How to properly paint the eyelashes. How to make a beautifully painted eyelashes

Expressive eyes with long fluffy eyelashes dreams to have every chaplain. And how else to get them, if you do not learn how to paint the eyelashes?

We select a brush and mascara under the type of eyelashes

Before finding out how to paint eyelashes, it is better to choose mascara for your type of eyelashes. Now they are not talking about how to choose a mascara extension or bulk carcass, each girl herself knows what she would like to add his cilia. We are interested in the consistency of the carcass and brush, because each type of eyelashes requires an individual approach.

Soft eyelashes It will be more convenient to paint brushing and thick ink.

Hard eyelashes It is better to paint with liquid carcass with a rigid plastic brush.

Short eyelashes It is not so easy to paint as long, and therefore it is important to choose the right brush. It should be with thick hard, can be plastic bristles. Well, the mascara is certainly better to choose with the effect of elongation.

Rare eyelashesit is clear to punish a thick mascara with a brush with a solid bristle. The effect of using such a carcass will be the best if you apply it zigzag.

Long straight eyelashesyou can paint both thick and liquid ink, but correctly selected by twisting brush.

How to paint the eyelashes in mascara?

Well, the mascara is chosen and purchased, it remains to find out how she needs to paint eyelashes.

  1. Opening the carcass bottle, we pay attention to the neck. If it is narrow, then everything is in order. If the neck is wide, then the brush will necessarily have excess carcasses that will not allow beautifully extract eyelashes. Therefore, you have to remove these excess yourself - spend a couple of times brush along the edge of the bottle.
  2. We apply the first layer of carcasses by moving from the roots of the eyelashes to their tips. At the same time, paint the cilia from the nose, moving to the outer corners of the eyes. We give the first layer to dry.
  3. The next layer is starting to apply on the elastic kids, and then on their main part, at the same time slightly raising and cilia. Mascara should be applied with a thin layer, and therefore do not forget to remove the excess carcasses from the brush. Prayer cilia is slow, slightly shaking the brush from the side to the side, so that the eyelashes do not stick together and have been clear well.
  4. If the result turned out to be good, then on this painting of eyelashes you can finish. If the cilia still sticks out, then the mascara did not dry, the cilia needs to comb. For this, a special brush-comb or washed and dried brush from an old carcass will be suitable.
  5. If the cilia is long and straight, then before painting they should be twisted with special tweezers.

Many are interested in the question of how to paint the lower eyelashes. In summer or, creating day makeup, they can not be painted at all. For evening makeup, the lower cilia needs to be made, but it is better to do this once to avoid an untidy look of eyelashes.

Some, not wanting to mess around with daily painting eyelashes, decide to paint them with special paint. And then the question arises how to properly paint eyelashes. Alone to paint the eyelashes will not work, it will be necessary for someone's help, ideally professional. If nevertheless decided to trust girlfriends or relatives, then prepare to work according to the following items:

  1. First we clean the eyelashes with a soap with a neutral PH level, foam and milk are not suitable - fat will hurt the eyelashes.
  2. We apply fat cream with a cotton wand, avoiding getting on the eyelashes.
  3. We fold cotton discs in half and put them under the lower eyelashes.
  4. Close your eyes and ask a voluntary assistant to apply paint to the eyelashes with a thick layer. At this stage, turning the eyes and blink is prohibited.
  5. Painted cilias are rinsed with cool water and apply oil or nutritious balm to moisturize the stained area.

Every woman knows for to make eyelashes are long And thick, and the look - charming and expressive, you need to use mascara for eyelashes. After all, not every representative of the beautiful floor can boast of gorgeous eyelashes, data on nature and not in need of additional tinting and tissue.

How to paint the eyes of ink. Stages of applying carcasses

  1. Before the start of applying carcasses for eyelashes, you need to remove existing fat traces, otherwise the mascara will be bad and will last not long. If you used moisturizing or tonal cream, then blot the cilia with a napkin, and let the skin under the eyes and eyelids. Also, in order to give the cilia curved shape, before pressing them, you need to press them with an index or middle finger to the century and hold in this position for a few seconds. For the same purpose, you can use special tweezers. And mascara should fix their position.
  2. Many makeup artists agree that you first need to paint the lower cilia. In this case, the brush must be in a vertical position. This will allow mascara to wear the most tip, and therefore cilia will be scratched at the maximum.
  3. Then you need to move towards applying carcasses to the top eyelashes. It is necessary to keep a brush horizontally, but painting cilia - from the middle of the century, smoothly turning to the outer part, and then to the inner corner of the eyes. At the same time, it is necessary to apply mascara in the right direction, that is, from the roots to the most tips.
  4. To cilias are as long and thick, you need to paint twice. After the first layer is applied, you need to give the eyelashes to dry for two or three minutes. And then proceed to them again on the same scheme.
  5. If you see that the cilias glued down, then immediately after applying the second layer of carcasses, they should be combed to comb special brushes.
  6. If you dirty when applied to the carcass, wipe the skin with a wet ward wand or cotton swab.

