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People who have never flown in an airplane, as well as those who have already been in the air, often say: I am afraid to fly in an airplane: what should I do? Every minute, planes take off from various airports around the world and almost 70% of passengers are afraid of flying .

What are the reasons for the fear of flying on an airplane?

Many people are afraid of flying. Some can control it, at a certain moment gather their thoughts and stop being afraid. There are people who say to a psychologist: I'm afraid to fly, what should I do? They would be happy to fly somewhere to see other countries, but the phrase “I’m afraid to fly, what should I do?” preventing their dreams from coming true. Therefore, they are afraid to fly. Fear takes over them and they continue to be afraid.

The reasons for the fear of flying are as follows:

  1. Many people watch films about plane crashes with an airplane and are afraid in advance, because they represent the sad result of the flight, although the news with plane crashes is not full every day and after that they are afraid, saying: “I’m afraid to fly, what should I do?”;
  2. Reflexively, people say: “I'm afraid,” because fear is transmitted with genes from ancestors who feared iron birds;
  3. Some people are afraid and say: "I'm very afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do?", After an unsuccessful first experience, when they were sick on board, and they mistook the symptoms for the danger of flying on a subconscious level;
  4. When taking off, a person is torn away from the familiar environment, and he feels uncomfortable, after which he may begin to panic and repeat: “I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do?”.

Important! As a reassuring fact for those who are afraid of flying, it can be noted that the probability of becoming a victim of a plane crash is one in eleven million, which practically eliminates such a possibility.

Fear of flying- this is normal, since it is characteristic of living people. However, a situation where fears exceed acceptable limits, with frequent repetition of the words: "I'm afraid to fly, what should I do?" , is considered a phobia and should be eliminated.

Symptoms of fear

The fear of flying is called aerophobia. With this mental phobia, there are a number of symptoms that are characteristic only for this type of mental disorder:

  1. Fear begins long before air travel. This feeling can manifest itself a week or even one month before the planned flight by plane;
  2. Before boarding the plane, the passenger drinks a sedative to calm himself and eliminate the fear of flying;
  3. During the takeoff of the plane, the body is pressed against the chair, and trembling appears in the hands, because it becomes scary;
  4. In flight, attention is riveted to the noise of the engines, and with every extraneous noise, the fear of the aircraft increases;
  5. An extremely unpleasant moment of the flight is the turbulence zone, when there is a feeling that the plane is falling into a hole. In fact, this is the intersection of low and high pressure areas by the aircraft. In the zone of turbulence, a person suffering from the fear of flying on an airplane is shocked and says goodbye to his own life;
  6. On the plane, the actions of the stewardess are suspicious and her smile, including.

If half of the signs are present in a person, then it can be safely called an aerophobe - this means that he is afraid of flying and can repeat the phrase: “ I'm afraid to fly, what should I do?».

How to deal with the fear of flying on airplanes?

The simplest rule is to treat flying as a normal daily activity. You can’t say: I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, because fear will cling to the subconscious and control it.

It is important to prepare for the flight in advance, when it is impossible to switch thoughts about the flight, you need to direct them in a positive direction:

  1. First of all, you need to distract yourself from thinking that you need to fly, in this situation, playing sports is suitable for an adrenaline rush;
  2. It's okay to be afraid to fly. Perception will be much easier if you mentally distract yourself from the situation and realize that you cannot influence the course of the flight: it is impossible to sit at the helm of the aircraft or exclude the presence of air pockets. This technique often helps to cope with fear and fly calmly;
  3. Often the problem is solved by talking with loved ones or a psychologist. Unspokenness and fear of flying leaves you alone with yourself, which adversely affects the panic fear of flying;
  4. A few weeks before the intended flight, it is not recommended to view the news, which often shows disasters and other negative events that will cause fear of flying;
  5. Before the flight, you can view the statistics of accidents and plane crashes, where the risk of dying in a car will be much higher than when flying by plane. This will affect the fear of flying;
  6. You need to think right and not be afraid. An effective way to combat the fear of flying is a distraction: you can take a crossword puzzle or an interesting book with you, and sometimes a laptop with an exciting movie will do so that it is not so terrible.
  7. Conversations with other passengers can distract from gloomy thoughts and not be afraid. This is a great way to relax and switch topics;
  8. Flying in an airplane is tiring, you need to switch your attention from panic and stop being afraid. It helps to relax with your eyes closed, when you can imagine your dreams or remember something pleasant;
  9. Pleasant music will distract from unpleasant engine sounds, so it is better to take headphones with you and always fly with them.

Many aerophobes like to torture themselves after buying a ticket. They find out information on the Internet about a specific aircraft model and the likelihood of crashes for this brand. Then they experience a panic fear of flying. It will take them willpower to overcome the fear and get on the plane, but the right approach to combating the fear of flying is the right choice.

Which doctor should I contact?

Persons who constantly repeat the phrase: "I'm very afraid to fly in any plane, after the crash that was shown on TV." They think about what kind of doctor they need to visit, and what tests to pass.

First of all, you need to contact a therapist who will listen carefully and possibly redirect to a hematologist.

A hematologist not only deals with blood diseases, but also helps to identify and overcome various phobias. Including aerophobia.

To clarify the diagnosis, he needs to provide the result of a complete blood count and other tests that the medical specialist will need to make a diagnosis, and find out why the person is becoming afraid.

The doctor will identify fear and, if necessary, prescribe a therapeutic effect.

Help from professionals

The only clinic that specializes in treating people from the fear of flying to other countries has opened in Russia. She is in Moscow, the course of treatment is several days, and the cost is a couple of thousand rubles. During the conversation, psychologists work with people, who talk in detail about the flight process and show the layout of the cabin. A person is weaned from being afraid to fly in the cabin of an aircraft.

Important! If flights have become an integral part of life, and a person cannot get rid of panic fear, is afraid and experiences anxiety, psychological help is shown to him.

