How to quickly get a tan in a solarium. How to sunbathe. Tips that will save you from premature aging and skin cancer To have a good tan

Careless attitude to your body and excessive sunbathing can lead to the development of cancer. At the peak of its activity, the sun does not benefit, but only causes harm. Tourists and just vacationers on the local beach should remember this. The level of solar activity is highest from 10 am to 4 pm. At this time, a person in a few minutes of exposure to the scorching sun can get a serious burn. This is especially dangerous for people with fair skin.

You need to overcome your laziness and go sunbathing in the morning. This is the perfect time for a proper and even tan. The first few days, the skin should get used to the sun exposure. Therefore, you should sunbathe for 15 minutes a day and gradually increase the time to 2 hours. It is impossible in the first days to completely expose the body. For starters, you can leave a T-shirt on the body. While swimming in the sea or river, a person can also get burned. Drops of water work like a magnifying glass and attract the rays of the sun. Therefore, it is better to cover your back and shoulders for the first time while swimming. After a couple of days, you can completely bare yourself to a swimsuit and enjoy the gentle rays of the sun to the fullest.

The closer you are on the beach to the water, the faster you will tan, as the water reflects light. The same principle applies if, after bathing, a person does not wipe himself with a towel. In the first days of your stay on the beach, it is better to stay away from the water's edge and dry yourself with a towel.

Of course, many of these rules will seem strange and inappropriate when a person from far away went to the sea to swim and get a proper bronze tan. But precautions will not hurt if you don’t want to treat burns and rashes on your body all the time.

Necessary paraphernalia on the beach

We must not forget about sunscreen for the body and face. They will help to avoid burns, contribute to proper tanning and maintain the integrity of the skin. In the first days of a beach holiday, it is better to use a cream with a high degree of protection. Do not forget about a hat that will save you from sunstroke and save your hair. They also deteriorate from sun exposure. Sunglasses are an important attribute on the beach. A woman should remember that you should not use decorative cosmetics on the beach. You can only moisturize your lips with hygienic lipstick from time to time.

If a person has skin problems: rashes, wounds, a large number of moles, then it is better for him not to sunbathe at all. It is better to stay with pale skin than to get skin cancer.

The times when pale skin was considered a sign of aristocracy are long gone. A bronze, even tan today not only attracts enchanted glances, but also testifies to the success of its owner. Therefore, many of us are thinking about how to keep the tan obtained during the holidays longer.

Secret number 1. Training

An important condition for obtaining an even, beautiful and lasting tan is the preliminary preparation of the skin. Before a trip to the sea, you should take care of cleansing the skin, for this you need to do mechanical peeling. This procedure will help remove dead epidermal cells that prevent ultraviolet penetration into the deeper layers of the skin, where melanin, the pigment that gives the skin a bronze color, accumulates. It is worth remembering that after the procedure, the skin becomes vulnerable to sunlight, so you should start sunbathing only after a few days. It is also recommended to visit a sauna or bath for a stable even tan.

Secret number 2. Better less is better

The most common mistake people make when they finally reach the sun is lying on the beach all day long. Thus, you run the risk of getting a banal burn instead of tanning and ruining your vacation. The secret to a long-lasting tan is the gradual production of melanin. In order for the optimal amount of melanin to be produced, you need to sunbathe before 11 am or in the evening after 5 pm. Sunburn will be even and beautiful if you stay under the rays of the sun for no more than five minutes, and the rest of the time you bask under the shade of an awning. In the shade, the skin is also exposed to ultraviolet radiation, but the risk of getting burned is minimized, and the tan lasts much longer.

Secret number 3. Proper Care

In the first days of sun exposure, it is imperative to use sunscreen, which must be selected according to skin type. So owners of snow-white skin should choose products with maximum SPF protection factors. Owners of dark skin should not resort to tanning products in the early days, as a rule, they contain low SPF protection factors, which often are not able to protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to premature skin aging. It is better to use products with SPF 20 protection factors, and after a few days resort to the help of products that enhance the tan.

It is important to remember about additional hydration of the skin, because the sun and salty sea water dry it out. Therefore, be sure to come from the beach, take a shower and apply a moisturizer. Well-moisturized skin is the key to a beautiful, long-lasting tan.

Secret number 4. Proper nutrition

A beautiful bronze tan largely depends on how we eat. One of the natural tanning stimulants is vitamin A, which enhances the production of melanin pigment, which gives the skin a bronze tint. Diversify your diet with foods rich in this vitamin, including orange or red vegetables and fruits in your diet - carrots, apricots, red peppers, peaches, watermelons, melons. With their daily use, the tan becomes brighter and lasts much longer.

