How to clear the skin of clogged pores. Deep pore cleansing at home

09 03.16

The gray tone of the skin of the face, the presence of inflammation, acne and blackheads are the consequences of clogging of the pores with greasy secretions, cosmetics and dust from the environment, which is why periodic cleaning of the pores at home or in special salons is required.

Of course, we will mainly talk about home methods.

For this purpose, various masks, scrubs, as well as special tools and entire devices are used.

Basic Rules

For effective cleansing of pores, certain rules must be observed:

  • Any procedures should be carried out on previously cleansed facial skin from makeup and other cosmetics. To do this, it is enough to wash yourself using a gel or foam for washing.
  • Scrubbing of the skin allows you to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and surface contamination of the dermis.
  • Since the pores require deep cleansing, it is necessary to steam the skin first.
  • After the skin has been prepared, you can proceed to the main procedure.
  • However, before applying a cleanser, it must first be tested in order to avoid possible allergic reactions.
  • Cleaning should be carried out no more than once a week, and after the procedure, it is necessary to take measures to narrow the pores.
  • You should not use cosmetics immediately after cleansing, as the skin should rest and the pores close.


To open the pores in the salons use special equipment. At home, an effective method is the steaming procedure.

Take a terry towel, moisten with hot water and briefly apply to the face, then remove. Repeat this procedure about 3 times. During this time, the skin will steam out and the pores will open.

Another way is to open the pores over steam. Take medicinal herbs like chamomile and boil it in a small saucepan. While the broth has not cooled down, you need to bend over the steam, covering your head with a towel, wait 15 minutes.

Steam allows the pores to open, at the same time it has a beneficial effect on the dermis.

After steaming, this decoction can be used as a lotion, or frozen into ice cubes.

Cleaning methods

There are a huge number of ways for deep cleaning of pores, both folk and hardware. The main task is to choose the right method for you.

mechanical cleaning

After steaming, you can clean the pores mechanically, that is, by squeezing out both simply with treated fingers, and using a special tool - a metal loop (a more hygienic method, since it can be disinfected and processed after each comedone).

Mechanically cleaned pores must be treated with a disinfectant using a cotton swab.

Gelatin film mask

The film mask has an excellent property to cleanse the skin of various impurities, smooth out wrinkles, remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and improve complexion.

You can prepare such a mask at home using natural ingredients.

In a water bath, it is necessary to bring a tablespoon of gelatin, a tablet of activated charcoal and 2 tablespoons of milk to a homogeneous state. After cooling, the mask is applied to the face and left until completely dry.

The mask must be applied to the cleansed face, neck and décolleté in an even layer (with the exception of the eyelids and lips).

After applying the product, it is necessary to relax all facial muscles.

Remove the mask-film gently from the bottom up, and the remnants are washed off with warm water.

Masks with gelatin are very effective. This is just one of the options, actually out of many.

Clay mask

To clean clogged pores, you need to dilute a tablespoon of clay suitable for you with warm water until a creamy consistency is reached, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer on the face and wait until it dries completely. Remove the mask with cool water.


Clearing clogged pores is very easy. To do this, just use a soda scrub. So, we need foam from baby soap and a small amount of baking soda. We apply foam on the face, then take soda, and, with light movements, massage directly over the foam, observing the massage lines.

We pay special attention to the black dots on the nose. The procedure should last no more than a couple of minutes, and you should not press too hard and stretch the skin. Avoid the area around the eyes.

Hardware cleaning

Beauty salons use ultrasonic devices for cleaning. A special device creates sound waves that propagate through the dermis and free the pores from comedones, while improving blood and lymph circulation, and skin tone also increases.

This device can be purchased and used at home, but this is quite an expensive pleasure.

Also instrumental methods include vacuum cleaning, the essence of which is deep cleansing of the pores on the face under the influence of a vacuum created by a special device.


A soft brush, special or toothbrush, allows you to delicately remove various contaminants. To do this, it is enough to apply cleansers with it and massage lightly. The brush must be soft and clean.