After communicating with an experienced psychologist, fear will gradually cease to overcome the aerophobe. Of course, you need to visit his office for more than one day, but still a professional is able to get rid of the fear of flying and decide what to do with the fear.

What to do in such a center? In special rooms, a complete picture of the flight is created for the patient so that he can immerse himself in the atmosphere of the aircraft and stop being afraid.

If the doctor prescribes pills at the time when you need to take off, you do not need to take them as a relief from fear. This is a temporary therapy, the fear of airplanes is deeper and needs to be got rid of.

Attention! Medicines prescribed by the attending physician allow you not to be afraid. They can be divided into two types: the first are cumulative, and the second are quick actions.

Accumulative tablets are taken before the process of flying in an airplane and some time after takeoff. Means of quick action, what to do with them? They relieve fear with a single dose.

Tablets have a sedative, anti-anxiety and inhibitory impulses in the nerves. There are drugs that can relieve cramps and muscle pain.

Attention! Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. He decides on the introduction of drugs based on the patient's testimony, the cause of his phobia and other parameters. Self-administration of sedatives for fear of the sky is prohibited.

The method of treatment with medications for fear of being in the sky should not be used constantly, since it can cause the body to become addicted to the components of the drug. What if therapy is required for a single flight? Treatment is appropriate only for rare flights on an airplane, when a person repeats: “I'm afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do?”.

A few weeks before the intended trip, glycine and valerian extract should be taken. The use of these medicines will help relieve nervous tension and combat aerophobia with fear of the sky. It is important to remember that they cannot cure the fear of the plane, but they are able to block it when you need to fly to other countries.

Aircraft design study

Many people often repeat: "I'm afraid to travel on the indicated plane, where I bought a ticket, what should I do?". How to overcome the fear of flying and believe in a favorable flight if people are afraid of flying? This is most often due to the fact that they have no idea about the design of the aircraft, so they are afraid. Sometimes understanding how a huge structure flies in the air brings some fruit in the fight against aerophobia and you don’t have to be afraid.

A video with a documentary about technology can give a clear idea of ​​​​how a big car flies in the clouds, after which you can stop being afraid of the sky. This will overcome the distrust of those who are afraid to fly on an airplane. They will say less to others: “I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do?”

Sometimes it is enough to learn a few facts:

  • almost all systems in the aircraft have duplicates, sometimes up to 4 parts, the probability that it will fall is small;
  • more people die in car accidents than in an airplane;
  • the design of the aircraft is calculated so that it floats there, like a ship at sea;
  • automation allows you to land the car even if the health of the pilot worsens;
  • the machines are equipped with two engines, so the likelihood of their breakdown is unlikely, so there is no need to be afraid;
  • All aircraft are thoroughly checked and inspected at the time of malfunctions before flight.

Option for brave people

It is difficult to argue with the expression that everything is known in comparison. If a person begins to be afraid of flying in an airplane, this is one of the phobias. Therefore, another option to get rid of the fear of flying is to visit the aviation club, where an experienced pilot can take the aerophobe with him into the air.

The roar of the engine and the view from the cockpit are much worse than a comfortable stay in the passenger seat watching your favorite newspaper. Such an experiment is decided by those persons who are a little afraid of flights. For those who experience a panic fear of flying on an aircraft, and with each upcoming flight they repeat the words: “I’m afraid to fly an airplane today, and what should I do about it?” Experts do not recommend sitting next to the pilot. If you cope with fear, then you can get an unforgettable experience and get rid of past phobias forever.

What if the phobia is not treated?

With the upcoming long flight, a citizen suffering from aerophobia begins not only to experience psychological problems, but also to break down on other people.

With an aerophobe, the following can happen:

  • at night they can be tormented by nightmares and dream of a terrible flight;
  • spoils family relationships due to a nervous breakdown on relatives and friends;
  • a phobia inside a person leads to heart disease, including hypertension;
  • a person whose work is related to business trips may begin to panic, attempts to avoid a flight and replace himself when going on a business trip affect professional growth and career;
  • fear makes vacation scarce for those who are afraid of flying, because not every resort can be reached by train or even by car.

Important! The phobia can progress if you refuse professional help and let it go by itself.

If you are afraid of flying- you have to admit it to yourself. If you drown out fear with smoking or alcohol, then these types of addictions play a cruel joke with him. Drinking alcohol and forgetting about the flight will not work completely. It temporarily blocks fear, but in the future spoils health.

Remember! Alcohol at high pressure and dry air can cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, intoxication comes quickly and does not remove fear, and the person feels irritated and can get into trouble.

If people understand that a phobia is taking over them, then you need to honestly admit this to yourself and say to yourself consciously: “I’m afraid of flying, what should I do?”. Fear of flying in an airplane and I can not do anything, but I need to take action. You should get rid of fears and other complexes so that later the situation does not worsen even more and they can be afraid again. Therefore, you need to turn to specialists and not be embarrassed by admitting that you are afraid.

Millions of people on the planet make frequent flights, boarding an airplane, and are not afraid. At the same time, they continue to enjoy life and lead active recreation. Limiting oneself in the fear of flying on an airplane and repeating the phrase: “I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do?” should be eliminated. After that, you can feel the relief and joy of life.

Since not everyone can not be afraid to fly on an airplane. Aerophobia affects not only ordinary people who have seen a real plane once in their lives, but even movie and television stars, politicians and businessmen - all those who have to fly a lot. Filled with fear and not knowing how to overcome aerophobia, they cancel the flight, replacing the plane with any ground transport. A person who experiences a panic fear of flying is ready to get to the final goal for as long as he wants by train, car or ship, just not to rise into the air. But no matter how scary it is to fly by plane, this problem is solvable, since it is quite possible to cope with aerophobia.

The root of the problem

To overcome aerophobia, it is important to find its source. Psychologists call the main cause of this disease the fear that the plane might crash. Quite often we hear how hundreds of people die due to a technical malfunction, weather conditions or pilot error. And although, according to statistics, people get into accidents on the roads much more often than in the air, it is the flight that causes panic for many. After all, the chances of surviving in a plane crash are almost zero.