Secret number 5. Caring for immunity

An essential condition for a good, healthy tan is the preparation of the immune system. After all, a tan is essentially a burn, which means stress for our body, contributing to a weakening of the immune system. As a result, the risk of getting colds increases. And there is no time for tanning! A natural remedy can provide invaluable support to health -. It contains grapefruit seed extract, rich in the bioflavonoid naringin, and vitamin C. Naringin combines the unique properties of a "natural antibiotic" and antioxidant, and vitamin C in Citrolux enhances the ability of naringin and its antioxidant properties. Thus, Citrolux helps to promote health and protect the body from free radicals formed during sunburn. Taking Citrolux you can become the owner of a healthy beautiful tan that will delight you for a long time!

It's time to enjoy the summer and sunbathe! They say that the Moscow tan keeps well ...

The beach at Muzeon

This year in the park Museon equipped the beach - brought sand and sunbeds. Anyone can come there to sunbathe. Nearby you can buy lemonades (250 rubles), coffee (200 rubles), sandwiches and ice cream.
Entrance free.

Beaches in Fili Park

In the park "Fili" opened as many as three recreation areas on the water. Two of them are reserved for adults, and one for children (the depth of the children's pool is only 60 centimeters). The water for the pools is taken from Moscow river, pre-cleaning and heating it to a comfortable temperature in 24 degrees. On the territory there are sunbeds and armchairs, showers, places for changing clothes, playgrounds for sports games, as well as picnic areas with barbecue grills, tables and other amenities.
Where: metro station "Bagrationovskaya", Bolshaya Filevskaya st., 32, bldg. 3.
Prices: adults - 700 r. on weekdays and 800 weekends, kids 650 and 700 r. respectively.

Lake Meshcherskoe

There are benches, showers, fences for children, a fisherman's area, even a small parking lot. On the beach there are kiosks selling drinks and pastries, a pharmacy, security. One caveat: it is officially allowed to swim only on a small patch.
Where: Voskresenskaya st., 5. From the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, take bus number 66 to the final stop.
Entrance free.

Beach at the sports complex "Chaika"

Ideal for those who, in addition to sunbathing and swimming, want to play active games and do fitness. On the territory of the sports complex there is a large open-air swimming pool, near which you can sunbathe on sun loungers. For beach visitors there are free yoga classes, free entry to the gym, sauna and so on.
Where: metro station "Park Kultury", Turchaninov per., 3, building 1.
Price: 2000 rubles for all day.

school lake

The beach is sandy and grassy. There is a rescue tower. One of the best coastal areas near Moscow for sports and entertainment events: in good weather, basketball, volleyball, and badminton tournaments are held on the beach. Boat rental is available (500 rubles). Drinks and food can be bought at a cafe nearby.
Where: Zelenograd. From the metro station "Rechnoy Vokzal" - minibus No. 431M (to the stop "Oktyabrskaya").

black lake

This is a former peat quarry: the water, saturated with peat decomposition products, is dark in color - hence the name. On the beach there are sports and playgrounds, a sanitary point. But there is no cafe nearby: we bring food and drinks from home.
Where: Zelenograd. The first stop of bus number 400 at the entrance to the city. Then walk about seven minutes through the forest.
Entrance free.

Serebryany Bor No. 2

Yes, this is the cleanest body of water in the city. The beach is organized but small. There is a playground and a paddling pool. There is a cafe, a VIP area with a solarium, a restaurant with an open veranda. Sun lounger rental - 500 r. (for 12 hours), catamaran rental for an hour - 600 r.
Where: Tamanskaya st., 44. We exit the Polezhaevskaya metro station, go to a bus stop in the direction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Serebryany Bor and take minibus No. 593M or trolleybus No. 21.
Entrance free.

Serebryany Bor No. 3

Beach number 3 - the most popular beach Moscow. It stretches for more than a kilometer, but on hot days it is still too crowded. New cabanas, tidy toilets, freshly painted awnings and umbrellas. Scattered throughout the territory are cafes, tents with ice cream and drinks. Towel rental - 200 r., boat rental for an hour - 500 r.
Where: Tamanskaya st., 2/2. We leave the Polezhaevskaya metro station, go to the bus stop in the direction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Serebryany Bor and take minibus No. 190M.
Entrance free.

