How to make a manicure sponge step by step. Sponge for manicure and its varieties. Required tools and materials

Seeing a wonderful gradient nail design, girls think about the independent embodiment of such beauty on their own hands. This will help a simple and understandable instruction, describing how to make a sponge manicure. Fortunately, the Effect of Ombre can be obtained at home without visiting the salon. By applying one of the two methods proposed in this article, you can get a result that is on the same level with a professional manicure. Mandatory conditions for the correct execution of any manicure are at least a small experience in this area, perfectly well-groomed hands and healthy nails. The creation of a beautiful gradient composition on the nails is unthinkable without a sponge. A surprisingly pleasant eye Rainbow transition is formed due to the smooth blurred flow of one color in another. Such an effect is achieved by simple manipulations. Two well-known methods are set out in this article.

Gradient manicure

Step number 1.

It is necessary to provide the primary colors of the gradient maximum brightness and saturation. For this, the substrate is superimposed - one-photon coating. In this case, the thick snow-white varnish is well suited. If the consistency is liquid, you will need a double or triple layer. It is normal to replace the white varnish can an analogue from the bodily gamut, only on it will be paler. The selected varnish is white or bodily superimposed on the dried basic coating. This layer should be smooth, it will be more convenient to work with a sponge.

sponge for applying varnishes and toothpicks for mixing colors basic gentle pink coating

Step number 2.

Featuring 2-3 varnish colors, you need to pour each of them to the cardboard or foil. The boundaries of multi-colored varnishes will need to gently mix through fine movements of toothpick. Some homemade masters are used as a palette disabled disk. In the fresh rainbow mixture to dip a sponge and repeatedly press it to the nail plate. An increase in the amount of applying increases the brightness of the gradient design of the nail. It is important to observe the nonset pressure to protect against accidental absorption of the previous lacquer layer. Having done such a manicure several times you can do the mixing of varnishes without cardboard or a piece of foil, catching colored stripes directly to a pre-moistened sponge.

two contrasting colors from pink gamma when mixing varnishes on the border, a beautiful transitional color is formed a trial touch of a sponge gives a harmonious two-color imprint from the sponge varnish is transferred to the nails with light horizontal movements

Step number 3.

On top of the applied gradient, it will be necessary to impose a transparent varnish. We must have time to apply a transparent layer until the color composition is dried. The imposition of a transparent layer is required for smoothing the roughness after exposure. Together with this processing, the result will look careful.

initial grungy result finished transparent varnish ready-made composition

Step number 4.

The completion of the skin is wiping the skin near the nails. Help your cotton wand impregnated with liquid without inclusion harmful substances and intended for erasing varnish. The traces of the rainbow rainbly on the skin must be completely removed, and it is not necessary to touch the nails. Wash with skin varnish will be significantly easier if you pre-treat your fingers with a bold consistency with cream. For those who wish to fulfill Ombre Manicure without such side effects, it is recommended to close the rollers on the sides of each nailing tape. This little thing accelerates and simplifies homework with nails.

in the final, traces of lacquer with leather are removed gradient in red-burgundy tones contrast black and red

Manicure Ombre

The previous instruction describes how to make a manicure sponge, but some homemade craftswomen use an alternative method. In this case, the creation of a gradient transition is also done with a sponge touch. There is a slightly different technology here, but the multicolor result also does not disappoint anyone.

in gentle green tones

The first layer is the transparent varnish. The white base is not required, the color varnish is superimposed. For novice home masters, a pink pastel version can be recommended. The layer must be completely dried. After making sure the color layer drying, you need to take a sponge and impose another color to the center and along the edge of the nail, avoiding touching it. As the next color, it is well suited, for example, a yellow pastel version.

with the Effect of Ombre

After waiting for these smears to dry, it will have to take advantage of the sponge, this time it will be necessary to give the most tips of the nails, which will be the third in this masterpiece. As an example, you can safely consider turquoise pastel varnish. The resulting tricolor picture is consolidated by imposing a transparent varnish.

in gray tones

A win-win manicure of Ombre for different life circumstances is extremely easy to master, so it can be exhausted from scratch beginners. Even after analyzing theoretical materials it is impossible to clearly understand how to make a manicure sponge, the fact is that it is impossible to do without rich practice. Only in the presence of experience in creating color transitions and their correct decisiveness with a rainbow result of working with nails can be proud of. The girls who speak the first or second described techniques are applied immediately by a couple of colors on a sponge, carrying color to the nails is quite deft.

ombre two-color

The first method is somewhat different from the second not only features of application, but also the result of the manicure. The first method creates a transition color characterized by lubricated smooth boundaries; And the second method gives a clear sharply contrasting fusion of neighboring colors.

