How to make snakes from plasticine. Master class "king cobra". Modeling "marble" snake from plasticine of two colors

Bright plasticine allows you to realize many pedagogical goals in the process of raising a child. Sculpting develops large-scale spatial perception, fosters artistic taste, and fosters perseverance and planning skills to achieve the best result. You can talk for a long time about the benefits of mass for modeling, adults should understand that the kid must be shown interesting master classes on working with plasticine.

If you find it difficult to choose a specific figurine for creativity, try to mold a fairy-tale character. In this master class, I will show you how to blind the Serpent Gorynych, in stages. These recommendations can be used, but no one forbids adults and children to show imagination.

How to mold the Snake Gorynych from plasticine:

1. It is generally accepted that the Serpent Gorynych is a three-headed dragon of green color, therefore, use a block of this particular shade in the course of work. Use the plastic tool from the kit to divide the material and create the relief.

2. At the first stage, cut off half of the green plasticine, knead in the palms and form a ball.

3. In a circular motion, press down on the ball, pulling out one part. You should get a sharp tail.

4. Sharpen the end of the tail even more by attaching an arrow to it, place a row of triangular scales along the back.

5. Roll three sausages from the remaining green plasticine - the heads of the fairytale hero. Leave some material for sculpting the legs.

6. Attach the heads to the body by carefully pressing down the clay and masking the joints. If the material is soft, insert a strong wire inside to make the necks flexible.

7. From green balls, small white cakes and black grains, make eyes for each head. Pierce the nostrils with the tip of the instrument.

8. Attach the ball-toed legs to the torso. Serpent Gorynych can already move on the ground.

9. It is imperative to enable the character to fly. To sculpt the wings, prepare a tool and a piece of red plasticine.

10. Divide the selected block into two parts, roll each into a ball, then press with your fingers until the state of the cake is triangular. Draw the webbing on the wings with the tool.

11. Attach the red limbs to the back. The snake Gorynych from plasticine is ready to fly to the fairytale castle, where the beautiful princess lives.

Modeling a snake from plasticine is an excellent plot for those who are going to make a craft from plastic mass for the first time. There is nothing complicated in creating a snake from plasticine, and therefore even the smallest child can recreate a small copy of this reptile with his hands. In today's master class, we have shown one of the simple ways to create a snake. And we blind not an ordinary snake, but a beautiful cobra.

So, first, prepare everything you need to sculpt a snake:

  • a set of high-quality plasticine;
  • plastic stack with a sharp end;
  • brush;
  • toothpick.

How to make a cobra out of plasticine

Step 1. Select a brown and yellow bar from the set. Thoroughly knead each piece of the plate in your hands and give them the shape of sausages. Now we connect their ends and wrap the second brown blank with yellow sausage.

We roll out the details into a flagellum. We make one of the ends of the base larger to form the head of the reptile.

Step 2. With a plastic stack with a sharp end, we push the texture on the base, imitating a flake coating. At the top (head) of the snake, the texture is less pronounced, so we do not process it with a stack.

Step 3. Give the head of the cobra a more realistic and correct shape. Pull out the tip slightly and flatten the side parts.

Step 4. Mark the place under the eyes with shallow pits made with the back of the brush.

Roll up tiny balls from black plasticine, stick on them white glare of an even smaller size and glue the details into the recesses.

Draw the snake's nostrils and mouth with a toothpick.

Step 5. The main distinguishing feature of cobras from other snakes is the hood, which she inflates only in case of danger to warn of an attack. We sculpt the hood of the cobra from a brown piece of mass. Create a flat drop-shaped blank. Cut it in half with a knife.

We attach these details to the side parts of the body.

Step 6. Select the lower part of the head, hood and torso with another shade of plasticine - beige. Immediately draw a texture on the bottom of the snake.

Now the cobra can be shaped into any shape. We form several rings from the body and tail, and bring the head and swollen hood up above the rings.

Glue a thin forked tongue made of red plasticine to the mouth line.

Since we already know how, the sculpting of the Serpent Gorynych will not cause you any difficulties, because these mythical characters are similar. Only Serpent Gorynych is a primordially Russian hero, and the dragon came to us from Eastern mythology. In any case, you may need to blind the Serpent Gorynych if you stage a puppet show based on a popular folk tale. There is no need to explain to anyone that such a character is usually depicted as green, with a long tail and three fire-breathing heads.

To sculpt the Serpent Gorynych, you need to take:

  • green and red plasticine;
  • black and yellow plasticine;
  • stack.

1. Most of all green plasticine will be used for modeling all the main parts. Also, the mass should be dense enough to keep its shape well, especially in the place of the future attachment of three heads.

2. Roll one large ball for the torso and tail, three small balls for the head and neck.

3. Turn all prepared green parts into tadpoles.

4. Bend the details (head and neck), extend the front of the muzzle. Cut the jaws. The snake should be made fire-breathing, but it is not necessary to attach fire to all three heads. For example, attach an orange flame to one head and a red snake tongue to the other. Also make the eyes red to show the fierce appearance.

5. Draw the ball out into the blob, showing the torso and tail. Attach all three heads to the torso.

6. Add nostrils.

7. Use the yellow or orange plate to form triangular wing cakes. Show the webbing with a stack.

8. Attach the wings to the back. Attach green cylinder paws with red claws to the belly.

Russian folk craft, the hero of many fairy tales - the Snake Gorynych is ready from plasticine. Our lesson can be considered complete, but you can start an interesting performance based on your favorite epic.

