Harmful cosmetics for teenagers is the art of life. Why are harmful substances added to cosmetics? Harmful cosmetics for a teenager girl. And what is the way out of the situation

Naturalness is becoming more and more fashionable. A pretty female face without traces of decorative cosmetics or with a minimal presence of such becomes the rule. good manners, and this cannot but rejoice. Modern women actively use body and face care products and cannot so easily give up decorative cosmetics, but more and more often they are wondering - is cosmetics harmful? Let's try to understand this issue.

Decorative cosmetics and face

Modern cosmetologists agree that decorative cosmetics can cause serious harm to the body. Judge for yourself: it clogs pores, often provokes allergic reactions, accelerates the aging process of the skin of the face. Shadows contribute to the drying of the skin around the eyes, powder and tone cream prevent the epidermis from fully “breathing”, mascara kills eyelash follicles, and lipstick contributes to discoloration of the natural color of the lips. Indeed, there is a lot of harm from cosmetics, but it appears only if cosmetics are overexposed on the face and the health of the epidermis is not taken care of.

According to experts, negative impact Cosmetics can be avoided if, before applying makeup, wipe the face with a swab dipped in lotion and treat it with a moisturizer. Before going to bed, cosmetics from the face must be removed by washing it off with warm water and an alkaline (soap) solution, and removing makeup residues with special milk. As practice shows, women who do not neglect these simple advice and they are not too lazy to take care of their appearance, and at 50 they look like they are at 30. The rest can only blame cosmetics for everything.

Care own appearance It also includes the regular use of face masks. They are selected based on the type of skin and its condition. It is better if advice on the choice and use of masks gives professional beautician. In addition, knowing your skin type, you need to show your face to the sun more often, or vice versa, hide it from ultraviolet rays using a hat wide brim and special creams sun protection factor. In summer, you need to moisturize and nourish the skin. In winter, it is important to protect it from wind and frost, using for this purpose fortified nourishing cosmetics, moisturizing is used in the evening at home, when you no longer need to go out into the cold.

How often to use cosmetics

Each representative of the fair sex has the right to decide for herself how often to use this or that cosmetics. It is strictly necessary to follow only two rules - wash off cosmetics at night and give the skin a rest from makeup for a day, and preferably two days a week.

In addition, a rare woman daily applies a full range of make-up. Yes, and those who try to engage in this tedious procedure soon abandon it, switching to light makeup, only emphasizing the beauty of their appearance. In this case, the damage to the skin is significantly reduced, which means that the epidermis does not suffer. Yes, and it is much easier to remove it in this case.

Cosmetics need to be selected according to your skin type and tone, eye and hair color. separate issue, which you need to think about for a woman who wants to look beautiful and at the same time take care of her health own skin, this is the quality of the cosmetics used. Nobody can guarantee that expensive cosmetics sure to be of good quality. However, products based on components such as oil tea tree, shea butter, or aloe vera extract, a priori, cannot cost less than a loaf of bread. Experts advise not to save on cosmetics, moreover, to buy it only in specialized stores or pharmacies. This will ensure that your skin does not become allergic and you do not bring an infection into it.

As you can see, the question “is cosmetics harmful” does not have a clear answer. It is necessary to use only high-quality products, and not to overdo it with applying makeup, then there will be practically no harm from cosmetics. Health and beauty to you!

V modern world hard to imagine young girl, who does not use cosmetics, well, perhaps living in a very puritanical family. Recent studies have shown that modern woman with cosmetics daily puts more than five hundred chemicals on his face, most of which are far from harmless. But what is harmful for adult women is ten times more dangerous for a young lady in adolescence when the body is only just beginning to actively adjust the functions of vital activity and reproduction.

Harmful cosmetics for teenage girls are dozens and dozens of dangerous chemical compounds that manufacturers use in cosmetics ah, to make them cheaper and more attractive to the consumer. And in the end, you will have to pay for everything with your health and, worst of all, with the health of future generations. Let us consider in more detail what is the harm of modern cosmetics and what is the best thing for parents to do so as not to cause irreparable harm to their child.

You can also read an article about a common problem - teenage smoking and how to prevent and save a child from an addiction. We also recommend viewing the material "Protecting children from the sun", which discusses serious problems associated with prolonged exposure to scorching sunbeams and methods of effective protection.

Young beauties, striving to conquer this world with their charm as soon as possible, actively use cosmetics, and many of them are on a par with adult women, and in some cases even more than them. About two and a half kilograms of chemicals penetrate into female body per year with perfumery, hygienic and aesthetic cosmetics, according to recent studies. Girls eat lipstick alone from 100 to 150 grams per year. But in most modern cosmetics, harmful chemicals are added with very serious contraindications. This is done to extend the shelf life, to improve the target consumer properties and to reduce the cost of production. But all this is extremely negatively capable of affecting health at the present time or aggravating it in the distant future.