The gradient stretching method is now very popular. It is used when creating stylish clothes and accessories, in staining hair, in makeup eyes and lips. The fashionable phenomenon touched on the manicure: a smooth flow of flowers allows you to create a bright and unusual design of nails, which, depending on the selection of shades, it appropriate looks like a youth party and on a business meeting. Working with varnishes is more difficult than with lipstick or shadows, but now there are quite a few ways to make Ombre on the nails on your own.

What is a gradient in manicure

Ombre technique is also known as degrad, stretching or gradient manicure. Its essence lies in the staining of nails with varnishes of several shades in such a way that there is a smooth transition between them, and not a clear boundary. Color stripes can be located vertically, horizontally, diagonally - the scope of fantasy is not limited.

A special kind of gradient manicure is stretching at the same time, when the nail of the thumb is painted in one color, the little man - in the other, and the rest - in intermediate shades. Such an Ombre is not difficult to do, but it looks very impressive.

Degrad can be drawn on artificial and natural nails of any length and shape, so they will not need any additional manipulations in the form of extension or trim. In addition, the nail plate after gradient staining looks longer and already what girls are successfully used, who want to give finger tips a more elegant look.

In the manicure you can mix the varnishes of different colors, to have them soul as you like, decorate with drawings or rhinestones. It is enough to explore one or more ways to perform stretching, and then the exclusive ideas will be enough for life.

Important! In the manicure of Ombre, the varnishes of different textures are not combined, so pearl need to be mixed only with pearl, cream - with creamy, jelly - with jelly.

What will be needed for manicure of Ombre at home

The correct selection of tools and materials is half success, so first will have to get to all necessary. Much already probably is in home cosmetic covers, and missing devices are easy to buy in the store or order on the Internet. Some things will succeed at all from girlfriend.

Gradient stretching is performed by both ordinary and gel varnishes, so each fashionista can work with those materials that it is familiar and more convenient.

If the manicure is planned to draw ordinary varnishes, then the following will be needed:

  • for pretreatment of nails: scissors, a drink, a means for softening the cuticle, an orange wand or a manicure hoof, protective coating under varnish;
  • for dyeing: Colored varnishes and transparent glossy top;
  • to perform stretch marks: Slices of sponge, palette (piece of plastic, cardboard, foil, saucer, plastic lid or any other object), toothpicks;
  • accessories: cotton wands, varnish removal solution, corrective pencil, protective liquid for cuticle, tweezers.

Those who prefer shellac or gel varnishes will need the next set of tools:

  • for the preparation of the nails: the same things as in the previous list, plus polishing bagnik, degreasing solution or dehydrator;
  • for staining: base gel, several color and finish coating;
  • for stretching: palette, sponges, toothpicks, manicure brushes;
  • for drying: UV or LED lamp;
  • accessories: protection for cuticle, lint-free napkins, a clinser to remove the sticky dispersion layer.

Reference! Gel-varnish and shellac - things are different, but in many respects similar. Shellac is the first hybrid product combining the properties of the gel and varnish. It was created and patented the American company CND. Other cosmetic brands began to copy the idea, striving to exceed the original, so their versions of gel varnishes may differ in the composition, price, wearing period, methods of applying and removal, color palette and other properties. On the nails, however, all these products look approximately the same, therefore anyone is suitable for the gradient manicure.

How to choose spongy

The main tool when creating a gradient manicure is a sponge. Most often in the course of the usual kitchen, because this inventory is always present in the farm and at the right moment it turns out at hand.

In the colored pieces of the foam rubber there is another plus - they are very cheap, and since after all manipulations, the sponge is usually not melted, but emit, the economic benefit from their use is obvious.

Unfortunately, the disadvantages of the kitchen sponge are also available. Foam rubber - material is large, so the shade transition line is obtained by a grainy and uneven. To smooth it, you need to press the sponge to the nail several times, which is why small air bubbles appear in the layer of varnish.

