How to properly enter a new mixture of newborn. Rules for the introduction of a new mixture for a breast child and its shift if necessary

Always stands gradually. The transition to a new mixture should be carried out within 7 - 10 days.

You need to start with 10 milliliters of a new mixture per day. The rest of the food, which is calculated individually proceeding from the child's age is complemented by an old mixture.
In no case should not mix a new and old mixture. Mixtures are always given in different bottles.
On the second day, the multiplicity of the new mixture is increased to 2 - 3 times 10 milliliters, and the remaining feeding continues to be an old mixture. In parallel with the introduction of a new mixture, the baby is followed, as he behaves after feeding and sleeps well. Pay attention to the skin of the child, there is no redness and rash. Also special attention is paid to the chair - it should not be a foam or watery.

On the third day, the number of new mixtures increases to 20 milliliters three times a day. Thus, the volume of the new mixture should be 60 millilitres on the third day.

On the fourth day, the amount of mixture increases to 4 times a day for 30 - 50 milliliters.

On the fifth day, the volume of the mixture doubles, that is, ranges from 60 to 100 milliliters four times a day. This means that on the 5th day of the transition to a new mixture, the volume should be 400 milliliters, approximately half of the daily diet of the baby.

On the seventh day you can completely replace the diet of the child with a new mixture.

The amount of the mixture per day is most often calculated, given the mass of the child. In the first two months, the amount of daily diet is one fifth of the child's mass. If the child weighs 4 kilograms, the volume of the mixture will be 800 milliliters. This volume is divided into dies of feedings ( 6 - 7 times), and it turns out that for one feeding the child should receive 130-115 milliliters of the mixture.

We give an example of entering a new mixture for a two-month-old child weighing 4 kilograms, initially calculating that it is 800 milliliters of the mixture per day. The amount of daily diet is divided into dies of feedings. For a two-month-old child, feeding frequency should be 6 - 7 times a day, that is, 115 milliliters for one feeding.

  • 1st day: The volume of the new mixture is 10 milliliters, the former mixture is 790 milliliters;
  • 2nd day: The volume of the new mixture is 30 milliliters, the former mixture is 770 milliliters;
  • 3rd day: the volume of the new mixture is 60 milliliters, the former - 740 milliliters;
  • 4th day: the volume of the new mixture is 200 milliliters, the former mixture is 600 milliliters;
  • 5th day: The new mixture is 400 milliliters, the former - 400 milliliters. It means that by the fifth day the volume of the former and new mixture should be equalized;
  • 6th day: The new mixture is 600 milliliters, the former - 200 milliliters;
  • 7th day: A new mixture can be replaced by the whole diet of the baby, that is, all 800 milliliters of 115 milliliters 7 times a day.
Of course, the process of entering a new mixture can be accelerated, but it is undesirable, especially if the child is inclined to an allergic reaction.

A similar transition to a new mixture is not characteristic of all therapeutic blends. With certain genetic diseases, the translation is carried out immediately. For example, with phenylketonurium, no phenylalanine mixtures are injected into the diet almost immediately. It is not allowed to feed the former mixtures containing phenylalanine, as this can lead to severe complications.

A similar situation with lactose mixtures. With primary lactase insufficiency, when the lactase enzyme is completely absent in the child's body, feeding by other mixtures is unacceptable. With the secondary lactase insufficiency, entering a new mixture is carried out gradually, in parallel with the old mixture.

And the new and the previous mixture should be breeding directly before meals, each mixture in an individual bottle. A new mixture is desirable to introduce in the morning, and in the evening continue to feed the former mixture. Some mixtures, the doctor recommends replacing not the entire diet, and one of his third or half. For example, it concerns fermented milk mixtures. They should be replaced not the whole diet, otherwise, otherwise, this will lead to increased

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Not all women are obtained to feed the toddlers with breastside milk. Due to different circumstances, artificials appear, which have to select the optimal version of baby food - safe and high quality. This is a very responsible task, as in the future the transition to a new product will be conjugaten with a number of difficulties.

This is not a toy: today they gave a rattle, tomorrow - a bubber. Here you need to know all the nuances, as a newborn go to another mixture without unwanted and even dangerous consequences for his health. This in any case will be stressful for him, but parents must do everything to minimize it.

Causes of transition

First, my mother needs to understand that it is impossible to begin to feed the newborn with one mixture, and after some time it is necessary to replace it with another because she suddenly liked it that she was now in fashion or because she didn't have enough money.

From the very beginning should be conscious and competent. After all, this is a real stress for a small organism and will not pass without a trace for another inconsigned stomach.

The smaller by the age of the baby, the harder there will be a transition. And it should be dictated to very serious reasons. They can be:

  • individual intolerance to dairy proteins or sugar;
  • lactase insufficiency;
  • the refusal of the child from food;
  • bad weight set;
  • most often go to another nutrition during allergies;
  • the need for therapeutic mixture;
  • the planned age transition (this is already later - for those who have six months).

