How to make the sole perfectly white. Ways to whiten the sole of a sneaker at home. What to do if the dirt is small

Many athletic shoe lovers often don't know how to clean a white sole to give sneakers or sneakers a good look without ruining them. There are many proven ways to save a thing.

It is worth remembering that each of them is suitable for a specific type of shoe. Therefore, before you start cleaning your favorite sneakers, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the recommendations given by experienced experts or those who have previously successfully coped with a similar task.

Most often, sports shoes get dirty. It is difficult to imagine a situation where, after playing sports or a regular walk, white sneakers will remain perfectly clean. Sports shoes are designed for walks and workouts like this, so you shouldn't expect them to always be clean. Sooner or later, you will have to think about how to clean the white soles of your shoes.

Most often, sports shoes get dirty

But this is not the only problem that lovers of light-colored shoes face. After each wash, the rubber outsole begins to take on a more pronounced yellow tint. As a result, the snow-white sneakers turn yellow. The problem can be solved with detergents.

How to effectively clean white soles at home? The surest way is to wash. Shoes can be washed by hand and in the washing machine. Experts recommend that you dry well before loading and clean it from dirt with a brush or sponge. If we are talking about machine washing, then it is better to first study the information that is indicated on the product label. The manufacturer indicates under what conditions the product can be washed. All recommendations of the manufacturer should be taken into account when cleaning shoes.

Usually choose a delicate wash without spinning. As for the amount of powder that needs to be added to the machine, the very minimum dose is sufficient. After all, in fact, only the top of the product needs to be cleaned.

Advice! If we talk about how to clean the white soles of sneakers, then you can use regular powder here. If the shoes are white, without any inserts, you can add a little bleach.

It is recommended to dry your shoes in the usual way. It should not be placed on hot surfaces (boiler, heating radiators), otherwise the sole will deform and lose its shape or turn yellow. In this way, only shoes made of textiles are cleaned. Leather and suede shoes are cleaned in a different way.

Secrets of the white sole

It is worth remembering that white shoes require not only careful care, but also compliance with all operating rules. For example, if such products are dried on a hot surface, they may turn yellow even more. It is not recommended to wear white sneakers in heavy mud or rain. Such shoes can hardly be called everyday, because they will have to be cleaned every time you go out.

A school eraser will help clean the sole

How to clean the white sole so that the entire garment is not washed completely? There are many tried and tested easy ways to give it a flawless look:

  1. An ordinary school eraser in pure white. It is worth considering that it should not leave traces of abrasion on the surface of the shoe. This method of cleaning requires a lot of patience and time, because the sole of the sneaker is not completely flat, so you have to work hard to clean every bend, corner and depression. But, be that as it may, the eraser helps in situations like this.
  2. The next easy way is to use melamine sponges. These can be purchased at any hardware store. Compared to the eraser, this method is a little easier. It is enough just to wet the sponge and wipe the surface of the product, but the result from using the lip is not as good as after the eraser. But the outsole also becomes lighter.

Melamine sponge

This is only a small part of what can be used to clean a white sole. There are other methods that will also prove to be quite effective.

Using whitening products

When the question of how to clean white soles comes up, the first thing that comes to mind is any bleaching agent. Bleach products are affordable for everyone. The only thing to take care of is to avoid direct skin contact with the product, otherwise you can get burns or cause a severe allergic reaction. It is worth remembering that bleaching agents make the sole more porous, that is, their use makes the shoes old, shortening their service life.

Whitening agents make the sole more porous

Attention! It is important to consider what material the sole of the shoe is made of.

It is better to pre-apply a few drops to the sole. If after 2-3 hours there are no obvious signs of damage, then you can start cleaning the entire surface of the sole.

This is done like this:

  1. A solution consisting of bleach and water is poured into a wide basin. They are bred in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. The container holds sneakers or sneakers. Water should completely hide the sole of the shoe, but at the same time not touch the material of the product. Then every hour they take them out of the container and see if the surface has bleached, if everything worked out, then they take out the sneakers, and if not, the procedure continues. Sometimes domestic bleach does not help, then you can use the funds of foreign companies.

Citric acid is an effective and cheap remedy

An alternative to bleach

How to clean white rubber soles without using bleach? This can be done with regular tooth powder or toothpaste. You will need an old stiff bristled brush and some powder or paste. You need to rub the surface of the sole well. This method is great for shoes with grooved or rounded soles.