However, from the content hazardous substances you will not always be saved by an inscription about the “naturalness” of cosmetics or that it is some kind of special “natural” mixture or product “for children”. In fact, manufacturers often just play with words to mislead buyers. After all, this very “naturalness” in practice is extremely difficult to prove or disprove, so the manufacturer may well rush to anything that does not bind him to terms. For example, even the term "organic" in terms of chemistry is nothing more than a compound containing carbon.

Many organizations protecting human health are fighting against manufacturers, under their pressure, the most famous cosmetic companies have announced that they are refusing to use phthalates, a toxic carcinogen that creates problems with endocrine systems oh, it can cause infertility in men and women, asthma, and also provoke cancer. But all this struggle, on the one hand, is moving rather slowly, and on the other hand, there are still hundreds of harmful substances in cosmetics, and many companies that ignore even elementary safety requirements and aim only for momentary profit.

Here are a few real examples. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, the lathering shampoo so praised in commercials, was actually developed for cleaning industrial machines, cars and garage floors. Accumulating in the body, sodium lauryl sulfate can cause irritation, dermatitis and the development of cataracts. Propylene glycol - is part of moisturizing creams and shampoos, although in reality it is the strongest allergen that causes itching and irritation, disrupting the functioning of the kidneys and liver, especially in children and adolescents. In industry, propylene glycol is used to make coolants for transport systems and air conditioning and ventilation systems. When working with it, for safety reasons, it is necessary to use rubber gloves and protective overalls, as it is highly toxic. Polyethylene glycol is used in body lotions, and in combination as a solvent, oven cleaner and as a binder in solid rocket fuel. Diethyl phthalate is an odor fixative perfumery products, in parallel, is the strongest toxic substance, in certain concentrations capable of instantly leading to death!

Harmful cosmetics for teenagers - a table of cosmetics

Let us consider in more detail the table of cosmetics and the most popular dangerous components in them. Please note that many harmful effects appear only after long time, so the statement: “I have been using it for many years and everything is fine” is at least frivolous, especially when it comes to the younger generation.

Name of cosmetics

Possible side effects

Average number of chemicals

Hair sprays

Isophthalates, octinoxate

Irritating to eyes, throat and nose. Allergy, structure change hairline and hormonal disorders.

propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, tetrasodium

Irritation of the eyes and scalp, accumulation of the substance in the tissues of the body, including the brain, with the most dangerous consequences in future.

Face creams

diethylene glycol, propylene glycol

Itching and irritation of the skin, kidney and liver problems, cancers.


Polyethylene telephthalate

Irritation skin, infertility, skin cancer, hormonal disorders.

Methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben

Breast cancer, irritation, hormonal disorders, rash.


Polymethyl methacrylate

Skin cancer, allergic rashes


Aluminium, Isopropyl myristate

Headache, respiratory problems, eye, lung and skin irritation. breast cancer.

Nail polishes

Toluene, phthalates

Asthma, liver and kidney disease, infertility, fetal abnormalities and miscarriages.

Cream powder

Polymethyl methacrylate

Destruction immune system, allergies, cancer.

Facilities fake tan(bronzers)

Butylhydroxytoluene, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben

Hormonal disorders, rash and irritation.

Body lotions

Polyethylene glycol, propylene and methyl compounds

Hormonal disorders, weakening of the immune system and skin irritation.

Sun protection

Benzophenone, homosalate, octylmethoxycinnamate, methylbenzylidene and benzylidene camphor, octyl dimethyl

hormonal changes, increased growth uterus, breast cancer. They can even cause poisoning of mother's milk.

Phthalates, benzaldehyde

Kidney disease, nausea, irritation of the throat, eyes and lips.

How can one conclude even on the basis of a brief listing of harmful compounds, with safe cosmetics we have a clear deficit. Now let's take a closer look harmful components so that you can approach the issue of choosing cosmetics for your children and for yourself more qualified.

Harmful cosmetics for a teenager - a list of harmful ingredients

Table of the main harmful components in modern cosmetics.

Russian name

international name

Harmful properties


A refined product, it actively prevents the release of waste and toxins from the body, as well as the penetration of oxygen.

propylene glycol


Causes liver damage and kidney damage, irritates the skin, causes dermatitis.

