How to write a letter guy. Beautiful recognition in the letter of your favorite guy "Online ...

Personal letters are a particle of our soul. A letter to your favorite guy about the feelings in my own words will be the best gift for any. In it you can say everything that you feel, but you have the opportunity to convey words. Having received such a message, no guy can resist. It is nice and romantic.

After all, it is not always possible to confess love in reality. Sometimes shy, sometimes afraid, but it happens that pride does not allow the first words to pronounce the first. The main secret of such letters is no need to hide feelings. Write everything as it is, say in words what you can not say.

Letter to your favorite guy about your feelings

In the message about feelings, write how expensive it is for you and that his presence gives you. Try to write a letter to your favorite guy about the feelings in your own words so that he will cry and realize what a rare nature he got. He will appreciate you even more.

And here is a small example that will give you inspiration.

"My dear, the only one, long-awaited. I write you about what I wanted to say a long time, but I can not. As soon as I look in your eyes, I forget about everything. They fascinate me and hypnotize, not giving a word to expand. My native, know that you are the best gift in life for me. Your hugs give me strength, warm my soul. Looking to bed, I dream of one, rather to hug you again, breathe your courageous smell, cuddle to you and hear how your heart is badly knocking.

Now I understood what to love. Yes, this feeling I feel for you. Love is when you are near, gently touch my hair. And I want to always sit like this and enjoy your warmth. Love is when I hear your voice and immediately get warm in the heart. And when we break up, I am sad and sad. But the thought of you, that tomorrow we will be together, gives me strength. You, the one who needs me who understands me and supports. You are the one with whom I can be serious, good, evil, gloomy, cheerful.

I know that in any mood you will support me and understand. I love you, life without you does not make sense, empty and monotane. I am ready to give it all so that we spend the days and nights together, and our feelings did not utter "

Letter to your favorite guy my words at a distance

There are times when your second half is not near. He is taken into the army or he leaves for study. In general, you had to part for a while. There is nothing more pleasant when for many kilometers from your beloved, you get a love news. It gives hope that soon you will meet again. At such moments, you need to make it clear how hard it is without it.

And here is an example of a letter for such a situation.

"My wellla, my second half. What a pity you are not next to me now. I can't touch you, hug, cuddle to you, feel your smell. I miss so! I do not know how to describe it with words. I have the feeling that after your departure on Earth it became cold. The sun no longer shines in my windows, and the eyes do not shine from joy.

I forgot what you have fun, enjoy life. Without you, I do not want anything, everything lost its meaning. But at such moments I imagine that you are near. Now you will come to my room and gently hug me. I hear your voice everywhere, every moment, imagine that you are near. I often go to those places where we loved to be together. I sit and dream that I will soon see you again.

Then a smile and tears appear on the face, but tears from joy. I am confident that my loneliness will not last long. And in our beloved park, we will sit together together, hugging and enjoying the moment. In the meantime, believe me, I'll wait for you, whatever it cost. I will wait as much as it takes. But if you can't come, know, my favorite, I will follow you! "

Do not be afraid to show feelings. Speak about how you love them. Even a small letter of his beloved guy about the feelings in his own words can strengthen the relationship. This is a sure way to create a bright romance.

To tell about your feelings is incredibly difficult. It is necessary to find the right moment, pick up the right words and intonation. The most difficult thing is to decide, find strength and courage, because such a decision requires incredible courage and courage. The optimal option is to write a love letter and express the most intimate thoughts and desires on paper.

The advantages of this form of recognition of mass, but most importantly - even the refusal will not be so painful. Of course, the answer will have to wait, and the wonderful wait can also be painful, but it is better than finding a person by surprise and not to give him the opportunity to think about the heard sober and objectively.

Do I need to write a love message

It may seem that writing letters and messages remained in the past, which is not relevant today. This opinion is rooted incorrectly - regardless of the times and era, people need the opportunity to express their feelings, admitted in love. Say the most intimate, looking straight into the eyes, sometimes it happens incredibly difficult. Letters come to the rescue - they are the best assistants of lovers.

The letter can be written in electronic form or by hand. The first option is more modern, but the printed letters delete the text, deprive its frankness and sincerity. Beautiful handwriting is able to express a lot of feelings and emotions, so writing such letters is definitely.

Another advantage of letters - you will always have the opportunity to think about what you write about, re-read it, check the correctness of building phrases and the relevance of some recognition. Emotions and feelings do not discharge the presentation, will not turn the recognition into a unlightening stream of thoughts.