Toothpaste can be used for cleaning

There is a method that is especially popular among young people now. In our time, shoes with high white soles have become fashionable. This raises a very important question about how to clean the white soles on slip-ons. To do this, you can use an eraser, sponge, or tooth powder. Ordinary citric acid is an effective and cheap remedy. Acid crystals are rubbed over the surface of the product, and then left for a while, after which they are thoroughly washed off under running water.

Advice! The product should be used to remove fresh dirt before the stains are absorbed into the material.

Use of improvised means

When the question arises about how to clean the white soles, it is important to know that many of the products available on the farm are suitable for this. For example, it can be a regular nail polish remover. It is applied to a special cotton swab and the sole is wiped until the dirt disappears. By the way, this method is great if the sole has started to turn yellow. For those people who are interested in the question of how to clean the white soles of yellowness, you can safely use nail polish remover.

Use nail polish remover to clean the sole

But this method is best used in the most extreme cases, as it contains many harsh chemicals that can deform the sole. To avoid this, it is worth doing a test in advance. To do this, it is enough to apply a few drops of the product to the sole, and this should be done in an inconspicuous place where, in case of failure, the damage will not be visible. If there are no special changes, then you can safely use the tool.

You can apply vinegar essence. Just don't confuse it with acetic acid. As with nail polish remover, it is best to first check the effect of the product on the product. To do this, you need to drop a little essence on the sole in an inconspicuous place.

Shoes with white soles look very impressive, but only so far clean and tidy. As a rule, after a month of everyday wear, the surface noticeably dims, becomes covered with a yellow coating and ingrained dirt. Don't rush to buy a new pair of shoes knowing a couple of secrets, it is easy to bleach white soles at home.

Training. Remove the insoles and laces from your shoes before proceeding. Wipe your shoes: a damp cloth or napkin is suitable for a leather one, a dry cloth for a cloth one. Remove dust and dirt on nubuck or suede with a special brush. Check the protector for stuck stones, blades of grass, leaves, lumps of dirt.

The easiest way to wash fabric sneakers is in the machine, setting the delicate mode. Dry your shoes only naturally: stuffing with clean paper, away from heaters and radiators.

What you need for whitening:

  • A basin of warm water.
  • Cotton pads, cotton swabs.
  • The rags are exclusively white (they will not shed and will not leave streaks).
  • A thick scouring pad, stiff shoe brush, or an old toothbrush.
  • Colorless shoe polish or foam.

Means and effective methods for whitening soles

1. Soap solution. Use washing powder, Antipyatin or household soap, dishwashing gel, chlorine-free bleach as an active ingredient (add the latter strictly according to the dosage on the package).

Technology: dilute the selected product in warm water. Put the sneakers (sneakers) in the basin, make sure that the solution covers only the sole. Leave it on for half an hour, then brush off the dirt.

The solution should only cover the sole, not the fabric!

Do not use chlorine formulations! It is aggressive towards some synthetic materials, often causes yellowness, and when it comes into contact with a painted surface, it can discolor it.

2. Soda, starch or tooth powder. To bleach the soles of sneakers or other shoes, use a homemade paste. It will be based on baking soda, tooth powder, or potato starch.

Dilute the substance with warm water to the consistency of a thick slurry (in the case of starch, water can be replaced with low-fat milk), apply the composition to a sponge or toothbrush, and treat stains.

3. Solvents. Acetone and acetone-containing liquids, medical and ammonia alcohol, 9% table vinegar diluted in half with warm water, white spirit, refined kerosene, 3% hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice do a good job with bleaching.

Soak a cotton pad or cotton swab in the chosen product, carefully, trying not to touch the upper part of the shoe, “walk” through the dirt. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the remaining substance with warm water.

When working with caustic compounds, do not forget to test their effect on a small area. Protect your hands with household gloves.

4. Alternative methods. A melamine sponge, a regular or special (for suede and nubuck shoes) eraser, petroleum jelly will also help to bleach the soles of sneakers (sneakers). Fine-grained sandpaper or an old nail file will remove stubborn dirt on rough soles.

Melamine sponge does not require additional funds

In especially advanced cases, sole whitening can include several methods: use the means "incrementally", from the simplest to the most complex.

After cleaning the shoes (regardless of the method chosen), rinse the sole with clean warm water, remove excess moisture with a dry cloth. Leave your sneakers or trainers to dry completely, and then saturate with cream or foam.