It is best to consult a pediatrician if you can go to another mixture to another mixture. It is one thing - medical testimony for this and completely different is the desire of parents dictated by some of their own principles and preferences.

Do not expose newborn once again stresses: they are so abuse. But if this event did not work out, be sure to follow the rules and recommendations of specialists.

It is interesting. A person relates to a mammal, that is, feeds his children with milk. If in nature the female of the animal for some reason can not fade a cub, he dies. Up until the XIX century, if a woman disappeared breast milk, the newborn found a cormal.

Transition rules

There are unshakable rules how to go to another mixture of infants without health effects. With their non-compliance, there is no guarantee that such a transition does not affect its condition.

As side effects there may be constipation and diarrhea, dysbacteriosis and terrible colic, sleep disorders and loss of appetite. And in the future it threatens serious problems in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

So it is not worth risking the health of the newborn - better follow the following advice:

  1. Consultation with a pediatrician about whether the newborn needs to go to new nutrition.
  2. If you move to another mixture within one brand, you can not follow the step by adding a small amount of new nutrition in 1 feeding. For example, as part of the NUTRILON 1 brand 1, mixtures with comfort, milk, hypoallergenic, brine, antirefluoric, amino acids, pepta allergies, pepta gastro and predeter are completely interchangeed.
  3. It is gradually to move to another mixture of a completely different brand that the newborn can be fully adapted to the power change.
  4. The latter in the diagram is replaced by night feeding, as it is unknown, as a small body will react to new nutrition.
  5. It is impossible to the newborn to switch to a new mixture during vaccination and if it feels bad: it has a temperature, strong colic, problems with a chair, insomnia, etc.
  6. It is impossible to replace one mixture of another without a weighing cause.

If you switch to a new mixture correctly, this event will pass without consequences and with minimal stress for a small organism. The rules are not so complex, everything is fulfilled.

See also: "How many newborns should eat for one feeding."

The only hard moment when switching is the selection of a single product replacement scheme to others. They may be different, although the principle is one - stepper.

According to history pages. The first children's mixture was invented at the beginning of the XIX century, but it was not there in free selling. They produced it exclusively for baby houses Baby and shelters, which lacked the breadlides on all newborns. It began to be put on the market only in the middle of the 20th century.

Transition schemes

There are different schemes, how to go to a new mixture of infants without consequences for its health.

Some are good because they offer slow introduction of a new nutrition and reduce the negative reaction of the organism to zero. However, they are not suitable for some newborns, as it is covered by a too long time speaker time - up to 2-3 weeks, while with diarrhea or allergies to the old mixture it is necessary to take faster measures.

Other schemes suggest a 6-day replacement, but do not guarantee the absence of side effects. Choose yourself according to the situation.

Transition scheme for seminal nutrition:

  1. Add 10 ml of a new mixture to the first feeding. But it is impossible to mix it in one bottle with old food. First - one, then - the other.
  2. If nothing has changed in a state of newborn, there is nothing (no rash, temperature, diarrhea), the next day add 20 ml of the new product in the first and fifth feeding.
  3. To add 20 ml of new nutrition daily until the first replacement of the first and fifth feedings occur.
  4. After that, with an interval in one day, translate completely (and not 20 ml) to a new mixture one feeding. It is best to do in order: the 1st day is the second feeding, the 2nd - third, 3rd - the fourth, the 4th - sixth, 5th-send.

However, according to such a scheme, the newborn go to the new mixture will have for quite a long time: up to 2 weeks. In some situations, the parents do not have so much time if the crumbs are allergic.

In such cases, you can use the express method (with a pediatrician permission), reflected in the table:

Exactly the same schemes also work with a doctor if the newborn lacks the maternal milk or it is poorly gaining weight.

In any case, it is advisable to take advice from a pediatrician not to encounter unpleasant surprises. Even before the birth of the baby, parents should consider the version of artificial feeding and choose a good mixture, which then do not have to change to another.

For full development, newborn and infants require maternal milk. But the possibility of breastfeeding is not always. In the absence of lactation or at its low quality, adapted children's mixtures come to the rescue. They provide infants with the necessary nutrient resource.

What to do if the baby does not fit the selected mixture

In the event of an allergic reaction to one or another type of baby food, it is necessary to replace it with suitable. How to change the mixture correctly:

  • Show the baby to the pediatrician, find out the reason for the nutrition of nutrition by the body;
  • With the help of a medical specialist, you choose a new nutrition that meets the requirements of the child;
  • Rate the condition of the baby. It is impossible to change the mixture during the disease, during vaccination.

The replacement scheme of the old power to another mixture consists of several stages:

  1. On 1 day we offer a child 10 ml of a new nutrition in the morning feeding. Residue I register the old mixture;
  2. On 2 day we offer 20 ml of nutrition in the morning and evening feeding, provided good tolerability. Residue I register the old mixture;
  3. 4-5 days I introduce 20 ml of food in the morning and in the evening, until a complete replacement of feedings;
  4. The remaining days are replaced by one feeding a full-fledged portion of the new nutrition. For example, today they replaced the third feeding, tomorrow the fourth and so on.

