How can a guy do female makeup. Everything I know about men's makeup. Men's cosmetics for make-up

Do you still think that makeup skills can only be useful for girls? In vain. Indeed, on such a holiday as Halloween, everyone wants to turn into a villain from a horror movie or a computer game at least for a day. And the easiest way to do this is with cosmetics.

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But don't forget: Halloween makeup for men and women is still different. We will tell you about the features for men and introduce you to the necessary cosmetics.

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Features of Halloween makeup for guys

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Halloween is a great excuse to finally experiment with your appearance and decide on something crazy. And not only for girls, but also for men. After all, there is a great variety of makeup options that are perfect for even the most brutal guys. You can become a zombie, skeleton, Freddy Krueger, vampire, ghost, or another bright representative of the dark side from your favorite works of art for one day.

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If you want to create a spectacular version of men's Halloween makeup, the main thing is to keep a few important points in mind.

  • First, stock up on professional cosmetics in advance. These can be special products that are used for make-up in the theater, or dense cream pigments. Conventional cosmetics (for example, just powder and foundation) will definitely not be enough for you to achieve the desired effect.

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  • Secondly, decide on the image. The choice of colors will depend on this. If you decide to become a skeleton, you can get by with black and white colors. But for the image of Freddy Krueger or the Hatter, for example, you will need not only a variety of shades, but all your makeup talents.

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  • And third, remember your benefits. Many men have more cheekbones and jaw lines, for example, than women. And we must take advantage of this! Make these areas key to your makeup. Then you do not have to apply too much makeup, it will be enough just to emphasize what you already have.

What is the difference between a male Halloween look and a female one?

Of course, the characters that girls and guys choose for Halloween are very different. And it's hard to say for whom there are more options.

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Girls, as a rule, try to embody dark but feminine images that still allow them to remain beautiful. Popular options are: witch, nurse, cat, angel or.

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Another makeup option for girls for Halloween is in our video.

Men tend to prefer more brutal heroes. Most often, the choice falls on werewolves, vampires, zombies, skeletons,.

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The werewolf is one of the easiest images to perform.

The most important thing in this make-up is to depict believable fur.

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Spread black, dark gray or brown pigment that resembles the color of the skin of a wolf all over the face. Then, in the area of ​​the eyebrows, on the cheeks and on the forehead, make many small strokes that simulate hairs.

Werewolves in almost all films usually have bright, expressive eyes, so we advise you to apply dark brown eyeshadow to the upper movable eyelid.

Highlight the lower eyelid with black shadows.

The look will be complemented by artificial fangs.

How to do Halloween skeleton makeup: step-by-step instructions for men

To create this image you will need:

  • NYX Professional Makeup cream body art pigment SFX CREME COLOR - White 09,
  • NYX Professional Makeup SFX CREME COLOR - Black 10.

Before starting makeup, be sure to cleanse your face and wipe your skin with a cotton pad and toner. This will help prevent unwanted effects on your skin if you plan to stay fit for a long time.

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With a white eyeliner or a thin brush with white makeup, outline the lines of the future image - circle the hollow of the nose, cheekbones, eye sockets (you can make an even round shape or sharpen the lines in the center from above and below).

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Fill in all the outlined areas with black eyeliner, gel liner or special black makeup.

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Fill the remaining free space with white makeup.

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With a thin brush with black makeup or pencil or eyeliner, paint "teeth" in the lips, then underline the line of the mouth and extend it towards the cheeks.

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In conclusion, make the image more voluminous - blend black makeup on the lateral surfaces of the forehead, gently outline the borders of the teeth. You can draw some hairs at the beginning of the eyebrow. So the face will resemble a naked skull.

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Throw a black hood over your head - the look is ready!

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Halloween Photo Ideas

Halloween makeup for men is a space for creativity. And if you can't decide which look you like better, try one and these.

Sinister clown

To transform into a terrifying clown, you will need a lot of products in different shades. Stock up on red and blue pigments for eye makeup and a creepy smile. You may need to sacrifice your beard. And don't forget that the picture won't be complete without a wig. © Getty

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The zombie image is more difficult to create. If you don't have much time, you can simply draw strokes on the face with the help of eyeliner, resembling seams and scars. It's easy to do it yourself - you will need the usual cosmetics, which your girlfriend will probably have.