This can be avoided by controlling the intensity and number of prints, but the skill comes with experience. Those who just started to master the manicure of Ombre, will have to practice to perform a beautiful stretching with a piece of foam rubber.

There is another option: Buy latex sponge, which is usually applied with a tonal cream. It is the same elastic, but its pores is smaller, so the varnishes are mixed more evenly, the bubbles almost never arise, and the gradient is flat and natural.

The only minus tool is the price. A set of high-quality cosmetic sponges stands several times more expensive than packaging of porolone for washing dishes. There are also cheaper latex sponges, but they are better not to use. They are too soft, so the gradient will be improped. In addition, they absorb a lot of varnish and begin to crumble already in the process of work, leaving on the nail a little broken pieces.

In addition to the Vizniki sponges, foam applicators were mastered for shadows. Difficult multicolor gradient them do not draw, but you can do, for example, a neat blurred french in Ombre technique.

The cosmetic industry could not ignore the ever-increasing need for instruments for the gradient manicure, so two species of specialized sponge appeared on sale. The first is an elongated triangle of foamed latex. It is convenient to keep it in hand and you can gradually shorten, cutting the face with a lacquer. The second variety is a round sponge, which is attached to a plastic basis, externally similar to a stamp for the hembling. The sponge is made of fine foam rubber, so it copes well with the task of the erosion of the gradient.

Important! And latex, and foam sponges after use will be laundering. An ordinary varnish is removed by removal fluid or acetone, and gel varnish is a special clinser solution or alcohol. Solvents almost do not damage sponges, so you can calculate the costs of both and choose the most favorable option.

Manicure Ombre at home: Step-by-step instructions

When shades are selected and everything you need prepared, you can start work. The sequence of actions is due to which cosmetic product is used to create a manicure: ordinary varnish, gel varnish or shellac.

Manicure ordinary varnish

Simple varnishes require efficiency, because they are set in air, but their advantage is that an unsuccessful gradient can be quickly erased and immediately apply a new one.

  1. The creative process begins with the preparation of nails. You need to remove the old manicure, correct the shape, if necessary, get rid of extra lengths. If time allows, you can make a bath for hands. Then you should take care of the cuticle: to handle a rehemver or carefully move away the orange stick.
  2. After that, the nails wipe the lacquer to remove the lacquer to degrease, remove the opid and the residues of the liquid for softening the cuticle.
  3. The next step is to apply a special base. There are many varieties of such funds. They protect nail from harmful substances in the composition of the colored coating, and also smooth the surface and make it easier to apply lacquer. This step, of course, if you wish, you can skip, but in manicure salons, it has long been obligatory.
  4. Fourth stage - drawing a gradient. This is the hardest part of the entire process. There are several ways to create a smooth transition of color by ordinary varnishes, but they will be discussed in detail below.
  5. The final barcode is applying a glossy transparent top. It lines a rough surface of the painted nail, as well as a slightly dissolve the cropped layer of varnish and, due to this, it will wash the boundary between the shades.

Ways to create a gradient

There are three ways to draw a manicure of ombre, and for everyone you need a sponge.

  1. The easiest option: first in the traditional way to paint the nail lacquer of the color that will be near the cuticle. When the remedy is dry, take a sponge, make one or two smear of lacquer of the second shade and press to the tip of the nail. Several patting movements distribute the paint, reaching the gradient to the desired level. In this way, it is more convenient to draw Ombre from two colors, such as blurred french. However, if desired, you can add the third one.
  2. For the second method, you will need a palette. There are short strips of selected varnishes to it so that they touch each other, and the borders of contacting the toothpick. Paints do not regret, otherwise she quickly dries. Flowers can be two, three and even four, if the length of nails allows. By the way, in such a way it is convenient to combine contrasting varnishes, creating the necessary intermediate shade between them. When a gradient on the palette is ready, press him with a sponge so that it absorbs the paint, and then print on the nail with several pattering movements. The sponge can be slightly shifted perpendicular to color stripes for better blur, for example, up-down if the figure is horizontal.
  3. The third method is different from the previous lack of palette: the paint strips are applied immediately to the sponge and immediately imprinted on the nails. So it turns out more quickly, which is especially important for quick-drying varnishes. As needed, the strips are updated, without giving them to harden, and in the same way paint the nails on both hands. Shades can be two, three and more, but the contrasting colors are better not to take either the first two or three imprints on paper. So the paints will be able to mix in the pores of the sponge and stretching on the nail will be more uniform.