Prevention of yellowness of the sole

  1. If possible, do not wear white-soled shoes if it is dirty and damp outside.
  2. Make it a rule to clean the steam as soon as you get home.
  3. Wash (wash) your sneakers and sneakers regularly. It is easier to get rid of minor dirt in 15 minutes than to scrub old ones for hours.

Sneakers or sneakers with snow-white soles allow you to look stylish and modern. But over time, the sole begins to turn yellow, covered with black stripes and spots. It is possible to return your favorite shoes to their former whiteness at home. There are many proven methods using available tools. If you regularly clean the soles, then after a while you will not have to wipe off the stubborn dirt.

Before you start cleaning, you should learn how to properly care for shoes with white soles and how to clean them:

  1. First you need to remove dirt and dust from the sole. This can be done with water, a sponge, and liquid soap. Wipe the surface dry after washing. Sometimes this is enough to make the sole shine white again. If yellow or gray spots remain, then you will have to use more aggressive products.
  2. The most effective tool for fighting dirt on white soles is an unnecessary toothbrush. It is able to penetrate into the porous structure of the material and clean out hard-to-reach places.
  3. If acetone or other solvent is used for cleaning, wipe the surface with a white cloth. Otherwise, the substance will wash out the dyes from a cloth of a different color, and colored stains will remain on the white sole.
  4. Rinse the sole preferably with warm water. Temperatures that are too high or too low can damage the material.

Methods for cleaning white soles

The soles of sneakers and sneakers are usually made of wear-resistant rubber or synthetic materials (polyurethane, phylon, and others).

These materials are durable and elastic, but over time they inevitably become covered with a gray or yellow coating. In addition, the porous surface facilitates deep penetration of dirt into the material.

But don't rush to throw out your favorite pair of shoes. Even stubborn dirt can be cleaned at home.


Effectively removes dirt from white rubber surfaces with a regular eraser. It must be perfectly clean. You will need to rub the dirt with an eraser and then shake off the crumbs. If the area to be cleaned is large enough, then you will have to be patient, since it is recommended to use the eraser slowly and carefully.

Instead of an eraser, you can, which is sold at hardware stores. It should be wet and washed off the dirt, periodically rinsing the sponge with running water. According to the reviews of the hostesses, pollution disappears literally before our eyes.

Washing powder

Washing powder will help clean the white sole. For this you need:

  1. Dissolve the powder in water. Its concentration should be twice as high as when washing clothes.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a container that can hold sneakers or sneakers, so that it covers only the sole.
  3. Place the shoes in a container with a solution.
  4. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  5. Rub the surface with an old toothbrush.
  6. Wash off dirt and powder with running water, being careful to wet only the sole.

This method is suitable for cleaning quality shoes. The soles of cheap models can come off after being soaked.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid is able to deal with fresh dirt. You will need to pour warm water into the container and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid there. Then, using an unnecessary toothbrush, apply the solution to the surface to be cleaned and rub the dirt.

When there is no trace of dirt left, you should carefully wash the sole with running water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is known for its bleaching properties. It can be used to wipe off yellow and gray stains from a white surface.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the sole several times. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wipe off the rest of the substance with a damp cloth.

Chlorhexidine can also be used as it has similar properties.

If traces of dirt remain, then you can bleach them with soda. To do this, put some regular baking soda on a damp cloth and rub the rubber cover.


You can remove yellowness with toothpaste. To do this, squeeze out the toothpaste or pour the tooth powder onto an old toothbrush slightly dampened with water. Use a brush to wipe the surface, paying particular attention to dirty areas. Then wipe off the rest of the paste with a damp cloth.

Only white paste can be used for cleaning yellowed soles. Blocked colored paste can ruin the finish.

Boric acid

Another helper in the fight against dirt on a white surface is boric acid. Would need:

  • dissolve 100 g of table salt in 3 liters of boiling water and wait for the salt to dissolve;
  • cool the solution to room temperature;
  • add 160 ml of boric acid to the resulting mixture;
  • moisten a white cloth with the prepared solution and wipe the contaminated areas;
  • rinse the sole under running water and wipe dry.

You can also pour the solution into a large container and place your sneakers or sneakers there so that only the sole is in the liquid. After 15 minutes, remove the shoes and rinse the surface.

All manipulations with boric acid must be carried out in a ventilated area, using a protective mask and rubber gloves.

Lemon acid

Citric acid, like peroxide, has bleaching properties.

