cases of infidelity, where this behavior is highly inappropriate. Choose the right time, do not report the break at a difficult moment in his life or in front of outsiders.
  4. Stay calm, don't yell at the guy, even if he pisses you off. Do not follow the emotions, do not remember the nasty things that can fly at your address.
  5. If the decision to break up is final and non-negotiable, be brief but polite.
  6. Do not postpone the conversation for later, claims will accumulate and emotions will break out at the most unfortunate moment.
  7. Don't ask your girlfriends to tell the guy you're dumping him. This is a cowardly, disrespectful and pathetic act.
  8. If you want to have a friend as a friend, offer this kind of communication after parting. You don’t need to say this when parting, otherwise the situation will look like this: “I don’t need your love, but friendship is fine.”

Feelings have passed, and you want to leave the guy without offending him? Involve a friend in the operation, she should be relaxed and sociable. For a short-term relationship, the method of an imaginary change of orientation is suitable, and for a long-term relationship, it is better to choose a face-to-face conversation. Avid Internet users should take a closer look at email or video chat, as a last resort. Remain calm, polite, and confident throughout the conversation.

Video: how to leave a guy so that he is not offended

When a relationship becomes a burden, and you realize that this is not your person, the question arises of how to leave a guy. In this article, the women's magazine "" will give useful advice on how to part as quickly as possible and with minimal losses on both sides.

How to leave a guy so that he would not be offended?

Each of us had such a moment when in a relationship you realize that a person is more your friend than your soulmate. And I want to part with him without offending him and without losing further communication. So how do you do it?

The only correct option would be to tell the truth: why and why are you breaking up. So you not only do not lose a person, but also do not offend him.

The main thing is to talk competently and calmly about everything. By continuing to cheat on him, you will only make the guy hate you, and you will never be able to communicate well with him again.

How to leave a guy who loves you?

To begin with, consider whether it is worth leaving the person who loves you? Since you were together with him, it means that you had feelings for him.

But at some point you realized that for some reason he did not suit you. So, maybe you should try to build a relationship with the person who loves you?

Indeed, in our World, full of falsehood and deceit, there is so little real and pure love, and it makes no sense to lose something sincere and real. Try to determine for yourself what does not suit you in it, perhaps this can be somehow corrected.

Well, if you really don’t want to continue a relationship with him, then it’s better to just talk honestly and explain that your feelings have passed, and it’s far from him.

Since if you say that the reason is in him, a person can generally withdraw into himself, because he loves you.

How to make a guy leave you?

In fact, what would a guy leave you himself, you can come up with many options. But do you think it's worth it? After all, it can be done both ways. Without scandals and insults.

Although many young people do not understand simple words. So I'll tell you about one situation that happened to my girlfriend. She met with a young man for quite a long time, when they began to live together, she realized that this was not the person with whom she would like to connect her life. And I decided to talk to him.

She told him that she did not triple in him. He, of course, promised to improve. Some time passed, and she again decided to talk to him. Since nothing has changed after his promises. But this conversation did not bring results.

In another quarrel, she nevertheless left him. Unfortunately, this did not become the reason for their breakup. As a result, she met a good man, they began a friendship, with a hint of something big.

And when her “ex” boyfriend did find out about her new relationship, they had an unpleasant conversation, in which she still managed to convey to him that they were no longer together. Of course, the result of this conversation was a scandal between them, but after it they still broke up.

In such cases, indeed, all means are good. After all, you won’t be forced to be nice.

In general, if you really decide to leave, remember7 basic steps:

- Clearly state the reason for the breakup

Clearly tell your man the reason. It is advisable not to give examples from life, as they most often look like an accusation.

- don't blame

Blame is the cause of the weak. Your conversation will take place with a person with whom you had feelings, relationships and a lot of good things.

In principle, he does not deserve accusations at such a difficult moment. Most importantly, do not say hackneyed phrases: » it's not about you…» .

- Rehearse in advance

Your conversation may be different, but the rehearsal makes sense. In a conversation, you will feel more confident, and if you are really tuned in, then nothing will lead you astray.

- Avoid memories of the past

Memories can be the main reason to change your mind. Romantic evenings together, walks under the moon - all this can affect you and the outcome of the situation.

Don't let your partner start reminiscing about the conversation.

-For a conversation, it is better to choose a neutral place

No shared apartments, favorite places in the city, parks and restaurants where you often went. Of course, the metro stop is not the best place for parting. Let this be the place where you have never been and never will be.

The place of your break should not further remind you of this not a pleasant moment.

-Don't scream

At such a moment, it is better not to give in to emotions and accusations.

You might want to apologize for what you said later,

- No need to be friends

Nothing good will come of it if you remain friends. You will still remind each other of your relationship.

And finally, I would like to add: the main secret of parting is to be honest. No need to think through complex strategies and tricky moves, avoid communication or, God forbid, leave a guy via SMS or the Internet.