Tip! Often under the gradient are recommended to make a substrate from white varnish. On it, the colors really look brighter, but you have to try to completely hide a white background. Places in the cuticle and side rollers are usually badly scorched by sponge, so they will have to additionally treat with brush or tweezers with a small piece of sponge.

Video: How to make a gradient manicure with a sponge

Manicure gel varnishes

Gel varnishes are as if created for the embodiment of complex artistic designs: they do not dry out in the air, so it can be used a stretching until it arranges the result. The process of creating a manicure is more difficult than in the previous case, but the gradient is more smooth and neat.

  1. The first step is similar to the previously described and lies in the preparation of nails, giving them the shape and removal of the cuticle.
  2. The next stage is the grinding of the nail plate with the bough. It is not particularly learned, it is easy enough to remove the upper glossy layer. It will help to level the surface and allow the gely to hold better.
  3. Prepared nails are wiped with a degreaser or a dehydrator. Both solutions perform similar functions, and the choice is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Those who often sweat hands should prefer the dehydrator, because it not only removes the fat, moisture and dust from the nail plate, but also deeply hesitates it. All the rest is quite a degreaser. After this treatment, the nails can no longer touch the fingers.
  4. Next, the nails are covered with a layer of primer, which provides better grip with gel, and also has antibacterial properties. For gel varnishes preferably inferior means, as they are less aggressive. The primer in the lamp is not dried: as soon as you packed, you can continue the process.
  5. The fifth step is to apply a basic transparent gel on the entire surface of the nail and its ends. The product is distributed by a thin layer and dried in a lamp for a time specified in the instructions. In different manufacturers, it may differ, but the requirements must be followed to avoid peeling the colored coating. After drying, the sticky layer is removed with a lint-free napkin.
  6. Now nails are prepared for drawing a gradient. In the case of gel varnishes of ways to make Ombre even more, and they will be discussed in detail below.
  7. The final stage of the process is to apply the top. When the drawing on the nails is ready, it will remain only to coat the layer of the finish gel, to polymerize in the lamp and erase the sticky dispersion. An important nuance: ends of nails must necessarily be sealed to prevent bundle and extend the life of manicure.

Reference! In the case of Shellac, the sequence of actions is almost the same. You can only skip the grinding stage of the nail plate and the primer processing, since the base gel is allowed to immediately apply to natural defatinal nail.

Options for creating a gradient

The methods described above to draw a manicure of Ombre with the help of a sponge are relevant for gel varnishes. There is only one additional condition: to get a rich color and a neat smooth stretching, you will have to make a few prints with a sponge. Each print must be dried in the lamp and erase the dispersion. At the same time, the layers must be thin, since otherwise the lacquer will fall unevenly and waves, bubbles, propellas appear on it.

Ombre on the nails can be drawn not only with a sponge, but also a brush. This tool is a bit more complicated in operation, as it requires jewelry accuracy, but the gradient will be very smooth and natural. There are three ways to create a fashionable manicure using a brush.

  1. Gradient flat brush. To work, a flat brush with an elastic short bristle and a chassing napkin, moistened in the clinser, will be required. The creative process is as follows: on the nail thin layer apply all the selected varnishes, placing color strips as close as possible. They can even touch or swim on each other. Clean bruster slightly moistened in the clinser and spend it along the junction of shades, blurring the border. Make several such movements so that the transition becomes more smooth, and dry the first layer in the lamp. Then brush wipe on the napkin, removing surplus paint, and repeat the operation. The instrument in the process of work must be kept almost parallel to the nail and press it very carefully so that the gradient turns out to be blurred, and not striped. The second layer is also dried and, if necessary, apply the third in the same way. Usually three times it happens enough to get bright colors and a soft transition between them.
  2. Gradient fan brush. It is best to make a stretching of three shades with this tool when the average is intermediate between two others. To begin with, the nail plate is completely painted with the first varnish, which will be near the cuticle, and then dry the coating and remove the sticky layer. Then separately on the palette to mix ropes both colors so that it turned out to be intermediate, and apply it to the middle of the nail. The tip paint the second varnish, and then take a slightly wet fan brush and, holding her plafhmy and moving from side to the side parallel to the border of the shades, blur the transition zone. Dry the first layer and repeat the manipulation until the desired result is achieved.
  3. Ombre with acrylic powder. First, nails need to paint in the base color. It may be, for example, white on which any other shades look brighter. Beige tones are also suitable or the brightest of those are present in the gradient. Dried to dry in the lamp, and then straight on the sticky layer to apply acrylic powder. For this purpose, any dry and clean tassel will fit. It is to grow the boundaries between the colors, if necessary, adding some pigment. Surplus powder shake another clean brush, and the gradient is covered with top and dry in the lamp.