It is interesting that the Soviet people did not even think about how to stop being afraid to fly on airplanes. In the USSR, it was forbidden to cover air crashes in the media and talk about the death of people. That is why the fear of flying on an airplane was alien to most residents of the Soviet state.

However, not only the expectation of a catastrophe provokes the fear of flying. The fear of flying on an airplane also haunts people suffering from claustrophobia and acrophobia. Fearing for your life is a normal human condition. But when these fears are accompanied by panic, they become a phobia. There are the following symptoms of aerophobia:

  • a person who does not understand how to stop being afraid to fly on an airplane, long before the flight, a feeling of anxiety arises, his mood worsens;
  • a person becomes nervous and distracted, behaves unusually;
  • people suffering from aerophobia tend to carefully study cases of air crashes;
  • immediately before the flight, a person’s pulse and heartbeat quicken, palms sweat, breathing gets out of hand.

Most often, the fear of airplanes, like other phobias, haunts people with an unstable psyche, prone to depression. However, the fear of flying can be caused by other reasons. Often people's phobias are related to accidents that happened in life. If a person once encountered trouble during a flight, then the traumatic experience is subsequently deposited in the mind and causes a fear of airplanes.

How to get rid of fear

There are actually a lot of people with this problem. For them, special courses have long been created, since it is really necessary to deal with aerophobia. Any courses begin with the study of the device of the aircraft. After all, this steel machine is not as simple as many people think. It cannot just fall down due to the failure of some part or a lightning strike that hit it. When teaching, attention is paid to such a phenomenon as turbulence, because aerophobes are most often afraid of it. The courses end with a lesson on the simulator, where everyone can feel like both a passenger and a pilot.

Having the necessary knowledge about the structure of the aircraft and the flight process, it is much easier not to panic in force majeure situations. Many tour operators and airlines offer similar courses to their clients who do not know how to overcome aerophobia. Self-education can also help. But if the degree of phobia is high, then it is necessary to add drug and psychological therapy to the courses, since it will not be possible to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane with theoretical training alone. Comprehensive treatment is also necessary in advanced cases.

If aerophobia is tormented, psychologists will tell you how to get rid of it. Experts are not limited to oral persuasion alone, but offer several effective methods for combating aerophobia. During hypnotherapy, the patient mentally returns to the events that caused the disease. Sometimes the cause of the fear of flying is not even related to the plane. The specialist helps to eradicate the fear that has settled in the subconscious of the patient. Sometimes a person is moved into a stressful situation with the help of computer images. Such therapy is quite complicated, but gives a good result.

Treatment of aerophobia can also take place with medication. There are no medicines that would eradicate fear. But strong sedatives help to calmly endure the flight. In some situations, doctors recommend taking a whole course of medical treatment 7-10 days before the flight.

Of course, a complex of such procedures is not cheap. But if you don’t know what to do with aerophobia, how to deal with the disease and get rid of the notorious fear, it’s better to spend money once and fix the problem forever. To consolidate the result, experts advise arriving at the airport in advance to get used to the situation. Do not wear tight and uncomfortable clothing, which will only increase general discomfort. Do not take a seat near the window or at the tail of the aircraft, where the turbulence zone is felt more strongly. Better network closer to flight attendants. It’s good if a close person flies next to an aerophobe who can entertain and calm. If the flight is to be alone, it is better to take some kind of gadget with you with music, a movie or a game to distract yourself from pessimistic thoughts.

Would you like to be able to travel to distant lands and see the world without experiencing panic attacks? If you have aerophobia, that is, the fear of flying on an airplane, you can get rid of this feeling, which only hinders you. Knowledge about airplanes and flights, relaxation and travel planning will help you overcome your fear and start traveling around the world. Here's one fact to start with: The chance of dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11 million, or 0.00001%.


Aircraft Knowledge

    Find out how safe planes are. Of course, you'll forget about the statistics when your plane leaves the runway, but having more information about how safe it is to fly a plane can help you feel more comfortable both on board and on your way to the airport. The facts show that flights to actually safe - this is the safest mode of transport in the world.

    Compare air travel with other dangerous situations. There are many other situations that a person never thinks about the safety of, but they are often more dangerous than flights. We provide this information not to scare you, but to show that the danger of flying is exaggerated. Memorize these statistics, write them down, and remind yourself of them when you start to worry about your flight.

    • The chance of dying in a car accident is 1 in 5,000. This means that the most dangerous part of your journey is the trip to the airport. If you have reached the airport, you can breathe a sigh of relief - you have just completed the most dangerous part of the flight.
    • The chance of dying from food poisoning is 1 in 3 million.
    • You are more likely to die from a snakebite, lightning strike, boiling water burn, and falling out of bed than in a car accident. If you are left-handed, it is more dangerous for you to use right-handed tools than to fly an airplane.
    • You are more likely to die from a fall on the way to the plane than during the actual flight.
  1. Get ready for bumps and different sensations during the flight. Fear is largely injected due to ignorance of what will happen in the next minute. Why is the plane moving so fast? Why is my ears stuffed up? Why do the wings look so weird? Why are we being asked to fasten our seat belts? When a person finds himself in an unusual situation, he instinctively assumes the worst. To keep this to a minimum, learn everything you can about flying and how an airplane works. The more you know, the less reason to worry. Here are a few things you should be aware of:

    • In order to take off, an aircraft must reach a certain speed. That is why we get the feeling that the plane is moving at supersonic speed.
    • You feel pressure on your ears when the plane takes off and lands due to pressure drops.
    • Certain parts of the wings must move during flight. This is absolutely normal.
  2. Know what turbulence is. Turbulence occurs when the plane crosses the border of low and high pressure areas, which gives you the feeling that you are falling into a hole. Turbulence is like driving a car on a bumpy road.

