How it's done: DIY silver ring. Master class on creating DIY jewelry from natural flowers and epoxy resin

Good morning, afternoon and evening, today we will voice the ten easiest ways to make rings. If you are interested in how to make a ring, then you have definitely come to the right place. Note that we have selected methods using different materials. Below you can see origami rings. In this case, banknotes were used to create them. By the way, you do not have to spoil real money, you can always print a banknote on a printer, only then do not try to go to the store with it.

A bird on a finger, made of polymer clay. This material is becoming more and more popular, a variety of jewelry is made with its use, these are rings, earrings and pendants. When making a ring from polymer clay, you can use additional materials, absolutely everything will do, from metal to plastic. True, it is important to remember that the ring will have to be baked, which means that plastic and other materials that are not resistant to high temperatures will have to be removed.

We probably should have mentioned the wire rings first. Copper wire is most suitable for this, it is affordable, durable and at the same time small. If desired, you can use any of the weaving technologies. Those two rings that we presented below, you will not be able to weave right away, they are very complicated, first practice on something simpler.

Coin rings are literally legendary. It is noteworthy that many do not believe in the possibility of making a ring on their own from the simplest coin. Although, in fact, literally every home craftsman can make such a ring. A hole is drilled in the coin. After that, it is placed on the edge, pressed on top with a steel spoon, and after that it is flattened by hitting the spoon with a hammer with sequential scrolling. Of course, making a wire ring is much easier, but this method cannot be called impracticable.

Well, since we have already mentioned the copper wire, we will also mention the aluminum one. Anyone can make a ring out of aluminum wire. Earlier we showed you that making such a ring is easier than any of those key rings. The main thing to remember is that aluminum breaks. And also, along the way, you'll need wire cutters and round nose pliers. In this case, beads were used.

Wooden rings are very popular nowadays. As you can see, the ring is machined from a saw cut, in which a hole is pre-drilled. For everything to work out, you need to choose the right wood, all the necessary tools and act as carefully as possible.

A beaded ring can be called a classic. Probably every craftswoman has done this at least once. There are a lot of options, beads make it possible to show imagination. You can make both such a wide and narrow ring. It all depends on your desire. Of course, a beaded ring will not look like a coin ring, but that does not mean at all that such rings are ugly.

You can use it to make a ring, including pipes. We have introduced a copper pipe. A pipe of a suitable diameter is selected, after which a piece of the required size is sawn off and the necessary work is performed. In this case, the copper was burned with a soldering iron. It is not necessary to do this, by the way, as well as to use a copper pipe.

Here we will show another ring made of wood. In this case, the ring is a very interesting item. Most of the questions are caused by the braid that encircles the ring. Suppose that it was woven from pre-steamed wood stamens. In other words, first a ring was made, and then it was decorated with this braid, which, as we said, can be woven from steamed wood.

Leather rings are not common, but this does not mean at all that you need to give up creating such jewelry. In our case, a fairly simple option is presented. Used a strip of leather and a metal ring. You can of course do something else.

Ten options for rings, or to be more precise, ten ways to create them, which we presented today, can be realized by almost every home craftsman. Go for it and you will succeed. Good luck.

Rings have always been an integral part of women's jewelry set. Previously, this accessory was made exclusively of precious metals and expensive stones, which in different eras served asamuletor were evidence of a significant position in the society of their owner. Today the role of this accessory has not changed. Ladies also use it to decorate their fingers or as an amulet that can protect against many troubles and diseases. But today, unlike the era of their great-grandmothers, a beautiful and original accessory can be made with your own hands, using accessories, natural stones and your own imagination.

Masterpieces with your own hand or an original image without unnecessary spending

Today jewelry is once again on the Olympus of popularity. Beautiful beads, earrings, bracelets and, of course, rings help to create a huge number of new looks with a minimal wardrobe. Naturally, all this "beauty", even if not from eminent designers, costs a lot of money. However, having a fantasy and a desire to createcreative, unique rings, and a little patience, you can not only replenish your own box with original accessories, but also save a considerable amount.

Putting the ring together

In order to make rings with your own hands, you will need to purchase a standard set that will allow you to perform all the necessary manipulations. Such a "set" includes:

- tools (round-nose pliers, pliers, wire cutters, which are useful for fixing metal parts);

Base (metal base for a loop with a loop,setting, platform or filigree);

Decorative elements (depending on the shape of the base and the style direction of the future ring, you can choose a largecabochon, crystals Swarovski, beads made of crystal, wood, plastic or natural stones, beads and many other options);

Connecting elements (pins, rings and other little things).