This method is not suitable for dry and sensitive skin. And for oily and problematic, such cleaning should be carried out no more than 1 time per month.

Care after

After the cleaning has been carried out, the skin must be additionally moisturized, nourished and it is imperative to carry out a procedure to narrow the pores.

Moisturizing mask

A mask of 2 tablespoons of herculean flakes brewed in a glass of boiling water will help restore the water balance. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid, and add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice to the oatmeal. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes.


As a nourishing mask, you can use a mixture of grape oil in the amount of 5 ml, 20 ml of carrot juice, 30 g of melted honey and half a chicken yolk.

Honey masks nourish the skin down to the deep layers of the dermis, but it should be borne in mind that honey can cause an allergic reaction, so you should first check the skin for sensitivity.

For narrowing pores

How to narrow and close enlarged pores after cleansing? You can wipe your face with an ice cube, or you can use a clay mask. It is enough to dilute a little clay with warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained, then apply to the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse off with lukewarm water and treat the dermis with lotion.

With proper and regular cleansing, the skin looks healthy and fresh, and age-related changes become less obvious.

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

Black dots on the face drastically spoil the appearance. Appearance becomes not well-groomed and unaesthetic. Many girls begin to develop complexes about this. Do not immediately be upset, there are many ways to clean the pores on the face. Simple procedures will allow you to restore the skin to a healthy look without expensive procedures in beauty parlors.

Improper skin care will not make you wait long for the appearance of enlarged and clogged pores. The most common causes that lead to skin problems are:

Also, the following products may be to blame for the formation of sebaceous plugs:

  • bakery;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked products and sausages;
  • mayonnaise.

First of all, you need to review your diet in order to understand how to clean the pores at home. At the second stage, you need to choose the right cleansing procedure.

There are many masks that will help get rid of clogged pores. But one such procedure will not be enough. It is necessary to constantly maintain the skin of the face and take care of it.

Following the correct sequence, cleaning the pores on the face at home will be quite effective:

After any masks and scrubs, the skin must be thoroughly moisturized. The cream should be selected according to your skin type.

Types of deep cleansing

Deep cleaning can be carried out in various ways, which include:

Any pore cleanser will have a positive result if used correctly. It is not recommended to manually clean clogged pores. Even on clean hands, there are a large number of microbes that, once on the face and in the pores, can cause skin inflammation.

Yolk mask

A yolk mask will help clean clogged pores. It is necessary to mix one yolk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the prepared mask with a swab dipped in warm water. Wash off after two minutes. If desired, a light moisturizer can be applied.

A blockage problem can be solved with an aspirin and lemon juice scrub. The components must be mixed until a slurry is formed. Then apply a sufficient amount on the face and actively massage in the area of ​​the nose, chin and forehead. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water and moisturize the skin with a suitable cream.

A simple and affordable way to exfoliate the top layer of skin and remove blackheads.

Leather is undoubtedly one of the most important decorations of any woman. That is why you should take care of it very often and carefully, because contaminated pores are the problems that precede the appearance of acne and acne, which definitely will not decorate anyone.

The pores are actually one of the most important parts of the skin, because it is thanks to them that the hydration and softening of the skin itself takes place. However, they are also home to many bacteria and fungi that can easily cause other skin problems. And with a weakened immune system, this will cause a sharp change in the skin.

Below you will find out how to properly cleanse the pores to restore a radiant complexion and prevent their subsequent pollution. At the same time, in order to enjoy clean skin, you do not need to purchase any expensive products.

All skin, in order to breathe and secrete sebum, is covered with special small holes - pores that practically do not affect a person's life while the epidermis is functioning perfectly. However, you cannot find a person who has perfectly perfect skin. That is why the problems of pore pollution can sometimes get up very abruptly.

