How to keep your hair clean without washing? Perfect hairstyle and messy hair is not a problem. How to hide dirty hair, the most effective ways

Probably, everyone has come across a situation when the hair is dirty, and there is no way to wash it - for example, you are on a trip or you have turned off the hot water at your home. The problem is especially acute for owners of oily hair. But there are several proven ways to clean your curls quickly without the traditional shampoo.

Such a shampoo is a universal remedy, which is indispensable on long travels, during an illness or when the water is suddenly turned off. It is produced in the form of sprays, which effortlessly allows you to get even very dirty hair clean in a matter of minutes. Naturally, it will not replace real shampooing, but in some cases it will become a real find.

Typically, dry shampoo contains absorbent substances (corn or oat extract, white clay particles) that can absorb impurities or remove excess fats without using water and conventional cleansers. In addition, there is an antibacterial component among the ingredients. Dry shampoo often contains various essential oils that have a positive effect on the overall health of oily hair.

The product is very easy to use: just spray it on the scalp and comb the strands well with a soft natural bristle brush. Keep the spray at a distance of at least 15-20 cm, otherwise you will not see clean curls.

By the way, it is not necessary to use all the hair: if you want to refresh only the bangs, then apply the shampoo directly on it, without affecting the rest of the hair.

Dry shampoo must be used on dry hair, otherwise you will simply make your hair even dirtier. Since the product can actively interact with fats, and not water.

For maximum convenience, many brands suggest using small bottles that fit easily into a bag or even a pocket.

The most famous and affordable brands include:

  • Batiste Original.
  • Sebastian Drynamic.
  • Indola Professional Styling.
  • Schwarzkopf Densifying Dry Shampoo Powder - Refresh Dust Texture.

The price of dry shampoo in the mass market section ranges from $ 6 to $ 20.

Undoubtedly, such a shampoo can quickly cleanse dirty hair without washing, when the water is turned off and in other unpleasant situations, but it is still not recommended to use it regularly.

Please note: dry and solid shampoos are not the same thing. From the latter, you need to make a regular shampoo by adding water to the mixture, but classic washing in this case cannot be avoided.

Folk recipes

If there is no dry shampoo at hand, and the curls are dirty, you can make a homemade version using folk recipes. You will need substances that can effectively remove oiliness from your hair. The basis is usually taken:

  • ground oatmeal;
  • soda;
  • Rye flour;
  • cocoa powder;
  • corn starch.

Any of the above substances must be applied to the hair roots, rubbed lightly into the scalp and gradually move along the entire length (you do not need to add water, everything is used dry). Close attention is paid to those areas that become oily in the first place (usually, this is the root zone). After a few minutes, you should carefully comb the curls. If surplus is found, you can remove it with a towel.

Important! All substances, except cocoa, are light, so their particles can be noticeable on dark hair. For brunettes, only cocoa powder can be used.

Of course, any of these methods can make your hair clean, but full washing cannot be canceled: the unfavorable environment leaves harmful substances on the hair, which must be disposed of by more radical methods. But you can use water and shampoo to cleanse 2-3 times a week.

Here are a few little tricks on how to get your hair clean without washing in minutes. The knowledge gained will not be superfluous. Indeed, thanks to them, in any situation you can look perfect, even when the hair is dirty and this fact betrays a greasy shine and lack of volume. You can put your hair in order in a few minutes, without the need to use special expensive products. How? This is what we have to figure out.

How to remove oily shine from hair without washing

How to make hair clean without washing, get rid of oily sheen and give it freshness should be known not only to the fair sex, who by nature have hair that quickly becomes dirty and greasy. This trick can be used in an emergency, when you need to look irresistible right now. To do this, you can use two proven methods:

  • purchase dry shampoo;
  • use the materials at hand.
Dry shampoo is a cosmetic product that comes in the form of a spray. After applying it to your hair, you need to wait a while until its particles absorb grease and dirt, which can be easily removed by combing with a comb. This method of solving the problem is very convenient.

The missing dry shampoo can be replaced with handy tools that are available at home. For example, blondes can use flour, baby powder, starch. Brunettes are advised to pay attention to dry mustard powder. The listed products are used in the same way as dry shampoo. It is enough to apply the selected product to dry hair, wait and comb it out of the hair with a comb.

It is better to resort to these methods of putting hair in order in extreme cases. And even more so, they should not replace a full-fledged shampooing. Since the structure of the hair and scalp can be damaged.