Cleaning steps:

  • wet the sole;
  • sprinkle the surface to be cleaned with citric acid powder;
  • rub the dirt with a sponge or brush;
  • wait 5-10 minutes depending on how dirty it is;
  • shake off the citric acid in the sink and rinse the soleplate with running water.

If you don't have citric acid on hand, you can use lemon juice. You will need to squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and moisten a cotton pad with it. Then wipe the surface and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, thoroughly rinse the lemon juice with water and wipe the sole with a dry cloth.


Table vinegar can also wash away dirt from the once-white soles of sneakers, sneakers or sandals.

To do this, you need to dilute table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Moisten a rag with the resulting solution and rub the contaminated areas. Old stains can be rubbed with an old toothbrush. Then it is worth rinsing the surface with warm water and wiping dry.


The most effective but aggressive sole cleaning agent is acetone or nail polish remover. You only need to use it if other methods have not worked.

Acetone works well for black streaks, grass and fuel oil marks. When cleaning, you can use only a white cloth, as a colored cloth can stain the white coating.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with acetone and wipe the rubber cover. Do not touch the fabric upper of the shoe. Then you should thoroughly rinse the substance and wipe the surface with a dry towel.

How to remove tar from the sole?

In spring, with the arrival of warmth, poplar or linden resin can be found on the white sole. This sticky substance is secreted by the tree buds even before the leaves appear. Getting rid of tar isn't easy, but there are several tried and tested ways:

  1. Mechanical impact. To begin with, you need to try to peel off the resin with a stick or a blunt knife. This must be done carefully, moving from the periphery to the center, so as not to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination.
  2. Kerosene. You can apply refined kerosene to a rag and rub the tar stain until it disappears completely. If a yellow mark remains on the white sole, then you should wipe it with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Formic alcohol. This remedy is available at a pharmacy and is inexpensive. They need to dampen a soft cloth and treat the contaminated areas. Then thoroughly rinse off the alcohol with water and wipe the sole dry.

Substances that can be found in almost any housewife will help return the sole to its previous whiteness. It is important to clean it regularly so that you don't have to spend a lot of time removing stubborn dirt.

I couldn't get enough of a new purchase - white sneakers. They were in perfect harmony with my tracksuit, favorite jeans and even a summer dress, so I practically did not take them off. But after a few weeks, ugly black stripes appeared on the sole, it turned from snow-white to yellow. And the most annoying thing is that the rubber surface did not agree to become white again during the washing of the shoes themselves! How to clean the white sole so that you can regain a good mood and your sneakers look attractive? However, she can be capricious both on sneakers and on sandals. Well, let's look at several ways.

Whitening Laundry Detergent

This method is suitable if the shoe is new and the sole is not very worn out.

Make a concentrated solution: Dissolve the powder by taking twice the usual amount. Place dirty shoes in the solution so that the water covers only the desired part. Leave it on for half an hour, then brush over the surface. All dirt should be gone and the shoe should be bleached. Rinse with soapy water and dry.

Baking soda

Sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth, wipe the rubber part. Rub firmly until the baking soda penetrates all crevices. The gray must go away. Rinse the sneakers from the remaining baking soda, wipe dry.


To completely wash away the yellowness, prepare just a whitening toothpaste. Find an old toothbrush. Wet it first and then squeeze some paste onto it. By the way, tooth powder is perfect, if there is one in the bins.

You will have to make a little effort to wash off the dirt and return the whiteness. But don't give up and rub until you get the desired result!

After all the work, find the strength to rinse the surface from the remaining paste or powder.

Want to clean the bumpy soles of your sandals in a quality manner? Use a stiff bristled brush. After using it, do not throw it away, because after a couple of weeks you will have to scrub your favorite shoes again.

Nail polish remover, acetone

Such a solvent will perfectly help clean the white soles of both black stripes and yellowness. Just do not be lazy to test the liquid in an inconspicuous area, especially if you have chosen a stronger solvent - acetone. Drop a little bit of funds on the chosen place, look at the result. Acetone can destroy the structure of the outsole material. Nothing special happened to the material? Then go for it!

Moisten a cotton pad with a liquid, a light cloth (preferably cotton), wipe the surface with it. After processing, be sure to rinse the remaining acetone with warm water. Dip the remaining moisture with a napkin, grease with cream.