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And if there are still a couple of hours left before the start of the holiday, then you can work on the skin tone, paint terrible wounds and highlight the eyes with the help of dark shadows. Don't be afraid to overdo it: the more dark around your eyes, the more sunken they will look - just what you need for a terrifying zombie look. By the way, any outfit is suitable for a zombie. It is enough to give it a not very fresh look. Just sprinkle it with sand or lightly paint over it.

The privilege of women for decorative cosmetics in the modern beauty industry has already been violated. Today men's makeup and manicure have got the right to exist. Representatives of the strong half of humanity have also learned to take care of themselves and look like they have just stepped off the cover of a magazine.

For what?

Why has makeup for men become so popular in the past few years? Do not associate this with the fact that they are trying to become like women. Sometimes life circumstances require this, and orientation has absolutely nothing to do with it:

  • Public figures should always look impeccable: will you like it if your favorite actor appears in an interview with pimples on his nose and chapped lips?
  • Some professions oblige to hide the flaws of a man's appearance: for example, journalists make light matting and masking makeup for video filming - after all, they are always in the frame, and artificial lighting highlights even the smallest imperfections of the skin.
  • Facial defects: overly short eyelashes, burns, severe pigmentation, albinism, lack of eyebrows, etc.
  • A man should look perfect for a photo shoot: at his own wedding, for a family photo album, etc.

Naturally, in everyday life, to maintain your brutality, make-up is not needed.

Helpful advice. The light of cameras and lenses "eats up" up to 50% of the color. Therefore, if men's makeup is needed for photography and video filming, its tone should be dense, light and shadow correction should be harsh, colors should be saturated, eyebrows should be highlighted more actively.


The need for men's makeup arose due to the fact that the skin of the representatives of the strong half of humanity is significantly different from that of women. Accordingly, the masking of its shortcomings should be special.

  1. The main rule is naturalness and naturalness. The applied products should not be visible on the face.
  2. Masking creams (primer, tonal) are of a lighter texture than women, because they should be absorbed faster into rough, rather dense skin.
  3. You don't need to oversaturate your face with makeup so that it doesn't look effeminate or like a theatrical mask.
  4. The straight lines of the face are emphasized, rather than its roundness.
  5. Powder, as a rule, is not used in men's makeup. The exception is oily teenage skin.
  6. Men's eyebrows are a rather serious problem in the sense that they should be wide, according to their nature. But often the hairs stick out in different directions, giving the face an impression of shaggy. Therefore, a gel fixer is needed. But if you overdo it with it, the eyebrows will look slick.
  7. No shadows needed.
  8. Mascara is only used if the lashes are colorless and too short. Moreover, it should be without special effects (lengthening, volume, twisting). The recommended color is gray or brown, not black.
  9. If, due to addiction to bad habits or cardiovascular diseases, the lips have a bluish tint, it is possible to use a matte lipstick with a light color dusting. And so balm or hygienic pencil is enough.
  10. All this must be combined with the outfit and hairstyle, otherwise a single stylistic image will not work.

It is difficult to take into account all the features of such a make-up. Men themselves are unlikely to cope with it (unless, of course, they are stylists). And even a woman's hand, out of habit, can flinch and make up her beloved the way she used to do it with her face, which would be an unforgivable mistake. For this reason, when the need for such a visage arises, it is better to turn to a professional.

On a note. It's one thing when a man's makeup is done once. And another - when it happens all the time. In order for the skin under the basic decorative products to look perfect, you need to learn how to take care of it - to cleanse and moisturize.


It remains to figure out what is needed for men's makeup: which decorative cosmetics are best used for this purpose?

  1. So that there is no unnecessary makeup on a man's face, you will have to look for a 2 or even 3 in 1. They do an excellent job with this purpose or. Graftobian is a cream that simultaneously functions as a corrector, toner, and modeling agent.
  2. For drawing straight lines on a strong-willed face of a man, the sponge is not suitable (it is good for roundness). A medium synthetic brush is ideal. Pay attention to the Small Foundation Eco-Friendly Makeup Brush from Green Bambu Professional Line.
  3. To keep the eyebrows from looking too sleek, use wax instead of gel to fix unruly eyebrows. It is more matte and will be completely invisible. Options are Brow Fix from Anastasia Beverly Hills or Brow Finisher from MAC.
  4. Gray mascara for nondescript male eyelashes is ideal. Diva's Lashes # 20 - light graphite from Pupa.
  5. Colorless lip balm Biocon without a hint of gloss will definitely fit into such a make-up.

