How to congratulate on the Victory Day. Congratulations on the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

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Congratulations on Victory Day, May 9: poems and postcards

Everyone can be congratulated on this day. Not only veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but also us, the descendants of those people who won the victory. Because if it were not for this very victory, there would be no us either. No matter how the political situation develops in all CIS countries, no matter how difficult it is sometimes, remember - everything is learned in comparison. Those who survived the war and the post-war years can confirm this. The world in which we live simply would not exist if from 1941 to 1945 our grandfathers and fathers had not defended our freedom with arms in their hands.

So you need to congratulate everyone around. But first of all, of course, those who personally participated in hostilities, or worked in the rear, providing soldiers with food and ammunition, remained in the occupied territory in order to report information about enemy deployments and movements, they are becoming less and less every year, so that do not forget while they are next to us to congratulate them. Say thank you to them, wish them health and peace. After all, ordinary words of gratitude can make this day brighter, make it memorable and happy.

Even if you are not close to your loved ones, then modern technologies will help you - SMS or e-mail, a postcard with congratulations by mail - all this will help you to show that you remember that you are grateful, that you appreciate and respect the feat that you have accomplished our fathers and grandfathers.

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who are younger.
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
Congratulations on Victory Day, we!
This day is important for all of Russia.

Low bow to you, heroes are soldiers,
Low bow, war veterans,
Thank you family for a life without loss,
Thank you, dear ones, for peaceful dreams.

We wish you a decent life, health,
Let your eyes shine with bright fire!
We congratulate soldiers on the holiday of peace,
Thank you for the life we ​​live in!

We congratulate you on Victory Day,
Happy Great Day of freedom and spring!
Let grief, troubles pass by
And the sobs of war do not sound.

Let the air smell like fresh, warm bread,
Let the loud children's laughter not subside
Let the fireworks take off like a rocket
To the sky that a simple soldier saved.

We celebrate the dead and the living,
Those who fell, defending the Fatherland,
Let us remember their names forever,
They gave their lives for us.
Every year the row is shorter
Eyewitnesses of those bloody battles,
Let the explosions no longer thunder
Do not disturb the old wound.
Do not forget your heroic deed,
Let the years run inexorably
But the lilac velvet brush
In your honor, a burning tree is blooming!

May happiness smile on Victory Day
Don't forget you forties!
And let the victory in your heart beat
And the veterans will be forever young!

Their feat cannot be overestimated -
Guys who won in forty-fifth!
I wish you always honor Victory,
And remember those who fought once!

May 9 knocks at our door,
I want to wish you good luck -
Appreciate the victory, we all need to work,
So that the war does not touch again!

We were born when everything was in the past
Our victory is more than a dozen years old,
But how close to us is that which is already in the past.
And every year the soul hurts, weeps,
When our memory gives us words.
The spirit of the holiday is in the air
And in the eyes of sorrow a veil.
Thank you that we did not know the war,
That we do not hear the noise of terrible years,
That you gave us life with your life!
May God grant you, veterans, many years!
Let everyone remember about the feat of your life,
Let people remember your names.
And let the wars in the world be silent
On the day when the bird cherry blossomed.
Yes, this is a celebration of your gray hair,
You have experienced many troubles.
The lowest bow, to the very ground,
May God grant you, veterans, many years!

May your sky be clear
The star does not extinguish the joys,
And the roar of tanks and guns
Will die forever.
Throughout the years without contradicting,
We wish you with all our heart
Health and health again
And life, kind and big!

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and whoever is younger ...
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
Congratulations on Victory Day, we!
This day is important for all of Russia!

Even though you are young, happy Victory Day
I will not congratulate you all of a sudden:
Grandfathers died for happiness,
And he defended a friend there!
Life hit the faces with a hurricane
But you start to list:
The fathers passed the gray-haired Afghan,
And you - along the roads of Chechnya.
And there were deaths, troubles too,
But the thread of glory was not interrupted:
For generations - Victory Day,
In parts - Russia cannot be divided !!

May day of light and joy,
Victory Day, memory hour.
He will be an eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.
Our Fatherland does not have
A cleaner holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser teacher.
Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate it. Looking for a conscience
We all go in search of the truth.
She is yours through all the sorrows.
So the triumph of the winners
Will be marked forever.
To us, dear parents,
You bequeathed victory.
These are beautiful covenants
We are dear to us, as well as life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
The vigilance of a bright mind.
Be healthy and happy
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will bow their heads on your shoulder.