These were the most famous ways to draw Ombre Manicure with the help of brushes. In reality there are more options, but they are all based on the three listed. For example, you can make a stretching with glitter, make the bands of different widths, arrange them diagonally or completely abandon the bands and paint the nail with color glare.

Video: How to make a gradient manicure gel lacquer

Gradient manicure "Five fingers"

This is a very simple, but spectacular variety of manicure Ombre. It can be drawn by conventional and gel varnishes, and only the palette, clean brushes and a napkin, impregnated with a clinser or means of removal, will be needed from additional devices.


  • apply the first color to the nail finger;
  • mix the tassel on the palette of the first varnish and a drop of the second, the resulting tinge to cover the nail of the index finger;
  • mix a drop of the first and two drops of the second varnish, paint the nail of the middle finger;
  • mix a drop of the first and three drops of the second varnish, apply to the nail of the nameless;
  • nail on the Mizinza to paint the second varnish.

Additional tricks

Beautiful and neat manicure Ombre is a difficult task, but performing. If you know some tricks, it will be possible to achieve the desired goal almost the first time.

How to get rid of bubbles

This problem arises from everyone who draws a manicure with a sponge. To avoid the appearance of bubbles, you need to follow the following rules:

  • do not press on the sponge strong so that only paint is squeezed out of it, and not the air, which becomes the cause of trouble;
  • the sponge can be slightly moistened with water. Moisture does not interact with any lack, nor with gel, but it takes part of the pores in a sponge, displacing air from there;
  • the first two or three prints need to be drawn on paper. So the paint is absorbed deeper, and with subsequent pressures of the air will come out less.

How to protect your fingers from staining

This is another trouble, characteristic of a manicure of Ombre. If the tassel can still draw it carefully, then the sponge is painted both the nail and the skin around it. To protect your fingertips, the following means are used:

  • pVA glue. It is available at a price, safe, easy to apply and quickly deleted. When drawing a manicure, its generous layer is distributed over the skin around the nail, and when it dry, proceed to working with colored varnishes. At the end of the procedure, the adhesive film is removed by tweezers together with frozen paint;
  • masks films for the face. Principle of action is the same;
  • special means to protect the cuticle and skin around the nail. Present a liquid that is frozen into the film. It is the previous two tools, they differ in comfortable packaging (bottle with a tassel), the presence of useful substances in the composition and, of course, the price;
  • scotch. This is the least convenient protection, because it is difficult to cut a piece suitable on the shape and size from the adhesive tape. In addition, the lacquer is still counting, so the skin in any case will have to rub.

Important! On the Internet, there are often tips on the cuticle and side rollers with a layer of fat cream, but it is impossible to do so. This is especially true of those who use gel varnishes and diligently degreases nails to prevent peeling. Ordinary varnishes are not so capricious in this regard, but the manicure will also be short-lived if a portion of the cream from the fingers is absorbed into the sponge with paint.

How to pick up shades

For a beautiful manicure, Ombre is very important to choose the properly varnishes, since in case of error, the gradient will turn out to be dirty and inaccier even with the perfect blurring of boundaries. The win-win version is a combination of different colors of the shades of one color, for example, beige and coffee. Also looking good tones located near the color circle: yellow with orange, blue with blue. If there is no such circle at hand, you can focus on the alternation of rainbow bands.

The manicure is allowed to combine and contrast shades, but it is better to do it using an intermediate color, otherwise the transition zone will be uneven. For example, if you want to make a gradient from blue to the red, then you need to add a purple strip in the middle.