All of this leads to the question of what causes skin pores to become clogged? At the moment, experts have identified the following reasons:

  • age - during hormonal changes, increased production of sebum occurs, which leads to fairly rapid skin contamination in adolescents;
  • hormonal changes are not only at a young age, therefore, with a similar problem, it is better to immediately take tests for hormones. This may be a harbinger of a more complex disease;
  • improper care and cosmetics can cause clogging of the holes, under which a large amount of dust and grease accumulates. A large layer of makeup also prevents the skin from breathing;
  • improper diet - try not to eat smoked and fried foods, as well as chips, fast food and carbonated drinks.

And most importantly, spend more time outdoors than in front of a computer screen. A healthy lifestyle will help prevent the problem of clogged pores.

How to cleanse the pores of the face

If you have a problem with clogged pores, then extreme measures like washing your face with a sponge or washcloth should immediately fade into the background. The skin of the face is very thin, so such aggressive methods will only damage the skin, and the pores will remain enlarged.

Also, do not abuse soap and other cleaning products. Too frequent use of them leads to the fact that sebum is produced more and more. Pay close attention to your own hygiene - this will help to avoid major problems.

If you properly clean your face and take care of it, then you can get rid of polluted pores and narrow them quite easily and quickly.

There are three steps that must be followed by those who want to have clear skin:

  1. Steaming - the use of hot compresses or steam is suitable here;
  2. Cleansing pores with the selected product;
  3. Narrowing of pores and proper nutrition of the skin.

If you cannot get rid of pore pollution, then you should contact a beautician who will perform a special salon procedure for facial cleansing.

Facial cleansing at home

If you can not afford to use the rather expensive salon services, then you can clean the skin at home. How to clean the pores on the face at home? You can use several different methods to do this:

  • Manual cleaning - more commonly known as extrusion.

If you carry out the whole procedure correctly, you can achieve quite good results. To do this, follow the next step carefully. Thoroughly wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

This will act as a skin disinfectant and, unlike alcohol, will not tighten the pores more. Now you should steam the skin using a hot method. To do this, use the steam from a decoction of chamomile with calendula, holding your face over it.

Hands should also be disinfected with alcohol or a special antiseptic. Take a bandage and wind it around the index fingers of both hands, after which each plug should be squeezed until all the sebaceous fat comes out.

After each squeezed plug, the skin should be treated with chlorhexidine. After cleansing, apply a nourishing cream.

  • Mechanical cleaning of the face.

At its core, such facial cleansing is quite traumatic, like manual cleansing, because the only difference in its procedure is the use of a special tool. Below is a step by step guide for the procedure.

After disinfecting and steaming the skin, shaving cream should be applied to the skin (gel will also work). This product is ideal for facial cleansing.

A cream applied to the problem area for a couple of minutes will help soften the sebaceous plug.

Take a wooden knife or other sharp piece of wood and wrap it with a bandage. Use this tool to clean. You can buy special loops or spoons for this procedure.

To do this, lightly press on the problem area. The dirt will come out with the cream, and the pores will quickly clear. Treat the skin with a cream, otherwise it will peel off quite a lot.

  • Deep facial cleansing.

It is a great alternative to expensive salon procedures. The main thing is to choose the right product and take into account all the features of your skin. Any facial cleansing always begins with skin disinfection and pore opening.

If they are skipped, the end result will not have as much effect. For this procedure, washing with baby soap is best. Steam your face with steam and herbs that suit your skin type.

Choose a recipe for deep peeling, the most effective use of gelatin, different types of clay, activated charcoal or succinic acid. Apply the mask on your face for about 10 minutes, this will help cleanse your face.

After the cleansing procedure, apply lotion or soothing cream. Homemade cucumber lotion is also great. Keep in mind that after the procedure, the skin will not look the best. You can see the result only the next day.

  • Ultrasonic face cleaning.

Now the stores sell special home appliances that are designed for this procedure.

Its use leads to the fact that with the help of ultrasonic vibrations the skin pores are cleansed, and blood circulation is also increased.

Folk recipes for cleansers for clogged pores

At the moment, there are a fairly large number of various recipes that will help cleanse the skin at home without a complex procedure. Below are a few recipes that you can easily make at home.