    • Those rare cases of injury due to turbulence on board were caused by passengers not buckling up in their seats or having luggage thrown on them.
  3. Learn how an airplane works. You should learn about the internals of the aircraft to dispel the myths about everything that scares you so much. As a result of research, it was found that 73% of all those who are afraid to fly are afraid of possible technical problems that can happen in flight. The more you know about how the aircraft works, the more relaxed you will feel and you will not be bothered by thoughts of possible malfunctions. Here are some facts you should know.

    • An airplane rises into the air due to the work of four forces: attraction, drag, lift and thrust. These forces make flying easy and comfortable. As one pilot said, "Airplanes are the happiest creatures in the air." If you want to expand your knowledge about this, study the specialized literature.
    • Jet engines are simpler than car engines or even lawn mowers. Even if something happens to one engine (which is unlikely), the plane will be able to fly on the remaining ones.
  4. Don't worry about the door opening during the flight. The door won't open. When the plane reaches a height of 9000 meters, about 9000 kilograms will press on the door, that is, it will be closed securely.

    Remember that aircraft are regularly serviced. Aircraft are repaired and subjected to scheduled checks. For every hour an aircraft spends in the air, there are 11 hours of maintenance. This means that if your flight is 3 hours long, it will first go through 33 hours of maintenance to make sure everything is running smoothly.

    Sign up for classes. There are special classes that help overcome the fear of flying. There are two types of classes: some you need to go in person, while others are enough just to watch videos, read special literature and communicate with a psychologist. The course also includes a visit to the airport and a flight analysis with a teacher. However, the effect of the activity may be short-lived unless you fly regularly.

    Take an airplane flying class. Face yourself with your fear. There are many stories about how people have been afraid of something all their lives, and then they found themselves in a situation that they tried to avoid, and realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. One way to overcome fear is to immerse yourself in a situation that is fully safe. In this case, the safety is provided by the instructor.

    • Next to a patient instructor, you may suddenly realize that flying is not so scary. Of course, this is a radical approach to the problem, but this may be the way to deal with fear that suits you.
  5. Don't read too much about plane crashes. If you want to stay calm, don't worry about the accidents that are on the news. So you will only make yourself worse - you will begin to worry even more about what can happen with a meager probability. If you're already afraid of flying, don't reinforce your fear.

    • This also applies to watching films like "The Crew" and other films about plane crashes or unsuccessful flights.

Buying a plane ticket

  1. Choose direct flights. While you won't be in control once you're on a plane, there are ways to make your flight more enjoyable. The easiest is to choose a direct flight. The less time you spend in the air, the better.

    Choose seats above the wing. If you sit in this part of the plane, there will be less shaking. This is the most stable part that vibrates the least.

    Choose seats near the aisle or near the emergency exit. You should choose a place where you will not feel trapped. The most suitable places for this are near the aisle and near the emergency exit.

    Choose flights operated by large aircraft. Larger aircraft shake less. When you view information about a flight, you can find out which aircraft is operating that flight. If you have the opportunity to board a large plane, do so. The larger the aircraft, the smoother the flight will be.

    Fly by day. If you are afraid to fly in the dark, fly during the day. You may be more relaxed if you can see the sky around the plane. It is sometimes scarier to fly in the dark, because it seems that you are surrounded by the unknown.

    Choose a route with the least turbulence. In the USA there is even a special site Turbulence Forecast, where you can see in which zones the turbulence is minimal. If you're flying with a stopover, find out if you can take a quieter flight.

Flight preparation

    Visit the airport in your free time. It is recommended to go to the airport when you do not need to fly anywhere. Walk around the terminals and get comfortable there. This may seem like a drastic measure, but it is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the upcoming flight.

    Arrive at the airport early. Try to arrive as early as possible so that you have time to check in your bags, go through security and find your lounge. If you arrive late, you won't have time to get ready for your flight and your anxiety will increase. Get used to the terminal, the people who come and go, and the atmosphere of the airport. The more accustomed you are to being there, the more relaxed you'll feel when it's your turn to board the plane.

    Meet the flight attendants and the pilot. Once on board, say hello to the flight attendants or even the pilot. Look at how they do their job in their uniform. Pilots take a long time to learn, just like doctors, so you should respect and trust them. If you trust these people and remember that they are professionals who care about your interests, it will be easier for you to reschedule the flight.

    Give up alcohol. Many people start ordering insane amounts of wine and cocktails as soon as the flight attendants roll the first cart. It will not help you get rid of fear. Alcohol can even increase your anxiety about being out of control, especially if you're worried about having to evacuate the plane.

    • Alcohol intoxication leads to poor health, especially when the effect of alcohol wears off.
    • If you really want to calm your nerves, have one glass of wine or beer.
  1. Take snacks with you. Distract yourself with food that you can eat for a long time, or just something that you really like.

    Take the yellow press with you. You may not be able to solve math problems on board an airplane, but you will have the energy to read all the latest gossip from the celebrity world.

    Get ready to sleep on the plane. Many people recommend getting up early before the plane to sleep on the plane. There is no better way to check your flight time than by sleeping.

During the flight

    Breathe deeply. Take deep breaths in through your nose, then exhale for a count of 10 until all the air is out of your lungs.

    Squeeze the armrest. If you feel a lot of anxiety, especially during takeoff and landing, squeeze the armrest as hard as you can. At the same moment, tighten your abdominal muscles and stay in this position for 10 seconds.

    Put on a thin rubber band. When you feel anxiety, start pulling it back and letting it go. A little pain will bring you back to reality.

  1. Bring a variety of entertainment with you. If you have many options, it will be easier for you to reschedule your flight. Take magazines with you or download a series and watch it on the plane. You can play a computer game, do your homework, look through work papers.

    • Choose what suits you. Think of your time in the air as time to do something you've always wanted or needed to do, not torture.
  • If you feel like your anxiety is over the top, make an appointment with a therapist and get treatment. You can ask your doctor to prescribe you a medication that will help you deal with anxiety on board. There are over-the-counter medications, but it's always best to ask your doctor about dosages and interactions with other medications.