Believe me, all this will only complicate an already unpleasant situation. So break up honestly - this will make life much easier for yourself ... and your ex-boyfriend *victory*

How to leave a guy when the decision has already been made, but you don’t want to offend the young man. Girls quite often become the initiator of breaking up relationships. At the same time, it is advisable to leave the guy beautifully so as not to feel guilty and not to hurt the guy, because a breakup is always accompanied by an emotional and psychological burden for both partners. Sometimes the issue of breaking up a relationship drags on for a long time, because a girl cannot find the right words and a way to break up with a guy.

Ways to dump a guy

If you have already decided to leave the guy, then you need to do this as quickly as possible, without giving him hope that everything is fine in your relationship and nothing threatens them. When you understand that the relationship has reached an impasse, and you do not see further development, then the decision to leave the guy is absolutely correct, you should not waste either yours or his time. When throwing a guy, it is important to understand that by doing this you are not destroying his life, and therefore you should not blame yourself. There is no way to properly dump a guy, each person needs an individual approach. However, there are a few basic rules that will help make the process of parting less painful and unpleasant.

Rule number one - be honest

If you have already decided to leave the guy, then be honest with him. You should not invent non-existent reasons, but breaking up with banal formulaic phrases is not always the best solution. Try to explain your feelings to the young man as honestly as possible, tell the young man that your relationship has reached an impasse, and you do not see the further development of your relationship. At the same time, you don’t need to feel sorry for the guy if he starts making excuses or begging for a second chance.

Thus, you will only make it worse, extending a relationship without a future does not make sense, unless you yourself want it.

The second rule is neutral territory

Dumping the guy you love is best on no man's land, as this gives you the option to leave at any time. It is especially difficult to part with a guy when there are still certain feelings for him, because the girl is afraid to offend, hurt the young man with her departure. Despite this, if the decision to break up is made, then you need to act. Neutral territory, like a coffee shop, is the best solution, since you may not have to listen to the pleas for a second chance, accusations or criticism against you, because it is quite difficult to predict the reaction of a guy.

The third rule is boundaries

When parting with a guy, you need to correctly formulate your decision so as not to give him hope that you will return. If you do not plan to communicate with this person anymore, then you must immediately establish boundaries and explain to him that you do not want to continue the relationship in any form, including friendship.

This applies to casual meetings, communication on social networks and on the phone.

For girls who find it difficult to tell the guy personally about the breakup, there is an alternative solution - to leave the guy via SMS. It is very important to carefully consider the text of the SMS, where you need to say not only that you are leaving it, but also explain the objective reasons. In this case, you should not enter into correspondence or answer a phone call.

Many girls don't know how dump the guy so that he is not offended, and perhaps remains a friend or good acquaintance. Due to lack of knowledge, girls make many different mistakes, leaving guys carelessly and even offending them so much that various unforeseen situations then happen.

In this article, you will learn how dump the guy so that he is not offended and what needs to be done for this. After all, if you learn how to dump guys correctly and without offense, then they will recommend you to their friends, which will increase your chances of finding a decent guy.

How to leave a guy

Offer friendship

The best way to dump a guy so he doesn't get offended is to offer him friendship. He may react to this in different ways, but mostly he will think that this is a test of feelings and devotion. Therefore, by offering friendship to a guy, you will not offend him and quickly and easily leave him. But remember, the reaction of the guy can be different, so you need to prepare the guy for this conversation and choose the right place and time for this conversation.

tell the truth

How to leave a guy VK by correspondence

If you correctly and calmly explain the reason for the breakup, he will respect you even more and not be offended by you. Continuing to lie and say unrealistic things, the guy will hate you and will never respect you, try to return and recommend you to his friends, of which, perhaps, is your destiny and ideal.

Why do you want to leave your boyfriend

Often girls do not think logically and make ill-considered decisions, think right now why you want dump the guy so that he is not offended, is it worth doing it at all. Maybe the guy loves you, and you are looking for your ideal in the wrong place, maybe he is your ideal, all his positive aspects are simply not disclosed.

How can you leave a guy

Give him time and help the guy to reveal all his talents and good sides. After all, there are many modest guys in the world, inside of which great knowledge and positive qualities are hidden, and perhaps one of them is your destiny, with such a guy you can be happy.

When a guy opens up quickly, you can immediately see who he is inside, but this does not mean that only brave guys can make you happier. Since often it is the modest character of a guy that prevents him from revealing himself, and it seems to girls from the side that modest guys are not capable of anything and do not have any good qualities.

Just say you want to leave

Communicate with the guy sincerely, heart to heart, to leave the guy so that he is not offended, say that you need to leave, that you do not feel any feelings. This will not offend the guy, but he can be disappointed like anyone else after breaking up with his girlfriend.

How to leave a guy without getting hurt

If you really want dump the guy due to lack of feeling, then just say it. If the problem is material, and you want to find a wealthier guy, then it’s not a fact that you will suffer even more, because material problems or their absence do not solve problems with feelings, relationships and love.

You need to love a person as he is inside, and matter can both appear and disappear throughout life and relationships. The rich go broke, the poor get rich, you never know who you date and who he will be in the future, even if he looks and acts humble.