How to starch hats: simple ways for hats, caps and berets. How to starch a knitted hat - proven methods

Starch your hat with wide or narrow brim at home is very easy. All you need to know is how to properly prepare a starch solution in order to starch a hat or its edges yourself. Our article will help you with this.

First, let's look at the composition of the starch solution. There are three degrees of starching, which differ from each other in the amount of added ingredients.:

    low degree of starching;

    average degree of starching;

    high degree of starching;

To starch a beach hat with a low degree of starching, first you need to prepare such a solution: for one liter of warm water, take one small spoonful of starch, mix it all up, then put the right amount of water on the fire, and when it boils, pour into it dissolved in water starch, without ceasing to stir. When the mixture has cooled a little, the hat should be soaked in it for several minutes, after which it must be pulled over a bottle or a tight ball in order to dry the hat in this way. After you starch it, in no case try to dry it on a trempel or in a horizontal position, as it will lose its shape.

Thanks to low starching, the hat will keep its shape better, but until the first rain. Therefore, if you want the effect to last longer, you should starch the hat in a medium degree of starching.

To do this, you will need to take two small spoons of starch and make a solution in the same way.

A high degree of starching is used to starch the headgear harder with a stronger starch solution. To do this, do the same and prepare the mixture by taking two tablespoons of starch per liter of water. After that, lower the hat into the solution, which should be starched, and then put it on a three-liter bottle and press the brim tightly. When the starched hat is dry, the brim will need to be leveled and ironed if it is wide.

PVA glue

There is another way by which you can starch a hat without starch. To do this, you will need ordinary PVA glue. It should only be borne in mind that only light hats need to be starched with glue, as stains and stains can remain on dark ones. To starch a hat with glue, follow these recommendations:

    To begin with, the glue must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, but this depends on the quality of the glue. If the glue is too liquid, then you need to add water in smaller quantities.

    Water for starching a hat can be either warm or cold.

    Place your hat in a container of water and glue and let it soak in the starch solution.

    Remove the hat from the solution, gently wring it out, after which it should be sent to dry.

You need to dry a starched hat in a special way. You can't just hang it on a rope. You will need a three-liter bottle or a special blank, on which you should put on a hat and straighten its brim.

The edges of a dried starched hat can be ironed if they are wide enough and if the material allows. It is necessary to iron a starched hat only through cheesecloth.

After you starch the hat, it will take on a harmonious appearance, but you should remember that the results of your work will be destroyed if moisture gets on the starched hat. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it in the rain.

The first starching option is suitable for all types of hats, including summer linen, straw and felt, while starching with glue is only suitable for light-colored hats, especially those that have been crocheted because this method gives them more rigidity and allows them to better hold shape.

When starching hats, as a rule, two methods are used: hard and medium, each of which is selected based on their purpose of the model. For example, for a beach hat, a hard starch solution (thick) is best, but for a knitted children's panama hat, an average one, since a child may refuse to wear a harder product because of its causticity.

First, let's try to figure out how to starch a hat with starch. Remember that this method is only suitable for a product knitted from white and light threads, and in no case for black ones - your hat will be covered with ugly white stains.

It is necessary to dilute two tablespoons of potato (corn or rice) starch in a glass of cold water. And add this mixture to a liter of hot (boiling) water. Thoroughly stirring, it is necessary to achieve a transparent color of the solution. After cooling, and, if necessary, straining, the starch solution can be used. A knitted hat must be dipped into the solution and put on the formwork, before that, straightening and unfolding the hat so that it takes the desired shape.

If you are interested in how to starch a hat with edible gelatin, you can use this simple starching solution recipe: soak one tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of cold water for 20 minutes, then pour it into a heat-resistant dish and put on fire. Stirring continuously, wait for the gelatin to dissolve completely. Treat the knitted headdress with this solution - you can soak the product, or gently apply the solution with a wide brush.

Another answer to the question of how to starch a hat is with PVA glue. To do this, you need to cook a paste from potato or any other starch (1 tsp per 1 tbsp. Water), cool it and add 1 tsp. liquid PVA glue. Just be warned: this composition makes the product a little rough. Most often it is used in the manufacture of clothing for toys.