Unmistakably pick up the lacquer for manicure will help online services that are now quite a lot. Another reliable tool is the color of YTENS. This device is sold in shops for artists, but the easiest way to find it on the Internet.

Mynicur Ombre is good because it does not have restrictions in terms of work with color. In this technique you can create a combination for any reason: to the office, on a date and even on the carnival. In this case, the most strict and discreet drawing will not look boring and banal, since the gradient gives color depth and expressiveness. It is worth mastering the technique at least because only two shades of varnish allow you to come up with no less than a dozen ideas for manicure, and the creative possibilities of owner of more extensive varnish collections are truly limitless.

Not so long ago, in the world of the manicure, a new technique of gradient appeared on the nails, which allows you to create a very stylish design with color transition. She immediately gained great popularity from the client of beauty salons, and the masters of the nail service gladly offered their visitors to the Trend Neil Art. The more popular the design, the more girls wanted to make a manicure with a sponge at home.

What styles of Neil Art are popular today?

First of all, I would like to tell you about the styles that are today the most popular Neil-Art in the world so that you are freely focused on in fashion and modern trends. To date, there are a variety of ways of manicure, the number of which has long exceeded a hundred. But we offer you the top of the most popular ideas.

  1. Monotonous minimalism is the easiest, varnish of the same color.
  2. Classic French manicure (or french). The free part of the nail is painted with a white ordinary varnish, and the remaining surface is Nyudov.
  3. Graphic geometry - application using a graphic pattern stencil. It uses bright varnish of several colors.
  4. Design with an abstract pattern - to draw, as a rule, use stencils or stembling for nails, although it is optional.
  5. Matte - use of a matte varnish as an alternative to bright gloss.
  6. Lunny - When the site at the base of the nail is painted with different color.
  7. Gradient - applying several varnish colors so that they smoothly move into each other.

In this article, we will discuss in more detail exactly on the last Neil Art and learn what is a manicure in the gradient style. The girls are very often encountered with a gradient on the nails in the photo in glossy magazines or on fashion sites, but do not always have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the design of the nail gradient is unique.

Gradient Neil-art is a gradual overflow of several colors in each other. The gradient technique looks quite impressive on the nails. The main colors, floating on each other, create a beautiful blurred border at the junctions. Often, such a design is called Mynchur Ombre, however, this is not entirely correct, since Ombre is a smooth transition from a dark color to a lighter shade within the framework of a single color scheme.

Nail gradient

Regardless of the length of the nails, each woman you can choose a more appropriate variety of manicure gradient at home.

  1. The horizontal gradient is the most popular design. This neil art is universal, but the most successful can use the owners of nails of medium length.
  2. A beautiful manicure on short nails is obtained by moving the color within five fingers, and not every nail separately.
  3. The vertical gradient is more suitable for medium and long nails, and also looks particularly impressive on almond and sharp nails.
  4. The gradient french manicure is mostly suitable for long nails, and on short tips it looks unsuccessful.

Manicure technique

Currently, the beauty industry is extremely actively developing, and the masters of the nail service can offer you a few varieties of gradient manicure. Many women would like to learn how to make a gradient on the nails. The whole charm is that the girls can make this Neil-art on their own at home.

To learn how to make a gradient manicure at home, you need to study tips for beginners. For gradient manicure, it is not fundamentally use of shades of one color palette. Any colors are allowed in the most bold and unexpected variations: from orange-green to emerald purple design.

There are simple ways to make a manicure sponge that are suitable for beginners. Do not everyone know how to do it correctly. First you need to select the desired color and shades of varnishes. Let's figure out how to make a manicure with a sponge by mixing a few shades of varnish step by step. Manicure sponge at home is quite simple.

  1. The sponge for makeup is taken or ordinary sponge for washing dishes. The sponge is erased, dried, it is properly cut so that the nail plate is placed in length, and in width.
  2. Carefully thin layer cover the nails to the base color (white or the brightest shade) and give lacquer dry.
  3. The skin around the nail plate should be protected, since the technique of gradient on nails varnish is enough. For example, you can apply a fat cream or puncture the skin with scotch.
  4. Next, you need to apply layers of lacquer of different shades on your nails so that the edges are slightly enclosed on each other, to create a smooth border. You can apply a large amount of varnish, because The sponge due to the porous structure absorbs some part. Gently sponed or sponge, leaning out several times to the nail plate, make a color varnish. You must try to scroll through the whole nail.
  5. Remove the excess varnish, removing the film (if you previously protected the nails), or with a cotton stick, moistened in a varnish removal fluid.
  6. Be sure to apply the fixing layer on top.