The volume of the hair indicates the cleanliness of the hair.

As a rule, after shampooing, the hair becomes more voluminous. The desired effect can be achieved even when there is a sorely lack of time for water procedures. In an emergency, you can adopt several ways to achieve volume. But before starting the procedure, you need to get rid of the oily sheen, using the recommendations given above.

You can get volume without washing your hair if:

  • Make a small, even bouffant at the roots. Before that, the hair must be sprinkled with varnish. The fleece should look natural.
  • Tilt your head down, comb your hair and sprinkle it with hairspray. In this way, the strands on which the varnish fell will become a kind of support for the rest. It will be possible to achieve a small volume.
  • Use foam or gel to make the effect of "wet" styling. This method is ideal for those with naturally curly hair.
From the above options, you can choose what suits a certain type of hair. Throughout the day, the resulting volume can be saved. But before going to bed, it is recommended to wash your hair, rinse off the used cosmetics, which, as a rule, have an aggressive chemical composition. After all, their prolonged stay on the curls can lead to a change in their structure, cause dry scalp, and contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

Perfect hairstyle and messy hair is not a problem

The choice of hairstyle should be taken very carefully. After choosing it incorrectly, you can not hide the problem, but draw attention to it. To prevent this, it is necessary to remember that the curls should not fall off the face, especially when it comes to sparse hair. As a hairstyle for long hair, you can choose a high ponytail or a braid. Do not forget that the hairstyle should not be licked, so it can be made slightly disheveled by stretching out a few strands, ruffling some areas.

A braid can also be the perfect hairstyle for when you can't wash your hair. But also in the case of tails, you do not need to make your hairstyle slick. Let it be sloppy, voluminous. If the length of the hair does not allow experimenting with hairstyles, accessories will come to the rescue, on which you can focus. It is worth considering hoops, hairpins, headbands.

Such a nuisance as dirty hair will no longer cause a lot of inconvenience. After all, there are ways to eliminate it, and besides, they are available to absolutely everyone. And it is far from magic to refresh the curls in a matter of minutes, make them voluminous and even put them in your hair. To do this, it is enough to know how to make your hair clean without washing. But you should not overdo these methods, because only a full-fledged shampoo is able to clean each hair properly. You can use them in case of emergency, when there is too little time for beauty guidance.

Life is in full swing and every minute of free time is precious? Modern women often have a question about how to refresh their hair without washing their hair. There is a large selection of dry shampoos in the form of an aerosol on store shelves: simply spray on the curls, comb and fluff your hair with your fingertips. Ready! But what if you do not have the opportunity to buy a miracle shampoo? Our article is for you.

How can you quickly wash your hair without using standard cleansers and water?

The first step in your endeavor should be to eliminate the excess sebum concentrated at the roots of your strands.

And the second is to create a visual volume characteristic of fresh and clean curls. Please note that without the formation of volume, all your efforts will be in vain, and "Slickness" you will definitely be given away. Therefore, styling will become an integral step in this event.

So how do you get your hair clean quickly without washing your head?

Aerosol dry shampoo

If you are the owner of oily curls, dry shampoo should always be at your fingertips - it will save you from a lot of inconveniences associated with the natural features of your skin. Modern dry shampoo comes in aerosol form. To use such a tool, it is enough, as they say, "Press the button and get the result".

Instructions for using dry cleanser:

  1. Divide the curls into even partings (so you should "Zone" the entire surface of the head);
  2. Press the button of the bottle and spray the spray contained in it on the partings with an even layer;
  3. Wait for the time indicated in the annotation for the purchased shampoo (usually 3-5 minutes is enough);
  4. Now take a wooden comb with sparse teeth and comb through the curls to the very ends;
  5. If part of the product still remains on the hair, simply "Ruffle" her hands and remove excess shampoo from the skin and roots of the strands.

What is remarkable about this remedy, and how is it in general "works"?

The components, concentrated in the contents of the bottle, actively bind fat and remove it from the curls when combing out. The substances that make up modern dry shampoo are, of course, inaccessible to a mere mortal.

However, each of you at home probably has them. "Handy" alternative!

"Product" alternative

For blondes in this regard, corn or potato starch, which is common and familiar to each of you, is perfect. True, in order to evenly apply it to your curls, it is possible that you will have to Sweat.

You can also use flour as an alternative. It is desirable that it be rye, but wheat is also suitable. Of course, this option is definitely not suitable for brunettes - it's better "Go out to people" with a greasy head than with curls, as if stained with lime.