Let's drink to our grandfathers, fathers, brothers and to everyone who fought on the battlefields. Let's drink to those who have not returned from the battlefield. For the might and military might of our Motherland!

Today and years are already gray
Since the war passed,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.
Thank you, dear, dear,
Protecting us then
And defended Russia
At the cost of military labor.
We congratulate you on your love,
And great-grandchildren will remember the day
Washed in your pure blood
When the lilac was in full bloom.

There is no more worthy of a man
Despondency does not suit you,
Noble gray hair -
Decoration for the good fellow.
We continue to wish zealously
Your soul does not grow old
And, being considered a veteran,
Just get younger!

Let the sky be blue!
And the sun shines brightly, brightly,
Wars will all melt like smoke
And love will only be hot!

Happy Victory Day!
Eternal memory to the fallen and the departed and eternal glory to our heroes!

Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten
For all generations and all times.
Those who lived gray-haired and killed by the blood,
This terrible war has been paid for.

There is no joy greater than the joy of Victory,
But the bitterness of loss echoes in us.
And let the venerable grandfathers not be ashamed,
Unrestrained tears that stream from the eyes ...

And if they were seen by those who died,
Said, "Don't cry, but be faithful
Our bright dreams. What you have achieved.
And be persistent. Just like us.

We affirmed ourselves by this Victory.
We brought freedom to humanity.
And by faith in the Victory that was expected,
The world is still amazed ”...

Let people remember what was wrong with them.
Learn how widows keep all loyalty.
And they are waiting for a knock on the door, in the blue evening,
Forgetting that loved ones sleep forever ...

Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
Though the joy of Victory is painfully sad.
And we worship the ashes of the slain,
So that spring returns to our hearts.

Let the machine guns not scribble
And the terrible guns are silent,
Let the smoke not swirl in the sky
Let the sky be blue

Let the bombers on it
Do not fly to anyone
People, cities do not die ...
Peace on earth is always needed!

Congratulations on this Great holiday, Victory Day.

Let the days of war dragged on for a very long time
Let the years of peace rush quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.
May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
The whiskey was silvered with gray.
In the century you will not forget the spring of Victory,
The day the war ended.
Let many are not in service today,
We remember everything that was done then
And we promise our homeland
Save for business, peace and work.

Congratulations on Victory Day!
Our grandfathers fought
So that we all live in the world,
Strongly strong friends.

May the bad weather not touch you,
Every home has a piece of happiness.
Hug your loved ones
Evaluate the feat of arms.


Congratulations on Victory Day,
I wish you a peaceful sky
To prevent people from shooting
Never fought.
After all, the most important thing in the world
Even children know this
So that people live in harmony
And then there will be no war!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
Happy legendary bright day.
We wish peace in the house
In a society, in a native country.

We wish that in the world
Henceforth, nowhere and never,
Didn't happen, didn't open
No more wars.

We wish people
Guarded, protected
The world that our grandfathers
They brought it to their grandchildren.

Let me congratulate you, friends,
Happy May 9, Victory Day!
Let neither evil nor misfortune touch you.
Live without melting joy in your heart.
Share your smile, kindness,
Let the soul not become scarce with love.
And may fate with a reliable hand
Protects your sleep and peace.

Happy Victory Day - a great day!
We wish you with all our heart
There are many faces of the sun in the world,
Joy, great love.

Live together, be able to make up
And cherish peace.
To be able to fly like birds,
To soar in your dreams.

Let's give each other hands
Let's save the beauty of the Earth
To our children, grandchildren
Have found happiness in life!

On Victory Day I want to wish
Finally, forget about bad weather -
Meet the years in good health,
If you cry - then only from happiness!
May you please with success
Your great-grandchildren, grandchildren and children!
And let every moment, every hour
The sun is shining tenderly in your life!

Happy Victory Day, veterans!
Villages, cities and countries
You protected from the enemy,
And freed from evil!

We are used to doing everything ourselves,
Sometimes it's hard for you.
Know we are proud of you,
You are our heroes!

Peaceful sky, happy smiles!
Let there be no serious mistakes in life.
9th May. Victory. Hooray!
We wish you health, good luck and good!

Dad, Happy Victory Day!
Let the troubles go away
May happiness come
Real life.
Do not be discouraged
And don't know the problems.
Daddy you are mine
A true hero.

Victory Day, Victory Day!
It is the best holiday for us!
Thanks to our grandfathers
We want to express now!