There are several more rules, following whom you can achieve a "open" look and make cilias very beautiful:

  • If during the applying carcasses, to make zigzag, or "vibrating" movements, then the eyelashes will not bond;
  • In order for the eyelashes to be scratched as much as possible, you should apply mascara and on their top: just cover your eyes and gently swipe from the roots to the tips. It will also help to remove the resulting lumps;
  • To make eyes a beautiful shape, you need to apply mascara to the top eyelashes, while holding a brush vertically. And to create the effect of "cat" eye, you need to punish the cilia in the outer corner of the eye;
  • In order to divide the cilia after applying a carcass, you can use the tassel from the old carca. But it must be pre-washed with soap and dried well. It is necessary to wash it and after each use to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation of the eyes or spoiled makeup lumps;
  • The combination of various types of carcasses is acceptable if you use for this not one brush, but different. So, you can apply an extension mascara first, and after it drying is a mask that increases the volume. Excess funds can be removed using a clean tassel;
  • It is not necessary to pass by a colored carcass, especially since it has recently in trend. But it is necessary to apply it correctly, that is, on top of a black carcass. Otherwise, such makeup will be too screaming and vulgar. Especially unnaturally he looks on blondes. By the way, they are also not black for daytime, but a dark brown mascara;
  • You can twist the cilia using special tweezers after the eyelashes are filtered, and the mascara dried. To do this, heat the screwdriver with a hairdryer, and then hold the cilia. Remember that tweezers should not be too hot to damage the eyelashes;
  • Some girls for giving the eyelashes of an additional volume before applying the carcasses let them. It helps to achieve the desired effect, but sometimes commemorated lumps from the powder;
  • In order for the view to be a charming and expressive to make up only the upper eyelashes, and the bottom to emphasize only with light strokes. This "will open" eyes and visually increases them;
  • A new mascara can be applied in this way: bring the brush to the eyelashes and peck on it. This will allow smoothly make eyelashes, avoiding their gluing.

How to paint the eyes of a car: video instruction

Good tassel for carcass - the main tool!

Depending on what effect you expect from carcasses for eyelashes - lengthening of cilia, volume, separation, twisting - you need to choose and brush for applying. After all, it is the right tassel that is the key to beautiful "puppet" cilia. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to her bristle, it will tell you what tool for applying a carcass you need. So:

  • Tassel with a solid, level bristle will give the eyelashes additional volume;
  • The brush with long bristles is well separated by eyelashes and makes both fluffy, as it captures a larger amount of carcass, compared to other brushes;
  • Brushes with a short bristle will be well to cry the cilia in the corners of the eyes, creating a "cat" look;
  • Spiral brushes perfectly screwed cilia, preventing them with gluing. In addition, it gives the volume and well extends short cilia;
  • Tassel, where bristles of different lengths are able to cry the cilia in the corners of the eyes and give a unique volume;
  • "Tassel-eight" - this brush is suitable for making curved shape with cilia and for their separation.

Knowing about the purpose of each tassel, you can safely go for the purchase of the desired carcass. You can choose exactly the tool that will give a unique effect to your eyelashes.

Eyes - girl decoration. Thick black eyelashes, framing deep and bright eyes, give the way of mystery and chic, but in order for it to be so, you need to know how to paint the eyelashes is beautiful and smooth. Not only the technique of applying carcasses, but also the shape of the tassel, the shape of the ciliation, color and style of makeup, the condition of the eyelashes.

Methods of applying carcasses

Beauties invented a whole mass of styles, with which the most colored eyelashes are easily and simple. Long and short, thick and not autumn, straight - everything is subject to beauty.

Zigzago fashion

It helps very well to eliminate visual ladies of cilia, such as the lack of volume or lack of length, but it is worth considering that too short will also look at such painting ridiculous. We take a silent and start to apply mask with zigzag movements, subsequently mascara settles them stronger, and visually increases volume. This way you can paint the eyelashes at home and in the cabin.