Therefore, dark-haired ladies can use mustard powder for the same purposes. Please note that in order to "Wash" curls using this method, they must be perfectly dry. This is especially true for the flour method.

You don't want to carry pieces of dough on your own head, do you?

We apply cosmetics

As an alternative "Grocery" options, you can use cosmetic. If you are a young mom, you probably have a regular baby powder or talcum powder at home. You can use this product instead of flour, mustard powder or starch - it is also great at removing excess oil from the roots of the strands and scalp, in addition to having a pleasant smell (or not at all).

Beauties and women of fashion can use loose mineral powder for the same purpose. But remember that this method is urgent, and you shouldn't get too carried away with it - without normal washing, your curls will quickly deteriorate and lose their natural beauty.

So, we list all the tools that will help you quickly eliminate fat from the curls:

  • Oatmeal, ground in a blender to a powdery state;
  • Corn or potato starch
  • Wheat or rye flour;
  • Baby powder or talcum powder for feet;
  • Baking soda;
  • Mustard powder;
  • Face powder.

Hope your hair is clean and tidy. And now that you have achieved your goal, it's time to think about how to create a voluminous hairstyle.

How else to get your hair clean without washing?

Dirty strands always make an impression "Slicked hairstyles".

Therefore, you should think about how to do the styling correctly.

And since you already have a shortage of free time, since you could not wash your hair with water and regular shampoo, you need detailed instructions on how to quickly create volume using your usual means.

Create root volume

The easiest way to create a voluminous hairstyle is with a root bouffant. To make it, you only need your hands and a regular plastic comb with fine teeth. And of course, it is important to fix the resulting styling so that it stays for a long time, and you do not have to constantly correct your hairstyle.

To create a root bouffant, perform the following manipulations:

  • Conditionally divide the head into three zones - lower, upper and middle;
  • For convenience, pin the upper parts at the crown;
  • Pick up a comb;
  • Mentally step back from the root 3-4 centimeters, and begin to quickly comb the curls from this line to the very roots;
  • Do the same along the entire perimeter of the head;
  • From above, on top of the head, "Overlay" hair over the fleece so that it is not too visible to others.

Regarding the styling product, you can distribute it both on each treated strand during the hairstyle process, and on top of the final fleece. A spray or varnish in the form of an aerosol is best for this purpose.

You can also style your hair like wet hair. For this, a foam or styling gel is suitable.

Curls should be pre-moistened with water (it is better to do this evenly and gently, using a spray bottle). Then apply a generous amount of styling product along the entire length, and begin to sort of squeeze the hair from the ends to the roots. As a result, a rather voluminous hairstyle will come out as a whole.

A simple option is also suitable: lower your hair so that its ends stretch towards the floor. Spray hairspray on the roots (quickly and generously).

Then raise your head to the usual position and a little "hold it down" roots of curls with fingers. Fix the effect obtained with the same varnish, but in a small amount.

Doing a hairstyle

And of course, you can make it even easier for yourself by making, for example, a high hairdo or a ponytail. In general, in the case of dirty curls, it is better not to let them get on your face, so try to collect the front strands of hair and remove them back. This rule applies even if you have already done your styling.

A great way to look feminine, elegant and attractive is to braid yourself. In the case of dirty curls, the best option in this regard would be a basket or "Spikelet"(French braid). You can also go for a more original hairstyle and braid yourself in a ponytail.

To do this, tie a high ponytail and braid your loose hair in a traditional three-strand braid. Braid to the fullest extent possible, and then secure the hairstyle with an elastic to match the hair. Any accessories can be placed on the top elastic for a more elegant look.

You have learned how you can freshen your hair without washing your hair. Now you can put them into practice and never be caught off guard. Be irresistible!

Svetlana Rumyantseva

The problem with shampooing can arise due to lack of time, unacceptable conditions, as a result of force majeure. Situations when you need to look good, but the usual conditions for putting yourself in order are not uncommon. Sudden water cut-off, being on the train, waking up too late are easily unbalanced. Dirty head and mood at work or during an important event. Knowing how to mask dirty hair will eliminate the problem, minimize, or even benefit from trouble.

Ways to hide dirty hair

It is natural for hair to become stale due to contamination with sebum secretions. The main tasks in solving this problem:

Degrease your hair.
Make your hair more voluminous.
Disguise greasiness with styling.