Another recommendation on how to starch a hat. This advice is suitable for knitted hats, and for products made of polypropylene. It is necessary to cover the headgear with any quick-drying varnish (acetone, tsapan varnish, water-based acrylic varnish, etc.) Please note: the varnish may give yellowness or, conversely, leave a white coating.

All summer dresses always have a full-fledged look when worn with hats. However, any hat requires care. It is necessary to monitor the condition of this headgear so that it does not lose its shape. That's what starching is for. If the headdress is made of light fabric, has a cap or wide brim, then they definitely need to keep their shape. Before starching a knitted hat, you can buy a starch spray for this process. To carry out this hat care procedure, you need to purchase starch (or starch spray), a bowl, a blank, a stove, dishes, PVA glue, gelatin, a glass and a spoon. Of course, you need to know how to starch a hat before embarking on such a responsible process. All hats can be starched hard or medium, it all depends on the concentration of the product's paste.

Any hat can be starched with potato, rice or corn starch. Starching a hat begins with the process of pouring cold water into a glass, where 1.5-2 tablespoons of the selected type of starch are poured. After that, the ingredients are gently mixed until a homogeneous mixture is formed. The bottom line is that the paste should turn out without lumps. Next, you need to put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil, after which the resulting mixture is poured into boiling water and the mixing process begins for a few seconds. The paste is removed from the fire and cooled. If it is light and or transparent, then it was removed from the fire on time. The cloudy paste must be put on the stove again to heat up for 4-5 minutes.

You can take a pot or bowl the size of a hat and dip it there, adding a paste in advance. The headgear must be in the mixture so that it is completely submerged. The dressing remains in starch for about 5 minutes. If the hat gets wrinkled, it can be smoothed out later. In exactly the same way, the starching of a hat with fields occurs, it just needs to be given a horizontal position. Headwear is more comfortable and dries best on blanks. Cans of the appropriate size, enameled pans can come to the rescue, and the most intricate housewives and hosts once decided to use a balloon. It all depends on the shape of the headgear. For example, starching a knitted hat can be done in the same pan, and later dried on a blank.

After drying, moisture remains in the hat, which does not harm the material of the headdress. It is the moisture that allows you to smooth the hat with a hot iron, giving it the desired shape (although some hats do not require ironing). The most important thing is to iron your favorite garment in such a way as not to deform it. Crowns and other folds require special attention. When ironing has been completed, the hat is returned to the right place in order to dry. Starching is best used for hats of light colors, because. stains and marks may remain on dark fabrics. It is for such hats that there are starch sprays that will not spoil dark products. Rarely, but gelatin is used on the farm instead of starch. It is soaked in water, left there to swell. Water is poured to the very end of the glass, and the mixture is heated until the gelatin dissolves. It is in this solution that you can also lower the hat to give it freshness and the desired shape. You can dry the headdress on a blank, after which it needs to be smoothed out.

Caps, baseball caps and hats are worn by adults and children. When the hat is new, it keeps its shape perfectly and looks beautiful, but after the first wash it loses its attractiveness and needs to be restored.

Do not remove the cap from the jar until it is completely dry. Then the starching object will delight with its appearance for a long time.

PVA glue

If there is no starch in the house, the store is already closed, and you need a hat in the morning, do not panic. There is a way out. Use regular PVA glue.

This method is suitable for both knitted products and caps and baseball caps.

Restoring headgear:

  1. Glue is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The amount of water depends on the quality of the glue.
  2. The headdress is placed in a container, and allowed to soak a little. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then the excess liquid is squeezed out, and the hat is sent to dry.
  4. They dry it by putting it on a three-liter bottle or a special blank, straightening the fields.
  5. The edges are ironed if they are wide and the material allows (look at the label).

This method is only suitable for light hats and crocheted ones.

If a woman starched earlier in this way, she must remember that PVA glue cannot be used on dark hats. There may be streaks that will become noticeable after drying.


The military beret is shaped with regular light beer. It is poured into a basin, and a headdress is placed there.

After 30 minutes, the beret is squeezed out of the remnants of beer and put on, after smoothing it out. Already on his head they give him a shape and walk like that for another half an hour.

It's a bit of a weird way to reshape, but a very effective one.