Method of horizontal lines

This technique will help effectively scroll into the eyes of the eye in the corners of the eye. For the convenience of applying and that the mascara does not blurred the eyelids, we recommend to keep the mirror from the chin and look into it. Neat soft movements start to apply mascara from the corners of the eyes, the lower eyelashes or the top does not matter. Result: Eyes are naturally painted, extreme cilia, the longest beautifully highlighted.

Vertical way

It is used to create the effect of "crea eyes". The brush is carefully soaked in the carcass and in the vertical position to be brought to the eyes. The mascara should be applied in several layers, to give the eyes of more dramatism, such a method you can like to make short eyelashes and long. If the mascara got on the skin, and the makeup is almost complete, then you can still be a layer so as not to wash and not start again.

How many layers of carcass need

This question is strictly individual, it all depends on style, events, time of day and image. But the type of carcass also plays an important role. Suppose if this quick-drying kind - then several layers will be very difficult to apply - it will begin to crumble and crumble.

For such purposes, it is best to use a mascara with an oily or wax basis. In order to determine which type of carcass, keep in your hands you need to apply a bit of it on your fingers - if they stick to each other - it says about the presence of water, if, on the contrary, the structure is creamy - it means that is a mascara with butter or wax. But in general, it is recommended to apply not more than 6 layers.

Which brush to choose

The breakthrough in the ciliary industry made the company LE 2 Guerlain, which patented brushes for maski with plastic bristle. Such a tassel will be convenient to make long eyelashes from the roots, but not to give them a form.

The classic option is silicone brush, All new - well forgotten old, this kind of brush does not improve the volume and will not tell you how to give short cilia, but it is very profitable to split them and crawn the hair in the corners of the eye.

Very original invention - plastic brushes with rare bristles. This device will be very useful by the winners of short or rare eyelashes, but they should be avoided by girls with thick hairs.

How often paint eyebrows and eyelashes

Here too, everything is very dependent on the choice carcass. They are:

  1. Water soluble.
  2. Waterproof.
  3. Cutting.
  4. Increasing volume.
  5. Nutritious.
  6. Hypoallergenic.
  7. Transparent.
  8. Special paints for eyelashes.

Depending on the type of hairs, it should be chosen, what carcass and eyebrows. But when applying any carcass must be considered basic rules for training eyelashes:

  • Mascara will not stick on a fat basis. When applying a cream in order to remove bags under the eyes or hide visible lack of sleep and fatigue on the face, you need to try not to make empty eyelashes.
  • Take your type of hair in front of your eyes. Soft them or tough, thick or not very.
  • Movements must be neat, do not get into the eyes, if possible, do not blur the eyelids. Mascara should be only on the eyelashes.

Ways to eliminate eyelashes

If the girl is wondering how to learn how to paint the eyelashes correctly, but they are far from ideal, or very sensitive, you can try to use folk methods for elongation of the hair. Olive oil growth oil is an excellent option for short and rare types. Apply it for the night, or wash them off the paint.

In specialized stores, you can also find many finished drugs to increase the volume, but it is worth remembering that our appearance is a reflection of our lifestyle. Improper nutrition, lack of sleep or bad habits are always reflected on our face. Before getting rid of black dots, you need to establish a power process. Before finding the possible options, how to quickly grow eyelashes, you need to learn to care for them correctly:

  1. Do not go to bed without flushing makeup. This is the basis of beautiful eyelashes, the mascara interferes with the correct circulation of air in them, and I will be inflamed at the morning, and the hairs will begin to raise.
  2. The most beautifully instant eyebrows or eyelashes of special paint can be possible only after purchasing certain skills.
  3. A pre-selection, which paint and ink need to paint eyelashes, consult with a specialist.
  4. In order for makeup to be perfect, you need to prepare the basis: try to remove wrinkles on the forehead, apply the necessary tone, etc. Beautifully defined eyes attract attention, well-groomed, long eyelashes, beautiful lip line and smooth skin - you are irresistible.
  5. Coloring is a very painstaking and complex process, a little training before that does not hurt.

Each female feature knows that to complete makeup it is necessary to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes - make eyelash. After all, since their tips do not have absolutely no color, the tinting will give them color and volume. As a rule, beautiful natural eyelashes, behind which there is no need to further care, very little, that is why some girls and women use a variety of tricks.

How to paint eyelashes so that your eyes fascinated, expressive and emphasized an extraordinary answer is pretty simple - to buy how to paint the eyelashes ink, to get the desired result? Without a doubt, any lady can answer this question. But what's the problem: many mistakenly think that everyone knows everything. However, as in any other process, there are their subtleties, which some women do not adhere to or simply do not know.