Often people prefer to have tanned skin all year round. And if in summer there is enough sun in their native lands, then in winter many people have a question: “Where can I sunbathe?”. The question is especially relevant if you have a long-awaited vacation and want sun and warmth.

Our planet is rich in many beautiful places where you can enjoy the warmth and take solar treatments at any time of the year. Perhaps you will like mysterious India or exotic Thailand, you will want to visit Bali, or majestic Egypt.

Winter time is a great time for sunbathing in tropical countries

Escape from the winter cold to a sunny country is a real bliss. Holidays in winter will turn into a sea of ​​​​fun and joy. Having spent a vacation in one of the tropical countries, you will know exactly where to sunbathe in the winter next year.

1. General rules for tanning in warm countries. In order not to burn immediately, to shine with a bronze tan, follow simple rules:

  • For gentle skin protection, use sunscreens, ointments, emulsions. For children, the protection factor should be 50 or higher.
  • Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your neck, ears, nose, and toes.
  • Cover your lips with a protective balm.
  • Opt for loose-fitting, long-sleeved clothing.
  • Limit sun exposure on the first day to 10-15 minutes.

2. Egypt. This country is famous for its magnificent beaches. The coast is very diverse - there are sandy beaches and coral ones. Egypt is a real sunny paradise, where you can sunbathe from December to February. In winter, the water warms up to +24 degrees, the air - up to +27 degrees. Snow-white sand, many cozy bays, the most beautiful underwater world, the expanse of water shimmering with different colors will give a feeling of joy and peace.


Purchase shoes for sea swimming so as not to injure your feet on fairly sharp coral reefs.


Hotel owners often go to the trick of pointing out that the beach is sandy, although the seabed may be coral.

3. Thailand. Are you still thinking where to get a tan in January, February? Take a closer look at winter holidays in exotic Thailand. In November - March, water and air warm up to an average of +30 degrees.

During the winter in Thailand, the skies are often overcast. Many tourists try to stay longer on the beach for a better tan. You should know that at this time the action of ultraviolet rays remains as strong and you can quickly get burned, as on sunny days.

Interesting video


1. There are a lot of fakes in the country. Even purchased sunscreen in the store can be not only useless, but also quite harmful to health.

2. Tourists are often offered coconut oil to protect their skin. Remember that coconut oil is a tanning agent. Spreading it on the beach, you can get burned in a matter of minutes.

Let the "country of smiles" give you only positive emotions and a delightful tan!

Many people, especially girls, dream of a beautiful and even tan. However, not everyone manages to go to hot countries or spend the whole summer in the country, and the weather this year is not very sunny. Read the material "RIAMO in Korolev" about the benefits of urban tanning and available options for those who want to tan without leaving Korolev.

Pros of urban tanning

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If you didn’t manage to go to the resort, then you can get a tan in the city. Moreover, such a tan has several advantages.

The Moscow region and the southern resorts are located at different latitudes, so the sun's rays fall at different angles. The southern tan is a rich, brown, while our stripe's tan is a lighter, bronzed tan that looks more natural.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, less sunlight hits the skin, and the angle of incidence is not so “aggressive”, which means that the risk of “burning out” is much lower. In the south, sunburns are very unpleasant and painful, and sometimes dangerous to health.

Finally, the southern tan is "washed off" after 2-3 weeks, and the city tan lasts much longer - sometimes up to several months.

How to sunbathe

The best tan is natural, obtained under the rays of the summer sun in compliance with all safety rules.

It is most convenient to sunbathe for two to three hours on weekends. The best time for sunbathing is in the early morning before 10:00 and in the evening after 16:00. At this time, the sun is low on the horizon, the rays fall on the skin at a tangent, and the risk of "burning out" or getting sunstroke is minimal.

It is also important not to lie in one position for a long time. If you often move and turn over, then the tan will be more even. It also reduces the risk of overheating. It is recommended to wear a hat or cap and sunglasses.

Be sure to use high-quality tanning products, and then properly care for your skin with moisturizers and special creams.

It is important to remember that you need to sunbathe correctly and in moderation. Excessive and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation can harm the body. Among the negative consequences are serious burns, dehydration and "aging" of the skin, rosacea - the expansion of facial vessels, as well as the formation of mutations in cells that can cause melanoma and skin cancer.

Balconies, verandas, parks

Gif: GIPHY website

Even without leaving the city, you can get a tan no worse than at sea - the tan will turn out to be even and soft, it will not come off for a long time, and you can hardly worry about sunburn.