The above items can be supplemented with any other elements, depending on the preferences of the wizard performing the work. In order to pre-purchase the correct amount of all the elements necessary to create a ring, it is recommended to think over the style of the future jewelry in advance and calculate the number of necessary components.

What can be done?

This question is of interest to both novice masters and experienced hand-made meters. In fact, there are no clear indications here, but only a few examples, a few of which we will list below:

Base with eyelets + crystal beads

This is the simplest and most popular option today. It is recommended to choose beads of different sizes and colors. You can attach from 1 to 3 beads to each loop, due to which the "density" of the product will change. The beads are attached to the loops with metal pins, which require round-nose pliers to bend and nippers to adjust their length.

Cabochon + base with platform

Before purchasing a cabochon, measure the dimensions of the inside of the platform. If there are sides in the base, then the stone is fixed by clamping them with pliers. In the event that there are no such sides, the cabochon can be "planted" on glue, which is sold in a virtual jewelry accessories store.

Base + combination of different materials

Also, as an option, the combination of a cabochon with crystal beads, beads or small beads made from natural stones can be considered. In this case, the cabochon is clamped with sides or "set" on glue, and the accompanying elements are attached to the loops of the base using pins, threads / fishing line (if we are talking about beads) or rings (for crystalsSwarovskior crystal beads).

All of the above examples are basic, and their components can be replaced with any options for decor and fasteners, at the discretion of the master.

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Men and women have adorned their hands with rings since the earliest times of civilizations. They were made from bones, stone, wood, metal. We experimented with shapes and colors, decorated them with carvings, seals and gems before they came down to us in their familiar modern incarnation. However, even now you can create a stylish ring with your own hands, using such scrap materials as paper, wood or a regular coin for this.

How to make a ring with your own hands master classes

Handmade rings are an unusual accessory that will emphasize the brightness and originality of your image or will be an excellent gift for loved ones. Below are simple ways to make rings from a wide variety of materials.

There are many techniques for making paper rings with your own hands, but most of them will allow you to become the main fashionista unless in kindergarten, and then only if you have basic origami skills.

But we have found an option that older ladies will also appreciate. Despite the simplicity of manufacture, such a ring will look stylish and effective.

For this craft, you need to find an old book or newspaper.

The first step is to draw a template. It is better to circle the inner diameter along its own ring, which is just right for you. The shape of the product can be any. We offer a trendy model expanding upwards.

After the template is ready, we make another 10-20 of the same blanks, depending on the thickness of the sheets.

Dry the ring and then sand the sides with sandpaper. After that, cover the product with decoupage glue on all sides, and then dry it again. It is advisable to do this in a canopy using a pencil or brush.

A retro style ring with a touch of antique luxury finished.

To create a ring with your own hands, almost any coin will do. The only condition is that its diameter must be greater than the diameter of the finger, otherwise it simply will not fit on it. The most convenient and affordable option is a two-ruble coin.

1. Take a small board and drill a hole in it.

2. Place a coin over the hole. After making sure it is centered, start drilling the coin itself.

3. Take the workpiece with metal tongs and warm it up thoroughly.

4. Slide a coin onto the metal rod and start bending the edges by tapping on them with a hammer. Reheat the workpiece periodically.

5. The edges will be angled first. Try to get the most correct shape.

6. Polish the product to a shine.

As you probably noticed, the manufacturing process turned out to be quite laborious. But the result looks almost professional.

In order to create such a ring, you don't have to chop down a whole tree or acquire a huge log. It will be enough to find:

  1. Two pieces of wood veneer;
  2. Two cylindrical objects;
  3. Glue;
  4. Sandpaper.

We cut the veneer into strips. Their width should slightly exceed the planned width of the ring.

We wrap a cylinder with a larger diameter with strips of veneer, fasten with ropes.

We put the blanks in the microwave again, but now without water. This is to keep the rings dry. 1.5 minutes will be enough for them.

Next, we start making the inner part. We take a cylindrical object of a smaller diameter, adjust its size using electrical tape. We wind the blank on it in one or two layers, cut off the excess, grind the edge with sandpaper.

Lubricate the ring with glue, attach it very tightly to the cylinder with electrical tape, dry it for 20 minutes.

We remove the workpiece, grind the joint again.