So, after you purchased a mascara, proceed to the process of eyelashes correctly? We give several rules.

· If traces of fat are present on the cilia, the mascara will not hold. After applying the cream on the face, the eyelashes brushes with a napkin, and forever put a little powder.

· Apply mascara on the eyelashes is as follows:

First of all there are lower cilia. The brush should be in a vertical position, the mascara is applied with a tip of tassels;

Then we return the brush to the horizontal position and paint the upper cilia. First, stain in the middle of the century, then the outdoor part and only then internal;

Painting eyelashes needed by moving from the roots to the tips, along the entire length. Movements must twisted, lift, lengthen eyelashes, each of the movements should be fixed literally a few seconds;

After the first layer of carcasses caused, let him dry, then stands again.

· To lengthen eyelashes, pull the brush along them up, slightly raising your head.

· To obtain elegantly curved eyelashes, the eye should be slightly covered with lightweight brushes to start eyelashes on the top eyelid.

· If you wish to emphasize the elegant lines of the eye, and make eyelashes like a lung butterfly wings - movements should be slightly oblique, from the center of the century to the temple.

· For the uniform distribution of the carcass before starting, it is necessary to comb on a special brush, thanks to which you divide them.

How to paint eyelashes and do not reduce the visually size of the eye? Most cosmetologists and makeup artists do not advise to paint the lower cilia, because it allegedly visually reduces the eyes. In fact, the lower cilia is definitely painted, only so you can get immacularly if you still think that after painting the lower cilias, it looks smaller than actually, do as follows: Before applying a carcass on the eyelashes on the innermost eyelid, apply a white pencil thin A line that visually allows you to increase your eyes.

If you suddenly stain in the process of eyeposo, you should not despair and apply all makeup anew. You just need to wait a few seconds until the mascara is dry in the eyelashes, then take a cotton wand and carefully, to remove the extra paint with a slight movement. Remember: Mascara should only be on the eyelashes!

You can also paint the cilia using special paint. The eyelashes are painted in the same way as hair, and the result, as a rule, holds for a month.

Learn how to paint the eyelashes need not that day, when you have to go on a date or dinner. Highlight some time and practice properly apply mascara.

Daily and evening, it is impossible to imagine without the final stroke - carcasses on the eyelashes. Most women have light eyelashes with light, so without additional tinting, they lose expressiveness, and eyelashes look much shorter than in fact. Properly applied, emphasizes the color of the iris and visually lengthens the eyelashes, makes them thick.

Any mascara requires compulsory testing for allergies - all women are individual and what ideally one of one can not arrange another. With particular attention to the selection of carcasses, it is necessary to allergic and those who wear contact lenses.

The external effect of the carcass depends on the correctness of its selection and application. Sometimes completely after the makeup completed several crawling masses for eyelashes.

Mascara of eyelashes is divided into several types:

  • extension
  • volumetric
  • color, or accent.

The extensive mascara contributes to staining the eyelashes along the entire length, covering even tips, and makes them visually longer. Mascara with additive of special polymers or tiny threads can "increase" the length of each cilia.

In addition, this type of carcass gently twists and bends the eyelashes, which makes the look more open, and the eyes are more and expressive. This type of carcass requires more thorough testing - in some women additives and fibers in the composition provoke conjunctivitis and allergic reactions.

The bulk mascara is designed to make thin and bright cilia more dense and noticeable. The consistency of this means allows you to lay it on the eyelashes, with each layer thickening them. The eyelashes casually scratched such inhabitants can bond and look untidy. For this type of carcas, the correct storage is especially important, as it is inclined to quickly dry out and form not aesthetic lumps.

The color mascara does not differ from the usual, the whole difference is in color. It is usually used as an accent in evening make-up, sometimes painting it only the tips of the upper eyelashes. Very popular in summer make-up - bright paints look great on the background of freshly tanned skin.
Type of carcass is selected individually depending on the shape of the eyes and the type of eyelashes.

Long curved eyelashes curved, framing large expressive eyes look beautiful with any carcass, the main thing is not to overload their paint.

Rare eyelashes are painted by bulk ink, which makes them visually thick, and short trying to decorate with the extension.

Many modern carcasses combine properties and volumetric, and extension cars, which makes them a versatile eye makeup. In one makeup, a combination of several types of mascara is quite possible - the top eyelashes can be scratched with bulk ink, the lower extension and apply the color accents to the elastic ends with a colored carcass, the shadow of which harmoniously looks with the color of the eyeshadow or outfit.