After half an hour, the beret is placed on a shelf until it is completely dry.

Acrylic lacquer

This method is great if you need to add shine to the hat and stiffness.

First, the headdress is put on a blank, under which a sheet of plywood wrapped with polyethylene is laid. The fields need to be cleared.

A quick-drying acrylic varnish is applied to the hat with a wide brush. After an hour, you can put it on and go for a walk.

Modern Method

Young people are more inclined towards modern chemical means that allow you to quickly give the desired shape to a baseball cap.

In the store they buy a special spray for starching. They spray a baseball cap, and then go through the steamer, putting it on a blank.

Hats cannot be machine washed, this applies to baseball caps, caps, crochet panama hats and hats. If washed by hand, the product will not lose its shape.

It is necessary to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Take 800 ml of warm water and ΒΌ cup of powder.
  2. The agent is applied to the product with a sponge.
  3. Processing is subject to the inside and outside of the headgear.
  4. Then the product is dipped in clean water, no need to rub. Just a cap is driven through the water until all the soap is washed off.
  5. In order for the cap to take on its former shape, the washed thing is put on a ball or jar of a suitable size.

Before using the product, make sure that the item does not shed. Try applying the soapy solution from the wrong side.

After drying, the headdress can be worn. no need.

Using these simple methods to restore the shape of a headdress is not difficult.

Proper washing and drying will prolong the life of caps and baseball caps. And proper starching will make a thing beautiful.

How is a woman who knows how to wear hats different from her friend who does not have such skill? It's simple - the first is above the crowd, she is above it. She is confident in herself and her irresistibility, she is not afraid to be different from everyone else. And even a woman such a person is difficult to call. She is a lady. Madam. Mademoiselle. She is extremely feminine and sweet, she is a goddess.

Lyrical digression

Wide-brimmed and completely brimless, cloche, tablet, cylinder hat, straw, sombrero and gaucho, panama - such a variety really makes your head spin. The hat as an indispensable attribute of women's clothing, unfortunately, was forgotten for many years. Offensive and undeserved, stupid and meaningless. It happened, most likely, for one simple reason - it was considered unethical and even shameful to somehow differ from others. The beginnings of aristocracy, "bourgeoisism" - that's what the Soviet man saw in this exquisite headdress. A scarf, a scarf - that's all that our mothers and grandmothers decided on. It's a pity.

Knitted fashion today

It will not be difficult to choose your dress in such a variety. But what do designers and fashion designers say about this? Some will be surprised, but knitted small hats, often made and decorated on their own, are in trend today. Well, this is just for us. And we will save money, and we will show imagination, and we will connect exactly what we want. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Forward for threads, knitting needles, hooks!

But now our hat is ready. Now we are wondering how to starch a hat before putting it on. After all, a freshly knitted hat is very soft in texture. And the secrets of preserving and shaping things came to us from our great-grandfathers, or rather, great-grandmothers. Cleanliness, neatness, accuracy - not a single housewife can do without this. And the goddess too.

How to starch a hat without any problems

This process is quite easy. We lower the hat into a starch solution, pull it out, straighten the edges and dry it on some object that is suitable in shape. An ordinary jar or even a rolled up towel is quite suitable. The main thing here is that the floors of the hat are tightly pressed against any horizontal surface.

One of the solutions

Telling how to starch a hat, we are obliged to raise the question of how to cook what this very hat will starch in. So, the first option is to dilute the starch with cold water, making sure that no lumps form. Pour the resulting cold solution into boiling water, not forgetting to stir constantly, bring everything to a boil. Let the resulting sticky mass cool, and then dip the hat into it.

Option two

Faster option. We dilute starch in water, put a hat in it and add such an amount of liquid that our headdress is completely hidden in it. Place everything in the microwave for 5 minutes. We cool, squeeze, send it there - to the jar.

Option three - starch without starch

The third option on how to starch a hat is not related to starch at all. We take a kilogram of sugar, dissolve it in hot water, bring to a boil, stirring constantly and watching the syrup. Otherwise, you are waiting for either lumps and burnt sugar, or dirty stains and stains on a brand new product. As soon as the syrup is cooked and cooled, dip the hat into it. Let it dry, then apply another layer of sweet liquid with a brush. Ready!