What to write about

Even deciding to write a message, we do not always understand what to write a letter guy, what information should it contain. It is only necessary to write in it about what you think you are on your heart. This is fundamentally important, because at a personal meeting you can no longer be able to hide feelings, and then the recognition will make more difficult.

If you decide to open your feelings, you need to do it honestly and sincerely. If you are writing a person who does not know about your sympathy, tell him about when your feelings arose why he likes you so much that makes it special for you. The young man will definitely appreciate your honesty and direct.

How to express your thoughts

To express your attitude, the guy is quite difficult for your own words. Thoughts can be confused, the correct words are not in any way, the letter may seem awkward, illogical and uninteresting. To get rid of these fears, you need to start writing, take a pause and reflect a little.

Before making a letter, write your thoughts on a sheet of paper in the form of theses, all that you would like to convey to the lover. Perhaps you wanted to tell him the story of my feelings, transfer the whole depth of those emotions that give you your meetings or simply ask for a chance to show him your best side.

You need to write everything that comes to mind, without thinking about how it looks on paper. You write it solely for yourself, it means that you can be extremely honest, sincere and bold in your decisions. After theses are ready, re-read them. You yourself will understand where it is better to start your letter, and what should be left for oral recognition.

Types of letters

There are several different reasons to write a letter guy. It does not have to be recognized in love, perhaps he is on a business trip or in the army, and you really miss. Sometimes there is much easier in the letter to state the reasons why you have to interrupt love relationships - in writing it is easier to collect my thoughts and accessible to all emotions.

Consider several ways to write such messages. Examples will help you inspire and start your own letter.


A confession letter is the most common form. It is not easy to write such messages, but they may be fateful. Your beloved may not guess your feelings and experience something similar to you.

The letter structure should be approximately as follows:

  • entry where you need to explain about the reasons for writing a letter;
  • the main part where all your innermost thoughts can be set forth;
  • conclusion.

Excerpt from Example:

"I do not remember when I realized that I really like you, probably, this feeling originated in me from our most dating. When I looked into your eyes, I realized that I was lost in them. I want to be with you, and I'm crazy about the thought that I don't know if I like me as much as you.

I'm not waiting for any actions, I don't want to force you for anything. I only need to know how you treat me, if I have a chance to be with you. "

A small excerpt from an example of such a letter will help to tune in to Writing:

"I consider the days until the moment when I can see you again - there are only 134 of them. I believe that separation will make us and our love is even stronger. Wherever you are now, know that I love and wait for you, no matter what. You are part of my heart, and without you I feel bad and lonely.

Your parents are fine, they are waiting for you, your younger sister graduated from a quarter without a single four. Dima is also taking into the army, maybe you will even meet somewhere. "

Farewell letter

It is also difficult to say goodbye, as recognized in your feelings. The letter will help to tell about the reasons, explain and convey to the former beloved everything is impossible to say out loud. When writing, it is very important to correctly choose the necessary words: parting is always painful, and such a letter can hurt even stronger.

It is better to write about how good you were together, as it is a pity that the best times remained behind. Indicate the reason you leave for your former young man to understand what his fault or, on the contrary, I knew that his guilt was not in parting. So you can put the point and not spoil the relationship, perhaps one day you will get just friends.

How to transfer the Message

You can transfer the letter in different ways: to put in personal belongings, send by mail or leave in the house when careing, you can ask for general friends to transfer it personally in hand. The main thing is that when transmitted you were 100% sure that it would not fall to someone else's people and that the recipient will definitely read it.

When writing, it is also important to pay attention to the design - it must be written without blots, a beautiful smooth handwriting, and be decorated into a neat signed envelope. Therefore, it is best to write on the draft, and then rewrite on a blank sheet. It is undesirable to use the rated pages from the notebooks - they will look inactively and non-serious. Such a trifle should not spoil the general mood of the letter, and therefore should take care of this in advance.

A simple sheet A4 is suitable (it is better to choose dense paper), you can also write on special decorated sheets. You can slightly sprinkle paper with your spirits - the smell will remember the recipient even at the subconscious level.

You can make your own original envelope:

What not to write about

Of course, every girl decides on his own, what exactly is worth writing in such a love letter, because it should be sincere and honest. Nevertheless, there are several topics that better not affect. The main task of such a letter is to intrigue, push the beloved to some actions or steps, to open his feelings.