Technical oil (varieties are petrolatum, paraffin oil and propylene glycol)

Obtained from oil. The film on the skin delays the removal of toxins and does not allow the skin to breathe, the skin dries out and ages.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (may be disguised as "coconut oil")


Detergent from coconut oil. Penetrates the brain, eyes and internal organs, causes cataracts, promotes hair loss and dandruff. Forms nitrosamines, which in large numbers enter the body.

Sodium loret sulfate


It is similar in action to sodium lauryl sulfate, but at the same time it also releases dioxins - strong toxic substances.

calls allergic rash and increased skin sensitivity

Loramid di

Dries the skin and hair, causes allergic reactions and itching.

Triclosan (triclosan chlorophenol)

An antibacterial ingredient, it is used in some soaps, creams and shampoos. Many dangerous bacteria have developed immunity to it, but it successfully destroys the beneficial ones. As a result, harmful bacteria multiply, which can cause meningitis and blood poisoning.

Parabens (parahydrobenzoate)

Preservatives that can cause breast cancer.

Strong carcinogen, can be formed during long-term storage.


Prohibited preservative, strong carcinogen. Violates vision, breathing, irritates the skin, harms the human genetic code and its nervous system.

Copolymers of vinyl pyrrolidine and vinyl acetate

copolymer, pyrrolidine

Substances used in lacquers and hair styling products. Irritates mucous membranes, skin and lungs.


Occur in cosmetics containing nitrites. They are the strongest carcinogens. They affect the liver, can cause convulsions, hemorrhages, and even lead to coma.

Toxic to kidneys, liver, reproductive organs, nervous and endocrine systems. Can cause infertility and cancer.

Harmful cosmetics for a teenager girl. And what is the way out of the situation?

What to do if a teenager has an irresistible desire to use modern cosmetics? Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon detergents and cosmetics. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth defining the “lesser of the evils”. That is, a list of manufacturers that use fewer harmful substances. Most likely, such products will not foam like that, will not have such a beautiful color shade and smell, will not be as thick or homogeneous as cosmetics saturated with thickeners, chemical flavors, dyes, emulsifiers and similar substances. But you won't put your teen's health at risk. Next, it is necessary, if possible, to limit the use of cosmetics by a teenager and periodically arrange fasting days or weeks. That is, the time when body care is done with the help of all-natural cosmetics, made by yourself at home and used in fresh. This is especially true in summer and autumn, when there are many fruits grown in natural conditions.

Here are a few simple examples. Apricots applied to the skin will soothe it, currants and lingonberries will narrow the pores and nourish it, bananas will smooth and soften, but pineapples will cleanse and remove oily sheen. Raspberries and strawberries have a moisturizing effect, lemon whitens the skin and narrows pores, apple refreshes and tightens it, sea buckthorn heals wounds, softens and nourishes. As you can see, nature gives us enough funds to periodically take a break from the harmful chemistry that destroys our body.

Harm of cosmetics- does it exist? Cosmetics were and are an integral part of the image beautiful woman. Fashion and technology have changed. But in all ages and times, women wanted and strove to become more attractive with the help of cosmetics.

Of course, there are those who reject cosmetics and do not recognize its significance and necessity. Many men have a fad about eating "a ton of lipstick" while kissing. And some women are sure that when they get married, they are OBLIGED to cook cabbage soup and “take care of the family” from dawn to dusk, and time should not “go away” on stupidity, like cosmetics! But in the majority, those women who will not go out without at least a light make-up. Both of them are right in their own way.

And you? Do you find simple women without makeup attractive, or are those who wear makeup more beautiful? The choice is purely individual.

What does cosmetics do to skin?

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The harm of cosmetics really exists. Cosmetics clog pores, cause dry skin, cause allergic reactions, affect the accelerated aging process of facial skin. Lipstick, for example, discolors natural color lips, foundation and powder do not allow the skin to breathe, mascara kills eyelash follicles, shadows dry out the sensitive already “unhappy” skin around the eyes ...

Yes! There is a LOT of harm from cosmetics! But why do women from rural areas (as an example, although there are both representatives in rural and urban areas) show signs of aging on their faces, much earlier than their urban peers? living conditions? Labor? Money? Time? What is not enough?

Everything is very simple. All girls, without exception, begin to use cosmetics in their youth! Becoming a little older, some understand the harm of cosmetics and its chemical composition and use it correctly, while others ignore the warnings.

After all, it’s not difficult, before applying makeup, to wipe your face with a swab dipped in lotion and apply a moisturizer. And is it difficult in the evening, when you come home, wash off your makeup warm water With soapy water and remove the remnants from the skin with cosmetic milk?

And so it turns out: damage to the skin does not apply cosmetics, but the woman herself, who does not care about her beauty. And hundreds of thousands of women who look 30 at the age of 60 serve as an example of this.