You fought to the death
For the people and the country!
So many lives lost
In this terrible war!

We want to tell you "Thank you!"
And bow to you to the ground!
We owe you our lives
You saved our Motherland!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
I sincerely wish my father-in-law
Eternal fighting spirit,
And the firing fuse.
After all, you are young at heart,
And in life you are a hero.
May you always be lucky in everything
The Lord will send long years.

This Victory Day
With a tear in my eyes.
We honor and remember
Feats are on our lips today.

We believe in the sky
The singing of birds and the laughter of children
To peacefully
Everyone lived without news.

To countries
The day lived without conflicts.
To tanks
Not even a shadow was visible!

Happy Victory Day
I am a front-line friend
I wish only the best
So that your family is always

I prospered so that grandchildren
So that your great-grandchildren
Didn't give grandfather boredom
They made me laugh like mine.

We congratulate you on Victory Day.
On this day we want to wish
So that freedom and will without edge
I continued to decorate your world.
We wish that faith, hope
I have always accompanied you through life,
So that the peaceful sky, as before,
It brought only bright thoughts.

The Victory Days will be holy forever.
People will always remember you,
Who forged Victory in the forty-fifth,
And brought the desired freedom!
Happy Victory Day, our veterans!
For the Victory, watered with blood,
We give you carnations and tulips
With feeling, with respect, with love!

Victory Day is a bright holiday!
Day of smiles and warmth
On this day in a great country
That war is over!

To our old people "Thank you!"
On this day we speak!
Veterans we are today
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

For the salvation of the Fatherland,
For your great feat,
We will never forget you!
This is ours too!

Happy Victory Day, glorious, legendary,
May the Lord grant peace to all the earth,
Memory will not fade in a grateful heart,
Gold does not fade on the coat of arms of the eagle!
A generation of new geniuses, talents,
Let the proud fatherland give birth again,
And to the songs of childhood and to the chimes
May the victorious May warm the soul!

I congratulate you on this solemn date -
With the one in the minds and hearts.
With the one that is the soldier's goal
Forever, at all times.
Victory Day has become a symbol of peace,
And the blue at the top is a stroke.
After all, grandfathers died for a clear sky,
Let us remember them in their memory.

You veterans are now grandfathers -
Your finest hour has passed in battles ...
Congratulate on the Victory Day
Excuse me, dear ones, you!
The enemy tore you apart with a shell,
The enemy did not spare lead on you ...
Thank you for being around -
Defender of the Motherland, fighter -
Man! Granddad! Father!

On Victory Day, he puts on the grandfather of the order,
The sun of May is splashing into the windows, it's spring in the yard!
A proud grandson walks with his grandfather boldly to the parade,
Veterans respect future soldiers!
We wish everyone a long life, happiness, not to get sick!
To the young, let your glory to life give an example,
So that they learn good, the world, but they could always
Become a shield of our power and a threat to the enemy!

On Victory Day we celebrate
We are a triumph of freedom
Justice and peace
And we must remember that
The war was terrible ...
Well you went through this hell
And today, as once,
This day is a parade for you!

Forgetting about sores and wounds
And putting on the jacket of the order,
Veterans are on guard
And our whole country is calm.
Happy Victory Day, dear ones!
May your days be long!
We are about the exploits of your saints
Let's not forget! They are immortal!

Happy Victory Day, I congratulate the dear person,
With all my heart I wish peace in the twenty-first century,
To your trials, grief and misfortune
Never repeated on Earth
So that people live together, without offense,
To reduce the funeral service,
The younger generation will always remember
What happened to parents and grandfathers then.

A heartfelt bow to all who bestowed
Life without war for both us and our children.
And I gave my best years
So that we live in peace in this world!

May 9 is a special date
My frontline friend, so come on for her
We'll drink, as we drank then, in forty-five,
Come on - for your health and mine.
So that we stretch out like old tanks,
More than one kilometer of the way,
And so that in a dear and beloved dugout
They were always waiting for us, helping to go.

Happy Victory Day! This day is forever
We will celebrate with trepidation
Because in our man
The memory of the war is like a seal.

How to forget the war where there are millions
Are you buried in the ground for the sake of peace?
Where morality, love, laws are trampled
Beasts have captured half the Earth?

Happy Victory Day! I wish people all
Peace, rebirth, spring,
And trusting in God's mercy,
I pray that there will be no war!