Acid treatment

  1. As you know, in everyday life with acid, it is almost always possible to wash various contaminants. Table vinegar is also useful in this case. In three parts water, dilute one part vinegar, the water should be warm. Soak a cloth in the solution, wipe off the dirt. Right before our eyes, the grayness and yellowness go away.
  2. If you are going to use citric acid, then it is not necessary to dissolve it in water. Just sprinkle it on a damp cloth, wipe the desired areas. Instead of a cloth, you can use an already known toothbrush. Did you manage to whiten? And now you need to wash off the acid residues with plain water.

Bleaches and stain removers

You probably have a modern oxygen bleach or stain remover. You can also clean the surface with it. Just make the solution more concentrated than recommended in the instructions. Add 2 times more bleach to warm water, dissolve thoroughly. Dip the shoes into the solution so that it completely covers the rubber part.

If the bleach is liquid, just apply it to the soiled part of the sneaker without dissolving it in the water. Let them stand in this state for several hours. Then the remnants of dirt (if any) can be washed off with a foam sponge. After water procedures, it remains to wipe the already white sole of your favorite sneakers with a damp cloth.


Black stripes can be cleaned with a regular school eraser - white and perfectly clean (no traces of a ballpoint pen). Walk it over the places of dirt, wipe the rubber part with a soft cloth, then apply a white (colorless) cream. This method is great if you notice dirt just before going outside. A few hand movements - and your sole is white again!

And if you are afraid (or are you lazy?) To do something on your own, contact a dry cleaner. But will you have enough strength and resources to constantly run there to bring to your senses your favorite sneakers or sneakers?

  • Bleach your soles after you've washed them of basic dirt and dust. And only if yellowness, dullness, stains have not disappeared after the main cleaning, use "heavy artillery".
  • You cannot clean the sole with chlorine-containing bleaches: in most cases, persistent yellowness appears, which can no longer be whitened.
  • When cleaning sneakers with solvents, choose a white cloth. Often, acetone dissolves the dye of the fabric itself, which can, during processing, migrate to the surface of the shoe itself.
  • For best results, use an old toothbrush instead of a cloth. It easily penetrates even the smallest depressions and cleans hard-to-reach areas.
  • Try to wear your shoes carefully, then you will need to clean the sole less often.

Again, I'm not overjoyed with my sneakers, which are no longer new, but they look great!

Shoes with white soles always look stylish. However, after 2–3 appearances, the sole noticeably loses its whiteness, especially if you wore shoes in autumn (rain and mud) and in summer (dry dust). The gray tint gives the shoe a messy look. Is it possible to return the original color to the white sole of sneakers, sneakers and other types of shoes and how to preserve it?

We clean shoes with white soles at home

What is the white sole made of

The condition of shoes with a white sole initially largely depends on the composition of the material of the sole itself. Modern soles are made of poly- and thermopolyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, tunit, felt, ethylene vinyl acetate, elatomer, leather, wood. Traditionally, a white sole is an integral part of sneakers and sneakers. It is made from rubber with various additives that add wear resistance, reduce pressure on the foot, and improve thermoregulation. For instance, elastopore rubber porous, durable and lightweight at the same time. Carbon rubber has great resistance and elasticity. It is these 2 types of rubber that are most often used to create sneaker soles and sports shoes.

In addition to useful properties, thanks to additives, rubber acquires a pattern, a different texture.

The composition of the material also depends on how much easier it will be to clean. The more porous the material, the deeper the dirt will penetrate and the more difficult it will be to remove them completely. The relief also plays an important role. A more embossed sole, with "channels", "holes" will collect more dust than a smooth one.

You can return the snow-white sole to its original look if you have not worn sneakers without interruption and cleaning for months. As with any cleaning, regularity is the key to success.

The cleaning of white soles is almost the same for any shoe. However, it is possible that the sole of your sneakers is made of rubber with some specific additives that cannot tolerate certain media. If you still have a box or cleaning recommendations, do not neglect them. In all other cases, first test the cleaner on the underside of the sole or on the inside of the shoe. If after one or two hours no cracks, spots, discoloration appear, the product can be used.

The easiest and most expensive way is to dry-clean your white-soled shoes. There she is guaranteed to be put in order. However, it will not be cheap, and the result will not last long - literally until the next walk. Therefore, it makes sense to use home remedies to give the white soles of shoes their original whiteness.

Means and methods of cleaning from yellowness

Shoes with white soles and upper in contrasting colors - black, dark blue - look most impressive. How to bleach the edging and outsole without staining the upper?

