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The meaning of a reader's diary is so that a person can remember when and what books he read, what is their plot. For a child, this can be a kind of cheat sheet: for example, having come to school after the summer holidays in extracurricular reading lessons, a child with the help of a diary can remember what books he read, who are the heroes of the book and what is the essence of the plot.

In the elementary grades, a reading diary helps to train the child's memory, teaches to analyze the work, understand it, find the main thing and express one's thoughts, but it also has a controlling function: both parents and teachers need to check how often and how much the child reads: only through constant exercises in reading, the child will learn to read quickly and, therefore, will be able to fully study in high school.

There are no clear requirements on how to keep and arrange a reader's diary - this is decided by each teacher, taking into account the characteristics of the class or a particular child. In elementary school, a reader's diary uses a minimum of columns; in high school, the teacher may require a more accurate description of each book read.

Reader's Diary Design Templates

Many adults do not pay enough attention to the format and appearance of the reader's diary, and children are reluctant to fill them out. But let's think: what are the child's motives for reading? Why is he reading (especially children up to grade 6)? Why is he filling out the diary? It is unlikely that at this age he does it deliberately, most likely, he was simply "forced". But we must remember that it may be just interesting for children to work in a large and beautiful notebook, fill out tables, etc. Therefore, we propose to pay special attention to the design of the reader's diary and offer several templates.

Types of reading diaries

Depending on the goal pursued by the teacher, several types of diaries can be distinguished:

  • diary-report on the number of pages read silently or aloud, marks of parents who read with the child. There may be the following columns: number, title of the work and full name of the author, number of pages read, type of reading (aloud and silently), signature of parents. Used in primary grades.
  • diary-report on the books read. Only book titles, authors' names, reading dates (June 2014, August 2014, etc.) are taken into account. There may also be "marginal notes", that is, brief notes about the book.
  • cheat sheet diary with mini-analysis of works. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What should be in a reader's diary and how to fill it out?

  • Name of the author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Number of pages
  • Genre of the work (poem, novel, story, etc.)
  • In what year the work was written. What is this year known for in history? What was the situation in the country where the author lived?
  • The main characters. You can simply indicate their names, but you can also give a brief description: age, connections with other characters (older brother, father, friend, etc.), appearance, favorite activities, habits, you can give the page numbers on which the author gives a characteristic hero. Do you want to be like a hero? Why?
  • The plot, that is, what is told in the book.
  • Review of the book.
  • List of key episodes in the book with page numbers.
  • The era in which the work takes place, or specific years. Who was in power then? In which country or city is the action taking place?

High school students can also provide additional information:

  • A list of critical literature on a work or author.
  • Extracts of phrases, expressions you liked.
  • Brief biography of the writer.

In addition to the usual information, you need to give the child the opportunity to draw in a reader's diary, do crosswords, scanwords, puzzles, also write a letter to the author of the book or characters, and so on.

1. The diary must be of Belarusian production, in the established form and contain all the necessary symbols.

2. The diary should be in the COVER. All entries in the diary are in Russian.

3. Use a blue ballpoint pen to write. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to write in the diary with a pencil, colored pens.

4. The names of the month and the names of objects are written with a small letter.

5. For physical education in the column "assignments" write the name of the exercise or another type of work, but not the word "form".

6. Also clarify tasks in other subjects: for example, write the number of the exercise, what to do: read, retell or something else.

8. After the holidays, the days are counted from the day you go to school, without missing blank pages in the diary.

9. If the student was absent due to illness, then the missed days (weeks) are filled in according to the general rules, without missing days (weeks), with the obligatory indication of homework.

10. MANDATORY in the diary must be filled in all the lines, without missing individual days.

11. The diary should look CLEAN AND ACCURATE. Any stickers are FORBIDDEN.

12. The student is obliged to timely complete all entries in the diary.

13. Records must be ACCURATE.


15. Regularly give the diary for signature to the class teacher and parents

1. In educational institutions, diaries of a single sample recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus are used.