We put the blank on the cylinder again, carefully grease it with wood glue.

From above we put on a blank for the outer part of the ring, we wind it tightly, cut off the excess, dry and grind.

To make the surface shiny, we use superglue, which is an excellent alternative to varnish.

Looking at this result, it is very difficult to guess that this wonderful ring is made by hand.

Epoxy rings are a wonderful and magical world captured in one single detail. Unusual colors, playfully frozen bubbles and unusual shapes catch your eye and make you look at them with curiosity again and again.

You can create such beauty with your own hands. Take a piece of resin-drenched wood.

Drill out the center of the workpiece. To do this, you need a core drill.

Adjust the inner diameter to the size you want.

Sand the ends.

At the last stage of processing, we use a polishing wheel.

We will use linseed oil to impregnate the ring. Then heat it up and rub it with beeswax for extra shine. Now the ring is completely ready.

A button ring is another trendy idea.

The options for making paper rings can be the most unusual.

To assemble such a ring, we need the following materials:

- pins for jewelry , 30 pcs. Better to use thin 0.6mm pins;

- glass beads with a fine edge , 5 large (10 * 7 mm.) And 25 smaller (8 * 6 mm.).

As well as tools:

Round nose pliers,


Pliers, or if not available, pliers with as thin a nose as possible will do.

To begin with, we string a bead onto the pin, bend the pin to the side, cut it by 7-8 mm, and bend it with round-nose pliers in the shape of an ear, as shown in the photo. By the way, it is better to take the pins with rounded cap ... They are more expensive but look more elegant. Cheaper pins have a non-rounded head, similar to the head of a regular nail, and don't look so good up close.

Now we start assembling the ring itself. We start filling from the center row. We put on 4 small beads in the extreme loop, in the next 1 small, one large, in the third and fourth loops we put on one large bead, in the fifth loop - two large and in the last sixth - four small. It is very important to use exactly the thin pins of 0.6 mm, otherwise 4 pins may not fit into one loop of the base for the ring !!!

At the same time, with thin-nose pliers or pliers, bend the eyelet of the pin to the side, as if we are stretching the spring so that it can be threaded into the loop of the base for the ring. Putting the pin through the loop, just close it. In this case, the shape of the eyelet of the pin does not change.

Fill in the side rows by putting two beads on each loop.

The ring is ready! Here's what we got:

Of course, you can use any other beads and each time the ring will be different. We ourselves have collected several variants of such rings and they all turned out to be equally effective :)

Success in creative work!

List of everything you need:

  • Epoxy resin, two component
  • Two syringes without a needle (sold at any pharmacy)
  • Container for mixing resin and hardener (plastic cup)
  • Stick for this very mixing (wooden)
  • Ceramic tiles or cardboard (in general, any flat solid surface, preferably on a flat table)
  • Scotch tape (wide one-sided)
  • Accessories for jewelry (connectors, ear wires, connecting rings, bases)
  • Mini drill (sold in almost any construction site, take the cheapest one, I personally use DREMEL 300)
  • A set of bits for her (small drill and emery head for turning)
  • Good mood for yourself;) Well, gloves with a respirator would be nice

Advice: Make sure you have a suitable work area before purchasing. If you live in a single room with your grandmother and mother, you will have to wait a little longer with the manufacture of resin jewelry. At the very least, you need a separate room where you can inhale harmful resin vapors (if you don't take care of ventilation) in splendid isolation.

This work is dirty, noisy and generally does not contribute to health, but a few simple manipulations will reduce the negative influences of creativity to a minimum.

Safety precautions when working with epoxy resin:

  • if you are not a toxicomaniac, open at least the window
  • always keep a rag close at hand - believe me, it is much easier to wipe off the resin than later chipping it off the linoleum
  • don't you want a thrill? Then remove all carpets in sight.
  • have pity on your neighbors in the living space, do not grind jewelry while they are at home. Wear a respirator during this action.

By the way about the leaves

Leaves (petals, flowers) must be well dried. This is not a quick case (4 weeks), so prepare them ahead of time. I put the fresh petals into folded white paper, then into a book (so that the letters don't get printed on the flowers). The thicker the book, the better (old Soviet textbooks are great). Magnetic photo albums can be used to store dried leaves.

If you decide to work with buds (for pouring into balls) you will need a dark, dry space, such as a closet. Thread the needle, tighten the knot thicker at the end of the thread and pass the needle through the legs of the buds (it is for this operation that these same legs should be left). We tie the resulting garland to two hangers and hide it in the closet. Four weeks and the material is ready.