Apart from the radical methods described below, the rest, one way or another, solve one of the problems. Degreasing the hair removes the main polluting factor - the oil of the sebaceous glands. Fluffy hair is easier to perceive as washed, because clean hair is always more voluminous. Since the roots of the hair are fatter, hairstyles that cover them can mask the problem.

How to mask dirty hair radically?

Severe time or resource constraints require radical solutions. These are the following options:

Put on a hat - a scarf, a hat, a bandage, a beautiful scarf.
Put on a wig. Dirty hair in this case will be invisible, but the scalp will lose the ability to breathe and the hidden problem will increase.

Of course, the methods are relevant, provided that the situation allows it. Not everyone has a wig, and a headgear may not be appropriate.

How to hide dirty hair simply

Several elementary ways to solve the problem:

If you are pressed for time, wash only the bangs and upper strands.
Slightly change the hairstyle - make a parting on the opposite side, replace the straight one with an oblique, decorate the hair with an original hair clip.
Apply a salt spray. This will give the hair its original waveform. Can be applied without any hair pretreatment.
For those whose hair is not prone to severe grease, but simply looks stale without washing, dry conditioner and are suitable.

Correcting the situation quickly will allow you to focus on other, more important issues.

How to quickly freshen up dirty hair

When there is no time to wash your hair, you want not only to look good, but also to feel refreshed. In this situation, the following techniques are suitable:

Rub hair with a terry towel, slightly harder than after normal washing.
Apply the fixing gel and then dry using a diffuser dryer.
Apply lemon juice to your hair with a cotton swab and then blow dry.
Moisten hair with vodka, pat dry with a towel, and then blow dry.
Use a scented spray.
Refresh long and lush hair by leaning down and treating it with varnish. This will give them additional volume due to the fact that the treated hair will fix the rest.
Use dry shampoo. This option is especially relevant for people with oily hair. It is a dry powder that absorbs fats. It is necessary to spray the shampoo at a distance of 15 cm or more from the hair to make it easier to remove after the procedure. You need to wait 10 minutes for the fat to be absorbed. To enhance the effect, shampoo is sometimes mixed with hair powder in a 1: 1 ratio.
As a substitute for dry shampoo, apply starch, flour (preferably corn), ground oatmeal, baby powder, mustard powder. After application, massage the skin under the hair for 2 minutes. Wait 5-10 minutes, and then rub your hair with a towel. Remove the remaining starch or other ingredient with a brush and comb. To improve the result, starch is mixed with soda. You do not need to comb before using it. For light hair, you need to use light ingredients - flour, starch, baby powder, and for dark hair - mustard, dark powder.
Comb with a wooden comb. The tree absorbs greasy secretions well.

These methods are especially relevant when there is no time to dry your hair, and you need to go outside in cold weather urgently. They will give a feeling of freshness and self-confidence, which is important in responsible situations.

What hairstyles mask dirty hair?

Dirty hair is hidden by using a suitable hairstyle. The best option is selected taking into account individual preferences and time requirements.

The twisting of the strands and securing them around the head with hairpins well hides the staleness of the roots. These hairstyles will mask the part of your hair that looks unwashed:

Weaving... Oily hair roots are masked by braiding your hair in any way. An alternative to the classic three-strand braids, thicker ones from five to six. The thicker the braiding, the better it hides stale hair. In this type of hairstyle, it is good to make a small fleece on the top of the head to hide the more visible part of the unwashed hair. Hairstyles like "fishtail", "basket", spikelet weaving - perfectly mask dirty hair. It is necessary that the braid does not look smooth, a small amount of hair sticking out of it will help to thoroughly mask the staleness.