2. All entries in the diaries must be kept in compliance with the following requirements:

2.1. To fill in the diary in the language in which the educational process is carried out in a general education institution or in the classroom of a general education institution;

2.2. Write neatly, competently, in a legible handwriting, use a ballpoint pen with purple or blue paste;

2.3. At the beginning of the school year, fill out the title page, indicating the surname and first name in the genitive case, write down the lesson schedule;

2.4. The names of academic subjects are written with a small letter - the Belarusian language, the history of Belarus, mathematics, etc. on all pages of the diary, including when filling out the lesson schedule;

2.5. Household activities and names of months are recorded in the diary with a small letter;

2.6. When placing marks in the class journal, the teacher must simultaneously put it in the diary and certify it with a signature;

2.7. The class teacher must monitor the correctness of entries in the diary, at the end of each week, write down the number of missed lessons, if necessary, write on the corresponding page of the diary;

2.8 Legal representatives should systematically review and sign the diary at the end of each week.

In the formation of positive motivation of students, a diary is important.
What does a journal mean to a student? This is his social passport. This is the plan of his life, this is a list of his achievements and failures, failures. But often it becomes just a list of failures. It becomes a reminder list of failures instead of a list of personal strengths reminders for the student to use further.

Nevertheless, the diary is very significant for the student. It is for this reason that it is hidden when the teacher intends to write a comment there.

Two basic principles:
1. Increase the number of positively motivating diary entries
2. Transform and reduce the number of negatively motivating diary entries.

Diary entries for positive motivation are entries that contain
a) unconditional recognition of the student's personality
b) records containing the conditional recognition of the student. It is the recognition given to a student for a job well done.

The most difficult can be the expression of unconditional recognition, acceptance of the student, since the school is focused primarily on successful activities. However, it is possible. Unconditional recognition is expressed primarily through a respectful form of treatment. Unconditional recognition can be expressed through an appeal by name (to the student), by name and patronymic (to parents), through written congratulations on national holidays - by writing in a diary from the class teacher, from the school principal. (Remember: A. Suvorov knew each of his soldiers by name). It can also be parting words and wishes of the class teacher to have a good vacation - at the end of a quarter, half a year.
The so-called "conditional" recognition should be expressed for success in educational, in extracurricular activities, for personal achievements. It can also be not only a mark, but also a praise,
for example - for attentive work in the lesson, for an excellent answer at the blackboard. Comments to the grades are important, clarifying the nature of the work done by the student, containing recognition of success, clarifying the possibility of correcting a bad grade. It can also be gratitude, for example: for helping the teacher in the lesson, for participating in extracurricular activities, for being on duty at school, in the classroom, gratitude for the message in the lesson, for the help provided to a classmate.

We can say that writing in a diary is a special form of pedagogical work with students, since, as the people say, "What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax."
A diary is not a notebook from which a bad page can be torn out and thrown away. Is this the reason why students lose their diaries so often? Losing at the same time a part of their life that you want to forget about as soon as possible And those who did not lose them during the school year, with great relief of their hearts at the end of the year, throw the diary into the trash can in order to forget about the huge red deuces, appeals to the parent and student conscience, about their grievances against teachers, about the feeling of helplessness in front of circumstances and adults, whom they are unable to influence…. To forget at least for the summer ..
Will the time come when the diaries will begin to be carefully preserved as a memory of personal successes, noble deeds, class and school events, the nobility and help of teachers, the knowledge gained in favorite subjects, and the new step passed by the student into an interesting, adult life? And it would be nice if it came.
So let's give our students gratitude, appreciation, love, admiration, respect, social recognition of success, the importance of what has been done, the results achieved, self-confidence and confidence in the future, self-confidence.
Let school life become such that there is no need to be afraid of the wrong answer, ridicule of classmates, irony of the teacher, public criticism, silent (or not silent) anger of parents.

I offer 10 specific methods to establish positive contact, influence student behavior, and invite parents to cooperate in raising a child. The description of these 10 methods can be used as a guide when working with a student's diary.