Also, you should not write about some negative points, you should not use expressive words and the more should not use obscene vocabulary. No need to write about the possibility to refuse or pretend that this letter was not, by this you will demonstrate your insecurity and anxiety. In addition, by this you can accidentally induce a person to failure, even if he does not want to refuse you: sometimes our fears and indecision play with us a sore joke. Do not be too persistent and aggressive. Be calm and confident in your feelings, and then such a decisive step will definitely bring success.

In this junior world, two halves meet in one day - he and she. The scenario of the development of relationships at each pair: the story of love begins, unfolds and, as it is not sad, comes to an end.

The reasons for parting are many: misunderstanding, accumulated insults, treason and just the feeling that the relationship went into a dead end.

Almost all stories have a beautiful start, but not everyone can put a beautiful point. It is difficult to collect with thoughts and extract the calm: "Sorry, we need to part." The voice can trelectively flush, and tears are poured out of the eyes.

If parting is inevitable, try to write a farewell letter of a guy or your favorite man.

Girls, of course, subtle creatures, but often they are the courage and say the last "goodbye". In writing, it is much easier to say about parting.

You can write a message in your own words or take advantage of the samples that we prepared for you.

Farewell letter guy

For example, this:

"Hello, zaia. Probably you will be surprised that I write a letter to you. We are used to talking to you. True, recently all our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, disassembled in myself, analyzed our relationship and understood: so it can not continue.

I have already forgiven you. And goodbye! "

Which you love

"Cute, good, love! I took myself in my hands and decided to write you in a letter all I can't express words at the meeting. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly essence. I see that my efforts to establish relationships do not lead to anything.

You rarely call, perceive our meetings as a difficult duty. I'm not stone, and I feel it all.It hurts me, it's hard, I will not pretend to be strong. I will cry, bored and worry about you.

But, so be, I let you go to free swimming. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I could not make you happy. Let everything be with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, yes you are afraid. Fly, my good, fly!

I let you go. Forever and ever. Goodbye!"

Which offended

"Hi baby. I am writing to you a farewell message in prose. There are not enough peaceful forces on poems and rhymes. My forces went together with tears that I stopped with great difficulty to put a point in our story.

We began to often quarrel, to speak offensive words to each other. We have become different and incomprehensible to each other. Hands stopped being affectionate, there are no former strong hugs and ... there is nothing at all.

Let's admit to each other that our love turned into nothing, we destroyed it with our efforts. My insult is too big to continue the relationship.

We part. Sorry and goodbye!"

Who changed

"My dear! How hard should I get together with thoughts and tell you everything. Even in the letter, when you do not see my crepe face. I know you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our wonderful days and nights. Your act showed that I did not know anything for you an even account.

Apparently, I became your habit. You call the habit of habit, you come across the habit and even apologize in the habit. Somehow, intensely and insincere it works. Why do we need unnecessary problems? We both need to be changed in life. You have already started.

Happy way, native! I forgive you and let you go. Forever and ever."


"Hi Hi! I do not even know how to contact you now. The heart knocks and shouts to you "Favorite", "native", "the only one", and the mind cuts and speaks about you "former." Yes, you were in my life perfect, wonderful moment. Now it seems that everything was sleep. It was morning, and our love was dissolved.

After our separation, the days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived like in some kind of impenetrable fog. But the forces of heaven were humbled, the fog slowly dissolves, I see the outline of the horizon. This means that I live again and breathe full of breasts.

Let you no longer be in my reality, but no one will break out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. Love was. Goodbye!"

Beloved husband

"My dear, my native man. Life ordered so that we have become two loneliness with you from two halves. I think about you every minute, my heart lives one day. How did it happen that we part?

Remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and the restless desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how we missed each other?
Is love really doomed to death, how is all living in this world? If I love, how can you not love? Somehow is wrong, it is unfair. Feelings must be mutual.

Maybe so many problems have fallen on you that you stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to the heavens so that your heart is freed from captivity so that love is resurrected in your soul. I wish you good, light, warmth and, of course, love!

Forgive me. And goodbye! "

Video: Letter to your beloved

Married man

"Good, not my man. How hard to write a letter still a loved one! I did not have the right to fall in love with you, but could not resist surpassed feelings. Surprisingly, you did not resist.

I do not know how to call our relationship, but they were beautiful, as if sleep. Whatever it is sad, it's time to wake up to both of us, for the last time you look at each other in your eyes, in the agencies once to conclude each other in the arms and part.