The easiest way to sunbathe on the balcony in your own apartment. Here you can put on a swimsuit, put a soft mattress, put a jug with a soft drink next to it, listen to music or watch a movie from a laptop, read a book.

You can also sunbathe in the courtyard of the house, on the summer verandas and cafe terraces, in any open areas. However, do not forget to be polite and undress too much - instead of a swimsuit, you should wear shorts and a T-shirt.

City parks are great for sunbathing. You can either take a walk in the fresh air in short and light clothes, or sit on the banks of local reservoirs, spreading a towel.

Reservoirs Queen

The most ideal place for sunbathing is near the reservoirs. It is always nice to lie on the beach, relax in nature.

There are several reservoirs in the city district of Korolev. The beach on the banks of the Klyazma near Shapkin Bridge and Lake Torfyanka in the Peat Enterprise microdistrict on the territory of the Losiny Ostrov nature reserve are especially popular with residents. Outside the district there are Pirogovskoye and Klyazma reservoirs, Shchelkovo quarries, which are quite easy to get from Korolev.

It is worth remembering that swimming is prohibited in most reservoirs, but it does not hurt to sunbathe on the shore.


A sure way to get a beautiful and even tan is to go to the solarium. To avoid harm to the skin, you must strictly follow all the rules.

People with type 1 skin - owners of very light skin, light hair and eyes - are generally not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium, it is better to do it in the sun, and then very carefully. However, if you really want to, you can go there no more than twice a week. The session should not exceed 3 minutes, especially for the first time.

Owners of type 2 skin with light eyes and light brown hair can sunbathe in a solarium for 3-5 minutes. You can visit it 3 times a week, but then you need to limit your stay in the active sun.

People with skin types 3 and 4 - dark-haired and brown-eyed - can sunbathe in a solarium for up to 20 minutes, but the first session should not last more than 7 minutes. You can visit the solarium up to 3 times a week.

There are three types of solariums: turbo-tanning, vertical and horizontal. In the salon, experts will talk about the features of each of them and advise which one is better to choose.

Particular attention should be paid to solarium cosmetics, which differ from conventional sunscreens and suntan creams. Solarium products enhance the action of ultraviolet radiation and deeply moisturize the skin.

People with tattoos in the tanning bed should use regular sunscreen to protect the tattooed areas. When exposed to ultraviolet light, tattoo pigments can fade or become allergenic to the body.

photo lamps

Photo lamps are ideal for tanning at home. In fact, their scope is very wide. With the help of such lamps, you can disinfect the room, fight the spread of various diseases, they can also be used for manicure and tanning.

There are open and closed UV lamps. Open houses are not used - they are intended for hospitals, clinics, kindergartens, as they fight bacteria and viruses very effectively. Enclosed lamps are less powerful, so they are safe for home use.

With the help of photo lamps, tanning enthusiasts can arrange a mini-tanning bed at home. During the purchase, you need to consider the purpose of the device - for example, a lamp designed for manicure is not suitable for tanning. There are also multifunctional devices with many nozzles and several lamps, but they are much more expensive.

The procedure of controlled irradiation is shown to almost everyone during the period of seasonal infectious diseases, so the UV lamp is useful not only in summer. However, you must strictly follow the instructions so that the device brings only benefits. The main rule is not to overdo it. It is recommended to start the procedure with a few minutes, as in a conventional solarium.

self tanning

Website of the women's online magazine "Lady's Club"

Self-tanning is an option for those who do not want or cannot be in the sun, and also want immediate results. This cosmetic product comes in the form of a spray or cream.

When buying self-tanner, you need to pay attention to skin tone. You should not take too pale a shade, it is also important not to overdo it with color. It is not recommended to use products from different companies for different parts of the body - shades can differ significantly even with the same marking. In addition, one brand may have a ready-made tanning line for the face, arms and legs, and torso.

It is worth remembering about a possible allergic reaction, so first you need to try the remedy on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Before applying self-tanning, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub and wipe it dry. You need to apply the product from the feet and move up. The minimum amount of product should fall on the inside of the elbows and knees. After application, self-tanner must be allowed to absorb well, otherwise it can not only stain clothes, but also lie unevenly on the skin.

For a one-time effect, bronzes are perfect. They allow you to choose many shades and superficially stain the skin, so they are very easy to wash off with water. This option is suitable, for example, for a party.