Is the pleasure of the upcoming trip overshadowed by the fear of flying? Don't waste more time on the road buying train or bus tickets, but try to get your aerophobia under control. But how to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane?

The main causes of aerophobia: where does fear come from

To make aerophobia a thing of the past, identify what causes concern. Psychologists identify several types of fear that prevent you from traveling comfortably.

Distichophobia and its consequences

Perhaps you are afraid of flying because of dyschyphobia. This is the fear of accidents. This reason is the most common, and the fears are understandable: the media massively covers every crash. If such attention were drawn to car accidents, people would be afraid to get into a car.

To calm your nerves, check out the statistics. You will see that air crashes are very rare! But it happens, people think: "If bad things happen, then it must be with me." Are you one of them? Contact a psychotherapist who will conduct a course of conversations and recommend pills for calming.

Acrophobia and how to deal with it

An obsessive fear of heights, called acrophobia, prevents you from enjoying flights. To fix it, you often have to seek professional help. After all, it is natural to be afraid of an unfamiliar environment!

But in some cases, the fear goes away when you make a little effort and start traveling by air. After 3-4 flights, the situation ceases to be unfamiliar.

Claustrophobia and effective measures to eliminate it

Fear of enclosed spaces, or claustrophobia, can play out in the cabin. It will be possible to get rid of it by buying a ticket for a seat near the porthole. In some cases, sedatives help. Sometimes passengers resort to alcoholic beverages, but the effect is debatable: fear can become stronger, and general well-being worse.

Fear of Losing Control: Trust the Pilot

Often fears are caused by the loss of control over the situation. Passengers can only rely on the skill of the pilot, who is responsible for their health and life. Often, fears can be reduced if, upon landing, the crew personally meets travelers and greets them with smiles. Seeing who will fly the plane, people calm down.

Fear of terrorist attacks

The fear of terrorists, especially on some international lines, is natural. But fears are in vain: after the 9/11 incident, security measures have been strengthened to the maximum. Vigilance is shown by the passengers themselves, if necessary, reporting information to the crew.

Remind yourself of the case of the terrorist Richard Reid: an attempt to blow up a plane failed due to the quick reaction of others. After takeoff, the passengers smelled burning and complained to the steward. He noticed that Reid was trying to light a match, and reminded him of the inadmissibility of these actions. A few minutes later, a woman sitting nearby, drew attention to the strange behavior of a neighbor. She asked what he was doing and received no answer. Then she saw that Reid was trying to set fire to the cord from the bomb in his boot, and tried to stop it. The woman loudly called for help, and then, together with the stewardess and other passengers, immobilized Reid. They tied the unfortunate terrorist with seat belts and even headphone cords. The active intervention of the passengers averted the tragedy.

There is no reason to worry, as the security services are taking all possible measures. And if necessary, remind yourself that you are able to influence the situation.

Hydrophobia: how it spoils travel

Do you tolerate small flights, but intercontinental flights turn into a nightmare when the ship flies over the ocean? The phenomenon is called hydrophobia, and it is caused by unpleasant experiences in the past.

If panic attacks occur while flying over bodies of water, look for other flights. Didn't find an alternative? It will be easier to calm your nerves by buying a ticket for a seat away from the porthole.

Ochlophobia: fear of crowds

Psychotherapists say that for some aerophobes, the reason is not the fear of getting off the ground. A passenger can calmly relate to the fact that the aircraft rises to a great height, but feel discomfort in the circle of strangers. The problem is exacerbated when a person with ochlophobia finds himself in a small chair, squeezed by neighbors on both sides, and cannot stretch his legs.

Traveling in business class helps to partly eliminate fear. If you can afford only economy class, choose seats near the aisle or porthole: you will have 1 neighbor.

Emetophobia: when nausea becomes a threat

The anxiety of travelers can also be associated with emetophobia - the fear that it will not be possible to cope with the onset of nausea. If you want to avoid the problem, take a tablet of cyclizine or lorazepam (check with your doctor first). And to do without medicines, drink a glass of warm milk before the flight: it calms the nerves.

Aerophobia or simple suspiciousness

If you are afraid to fly on an airplane, first determine the type of problem. Perhaps you do not have aerophobia, and you only need to overcome simple suspiciousness.

It is normal to be afraid of unfamiliar situations, so the excitement before takeoff is not considered a manifestation of a phobia. But when it is accompanied by physical symptoms (rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, dizziness and fainting), a specialist is indispensable. He will treat in several stages:

  • With a severe phobia, the psychotherapist will select medications that alleviate the patient's condition.
  • The doctor uses individual therapy, during which he will identify the cause of the problems. Half the success depends on whether you can identify what causes anxiety.

The methods are applied individually or in combination, and the scheme is developed by a specialist. If you're suffering from a severe phobia, rather than heightened anxiety, your chances of coping on your own are slim. Are you trying to avoid flying by any means? The problem cannot be solved by a simple desire to pull yourself together.

By asking for help at an early stage in the formation of aerophobia, you will quickly achieve results.

Common stereotypes and their failure

If it's a matter of suspiciousness, it remains to figure out how to defeat it. Think about whether it is caused by a lack of knowledge and belief in stereotypes. Common misconceptions include the following:

  • Russian pilots allegedly abuse alcohol and are therefore unreliable. But all airlines have international certificates confirming the compliance of services with international standards.
  • It is safe to fly only with airlines of large corporations. If the aircraft is at the airport, then it has passed the necessary checks. In practice, Samara Airlines' air transport will be as safe as an Etihad Airways liner.
  • It is dangerous to fly on an old plane. In fact, air transport is divided into 2 categories: serviceable and defective. The service life does not matter, because the resource of aircraft is initially large. Delta Air Lines has 50% fleet of aircraft over 20 years old. This does not prevent it from occupying a leading position in the world in passenger transportation.