You're married, go back to the family, gather with the forces and decide on male all the problems called on you. At first it will certainly be difficult, you will rush back, but this is the path of the Entire. A wonderful sleep was dissolved in the rays of a clear sun, it's time to look into the face of reality.

Be happy with the one that you is a legitimate wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, heat and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

Forgive me and let go "

Who threw

"My favorite! Sorry, I can't call you differently, because I love and always love. It hurts me, I's offensive to tears. Fuel tears - that's what he warms me in the last days and weeks. And before you got your hands and lips.

My heart picked up and did not believe in his happiness. It beat like a free bird, ready to escape from the chest. And now it beats deep and doomed, as if forever sharpened in the dungeon.

Why did you go away? I did not explain anything, I did not say goodbye, did not hug. Just disappeared from my life - and that's it. I can not believe that life goes, but you are not there, and there will be no more. I believe in a miracle that you dress up and want to return. Know my good, that I will always cut my arms towards you. I will be true to you until the end of my days.

Remember this. And be happy! "

Which you do not love

"Dear friend! I am glad that I met you in a life path. You are a wonderful, soulful, interesting person. You can love and carefully care. Forgive me, I can not answer you reciprocity. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You will probably give yourself about it.

I can no longer meet you and continue this deception. Thank you for your love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I'm not the one that will answer you reciprocity. Let's take part in friends while our relationships did not go to a dead end. Keep is a farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let us go. Goodbye!"

Letter in SMS

Modern girls can finish relationships by sending their former guy to a farewell Esemis.

Here are some examples:

"The hare between us is all over. Goodbye!"
"So no longer continue, love has passed, tomatoes started!"
"Sorry, all over, we are no longer together. Goodbye"

Remember that sending the "last" SMS is dangerous. The probability is great to get in response a lot of inappropriate or even offensive eshem. A beautiful farewell letter on paper in one end will indicate the seriousness of your intentions.

Choosing, of course you. Perhaps you, like Tatiana Larina, will want to get sick of his last message.

Touching verses

Everything in this world is not forever,
In the world visible the edge.
I hug your shoulders
And I bother: "Sorry, goodbye."
No need extra explanations,
No tears and insults.
Let no love really between us
Let's break up friends.

It is difficult to decide and send a farewell letter to the guy, even if it is already written. In any case, throw out your pain and resentment better on paper than a favorite person.

Who knows, suddenly this message will bring your relationship to a new level, will help solve the accumulated misunderstanding and establish a shameless relationship. Be happy!

Hello beloved!

I am writing this letter, and your picture is in front of me. I do not part with her during the day or night. I just can't change a minute without you. When I think about you, it seems to me that you are near, I feel your exciting breath, the warmth of your body. Cute, you can't imagine what you are doing with me! I live only for you! While you are on this earth, I'm not scary to me, I'll overcome everything. Every day I thank God for helping me find you among many people, for our huge tender love, which will not be the end - I am sure of that.

Today I had a dream. You will not believe, but it was you. We walked with you along a wide field, golden spikes were broken around us, and away - a large wooden door. I first frightened: where does the door in the middle of the field, and how do we go on? Approaching her, we stopped confused. But some unknown force suggested to it and start looking for something on Earth. After a while, our view fell on the key. We took it, opened the ill-fated door and went further, holding hands ... You know, it was a good dream. The field is our life, big and interesting, the door is an obstacle that we will overcome together, because we will find a solution to this problem - the key. I sincerely believe it.

And you know, I have a dream. She is very kind, and therefore should be sure to come true. I want us to have a real strong family so that we love each other not only during the honeymoon, but also, the farther, the stronger. Let years only temper us and make a gentle to each other. I want to have a favorite, there were two kids: a girl and a boy. Let them make us happy and will be the meaning of our whole life. Agree, it is so beautiful - look at your children and do not cease to be surprised that they are a piece of you and me, merging together!

I hope that reading this letter, you experience the same feelings to me that you also miss. You can not imagine how I want to run to you, getting to your strong courageous chest, feel the smell of your muscular body. Favorite mine, native! Believe in the sincerity of my words, because before I could not say anyone what I tell you. Why? Yes, because I never loved anyone as I love you! I am surprised at it myself, but I can't do anything. And I do not want! You are the best, you are the most beloved, you are the most expensive person for me, for which I am - and in the fire, and in the water! Although on the edge of the world!

At the end of his letter I want to wish us a two-way meeting, which I am waiting for nothing else. Hope it is mutual.

Goodbye My dear. Do not forget, write. I kiss you and love very much! Your baby.