It should be borne in mind that many petals visually change during work, and completely cease to resemble what you plucked in the garden. Some shrink to something awkward, some turn black or completely discolored. And if you do not mind a stupid chamomile at all, then the ruined expensive hydrangea flowers will definitely make you sad.


The lion's share of the pleasure of working with jewelry is precisely the choice of accessories. It's simple: the more expensive it is, the better the quality. In the entire process of creating jewelry, you can save money, but not on accessories, this is exactly the case when a miser pays twice. Not only do the fasteners made in China break regularly, but they also look frankly wretched and, most likely, your hand will not rise to stick something like that on your hard-fostered leaf.

Resin preparation

Well, all preparations are complete, we can begin. To get started, read the instructions for your resin - mixing ratios vary from brand to brand. I personally use Crystal resin, 4 ml of resin for 1.2 ml of diluent.

We collect both resin and hardener with syringes without needles, naturally different. After using them, it is better to throw them away, they cost a penny. It is better to gently lower the hardener down the side of the cup so that it does not splash.

After that we start mixing. There is nothing phenomenal here: you can even interfere with your finger for 3-4 minutes. Do not be confused by the abundance of bubbles in the resin, let it settle and they will go away.

Stir the resin periodically. The ready-to-use mixture should have a honey-like consistency. It is difficult to explain on the fingers exactly how much to mix it, it naturally depends on the number of prepared petals, their size and, remarkably, the density of the resin. Fresh instantly spreads and it turns out that you have ground the tray itself more than the petals. So it's important to catch the moment here.

While the resin is settling, prepare your work area. Remove the table, take out the tray and flowers. It is advisable to do a wet cleaning, because there is nothing more offensive than a potentially beautiful piece of jewelry splattered with dust.

Preparing the tray

Requires a flat table, which is not a pity to spill, and a tray. The key point here is the choice of coverage, which should have a number of properties, such as:

  • cheap
  • affordable
  • should not stick to resin
  • must be glossy (a matte surface makes the resin matte and hardened)

A store-bought plastic bag immediately comes to mind, but to our deep regret it does not satisfy point 3 and sticks tightly. At one time I used food bags for baking, but they also periodically let down and ruin entire trays of jewelry.

Advice: Tape the tray with duct tape and forget about sticking jewelry forever.


So, the resin has thickened, the petals are laid out on a surface covered with adhesive tape, we begin to create. Take our combat stick, dip the tip in resin and apply a drop to the petal.

In principle, you can smear it on it, holding the leaf with your finger (in latex gloves, so that there are no greasy marks), but it spreads well itself. This is where you check how flat your table is. After covering all the prepared petals with the first layer of resin, cover our miracle tray with a lid and leave it all for 24 hours. Then apply another layer of resin (so far both layers are on the front).

In a day, we turn the petals over and apply the last layer, but already on the backs of our products.


Now these shapeless epoxy blots with petals inside need to be processed.

It's time to uncover our mini drill. Attach an emery tool to it and grind the jewelry (with a shudder I remember how I sharpened them by hand with a nail file). Keep the edge of the product perpendicular to the drill. After turning, you can varnish the edges of the products or make another fill.

If the resulting jewelry suits you, make holes for attaching the rings. We make holes with the same drill, but with a drill (diameter 0.5 mm).

In general, we did the most difficult work, now all that remains is to attach the fittings. We pass a ring into the drilled hole, and a hook into it. Our real flower petal earrings are ready!

Rules for storing and caring for flower jewelry

  1. Jewelry coated with jewelry resin should not be wiped with alcohol or any other solvent, as this may damage the glossy surface. Epoxy is not chemically friendly at all, so keep it away from detergents, air fresheners, etc.
  2. Put on jewelry after applying decorative cosmetics, perfumes, deodorants. Do not expose the glossy surface to acetone. It is better to wash off nail polish without rings, since acetone is a volatile substance, and it is not so far from a nail to a ring with a leaf.
  3. Do not wear jewelry while playing sports or go to bed.
  4. Fasten the brooches to your clothes before putting them on (in this case, you will be sure that the pin is well fastened).
  5. Cured epoxy resin itself is very strong, but with the proper degree of diligence, anything can be broken, and in this case it is no exception, store products in boxes.
  6. Do not leave them in the open sun for a long time.