10 methods to connect and increase student success
1. Method of establishing contact. Recording in the diary begins with an address by name to the student, by name and patronymic - to the student's parents (instead of: "Dear parents ..." or: "Fill in the diary!").
2. Positive reformulation method Positive reformulation of negative behavior into positive qualities. (Instead of: "Fought at recess!" - "Your son knows how to stand up for himself. We hope that next time he will do it in a safe way.")
3. Method of direct request. Describing the desired behavior of the student instead of describing the unwanted behavior. (Instead of: “Systematically late for the first lesson!” - “Petya, come to class on time”) want to receive from him.
4. Method of advance payment. Any quality that you want to develop, strengthen in the student is advanced to him. (Instead of: "I listened inattentively in the lesson" - "Vova! You are able to listen attentively in the lesson" or "Petya! You are able to come on time"
5. Method of permission, permission. The wording begins with the words: "You can ...." For example: Sasha! You can study well! " or "I'm glad when you come on time ..."
6. The method of accurately describing behavior (Instead of describing the personality of the student). Concretization to a particular situation instead of generalization of quality or behavior for the entire future time.
7. The method of comparing the student with himself, with his own result in the past, instead of comparing him with other students or with the required standard "today you were more attentive than yesterday"
"This week I got into a fight only once" "Thank you for your attentive work in the lesson"
8. The method of talking about yourself and your feelings, instead of talking about others. Addressing your feelings. Instead of describing other people. For example: “Dear Anna Pavlovna! I am concerned about your son's grades in physics. Please come on the 14th to 17-00 to discuss the issue. "
9. Good wish method "I wish you a better grade in the next lesson!" I hope for the same excellent work in the next lesson (next trimester, next academic year)! "
10. The method of analyzing and determining the purpose of the appeal - especially to the parents - how, why, for what purpose, in what form. When an entry is made in a diary, it is important to determine exactly what the purpose of the entry is, what result you want to achieve from the student through this entry, and relate the entry to the intended result. This is especially important when communicating with parents - a very precise wording is important, so that there could not be a different understanding of what the teachers want from the parents. A diary entry should not be a pedagogical puzzle that parents need to solve in order to understand what kind of help the teacher wants from them. She should make the parents clear enough about what is expected of them.

Requirements for keeping a school diary

N.V. Lushpaeva ,
Deputy Director for Teaching and Educational Work, School No. 402, Moscow

The diary is the main document of the student for the time he is studying. Its maintenance and filling is governed by certain rules that must be observed by all participants in the educational process.

The older the child becomes, the more resourceful he is in order to hide negative school news and facts from parents. Most students do not want to show their parents their unsatisfactory grades, report a new call to school, or mention the number of homework assignments. As usual, the diary at the most crucial moment is “forgotten”, “lent to a sick classmate”, “lost”, “spoiled”, etc. ... However, it is still impossible to do without traditional diaries.

A student's diary is:

  • a journal that records student grades;
  • student performance indicator;
  • remedy for appeal schools to parents.

I would like to draw your attention to the following: not "communication with parents", but "the school's appeal to parents."
I will leave out of parentheses some senselessness of such one-sided communication, but it is curious that the instruction even regulates the text of the notes that the teacher can make.
Is it before communication here, with this approach?

The modern printing industry is turning the diary into a fashionable school accessory, offering a choice of diaries in different formats, with colorful covers (lacquered, foil-embossed, matte, laminated), with colored endpapers containing various reference materials, maps, etc.

Bright design distracts the student, he forgets that the diary remains the main document of the student, and its maintenance and filling is regulated by certain rules. Otherwise, the diary becomes formal, not interesting even for “good students” and “excellent students” and a subject unnecessary for parents.

Requirements for keeping a diary by students, subject teachers, class teachers, school administration and parents are fixed only by a local act of the educational institution (Regulations on keeping a diary). Neither the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", nor in other normative legal acts regulating the activities of educational institutions, mentions the obligation of a student to keep a school diary.

What a student should know about journaling

The student periodically needs to be reminded that the diary is his school document, by which one can judge diligence and level of consciousness, and that he must fill it out in strict accordance with the instructions set out in it and in the Regulations on keeping a diary.

on uniform requirements for maintaining and filling out a student diary

The diary is the student's school record. The responsibility for its obligatory and accurate maintenance is borne by the student himself.

  1. The student makes all entries in the diary in blue ink.
  2. The student fills in the front cover; writes down the names of subjects and surnames, names and patronymics of teachers; provides a schedule of lessons, extracurricular activities and, as necessary, extracurricular and extracurricular activities; indicates the month and day. Extraneous entries and drawings in the diary are unacceptable.
  3. The student daily writes homework assignments for independent work in the columns of the day for which they are assigned; during school holidays, a plan of extracurricular and extracurricular activities is drawn up.
  4. The student presents the diary at the request of the subject teachers and the class teacher.
  5. The teacher, evaluating the student's answer, puts a mark in the class journal and at the same time enters it in the diary and certifies it with his signature.
  6. The homeroom teacher monitors the weekly diary requirements, the presence of marks in the diary received by students during the week, and notes the number of delays and missed classes. At the end of the diary, the class teacher provides a summary of the student's progress and attendance and certifies them with his signature in the specially designated columns.
  7. Records of the work performed by the student during the period of labor practice are carried out by the persons responsible for the organization of these works.
  8. For notes of teachers and the class teacher, free columns or specially marked columns and pages of the diary are used.
  9. Parents weekly, as well as at the end of the academic quarter (academic trimester), half a year and a year, look through and sign the diary, if necessary, control its keeping.
  10. The school administration systematically monitors the keeping of diaries for students in grades 2-11 in accordance with these requirements.