If you approach the issue critically, fears will be unjustified. Are you afraid that a drunk passenger will throw a heavy object into the window, and everyone will die after the cabin is depressurized? This is impossible: the glass consists of several layers, and in addition, it will not break due to the difference in pressure overboard and in the cabin. Are you afraid that a bird will get into the engine of the liner? In modern models, the mechanisms duplicate the work, and the failure of one will not cause a tragedy. Even if all the engines are clogged with birds, the liner will not crash, but will slowly glide to the ground. The pilot and passengers in the United States were in a similar situation, and the crew coped with the task of landing the plane in New York without causing harm to buildings.

Do not invent reasons for a possible disaster: 99% of fears are unfounded.

How to stop being afraid of flying

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane? If you feel like you can handle it on your own, try a few things. Among them you will find a working one!

Knowing how the plane works: study the materiel

When preparing for a trip, don't look for information about accidents that have occurred on a particular airline. Although the temptation can be strong, it is more beneficial to understand the processes that await you. By understanding what the jolts or shaking are associated with, you won't assume the worst. Consider the following:

  • The feeling that the aircraft is moving at great speed is due to its set for takeoff.
  • See through the window that part of the wing is moving? This is normal during flight and there is no reason to panic.
  • Due to turbulence, it may seem that the liner is falling into a bottomless pit. The sensation occurs when the vessel enters an area with a different pressure. In fact, the difference in height is several centimeters. The feeling of falling is due to the fact that the human vestibular apparatus is not “designed” for flights, therefore it gives false information. Increases the problem and speed: all movements are felt more strongly.
  • Worried about the plane door accidentally opening? This is not possible due to the difference in pressure overboard and in the cabin.

The more you know about the structure of modern airliners, the easier it is to remain calm when entering a zone of turbulence. The chance of crashing is 1 in 11,000,000, so you'll be safe.

Flying First Class: Soothing Comfort

Ali Vanderman shares his experience in the fight against aerophobia. This freelance traveler makes a living writing travel guides and stories about her adventures. But Ali was afraid of flying until she discovered 1st class opportunities.

According to her, Vanderman had to survive 15 hours in the air. Therefore, she decided to go to the expense and ensure her comfort. As a result, for 9 hours she slept peacefully in an armchair under a soft blanket, and the rest of the time she enjoyed the menu and drinks.

If you can't afford premium comfort, buy a business class ticket. The distance between the rows will be greater, which will help overcome claustrophobia. Physical comfort largely provides spiritual!

Reading statistics before flying

Check out the statistics: they show that the risk of dying in a car accident is higher than being a victim in a crash. According to Harvard University research, you have a 1 in 13,000 chance of being struck by lightning. The risk is much higher than that of a plane crash (1 in 11,000,000), but you are not afraid to walk down the street. Accidents happen, but the hype in the media creates the illusion of their frequency.

According to statistics, in the period from 1982 to 2010 in the United States, no more than 110 people per year became victims of air crashes. And security is increasing: in the 60s. accidents occurred 1 time in 200,000 flights. Now the ratio is 1:2,000,000, so there is no reason to worry.

Keep in mind that not every failure is fatal. Even if the plane were the only one out of 2,000,000, research by the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States shows that the probability of survival is 95%. The situation is no different in other countries.

So that you don’t think about how not to be afraid and fly safely on an airplane, watch a video about checking air transport before a flight:

Preparing in advance: what to consider

If you feel discomfort at the thought of flying, reduce the amount of stressful situations. Arriving for check-in at the airport with a minimum margin of time is not the best idea, because you will get excited even before landing.

Then, if possible, go to the lounge: it is available to passengers of the first class and holders of certain types of bank cards. But for a fee, everyone will receive additional comfort (subject to availability). Pleasure will cost 40 €, but you will find yourself in a pleasant and calm environment, enjoy food and drinks, take a shower if you wish. If the journey is pleasant from the first minutes, you will feel more confident on board.

Register online to avoid additional stress.

Crew Credibility: Get to Know the Staff

It is not uncommon for pilots to greet passengers in person to reduce their anxiety. Some companies allow travelers to enter the cockpit before takeoff and greet those in charge of security. When you see friendly, calm people, faith in their competence will grow. Remind yourself that the crew also wants to return home, where relatives are waiting.

If there is no opportunity to see the pilots, talk to the flight attendants: ask any questions you have, ask them to pay more attention to you. But you don't have to worry about the competence of the staff. Pilots must spend at least 1500 hours in the air to get on major airlines, so they have enough experience.

Choosing the right clothes

  • Start with comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics: women will pay attention to bras, because the straps should not cut into the shoulders.
  • Choose loose trousers in black or navy blue, because they will please you with practicality. You will need a model without a belt: it can squeeze the stomach, causing inconvenience.
  • Don't wear high heels. A model with a flat sole in combination with socks made of natural material will not cause discomfort.

Also bring an eye mask so you can sleep peacefully on the flight and be ready to travel.

Useful mobile applications and entertainment on board

Are you trying to overcome your fear? Dealing with it is easier if you are distracted. Watch the movie that is shown during the flight: whether it is bad or you have already seen the tape, it is better than remembering the crash stories. Grab a book or yellow press on board to switch your attention.

Technology fans will appreciate the SkyGuru mobile application, designed for the iOS operating system. It works on regular flights, telling the user what is happening at every moment of the flight. You will get an explanation for all the sounds and sensations: you no longer have to guess what the mysterious shaking of the ship means.

Do you want to completely switch attention? Use the Ana Takeoff Mode app: the puzzle won't let you think about anything else. It was developed by a Japanese airline specifically for aerophobes. The creators paid special attention to the soundtrack, and the soothing melody promotes relaxation. The volume automatically increases when the engines switch to takeoff mode, so you won't be disturbed by unfamiliar sounds.

If a child shows fear, bring your favorite toys and coloring books to the salon. Keep your child entertained and, most importantly, be calm. Seeing the confidence of the parents, the child will stop being nervous.