Victory Day is a holiday of happiness
A holiday with tears in your eyes.
This is the day of Victory over misfortune,
Over the plague in brown pants.
You accept our congratulations -
I wish you happiness and good health!
Our thank you for your patience,
For the Victory obtained by blood!

Victory day - he is the main one,
He thundered an orchestra over the country,
For a long time we celebrate it with my mother -
For this day, make a big toast
Happy old and young, both now and forever
We will not forget those attacks - attacks,
In which many brave were killed
Loyal guys to the homeland.
We will lay memory to the eternal fire,
We will work to congratulate the veterans,
Leave a smile on their face on their care.

Victory Day is dear to us
And the feats of grandfathers,
When the fascist was driven
From our cities.
For the blue sky
In that cruel war
Fought for victory
At a terrible cost!

Today is Victory Day!
Grandfathers conquered it,
Chasing the fascists out of sight,
Driving back to his home.
We will forever honor the dead!
And we will not forget the veterans.
We wish you a lot of health!
And don't look at us harshly
We will surround you with care,
We value each one greatly.

Victory day is the day of red carnations,
So like droplets of blood
Memory to those who died honorably.
This memory is a patch of sharp pain.
Giving myself in the war
Our people served the homeland,
Our people served the family.
Victory Day - Day of the celebration of life.

Happy Victory Day,
I congratulate everyone!
Bypass, let, troubles you,
So that you do not recognize the wars.
Let nothing spoil
Your peace and manner.
Let the sun shine brightly
No troubles and no barriers!

Victory Day has come
Father-in-law, it's time to congratulate you,
To always be cheerful, dear,
I also want to add
Let the energy
There will always be more in you,
Pours health over the edge,
Your loved ones love you very much!

On this May holiday, Victory Day,
May God give you warmth!
Let them go around the side of trouble
I wish you happiness for long summers!

Congratulations on Victory Day
You have received more than once,
Our grandparents,
There are no people more wonderful than you.
And let it be many, many
Happy and peaceful years
We will congratulate you for a long time
And thank for the light
That does not fade in the clear sky
And untouched by the war
Your sacrifices are not in vain
By your faith - the world is alive!

I proudly declare today
So that my father is a hero in my eyes,
He went through the whole war, walking forward,
And he gave me life, my beloved.
I wish you health, daddy.
For the rest, believe me, I will help.
I congratulate dad on Victory Day,
I will save you from all worries.

Victory day is special for the country:
We remember the soldiers, the fallen.
For them, rockets will fly into the air,
Yes, the sky will bloom with lights.
I bet there are no people who do not appreciate
An army feat of those who protected children.
War blows, I believe, are behind.
There was only light and joy ahead.
Good health and warmth!
Birth of healthy, happy children!
Those who recognized their grandfathers are a great example!

On Victory Day you will remember those
Who laid down their innocent heads,
You thank everyone on this day,
Who lived until today’s spring.
Wish the veterans with all the heart
Health and live long in the world,
To make their days good
After all, they all managed to earn it.

Happy Victory Day
Without war
We wish you to live!
To make a terrible
Never to us
Did not come!

Dear grandmother, happy holiday to you
Our whole family amicably congratulates!
On this Victory Day, we wish you
Happiness and health, we hug you tightly!

Victory Day dispelled the darkness,
He saved the world from destruction.
Evil has a hundred loopholes
Memory is a thousand roads.

Let the fireworks shine again
Above the earth, brighter than the stars.
On this bright holiday of May,
That brought us victory.

Let the fireworks shine again
Multi-colored like a bouquet.
Congratulations, congratulations
We are each other and the whole world!

What is the most important holiday on the planet?
We will hasten to name it for you as soon as possible!
Listen now to these two words -
Let them not stop sounding!
Today is Victory Day again!
And we do not get tired of celebrating this holiday,
All tragedies and troubles are left in the past,
Thank you, Veterans, for living!

I want to wish you
On this Victory Day,
Never forget
What kind of "our sky"
Someone shed their blood
In the native open spaces.
And wore lead in my chest,
And sniffed the gunpowder.
You are on the gas, granddaughters, do not press,
And don't drink sambuca.
Better grandfather you shake
Hand in gratitude.

Today is a holiday - Victory Day,
I congratulate you, grandfather!
I wish you to be always happy
Healthy, kind and beautiful!

We love Victory Day since childhood,
Parade, flowers, military march.
Keep the memory in your heart,
About those who gave their lives for us.
I wish you live under a peaceful sky,
And hear the sonorous laughter of children.
So that the fear of war is unknown to you,
Appreciate loved ones and friends.