The student should be aware of the obligation to present his diary when requested by school staff.

A respectful attitude to the diary can be formed during various educational activities: class hours, "round tables" (for example, on the topics "Why do you need a diary?", "What are the differences between a passport and a diary?").

Work of subject teachers with schoolchildren's diaries

Recently, teachers have often used verbal assessments. They contribute to the student's self-esteem and a positive emotional attitude.

Recording topics can be varied:

  1. Verbal assessments, praise ("Well done!", "Clever girl!" I have such a student! ").
  2. Remarks.
  3. Acknowledgments ("Gratitude is announced (expressed) ...", "Thank you for ...", "I express my gratitude ...").
  4. Invitations ("Dear ________________________! I invite you to a parent meeting on the topic _______________________________________________________, which will take place on __________ in office number __________. Class teacher _____________________").
  5. Ads.
  6. Recommendations ("Please pay attention to ...").
  7. Informing parents about the success of their children.
  8. Notifying parents about upcoming joint activities at school.
  9. Congratulations on the holidays.
  10. Congratulations on victories at the Olympiads, achievements in sports.
  11. Appeals to parents.

If it is necessary to write down a remark or appeal to parents, then this should be done correctly, briefly and clearly, without belittling the dignity of the student, and without any hints to the parents about the poor upbringing of children. Illiteracy, violation of the norms of the literary language in the wording, illegible, careless handwriting, violations of etiquette (tactlessness) are not permissible for a teacher!

It is important to remember that the same type of entries and frequent notes in the diary, especially when it comes to behavior or unlearned lessons, are addictive and do not have any effect on the unscrupulous student. It will be more effective to invite parents to school, maybe even by a special notification.

The teacher is obliged to supervise the recording of homework by students in their subject, paying special attention to low-performing and underachieving students; regularly mark all the marks received by students in the lesson.

Work of class teachers with schoolchildren's diaries

The work of class teachers with students' diaries is regulated by their job responsibilities in the educational institution.

The class teacher must:

  • check the diaries of students in your class on a weekly basis;
  • Monitor students' compliance with the journal-keeping requirements;
  • monitor the presence in the diary of all marks received by students during the week;
  • note the number of missed lessons per week and the number of delays;
  • control: accuracy, literacy of records, correct errors in them; the correctness of filling out the diary; feedback from parents;
  • certify the verification of the diary with your signature.
  • reflect the activity and effectiveness of the student's participation in the life of the class and school.

The variety of the printed design of the diaries makes it difficult to check them, since not each of them provides pages for comments, vacation notes, a quarter schedule, etc. Therefore, we suggest purchasing identical diaries for the class (by decision of the parent meeting held in May or August, or parent class asset) subject to school-wide requirements.

Parents check the student's diary

Parents weekly, as well as at the end of the academic quarter (academic trimester), half a year and a year must view and sign the diary, if necessary, check the correctness of its keeping.

Completed in accordance with the requirements of the diary allows parents to: see the successes or failures of their child; monitor his school fees; know about the mode of training, vacation activities; and also keep abreast of school events.

The work of the administration of an educational institution with schoolchildren's diaries

The school administration carries out systematic control (according to the MSC plan) of keeping diaries of students in grades 2-11 in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Regulations on keeping diaries. During the administrative control of the diaries, the presence of the following in them is checked:

  • information about class teachers;
  • schedule of lessons for a quarter (trimester) and for the current week;
  • time of calls for lessons;
  • timetables of the sections, conducting extracurricular activities, classes in project activities, etc .;
  • homework;
  • data on absences and delays in training sessions;
  • unethical remarks to students and appeals to parents from subject teachers and class teachers;
  • current grades to be given by subject teachers, not class teachers;
  • parent's signatures;
  • of the marked marks for written work on the day of their carrying out.

In addition, the quality and frequency of checking the diaries by the class teacher is monitored, as well as the culture of keeping and the aesthetics of drawing up the diary by students.