Maintaining fluid balance

Noisy in the head, legs seem to be wadded, does the stomach bother? The phenomena caused by a strong loss of moisture during the flight do not add calmness. So that physical discomfort does not increase psychological, drink tomato juice. It is rich in potassium and magnesium, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Do not lean on alcohol: its absorption increases at altitude, and the result will be unpredictable.

Ready for turbulence

When thinking about how to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane, keep in mind when it covers you . Anxiety increases when you enter the turbulence zone, but simple tricks will come to the rescue:

  • Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your name using your left hand (for lefties, your right hand). Repeat until you calm down. The effect is based on the fact that you focus on the task and stop thinking about the bad. You also use the other hemisphere of the brain, which destroys the existing patterns. The trick was invented by Ron Nielsen, an English pilot: the effectiveness of the reception was appreciated by aerophobes.
  • Feeling the approach of a panic attack, remove the straw from the glass and breathe through it. You will reduce the flow of air into the lungs and avoid hyperventilation.
  • Book seats in the part of the aircraft closest to the cockpit or center. Shocks and shaking will be felt weaker than in the seats at the tail of the aircraft.

Remind yourself that turbulence is harmless: no more than 50 people have been affected by it in the history of civil aviation. Troubles were associated with the fact that passengers did not stay in their seats or luggage fell on their heads.

Turbulence is a nuisance, but a ship cannot crash to the ground in an air pocket.

Professional help

Despite your best efforts, does air travel seem like a nightmare? Consult a psychologist, but do not expect to get rid of fears after a single visit. Get ready to take a course of conversations, and, if necessary, work out on a virtual simulator. It simulates the conditions of a flight, so you get used to the sensations.

How to sleep on an airplane

Surviving the flight will be easier if you fall asleep. But how to do it on board the liner? Tips will help you:

  • Take care of your own comfort: make a playlist with soothing music, put your favorite blanket in your hand luggage, put on a soft sweater, even if it is out of fashion. Falling asleep in the company of 200 people, being at an altitude of several thousand meters above the ground, is difficult. To achieve the goal, you need to create convenience.
  • Do not cross your legs: if the flight takes more than 4 hours, the posture increases the likelihood of a blood clot. Ideally, you should book a seat at the window, because you can lean to the side and lean against the wall of the cabin. The posture will be comfortable even if the seat back does not fully recline.

Give up on the idea of ​​making it easier to fall asleep with alcohol. The result is unpredictable, besides, after waking up, you will feel thirsty and have a headache. Discomfort will increase, and the impression of the flight will be negative.

Medicines for aerophobia

Hoping to forget your fears by taking a pill? Alas, there are no effective remedies for aerophobia. You can relieve the symptoms, but the subconscious mind will remember that flying is a frightening situation. I even had to take pills!

Manifestations of anxiety will increase, and the dose of medication will need to be increased. To solve the problem, you need to get rid of the phobia. Deal with the causes of fear, if necessary, contacting a professional. He may prescribe drugs that relieve anxiety, but they will only serve as an addition to therapy.

It is impossible to prescribe medications on your own, even if we are talking about a simple sleeping pill. After all, the consequences of the application make themselves felt within a few hours. A clouded head, drowsiness are not the best companions for travelers.

How to choose the right flight and buy a ticket

On the forums, travelers share tips on how to choose a flight and places to reduce discomfort. Recommendations include the following:

  • Traveling on direct flights is more pleasant because you will spend less time in the air.
  • Seats in the center of the cabin are suitable for those who are afraid of flying. In this part, the aircraft is stable, so the vibration will be less. But keep in mind that most models have engines located under the wings. Sitting nearby, you will hear all the noise.
  • If you suffer from fear of enclosed spaces and crowds, choose seats near escape hatches. The aisles in front of these rows are wider, and you will not feel discomfort.
  • The phobia often recedes during daytime flights, when you see a beautiful landscape outside the window. Darkness is associated with the unknown, which increases anxiety.

Decide in advance on the flight time and book your seats: after thinking through the details, you will get a good experience.

How to deal with rising anxiety

How to get rid of the fear of flying on an airplane if you feel like you are losing control? Take action in advance: warn the flight attendant and neighbors about the problem. You need to get support and sympathy, and not suffer alone. Many passengers are happy to entertain those who are afraid of flying with a conversation.

When air transport enters a turbulent zone, be aware of the potholes in the road. Instead of straining, relax your muscles, and you will endure unpleasant moments more easily.

If the panic persists, switch to a controlled breathing technique. Inhale through your nose and exhale while counting to 10. This will avoid hyperventilation, and focusing on the cycle will distract you from the excitement. It also helps to use a thin elastic band worn around the wrist. Pull it back and let it go: slight pain will prevent you from coming up with frightening scenarios.

What to avoid when you are afraid of flying

To make your review of the airliner experience favorable, eliminate factors that increase anxiety. Consider the following tips:

  • Avoid coffee and caffeinated products. Your nerves are excited and no additional stimulation is needed.
  • When looking for aircraft model information, don't focus on crash data.
  • Do not think that learning to switch thoughts is a difficult task. Neutralizing irrational fears is real when you have the facts. If you are afraid of turbulence, study the issue thoroughly. After all, most of the fears are due to simple ignorance! The next time you get scared, list in your mind the facts that prove that flying is safe.
  • Train yourself to ignore the hype that the media makes about small problems. For example, at the end of January 2018, an incident occurred in Russia: after the aircraft had landed, passengers were preparing to leave the cabin when one of them caught fire with a phone charger. The problem was fixed in minutes, but the media burst into headlines "The plane nearly caught fire because of the gadget." Why? Journalists want to attract an audience, and this can not be done with stories about how the crew responded to an ordinary incident in a coordinated manner.

Remember that ignorance is the main enemy. The more you know about airplanes, the more relaxed you will fly. If necessary, you will even go to the airfield and take a few piloting lessons: once you understand what is happening, you will stop worrying.