Beam... One of the easiest options. Gathering the strands into a tail and pressing it to the head, twist and secure with an elastic band, leveling. To make the bundle more voluminous, use a foam ring. To do this, having passed a tail into it, you need to wind your hair on it and bring it to your head. Then use hairpins, gel and nail polish for fixing, give the desired shape and fix. You can also lay a "double" bundle. A bun formed from the hair on the right side, fasten it at the level of the neck with a hairpin, do a similar procedure on the left side. Finally, join both bundles into one with an elastic band.
Bouffant... Hides the bangs, which are always fatter than the rest of the hair, due to the fact that, in addition to its own sebaceous glands, it is additionally polluted by secretions from the skin of the frontal part of the head. Having made a fleece and securing the hair with hairpins, the problematic part of the hair is masked. After brushing, you can use a small amount of varnish. In these hairstyles, you need to create a smooth hair surface. This is facilitated by the use of gels and mousses.
« Shell". For example, a double-sided "shell". Having divided the hair into two equal parts, you need to roll one half first with a roller. Secure it with hairpins and invisibility, leaving the end of the hair free. Then do the same operation on the opposite side, hiding the tip of the first strand of hair and making it slightly higher.
« Wet". A hairstyle with a phlegm effect is suitable for those for whom the question is: how to style short, dirty hair? Apply mousse along the entire length and use a fine-toothed comb. With an average length of hair, having processed them, you can hide the middle and bottom in a bun.
Combined hairstyles... You can show your imagination and combine different ways. Thinking about how to style your dirty hair, you can surprise those around you with an original individual style, find your “own” version. Combined hairstyle - three braids, braided obliquely on the parietal part of the head, can be combined with a bun at the back. Another option is a braid tail.

The main thing is to understand the general principles of camouflage, hide greasy roots, and add volume. Improvisation with different styling options, as well as the use of hairpins, ornaments for accurate timing, save the situation more effectively than precise instructions.

Do not curl unwashed hair. This will harm the health of the hair, and besides, the increased oiliness of the hair will make it "unruly" and lead to a loss of time without achieving results. Even if the hairstyle works, unwashed hair that has a lot of weight will quickly straighten out.
Simple gel, varnish or foam treatment is not enough, the usual hairstyle can look sloppy.
Do not leave your hair loose, this will exacerbate the problem.
Frequent touching with your hands increases the greasiness of your hair.
Do not smooth your hair. Smooth hairstyles only emphasize staleness.

What is the best way to dye your hair? Should I paint on clean or dirty hair?

Many people take the time to wash their hair before dyeing it. Which hair should be dyed? Clean or dirty? If there is no time to wash your hair before painting, you just need to ignore this problem. Question: it is better to apply paint on dirty or clean hair, it is no longer relevant. The beauty industry produces high quality modern products that can be applied to clean or dirty hair without compromising the result. If there is no opportunity or desire to wash your hair, the hair is dyed dirty.

Caring for hair that gets dirty quickly

Hair fat is genetically determined. If it has increased more than the natural rate, this indicates nutritional problems, stress, frequent violation of the daily routine. Healthy food, correct daily routine, quality rest, improve metabolism and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Healthy, strong hair is an indicator of a normal metabolism.

Many people use it to improve hair health. Can burdock oil be applied to dirty hair? Even when applied to dirty hair, the healing effect will not diminish, and since you still need to wash your head after a treatment session, to save time, you can apply it to your unwashed head without damage.

What hair is better to use the mask on? Clean or dirty? Here you need to follow the instructions for use.

Some are applied after shampooing.

Factors that increase hair oiliness:

frequent washing - upsets the balance in the work of the sebaceous glands, the ends remain less greasy than the hair roots;
long hair;
frequent scratching;
washing with hot water (experts recommend 23 degrees);
drying with a hairdryer at a distance of closer than 15 cm.

Oily hair requires special care. It is necessary to use shampoos that inhibit the work of the sebaceous glands. They contain vitamins A, C, K, herbal and algae extracts. In case of significant violations of fat content, medicinal shampoos are used. A conditioner for oily hair will also be useful. From folk remedies, a hair mask made from curdled milk helps, which is applied to the hair at night, and in the morning they are washed with soap and herbal infusions (from hop cones, nettle, burdock root, coltsfoot).

Bad hair of high fat content indicates a disturbance in the functioning of the body. This is one of the symptoms of diseases of the stomach and intestines, malfunctions of the endocrine glands. Increased greasiness is accompanied by seborrhea and dandruff, which are caused by fungal skin lesions. With increased fat content, hair often falls out. If you suspect such diseases, you need to see a doctor and undergo tests.

Thinking about how to make a hairstyle from oily hair, you should choose voluminous options. Smooth, "sleek" styling is not suitable. With voluminous hairstyles, less hair is in contact with the sebaceous glands, as a result, they stay fresh longer than with conventional versions.


Situations in which you cannot wash your hair in the traditional way are not hopeless. It is advisable to prepare for them in advance. If you do not have dry shampoo or other hair fresheners at hand, you should not get lost, but try to get by with analogs. The tips provided in the article will help you hide the problem for the required time. Increased oily hair, which is not removed with the help of specialized care products, requires contacting specialists.

April 7, 2014, 15:10