Parents should be known! The new and old mixtures are bred in separate bottles.

Children's change must be justified. It is impossible to change it only from the whims of mom or the councils of outsiders. Each replacement is a strong stress for children's digestion. And constant stressful situations can lead to failures in the work of the digestive tract. Therefore, before this procedure, appreciate all the benefits and risks, and then make a decision.

It often happens that mom for one reason or another is experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding. When all means for lactation stimulation are trying, but there is no effect, the baby has to translate into mixed feeding, adding an adapted children's mixture to its diet. Often, life circumstances, such as going to work or the need to receive drugs that are incompatible with feeding, force mom and stop feeding the child with breasts at all. Then the baby is transferred to artificial feeding an adapted baby milk mixture.

With mixed feeding, the child of the first year of life feeds on both breast milk, and a children's milk mixture. And if breast milk is completely absent in the diet of the baby (or its share is insignificant), and it feeds solely with a mixture, then we can say that it is on artificial feeding.

It is necessary to approach the choice of adapted mixture seriously and thoughtfully, given the individual features of the health and physical development of your baby, so you will definitely consult with a pediatrician. Intelligent, no modern mixture can be a full-fledged substitute for maternal milk, but if you picked it right, then your baby It will receive everything you need for your harmonious growth and development. It is not only to choose a suitable mixture, but also to stick to a number of rules during the transition to it. Departures of the digestive system of crumbs could easily adapt to another nutrition, the transition to artificial feeding is recommended gradually. The baby needs to be used to the new taste and the consistency of its power, and its digestive tract is adapted to a new product.

As a rule, on the packaging from the mixture there are detailed information for the mother on how many times a day and what kind of mixture to feed the child depending on age. But there are also special formulas for calculating the volume of the mixture. The daily rate of the child to the child under six months can be counted according to the following formula:

  • from 10 days to 6 weeks. - 1/5 of the actual body weight;
  • from 6 weeks up to 4 months. - 1/6 of the actual body weight;
  • from 4 to 6 months. - 1/7 of the actual body weight;
  • older 6 months - 1/8 of the actual body weight.
There are other formulas for the calculation of nutrition, you can find out more in more detail in our article "how much mixture is needed by the baby."

Of course, when changing the type of feeding, you have to change and the power of the baby. Children translated into artificial feeding, as a rule, 6-7 single feeding is recommended, about 3-3.5 hours from 6-6.5 hour night intervals. The duration of the gap between feeding depends on the age of the child, after the admission of the child's dust can be translated into 5 single feeding.

The kid's power mode with mixed feeding remains as free as possible. With the help of control weighing, an approximate amount of breast milk is determined that the child gets. Then the lacking until the daily rate is filled with an adapted mixture. With mixed feeding, it is important that the baby gets as much maternal milk as possible. Therefore, feeding should be started with the attachment of a child to both breasts and only after that give him a doctor. It is more convenient to feed the baby from the spoon, because because of the easier flow of the mixture through the nipple, the child can abandon his chest. But in this case, it is important to pick up an elastic nipple with small holes so that the kid should be worked out, sucking the mixture. When you move to artificial feeding, my mother is very important not to lose emotional contact with the baby. Cut it, keeping it. So the crocha will feel your warmth, it will be cozy and calm.

Transition from one mix to another

Sometimes it happens that the baby needs to be replaced by a mixture. For example, it may have such problems as allergic, excessive joining, colic or constipation, and in this case, consulting a pediatrician, the current mixture is replaced with a special treatment.

A change of baby milk mixture is stress for the body of the baby, so such a replacement should always be justified. It is unacceptable to arbitrarily change one mixture to another, it can lead to different digestive disorders.

There are several general rules for replacing one product in a kid diet to another (breast milk on a mixture or one mixture to another):

1 . The transition must be gradual. Even if the mixture is fully fits, a sharp transition can cause gastrointestinal disorders.2 . It is necessary to breed the mixture in separate bottles.3 . Any new children's mixture should be given in small quantities.4 . A new mixture gives a child before feeding the usual mixture.5 . The new children's mixture is primarily beginning to give a child during day feeding, and the product is last replaced in Morning and Night Feeding.6 . As the number of new mixture increases, the volume of the usual mixture is reduced.

There are various transition schemes from breast milk to a mixture or from one mixture to another, but they are all exemplary. First of all, focus on how the baby carries a new product.

Approximate transition scheme to a new mixture.

If, in the process of replacing one mixture to another, your baby has signs of gastrointestinal discomfort (colic, constipation, joining or allergies), the introduction of a new product should be suspended and seeking advice to the pediatrician doctor. Toddhad to a new mixture requires from mom effort and time. And sometimes I really want to "smell your hand" and just give the baby a new mixture, without observing any rules. Do not do this in no case, show a little patience! After all, then the organism of the crumbs will tell you thanks. A healthy baby is the best reward for my mother's efforts.