Methods for putting out carcasses with different shape of the eye

Mascara of eyelashes is an excellent correction tool. When painting a more intensely certain plot, you can even visually change the eye cut, and the combination of carcasses with eyeliner, pencil and shadows absolutely changes the impression of appearance.

With the help of a carcass can be adjusted:

  • closely planted eyes
  • too convex eyes
  • narrow eye cut
  • round eye shape.

With the eyes close to the bridge, they need to visually "push out", for this, use light shadows in the inner corner of the eye and the mascara layered on the outdoor sections of the eyelashes. You can use the color correction method - the eyelashes are scratched with brown or gray ink, and the outdoor areas are actively darkened by black.

The transition of tones is created, visually removing eyes from the bridges. With such makeup, it is important to carefully glue literally every cilia.

Too convex eyes require minimal emphasis. To reduce their volume, only eyelash tips are missing.

Narrow eyes will look more rounded, if you see not only the upper, but also lower eyelashes. The concentration of the color and density of the shadows above the center of the eye (above the pupil) also changes the shape towards rounding.

Round eyes seem more elongated and almond-like if the lower eyelashes do not paint at all. The color is concentrated on the outer areas of the upper eyelashes, pulling them in the form of a wing towards the temple. Such "take-off" forms distract attention from rounded eye and give them a beautiful form.

The extension mascara is usually applied by zigzag movements from the bottom up, trying to punish the cilia from the very base to the tip. With this movement, the mascara covers the whole surface. Separate eyelashes are painted, holding a carcass brush vertically. Some manufacturers produce special small bottles with paint designed to dye the lower eyelashes. It is very convenient - they have a small brush that allows you to carefully and gently draw each cilia, without spoiling makeup.

Tricks helping to increase eyelashes with a carcass

Smoky Smeoka Iz

With any make-up there are a number of secrets that help to make eyes brighter and expressive, and the eyelashes are thick and longer.

It may be:

  • special tongs
  • applying powder on eyelashes
  • laying a carcass depending on the size and shape of the eyelashes.

A simple way to make a look open - twisted eyelashes with special tongs. At the same time, it is important not to pull and not "press" the eyelashes to not injure and do not break them. This stage is especially important for direct eyelashes, tightening raises them from the roots, and the subsequent applix of the carcass fixes the form.

If the eyelashes are thin, it is possible to add thickness with thickness not only ink, but also with a slight pointing of the first layer of carcass. It is important not to overdo it with the number of powder, otherwise the eyelashes can stick up and become similar to the shaggy "spider legs".

Mascara - the final stage of makeup, when all "operations" on the application of the makeup has already been completed. This procedure requires the accuracy and absence of fuss and hurry, so as not to spoil the already applied make-up. First, the mascara is applied to the most end of eyelashes - usually they are the brightest. Cracing them, the mascara is applied to all the top eyelashes, moving the zigzag movements from the growth line of eyelashes up. Eyelashes are trying to paint in the direction up and out, giving them a form directed from the nose to the temple. This technique allows you to visually increase your eyes, pulling their outer corner. The eyelashes of the eyelashes from the roots fixes the bend, revealing. If possible, the eyelashes are painted as much as possible in the outer corner of the upper eyelid.

Pale, colorless eyelashes cover in mascara in several stages: first paint the top with a closed face from top to bottom, looking at that part that is not visible in open eyes. Then the tips of the upper eyelashes at open eyes are scored, and then all the cilia completely. Thus, paint covers the entire cilia completely and its natural redhead or a light shade is not visible under ink.

If the mascara is uneven or her too much, the eyelashes are cleaned with a special brush or comb. If the result is not satisfied with the result, you can gently add another layer of carcasses.

Passing uncomplicated makeup and use rules and use the result obtained is capable of radically change appearance. Selected eyelashes make up the beautiful eye color and give brightness to the entire face.

Mascara, like the rest of the cosmetics, the subject of individual use and use it only one person should. Infections carrying with someone else's carcasses begin with simple inflammation of the conjunctiva and end with serious infectious diseases, to cure that are very difficult and expensive.

The open mascara is stored for no more than 3 months, ideally use the bottle for the month - then there will not have time to settle microbes.

Unacceptable pouring foreign liquids into the container - dried mascara can only be thrown away, even diluted, it will go to lumps.

The eye needs to be applied according to the individual features of the appearance of a woman.

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