Based on the results of administrative control, the administrator who checked the diaries draws up a certificate in which he indicates the identified violations, formulates comments and gives recommendations for eliminating violations within a certain period of time.

based on the results of an administrative check of student diaries

Date: _________________ 20____

The purpose of the check: control of the readiness of pupils' diaries by the beginning of the school year.

According to the results A check of the diaries of students in ___ grades revealed the following:

Notes on journaling Class FULL NAME. class teacher Surnames of students
The uniform form of diary keeping has not been observed
The title page of the diary is not completed
The page with the list of teachers is not filled
FULL NAME. teachers have students in the class recorded with errors
The page with the call schedule is not filled
Lesson schedule not fully written
Most students in the class do not write homework in the diary.
No signature of the class teacher at the end of the school week
No parental signature at the end of the school week for all or most of the students in the class
Worst diaries from an aesthetic point of view
  1. Conduct a class hour in order to eliminate gaps in the design of the diary.
  2. To alert students and parents to the following:
  • the diary is kept only with a pen with blue ink (notes with a pencil, pens with ink of other colors or markers are not allowed);
  • records should be made accurately, legibly, without the use of correction tape or liquid;
  • it is necessary to indicate the current month and dates on the pages with the schedule of lessons and homework;
  • when writing homework, do not abuse the phrases "in a notebook", "lecture", etc .;
  • tearing out sheets from the diary is unacceptable;
  • should be given the diary to the subject teacher at the time of the answer for affixing a mark or at the first request of a teacher or any other school employee.
  1. Check and sign diaries weekly.
  2. To draw the attention of subject teachers to the fact that notes in the diaries should be set immediately, comments and appeals to parents should be formulated competently and correctly.
  3. Submit the following students' diaries for re-examination:

Checked: ___________________ _____________ ___________________

(position) (signature) (full name)

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Parent-teacher meeting

Sample filling out the cover of the workbook and diary pages

NOTEBOOK for pupils of the school class of works in mathematics tsyka 2 "B, No. 1055 Russian language

Ivanova Vera

Diary 2014/2015 uch. year

Title page Cover Call schedule Additional lessons schedule Diary

Surname First name Patronymic Class 2 "" School № School address: st. , d.

District School Phones: Home Address Home Phone and (Parent Contact Numbers)

The child can make a small card with the necessary phone numbers and addresses. Place the card in a pencil case, in a diary or in a separate pocket in a portfolio

In case of danger: (to be filled in by parents) School honey. employee name

DIRECTOR Surname First name Patronymic

HEAD OF THE EDUCATIONAL PART Surname First name Patronymic

AWESOME LEADER Surname First name Patronymic

Teachers Subject Teacher Study Room English

Fizkul - sp. tour hall

Music GPA

1 8.30-9.15 2 9.30-10.15 3 10.35-11.20 4 11.35-12.20 5 12.30-13.15 CALL SCHEDULE

6 13.35-14.20 7 14.30-15.15 CALL SCHEDULE

Schedule of lessons at the beginning of the diary Schedule 2 weeks ahead with the correct dates September mat. Russian lang. reading iso technology

Requirements for the design of work in notebooks for all students of the school:

In math and reading notebooks: 1. Between class and homework 4 cells. 2. Between the numbers there are 2 cells. 3.Write from the beginning of the line to the margins or to the fold of the notebook. 4. Between the columns of examples there are 3 cells. 5.Within any task, 1 cell is skipped down. 6. Two-digit numbers occupy 2 cells, that is, each digit is written in its own cell.

In Russian notebooks: Between classroom and homework - 2 lines. We do not leave any more lines in the notebook blank. In homework, we write vocabulary words with stress every day, highlighting spelling

Correcting mistakes If a mistake is made in a dictionary word, it is written 3 times with the highlighting of the spelling with a green pen and also with an accent. Maroz M about roses, m about roses, m about roses

Making a notebook for extracurricular reading

for your attention!

The presentation was made by Mukhacheva Yulia Vyacheslavovna, primary school teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 1055, Moscow

What parents of elementary school students need to know about keeping diaries and notebooks for schoolchildren

General Regulations for Keeping a Diary

Dear Parents! We offer a memo on keeping a diary as the main school document for your children. These guidelines were developed by primary school teachers based on work experience and the authors' references in the pages of the diary.