Today, many cosmetic concerns produce lines of decorative products specifically for men. They are especially popular among actors.

For example, the Monsieur line from Jean Paul Gaultier (France) includes the following products:

  • eyeliner;
  • bronzing powder;
  • tonal fluid;
  • gel for eyebrows;
  • tinting lip balms (3 shades);
  • concealer.

If there is a need to do makeup for a photo shoot or video shooting, men should take a closer look at these tools. They will allow you to look brutal and eliminate the feeling of effeminacy.

Hello Makeup Lovers. In this article, we will talk about men's makeup. For some, this is a need related to work (for example, in a theater or on television) or in connection with a skin condition (acne, scars, scars, rashes, etc.), for someone an aesthetic procedure, but for someone a rare necessity that you resort exclusively to before a photo shoot.

Anyway, today I will talk about men's makeup.

Let's start with the simplest, namely with daily makeup, which will also be grooming for a photo shoot at the same time.

Makeup for men

Foreword. I strongly recommend following the “better not than over-” rule in men's makeup (as well as in women's makeup), because a man's face should remain masculine, not like a mask, repainted. You can even not eliminate skin imperfections 100% - so the makeup will be more natural and comfortable.

  1. Step 1. On cleansed and moisturized skin, apply a little foundation (I recommend using a BB cream - it cares for the skin and evens its tone; in addition, the BB cream can also be applied under the eyes to delicately mask dark circles).
    It is necessary to apply the product very carefully - literally one pea on the whole face with finger pads, lightly hammering in movements. Do not put the product on the bristles - the cream is very reluctant to blend among the hairs, so it is better to apply it on the hair-free area and gently blend on the bristles.
    Applying the foundation on the face in sensations and technique should be similar to applying a moisturizer (with light massage movements), taking into account that the amount of foundation should be minimal.
    Advice. Don't try to conceal pimples or dark circles with foundation by applying it locally - the foundation's job is to even out the overall skin tone. The foundation is not intended to mask color irregularities in the skin (acne, dark circles, age spots) - this is the task of the concealer. So you just hang a sign on yourself "I tried to paint over the pimple with foundation, and I did not succeed"- that is, everyone will notice, but there is no positive result.
  2. Step 2. Dark circles, scars and age spots are hidden by concealer. Apply a small amount to the affected area and blend gently with your fingertips. There is no need to try to completely hide the problem - all your efforts will be very clearly visible on the skin. Remember the golden rule - better than under- .
  3. Step 3. Apply a moisturizing balm to the lips (choose balms without shine, color and fragrance). The fact that even men need to take care of their lips, especially in the cold season, I hope you already understood!
  4. Step 4. Use an eyebrow brush to comb the brows along the path of their growth. If you have very thick eyebrows that tend to take different shapes depending on the speed and direction of the wind, fix them with clear eyebrow gel.
    Believe me, this step is not at all redundant - neat looking eyebrows give the impression of being a neat person... During communication, the interlocutor often looks into your eyes, and your eyebrows are always in his field of vision. Likewise with your fingernails when you reach out to say hello.
  5. Step 5. If you have oily or combination skin that tends to shine during the day in the T-zone (forehead, nose, cheeks, chin), use matting wipes as often as necessary. It is necessary to soak the sebum with a napkin, and not to wash. One napkin is used only once.
    If the task is to matte the skin for a photo shoot, a transparent (finishing or HD) powder will help. Apply with a powder brush or sponge (first remove the excess from the brush or sponge) as follows: lightly touch the problem area, if necessary, gently blend. Problem areas are the forehead, nose, chin, and sometimes cheeks.
  6. Step 6. This step is more applicable for a photo shoot, although there are men who ask me in the salon to do it as part of their daytime makeup. It is about correcting the shape of the face and / or its parts.
    Why is this needed?
    The fact is that after applying the foundation, the task of which is to even out the overall skin tone, the face becomes flat - the natural shadows on it have become less noticeable due to the pigment contained in the foundation.
    To return the 3-D effect, and, if desired, to correct the shape of the face and / or its individual areas, the correction is performed.
    However, remember that this is a very serious thing that can significantly change your face: narrow and / or shrink your nose, make your cheekbones visually more voluminous, make a square face (wide cheekbones) visually more rounded, etc.