Use regular masking tape - just glue it carefully along the edge of the shoe. Of course, this must be done after cleaning the dust from the shoes, otherwise the tape will not stick. Two or three coats will be enough to keep drops or particles of the product used to whiten the sole off the dark upper.

Preparing shoes with white soles for cleaning

Before using any product, shoes need to be prepared - cleaned of dust. This can be done by hand - with a brush or vacuum cleaner, or you can wash your shoes in the washing machine. This must be done carefully, following certain rules.

  1. Shoes must be disassembled into parts - remove the insoles, unlace, remove all removable parts. It is better to wash them separately by hand.
  2. Place the shoes in a special washing bag and place them in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Switch on the "sportswear / shoes" mode. In the absence of this, a "delicate wash" will do. The temperature for such shoes is not higher than 40 degrees. Shoes should be washed with a special detergent for washing sportswear or a very mild detergent gel.
  4. If necessary, switch on the Rinse program additionally. The spinning and drying modes for sneakers and trainers cannot be used!
  5. Dry your shoes naturally. You can also use special shoe dryers.
  6. Never put wet or damp sneakers on the battery. Firstly, sneakers or trainers can deform from such forced heat. Secondly, from overheating, the white sole can turn yellow forever.

So, you have cleaned out the dust and dirt and white soles. Now arm yourself with the means at hand.

We erase the plaque. Eraser and melamine sponge

A regular school eraser can help you clean white soles. All you need is will and patience. And an eraser, of course. By the way, you need a light eraser, preferably white. The method is quite long and requires painstaking work.

Melamine sponge is a product with truly magical properties.

  1. Wet a sponge.
  2. Just wash off the dirt.
  3. Rinse the sponge in water as it gets dirty.

We clean sneakers with washing powder

They can not only wash things, but also bleach the white soles.

  1. Dissolve the powder in warm water. The concentration of the powder should be 2 times higher than for washing.
  2. Submerge your shoes in the solution. It should only cover the sole!
  3. Leave it on for half an hour. Use a stiff-bristled brush to brush over the sole.
  4. Rinse off any remaining powder and foam thoroughly.

This method is good for shoes that you have no doubt about. The sole is attached to the sneakers mainly with glue and in inexpensive models, after soaking, it can simply "move away".

How to clean yellowed soles with bleach

Before using the method with bleach, you need to do a test - drop the bleach on the surface of the sole and leave. If everything is visually fine with the sole, you can use bleach.

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  2. Dissolve bleach in water. Concentration 1: 2.
  3. Place the shoes in the solution so that only the soles are covered. Check every 30 minutes, once the sole is bleached to the desired state - rinse off the detergent and dry.

The method is unsafe, as it makes the rubber looser with prolonged contact.

Anti-yellow plaque toothpaste / tooth powder

The abrasiveness of the toothpaste cleans well the white soles of sneakers or sneakers.

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste or powder to an old toothbrush and brush the sole well. Pay special attention to irregularities (depressions, pimples) of the sole - this is where most of the dirt accumulates.
  2. Rinse off the foam with water. If necessary, use a brush with a stiffer bristle.

To clean the white sole, toothpaste or powder should be taken only in white color, without colored blotches

Soda for whiteness

Again, we rely on abrasive.

  1. Put some baking soda on a damp, soft cloth.
  2. Rub the edging and outsole well. It is better to do this over the sink or by spreading a cloth - the soda will crumble when cleaning. Use an old toothbrush to clean the indentations in the sole.
  3. Rinse off any remaining baking soda with water and dry your shoes.

To bleach yellowed shoe soles, mix baking soda and lemon juice and scrub the surface.

How to clean with acetone or nail polish remover

  1. Dampen a cotton ball or soft cloth with liquid and rub the sole. Cleaning must be done carefully so that liquid does not get onto the fabric upper of the shoe.
  2. Rinse with water and pat dry with a paper towel or tissue.

For this method, a rag must be taken in white, colored from acetone can shed and ruin the shoes.

The method perfectly removes dirt such as black stripes on shoes or yellow spots, but it is more suitable for a flat surface than for embossed ones.

To whiten the sole, you can also use acids - citric and acetic.

We remove dirt with citric acid

  1. Moisten the surface of the sole.
  2. Sprinkle some citric acid powder and scrub with a rag or sponge.
  3. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Shake off any remaining acid and rinse the surface with water.