Special cosmetics for cleansing and narrowing the pores of the face

How to clean and shrink deep pores on the face:

How to Maintain Clear Skin After Facial Cleansing

If you want to have a beautiful complexion without pollution, then try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Constant stress, drinking alcohol or a lot of coffee disrupts the sebaceous glands, which leads to the appearance of black spots.

Also, do not apply thick layers of makeup. When the skin is clean, just a small correction is enough to get rid of imperfections.

Some more information about pore cleansing can be found in this video.

Enlarged and clogged pores cannot be hidden with cosmetics: even with the best tonal foundations, the skin surface becomes uneven, and the face, due to the abundance of black dots, has an untidy appearance. It is possible to improve the condition of the skin with clogged pores even in an advanced case.

Salon procedures and proper care will help you with this. 10 most effective tips to help those who do not know how to clean pores.

Due to irregular or insufficient cleansing, excess sebum and impurities accumulate in the pores, which stretch the skin ducts. The result is enlarged pores and blackheads. Daily cleansing is the first and most important step towards clean pores.

On oily skin, black dots appear most often, so use foams and gels. For cleansing dry skin, look for two-phase liquids, mousses, as well as facial cleansers with oils in the composition.

2. Thoroughly remove makeup

If you are too zealous with decorative cosmetics and wash it off poorly, you are guaranteed clogged pores. Choose a separate makeup remover. For example, it can be milk, oil or micellar water. In the second step, use a cleansing gel or foam to remove the remains of cosmetics and the first product.

Use tonics or lotions after washing: they complete the cleansing process, protect the skin from drying out, eliminate the feeling of tightness. They even out the tone and texture of the epidermis, accelerate cell renewal, thereby improving the condition of the skin with enlarged clogged pores.

4. Use retinol and acids in your daily routine

Introduce creams with retinols and acids into your cosmetic diet. Retinols regulate the secretion of sebum, the excess of which accumulates in the pores in the form of plugs. Acids gently exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis - these can be fruit acids or salicylic. The former are suitable for normal skin, salicylic is more preferable for problem skin with inflammation.

Peelings and scrubs remove the superficial stratum corneum, cleanse pores, improve blood circulation and smooth the relief of the face. They are essential for both oily and dry skin. For dry epidermis, choose peels based on glycolic acid: it delicately exfoliates, as a result, even plugs deeply seated in the pores come to the surface, after which they can be easily removed.

If you have sensitive skin, on which redness often appears, then choose enzyme peels - they are the most gentle, so they will not harm even the sensitive epidermis. Enzyme-based peels gently remove dead cells without damaging the skin.

If even small pores are clogged, the skin looks bumpy, dull, then it makes sense to take a course of peelings in a beauty salon. Support the result with self-administered acid peels - they have a minimal concentration of acids, so they are safe for home use.

6. Go to a beauty salon for a cleaning

To improve the condition of problem skin with clogged pores, mechanical or hardware cleaning will help. If there is a large accumulation of black dots on the face, then the fight against enlarged clogged pores should begin with cleansing, since trying to narrow or somehow mask clogged pores is completely useless.

Mechanical cleaning is the most effective way to remove large and small black dots. This is a somewhat traumatic procedure, but there is no alternative to it if the sebaceous plugs are deep and tight. Cleaning in the cabin includes several stages: skin cleansing; applying a special mask to open the pores and soften their contents; removal of sebaceous plugs with Uno spoon or hands; applying an anti-inflammatory mask.

Ultrasonic cleaning is less painful, but also less effective procedure. It will not help clear pores with deep sebaceous plugs. Ultrasonic cleaning removes minor impurities, exfoliates the stratum corneum, evens out the skin microrelief and improves complexion. Thanks to a light micro-massage with ultrasonic waves, the skin of the face becomes smoother, well-groomed, and radiant.

Look for masks with activated charcoal - it absorbs excess sebum, cleanses the skin well, with kaolin - it is a universal cleanser for all skin types that eliminates excess oil, minimizes inflammation, and cleanses pores of impurities like a natural absorbent. For oily problematic skin, look for masks based on clay with zinc, charcoal and volcanic ash.