Airplane is the safest transport: a few facts

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane? Remind yourself of the results of statistical studies. The Department of Transportation in the United States has provided data according to which the greatest danger is the car. If you're traveling on a highway, the risk of dying in a crash is 1 in 654, and for motorcyclists it's 1 in 114.

Why are people afraid of flying? Mostly because of the media hype surrounding the disasters. Each event is covered in such detail that it seems that accidents occur frequently. Remind yourself of this and the fear will subside.

People with an overactive imagination will make him play into their hands. If you tend to dream up scenarios, switch to the positive. Imagine the perfect trip: start by arriving at the airport, imagine boarding, meeting nice neighbors, and flying safely. The more often you imagine the upcoming flight in a positive light, the easier it will be to cope with the task.

Do not avoid air travel, otherwise suspiciousness will play out and cover other areas of life. Overcome fear and take control of the situation!


Research by a Japanese airline showed that 72% of passengers suffer from fear of flying. In some cases, we are talking about a phobia, and it can only be overcome with the help of therapy. But you will cope with suspiciousness on your own: try the tips in practice and choose those that help you.

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12.12.2017 0 2 404 views

Gold-plated silver is a sophisticated and attractive choice. Unfortunately, it eventually loses its former appearance. Consider how to clean gilded silver at home from blackness. There are special pastes for washing such products, but they are quite expensive. It is better to use proven folk methods.

Methods for cleaning ordinary silver and gold will not work for this purpose. There is a possibility of damage to the coating. If the contamination is serious, you can contact the jeweler. He will suggest methods suitable for a particular accessory. In other cases, you should figure it out on your own.

How to clean gold plated jewelry

If the ring or chain is of high quality, care for it is greatly simplified. The electrolytic method of manufacturing the product is recognized as the most effective. The purpose of the coating in this case is not only attractiveness, but also protection against rust. The term of use will be much longer and the price is quite high.

Metal can change properties due to incorrect operation. It is also adversely affected by humidity, sweat and human diseases, contact with food, cosmetics, chemicals and drugs.

To wash gold-plated products, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • In the absence of serious old dirt, you can wipe the ring or bracelet with a dry suede cloth.
  • If dark spots begin to appear, you should carefully wipe the accessory with cotton, after dipping it in alcohol or turpentine. This method is not dangerous for such jewelry.
  • It is imperative to wear gloves, as you can harm the skin of your hands.
  • Often the ingredients have an unpleasant odor, so cleaning is best done on the street or on the balcony.
  • It is advisable not to keep jewelry with stones in the solution for a long time, as they can peel off. The same rule applies to chains, as their clasp is usually made of plain metal.

It is strictly forbidden to use any abrasives. Even the softest ingredients (toothpaste, chalk) can seriously damage earrings and rings. The gilding is very thin, so such products erase it.

Do not wash jewelry with ingredients such as:

  1. Chalk (it is allowed to use only in a carefully crushed form).
  2. Soda.
  3. Powder.
  4. Toothpaste.

How to clean silver with gilding at home?

  • For minor contamination, you can prepare a solution using the following components: ammonia - 2 tbsp. l., water - 1 l. Mix the ingredients, leave the product for a quarter of an hour. Then wipe with a dry cloth or sponge. A simple treatment with a cloth previously dipped in the product is also effective.

  • Often, table vinegar or a solution of citric acid (10%) is used for cleaning. A rag is lowered into it and the metal is wiped. The method is used to lighten dark spots. Lemon juice is also suitable for this purpose. You need to leave the accessory in it for a couple of minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

  • Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid, which helps to remove stains. Soak the jewelry in it for 30 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

  • Food also helps to eliminate the problem. For example, raw potatoes. The product must be processed with it or left in the liquid along with the vegetable.

  • The method is used for heavily tarnished products. To prepare the product you will need: zhavely water - 1.5 tbsp. l. and yolk - 1 pc. Javel water is a solution of potassium salts, hypochlorous and hydrochloric acids. This product is quite difficult to find in stores, so it can be replaced with Whiteness or Domestos. Beat the egg, mix with the liquid. Send a washcloth to the mixture and rinse the product. After wiping it with wool or suede until completely cleansed.

  • You can mix dishwashing detergent with hot water in a small container and leave the jewelry there for two hours. Then brush with a soft, pre-cut bristle toothbrush. Rinse and thoroughly suede. For half an hour, the product is also left in beer. Then you need to rinse and wipe dry with a cloth.

  • When a green coating appears, you will need: grated soap - 1 tsp, warm water - 1 liter, ammonia - 6 drops. Leave the jewelry in the solution for half an hour, rinse and dry with a suede cloth.

  • Mix the following ingredients in equal proportions: petroleum jelly, grated soap, water, chalk in a carefully ground form. Apply the mixture on a rag in a small amount and polish until completely clean and shiny, then wipe.

The clock can be rubbed with wine alcohol. It helps to get rid of darkening. The method is simple and absolutely safe.

Video: how to clean gilded silver from blackness?

To clean products required much less often, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not keep them in damp places with high temperatures. For example, in the bathroom. This will significantly reduce the period of use of jewelry, make them darken and fade faster.
  2. Each accessory must be stored separately, wrapped in a suede cloth. Gilded forks, knives and spoons should also be in a case with departments.
  3. After wearing, it is worth wiping rings and bracelets with a cloth to remove stains. This is more effective and safer than a serious cleaning from darkening.
  4. Do not leave in places exposed to ultraviolet rays, as this contributes to their deterioration. Avoid contact with sharp objects to prevent the risk of scratches.
  5. Avoid exposure to creams, perfumes and liquids. Jewelry should be removed before washing dishes and laundry.

Gilded silver requires careful handling. Subject to all the above rules, it will last a long time. The choice of products must be approached with great care, giving preference to high-quality accessories. If the stains are very old, you should contact the jeweler.