Citric acid will also help whiten the soles that have turned yellow from time to time (provided that the yellowness does not appear from drying on the battery).

Bleach with vinegar

  1. Prepare a solution - dilute table vinegar in warm water in a 1: 3 ratio.
  2. Moisten a cloth with the solution and wipe off the dirt. Rub the stubborn stains with a brush.
  3. Rinse the surface.

Home remedies to remove plaque and stains from white soles: photo

The acid in vinegar will help you cleanse and whiten the white soles of sneakers and sneakers Citric acid will cleanse and whiten the sole of your shoes Nail polish remover will quickly remove black streaks on shoes Due to its abrasive and bleaching properties, baking soda well cleans dirt on shoes

We remove various stains from the surface of the shoes - traces of a marker, paint, shoe glue

Sometimes shoes need to be cleaned not only of street dirt, but also of various stains. In such cases, you need to solve 2 problems at once - get rid of the stain and not ruin the shoes.

Marker marks on shoes are removed with alcohol, toothpaste with soda, WD-40.

  • Alcohol. It is better to remove traces of marker from shoes with alcohol (96%), although any alcohol with an alcohol content higher than 50% will do.
  1. Soak a cotton pad and wipe the marker stain.
  2. Repeat as necessary. Try not to wet the stain too much.
  • WD-40. "Vedashka" can do a lot, including displaying a trace from a marker.
  1. Apply the product to the stain and wipe with a clean, dry cloth.
  2. The product should be used with caution.
  • Toothpaste + soda. Mix toothpaste and baking soda in a 1: 1 ratio. First saturate the stain with the compound, then rub the mixture into the stain using a damp cloth. The method takes time and effort.

Glue marks on shoes are not easy to remove. It is necessary to use agents that soak and release glue particles. To do this, use alcohol, vinegar, soda and special tools.

  • The easiest way to remove the glue is to warm it up. To do this, use a hairdryer. Heat the stain until the glue softens. Then gently scrape off the layer. Repeat until the maximum amount of adhesive has been removed. It is possible that already at this stage the glue has completely removed from your shoes.

If you still have glue, use other means.

  • Alcohol. It dissolves adhesive bonds, making them tacky.
  1. Saturate the glue stain with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Rub gently. If the glue starts to soften, remove it. If not, wait and reapply the rubbing alcohol to the stain.
  3. Scrape off any remaining glue and dry your shoes.
  • A paste of baking soda and water will help remove the glue stain.
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stain and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Use a rag to rub the stain in a circular motion until the adhesive is completely removed.
  4. Rinse off the paste with warm water.

This method is suitable for any surface where glue drops have gotten.

  • The acid in table vinegar also softens the glue particles.
  1. Saturate the glue stain with vinegar and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  2. If the glue has softened, try rolling the glue with a dry cloth or scraping it off.
  • Special means for removing glue are called “Antiklei”. These can be purchased at hardware stores. It is enough to simply apply such a product to the stain and the glue will begin to dissolve.
  • The solvent will remove paint marks on the shoes. Before using these products, try them on the sole or inside the shoes.
  1. Dampen a cotton ball with acetone and wipe the stain.
  2. Once the stain is gone, blot the area with a paper towel and pat dry.

The acetone method is suitable for oil paint. If you are not sure what kind of paint your shoes are stained with, then use the following recipe. It is suitable for all types of paint removal.

  1. Mix ammonia and water in a 1: 3 ratio.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth and wipe the stain. Repeat until the stain is gone.

This method is suitable even for thin suede shoes.

Long lasting white - how to keep the color of your rubber outsole

The challenge that arises after all the efforts to clean white shoe soles is how to maintain the result. Shoe cosmetics will help you with this.

Purchase a colorless shoe polish. After cleaning and bleaching, apply a little cream and buff with a soft cloth. This will preserve the whiteness of the edging. Of course, it is easier to prevent stains, gray and yellow patches. Take care of your shoes before you put them on for the first time - treat the shoes with a special water-repellent treatment. It is most often in a spray format that can be conveniently applied to the upper and outsole of any material.

Remember to renew your protection - spray every two weeks or every time before putting on your shoes.

How to wash the white rubber soles of sneakers and sneakers: video

We clean the soles of shoes with our own hands: video

Shoes with white soles must be looked after regularly. Use shoe care products - cream, protective spray to prevent dirt from entering. To clean the white soles from dirt, you can use the tools at hand. Clean your shoes from dust and stains regularly.