Thank you, gray-haired veteran,
For being young once
You were not afraid of bloody wounds
An earthly bow to all your deeds.
I wish you not to grow old anymore
So that the second youth begins,
Do not be discouraged, and do not get sick at all, -
So that life flows like a transparent river.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
What a great day!
We all remember history,
We talk all day long!
We wish you a beautiful holiday,
To make hearts skip a beat
Our Russia is invincible
And the fireworks are all for you!

Congratulations to you, grandfather,
We are today with Victory Day.
Let health not fail
Luck is on the heels
We will always help you
Together we can do whatever you want.
And thank you for everything -
We couldn't have done it without you.

May 9 is not an easy day
With the victory, the soldiers returned home.
The years have passed but we have not forgotten
Those who once protected us.
We congratulate you veterans,
Let not the old wounds disturb
May your century be long
And your advice will be dear to young people.

On the day of victory, let everyone think
This holiday is invaluable!
The veteran is the most important person!
We all remember and honor your feat!
You defended the power then,
In the forty-fifth distant year!
They fought at the cost of their lives
They took the trouble away from Russia!

The best holiday is Victory Day!
Lilacs are blooming outside the window
Congratulate fathers and grandfathers
The kids are coming in the morning!

And, big to them, Thank you -
They saved our life
We will remember eternal feat
And bow to them - to the ground!

May the harsh days of the military
They will never forget
We wish them, of course,
Peace, joy, goodness!

Waiting for you, beloved grandfather,
There are many victories in life
Every day that you live
You bring only joy to us.
We wish you many years
Congratulations on Victory Day.
And we want to tell you -
Better not to find a grandfather.

May 9, Military Parade,
To Red Square
Old and young came.
Battalions are coming
Chasing your step.
There are millions of people
They look with delight.
There are all types of troops,
Aviation, fleet -
For our Motherland
Reliable stronghold.
Let everyone in the world know:
Fascism will not work!
Proud of Russia
Free people.

I wish the mother-in-law on Victory Day,
So that every moment is happy
So that sorrows, problems, troubles,
The Lord took me away from the house.
So that your sweet smile
Always shone through the years
So that you are healthy very much
And they were never sad!

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,
The day of the defeat of a brutal war
Day of defeat of violence and evil,
Day of resurrection of love and goodness!

Grandma, my beloved!
Happy Victory Day I want you
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
And sincerely wish you health.
After all, we have one such you -
Has kept the charm of beauty
I wish you many years
And there are many victories in life.

Your whole chest shines with orders,
Heroically you made it through the smoke of war.
Let the head have been gray for a long time,
But you are strong in thought and spirit.
So don't let the hardships of life break you.
I wish you health and happiness for a long time.
We wish you well-being with all our hearts,
Beloved, our dear man!

Victory Day has come, our spring holiday,
We tore the banner of fascism from the Reichstag,
He became a saint forever for our country,
In it, for joy, bitterness is mixed with funeral feasts!
So let's remember all those who did not come home,
Forever stayed on that abusive field,
We will pour the People's Commissars "hundred" for the holiday,
And let's give the first word to the veterans!

We really want to say
Thank you very much
For being your land
They were not allowed to take possession of the enemies;
For that night and day
You fought for your people;
For the fact that - cold or hot -
They lived in the trenches all year round;
For the fact that, without sparing life,
You defended our lives;
For the fact that, thanks to you,
We do not feed our enemies;
For the fact that our mothers
They did not become servants;
For the fact that the Russian land
Didn't turn into Auschwitz.
We are all in debt to you,
And no matter how many years have passed,
For your unparalleled feat
We will not be repaid with dignity, no!
Live long, be healthy
And the world, the work of your hands,
May your souls delight -
You have defended life's circle!

To congratulate veterans on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, finding the right words is not so easy.

It is in our power to convey information to our children about what happened during the Second World War. What trials fell to the lot of people of that time, and how stoically they were able to withstand the onslaught of the Nazis, having survived hunger and the cruel loss of loved ones, children, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers. To convey the story of the feat of our veterans -

There are very few veterans who took part in those terrible events, but those congratulations on Victory Day that we have collected in this article are dedicated to those living on earth and the inhabitants of heaven.

Let each of us realize the feat of our grandfathers and feel the words. that sounds in the congratulations we have collected on Victory Day. The more often we remember those terrible years, the more we will appreciate the world in which we live. A world without war!