Make face masks from time to time; know your skin type and, depending on this, sunbathe more often in summer or, conversely, hide your face under wide-brimmed hats and special cream; protect the face from frost and wind in winter; buy not everything in a row in the store, but only really fortified samples of cosmetics. That's the whole secret.

Cosmetics every day or once a month?

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When and how many times to apply makeup, each woman chooses for herself. Do you want to reduce the harm of cosmetics? Remember the main rule: remove makeup at night and give your face a rest from cosmetics alone, but better couple days a week.

A complete make-up complex is quite difficult to apply every morning and maintain throughout the working day. Even women striving for this (more often, of course, girls) very quickly refuse such an experience. Much easier to do light makeup to look "smart". And the skin of the face does not suffer. And it's easier to take it off. And, to live and work more comfortably.

And mother, as soon as I entered adolescence, began to repeat almost every morning: “Have you washed yourself? Cream, mascara, lipstick! But at the same time, she supplied my “vanity table” with lotions, all kinds of creams, scrubs and mousses for teenage skin. And on the bookshelves appeared magazines and books on skin care and makeup rules.

The value of cosmetics in creation attractive image women are difficult to overestimate. It is only important to use it correctly so as not to create a reverse process ...

Love yourself and your physical shell". How we women see ourselves, how we treat ourselves, how we are seen and how other people treat us in the same way. Why are there people - the Universe and the World.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 5 minutes


Every day we use a dozen cosmetic products to keep youth and have flawless look. However, we rarely think about what this or that cosmetics consists of, whether it is really effective and how safe it is for our health. Therefore, today we will tell you what harmful components of cosmetics can harm our health.

Harmful cosmetics: additives that are not safe for health

Shampoo, shower gel, soap, bath foam - cosmetics that are in the arsenal of every woman. However, when buying them, rarely does anyone think that they can cause serious harm to human health. The most harmful substances in cosmetics for hair and body care:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - one of the most dangerous drugs, which contain detergents. Some unscrupulous manufacturers try to disguise it as natural, saying that this component is derived from coconuts. This component really helps to remove fat from the hair and skin, but at the same time leaves an invisible film on their surface, which contributes to dandruff and hair loss. In addition, it can penetrate the skin and accumulate and linger in the tissues of the brain, eyes, liver. SLS refers to active conductors of nitrates and carcinogenic dioxins. It is very dangerous for children because it can change protein composition eye cells, causes a delay in the development of the child;
  • sodium chloride - used by some manufacturers to improve viscosity. However, it can irritate the eyes and skin. In addition, salt microparticles dry out and severely damage the skin.
  • Coal Tar - used for anti-dandruff shampoos. Some manufacturers hide this component under the abbreviation FDC, FD, or FD&C. May cause severe allergic reactions nervous system. In European countries, this substance is prohibited for use;
  • Diethanolamine (DEA) - a semi-synthetic substance that is used to form foam, as well as to thicken cosmetics. Dries out the skin, hair, causes itching and severe allergic reactions.

Decorative cosmetics almost all contain harmful and toxic substances. When doing morning makeup, we never think about the fact that lipstick, mascara, shadows, foundation and powder can cause irreparable harm to our health.

In the category "Harmful cosmetics" you can find a lot of useful information regarding health hazards. After all, when using shampoos, toothpaste, hair dye and all kinds of cosmetics, you need to remember that most of them consist of chemistry (with the exception of some natural products). Researchers in the United States and Canada have found that some diseases are caused by the flushing of waste products from cosmetics factories into rivers. Of course, and common use cosmetics can lead to disease.

You can give as many examples of the harm that it can carry. So mineral oil leads to the effect of "excessive hydration" of the skin. It becomes very wet and in the future this may cause it to dry out quickly. The substance propylene glycol used in cosmetics can cause allergies to it. According to scientists, about a third of all cosmetics contain substances that can cause cancer. To date, manufacturers have not abandoned them. At the same time, the labels usually indicate only 11% of the total number of ingredients. Therefore, the information you read here may encourage you to give up certain types of cosmetics.

Take care of your health!

After reading an article by dermatologist Dr. Jetsky Ulti, you will learn the whole truth about whether mineral oil is harmful or beneficial in cosmetics.

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What is dangerous chemistry in cosmetics? What are the most dangerous and harmful substances that can be contained in cosmetics? Read this article and find out!

Any rashes on the skin can be symptoms that our body rejects certain components of cosmetics. Let's try to figure out what an allergy to cosmetics is and what causes it.

Complete nonsense! What is taken as an indicator of naturalness, in fact, is not intended for people at all. These are labels for robots. Yes, just for them.