1. The diary is a compulsory school document for the student. Some sample diaries on the first page contain general requirements for students in schools in the Russian Federation, as well as rules of student conduct.

2. At the beginning of each academic year, the student fills out the front cover, on the following pages, in the appropriate columns, the names of subjects, surnames, names and patronymics of teachers, the schedule of lessons, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities are written. It is advisable to write down information about the student's parents, his home address and telephone number in the diary. It is also worth indicating data on the student's blood group and his Rh factor.

3. The student writes homework daily in the columns of the day for which they are assigned. On the eve of the holidays, a plan of extracurricular and extracurricular activities for this period is recorded in the diary.

4. The student must present the diary at the request of the subject teachers and the class teacher.

5. Teachers, giving a grade for the student's answer, enter it in the class journal and in the diary at the same time, after which they certify the entries in the diary with their signature.

6. The class teacher constantly monitors the correctness and accuracy of journaling. At the end of each week, he looks at the student diaries and checks that it contains all the grades students have received during the week. The diary can record the number of missed lessons and tardiness over the past week. Individual class teachers can give weekly marks for diligence, student appearance, duty, culture of behavior and communication, and also for keeping a diary.
In addition, there is a dedicated page at the end of the diary for the notes of teachers and the class teacher. This is where information is most often recorded for parents regarding educational activities and extracurricular activities.
The summary information about the progress, behavior and diligence of students can be displayed by the teacher at the end of the diary or in the attached statement.

7. Parents systematically review the diary: the grades received, records of upcoming extracurricular and extracurricular activities, special attention is paid to the comments and recommendations of teachers and the class teacher. Parents are required to sign the diary weekly.

8. Accurate and accurate journaling can only be achieved with careful, punctual and systematic implementation of the listed recommendations by both students and parents, as well as teachers and the class teacher.

9. The school administration also systematically monitors the status of student diaries. The necessary recommendations and remarks can be written down on the corresponding page at the end of the diary.

General provisions for keeping a notebook

The student's notebook is his first synopsis. Therefore, it is important to teach each student a variety of methods and a general culture of working with a notebook. The teachers of our school strive to help the child learn to work accurately and competently in the notebook.

We offer you a general memo on keeping a notebook, compiled on the basis of teaching materials for school administrators and generalizing the experience of primary school teachers.

1. An elementary school notebook should have no more than 12 (18) sheets. It fits in a transparent cover. The cover changes according to the degree of wear, at least once every quarter.

2. It is advisable that an additional sheet for draft notes was enclosed in the notebook.

3. Students should make all notes in notebooks with a pen with blue paste, observing the rules and requirements.

Rules and requirements to be followed when taking notes in notebooks
write in neat, legible handwriting;
uniformly carry out the inscriptions on the cover of the notebook: indicate what the notebook is intended for (for work in the Russian language, mathematics, etc.), grade, number and name of the school, last name and first name of the student. The teacher signs the first grade notebook covers;
observe the margins of the outer side (margins are required to be highlighted in notebooks for all subjects);
in the first grade in the first half of the year, the date of work in the Russian language and mathematics is not written. From the second half of the first grade, as well as in grades 2–4, the date of the work is indicated: the number in Arabic numerals (grades 1–2) or in words (grades 3–4) and the name of the month in words;
write on a separate line the title of the topic of the lesson (it is possible to highlight it with green paste), as well as the topic of written works (statements, essays, etc.);
indicate the number of exercises, tasks, indicate the type of work performed and where it is performed (class or home);
observe the "red line";
begin the text of each new work on the same page of the notebook on which the date and title of the work are written. There is no need to skip a line between the date and the title, the name of the type of work and the title, as well as between the title and the text in Russian notebooks. In mathematics notebooks, in all these cases, two cells must be skipped. Between the final line of the text of one written work and the date or title (name of the type) of the next work, two rulers must be skipped in Russian notebooks, and four cells in mathematics notebooks (to separate one work from another and to give marks for the work);
carry out drawings neatly, with a pencil, if necessary - using a ruler or compass;
it is necessary to correct mistakes as follows: a misspelled letter, number or punctuation mark should be crossed out with a slash; part of a word, word, sentence - with a thin horizontal line; above the strikethrough, inscribe the correct letters, words, sentences, numbers, numbers; do not put misspellings in parentheses;
the combinations of letters underlined by the teacher or the samples of letters and numbers indicated by him are prescribed by the student without fail.