In order not to remain unsaid, congratulate our veterans on Victory Day! Thank them for their feat, which will forever remain a symbol of eternal will and courage for all future generations.

Congratulations on the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

Whoever says this, do not believe:
"We went because there was an order" -
Stood two steps away from death
By the will of the heart, and more than once!

They did not wait for God or the messiah,
And they took guns and bayonets
And you protected Russia-
Our dear old people!

On a bright, joyful day,
on your Victory Day-
Let them go out of life
Diseases and troubles.
Today all hymns sound only for you
Please accept words of gratitude from us.


When fireworks thundered from end to end.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,
When there is a fire storm in a military storm,
Deciding fate for future centuries,
You fought a sacred battle!

Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory.
May soldiers, glory to you forever
From the whole earth, from the whole earth!

Thank you soldiers
For life, for childhood and spring,
For the silence
For a peaceful home
For the world in which we live!

May your sky be clear
The star does not extinguish the joys,
And the roar of tanks and guns
Will die forever.

Throughout the years without contradicting,
We wish you with all our heart
Health and health again
And life, kind and big!

The last shot has long ceased,
The last groan of the forties.
The years hurry with a quick gait,
And the line of soldiers of the living melts away.

Have died in our lives
Those who are old people today.
With the last breath they shouted:
"Forward! "- despite all deaths.

Covering myself with a branch from enemy eyes,
He knew how to beat without a miss.
Only an eye, with a mark on the rifle,
Numb from the tension.

One ... the other ... fewer, fewer,
Invaders of my land.
And on a May day sometimes spring
They were gone. And the world is brighter!

You had to go through half of Europe,
To finish them off in your hole.
War-Splattered Trails
Does not sweep dry wind.

And time for everyone on our Victory Day
Remind Memorable Verb:
The enemy, and this is our credo,
Beat where he came from!

Bow to the ground, soldier, from life,
From everyone you shielded.
You saved freedom, the honor of the Fatherland,
In the descendants he deserved the memory!

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!
This is a very difficult holiday,
After all, our grandfathers died for our peace,
Sacrificing my whole life young.

So that people continue to live in peace,
So that there is no more war
How many lives have people laid -
We must remember all this.

May day of light and joy,
Victory Day, memory hour.
He will be an eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.

Our Fatherland does not have
A cleaner holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser teacher.

Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate it. Looking for a conscience
We all go in search of the truth.
She is yours through all the sorrows.

So the triumph of the winners
Will be marked forever.
To us, dear parents,
You bequeathed victory.

These are beautiful covenants
We are dear to us, as well as life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
The vigilance of a bright mind.

Be healthy and happy
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will bow their heads on your shoulder.

Congratulations on Victory Day will help you find the right words to express your gratitude to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Not all of us know how to write poetry, therefore, to help you, the most beautiful congratulations on Victory Day have been selected in our opinion.

I understand what Victory means
For veterans who have known all the troubles
A terrible war, surviving hope,
That Victory Day will come inevitably.

We only read about the war in books.
Films watched - and then froze
In horror, anger and heartache.
You are not in a movie, but in a fight to the end.

They stood to death, saving their
Homeland, city, home and family.
Everything that is dear to you is loving and holy,
What was in the heart of any soldier.

We could thank you tirelessly.
Will the past wounds heal?
Veterans are not waiting for the speeches of praise,
And so that the memory is permanent.

Remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars
Peace on Earth was created by your exploit.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over and over again!

They call you heroes for a reason -
The contribution to the destiny of the country is invaluable!
You substituted life for the bullets.
Thank you for the victory!

Descendants remember you, glorify you!
Courage, we honor your courage!
Let there never be sorrow.
We want peace, happiness, joy!

You are forever young at heart
At least from time to time wounds ache ...
With a glorious victory, great
Congratulations, veterans!

Let the years pass
But the memory will live on for centuries
As a Red Army soldier
Fought fiercely with enemies.

For peace and happiness, for love,
For life and the first babble
You went on the attack again and again,
And the adversary answered for everything.

We are inspired by your feat
We bow our heads before you ...
You shed blood for us,
Congratulations on Victory Day!

Lord, what was that day?
Everyone knows, but will our children understand
That spring, that holiday, that moment
When are the enemy cages completely destroyed?

Memory ... that's what connects us all so
The memory that emerges leaves wounds in our souls.
Close, relatives and friends,
Congratulations on May 9, with Peace!
Nothing in the world has a better world!