    The illustrations below show the basic techniques for correcting the shape of the face and / or its areas in makeup for men.

    Correction is performed with dry (powder, blush) and cream (tone) correctors of a gray-brown shade 2-4 tones darker than the main skin tone.
    A) To make the cheekbones more expressive, darken under the cheekbone as shown in Fig. 1, blending gently towards the ears and the corners of the mouth. The arrows show the shading technique.
    How do you find the area that needs to be darkened?
    Use your finger to feel for the cheekbone. Apply the concealer below the area you felt with your finger and blend.

    B) To make a wide nose visually narrower, darken the bridge of the nose and blend gently towards the eyebrows and down, not reaching the tip of the nose. To visually shorten a long nose, darken the tip of the nose and blend gently left and right.

    V) To visually round off a square / trapezoidal face (chin), darken the cheekbones and blend gently towards the earlobes and chin.

    G) To correct a high forehead, lightly darken the hairline with a zizag-like blending motion. If you have a very low hairline, do not do this correction.

Local correction of color irregularities

This tricky heading refers to how to disguise dark circles or puffiness under your eyes if you don't want to do full makeup.

How to disguise dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes (bruises) can be removed with a pink concealer. Apply a very small amount of concealer directly to the “bluest” area and blend gently.

How to disguise puffiness under the eyes

Puffiness under the eyes (or bags) can be disguised as follows: apply a little concealer of a natural skin tone to the protruding part (bag) and gently blend (thereby we remove the volume and visually remove the protruding area), and on the "failure" apply a little concealer of a pink shade and softly shading (thus, we remove the shadow and visually bring the area closer).


This article focused on men's makeup: the complete everyday version and option for a photo shoot, as well as practical tips on how to mask dark circles and / or puffiness under the eyes. I hope this information was useful to you.

The prerogative of women to use cosmetics has long been violated. You should not wrinkle your noses and remember men of a certain orientation. Everything has changed - there are men's cosmetics, manicure and men's makeup. We will tell and show you how to make unobtrusive makeup for a man.

Men's everyday makeup

Removing bruises under the eyes, glossy shine from the face and noticeable acne, various cuts from shaving is already a necessity for the image of a business man. The inadequate reaction to such manipulations has long since disappeared; they have become the norm of everyday life.

The services of makeup artists are used not only by famous men, but also by those who attend various events and celebrations in order to be attractive and elegant. There is nothing surprising or funny in this anymore.

It is for such cases that there are rules and methods for applying correction to the appearance, which allow you to hide minor skin defects, and sometimes correct more significant imperfections, leaving the appearance natural and natural.

Makeup stages

  1. The skin is preliminarily subjected to cleansing and moisturizing: gels, tonics, creams - of your choice.
  2. Then a tinted moisturizer is applied. The layer should be very thin, almost invisible. Shade the cream. So that there are no visible strokes from the cream. If necessary, carefully correct the skin color in the eye area with additional tonal means, remove dark circles and traces of fatigue.
  3. If there are problems with the color of the eyebrows (they do not match the color of the hair), apply shadows on the eyebrows with light strokes and correct the shape at the same time.
  4. For lips, you can use colorless balms to soften, and tinted balms for those with unnatural blues on their lips.

A prerequisite for applying these funds to a man's face is the invisibility of their non-natural origin on the face.

Of course, when a professional makeup artist is working, this is how it happens. However, what if you are planning to do the same on your own and at home? Carefully remember the order of the professional, buy the same products and train. Experience comes with time!

It's great if there is a woman next to this man who can help and explain basic things.

Men's cosmetics for make-up

Now there is no strict separation between makeup products for men and women. Professional makeup artists use the same means. As for women, so for men. Therefore, if a man has a daily need to disguise acne and circles under the eyes, he can purchase the same products as any other woman. You just need to choose the right, suitable option for cosmetics.

The famous beautician-make-up artist Brown, father and husband, has long been looking for ways to penetrate the cosmetic market for the production of purely masculine products for cosmetology and make-up, thus emphasizing the truth that a real man is not only one who is muscular, but also well-groomed.

There is no need to be afraid to use these products to achieve a great image! Be beautiful, good luck!

Video lesson "Men's makeup"

Attention is paid to toning the skin, hiding bruises, irritation and traces of acne.

Video tutorial "Quick Men's Makeup"

And this lesson focuses on the eyes.