Cleansing strips can become your assistant for painless removal of blackheads - they are easy to use, help to quickly tidy up the T-zone. However, such strips are ineffective in the presence of dense sebaceous plugs that sit deep in the pores.

8. Avoid comedogenic cosmetics

Dealing with clogged pores requires a holistic approach, including rethinking the make-up and skin care products you use.

First of all, exclude cosmetic products with substances that are known for their high comedogenicity: these are lanolin, a number of vegetable oils (coconut, cocoa butter), petroleum products.

An unbalanced diet is not the most obvious, but, meanwhile, one of the significant causes of pore pollution. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, semi-finished products, sweets, lack of vitamins lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne. Normalize your diet - make up for the lack of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, eat more vegetables and fruits (fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract), drink more fermented milk products for a healthy intestinal microflora, and you will notice how this will best affect the condition of your skin.

10. Don't touch your face

Finally, last but not least, try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible. Microbes and bacteria live on our hands, which can be transferred to the face. The result - the skin becomes inflamed, the pores become clogged. Develop the habit of touching your face as little as possible, and you will experience less breakouts and acne.

Clogged pores are the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, insufficient cleansing, excessive use of dense decorative cosmetics. Cleanse the skin well, use acid or enzyme peels, purifying clay masks to give the face a well-groomed look. If the pores are very clogged, you first need mechanical cleaning, and only then the correction of home care.

Enlarged pores on a beautiful face not only spoil the look aesthetically, but can also cause a lot of trouble in the form of inflammation. They are most often the cause of acne, which is almost impossible to cover up with anything and you constantly want to squeeze it out. The best solution is to prevent their occurrence through proper facial care. Let's find out a few methods for clearing the pores on the face.

One of the simple methods of cleaning pores is the use of various purchased powder masks, clay-containing creams, scrubs, foams and tonics, of which there are a great many in our stores. In addition, a very popular mask-film for cleaning pores, which, having dried on the face, turns into a film. By removing it from the face, you can not only get rid of impurities in the pores, but also saturate the skin with nutrients. The main condition for the use of all these tools is strict adherence to the instructions and the frequency of use. With non-inflamed pores, special strips will be quite effective. They are ordinary paper strips on which an adhesive substance is applied. This method is most effective if the face is steamed beforehand. It is worth using them 2 times a week, thereby preventing the appearance of black dots and inflammation.

Proven folk recipes are very effective for cleansing the face and pores:
  • Apply ordinary honey to the face and tap it into the skin with tapping movements of the fingers. After a minute, you will notice that the fingers stick to the skin more and more tightly and it is more difficult to tear them off. Don't stop, that's the point. Honey begins to absorb all the dirt and oil from your pores. The procedure can be done no more than 3 minutes. After all, you need to wash with cold water, thereby narrowing the cleaned pores.
  • Steam half a cup of oatmeal in boiling water. Add some tomato pulp or lemon juice there. Use this scrub twice a week to cleanse your pre-steamed face. So you not only prevent the appearance of inflammation on the face, but also nourish the skin with useful vitamins and narrow the pores, thereby fixing the effect.
  • Make a solution of warm boiled water, soda and laundry soap (you can use baby soap). Cleanse your face every morning and evening. This method is especially suitable for people whose skin is often inflamed and pimples appear.

Pores are very effectively cleansed by steaming the skin. Boil chamomile with boiling water. You can add soda to it. Sit over the steam for 10 minutes covered with a towel. After the procedure, clean the skin with a cosmetic product. If you have black dots in the pores, then after steaming, they can be squeezed out with clean hands, on which sterile wipes are worn, and treated with salicylic acid. In conclusion, wash your face with cold water or wipe with ice cubes for.

We looked at several methods for facial skin care. All of them are effective and affordable. But it is worth remembering that careful care of your face should become a habit. Only then you will not need masking pencils and foundation to hide the flaws on your face.