On the chest - orders
On the temples - gray hair,
Military campaigns are behind.

Don't be sad, old man,
What the war stole
Your best youths.

Dnieper and Mozdok are dreaming
And an alarming beep
You are dreaming of bayonet attacks.

Trains heading east
Clouds to the east
You - to the west, under bullets and tanks.

At twenty, gray hair ...
Don't be sad, old man,
Fate will put you in a difficult age.

Your gray hair for us,
Your orders for us
More dear and dearer every year.

Gray hair on the temples.
There is silence outside the window.
May it never explode.

Let the gray hair come
But the country remained
What is called Great Russia!

Many years have passed since that time,
But the light of memories hasn't faded
And your noble gray hair
They shine under the sun like fireworks ...

May God grant your descendants not to taste
Wars that are ghostly from afar!
Thank you for the peace! And happy Victory Day -
Unfading, great, for centuries!

Where the grass is damp from dew and blood,
Where the pupils of machine guns glare fiercely,
Full length above the leading edge trench
The victorious soldier rose.

Heart beat on ribs intermittently, often.
Silence - Silence - Not in a dream, in reality.
And the infantryman said: - Get rid of them! Basta!
And noticed a violet in the moat.

And in the soul, yearning for light and affection,
The melodious stream revived the joy of the former.
And the soldier bent down, and to the bullet-through helmet
He carefully adjusted the flower.

The memory was alive again
Moscow region under the snow, Stalingrad on fire.
For the first time in four unthinkable years,
The soldier cried like a child.

Thus stood the infantryman, laughing and sobbing,
Trampling the barbed fence with a boot.
A young dawn blazed over my shoulders,
Foreshadowing a sunny day.

Spring is not just a season
Spring is a priceless gift for us
Heroes. Those who are for the people
Putting out a raging fire!

Bow to the earthly soldiers who have fallen,
Whose lives were cut short by the war
For being in our land again
Spring is coming, blooming, singing!

And, congratulating on Victory Day,
Every person desires
You happiness, joy without an edge,
And prosperity forever!

The great day is the day of worship
To those who sacrificed themselves
For the next generation,
For peace, freedom and love.

And in gratitude we are today
we carry flowers and give you
Let there be peace over your head
Subject to white doves.

Opened to us jubilant May
All hearts for unspeakable love.
May Day has just died down,
The long-awaited Victory Day has come.

We feel the winners.
Before the gray thinned column
We part, we give flowers,
We look at the heroes with admiration.

“Congratulations! - we shout to them. - Hooray! "
But the old people walk in silence.
They do not need loud fame,
And our heartfelt "thank you".

Today and years are already gray
Since the war passed,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

Thank you, dear, dear,
Protecting us then
And defended Russia
At the cost of military labor.

We congratulate you on your love,
And great-grandchildren will remember the day
Washed in your pure blood
When the lilac was in full bloom.

How many lines have been written about this,
And the same number of songs are sung,
Years pass, but this is not the time
To forget about it for us.

And each soldier scorched by the war,
Wearing orders and medals,
Today he will remember the dead guys
Which medals were not given.

And let us know about this war
From the books written by you
For this we are doubly grateful to you,
Thank you for being with us!

In congratulations on Victory Day, congratulators try to express their thoughts and recognition to veterans for their great feat. The authors of all congratulations echo each other, talking about how grateful they are to the veterans for their Great Victory. You also have the opportunity to congratulate veterans on Victory Day with these verses.

We honor the dead and the living,
Those who fell, defending the Fatherland,
Let us remember their names forever,
They gave their lives for us.

Every year the row is shorter
Eyewitnesses of those bloody battles,
Let the explosions no longer thunder
Do not disturb the old wound.

Do not forget your heroic deed,
Let the years run inexorably
But the lilac velvet brush
In your honor, a burning tree is blooming!

So many years! Today we celebrate
VICTORY DAY in a disastrous war,
And a very serious reason
Stand up for everyone in the country for a minute.

Get up and remember the feat of our grandfathers,
There are already a few of them, that's the problem.
Besides them, hardly anyone will tell us
How terrible the war years are.

Stand up the whole world and be quiet for a minute
Look at yourself from the side.
Look and do your best
That there was no more war.

So let's celebrate the victory,
Congratulate our veterans,
After all, when the war came to earth,
It fell to them to defend the earth.

Peace and happiness have a straight road,
Let's go only along it!

We wish you joy and renewal,
The shining of the sun, the blooming of spring!