Hello everyone! This is Katya!
Today, on which I am leading in my mother's blog, a new master class. We will sculpt a snake from plasticine.

Honestly, this snake can be sculpted from any material you are used to. If you have the skill to work with salt dough - feel free to get down to business. If you have mastered polymer clay, it is even better, because the snake will remain a talisman for many years.

Have you tried to sculpt from marzipan mass? The colors are not very bright, but the souvenir you make will be edible. Somehow I'll add pictures with such crafts here, I promise.

Let's start!

Step 1

We prepare two pieces of plasticine of similar colors. Dark green and light green. Light blue and blue. Light green and turquoise. One piece is twice as large as the other.

Step 2

We roll out the large piece slightly, but we make a rope from the small one.

Step 3

We braid our core from a large piece with a thin sausage. It is not necessary to do this evenly, the transition of colors on the snake's body is just important for us.

Step 4

Roll out the spiral to the desired thickness. This is the torso of a snake made of plasticine in two different shades. It's already beautiful, isn't it?

Step 5

We leave the tail outside, make several turns from the sausage. If the clay has become too soft, place this piece in a cool place for a few minutes to harden the material.

Step 6

Blind the muzzle from a small oval, connect it to the main workpiece, as shown in Figure 6.

Step 7

From two white balls we sculpt eyes, from two small pieces of plasticine of a contrasting color - pupils. My snake will coquettishly look to the left. And you can make a cross-eyed one - it's also fun :-).
Let's make a smile and two small pits-nostrils with Mom's nail file. Looks like it already?

Step 8

We sculpt a hat from red plasticine, and fur from yellow or white. With the same nail file, I made notches on the bubo and the rim to make it look like fur.

We put on a hat!

I suddenly remembered a fairy tale about a snake and a magic ring, I decided to put a jewelry on her ponytail. Handsome?

Nearby is another plasticine snake in a hat with a bow on its neck, only twisted a little differently. Nice one too. By the way, the color transitions on the body turned out to be even more beautiful for her, right?

More about New Year's crafts:

If you want to make a symbol of the year 2013 from some other material, check out my mother's article:

Modeling a snake from plasticine is an excellent reason for children to master the technique of rolling a plasticine harness-cylinder. This is a very simple model for children from three years old. In order for the snakes to be diverse, we will give several ways to decorate this model. Such methods of decorating monochromatic or modeling multi-colored plasticine plaits can be useful not only for snakes, but also for many other models. Before sculpting a snake from plasticine, talk to your child about this animal, show a picture with a picture of snakes. Ask the question, "What does a snake look like?" (on a string, lace, wire ...). Emphasize that the snake has no limbs. The snake does not walk, but crawls, wriggling its flexible body. You can show with your hands the undulating movements of the "crawling snake" and ask the child to repeat them.

Master class for sculpting a snake from plasticine.

Take a piece of plasticine, knead it and roll it into a cylinder-string. Details on how to do this are described in the article about If your child is an experienced enough sculptor, then it is better to make not even just a sausage, but a very elongated and thin cone, similar to a club. But if the child is just mastering the technique of modeling plasticine cords, then it is enough to just make a long "sausage". Even if it turns out to be not entirely flat, bumpy - it doesn't matter! The main thing is not to tear.

From the thicker end (or from any, if you have blinded an even sausage), flatten the plasticine with your thumb and forefinger. The result is a snake head.

Roll up two small balls-eyes and stick them to the head of the snake. The snake in the photograph has "double" eyes - first they rolled and stuck, slightly flattening, white balls, and on top they are already black. This makes the "look" more expressive, but for three-year-olds it can be difficult. Instead of a plasticine eyelet, you can use beads, beads, or even ready-made eyes for soft toys.

Let's make a forked tongue. To do this, roll up a thin sausage, flatten it. Then with a stack we cut one end of the tongue and stick it from below to the head of the snake.

The snake is already ready. To make it look more advantageous, we will roll it up into a ring or a spiral.

Now let's look at ways of sculpting multi-colored snakes from plasticine.

Modeling "marble" snake from plasticine of two colors

In order to get a "marble" snake, take two multi-colored pieces of plasticine (you can use three colors) and knead them together, so that the colors mix slightly. It is better to take plasticine in contrasting colors. Then we blind the torso sausage and add the eyes and tongue.

Modeling a snake from two multi-colored plasticine "sausages".

We mold two "sausages" of the same size from plasticine of contrasting colors.

Now you can simply stick them to each other (picture on the left), or you can intertwine (picture on the right). Then we roll them up so that two of the two "sausages" get a single snake body.

In the first case, we get a snake with a light tummy and a dark back, and in the second, a spiral pattern came out.

Modeling a striped snake from plasticine of two colors.

Quite a difficult option. Roll up two thick short sausages of different colors and cut them into pancakes. Make multi-colored "pancakes", alternating colors, like on a policeman's stick. Press the parts tightly together! Now we will unroll the lace cylinder. You must roll carefully, the snake can fall apart!

Modeling a patterned python from plasticine.

It is better to decorate with patterns a large plasticine figurine of a snake, since otherwise the pattern details will be very small. Therefore, in our serpentine kingdom it will be a huge python. First, we mold a sausage-base for a snake from plasticine. Then we stick patterns on it. You can come up with any pattern. The one in the photo is done like this: roll up a small yellow ball and stick it, flattening it into a cake, to the body of the boa constrictor. Stick a thin red roller cord around. Repeat the pattern as many times as we like. Let's roll the blank decorated with patterns on the board, making the patterns and the body of the python monolithic. The patterns will flatten and float slightly.