When choosing a varnish for a gradient manicure, it is recommended to pay attention to the texture of the coatings. It should be dense. In order to do with a smaller number of layers, varnishes must have saturated pigmentation, which is very important for high-quality design.

Next, we will offer you helpful video lessons who will help you get a visual idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make nails with a sponge. Be sure to look at a few videos, and you will definitely become everything.

Stock Foto Best gradient design ideas

The most obvious assistant in the selection of colors is a rainbow. It is in it a bright combination of colors and a soft interlacing of their shades. For a more harmonious result in the selection of colors, it is necessary, of course, consider the length of the nail plate. Three or more gradient bands are allowed on long nails. On short nails, the gradient manicure is recommended to perform a combination of 2 colors. Various options are possible: transitions can be made in a horizontal, vertical and even diagonal direction.

Do not everyone know how to make a gradient on the nails with the transition quickly. The gradient transition to 5 fingers is easy in execution, looks good on short nails. Colors can be used completely different. Understand how to make nails in this way, quite easily. It is necessary to decide on the color range and select 5 close shades. Each nail from the maple to the thumb is covered from a dark to a light shade, or vice versa. As a result, a beautiful harmonious color transition is obtained on the hands of the thumb to the little finger.

The vertical and horizontal gradient look at the same beautifully. In the vertical gradient, based on the name, the colors are replaced from one side roller to another vertically. There are a large number of options. For example, when the colors of gradient transitions are changed from the finger to the finger, and the color of the right half of the subsequent nail duplicates the color of the left half of the previous one.

When performing a horizontal gradient there is a smooth transition of color from the base of the nail to the free edge. The choice of shades of the gradient on the nails may be limited only by fantasy. It can be like close shades to create a gentle, smoothly passing manicure, and absolutely different colors - to create a bright and extravagant neil art. There is an opportunity to combine two, three or more colors. The more contrasting colors, the more sharp will be gradient transitions, and vice versa.

And enjoy the many beautiful photos of the gradient on the nails, you probably found for ourselves a few ideas of design, which you want to implement. But how to make Neil-art getting neat and stylish? It is no secret that the gradient manicure technique is quite complex in performance, especially for beginners. This will help you a super useful and interesting video, the author of which will share with you 10 secrets of the perfect gradient.

The girls who make manicure themselves are always looking for ways and ways to speed up the process of creating original design. One of the universal and simple is the technique of its execution with the help of a sponge. It will simplify the work of staining nails and save time and money as much as possible. To work, you will need a minimum of tools and materials, you can show a fantasy, applying a combination of colors.

Features of the manicure with a sponge

Before proceeding To the creation of a unique nail design, you need to decide on some nuances as to which nail design is suitable for one or another life:

To perform a manicure with the help of a sponge, the following materials will be needed: Sponge for manicure or sponge; surface, which will not absorb varnish (foil, ceramic tableware, Nelipa Skotchi side), a few varnishes.

Technique implementation

After the craftswoman decided on the peculiarities of the performance and color solutions, the question arises: how to make a manicure with a sponge high quality and fast? Work on the creation of a manicure is performed in several stages:

The nail coloring procedure with a sponge or sponge does not require special skills, it can make any girl. Using this technique, the varnish is convenient to apply even with your left hand without much effort.

Secrets of machinery and design manicure

Depending on the method of creating a gradient, a method for applying a varnish on the marigold is determined. Each method has its own nuances, considering which you can improve Manicure quality and service life.

Secrets and nuances of gradient performance:

Manicure with a sponge will be a simple solution for those who value the time and wants to get the original design of the manicure. Adhering to tips on creating a gradient design, you can get a unique result.

To get a nail design with smooth transitions of one color in another, you need to make a manicure with a sponge. This design of the nails is called a gradient manicure. It can be performed using ordinary varnishes or lacquer gels. At the same time there are several technologies for performing such nail design.

Features of manicure sponge

If you are going to make such a nail design for the first time, it is better to use thick saturated varnishes that give a dense coating from one application. After you gain experience, you can make such a manicure by translucent varnishes in several layers. It turns out a very beautiful deep color and a smoother transition.