Accept your appreciation and congratulations
On the day of the holiday of our great country!

Let's raise a glass on victory day
For freedom and peace on earth,
For all those who died in battle,
He defended his land in the war.

May the air always smell in spring
Peace, happiness, love, freedom.
We are a huge and arched family
We will protect the will of the people.

Sunrise. And the sun's first ray
Suddenly the night burned up the darkness,
And the sky, dark with clouds,
Illuminated with triumphant light.

For everyone who survived that war
That day became the main day
Now he is doubly more important
In the country where we live!

And there is one among us here,
Through the pain of loss
And we thank him,
For the peace that we have now!

One who remembers this hell
Death, the roar of guns, the explosion of grenades,
But coming back
Soviet Army Soldier!

Let time erase in memory
All the horror of that long war
Let your wound heal
But we will forever remember!

A holiday and memories come:
Victory, homecoming
The delights of meetings, the sorrows of parting
With the guys from the company, with that - myself.

Another life: devastation, hunger, construction sites,
And at night there are nightmares about the war.
And the pain frozen at the bottom of any drinking party
Between “Let's remember! "And" And I live! "

For half a century already a dividing line,
There is almost no one to say: "Do you remember ..."
and, waving his hand at everything,
Explode with a song, go out into a circle to dance.

May our faith, our wishes,
The relentless run will slow down time.
Your experience, wisdom, strength, knowledge
Carry into the twenty-first century.

In the forty-first they announced:
"The war has begun!"
You then beat the fascists,
So that the country lives.

In planes and tanks
We went on the offensive,
You are in greatcoats and pea jackets
They took care of the letters.

Congratulations on your Victory,
Warrior fighters!
Although you are already grandfathers,
Well done all the same!

Our air no longer smells like war,
And the earth does not bathe in blood,
Shells don't fly overhead
The voice of grief and misfortune is not heard.

Dozens of long years have passed
Since the earth began to come to life.
And on May day we wish everyone to live
Under a peaceful sky of glory and goodness!

War, it is - war ...
And to those who are scorched by the fierce breath,
That bitter cup that is drunk to the bottom,
Not even sweeter ... with festive fireworks.

War, it is - war ...
To this day, the old wounds ache.
And yet - put on the medals!
And happy Victory Day, veterans!

For some, the word "war"
It doesn't really matter
Without thinking why life is given,
They burn it with pleasure.

But for those who served, fought,
Giving moments for others,
I learned in full fear in this life,
And wanting salvation from the bullet.

And so a deep bow,
Veterans - freedom fighters
Congratulations on the holiday,
And thanks for the service to the people!

Tears in the eyes of old people.
They remember the fear and horrors of war.
Remember the day when from those shackles
Our people were saved.

It's good that they are not known to us
Hunger, death and the smell of emptiness.
May every veteran get
Our gratitude and flowers.

May there be peace in the whole earth
May there be peace in your family
May there be peaceful dreams
So that you and I live in peace!

So that it is not us, not our grandchildren,
Didn't hear the sounds of landmines,
No machine gun shootings
No ringing in the cupboard of empty plates.

So that someone else's boots do not trample,
Neither our land, nor the threshold.
In order not to cry to mothers
Do not accompany relatives to the door.

Do not finish, do not fill up,
To fight in water and mud,
To see loved ones in the picture
So that no one can offend them,

Fight to the death and everywhere
On land, air, water.
Don't forget about those few
Soldier and strict officers,

That still remain
They fought for us, for the world,
And bow down to all those who have fallen
They gave us life and happiness.

Having gone through torment, tears, troubles,
They fought until victory.
I congratulate you and them,
Soldier of the dead and alive!

Who saved the native land from death,
Who recaptured the homeland in an evil minute -
He chose a peaceful road for us,
I was able to win the victory at the risk.

And on the day of victory we will say - hurray!
And we congratulate everyone on this May holiday.
After all, the life of a slave is dull and gray.
And if you want to win, defend yourself.

Congratulations on Victory Day, which we have collected for you, are the brightest and most beautiful words for our veterans. Let these congratulations help you congratulate the heroes on Victory Day and become a decoration on May 9.

In congratulations on Victory Day, the authors put their emotions and all gratitude for the eternal feat in that terrible war.
May these congratulations remain a bright imprint in the memory of our heroes, may gratitude for their feat always meet them in the face and words of our compatriots every day that they live with us.

We hope that the congratulations on Victory Day that we have collected for you will find life in your lips, postcards and letters on May 9.