For manicure sponge you will need varnishes of two, well-combined colors, a piece of sponge. The transition from one color to another can be made across the nail plate or along it, that is, along the central nail axis. When you are perfectly in the technique, you can use not two, but three colors, creating a beautiful rainbow transition.

Usually, such a manicure is made on all nail plates, but recently the new items of such a manicure appeared, in which a smooth transition can be performed only on one or two nails of the hand, and the remaining nails have a monochrome coating. Franch with a rainbow tip very effectively looks. In this case, the nail bed is usually painted with a transparent varnish.

What is needed for such a manicure?

To make a beautiful manicure with a sponge, you need to stock up not only varnishes of different colors, but also a minimum set of aids and tools. Their list is as follows:

  • before performing the manicure, you must use a colorless base coating;
  • ordinary white varnish;
  • two or three color varnish composition;
  • a slice of a sponge for makeup (you can take a small sponge);
  • flat container for mixing varnish (you can use cellophane, foil or dense cardboard);
  • means for removing manicure;
  • wool or sticks;
  • toothpick;
  • transparent top coating.

Technology for performing a gradient manicure

There are two ways to perform such nail design. As you already understood, the manicure sponge allows you to get a beautiful gradient (a smooth transition between colors). The first way to perform this nail design is done in this order:

  1. Nails to manicure must be prepared. For this, it is processed and cleaned the cuticle. You can use edged or unedged manicure depending on the condition of the cuticle. Then, with the help of the saws, the length and shape of the nails is adjusted. On all the marches we apply a transparent basic coating, which will help extend the term of the manicure socks and further aligns the surface of the nail.
  2. So that your manicure is bright and rich, it is better to use a single white lacquer as a basis for it. The coating should be dense enough, so liquid varnish can be applied in two layers. If you want to get less bright pastel colors, then as the basis you need to take a varnish of a body shade. Varnish coating should dry well.
  3. After we gave marks the desired color and got a perfectly smooth surface, you can proceed to the most interesting stage. On a flat waterproof base (foil, plastic or cellophan), we pour a small amount of varnishes of selected shades. There may be two or three of them depending on your idea. Spots should be located close to each other so that it is convenient to mix them. Now, with the help of toothpicks, smooth the boundary between the varnishes, achieving a smooth transition. Next Macaus a sponge into the prepared varnishes and make a fingerprint on the nails. You do not need to press a sponge very much so that the varnish does not approve back to it. The procedure can be repeated several times until you get a saturated bright two-color coating.
  4. Manicure with a sponge gets a little rough. To smooth these irregularities, you need to apply a top coating before drying the color varnish. So you will achieve a smooth surface and glitter.
  5. The last stage provides for cleansing from the skin of the skin around the nail, because when working sponed, you will apply the varnish not only to the nail. To erase varnish from the skin, we use ear sticks and solvent. If you take the skin around the nail before the manicure, then you will not need to rub the lacquer around it.

The second method of performing a gradient manicure sponge:

  1. Preparation of nails to manicure and the application of the base passes the same as in the first way.
  2. In this manicure, we will not use white or body varnish. As a basis, take one of the colors that we have chosen to perform the gradient. This varnish cover all the nail plates in two layers to get a dense opaque covering and align the surface of the nails.
  3. When the lacquer of the main color dries, you can apply the second tint with the help of a sponge. For this, the lacquer is not necessary to pour on a waterproof surface. You can drop it directly to the sponge. Sponewger on the upper half of the nail, make a smooth transition from one color to another. If you are going to do a three-color design, then the third color apply the second one after complete drying. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating of the third shade should be two times less than that of the previous color. That is, from under the third coating should look out the second layer.
  4. Finally, fix the entire manicure with a transparent top cover.

The ideas of manicure sponge

A wide variety of ideas of such a manicure can be achieved due to the longitudinal and transverse application of varnishes, the use of unexpected combinations of colors. Also, manicure, made by two colors, looks completely different than the design of nails made by three shades. Gradient manicure can be decorated with glitter, rhinestones, painting, patterns or even the volume decor.

In the Moscow Salon "Manicyrof" you can order a gradient design of nails. The cost of manicure is available for each client. To write you enough to contact us by the specified phone.